Just for the Summer
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Read between September 4 - September 27, 2024
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We do not go out of our way for men. We do not inconvenience ourselves for men, we do not change our well-laid plans for men.
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“The truth isn’t supposed to be pretty, right? It’s the truth.”
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“Unhealed trauma is a crack. And all the little hard things that trickle into it that would have rolled off someone else, settle. Then when life gets cold, that crack gets bigger, longer, deeper. It makes new breaks.
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Being broken is not an excuse for bad behavior, you still have to make good choices and do the right thing. But it can be the reason. And sometimes understanding the reason can be what helps you heal.”
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You can still love someone that you’ve decided not to speak to anymore. You can still wish them well and hope for the best for them. Choosing a life without them doesn’t mean you stop caring about them. It just means that you can’t allow them to harm you anymore. But if you don’t think your life would be better without them in it, then accept that they have cracks.
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“You go through it. You can’t go around it, you have to go through it. And we’re here to help you do it.”
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You can’t negotiate feelings. You can’t convince someone they feel something they don’t.
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Our lifestyles didn’t fit. But why did I want to cheapen the friendship that was there? Because I didn’t know how not to. I didn’t know how to be with someone that I had these complicated feelings for, I’d never done it. He had every right to be upset.
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You can love someone and still not be willing to give up your way of life for them. And then there are those you love who you’d take a bullet for. It’s all the same emotion, just different levels.
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“You are not what happened to you. You are what you do next.”
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I still believed what I always had, that people are complex and nothing is black and white.