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Sherlock #5

Sherlock: Scandalo a Belgravia parte II

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Il codice del cellulare di Irene Adler sembra impossibile da decifrare persino per Sherlock, ma riuscire ad accedere al dispositivo è una questione di sicurezza nazionale. Si conclude la gara d'intelligenza tra il detective di Baker Street e la sensuale dominatrice…

184 pages, Paperback

First published December 3, 2021

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29 books26 followers
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,831 reviews168 followers
March 12, 2023
This completed the manga adaptation of my favorite SHERLOCK episode.

Lara Pulver, the actress who portrayed Irene Adler in the show, is a beautiful woman. Somehow, the artist is able to use linework to make her even more lovely in these pages. It is a wasted opportunity not to her in a more prominent place on the cover. That would have put his volume over the top.
Profile Image for Cloe.
2 reviews
March 5, 2023
essendo un gran fan della serie tv, scoprire dell’esistenza di questi manga è stato fantastico. necessito i nuovi volumi. (consigliato anche a chi non ha visto la serie originale)
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.7k reviews151 followers
February 14, 2023
I really miss this series and this graphic novel made me relive something i lived when I saw the show for the first time.
The story follows the tv show and the characters are very similar to the actors.
I like it and it was recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine
Profile Image for Antonella Imperiali.
1,227 reviews130 followers
December 4, 2022
Confermo le impressioni riportate in precedenza per la prima parte, anche se in questo secondo volume molti dei misteri vengono svelati, rendendo sicuramente la storia più interessante, e il fascino e i sentimenti dei personaggi fanno la loro bella figura.
Ho come la sensazione che sentiremo ancora parlare della bella Irene Adler...

Come al solito ho apprezzato molto i disegni.


💬 Manga
Profile Image for Britt.
144 reviews9 followers
July 17, 2024
Randomly found these in the library. They’re fun enough.
Profile Image for Antonella.
50 reviews
February 28, 2023
Durante meses estuve esperando esta continuación y sin duda, fue estupenda.

Entretenida y fiel a la serie Sherlock, con unos gráficos que son para morirse (HERMOSOS).

No tengo nada negativo para decir, simplemente perfecto.
Profile Image for Anja von "books and phobia".
796 reviews14 followers
October 22, 2022
Die Sherlock-Bände von Jay konnten mich bisher immer überzeugen. Doch wo die anderen bisher Einzelbände waren, hatte man sich bei „Ein Skandal in Belgravia“ dazu entschieden, diesen aufgrund des Umfangs zu teilen. Was erstmal komisch war, wurde aber immer nachvollziehbarer, denn in Sachen Details lieferte man hier ordentlich ab.

Um auch diesen Band lesen zu können, muss man die Sherlock-Folgen nicht einmal gesehen haben. Ich empfehle es allerdings, da zumindest für mich pure Freude war, die Charaktere der Serie in gezeichneter Form noch einmal erleben zu dürfen. Wie auch in den Vorgängern schaffte es Jay eigentlich alle Figuren wundervoll umzusetzen. Gerade Kenner der Serie haben hier ihr Vergnügen.

Doch auch die Story wurde fantastisch umgesetzt. Wie schon im Vorgänger, zog mich die Handlung gleich wieder in ihren Bann und bescherte mir so einige Momente, in denen ich Szenen aus der Serie erkannte. Ich finde das jedes Mal wieder packend, besonders da ich in der Manga-Form die Option habe, den Fall in meinem Tempo zu erkunden. Wer also Sherlock in aller Ruhe genießen will, macht auch hier wieder nichts falsch.


Auch der zweite Teil des Belgravia-Skandals konnte mich als Manga-Umsetzung wieder voll begeistern. Egal ob die gut zusammengefasste Handlung oder die Charaktere, welchen denen in der Serie unglaublich ähnlich sehen, ich wurde hier von Jay wieder komplett abgeholt.
Profile Image for Namratha.
1,123 reviews252 followers
June 19, 2023
There was only one woman who was a match for the mind of Sherlock Holmes: Irene Adler. Irene Adler, the dominatrix who could bring England to its knees with all the secrets she has collected in her boxy, ancient camera phone has returned, requesting the consulting detective on 221B Baker Street to help her out with a delicate yet explosive matter. Mr. Holmes has faced many a magnificent foe in his long and intriguing career. But, susceptible to his heart (which Watson will deny even exists), will the greatest detective finally meet his match?

I was an undeniable and staunch fan, a “Cumbercookie” if you will of the BBC’s brilliant adaptation of Sherlock. It was a glorious era where Benedict Cumberbatch stomped into our hearts and minds with his pitch-perfect portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. And the love remains because it truly was one of the finest shows of our times.

This beautifully drawn Manga does justice to the “love story” between two of the most potent characters in the show. All the memorable dialogues, the sarcastic quips, the scathing flirtation, the moment of free-fall when you wonder whether your seemingly-infallible detective really is that susceptible to a pretty face (and an admittedly brilliant mind) have been dutifully and intricately recreated by this manga version.

Absolutely loved it and I think I need to rewatch these episodes again.
Profile Image for Afra.
222 reviews12 followers
February 28, 2023
Thank you Netgalley and Titan Books for this advanced copy.

This manga gave me an urge to re-watch the series again. Well, Scandal in Belgravia was one of my top 3 favorite BBC Sherlock episodes, the other two was The Reichenbach Fall and The Final Problem. And this manga perfectly adapted the TV Show. Jay's art definitely beautiful. I've been collecting this manga in another language and have been waiting for this to get published too.

One thing that I really love about the manga was a perfect amount of effect screentone's usage in background. Jay's work was really great since They didn't put a lot of screentone to build the suspense effects in the background, Instead Jay used the great lighting effect, blocking and kept drawing the background beautifully. This was just perfect. Well, you know, as a comic artist, drawing background was a pain in a**, so we prefer using effect screentone as background. Especially me lol

Ah, I think I am gonna re-watch A Scandal in Belgravia again and watching get "Sherlocked" once again.
Profile Image for Ale Damian.
91 reviews4 followers
September 21, 2023
Un extraño caso llega a la puerta de Sherlock, un hombre ha sido asesinado sin ningún arma a la vista, pero este no es el único caso, la familia quiere que recupere ciertas fotos de carácter privado que serían un total escandalo si se llegan a revelar. Esta investigación llevara a Sherlock a encontrar a su igual.
Con este tomo finalizamos el primer capítulo de la segunda temporada, este capítulo está dividido en dos tomos. Terminamos este caso, del cual no puedo decir mucho porque serían spoilers, pero la cosa aquí es que seguimos por mucho tiempo a Sherlock que no sabe lidiar con los sentimientos que al parecer nunca le afectaron e Irene no lo hace nada fácil. Vemos a Sherlock dolido y a Watson tratando de entender esta nueva faceta nunca vista. En cuanto la resolución del caso no es la mejor, pero entiendo el porqué de esta, aunque creo que el capítulo de la serie es superior.
Si ya leyeron el tomo anterior y están indecisos por leer este, yo les recomendaría que lo lean para que le den un cierre y formen su propia opinión.
Profile Image for Tess .
47 reviews3 followers
October 3, 2022
Po dlouhém čekání konečně přichází druhý díl skandálu v Berlgrávii. Minule vše skončilo přímo v tom nejvíce napínavém momentu, na který se tu krásně navázalo a můžeme tak hezky pokračovat v rozjetém příběhu. Pro fanoušky seriálu, kteří mají třeba podobně jako já nakoukané všechny díly klidně i několikrát, manga nepřináší nic nového. Já však ráda porovnávám zpracování manga vs seriál. Mně osobně manga více vyhovuje v čtení všech esemesek a popisů, protože na ně mám víc času a tak se nestane, že by mi nějaká utekla, nebo bych ji v záplavě akce přehlédla. Jsem také velmi ráda, jak manga zachytila chemii mezi Sherlockem a Irene, která je cítit z každé stránky. Kresba je jako u všech dílů naprosto skvělá a nemohu se jí nabažit, jako ostatně celé této manga série. Jsem hold zarytý fanoušek a velmi doufám, že se již brzy dočkáme Psiska baskervillského.
Profile Image for Emma.
180 reviews
February 13, 2023
I have always and will always love sherlock as a whole, the series, the comics and the original pieces. This wasn't my favourite storyline but I am a sucker for the study in pink always. As usual the comic illustrations are INSANE, so well detailed and beautifully created. I love sherlocks conversations and mannerisms with everyone. Didn't really see alot of John in this part 2 which was a shame.
Profile Image for Jana P..
1,198 reviews12 followers
August 31, 2022
Upřímně řečeno, pokud máte nakoukaný seriál, tahle manga vám nic nového fakt nepřinese - vyjma skvělého estetického zážitku, protože ta kresba je prostě skvělá a úžasně věrná předloze. Ale ono je to přesně věrné i dějově. Snad jediné, co mne tu trklo jaksi navíc oproti seriálu (kde jsem to asi nestihla zaznamenat) je jedna z SMS, kterou Irene poslala Sherlockovi. A teď nebudu schválně psát, která - protože možné spoilery, pokud někdo seriál nezná... ale ta SMS mne potěšila a v hlavě se mi odvíjejí všelijaké teorie. :-D
Každopádně z mé strany i tak nadšení. Seriál miluju a tohle byla super připomínka a skvělá rekapitulace Skandálu. Irene je protivnice, jak se sluší a patří. Moc moc doufám, že se v tomto formátu dočkáme i zbývajících dílů. <3
Profile Image for Ivan V..
196 reviews
October 21, 2022
Ya hacía tiempo que necesitaba este manga en mi vida. Mi capitulo favorito de la serie en físico.
Me encanta la dinámica de Irene y Sherlock, tan idénticamente diferentes.

Debo confesar que apresar de que me gustó, el dibujo quedó a deber un poco en algunos paneles, pero dejando eso de lado se sigue disfrutando.

Ampliamente recomendado.
421 reviews3 followers
June 29, 2023
I’m not sure about the art. Sometimes it was spot on, and other times it was uncomfortably off.
The story follows the same as the show, but I think it might be difficult to follow the story if one only had this as reference.
I enjoyed it (and enjoyed the reminder of how much I enjoyed the show), but I’m not sure if it’s worth it as a standalone work.
Profile Image for Leandro Cassetta.
163 reviews12 followers
January 8, 2023
Me gusto más que la primera parte, pero sigo enojado porque dividieron un capítulo en dos partes. Mi capítulo favorito de la serie, de hecho.
Pero en este tomo pude entender porque dividieron el capítulo en dos tomos. Aunque, mi favorito sigue siendo el tercero.
Profile Image for Julia.
216 reviews40 followers
February 24, 2023
Finalmente sono riuscita a prendere la seconda parte dello Scandalo a Belgravia.. Questo fumetto è davvero ben disegnato.. non è una rivisitazione ma una fedele riproduzione in versione manga..

"I am SHER locked"
Profile Image for Mariane.
114 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2023
Esse quadrinho adapta um dos melhores episódios da série e o faz MUITO bem, a arte é impecável e a tensão conseguiu se adaptar bem a mídia. Eu amo demais essa história e não há defeito nela, não poderia ficar mais feliz com a continuidade dos mangás :)
Profile Image for Mica✨.
99 reviews
August 6, 2023
Dios como AMO a Sherlock, la dinámica que tiene con Watson, como es todo re interesante y divertido y misterioso y aysksjso me encantan estos mangas aaaa, encima las ilustraciones 1000/10 como siempre✨😎
Profile Image for Victoria.
96 reviews33 followers
September 22, 2022
Es que ustedes no tienen idea de lo mucho que amo a Sherlock!! Legit este manga me da vida✨💖
Profile Image for Carolina Recayte.
110 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2022
Mi familia mi factoría
"Mi hermano tiene el intelecto de un científico o un filósofo... y aún su optó por ser un detective. ¿Qué te dice de su corazón?"
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,498 reviews42 followers
October 22, 2022
Ese desenlace del caso de "La mujer" me sorprendió en serio no esperaba el actuar de Sherlock y el como fue descubriendo las maquinaciones de la Srta Adler y ese final...más de uno fue engañado
Profile Image for Kate Dostálová.
302 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2023
Příběh pokračuje a Irene je naživu, ale pro Sherlocka se věci nevyvíjí zrovna přívětivě…
Profile Image for Angie Crumer.
88 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2023
I am serlocked 🥹

El arte es preciosa, con ganas de ver la serie otra vez
Profile Image for someduck.
126 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2023
like always super, chociaż trochę nudnawo i ciężko się połapać jak się nie oglądało
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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