RandomAnthony's Reviews > A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
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So 41 of my goodreads friends have read A Wrinkle in Time, but I never picked up the book until these past few weeks. I’m not sure how this novel and I slipped past each other in my youth. I’m guessing that since the main character was a girl I wasn’t that interested in middle school and when I grew older the science fiction elements didn’t appear strong enough to snag my interest. Oh well. Last weekend I bought A Wrinkle in Time at a Borders near the Seattle airport. I wanted the novel to get me through the grueling twelve hour journey (whoo, flight delays and pre-dawn connecting flights!) home, and I thank Ms. L’Engle for the perfect story for early hour near-hallucinatory reading in the middle of the Minneapolis International promenade.

What makes this book so good? First off, A Wrinkle in Time works under the assumption that kids are smart enough either to grasp the nuances of some fairly deep physics or, if they don’t get every detail, they’ll flow with the storyline anyway. One woman I know said, “I didn’t understand all the science when I was a kid but I still loved it.” That makes sense to me. Hell, I didn’t understand all the science now, and I’m (supposedly) a grown-up. L’Engle doesn’t just say, “And then they traveled time.” She tries to explain how time travel might work. I wonder if so many kids, especially girls, liked this novel because they felt L’Engle respected them as intelligent readers.

Second, A Wrinkle in Time frames Meg’s personality as multi-faceted and more complex than just about any I’ve encountered in YA literature. In fact, reading this novel I couldn’t help but consider her a template on which some more modern coming-of-age characters (think Harry Potter) were modeled. She’s brave but doubts her own strength in an tangible, authentic manner. And her relationship with Calvin is sweet without getting all High School Musical.

Third, the evil in this novel is damn scary and the darkness pure and substantial. We’re talking elemental, unadulterated evil that manifests itself in the fear and conformity of those who break down in its presence. And the characters’ encounters with this evil feel real. The climatic scenes are perhaps slightly too swift but the nuances of the battle fit well with a remarkably philosophical (and Christian, but in a positive way) resolution of good and evil’s conflict.

If my friends’ reviews are any indication a lot of smart girls who turned into strong, intelligent women grew up under the spell of A Wrinkle in Time. I feel like I know them a little better after reading this novel, and I can see them all, around age ten, turning the book’s pages in their rooms, feeling their own strength and potential. And that’s damn cool, really, don’t you think, a whole generation of girls reading A Wrinkle in Time? Maybe little girls across America are googling “tesseract” as we speak…

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May 27, 2010 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 79 (79 new)

Eh?Eh! Gorgeous, a very fine outline of why you like the book.

message 2: by David (new)

David I never read this, but I wrote a fake book report of it in grade school. Sister Geraldine, the Yoda-like nun, was fortunately not familiar with the book, or -- more likely -- had simply lost interest in teaching by then.

Jackie "the Librarian" Yes, Camazotz freaked me out. Poor kid, can't bounce a basketball in unison.

And Meg is AWESOME! Smart, and socially inept, and vulnerable, and kind, and crabby. I love her hesitation with the pickle when she's making sandwiches. She's a real teenager. :)

message 4: by Moira (new) - added it

Moira Meg is very very awesome. Sadly she becomes more conventional (and Beautiful! blech) in the later books....towards the end of her life L'Engle said she wanted to write a novel about Meg in her forties, past childrearing, living for herself again. I wish she had.

Aerin Nice review. I loved this book, and the sequels, when I was young.

message 6: by RandomAnthony (last edited May 27, 2010 04:03PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

RandomAnthony Thanks, people! Moira, I thought of reading the later books, but I heard others say exactly what you're saying.

David, I wish the nun had read the book. She would either have fainted at the sacrilege or beamed at the mention of Jesus in a positive light. Also, I'm curious as to what you said in your report...did you make up your own story? What did you say?

(By the way, I noticed TWO typos in the review. I need a smart ten year old girl to proofread my material before posting. Maybe GR can hire one as an intern.)

message 7: by Ken (new)

Ken I'm ashamed to say that I haven't read this book, either (and YA is my game). Isn't it the one that deliberately starts with the godawful line (that now has its own contest), "It was a dark and stormy night"?

Jackie "the Librarian" It IS, Newengland! And that fact totally went unnoticed, by me, for YEARS!

message 9: by Jen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jen This is definitely a mother/daughter read for me and mine in a few years. But first I have to wade through crap like Pinkalicious. Ugh.

message 10: by Kim (last edited May 28, 2010 04:36AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim I love this series. Nice review, Anthony. I'd recommend the rest. Izzy's about ready for this, it's too girly for Marley--I should say, it doesn't have enough talking animals., but I think Iz would like it.

RandomAnthony You must read this, Newengland. I get the feeling the book had much more influence than I understood.

Thanks, Kim! And I don't know what Pinkalicious is, Jen, and I'm not sure I want to...

message 12: by Jen (last edited May 28, 2010 06:21AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jen Oh no. You want to, it will make you feel so much better for having avoided it so far. I'm not going to inflict the whole thing on you- no review or anything. Just the pinkalicious cover. I think that should suffice. I'm showing great restraint here.

message 13: by Jen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jen No, I haven't. On the list now. I'm currently reading an Atwood now, Oryx and Crake, so anything by her must be better than pinkalicious!

RandomAnthony Jen, that book is terrifying, and I can't wait to hear what Jackie has to say about it, since she hates pink as a matter of daily routine.

Mary JL RA: Excellent review. I read the book when I was 11 and still have it! The same copy I mean, after all these years.

However, I personally thought the next two books were good. Not as good as the first, but I think you would find them worth your time.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for this review!! Madeleine L'Engle is really something, isn't she?

My opinion is that the third and fourth books in the series were absolutely wonderful. I really, really, really don't like the second.

message 17: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Your review just convinced me to try and figure out which friend I saw read this, grab her by the shoulders when I find her, and make her lend it to me.

RandomAnthony Thanks, Mary, Ariel, and Rachel...I think I'll continue the series later this summer, although Ariel says I can skip the bad one:)

message 19: by Dorothee (new) - added it

Dorothee Hi RA,
Like you, I am not sure how I missed this book, I am reaching my golden years and just don't read at the same rate I used to, so I wasn't sure whether to put this one on my to-read shelf. After reading your review, I am definitely going to read it, my daughter has marked it too, so maybe we will add it to our bookclub list, maybe for December if it is spiritual.
Thanks :)

message 20: by Jean (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jean I liked RA's review!


message 21: by for-redheads (new)

for-redheads I'm so glad you posted this review! I love your take on why girls might respond so strongly to the story. You have me wanting to read it again from the grown-up perspective. I absolutely treasured this book as a child

RandomAnthony Thanks Max!

message 23: by meg (new)

meg Wow very long!

Annette Loved your review, nailed it! I remember reading this as a young girl, it terrified me in a way I didn't understand until much later in life.

Nicola Brown Awesome review. I have loved this book my whole life. Now I will be making sure my granddaughter has a copy for her to read shelf. She's not old enough yet but it will be there for her!


message 27: by Trisha (new)

Trisha I am going to read this book to my girls! I need them to have stories like this!

Norma Hi, I don't know you, but I read your review and what you've written is so affirming. I'm glad you liked the book. I was that 10-year-old. :)

Jennifer Wilkey I think you really capture the essence of this book in your review. Well done.

Michelle Waterman This review is perfect. Thanks!

Amanda Carter My 11 year old daughter fell in love this book. Now I’m reading just so I can understand and share her fascination. Thank you for your comments on how the author could recognize girls are intelligent. Excellent review!!

message 32: by Joel (new) - added it

Joel Duncan You’ve convinced me... damn you! I have just read two time travel stories in a row. Now I’m going to have to go read a third.

message 33: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Great review, Random!

message 34: by Deb (new) - rated it 4 stars

Deb I had never heard of this book as a baby boomer, but it's my book club read for next month. Also, yesterday I went to the movie. I was completely lost, no kidding, my friend had read the book, but thought the movie was overdone. Thoughts anyone on the movie? I am just starting the book today,......

Jane Anne I LOVED this book when I was young and read it numerous times. Am re-reading it now.

message 36: by Ashlyn (new)

Ashlyn Hodge I totally agree with this review because the person who wrote this was very specific about what he thought of the book. (this is a warm up at school I have to do)

message 37: by Joceline (new)

Joceline I think it was great that you told us why you didn't read the book in the first place. But then you ended up reading it.

message 38: by Naomi (new)

Naomi I love your review it was great

message 39: by Bailey (new) - added it

Bailey Hatfield I agree with a lot of the review. It is spot on when it is describing what the book is about. It also tells about what their going against.

message 40: by 13 (new)

13 23 I agree with this review. Not everyone gets the science in A Wrinkle in Time and I appreciate the fact that you realized that this is true. I also liked how meg had a multi-faced personality. I totally agree with the idea of the dark evil and the idea that women are smart & strong. I really enjoyed this book.

message 41: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Taylor I agree with this review because the person that wrote the book was making clear points about what the book was about.

message 42: by Takoda (new) - added it

Takoda I liked the book and the way you described it was amazing and it is a way I could have never described it so I agree with what you said about a wrinkle in time.

message 43: by Alen (new)

Alen Barron Proper review! What I agree is that many people need to read this book. It makes science fiction and time travel possible. Everyone who reads it, will understand the meaning of the book and get to learn more about science fiction.

message 44: by Cesar (new)

Cesar I agree with you that makes this book good.

message 45: by Landon (new)

Landon Smith i very much agree with you because i read the book to the first chapter and i just had to finish it it just keeps hooking you in

message 46: by Seth (new)

Seth Daniels I agree with your review. The book is great and you made it sound good for other people if they haven't already read.

message 47: by Jaden (new)

Jaden I agree and the person who wrote the book was very specific in what they said.

message 48: by Allison (new)

Allison I really like your review, it really made me think more into the book and I loved the way you worded the characters encounter with the evil.

message 49: by Mark (last edited May 08, 2018 11:26AM) (new)

Mark Willits I totally agree with you it make's the book seem more or less beneficial for teens and children . It brings science like variables and action into a book that is also emotional . Thats what make's this story so perfect for children and young adults

message 50: by Garrett (new) - added it

Garrett This is a really good book. Science fiction is my favorite genre of books. Everything you say in this seems very true!

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