Anne's Reviews > Batman: The Dark Knight, Volume 4: Clay

Batman by Gregg Andrew Hurwitz
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really liked it
bookshelves: buddy-read, comics, graphic-novels, jeff-is-an-ass, read-in-2015


My good old Pappy Jeff is always going on and on about respecting the opinions of my elders. Or maybe he's saying he's hungry, and wants some Spam? I'm not really sure. He's old, so I sort of tune him out a lot...
Anyway, he was rambling on (as the elderly do) about how this was pretty good.
And wouldn't you know it? The old fart was right!

So, Clay is a pretty obvious reference Clayface.
The Batman villain with the malleable skin and lumpy appearance?
You know, sort of looked like a dog turd with a mouth?
Yep. That's him!
Ok, in the past, his powers haven't exactly given Batman a run for his money.


Clayface would rob a bank, take some lovely damsel hostage, or break into a museum to steal...something old like Jeff or priceless like me!, and Batman would show up with a (Bat-themed) garden hose and wash him down into the sewer system.
At that point, he'd just hole up with Killer Croc till the heat died down.
This time around, Clayface is a bit more of a challenge.
And I've got to admit, I liked it!
How do you stop an enemy who can become anyone?


No! Whacking him in the head DID NOT work. Try again, loser!
I'll give you a hint:
It involves a giant bug jar made of rainbows and pseudo-science.
Regardless, it was a decent re-imagining of this character's origin.

There's also an issue without dialogue about human trafficking, that has a powerful message.
Don't try to skimp on legality when immigrating to another country. Unless you sneak into Gotham. Then it'll be ok, because Batman will kick the shit out of the dickhole abusing you (and hundreds of others), and you'll be reunited with your sick child. And given a job at Wayne Enterprises.

Man-Bat gets a makeover in this one!


He's still a Langstrom, just not the one we're used to. He's evil.
Like corporate pharmaceuticals evil.
Again, it's a decent story.

So, other than the usual 'didn't like the scratchy art' complaint, I liked this volume. It didn't change my world, but I have no problem with anything.
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Reading Progress

February 18, 2015 – Shelved
March 12, 2015 – Started Reading
March 12, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by Veronica (new)

Veronica Rosa You make me want to read more Batman. :)

Jeff *moves walker closer to computer, tennis ball falls off, Jeff takes half an hour to put it back on because he's - you know - old, moves closer to computer, gets distracted and forgets what he's doing because he's old, eats stewed prunes, adjusts hearing aid, an hour later finally makes it to computer*

I liked it when Bats slapped Gordon, just to make sure he wasn't Clayface. Ha!

*attempts to rise from seat, asks great-great grandchild Hulkling III for help, Hulkling III runs away, Jeff sighs and falls asleep, drools*

Anne Veronica Del Rosa wrote: "You make me want to read more Batman. :)"

Thanks, Veronica! That's a good thing, right?! :)

Anne *shakes Jeff*
*nudges him with big toe*
*walks into kitchen, raids fridge, leaves*

message 5: by Veronica (new)

Veronica Rosa Yes, that's a good thing. I haven't read many of the graphic novels for Batman and now I'm feeling the lack in my life. :) My husband is a huge Batman fan, although the Azrael version is his favourite.

Anne There's quite a bit of good stuff out there, so you're in luck. Snyder is doing a good job with him in Detective Comics right now, but there's a lot of stuff to choose from!

Gavin I'll have you know geezer Jeff, your cyber hubby, got turned onto this book by me. Your metric Arnie Sex Panther Canuck who loves armpit hair and green sequins.

Anne Dear God! I'm overloading! The Sex Panther has good taste!

Gavin Um...I read that the way you DIDN'T want that to come

But thank you.

message 10: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne Uuuuuuuuuuh. *blushes furiously*

message 11: by Veronica (new)

Veronica Rosa Well now, I'm giggling over here...

message 12: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne Disengage! Disengage! Avert your eyes!

Gavin *ROWR*

message 14: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne *faints from Sex Panther awesomeness*

Gavin *Looks around for witnesses; throws body into back of van*

"Drive Lono Drive!"


message 16: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne LMAO! I'm simultaneously flattered and frightened. Mostly just scared, though. ;)

message 17: by Lono (new)

Lono Keep quiet back there or I'll get the duct tape.

message 18: by Anne (last edited Mar 14, 2015 03:30PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne *loads gun, peeks out window*

Jeff How the hell did this make it into the "Jeff-is-an-ass" shelf? If you go by that logic, you could include every comic you've read since we've been friends. Oh, wait...

message 20: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne And now you see my plan...

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin OMG! Anne you and Jeff crack me the hell up! I love it ;D

message 22: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne Thank you, Melissa. Although, Jeff isn't really funny. It's all me, if you want to know the truth.
*looks around for Jeff*

message 24: by Jeff (last edited Aug 05, 2015 04:47AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jeff *Jeff approaches Anne from behind with a huge net*

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