Kristen's Reviews > Aflame

Aflame by Penelope Douglas
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4–I'm Impressed–Stars


I have to admit I wasn't planning on reading this book. I don't like authors messing with couples that have already had their HEA. It's a huge no-no in the world of romance readers. However, nothing this author writes could be considered the norm, so I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did!

I'm not going to go into detail about the plot; there are plenty of reviews that give a good summary, as well as answering some readers concerns (NO, Jared doesn't sleep around. The author handled that whole situation brilliantly.). I will, however, share my feeling about the story.

First, do I feel this book was necessary...NO! Am I glad the author wrote it...YES! YES! YES! This series has never been a fairytale. It's been messy, and complicated, and steeped in reality. Exaggerated reality, sure, but reality all the same. Because of that, this book worked. At least it did for me.

What shocked me was how my feelings for Jared changed in this story. I've NEVER been a Jared fan. Even after reading and loving Until You, Jared's POV of Bully, I still DID NOT like his character. That all changed after I finished this book. I really came to like, might I even say LOVE , Jared. He grew up and matured during the continuation of this couple's story–as most people do when transitioning into adulthood–and I appreciated getting to read about his progression rather than being told about it in a Falling Away epilogue. That aspect right there made this worth the read.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It actually made me a believer in Tate and Jared's HEA. I'm glad Penelope Douglas not only had the courage but the skill to write what could have been a disaster of a book but ended up being a great read. If you're on the fence about this one like I was, I encourage you to give it a try. I don't think you'll be sorry.

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Comments Showing 1-50 of 78 (78 new)

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Looking forward to it Kirsten! xo

Maida (Medley of Books) Looking forward to your full review, love! :D xoxox

message 3: by Didi (new)

Didi Great review Kristen :)) xx

Kristen SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "Looking forward to it Kirsten! xo"

Thanks Sue! It's up. :D

Kristen Maida»-(¯`v´¯)-» wrote: "Looking forward to your full review, love! :D xoxox"

Thank you Maida. I just posted it. :D

Kristen Lisa wrote: "Glad this one was a winner. :)"

Thank you, Lisa. I was really surprised by how much I liked it. :D

Kristen Didi wrote: "Great review Kristen :)) xx"

Thank you so much, Didi. ❤️

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Terrific review, my lovely friend. I really need to read this series <3

Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW) Glad u liked the read hun...Not a huge fan of After HEA books either..So maybe ill skip this for now :)

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog FABULOUS review Sweetie!! :)
I actually LOVED Jared in Bully!
I so need to get back to this series.

message 11: by Amy | Foxy Blogs (new)

Amy | Foxy Blogs Enjoyed reading your thoughts on this book. ♥ :)

message 12: by Jen (new) - added it

Jen I was worried about messing with Jared and Tate's hea, too but I'm still thinking of reading this. Fabulous review, Kristen :)

Kristen Lkay ❇✾Dirty Girl Romance❇✾ wrote: "Terrific review, my lovely friend. I really need to read this series <3"

Thank you so much, hon! This is a good series. The author is a talented writer but I sometimes struggle with her characters and their choices. They're a little too real if that makes sense. ❤️

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Great review Kristen!

message 15: by Kristen (last edited May 08, 2015 09:33PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristen Gabriella ♥ Liam Callahan's girl ♥ wrote: "Glad u liked the read hun...Not a huge fan of After HEA books either..So maybe ill skip this for now :)"

I feel the same way, Gabriella. You just don't mess with HEA. I have to admit, Jared and Tate need this book tho. They were so young in Bully and this book made thier HEA believable. I never really believed in them as a couple until this book. ❤️

Whitney Anderton Awesome & honest review Kristen! I'll be honest & say when I heard this was coming out I decided not to read it because I can't stand couples being messed with after getting their HEA. From your review, it seems everything was done well & for a purpose. I'm still not sure if I'll read it but it was nice to read a positive review compared to some of the more critical reviews I've read. Thanks for the honesty, I always trust & appreciate your reviews : )

Kristen Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️ Miller❤️Garrett and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "FABULOUS review Sweetie!! :)
I actually LOVED Jared in Bully!
I so need to get back to this series.

Thanks hon! I'm glad you've always loved Jared. He didn't win my heart until this book but I really grew to love his character in this story. He's still Jared just more mature and wise. ❤️

Kristen Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Enjoyed reading your thoughts on this book. ♥ :)"

Thank you so much, Amy! ❤️

Kristen Jen wrote: "I was worried about messing with Jared and Tate's hea, too but I'm still thinking of reading this. Fabulous review, Kristen :)"

Thanks Jen. Yeah, it was a huge gamble on the authors part. I don't think most could have pull it off but Penelope did a good job. It's not perfect but it's still a great read. It's funny but it took this book to make me a believer in their HEA. I hope it works for you, too. ❤️

Kristen J *I did it all for the nookie.The book nookie* wrote: "Great review Kristen!"

Thank you so much, J. ❤️

message 21: by Kristen (last edited May 08, 2015 09:48PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristen Whitney wrote: "Awesome & honest review Kristen! I'll be honest & say when I heard this was coming out I decided not to read it because I can't stand couples being messed with after getting their HEA. From your re..."

I felt the exact same way, Whitney. I wasn't planning on reading it until I read Geri's review and chatted with her about it. I'm glad I read it but I totally understand why some won't. Thank you for such sweet words.❤️

Whitney Anderton Could you by chance link Geri's review? I'll be honest I read so many bashing the author for "ruining" their couple I just quit scrolling. But if I could see a few reliable reviews, I'd be more apt to give it a try. If you can't that is cool but your review now has me interested in the book again : )

Lady Vigilante (Feifei) Fabulous review Kristen! I have to agree with you on your analysis of this author's writing and the series as a whole. She can really make you love (or hate!) a character, as she handled KC's transformation from Bully to Fall Away really well. Glad you enjoyed! :)

message 24: by Kristen (last edited May 08, 2015 10:43PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristen Whitney wrote: "Could you by chance link Geri's review? I'll be honest I read so many bashing the author for "ruining" their couple I just quit scrolling. But if I could see a few reliable reviews, I'd be more apt..."

Sure. Here's her review link.

From what I can tell, most of the bashing is coming from readers who HAVEN'T read the book. That's a bit unfair if you ask me. If a reviewer read the book and felt the author ruined Tate and Jared's HEA, that's one thing. But from what I've noticed, a lot of those comments are coming from people who haven't read the book. They're entitled to their feelings though.

Do I feel this book needed? NO. But it made me a believe in their HEA, which I wasn't at the end of Bully/Until You. So I was happy that this book was written. If you love how Bully/Until You ended and are happy with their relationship, then I would skip this book. It's not needed. Hope I helped. ❤️

Whitney Anderton Thank you so much Kristen!!! And that is true, us readers really shouldn't be able to rate or bash a book unless we've finished it. Thanks for the're awesome as always!!!!!!

Kristen Lady Vigilante (Feifei) wrote: "Fabulous review Kristen! I have to agree with you on your analysis of this author's writing and the series as a whole. She can really make you love (or hate!) a character, as she handled KC's trans..."

Thank you, Feifei. The author really does have a talent for writing multidimensional characters. Sometimes I've hated them but they're authentic and I love that. ❤️

Kristen Whitney wrote: "Thank you so much Kristen!!! And that is true, us readers really shouldn't be able to rate or bash a book unless we've finished it. Thanks for the're awesome as always!!!!!!"

Thank YOU! I really don't like how GR allows readers to bash OR 5 star books they haven't read. It feels political and takes away from the true reviews being posted. Hugs. ❤️

message 28: by aksana (new)

aksana Great review Kristen :)

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Great review, Kristen xx

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ extremely well said Kristen! glad u gave it a shot!

message 31: by Patrycja (new) - added it

Patrycja Great review, Kristen

Christine Danielle Great review, Kristen. Books that ended already then gets another book rarely turns good. It's great that you liked this one!

message 33: by Baba (new)

Baba  Great review, Kristen! <3

message 34: by Ingie (last edited May 09, 2015 07:24AM) (new)

Ingie Lovely review, Kristen! Good to see you here again. xxx

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

I haven't read these books, but I may have to give them a try! Great review, Kristen. :)

Jennifer Kyle Fab review Kristen!! :D

message 37: by * Meli Mel * (new)

* Meli Mel * Terrific review, Kristen!! ;)

Kristen aksana - 4 - 8 - 15 - 16 - 23 - 42 - wrote: "Great review Kristen :)"

Thank you so much, aksana! ❤️

Kristen Jxxx ♥ Pink Lady ♥ wrote: "Great review, Kristen xx"

Thank you sweetie! ❤️

Kristen Sharon ✽ is an emotional book junkie ✽ wrote: "extremely well said Kristen! glad u gave it a shot!"

Thank you so much, Sharon. Your comment means a lot! ❤️

Kristen Patrycja wrote: "Great review, Kristen"

Thank you, hon! ❤️

Kristen christine danielle wrote: "Great review, Kristen. Books that ended already then gets another book rarely turns good. It's great that you liked this one!"

I agree completely! I don't believe most authors could pull this book off. And I really hope it doesn't become a trend. That would so not be cool. Thank hon! ❤️

Kristen Baba ♥♥♥ Tyler, Marcus, Archer, Dean, Adrian, Dan & Hunter wrote: "Great review, Kristen! <3"

Thank you so much my dear friend. ❤️

Kristen Ingela wrote: "Lovely review, Kristen! Good to see you here again. xxx"

Thank you, Ingela! It's good to be back. It was a much needed break from reading and reviewing. It was fantastic to just spend my time with my hubby and forget about the literary world for a time. ❤️

Kristen Tammie wrote: "I haven't read these books, but I may have to give them a try! Great review, Kristen. :)"

Thank you, Tammie. I hope the books work for you. I personally have a love/hate relationship with the series. The characters can be harsh and the author makes no apologies for their behavior. She's talented though and can make you fall in love with characters you didn't like in previous books. Heck, she made me love Jared and that says something! ❤️

Kristen Jennifer wrote: "Fab review Kristen!! :D"

Thank you so much, Jennifer! ❤️

Kristen Meli Mel *Ty and Zane's Creeper* wrote: "Terrific review, Kristen!! ;)"

Thank you, hon! ❤️

message 48: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Terrific review hun! :) ♥

Kristen Jasmine wrote: "Terrific review hun! :) ♥"

Thank you so much, sweetie! ❤️

message 50: by Eliza (new)

Eliza Great review Kristen!xo

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