Stephen's Reviews > Fall of Kings

Fall of Kings by David Gemmell
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IT IS OFFICIAL…David Gemmell has written the BESTEST and most HEROIEST fantasy trilogy...ever....EVER.

I just finished this third installment of the epic Troy trilogy by the late (and sorely missed) David Gemmell and all I can say is that if you loved the first two, you will love this one. If you haven’t read the first two books, then you might want to take a long serious look in the mirror and reconsider some of your recent life choices as you may have taken a wrong turn somewhere. However, never fear, it is not too late. Just drop what you are doing and GO BUY THEM.....NOW!!!!

In this final installment, the battle lines have been drawn, some major battles and minor skirmishes have occurred and the final Siege of the City of Troy is ready to begin.


Agamemnon: The power-hungry Mykene King;
Achilles: Warrior Supremo and badass numero uno;
Odysseus: the honorable and brilliant tactician who Fate has made Agamemnon’s reluctant ally; and
Ajax, the Bone-splitter....guess what he does.


Priam: The less than honorable ruler of Troy;
Helikaon (now called Aeneas): King of Dardania and dangerously Hulk-tempered when pushed too far;
Hektor: Prince of Troy and second greatest warrior in the world (save for Achilles);
Gershon (aka Ahmose): The exiled prince of Egypt whose destiny finally catches up with him in stunning fashion; Banokles and Kalliades: Two former officers and stone killers of the Mykene army who now serve Troy; and
Andromache: Wife of Hektor and lover of Aeneas (I know what you are thinking but its complicated).

And many, many more supporting characters on both sides. Oh....oh.....The Epicness is Awesome!!!!!

Okay, everything about this book was transcendant in its testosterone-fueled greatness but I do want to specifically mention one aspect that I thought was especially well done. This series deals with an historical event (the fall of Troy) that is fairly well known, at least in a popular sense (thank you Homer), despite the minimal amount of historical records on the subject. Gemmell manages to include all of the famous “elements” of the Troy saga, but he does so in such a fresh, original way that the story feels completely new while still making sense within the popularly understood historical frame of reference.

I will give you one example (don’t worry…no spoilers): I assume everyone knows the story of the Trojan Horse. Well Gemmell includes this element in the story, but his depiction is so unique and credible way that the reader (at least me) (a) doesn’t recognize it as such until it's actually happening and (b) once the scene occurs, the reader (again at least me) is left thinking, ‘Oh...shit...I can completely see how this event over time would become the “legend” of the Trojan Horse.’

The execution was....BRILLIANT!!!

In addition, the way that Gemmell expands the story to include characters and events that are remembered in world history outside the narrative arc of the fall of Troy was simply amazing and added real epic depth to the story.

Of course, I do have one NEGATIVE thing to say about this book and the series which may seem pretty obvious.

Itmade me feel really, really sucky about myself!!

Not exactly the kind of book you want to pick up if you are struggling with your self-esteem. These guys (and girls) are at the pinnacle of bravery, loyalty, honor and overall badassedness and I kept feeling like the last one chosen at recess when the kids are picking kickball teams. Apart from that personal self-image speed bump, this is as fun and enjoyable as it gets and I give it my HIGHEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION!!!

6.0 stars.
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October 27, 2010 – Shelved
February 16, 2011 – Started Reading
February 18, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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J.M. (Joe) Ha, loved the review, and I know the feeling. It's like the movie 300 made my abs actually punch me in the face for my utter neglect. It's like they said, "See what we COULD have been, you sluggard! You sloth! You donut-dunking poltroon!"

message 2: by Brenda (new)

Brenda I've only read one book by David Gemmell, and I really liked it. I've got to read more. Good review.

Stephen Brenda wrote: "I've only read one book by David Gemmell, and I really liked it. I've got to read more. Good review."

Thanks, Brenda. The 3 books in this series are just terrific.

message 4: by Joseph (new) - added it

Joseph Guess i've found my next few reads! Brilliant review, very funny.

Gary Not sure if you've read all of his books but I have and honestly there is not s bad read amongst them. I recommend them all to anyone who likes heroic fantasy. Gemmell had supreme skill in picking heroes/anti-heroes - perhaps my favourite is Jon Shannow but there are many and they occupy many books - read on!

Neeke Oh man, even this review was one big adrenaline rush xD
Gotta love the series. It is truly epic :D. Gemmell beat Homer on this one, haha. Great review! This kinda captured the extreme awesomeness :P

Stephen Neeke wrote: "Oh man, even this review was one big adrenaline rush xD
Gotta love the series. It is truly epic :D. Gemmell beat Homer on this one, haha. Great review! This kinda captured the extreme awesomeness :P"

Thanks, Neeke. That is nice to hear. I am glad you liked it.

David Scholtz Great review. My exact feelings. The literary world has truely lost the master of heroic fantasy - or,in this case, epic alternative history.

Stephen David wrote: "Great review. My exact feelings. The literary world has truely lost the master of heroic fantasy - or,in this case, epic alternative history."

Thanks, David. This whole trilogy was the master at the top of his game.

message 10: by Manuel (new)

Manuel De Pool I enjoy reading your reviews Stephen! If the books are as epic and blood-pumpin' as your review, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with these. I'll have to look for them now!

Stephen Manuel wrote: "I enjoy reading your reviews Stephen! If the books are as epic and blood-pumpin' as your review, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with these. I'll have to look for them now!"

Thanks, Manuel. I hope you like these.

message 12: by Apatt (new)

Apatt Great review. I have read a lot of Gemmells (always excellent) but not this (his last) trilogy.

Stephen You should definitely check it out, Apatt. If you like his other work, I think you will love this.

Erika This sounds absolutely interesting, i'm seriously thinking of picking this one up from the library, thanks for the review :)
But I'm afraid, i don't want to start feeling sorry for myself if they are truly that badass as you say...

message 15: by David (new)

David Prian I am halfway through book 2 (Shield of Thunder) right now and if book 3 holds up to this caliber... This may very well be my favorite trilogy. In my top 3 for sure. Great review by the way.

Erika David wrote: "I am halfway through book 2 (Shield of Thunder) right now and if book 3 holds up to this caliber... This may very well be my favorite trilogy. In my top 3 for sure. Great review by the way."

It is my favorite trilogy. Epic!

Tamera Great review, well said!

Thomsona I was so sad when Banokles died.

Oisín Farrell I can't remember if the books explicitly state that Achilles was better than Hektor other than mentioned that Hektor was old and more experienced whereas Achilles was younger and slightly faster. I think they were more or less evenly matched.
But that's not why I disagree with your character list at the top of the review. I think everyone Must know that if it came to it, Helikaon would destroy BOTH of them at the same time. Blindfolded with one arm tied behind his back.

Kamille I clearly recall from Shield of Thunder, that Hektor (reluctantly) beat Achilles in one on one combat in the Trojan games. Hektor, unlike Achilles gets no joy from battle or fighting, but in terms of warrior skills, he is equally matched with Achilles, if not better.

Good review though. If I hadn't already read the first 2 installations, I'd definitely be getting them.

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