Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘'s Reviews > Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
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Okay, first : I love Kinsella's works (thought it was important to say write). Now, her books are the first ones I read in English, so, you know, I might need to reread them some day (I mean duh. I'm not a language snowflake). Anyway : Kinsella? She gets my humor. I mean not me me, but you get it right? Her books make me laugh. They're refreshing. Like candies. Okay, maybe not like candies - Well, let's say that they put me in the Kinsella bubble.

What is it? Just look, it's just like life, but it's fun :

Because what I love even more in them is the undercurrent of reality they hide behind the laughs. This is something that works for me, because I'm not (well, rarely) a full-angst girl. I just can't. I read a book filled with angst and I just want to bang my head on the wall you know? So, Kinsella? Perfect. I know that some readers found shocking that she could deal with such a heavy issue - Audrey's anxiety disorder - in a funny way. I'm not, not one bit, because it stays respectful. Full of empathy. Honest. True. And it shows something that I find necessary : people aren't their disorder. They're not entirely defined by it. Yes, it's important.

Audrey suffers from an anxiety disorder : she can neither leave the house nor stare into people's eyes. Actually I'm with her on this : eyes scare me too. I mean, she does have a point : when you look carefully at people you give them the power and the means to stare back. I hate when strangers stare right into my eyes. I'm not shy or anxious. My eyes are just my personal space. Leave it. I also hate when people I don't know touch me. Like for real. Did you need to touch my arm to ask me what time is it? Hell no you didn't. It's not that I don't like people - I'm comfortable enough - but I like my personal space more. Anyway. Audrey. I loved her. She was witty, realistic and relatable. She made me laugh and yeah, tear out a bit at some point. Even if it's not always easy, she fights, she never gives up and I loved that about her. For me, she's brave.

► It's not a secret that I love family dynamics when they're done well. SPOILER ALERT : They are. Every member of the family is flawed but so endearing and supportive, I spent such a great time following them.

● Felix made me miss my Kindergarten teaching years : 4 years old is such a great age. Really. They're happy all the time (except when they're not, but then, it's short).

● Frank the gamer : I feel you. Go explain to people that no, gaming doesn't make you crazy. Sigh. He completely won me with his witty comments.

● By the way, I'm so going to throw this book at my mum. Yes, kindly (is that what you think of me? Come on). Indeed Audrey's mum Daily Mail obsession cracked me up, and yes, I can relate. Here's how our mother-daughter phone calls go :

Mum : Have you bought curcuma/vitamines/royal jelly/magical product as I told you?
Anna : [awkward silence when I try to remember why the fuck I'm supposed to buy that] Hmm not yet (I mean, come on)
Mum : But you need it! There's plenty of [add some information about how it's gonna boost my health] in it. I saw this [show/paper/documentary] the other day and [add some descriptions about how freaking amazing this stuff is]
Anna : Okay. I'll do it. (not really)

Two days later

Mum : Have you bought [add magical product sub-mentioned] as I told you?
Anna : Yes (not really)
Mum : I'm sure you're already feeling better right?
Anna : I guess. So, [add some topic changer - You name it. Any word, really]

I love my mum. But yeah, that's kind of exhausting. And the magnesium. OMG, the magnesium. But reading about this kind of character? Hilarious. Mum, I'm writing a book about you (not really).

Love interest? Adorable. Smile-inducing. I have no idea why I'm writing one-word sentences. I might be lazy. Major information : he write notes. End of story.

Just a thing : Linus? What's this name? I kept thinking "Linux" and that was just so weird *shakes head*

● I already stated that I loved when authors used different writing formats and lucky me! Kinsella does it all the time : messages, notes, movie script : I eat that stuff, and Finding Audrey was right up my alley.

● Oh, and - the dialogues are fantastic and feel real. Hilarious. I know, I have to stop using that word. Someday (not when I talk about Kinsella)

Let's have a little brainstorming okay? (God. I hate that word. My fellow French use it all the freaking time for no reason. Hello, remue-méninges, you people)

That's it. Is that really a brainstorming? Fuck if I know (in fact I do. It's not. Not really. I mean. Who cares?)

"I think what I've realized is, life is all about climbing up, slipping down, and picking yourself up again. And it doesn't matter if you slip down. As long as you're kind of heading more or less upwards. That's all you can hope for. More or less upwards."

Such a great journey to follow. And sorry for the messy review but I did warn you didn't I?

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Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Vanessa (last edited Jul 21, 2015 08:19PM) (new) - added it

Vanessa J. God, I hate when people touch me too. It feels so awkward. :/ Great review! I have this book, but I haven't had the time to read it.

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Vane wrote: "God, I hate when people touch me too. It feels so awkward. :/ Great review! I have this book, but I haven't had the time to read it."

Thank you! It's really fun to read, and honest. And don't get me started about touchy people. The worst are those who just met you and hug you. I mean please, don't do that.

message 3: by Kathe (new)

Kathe L Amazing review, Anna <3

message 4: by Sarah (last edited Jul 22, 2015 01:52AM) (new)

Sarah I can relate too well to the conversation between you and your mom! "Magnesium is so important, I read it on this blog.." I pretend to eat it to make her happy. :|
Ironically, she's been talking about the importance of vitamin D for years (I ignored it) but it turns out I actually have a ridiculously low intake of that that it's unhealthy. Now I have to take pills for 3 months. I hate when moms are right.
Sorry for the long personal story. Great review! I'm on the fence about this because it seems to be a bit of a hit-or-miss. Portraying mental illness is so difficult.

message 5: by Marla Mei (new) - added it

Marla Mei LOL. The name Linus kinda sounds weird when I say it in my head. While you kept thinking Linux, I kept thinking sinus.

Aj the Ravenous Reader Love the review, Anna. Ain't messy at all. ♥

Chantal Wonderful review! I very much agree with your thoughts.

message 8: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel E. Carter People keep rec'ing her books to me, I have one on Kindle for next time I'm in contemporary mood <3 Great review, Alien!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Kathe : Thank youuu ♥ I had a hard time organizing my thoughts :P

Sarah : OMG YOU TOO! That freaking Magnesium. Lmao. Followed me all my life :D (Ps. Isn't it annoying when they're right?XD) Thank you! Yes I see what you're not sure. I think it's really personal :/

Marla : BAHAHAHA I haven't even thought of sinus. GOD. So weird.

Aj : Aww thank you!! I didn't want to organize my thoughts :D

Chantal : Thank you so much!!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Rachel wrote: "People keep rec'ing her books to me, I have one on Kindle for next time I'm in contemporary mood <3 Great review, Alien!"

Thank youu!! She's such a fun author <3

message 11: by Toni (new) - added it

Toni I NEED THIS BOOK. I love Kinsella's books and her humor always makes me laugh. Plus she stepped out of her usual genre in this one and I can't wait.
"eyes scare me" Me too.
Awesome Review!

Laura Loved this book too. :) I have not read any of her other books. Would you recommend them? Or are they very chick lit, which I didn't feel this was.

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Anna wrote: "I NEED THIS BOOK. I love Kinsella's books and her humor always makes me laugh. Plus she stepped out of her usual genre in this one and I can't wait.
"eyes scare me" Me too.
Awesome Review!"

Thank you Anna!! That was such a fast and enjoyable read :) Kinsella rocks :D

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Laura wrote: "Loved this book too. :) I have not read any of her other books. Would you recommend them? Or are they very chick lit, which I didn't feel this was."

I've read her books a long time ago so maybe I wouldn't think the same thing now but my favorite were Can You Keep A Secret and I've Got Your Number - they are chick-lit, though.

message 15: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira My sister-in-law loves, loves, loves Sophie Kinsella.

Chelsea ✨Arielle’s Nebular Ally and Team Acrux✨ Lmao awww such a cute and fun review!!! And I loved I got your number! So cute :P

Great review, Banana

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Chelsea ❤Peril Please❤ wrote: "Lmao awww such a cute and fun review!!! And I loved I got your number! So cute :P

Great review, Banana"

Aww I LOVE IT TOO :D (because message :P you know I love that). Thank you so much <33

message 18: by Diane (new) - added it

Diane Marla Mei wrote: "LOL. The name Linus kinda sounds weird when I say it in my head. While you kept thinking Linux, I kept thinking sinus."

Makes me think of Charlie Brown's friend in the Peanuts/Snoopy world, and then I picture a kid carrying his security blanket. Or Ben Linus from Lost. And then I get confused.

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