Robert Beveridge's Reviews > Everything is Illuminated

Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
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it was ok
bookshelves: finished, owned-and-gave-away

Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated (Dutton, 2002)

My, what a clever novel!

In any case, that, I imagine, is what Jonathan Safran Foer kept saying as he was writing this. And really, much about it is clever. The comparisons to A Clockwork Orange are completely unwarranted, as Alex, Foer's Ukrainian hero, destroys the English language in a quite different way than does Burgess' Alex. (A less politically correct but more conceptually accurate comparison would be Charlie Chan, as written by Earl Derr Biggers.) Foer's intertwining of stories is also quite clever, and his use of the two narrators to tell the main storylines.

However, with all the cleverness going on, Foer seems to have forgotten in many places to actually insert a novel. Threads pick up in odd places and then die with no fanfare, never to be resurrected again; the story has holes without being told an enough of an impressionist way to allow the reader to fill in enough blanks; the characters are obviously there as vehicles to carry off the cleverness, instead of being fully-realized human beings. In other words, this is a linguistic roller coaster, not a novel.

Not to say Foer doesn't write well when he forgets about the tricks and applies himself. Especially in the novel's last eighty pages, there are scenes of great beauty and tragedy that are conveyed in powerful manner that make the reader sit up and take notice. (The emotionl impact of every last one of them is dramatically undercut by Foer's following each with a needlessly scatological and/or pornographic piece of attempted humor, each of which fails because of its positioning, but the tragic pieces themselves are extremely well-written.) Unfortunately, these scenes are all too few. One of them is going along swimmingly until he decides to interject a Rick Moody-esque three-page unpunctuated sentence. Horrid. (And a trick he repeats a couple of times afterwards, also throwing in run-on words. Even more horrid.)

The book is billed as a comedy, and Foer tries to carry it off as such, but when the finest-written scenes are those of tragedy, it's hard to call it a success as attempted. Foer has the makings of a fine dramatic writer, once he gets away from being so consciously clever. **
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July 1, 2003 – Finished Reading
January 23, 2008 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Nicole Agreed, far too knowingly wierd. Didn't enjoy it but gave 2* for being so different.

Natalie Wow, I could not agree more. He forgot to insert the novel!

Kathy Excellent review. You said everything that I felt reading this book.

Aditi M. You said it.

Jacinta Sheridan Okay.... AGREE. However, you have made me realise I need to persist for the last 80 pages....... I have about 90 to go presently.......

Jacinta Sheridan Okay......phew..... I'm finished. I agree the end is the best part......not sure I could be bothered re-reading something like that for the purpose of the last 80pages....!

Nicola Cataldo So all I have to do is skip ahead to the last 80 pages and I will be compensated for the cleverness that has become so tedious by page 167? That is a relief.

Kimberly Smith My thoughts exactly

Zachary The last 80 pages are getting far too much credit if you ask me.

Nathaniel Darkish Yep. The author sure thought a lot of himself when he wrote this one, and you really pinpointed the novel's problems. It's honestly quite surprising that his next book ended up being pretty good.

Mandyhello He ended a novel mid-sentence.. I must hate him now. Also, I really loved Alex as a character (although I can see what others hate him).. Take out every single shtetl story, and maybe we're on speaking terms again, stupid Jonfan..

message 12: by Lola (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lola I couldn't have described my problem with the novel better. I have to admit I was quite disappointed in the author because I loved "Extremly loud and incredibly close" so much.

message 13: by Jessaka (new)

Jessaka Read first chapter and already bored. Great and insightful review.

message 14: by Linda (new) - rated it 1 star

Linda I thought I was the only one. PS never made it to the last 80 pages and most likely never will.

message 15: by Jessaka (new)

Jessaka Linda wrote: "I thought I was the only one. PS never made it to the last 80 pages and most likely never will."

I wonder if his other book is much better, but I won't spend the money to check it out.

message 16: by Karen (new) - rated it 1 star

Karen Dempsey I just couldn't read this, from the outset I thought no not really for me and I tried to persevere but I got to a point where I thought what is the point in doing this to myself. Life is too short to fight through a book.

Mandyhello Karen wrote: "I just couldn't read this, from the outset I thought no not really for me and I tried to persevere but I got to a point where I thought what is the point in doing this to myself. Life is too short ..."

This is so true!

message 18: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Dowds If any attention is given to the way the reader is shown around Trachimbrod and led through the story - and it is a visceral and cinematic journey - I can’t see how the truth of this has no effect on you. I’m so utterly changed by this book.

message 19: by Valeria (new)

Valeria "With all the cleverness gong on, Foer seems to have forgotten in many places to actually insert a novel"
You totally read my mind!

Amanda Kirshkaln your review is spot on

message 21: by Karen (new)

Karen Lausa Feeling better after reading this spot-on review. I am utterly confounded by this bizarre and practically unreadable book.

Danielle Pettine I had a rough time with this book. First time I will say I enjoyed the movie more than the book!

message 23: by Meg (new) - rated it 1 star

Meg Weichelt I’m so frustrated with this stupid book I think I’ll put it down and read something else. So glad I picked it up at Goodwill for 50 cents.

Laurel I just finished this book. I had high expectations but I think the author must have been on drugs to write this disjointed, rambling whatever.

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