Nastassja's Reviews > Ruined

Ruined by Amy Tintera
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Actual rating: 2.5 stars

Make people fear you, Emelina. Her mother’s words echoed in her head. Stop worrying about what you don’t have and start focusing on what you do. Make people tremble when they hear your name. Fear is your power.

Sorry to disappoint you Mom, but, well, fear and Emilina are not compatible. One moment the girl's a highly trained assassin, the next moment she's an uncertain girl who barely knows what to do with her body. This constant state of ambivalence got on my nerves quickly: when you can't understand what the MC is made of and changes faces quicker than you can blink. I really tried to understand Em, but she barely understood herself if at all. It's not a case where a person is trying to find her true self, no, it's the case where author gave her character a personality but forgot to concretize how that personality operates. In other words: underdeveloped. The only thing I liked about Em is how every time she entered a room, she counted ways to kill people in it:
There was one knife on the tray, and Em studied it, trying to judge how sharp it was. Three quick steps across the room and she could reach around Davina for the knife to jab it in her throat before she knew what was happening. Five seconds, tops.

But in the context of the book, this skill looks like a joke, because it feels like characters are playing games they don't understand. Kids got swords and knives and they are plunging them into enemies' (?) bodies, but it looks like kids are playing war in a sandbox. They don't really understand what they are doing, they simply have fun, because it's hilarious.

Cas - the hero of the book is a blank page anyone can fill as they wish. He doesn't have a personality; he acts regarding other people's wishes. He doesn't have an opinion about a war that is raging on in his Kingdom for years now. When Em appears and starts to sympathize with the enemy, Cas doesn't think it's suspicious. He easily gives her secret military information, because he trusts her. Seriously? The prince is supposedly the best swardman in the Kingdom, but it seems he never made a step out of his sandbox. (view spoiler) Again, I blame this on author and the lack of character development.

The romance was... dull. I want to blame insta-love, but I've encountered insta-love in books before and in some of those book it was processed quite believably. Here everything is so rushed (not only romance but action either) I didn't have time to feel anything toward characters or notice when and how they developed feelings for each other. Whether they die or live, I don't care.

“You could at least pretend to be excited.”

I tried, I really did. This book was on my list of highly anticipated releases, and I was sure I'll like it. But when there's no depth to plot or characters, it's hard to make oneself feel. This book is simply generic: been there, done that. Nothing new. It's not bad either (compared to my disappointment with ACOMAF, everything is better), there were nice moments, when it felt like one more page and I'll like the book. Alas, I reached the end but that feeling never came. I blinked, closed the book and forgot about the story.

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Reading Progress

December 1, 2015 – Shelved
May 6, 2016 – Started Reading
May 6, 2016 –
3.0% "No one feared Emelina Flores, the useless daughter of the most powerful queen Ruina had ever known.
But they would.

That's a powerful start!"
May 8, 2016 –
37.0% "I like the characters but the romance is insta-lov-ish which would be okay if done properly; unfortunately no such thing so far."
May 10, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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Minni Mouse "Naive and underdeveloped" is spot-on! It read very young...

Nastassja Mini Mouse wrote: ""Naive and underdeveloped" is spot-on! It read very young..."

Yeah, it just felt like given more development the book could've been a gem. Otherwise it feels like children are playing adult games and they do not understand completely what's going on. Sad, because it was one of the most anticipated books by me.

message 3: by Luke (new) - added it

Luke Taylor For some reason…maybe the cover…I though this was going to be like The Legends of Zelda. :\

Nastassja Luke wrote: "For some reason…maybe the cover…I though this was going to be like The Legends of Zelda. :\"

I had high hopes for this one too, thought it would be cool revenge story with badass heroine. She is kind of badass but in a more naive way that is not suited for the story. And the romance disappointed too: no slow-burning love and hard decisions, or at least, they are not hard enough :/

message 5: by Luke (new) - added it

Luke Taylor Nastassja wrote: "Luke wrote: "For some reason…maybe the cover…I though this was going to be like The Legends of Zelda. :\"

I had high hopes for this one too, thought it would be cool revenge story with badass hero..."

Hmm…your opinions inspire me, always, Nastassja, to write the things that need to be written. I have not read as much of these kinds of books as you and find there still is some enjoyment in them, to me, however, it always provokes me to steer clear of the tropes they consistently employ, like a cuisine of food with two or three flavors running through every single dish. :\

PS, our disappointed expressions are high-fiving…

Nastassja I was ready for clichés in this book (they are everywhere these days), and if the author managed to pull them off nicely, I would've liked the book :/

"PS, our disappointed expressions are high-fiving…"

:D Nice match

message 7: by Luke (last edited May 10, 2016 05:23PM) (new) - added it

Luke Taylor Nastassja wrote: "I was ready for clichés in this book (they are everywhere these days), and if the author managed to pull them off nicely, I would've liked the book :/

"PS, our disappointed expressions are high-fi..."


Spira Virgo Lately you had been reading a lot of books that in the end disappoints. I am seeing a pattern here lol

message 9: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Да что же такое, я так надеялась на эту книгу... Жду ревью)

Nastassja Spira-Virgo wrote: "Lately you had been reading a lot of books that in the end disappoints. I am seeing a pattern here lol"

My hope will never die :D Seriously, it's usually like that: one good book for 3-5 not so good books. It's hard to find true gems these days but when we do, it's worth the suffering.

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Да что же такое, я так надеялась на эту книгу... Жду ревью)"

И я надеялась, а получила очередной середнячок. Постараюсь вечером написать пару строк)

message 12: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Да что же такое, я так надеялась на эту книгу... Жду ревью)"

И я надеялась, а получила очередной середнячок. Постараюсь вечером написать пару строк)"

Давай)) Ну ты строго, конечно, с середнячком, 2,5... Не терпится прочитать отзыв)

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Да что же такое, я так надеялась на эту книгу... Жду ревью)"

И я надеялась, а получила очередной середнячок. Постараюсь вечером написать пару строк)"

Давай)) Ну..."

3 звезды уже значат, что книжка понравилась, а тут все таки недопонравилась плюс разочарование...

Fafa's Book Corner Sorry you didn't like it :(

I hope your next read is better! Great review :)

message 15: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся...

message 16: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Спасибо за отзыв! Прямо разочарование за разочарованием. Надеюсь следующая твоя книга будет лучше;))

Nastassja Fafa's Book Corner wrote: "Sorry you didn't like it :(

I hope your next read is better! Great review :)"

Thank you, Fafa))

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся..."

Да тут все недоработано. Идея хороша, но все как-то статично. Я честно, к этой книгу особо ничего не чувствую и отзыв не стала большой писать и разбирать проблемы. Все как-то средне и больше нечего сказать. Жаль действительно, что идея пропала хорошая. Еще не знаю читать ли продолжение, а вдруг станет лучше... вторые книжки чаще радуют чем нет в последнее время.

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Спасибо за отзыв! Прямо разочарование за разочарованием. Надеюсь следующая твоя книга будет лучше;))"

Это тебе спасибо, что почитала)) Ой, я привыкла, что на пять не очень книг, одна будет хорошая. Начала читать еще одну книжку 50/50 шансами, посмотрим...

message 20: by Ju (Kaisu) (new) - added it

Ju (Kaisu) I've only seen bad reviews for this book since it came out and it makes me very sad as I was also anticipating it... It's such a shame, I mean, look at its stunning cover! At least it'll look pretty on your shelves xD I hope your next read will be better than this one. Great review btw! :)

Hetal dang!! I had such high hopes for this one! My poor heart. broken again by another book with a seemingly great plot. Oh, the book Gods taunt us so. Great review Natassja!

message 22: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся..."

Да тут все недоработано. Идея хороша, но все как-то статично. Я че..."

Отложу, наверно, чтение этой книги до лучших времен))

Nastassja Kaisu wrote: "I've only seen bad reviews for this book since it came out and it makes me very sad as I was also anticipating it... It's such a shame, I mean, look at its stunning cover! At least it'll look prett..."

Thank you, Kaisu :) Yeah, this book was one of the most anticipated releases. You still can read it, tastes differ and you may like it more than I did.

The cover is indeed gorgeous)

Nastassja Hetal wrote: "dang!! I had such high hopes for this one! My poor heart. broken again by another book with a seemingly great plot. Oh, the book Gods taunt us so. Great review Natassja!"

Oh, the book Gods taunt us so

Mercilessly so! Though I am used to find one good book among 3-5 average. This book wasn't bad, you still can read it and you may even like it.

Thank you, Hetal :)

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся..."

Да тут все недоработано. Идея хороша, но все как..."

Угу, в округе точно книги получше найдутся)) Ты ж еще и маски читаешь сейчас, а после них эта книга точно не пошла бы: померкла бы на фоне великолепия Себастьяна :D

message 26: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся..."

Да тут все недоработано. Идея х..."

Ох, Себастьян!!! *облизывается* xD

message 27: by Vira (new) - added it

Vira Thanks for reading this one for me and sparing of yet another disappointment, Nas.

Nastassja Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся..."

Да тут все не..."

А я бы Себастьяна облизала ;)

Nastassja Vera wrote: "Thanks for reading this one for me and sparing of yet another disappointment, Nas."

You are welcome, dear))

message 30: by Svetlana (new) - added it

Svetlana Dyachenko Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Svetlana wrote: "Жаль. Так жаль, что автору не удалось создать целостных героев, за которых можно было переживать и радыватся....."

xDD Ммм.... не ты одна;)

message 31: by Alafiya (new)

Alafiya Aw man this is sad. *Plucks this book out of her tbr pile* Great review, Naastassja.

Nastassja Alafiya wrote: "Aw man this is sad. *Plucks this book out of her tbr pile* Great review, Naastassja."

Thank you, Alafiya)) It is sad, but, well, new wonderful book are waiting for us ;)

Nastassja Birchsilver (birchbooksblog) wrote: "Does it really get any worse?"

It wasn't bad in the first place, just average. But I still think if you want to read it, you should, because opinions differ and you may like the book more than I did.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review, Nastassja! I've seen a few negative reviews on this one, and everyone's pretty annoyed with the MC losing sight of her goals after meeting the love interest.
I'll skip out on this one, since insta-love and false badassery isn't my thing.
Hope you have a better read next time! :)

Nastassja Christine wrote: "Great review, Nastassja! I've seen a few negative reviews on this one, and everyone's pretty annoyed with the MC losing sight of her goals after meeting the love interest.
I'll skip out on this on..."

Thank you, Christine :) I wouldn't say that MC wasn't badass, it's just I don't think she really understood why she was doing what she was doing. And it's not only regarding the MC, also the romance which was rushed and the plot which was off putting at times.

message 36: by Sarah (new)

Sarah This was one of my most highly anticipated releases as well. Her dystopian series was so much fun. Sorry it didn't work out for you, Nastassja. Great review!

Nastassja Sarah (the pug whisperer) wrote: "This was one of my most highly anticipated releases as well. Her dystopian series was so much fun. Sorry it didn't work out for you, Nastassja. Great review!"

Thank you, Sarah, I hope you'll like it more than I did :) I haven't read her dystopian series yet, when I do I'll know for sure if this author is for me.

Gulcea Agree with you especially about Cas. Em asked him about Olivia's place and he didn't know So she was like "I think you should ask your father." and he wasn't suspicious. What?!? Learning Olivia's place was this easy and it felt like bad writing on authors part in my opinion. Making Cas act as a totally different character according to who he was with and use his character like that was the easy choice.

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