Prashob's Reviews > Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals

Succeed by Heidi Grant Halvorson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: self-help

This won't be your typical mumbo-jumbo self help book, it's scientifically rigorous with lots of great as examples, you will learn quite a lot of important things like:
1) What are goals,how to set one.
2)what sort of goals to be pursued.
3)Goals for Optimists and pessimists.
4)Why perseverance matters more than ability.
5)Types of goals.
6)Why we still fail after lots of efforts.
7)How to mentor.
8)Types of feedbacks and lot more

It will be absolutely worth your time reading this one.
5 likes · flag

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Reading Progress

December 23, 2015 – Shelved
December 23, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
December 23, 2015 – Shelved as: self-help
December 24, 2015 –
December 24, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
December 15, 2016 –
March 17, 2017 –
31.0% "Was supposed to finish it before my GATE exam, unfortunately i couldn't,it's quite a gem unlike other self-help books author doesn't makes wishy-washy statements but rather stuffs supported by evidence or will be quite useful if you are in university /school as the experiments are as such but she hasn't written much about success or conducted experiments on business scale."
January 11, 2020 – Shelved as: onhold
January 11, 2020 – Shelved as: onhold-to-read
January 31, 2020 – Started Reading
March 9, 2020 –
28.0% "Very well researched and absolutely vital in your early 20s."
March 22, 2020 –
40.0% "Quite well cited but got bit boring in half way for to redundancy in part where promotion and prevention based goals are described."
April 30, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Mehrnaz (new)

Mehrnaz This sounds like a great book. Hopefully I'll read it soon. Thanks.

Prashob Yup it is ! I even kept notes in evernote for future reference ! Happy reading Mehrnaz!

message 3: by Ibrahim (new) - added it

Ibrahim Thanks! Ill add this to my to-read list

Prashob Happy reading Ibrahim !

message 5: by Chadi (new)

Chadi Raheb How could possibly a total stranger -the author- tell another total stranger -the reader- to set goals for themselves?! Weird! :)

Prashob If you search for author she's PhD in psychology with research interest similar to content in book and goals can be categorised since it's finite :) so can be analysed I guess and author is director of learning and development in major corps so you can trust her Chadi : D

message 7: by Chadi (last edited Jul 02, 2021 12:17AM) (new)

Chadi Raheb Well... Passing time with tons of academians has taught me to never just trust the title & certificate, you know ;) but if the book works for some readers, well then it works. What can I say?... And it’s a good thing. Even if it’s still weird to me to let somebody else tell me what goals to choose without exactly knowing me and my interests :)

message 8: by Prashob (last edited Jul 02, 2021 12:40AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Prashob Yeah thas's good point Chadi you made that not to trust the titles,however what I found was if someone has well researched on the lives of others they have better framework on how to approach in broad spectrum of to some extent deterministic lives ,than what to do ! the book is on "how" as title says not "what" (that nobody can tell you than yourself !) and I am not research scientist yet ! so i believe I can learn a lot from people ahead on me in game,may be you are already an inter-displinary researcher and this won't appeal to you that's totally fine :)
May be you can suggest me something better.

message 9: by Chadi (last edited Jul 02, 2021 04:40AM) (new)

Chadi Raheb I'm afraid I don't believe in self-help books anymore, although from time to time I peek at some when I feel demotivated or tired of all the struggles... As an example, I know the rules of "deep work" and I apply almost all of them; still I read it just as a motivator.

I've also found "The one thing" a good book. Seemed to me that the author gathered the points of a few self-help books in one! like e.g. the compound efect, deep work, so on & so forth. & for some, that would be brief and enough for some of the subjects, and then if needed, they can dive into some of it deeper in other books; as I did with "Deep Work" :)

Prashob Ha you have to be selective with self help books because most of them are highly repetitive fillers to prove a point and reads like a salesman's rant 😅 however if you choose it carefully like Psycho-cybernatics ,one small step, atomic habits are absolutely great , thanks for suggestion although I have read deep work and one thing although one thing seemed quite repetitive to me ,deep work was good, try atomic habits it's absolute delight.

message 11: by Chadi (new)

Chadi Raheb Yeah I’d like to take a look at ‘atomic habits’ & also ‘digital minimalism(?)’ 😊

Prashob Cool ! same here looking forward to read digital minimalism soon to reduce digital time & well being ,lets discuss once on of us reads it :)

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