Lauren Lee's Reviews > Hallowed

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
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bookshelves: angels, love-triangles, young-adult

Before Reading: I was confused at the end of unearthly.. Did Christian and Clara leave? And why can't they come back? And whats the whole deal with Christian being all angel like! I NEED ANSWERS.
She better not fall for Christian. But if a love triangle comes into play then I'm team Tucker, just saying.

After Reading:
Finally. I hate it when I have to wait for books to come out. Now, about Hallowed.
I liked it, I did. Hand has a nice, easy writing style that is pleasant to read but isn't too juvenile. I like the characters and the ideas but this sequel confused me. After finishing this book I ended up wondering who was the bad guy? Ramjeeza? Not really, I mean he really didn't do anything besides totaling Clara's car and hanging out in her school's back yard. Also, after finishing Unearthly I thought that Hand was going to turn Jeffrey bad, maybe drive him toward the Black Wings, but no at the end of Hallowed that hadn't happened. To be honest, I was disappointed in this book. I thought that Unearthly was pretty good considering it's similar storylines and the fact that it is in the YA paranormal romance section. I thought it was better than other current popular angel-like series, like Fallen, Hush, Hush, and Halo.
I am done with love triangles. In about every single YA book I have read in the genre there has seemed to be a love triangle (thank you twilight). In this case the love triangle annoyed me, a lot, as you can see from my pre-read review above. I like Tucker. I think he's cute (character wise. Though if he was a real person, he'd probably be pretty cute also). I don't like Christian and Clara. The idea seems blah and too "WE ARE MEANT TO BE." Of course I am an American, therefore I root for the underdog and when it comes to destiny/powers stuff, Christian is obviously the stronger contestant. Therefore I am rooting for Tucker, even though she doesn't end up with him at the end of the book.
Next thing that I was disappointed in was her mom dying. I thought that was so stupid. I'd honestly rather have her die a heroic death and have me crying my eyes out like a little girl than her slowly dying out because she got too old. I did not see any point in killing her off than bringing in Clara's father who I also do not care about. Okay so her dad's an angel? SO WHAT. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HER MOM TO FIND THAT OUT. Oh it should have been some huge issue. If I had written it I would have left her mom around and have Clara's dad show up because her mom was hurt. Then Clara should have been all mad at him, I would have been mad at him. Yea, your dad's an Angel but he still left... I would've been mad. It'll probably open up new plotlines in the future.
I still don't like Christian and am rather upset that he will end up in the next book. I hope he ends up an asshole and somehow Hand turns Tucker supernatural so that he can be with Clara. Somehow. I really do like Tucker.
Don't let this give you the wrong impression. I certainly liked the book, I just disapproved on a lot of the plot twists and revelations. I think that Clara is a great main character and I think that Hand is a very talented writer. I think that's what kept me reading it. I'll have to stick around for the next one now. Clara needs to end up with Tucker somehow and I want to find out more about the overall story line (Black wings vs Angels and all of that).
I hope the next book is better and that Clara and Christian DO NOT end up together.
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Reading Progress

March 16, 2011 – Shelved
February 3, 2012 – Shelved as: angels
February 3, 2012 – Shelved as: love-triangles
February 14, 2012 – Started Reading
February 15, 2012 – Finished Reading
December 22, 2016 – Shelved as: young-adult

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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Melanie They didn't leave. And saying they can't come back was metaphorical. They can never go back to what they used to be. They can never unknow what they know now. :). I'm Team Tucker, too. He gave me chills!

Lauren Lee ahhhh. yea thats what i was thinking... but i wasnt sure.

Caity(: i agreee, team tucker(:

Ally yeah, Team Tucker

Anna everyone loves tucker! she'd be crazy to make clara fall for christian. fans would bang on her door with pitchforks. :)

Demi yea your right!

Jessica I will be pretty upset if Clara falls for Christian. I'll be "team Tucker" too :D Skyler is so right :)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

same here people team tucker all the way!!


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