Shannon's Reviews > Mermaid

Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: borrowed, mermaids, romantic-fantasy, 2011, fantasy, romance, novels

What could have been a poignant retelling of "The Little Mermaid" turned into a sappy mess with a lot of unfinished ideas. The beginning was gripping and fantastically told, the middle desperately grasped at sensuality and tragedy, while the ending deflated and fell flat. I was left feeling disappointed and cheated by this story.

Even if you're not familiar with the original Hans Christian Andersen tale, you've probably seen Disney's "The Little Mermaid." I thought at first that this would be like an adult version of Disney's story, and for the most part, it was. The names are different, and there's no singing crab, but the structure of the story remains the same: the youngest mermaid princess falls in love with a human man, and chooses to sacrifice her voice and tail and forsake her family and friends for the chance to be with him.

Turgeon decided to make this about a love triangle, and a supposedly tragic one at that. Margrethe, Lenia the mermaid's foil, is the daughter of the Northern king. She is being hidden at a convent because there are rumors that the South is getting ready to attack. So of course, the man who the mermaid saves just happens to be (view spoiler) and both women fall in love with him.

There was a lot of talk about God, faith, fate, and destiny, but it's not really something the author explored to an extent that was meaningful. The mermaid's whole position was borne of blind faith, and it's something that just didn't sit well with me. The talk of God and everything seemed so shallow and not something I could relate to. Margrethe constantly talked about how she wished to achieve rapture, and to have the feeling of love she saw in the nuns and on the mermaid's face, but it just felt so artificial. Margrethe even fell in love with the man the mermaid saved upon first glance, when they had little in common other than being beautiful. I understand this is a trapping of fairy tales in general, but it just felt so unbelievable in this instance. Turgeon was trying to recreate a more modern, and therefore, believable, version of this classic tale, and she failed in both aspects.

The man was a philandering dolt who didn't deserve either woman. His personality was cardboard, and I felt more chemistry between the women than I did when he was with either of them.

The mermaid was a fool, and she should have been treated as such. How can you leave everything you've ever known for the minute chance that a guy who you were around for all of a couple of hours will love and marry you? This was just stupid, and insulting to women in general.

The ending robbed me of the tragedy I wanted, and I can't help feeling bitter at this.

Turgeon's writing wasn't anything special, and at times I felt like she repeated herself to fill up the pages. I can't say I'll never read her again, but I don't think she does this sub-genre any justice.
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Reading Progress

April 1, 2011 – Shelved
April 5, 2011 – Started Reading
April 5, 2011 –
page 10
4.17% ""Her sisters, more than anyone, had mocked Lenia's love for humans. Nadine would bring Lenia the bones of sailors and, whenever she could get to them before the fish, decaying body parts. 'Look how disgusting,' she would say, holding up a disintegrating finger, pieces of skin flapping off it like small sails. 'Look what happens to them.'""
April 5, 2011 –
page 53
22.08% ""A jug of amber liquid lay tipped over on the floor, and she went to it, uncorked it and lifted it to her mouth. Her first sip was straight seawater. She drank until the spirit hit her, burning down her throat, and she spat it out. Awful. She grabbed a fish swirling by and stuffed it into her mouth, bit down on its sweet flesh, its crunching bones, but the taste still lingered in her mouth.""
April 5, 2011 –
page 90
37.5% "Man, the mermaid sure is getting a bum deal. And this is why blind faith can be so ... stupid."
April 5, 2011 –
page 118
49.17% "Oh man, this is going to be such a train wreck. It's making me cringe. I can't imagine how this can end happily for anyone."
April 5, 2011 –
page 126
52.5% "It would be really funny if when all is said and done, the prince is like, "woah ... WOAH. I don't even know you chicks, let alone want to marry you." Ha. So yeah, neither of them is even taking his feelings into account."
April 6, 2011 –
page 240
100.0% "Hrm. Slightly disappointed. This was working its way up to a fantastically twisted love triangle but then it just fizzled. If the ending had gone the way I was lead to believe it was going, it would have been so much more poignant."
April 6, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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CJ - It's only a Paper Moon Let me know how this is. I've dying to get my hands on it but don't know if I should buy it ....

Shannon Ok! It's a very short book though, I'm glad I checked it out from the library.

Shannon It's not worth owning, CJ. Get it from the library if you're curious.

Stav So glad I got a free copy of this one at Comic-con. To be honest, I probably would never have picked it up anyways if I saw it at the library or in a bookstore.

Shannon I picked it up randomly at the library. I guess her other book, Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story, is supposed to be good, but this one was just ... stupid. Free books are great, but wasted time sucks.

Wendy Darling Oh...poo. Another friend gave it 5 stars recently and I was so hoping this would be the awesome mermaid book we've all been waiting for.

Shannon Yeah, it was disappointing. I only have two friends who've read it and one gave it a 3 and the other gave it a 2. For some reason, mermaids are a hard sell. Seems to be a lot more crappy books than good ones about them.

Lyra "The man was a philandering dolt who didn't deserve either woman. His personality was cardboard, and I felt more chemistry between the women than I did when he was with either of them."
You have it spot on. By that time of the book i was actually hoping it would develop into a lesbian romance, (they had that much more chemistry)so turned off i was at the "Prince" and his love for both women. Love triangle are the absolute worst thing to stomach in any book.

message 10: by Amanda (new)

Amanda um in th little mermaid disneys version its a crab not a lobster :P just sayin

message 11: by Shannon (last edited Apr 18, 2013 04:35PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Shannon Amanda wrote: "um in th little mermaid disneys version its a crab not a lobster :P just sayin"

Nice catch! He actually looks like a lobster more though, huh? Or like some weird hybrid. Thanks!

message 12: by Amanda (new)

Amanda ha lol he does thats funny

message 13: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Too bad, I had this on my wishlist. I might still give it a try one day, but this isn't the first review that wasn't so positive that I've seen.

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