Robin (Bridge Four)'s Reviews > The Shadow Rising

The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 4-5-stars, awesome-audio, buddy-read, fantastic-fantasy

I'm buddy reading this entire series a book a month with the great fantasy loving peeps at Buddies Books and Baubles

The great thing about that is that I know I have so many great people to discuss all the happenings in this book with. The bad part is that after taking a month to read a single book a few chapters at a time it feels like some of it happened so long ago and perhaps an entire season on one of your favorite shows has gone by and how do you sum that up without a review that is ten pages long? The answer is you don't so I'm just going to hit some highlights.

In my opinion this is Perrin's break out book. Much of the focus was on him and his struggle with the life of a blacksmith he thought he would have and the new life of a leader he is going to have. He goes back to help the people of the Two Rivers and you can really see how much he has changed from the country bumpkin he used to be. Overall Perrin's was my favorite arc in the book. Not just because he goes back to Two Rivers but also because I really enjoyed his love interest Faile. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of their relationship....but I'm not one of them. I totally love the banter and how each has a warriors heart and they fight with each other but always for each other.

So while Perrin is off in the Two Rivers Rand and Mat have their own journey. While a lot of this is still really interesting due to the time spent with the Aeil I struggle so much with Mat. I'm waiting for him to break out of his selfish thoughts and become truly great but currently he is busy going through mysterious doors and talking with alien people. When he isn't doing that he seems to be busy chasing women and playing dice. I'm hoping the next book he will grow a little more.

Rand however is very distrustful of almost everyone around him and keeps everything to himself. There is some headway on the Three women who will love him and I have a really good idea of where that is going but more than that we see how strong he is when he channels. Too bad he has very sporadic and sparse control of it.

Lan and Nynaeve finally got to have another semi-sweet conversation and I really did miss that in the last book. I wish we get a little more time with them together but Nynaeve is busy at the moment hunting Black Ajah and so little time for romance there.

Nynaeve and Elyane's was the other arc that was interesting because they are on a very dangerous journey to find the women who left the White Tower and have given themselves to the Dark One. Two against Thirteen doesn't seem fair odds but with a little company they might do okay.

This was my favorite book of the series so far. There is a lot more action and story progression. Plenty of danger and bad guys to go around between the Trolocks, Black Ajah, Forsaken and White Cloaks. It also seems that there are more dangers afoot than just those and I can see why the prophecies say The Dragon Reborn will break the world.

Very much looking forward to book 5
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Reading Progress

April 1, 2016 – Started Reading
April 1, 2016 – Shelved
April 1, 2016 –
2.0% "The first time I ever saw Rand, I saw three women’s faces, and one of them was mine. I’ve never seen anything about myself before or since, but I knew what it meant. I was going to fall in love with him. All three of us were.”
“Three. The other two. Who are they?”
Min gave her a bitter smile. “The faces were blurred; I don’t know who they are.”
“Nothing to say that he would love you in return?”

April 4, 2016 –
9.0% "“I do not care if she smelled of the Essence of Dawn,” Faile said darkly. “That one is not interested in hunting a bear, however fine his hide would look stretched on a wall. She hunts the sun.”
He frowned at her. “The sun? A bear? What are you talking about?”

Um....I'm not sure either Perrin but I think that is a fancy way of talking about sex."
April 6, 2016 –
14.0% "Egwene said firmly. “When I marry, it will be because I want to, not just because a man expects me to love him.... My mother says men are different from us. She says we want to be in love, but only with the one we want; a man needs to be in love, but he will love the first woman to tie a string to his heart.

Love in the Two Rivers seems very simple indeed."
April 8, 2016 –
22.0% "“What does ‘sister-wife’ mean?” she asked hesitantly.
“That you have the same husband.” Aviendha frowned at the way Egwene gasped and Nynaeve’s eyes opened as wide as they would go...
“This is not your custom?” the Aiel woman asked.
“No,” Egwene said faintly. “No, it is not.”
“But you and Elayne care for one another as first sisters. What would you have done had one of you been unwilling to step aside for Rand
April 12, 2016 –
27.0% "You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones. Remember this, on this journey you insist on making. If you die, I will not survive you long.” He gave Nynaeve one of his rare smiles. If it did not exactly soften his face, at least it made it less hard.

♥ Lan ♥"
April 18, 2016 –
34.0% " “Into the heart he thrusts his sword,
into the heart, to hold their hearts.
Who draws it out shall follow after,
What hand can grasp that fearful blade?

Hmm....this is an interesting turn. I wonder who else might be able to draw that."
April 19, 2016 –
46.0% "”You will not drive her off. That one is almost Far Dareis Mai, and if a Maiden loves you, you cannot escape her however hard you run.”

April 29, 2016 –
69.0% "“Mainly I’ve just tried to keep from having my head split open. That’s what adventures are, that and finding a place to sleep for the night, and something to eat. You go hungry a lot having adventures, and sleep cold or wet or both.”
They did not like that very much, or appear to believe it any more than they believed that the Stone was as big as a small mountain. He reminded himself that he had known as little
May 1, 2016 – Shelved as: 4-5-stars
May 1, 2016 – Shelved as: awesome-audio
May 1, 2016 – Shelved as: buddy-read
May 1, 2016 – Shelved as: fantastic-fantasy
May 1, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by George (new)

George Jankovic Robin, how do you like it so far? The world Jordan has created is just amazing.

Robin (Bridge Four) Really going well. I have liked each book more than the last.

The worldbuilding is really fantastic. Only a few authors compare.

message 3: by George (new)

George Jankovic Robin wrote: "Really going well. I have liked each book more than the last.

The worldbuilding is really fantastic. Only a few authors compare."

I can't agree more!

P.S. Hang in there when you get to some of the later books since the last three, written by Sanderson, are just amazing. Enjoy!

Robin (Bridge Four) Will do. I'm buddy reading the series so I'm sure I'll make it through the rougher books

message 5: by Cathy (last edited Apr 12, 2016 12:38PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Cathy The first 100odd pages dragged a bit. I'm now in chapter 17 and it has picked up a lot. I wish I could read faster! I have another buddy read starting on Thursday and another one on Monday. Argh!

Grace Book 5 is one of my favourites in the series. :) No spoilers, but there's some nice twists in it.

And yeah the filler novels are tough but as long as you have a vested interest in several characters - which you do - you should be fine.

Robin (Bridge Four) Grace wrote: "Book 5 is one of my favourites in the series. :) No spoilers, but there's some nice twists in it.

And yeah the filler novels are tough but as long as you have a vested interest in several characte..."

Sweet thanks Grace. Now I'm even a little more excited for the next book.

Maria Dimitrova Faile and Perrin are great! I so love them together :)

Justin  hight Awsome book

Robin (Bridge Four) Justin wrote: "Awsome book"

Super good.

Jason Schneeberger This book is amazing. I really wish I could have finished the series, but book 6 did me in with it

Robin (Bridge Four) Jason wrote: "This book is amazing. I really wish I could have finished the series, but book 6 did me in with it"

Ah...well if you feel like picking it up again (I here there are a few books in the middle that were not as exciting) we are doing the sixth in June and and 7th in July. You are welcome to jump in if you feel like finishing it out.

I'm pretty sure since I have some friends reading along with me I'll be okay.

message 13: by Igor (new) - rated it 5 stars

Igor Ljubuncic Good one. Probably the pinnace of the series!
Let's see how it goes from here.

Robin (Bridge Four) Igor wrote: "Good one. Probably the pinnace of the series!
Let's see how it goes from here.

Yep....I'm excited and nervous since right now I really like this series.

Sean Barrs nice review :)

Sean Barrs nice review :)

Robin (Bridge Four) Thanks Sean

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