♥Rachel♥'s Reviews > Hallowed

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
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it was amazing

Don't read this if you haven't read Unearthly.

This was such an emotional book for me. I loved it even more than the first book, which is something. I find in trilogies, a lot of the time the second book suffers from "second book syndrome" where it feels like filler. No real great answers or movement in plot from the first book. Not so in this case. Yes, we are left with more questions but so many things were revealed. A couple revelations made my jaw drop open!

We start right where Unearthly left off, after the fire. Clara has deviated from what she thought was her purpose of rescuing Christian, to save Tucker first. Come to find out, Christian is also part angel, so he was never in need of rescuing. So what was her purpose, if not to save Christian? Clara starts having another dream/vision, and when she finds out what this is, she's scared to pieces. As a reader you are too! Christian tries to get closer to Clara, realizing that she was the one from his vision; she was his purpose somehow too. This puts a strain on her relationship with Tucker, and Clara feels stuck in the middle. In Unearthly, I was solidly Team Tucker, partly because we didn't get to know Christian that well. Also, I sort of felt it was his own fault Clara ended up falling in love with Tucker. He made one of the stupidest decisions of all prom dates! You take your ex-girlfriend home instead of your date?!! What were you thinking?!! But my feelings toward Christian, in Hallowed, did a 180! I was swooning over him just as much as I am over Tucker. *sigh* And now, my heart truly goes out to both boys, and to Clara. This is NOT an easy love triangle! I'm going to be hurt whichever way this goes!

A big plus in this installment, is we get more answers to what Clara's mother Maggie knows. She starts revealing more and more to her, answering quite a few questions, but also raising some more in the process. We also get more of Clara's dad, and the explanation of his leaving the family. Jeffrey's purpose and why he was in the forest that night is also revealed. All I can say is, wow, did not see that coming! While Angela is still portrayed as a friend to Clara, in this book, I can't help but have suspicions. I get this feeling, things are not all as they appear with her.

Like I said this book was such an emotional read for me, for several reasons! I was crying off and on from about halfway through, until the end. Mind you, I was on a plane ride while reading this book, so is was completely embarrassing that I had to keep taking off my glasses to wipe away the tears! Don't let this deter you from reading the book though. I am not a fan of dreary, depressing stories, and even though this was very sad, it was not depressing. It was amazing!

I can't wait to read the third, and concluding book in this series. I've joked that I want to camp out at Cynthia Hand's house, and make her give me each chapter as she finishes, so I don't have to wait until January of next year!!! I wish I were a more patient person, because a restraining order is probably not a good idea for me. I would not have these strong emotions if this story wasn't that good. It's one of my favorites this year! Do not pass this up. I just met Cynthia at a book signing, and tried to fish out some information from her. Let me tell you, this woman is skilled in the art of evasion! I pride myself in my interrogation talents, and she was a worthy opponent! If you want to hear more about the event signing I attended, you can check it out on The Midnight Garden.
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Quotes ♥Rachel♥ Liked

Cynthia Hand
“Hi there," Tucker says brightly, like we're bumping into each other on the street.
"Uh, hi."
"Nice night for stalking," he observes.
"No, I was---"
"Get your butt in here, Carrots.”
Cynthia Hand, Hallowed

Reading Progress

May 24, 2011 – Shelved
April 7, 2012 – Started Reading
April 7, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-33 of 33 (33 new)

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Wendy Darling I saw your "should I wait until the third book is out" question on Jasprit's review...and if you can wait, it might not be a bad idea, given your reaction to other books I've seen. The really hard part probably isn't what you think it is, though.

Could I BE any more cryptic? Hah.

Bethany This book tore my heart apart. I like Christian but Tucker has my heart. I wish book three was out now.

♥Rachel♥ Wendy, I just now saw your comment on this! I don't know how it escaped me and I wasn't notified. I guess it's too late now! Loved this one, btw! More even than the first one. But oh, the wait! Not as long because I did wait a little before reading this.

Bethany, the whole book tore my heart apart too! I was crying off and on the whole 2nd part of the book. I was also sad about the Tucker and Christian situation! This is a true triangle because both suitors are worthy and I'm going to feel bad whichever way it goes. Thank goodness we only have one more book to solve everything. Man, I have so many questions! (view spoiler)

Bethany (view spoiler)

♥Rachel♥ (view spoiler)

Bethany (view spoiler)

♥Rachel♥ The wait is already killing me!! But seriously, I LOVED these books. I can't believe Hallowed was sooo good, especially being a second in the series. I liked this one better than the first! :)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

i can't believe you're already done! i really want to read this now.

Wendy Darling Ohh! Darling Rachel, I want to give you a big hug. I know exactly how you feel. I'm happy about what happened in this book, but I'm sad for whoever is left out, too.

(view spoiler) I cried all over again in all the same parts when I reread it a little while back. Look forward to your review!

Eunice I understand what you feel, Rachel. Even though I've been on Team Christian since the beginning it still made me so sad when (view spoiler) Looking forward to your review. :))

♥Rachel♥ Kate, I read it all the way through on a plane ride. I had nothing else to do! You haven't read this one yet?

Wendy and Eunice, I was happy too when (view spoiler)

Sam, I totally agree with you. But most other stories it sort of feels obvious who should be picked and you find yourself rooting for that character. I don't feel that's the case in this one. Either one is going to break my heart. I'm thinking that Tucker is the "obvious" choice but then again, I'm not sure Cynthia Hand will pair him with her.

♥Rachel♥ Oh me too, Sam!! :)

Wendy Darling Did you ladies see Cynthia Hand's TEASE for the third book? Christian and Clara. On a date. With flowers! http://ericaorourke.typepad.com/blog/...

♥Rachel♥ OMG Wendy! *faints* I loved it!! I tell you, I just want to find out where Cynthia Hand lives, and camp out on her porch and make her give me the chapters she's finished, so I can read them as she's done. I'll bring a tent. I am so desperate for book three!! :)

Wendy Darling Hah hah, I posted that on my "review" for Unearthly #3 as well. :) I loved it too, she's such a tease!

You and I live near her, Rachel, what say we band together and camp out in front of her class at Pepperdine? I swear, I think of her every time I drive past the university, hah.

♥Rachel♥ Sounds like a plan. I'll have to tell her on Thursday. I foresee a restraining order in the future! :)

Wendy Darling Oh yes. :) Have a wonderful time, Rachel! I'm sure she'll be just as fun in person as she is online.

♥Rachel♥ Well, he did pop into her mind on the date, Sam. The wait is going to kill me!

message 19: by Dija (last edited Apr 14, 2012 09:19AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dija OMG, Rachel, it's so awesome that you got to meet all these authors personally! It's these times I miss America the most! And like always, great review. :)

Wendy Darling Love your review, Rachel! And yaaay, thanks so much for being our guest on the blog today. Lookie you, asking Cynthia the tough questions. ;)

Giselle Great review Rachel I can't decide a team either I love them both so much!! AAH. It was really an emotional read!

♥Rachel♥ Thank you Diji! I feel so privileged that these authors come through here! I get so excited and nervous meeting them! :)

Wendy, I guess I can ask the tough questions, but it doesn't mean she give a straight answer! Haha! Thanks again, for having me. It was great fun!! :)

♥Rachel♥ Thank you Giselle! I agree, I can't pick one either. I love them both too. I guess we'll have to wait 'til January to see how Cynthia breaks our heart! :)

message 24: by Laura (new)

Laura Eeek! I can’t read a Rachel review! That sucks! :( Unearthly just got bumped to the top of the pile!

message 25: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Lovely review, Rachel.

♥Rachel♥ Thanks Sam. Now the wait begins! :)

♥Rachel♥ Heidi wrote: "Lovely review, Rachel."

Thank you Heidi. :)

Eunice Brilliant review, Rachel! I'm pretty suspicious of Angela too, there just something a little off about her...or maybe it's just me. Haha!

I wish I were a more patient person, because a restraining order is probably not a good idea for me. --> Lol, Rachel! This definitely made laugh! We could be really desperate sometimes, that's what good book do to us. Haha! XD

Jasprit Wonderful review Rachel, this book was certainly one heck of a tear jerker! I was so conflicted afterwards I never thought I would start liking Christian too! I bet you'll be crossing off the months on your calender for the third book! :)

Wendy thanks for posting that awesome sneak peek, I'm literally dying here now for the third book! :)

♥Rachel♥ Thank you Jasprit. I know this was so sad but oh, so good! One of my favorite reads for the year. I can't choose between the boys, though! I love them both! :)

Ronyell Awesome review Rachel!!! I really loved this book too and I can't wait to read the final book!

♥Rachel♥ Ronyell wrote: "Awesome review Rachel!!! I really loved this book too and I can't wait to read the final book!"

Thank you Ronyell. Nice that you don't have to wait for the next one! I love it when I can just read one book right after the other. I'll check out your review. :)

Ronyell ♥Rachel♥ wrote: "Ronyell wrote: "Awesome review Rachel!!! I really loved this book too and I can't wait to read the final book!"

Thank you Ronyell. Nice that you don't have to wait for the next one! I love it when..."

Thanks!!! Just posted it up!

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