Optimist ♰King's Wench♰'s Reviews > Strays

Strays by Garrett Leigh
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Tag team review with my fellow uni, The Adam!

4.75 Hearts

This series is a keeper!

I thoroughly enjoyed Strays in a completely different way than Misfits. The characterizations of both Nero and Lenny are just as three-dimensional as those of its predecessor, but these two vibrant characters are bolder than Jake or Tom. Strays can be read as a standalone, but you don't want to miss Misfits if for no other reason than to experience Leigh's range for yourself.

“Nero’s a grumpy sod, but he’s salt of the earth, really. I’d trust ‘im with my life.”

I was heart eyeing Nero in Misfits and Leigh did not disappoint in delivering the grump in Strays. He is a Grumpy McGrumperton of the highest order. He’s intimidating, growly, caustic even! Man, I heart him. He’s pricklier than a porcupine on the outside but with a marshmallow center. I really loved that Leigh didn’t ungrumpify him at the first sweet aroma of TruuuueeeWuuubbbbb. Wait. Sorry, this is MM romancelandia so change that sweet to musky with a hint of something woodsy.

Nero's backstory which he is tightlipped about is doled out like breadcrumbs, and fleshes him out. Honestly, it was pretty tough for me to read. Not because of the abuse he suffered but because the system failed him. I got so worked up that I had to take a break, if that tells you anything.

Cass, Tom and Jake make appearances which I loved! Crunchy twats FTW! It’s Cass that puts Lenny in Nero’s life. Cass and Nero's relationship is more complex than I envisioned and if you've read my review of Misfits you'll know Cass was my favorite. I think, though it's never explicitly said, that Cass put these two together for a reason. Cass asks Nero to not let him be scared and he does, but I think Lenny saves Nero as much as Nero saves Lenny.

Lenny’s got a psycho-stalker that’s got him so rightly freaked out that he’s afraid to even step foot outside when he lands on Nero’s couch. In many ways they are opposites but what they share is an intestinal fortitude that keeps them from giving up. Both are fiercely independent and unapologetic about it, so I think they have more commonalities than differences which gives them balance. Lenny is a bit femme with his guyliner and glitter. He used to be a dancer, creative, artistic and outgoing before everything went to hell in a handbasket.

What I loved most about their relationship is: (1) their interplay. Lenny’s never afraid of Nero’s bluster. He laughs and jokes around with him; he engages in the verbal swordplay whereas most back down; (2) Lenny’s the smaller guy, but surprisingly, it’s the rough and tumble, tattooed, imposing Nero who harbors fantasies of bottoming, when he's thought about having sex with a bloke, that is.

Their romance is a slow burn that builds tension to explosive proportions. The UST backbuilds so that every time they're together it’s fierce, feral and combustive, but don’t expect an excessive amount of sex. There is some and it is pretty amazing but Strays focuses on the development of their relationship as they painstakingly build trust between them. At one point I actually found myself coaching Lenny. Now, that's either hella invested in this narrative or I'm a crazy train. Maybe both. Probably.

“I’m different because you saw me, Lenny.”

The only thing I couldn’t reconcile was the submissive/bottoming thing which I do not think of as one and the same. It was a strange leap for Lenny to make in the first place, struck me as tacked on and weird and what’s more, nothing is done with it. It just sort of sits there like your weird uncle at holiday gatherings that no one knows what to do with.

Aside from that one hiccup, it’s a touching story with two complex characters that are great individually and the love they have for one another makes them greater which is what makes reading this genre worthwhile for me.

Obviously, I adored all the cookery and that Nero never babied Lenny in the kitchen. The Urban Soul organization... *sigh* I wish with all my heart it wasn't fictional, because I would so quit my job and work for them. How the restaurant story arch played out was just as satisfying as the first.

The formatting with sections being from one perspective then switching to the other for a time I really like. It helps me get to know each character in meaningful ways. I’m hopeful this series continues and perhaps the next book will feature Jolen or more of Nero and Lenny and their food truck adventures.



A copy was provided by NetGalley.
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Reading Progress

January 30, 2017 – Shelved
March 4, 2017 – Started Reading
March 4, 2017 –
7.0% "I suddenly have a shit ton of stuff to do this weekend but I refuse to be the slacker in this BR with The Adam. Turtle, maybe. Slacker, no.

p.s. I ❤Nero already."
March 6, 2017 –
58.0% "I really ❤ me some Nero. He is a proper grump."
March 6, 2017 –
58.0% "I am so F%^&* mad at the stupid judicial system right now & it's general fuckedupedness, though I am oddly heartened to know it's fucked up on both sides of the pond. But still... Imma take a break before I blow a gasket."
March 7, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by JAN (new) - rated it 4 stars

JAN Loved your thoughts, Cupcake! x

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Jan wrote: "Loved your thoughts, Cupcake! x"

Thanks Jan! Lemme take a gander at your since I see stars on your comment! :)

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Wait! Where are you? We're not friends??? WTH? Lemme rectify this.

message 4: by JAN (new) - rated it 4 stars

JAN Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ & MANTIES Champion wrote: "Wait! Where are you? We're not friends??? WTH? Lemme rectify this."

Ha! I was a stalker till minutes ago ;-)

message 5: by DaisyGirl (new)

DaisyGirl Great review! Ok, I'll give this series a try.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Thank you! It really is a great series. Hope you enjoy it.

Ziezie Awesome review Cupcake!! Because of your and Snjez’s reviews, I read Misfits and I loved it so much. Going to read Strays now.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Zizie wrote: "Awesome review Cupcake!! Because of your and Snjez’s reviews, I read Misfits and I loved it so much. Going to read Strays now."

I think this is my most successful Leigh series outing to date. Hopefully it worked out for you.
Happy New Year, Zizie!!!

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