Candi's Reviews > The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party

The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown
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bookshelves: history, non-fiction, adventurers-explorers, kindle-book-i-own

4.5 stars

"Like all people in all times, the emigrant men and women, as well as the Native American men and women, of the 1840s were complex bundles of fear and hope, greed and generosity, nobility and savagery. And in the end, each of them was, of course, an individual, as unique and vital and finely nuanced as you or me." – from the Author’s Note by Daniel James Brown

Before I talk about this remarkable true story, I have to subject you to a small rant. I finished this book a couple of weeks ago, and as is my usual habit, I highlighted the heck out of it. There were so many interesting facts and a myriad of people in this story, and I wanted to make sure I kept track of everything so I could write a decent review as well as simply refer back to it in future. I sat down last night to take a look at my notes and synch them from my kindle paperwhite to my computer. To my complete dismay, not only did the synch fail, but ALL of my notes except for one disappeared from the paperwhite!!! Argh!!! I immediately hollered for my husband, who has been known to fix just about anything computer or electronic-related. No such luck. But this kind and sympathetic guy spent a good half hour or more on the phone with Amazon (with party noises going on in the background) only to end up where we started – exactly nowhere and with my notes lost… gone forever apparently. Has this ever happened to any of my device-using friends? So frustrating! I just hope in future this doesn’t occur again.

Okay, back to the book… I think most have some knowledge of the Donner Party and their attempt to reach California with the promise of increased prosperity. This is their journey as told through the painstaking and thorough research of Daniel James Brown. Some of you may recognize his name as the author of the bestselling book The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics – a book which I have sadly neglected to read yet. To the best of his ability, Brown attempted to follow the route of the Donner Party, granted not all on foot or with teams of oxen and covered wagons as these pioneers would have done. The party was a rather large one and it was sometimes difficult to keep straight all of the players, but Brown focuses primarily on the Graves family from Illinois. Specifically, we see the doomed expedition on the heels of Sarah Graves who has been newly married just prior to setting out to the land of her dreams. Likely, I don’t have to tell you that all goes wrong when the party reaches the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the dead of winter – not to mention that 1846 has seen more severe weather than is even typical for this part of the country. We are quite spoiled in this day and age with our advanced maps, cell phones, and our GPS systems, all at the tips of our fingers. The Donner Party did not have these luxuries of course, and much of their trek was dependent on very crude maps and the hearsay of those who had travelled before them. There are some at the tail end of the journey that would benefit from the party arriving in California rather than detouring to Oregon. Add in a dose of greed, dishonesty and ineptitude and you have a recipe for a disaster of mammoth proportions. When confronted with starvation, hypothermia, fear, desperation and even snow blindness, what will one resort to in order to survive? This account, necessarily, was rather grisly at times, but I could not help but take pity on these poor souls. We see the whole spectrum of humanity, as is true when any catastrophe strikes – from extraordinary courage to overwhelming despair, as well as extreme feats of unselfishness to alarming acts of greed and savagery.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys true adventure stories. It is extremely well-researched and all of the information is presented in a narrative that is never dry but always quite compelling. If I had any criticism, it would mainly be the large cast of characters, which eventually sort themselves out.

"And they had nailed the boards above her
The peasants of that land,
Wondering to lay her in that solitude,
And raised above her mound
A cross they had made out of two bits of
And planted cypress round;
And left her to the indifferent stars above."

- W.B. Yeats, “A Dream of Death”
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Reading Progress

June 30, 2017 – Shelved
June 30, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
June 30, 2017 – Shelved as: history
June 30, 2017 – Shelved as: non-fiction
June 30, 2017 – Shelved as: adventurers-explorers
November 24, 2017 – Shelved as: kindle-book-i-own
January 23, 2018 – Started Reading
January 31, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Sara (new)

Sara I have always been a bit fascinated with the Donner story. I have seen several documentaries and read a bit, so this might help a lot in keeping the names sorted while reading this one. I marvel at the courage and tenacity that some people show in the face of true danger and hardship (something most of us modern Americans know nothing about first hand).

As for your computer disaster...I know the absolute frustration of losing important work or documents because of a computer glitch. All you can do is rant a little and move forward. In the grand scheme of things, I guess it is still a first-world problem. ;)

message 2: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Excellent review, Candi! I read a book a long time ago about the Donner story but it is worth reading again through fresh eyes. [I haven't had problems with my Kobo Aura thus far, but to be honest, I don't use it a lot for taking notes or highlighting. I usually prefer to write 'highlights' in a small notebook, along with little "character trees" that I draw sometimes - it's fun to go flipping back through it 😊 )

Candi Sara wrote: "I have always been a bit fascinated with the Donner story. I have seen several documentaries and read a bit, so this might help a lot in keeping the names sorted while reading this one. I marvel at..."

I knew only the very basics of this story, Sara, so this book proved to be very informative for me. It's incredible what they had to endure, and you are right - many of us would not last a day in a situation like this, lol!

And you are right about the computer glitch - first-world problem indeed!

Candi Jaline wrote: "Excellent review, Candi! I read a book a long time ago about the Donner story but it is worth reading again through fresh eyes. [I haven't had problems with my Kobo Aura thus far, but to be honest,..."

Thank you, Jaline. Perhaps this one will give you a different perspective? It's certainly well-written, so there's that :) This is the first time I've ever had the notes disappear on me like that. I did consider taking handwritten notes in future, but the problem is that sometimes I sneak reading in here and there for just a few minutes at a time (i.e. waiting in dark car for a child to come out of dance, etc.) So it's just easier to take advantage of the device features! Fingers crossed for the next time :)

message 5: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Candi, I hope that the eReader glitch was a one-time thing! I can certainly see the benefits of taking notes and highlighting right on the eReader for people "on the fly". (I think I just haven't taken the time to play with my settings enough to do it justice!)

message 6: by Julie (new)

Julie Excellent review, Candi!! I've never synched my notes from kindle to computer, but I did lose them once when a library loan ended before I had a chance to write my review. UGH!

message 7: by Tammy (new) - added it

Tammy This sounds fascinating (the book not the glitch). Great review! I’m adding it

Candi Jaline wrote: "Candi, I hope that the eReader glitch was a one-time thing! I can certainly see the benefits of taking notes and highlighting right on the eReader for people "on the fly". (I think I just haven't t..."

Thanks, Jaline! :)

message 9: by Candi (last edited Feb 12, 2018 05:44PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Candi Marita wrote: "Excellent review, Candi. I’m so glad that you liked this book as much as I did. I’m sorry to hear about your highlights. I also highlight a great deal, as without these highlights I’d be unable to ..."

Thank you, Marita! It was thanks to your fantastic review that I purchased the book. When one of my groups decided to read this, I got right in line. I really rely on those notes quite heavily too :)

Candi Julie wrote: "Excellent review, Candi!! I've never synched my notes from kindle to computer, but I did lose them once when a library loan ended before I had a chance to write my review. UGH!"

Thanks, Julie! I've never had to actually do a synch before (all my notes have automatically synched in the past), but this time I had to and that's when it got all funky on me, lol!

Candi Tammy wrote: "This sounds fascinating (the book not the glitch). Great review! I’m adding it"

Thank you, Tammy - it really is quite fascinating! The glitch... not so much, lol.

Cathrine ☯️ How frustrating. Being a new Paperwhite user myself my eyebrows are up. Great review Candi. I saw a documentary on this several years ago. It was quite harrowing to say the least.

message 13: by Ken (new)

Ken What the author noted about 1840s works for all time, going forward or back. As for your synch problem, I say, Go back to the highlighter. When it fails, you toss it and pick up a new one. Signed, Mr. Indifferent Treeslayer

Candi Cathrine ☯️ wrote: "How frustrating. Being a new Paperwhite user myself my eyebrows are up. Great review Candi. I saw a documentary on this several years ago. It was quite harrowing to say the least."

Thank you, Cathrine. I would love to watch a documentary about this tragedy. Re: the paperwhite, I suspect I needed an update or something, and this may have just been an unlucky moment for me. I've had it for nearly a year without any prior trouble :)

Candi Ken wrote: "What the author noted about 1840s works for all time, going forward or back. As for your synch problem, I say, Go back to the highlighter. When it fails, you toss it and pick up a new one. Signed, ..."

Quite true about that quote, Ken. About the highlighter - I do love my real books and have hundreds of them on my shelves so I am in agreement there! I finally gave in to the whole ereader thing only a couple of years ago - not as a replacement for the 'real' thing, but only as a way to feed my reading obsession even further, lol. The feel of an actual book in hand can never be replaced, in my opinion :)

Laurie I used to cross country ski in the area where the Donner Party got stranded. I thought of them often & what they endured while I was there in my warm clothes with my hot meal waiting in my crock pot at the end of the day. All those early explorers & pioneers had bravery that most of us can't imagine. Great review, Candi! I look forward to reading this book & learning more about the Donner Party.

message 17: by Sharon (new) - added it

Sharon Metcalf Candi what a considerate husband you have....I'm impressed. I can imagine how frustrated you must have felt to lose all those notes. I'd have been so cranky. Great review 😀. Honestly I dont know much (read anything) of the Donner party. Sounds like I had better read this one.

Candi Sharon wrote: "Candi what a considerate husband you have....I'm impressed. I can imagine how frustrated you must have felt to lose all those notes. I'd have been so cranky. Great review 😀. Honestly I dont know mu..."

Thank you, Sharon! The hubby has a lot of patience - way more than I do, lol! This book is very well-done. If you can stomach some of the gruesome bits, then I would recommend :)

Cathrine ☯️ Candi wrote: "Cathrine ☯️ wrote: "How frustrating. Being a new Paperwhite user myself my eyebrows are up. Great review Candi. I saw a documentary on this several years ago. It was quite harrowing to say the leas..."

Candi it was on PBS American Experience and you can watch the entire doc on YouTube.

Candi Oh, thanks very much for that link, Cathrine! I will definitely be watching that very soon :)

Candi Laurie wrote: "I used to cross country ski in the area where the Donner Party got stranded. I thought of them often & what they endured while I was there in my warm clothes with my hot meal waiting in my crock po..."

Wow, Laurie, that must have been surreal! I would be interested in visiting the monument and the museum if ever I get out to that part of the country. Have you ever been? And thank you :)

Laurie Candi, yes, I've been to the monument & museum, although it's been many years. I thought it was very interesting & worth a stop if you're in the Tahoe area. The area where I skied was called Royal Gorge. It's a beautiful area to cross country ski. On one trail, there was a marker that indicated it was where one group that tried to get out huddled around a fire while a blizzard raged around them. I don't believe there were any survivors from that small group. The Donner Party just had the perfect storm of things going wrong for them all through their passage.

Candi Laurie wrote: "Candi, yes, I've been to the monument & museum, although it's been many years. I thought it was very interesting & worth a stop if you're in the Tahoe area. The area where I skied was called Royal ..."

Really interesting, Laurie! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the area!

message 24: by Carol (new) - added it

Carol Superb review Candi! Added! :-)

message 25: by Jeannie (new)

Jeannie Awesome review Candi!

message 26: by Katie (new)

Katie Great review, Candi, despite the annoying handicap of losing all your notes.

Candi Carol wrote: "Superb review Candi! Added! :-)"

Thank you, Carol! I hope you like this one if you get a chance to read it!

Candi Jeannie wrote: "Awesome review Candi!"

Thank you, Jeannie! :)

Candi Katie wrote: "Great review, Candi, despite the annoying handicap of losing all your notes."

Thanks, Katie! It was a moment of panic, lol!

message 30: by Deanna (new)

Deanna I can totally feel your pain about lost notes. I hope it never happens again, Candi! Awesome review though!!

message 31: by Arah-Lynda (new) - added it

Arah-Lynda I too have a kindle paperwhite Candi but am happy to report that I have never lost a note or experienced problems syncing. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. I can appreciate your frustration. Even so you have written a remarkable review and I love adventure stories, most especially the true variety. Thanks.

Candi Deanna wrote: "I can totally feel your pain about lost notes. I hope it never happens again, Candi! Awesome review though!!"

Thank you, Deanna! I'll be watching those highlights like a hawk the next time, lol!

Candi Arah-Lynda wrote: "I too have a kindle paperwhite Candi but am happy to report that I have never lost a note or experienced problems syncing. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. I can appreciate your frustration. Ev..."

Arah-Lynda, I'm glad to hear it hasn't happened to you and fingers crossed it was just a one time occurrence for me! I think you will like this story, it's very harrowing but so well-done. True adventure stories really appeal to me as well :)

message 34: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Fantastic review, Candi, the Donner Party is such an disturbing, yet interesting story, I've read some about it and I've seen some documentaries about it, too. Debating if I'm up to reading this, but I admit to being intrigued. On your kindle... I have a paperwhite which I no longer use regularly, but there's not much difference, notes wise, between that and the Voyage or whatever mine is called. I haven't had that happen, but I'm curious if it's missing from your "Notes" section or in your "My Clippings." Just wondering if maybe it's only missing in one and not the other. I don't like having to pause my reading to write down quotes, although I've done it, but I do think that with this happening to you, it might be worth writing them down in a memo book later on. I'd be upset and frustrated with the loss! Feeling your pain!

Candi Thank you very much, Cheri. It's certainly an interesting story!

RE: my paperwhite. Yes, they were missing from my 'notes' section. I don't see anything on the paperwhite that's called 'my clippings'. It's funny because supposedly an update through Amazon was supposed to fix the problem, but I noticed yesterday on a new book that I have to make sure I tell it to synch my notes - won't do it automatically anymore for some reason. I think I will just have to be vigilant about checking on it. My paperwhite isn't even a year old, so I'm not sure why it's giving me hassle! :)

message 36: by Jim (new) - added it

Jim Thank you Candi for wonderful review. I bought this a while back and it is on my crowded TBR shelf but I am looking forward to reading it. I did read "The Boys in the Boat ...: and enjoyed it very much. Regarding the issue with lost notes on your Kindle I did have a similar issue once. I didn't have many but it was still frustrating when I went back to write my review. :-(

Candi Jim wrote: "Thank you Candi for wonderful review. I bought this a while back and it is on my crowded TBR shelf but I am looking forward to reading it. I did read "The Boys in the Boat ...: and enjoyed it very ..."

Thank you, Jim. This was a fascinating read. I have yet to read The Boys in the Boat which has been on my kindle for far too long. I've been very diligent about making sure my notes transfer after that last issue with the kindle!

Kris (My Novelesque Life) Fabulous review Candi!

Candi Kris - My Novelesque Life wrote: "Fabulous review Candi!"

Thank you, Kris! :)

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