Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > After You

After You by Jojo Moyes
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”Sometimes I felt as if we were all wading around in grief, reluctant to admit to others how far we were waving or drowning.”

Okay, before I start this review I have to admit three things:

1.) “After You” wasn’t what I expected it to be and headed into a completely different direction than I assumed.
2.) I think Jojo Moyes was very brave to go into this kind of direction and I appreciate her realistic approach.
3.) This might turn out to be a rather personal and subjective review.

I know it would be easy to say that I didn’t like Louisa in this book and a lot of reviewers before me actually did. They said they didn’t like how much she changed, that the happy girl was gone, that she wasted the gift Will had given her, that she was merely existing and not living her dream. Not doing, what Will wanted her to do before he died.

“Live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle. Just live well. Just live.”

But what a lot of readers didn’t get – and I'm glad they didn't seem to get it because I’m speaking from personal experience here and I truly wish no one to make an experience like that– is that she was grieving. Yes, Will’s death didn’t come unexpected. It was planned, they all knew it would happen but that didn’t change anything about the fact that she loved him and that he still decided to go. I wasn’t surprised that Lou is a mess at the beginning of this book, I wasn’t surprised, that she didn’t see the world like she planned to, that she didn’t live her dream. Because honestly: How could she? The person she loved, her first and one true love was dead and there was nothing she could have done to stop him, nothing that would have changed his mind.

”How could I explain to this girl what Will and I had been to each other, the way I felt that no person in the world had ever understood me like he did or ever would again? How could she understand that losing him was like having a hole shot straight through me, a painful, constant reminder, an absence I could never fill?”

To lose the person you love? It changes you, it alters your perception, it makes you realize how short life is, it forces you to acknowledge that you won’t live forever, that everything could be over in nothing but a second. You know that you should move on, because life moves on regardless if you want it to or not. If there’s one thing death teaches you, then it’s that life is merciless and doesn’t pause for the living!

”So what was the hardest part?” Mr Gopnik said.
“I’m sorry?”
“Of working for William Traynor. It sounds like quite a challenge.”
I hesitated. The room was suddenly very quiet. “Letting him go.” I said. And found myself unexpectedly biting back tears.

So, yes Louisa is a mess! She’s still so very young and innocent and has to deal with the loss of the man who stole her heart. Of course this experience changed her, of course she isn’t the same person she was before and yes, she is fighting depression! But she is doing everything she can in order to deal with his loss and that’s admirable and needs to be acknowledged.

I know a lot of readers might have wanted the book to go in another direction and truth be told I wanted to see a happy Louisa too, but that’s not how things work, that’s not how mourning works. That would have been unrealistic and it would have devalued the love Lou felt for Will. So, is this book an intermediate phase? Yes, it is! But it is necessary! Lou has to grieve in order to be able to move on and to heal and she ultimately does! Boy, how she does!

It might have been sad to read her journey, it might have been depressing but it was realistic and wholesome and I can’t thank Jojo Moyes enough for this kind of representation! Because that’s what happens when you lose the person you love! You try to get back on your feet, you try to live on, you fight to be able to enjoy your life! You learn how to cope with your loss, to turn it into something positive! There are days you take one step forward and two steps back, but you learn to be thankful for the fact that you’re still alive! That life is still ahead of you! That the time you spent with your loved one - no matter how long or short lived it might have been - was precious and a gift! And eventually… well eventually you accept your loss and you move on. You finally live the life you know your loved one wanted you to live all along.

I could write about Lou’s love interest or the rather unexpected twist that happens right at the beginning of the story. I could write about Lou’s funny family and all their antics, but I think I’ll just leave it at that.

For me “After You” is a book about grief and healing. About learning how to live with your scars and about accepting them as a part of you. The loss of a loved one might push you into the abyss but it’s up to you if you fight and crawl out of them or stay there and get lost. It’s a fight no one can help you with, a fight you have to battle on your own. But let me tell you this, it’s a battle that’s always worth it. ;-)

So thank you Jojo Moyes, for tackling such a sensitive and serious topic with genuine humour and tentative prudence. Thank you for giving us hope. I can only speak for myself here, but my teenage me really would have needed and appreciated your book! It might be too late for me, but I’m sure many other people will find comfort in your words!
And sometimes, well sometimes that’s already enough. =)


It only took me about five years to get over the first book but I’m very optimistic that I’ll be able to read book two without suffering another severe trauma crying my soul out.

I mean it’s got to get better, right?
Lou will get happy in this one, she has to!

If not I might just end up throwing another book against a wall. >_<
Urgh, the heartbreak from “Me Before You” still feels so fresh… and this after five freaking years.

I’m going to read this but can anyone hug me when it gets too much? *makes huge puppy eyes*
Wish me luck, guys! I get the feeling I might need it. T_T
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Quotes Virginia Ronan Liked

Jojo Moyes
“I swallowed. “Mum, you’re not going to get divorced, are you?” Her eyes shot open. “Divorced? I’m a good Catholic girl, Louisa. We don’t divorce. We just make our men suffer for all eternity.” She waited just for a moment, and then she started to laugh.”
Jojo Moyes, After You

Jojo Moyes
“Last night. When I was bleeding out. I heard you.

Our eyes locked. And in that moment everything shifted. I saw what I had really done. I saw that I could be somebody's centre, their reason for staying. I saw that I could be enough.”
Jojo Moyes, After You

Reading Progress

July 14, 2017 – Shelved
July 14, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
September 3, 2017 – Shelved as: romance
April 8, 2019 – Started Reading
April 10, 2019 –
page 67
16.38% "Mhmm I wonder where this is heading. The beginning definitely wasn't what I expected. XD"
April 17, 2019 –
page 122
29.83% ""How could she understand that losing him was like having a hole shot straight through me, a painful, constant reminder, an absence I could never fill?"

Aww Lou!!! T_T I can relate to this so much. To lose someone you love... it's horrible. Well, "Horrible" is just an inadequate word that's not even close to what it feels like. Excruciating, painful, dolorous... all of those words would do."
April 18, 2019 –
page 166
40.59% ""I think she loves me. But she loves herself more. Or how could she do what she does?"

Poor Lily! =( And how come I'm currently reading two books that both have a Lily in them? *lol*"
April 20, 2019 –
page 212
51.83% ""Sometimes I felt as if we were all wading around in grief, reluctant to admit to others how far we were waving or drowning."

Boy, this book is so heavy! >_< I think Jojo Moyes has guts to write such a story right after "Me Before You"."
April 24, 2019 –
page 270
66.01% "Aww, no!!! Lily what did you do? T_T"
April 26, 2019 –
page 325
79.46% "I swallowed. "Mum, you're not going to get divorced, are you?"
Her eyes shot open. "Divorced? I'm a good Catholic girl, Louisa. We don't divorce. We just make our men suffer for all eternity!"

Did I ever mention that I love Lou's mum? *LMAO* That's such an epic statement I can't even. Haha! <3"
April 28, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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Gabi I read it, I understand the pain!!! I’m here with a hug when you need it!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Gabi wrote: "I read it, I understand the pain!!! I’m here with a hug when you need it!"

Aww thank you, Gabi! <3 I'm sure I'll collect that hug! XD

message 3: by Lena ❃ (new) - added it

Lena ❃ aslkdfjaldf I am also scared of picking up the 2nd book for fear that it will rip my heart out

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Lena ❃ wrote: "aslkdfjaldf I am also scared of picking up the 2nd book for fear that it will rip my heart out"

Me too! It took me ages to pick this up because I'm still not over the first book. But I want to know how it continues so I have no other choice than to go with it. *lol*

message 5: by Tahera (new) - added it

Tahera The first book was pure love and I have read mixed reviews for book 2 so scared to start of with it...

Kylie Psaila I have read this book at work and ended up sobbing in front of my co-workers, so I know how you feel! The second one is amazing too and not as heartbreaking as this one. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Tahera wrote: "The first book was pure love and I have read mixed reviews for book 2 so scared to start of with it..."

It was so good but also so heartbreaking. 😢 I think I only read one review about it a while ago and that one was positive. So I'm basically going into this blind. XD

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Kylie wrote: "I have read this book at work and ended up sobbing in front of my co-workers, so I know how you feel! The second one is amazing too and not as heartbreaking as this one. Hope you'll enjoy it!"

Aww poor you! >_< Thankfully I read the first book at home. I was bawling my eyes out though. xD It's comforting to hear that book two isn't as heartbreaking as "Me Before You".

message 9: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky I'll throw a hug your way. :-)

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Joe wrote: "I'll throw a hug your way. :-)"

Aww thank you, Joe! That already makes it better! =)

Andrea Valeska I wish you luck reading this book! I didn't really enjoyed it, but the first one will always remain one of my all-time favorites n_n

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Andrea wrote: "I wish you luck reading this book! I didn't really enjoyed it, but the first one will always remain one of my all-time favorites n_n"

There seem to be a lot of mixed opinions about this book but I'll just give it a try and see where it leads me. XD Thank you, Andrea! <3

Yna from Books and Boybands I need motivation to read this one. I am afraid it will affect how beautiful Me Before You was.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Nicole ❤ wrote: "I need motivation to read this one. I am afraid it will affect how beautiful Me Before You was."

Mhmm I dunno if I can give you that motivation. It was good but totally different to what I expected and due to that not as good as the first book!? Does that make sense!? *lol*

message 15: by TARA (new) - rated it 4 stars

TARA Book 3 is so great

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ tara wrote: "Book 3 is so great"

I'm really looking forward to it because I think with the ending of book2 things are finally starting. XD

message 17: by Selena (new)

Selena Great review Virginia!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Selena wrote: "Great review Virginia!"

Thank you, Selena! 😊

Tatevik doesn’t get notifications Wonderful review Virginia! I love it 😍

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Tatevik wrote: "Wonderful review Virginia! I love it 😍"

Aww thanks, Tatevik. It came from my heart so it's good that you like it! <3

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Elvisa wrote: "This is such a great review. I didn't know whether to pick this one up or not. But your review makes me want to read it now. So thank you so much for that. I really loved the first one and I was sc..."

Thank you so much for your kind words. 😊 I could really relate to Lou and I think people will either like this book because they understand grief or they won't because they never experienced such a loss. (I'm kind of hoping most won't because it hurts and I wouldn't want to wish anyone to feel pain like that.) This said I still hope that you won't be disappointed by it. Let me know once you read it! I'd really love to hear your thoughts! 😊

Ruthie beautiful review!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Ruthie wrote: "beautiful review!"

Thank you, Ruthie! It came from my heart and is based on experience. =)

Beth Ann beautiful review, and yes, as someone who has lost their husband at a young age, It took a while to pick up as I didn't think I was ready. I am so glad I waited, the grief Lou goes through is so real.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Beth Ann wrote: "beautiful review, and yes, as someone who has lost their husband at a young age, It took a while to pick up as I didn't think I was ready. I am so glad I waited, the grief Lou goes through is so real."

Thank you, Beth Ann! I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a loved one when you're so young so I completely understand it took you a while to pick up the book. If wounds are too fresh you have to let them heal before you can read a book like this one. Lou's grief was very real. I could relate to it more than I wanted to. >_< Thank you so much for commenting. <3 I wish you a lovely Saturday. =)

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