Petrik's Reviews > The Shadow Rising

The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
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's review

it was ok

Updated on February 2022

There are so many comments and I can't keep up with replying to all of them. I'm sorry! So, here it is. It's been almost three years since I wrote this review. I've decided to continue my journey with the series, and I highly enjoyed The Fires of Heaven! I will, however, let my review down below, which reflected my experience and disappointment on reading this book the for the first time, intact until (or IF, to be precise) I reread this book again. Until then...
I give up. Here’s where I say goodbye to The Wheel of Time.

The Shadow Rising is the fourth book in The Wheel of Time series, it’s been claimed by many fans of the series that installment is one of the better books—some even said it’s THE best–written by Robert Jordan before Brandon Sanderson takes over. I personally found this book to be the worst in the series so far.

Just like the extremely repetitive nature of the series, the only way I can explain why I found myself incredibly disappointed is, again, by repeating the cons that I’ve mentioned in my review of the previous three books. What I mean by this is that the story starts awesome, became extremely boring, and then a great conclusion again. Seriously, I read through the first 25% in a day, then it took me six days—with skimming Perrin’s story—to finish the remaining content. I won’t lie that a ridiculous amount of determination was self-forced on me in order for me to able to finish this.

A huge factor of why this series doesn’t work for me is that to me, it contained some of the most infuriating and annoying set of characters I’ve ever read in my entire life; at this moment if a bird comes over and peck them to death I’ll at least laugh and enjoy it more. The more I read Jordan’s prose, the more I realize just how easy the writing serves to push me out of my immersion. For a few days, there were moments where I literally stared at the blue sky and look at the cloud moves slowly for 15 minutes; it was more exciting than reading this. If this IS the best work, I can’t even imagine reading through the infamous book 7-10.

Honestly, I have not much else to say. From what I’ve read so far, there’s nothing in this series—except the fact that Sanderson finished the last three books—that makes me want to continue reading it. I know my reading preference, and I know I CAN push myself if I want to, but I have zero doubt that it will put me into a reading slump (I’m very close to one now because of this installment) or at least makes me hate reading fantasy for a while; Sanderson, one of my favorite authors of all time, finishing the series brilliantly isn’t enough of a reason for me to risk that.

I’m truly glad that a lot of people loved The Wheel of Time. It’s also a series that has sparked a lot of incredible modern fantasy work and I won’t deny that achievement. However, I seriously believe that this is a series that would’ve worked so much better if I were at least a decade younger and haven’t read through—in my opinion—tons of other superior fantasy work. For me, this series sounds better when someone else described what they loved about it rather than the reading experience itself; that’s not a good thing at all.

Trust me when I say that I’m genuinely saddened that I can’t love this series. I own two first edition hardcover of A Memory of Light, and I WANT to read and love through the series but I simply can’t. The Shadow Rising will be where I stop reading The Wheel of Time. I don’t know whether I’ll ever return to this series, maybe when there are no more interesting books in my TBR. But for now, this is it. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills, and it’s telling the man who calls himself Petrik to go Marie Kondo on this series now. In her words, this doesn’t spark any joy for me. Goodbye The Wheel of Time, other worlds more suitable for me awaits me.

You can order the book from: Book Depository (Free shipping)

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 239 (239 new)

Justine *cries silent tears*

Just kidding! I love these books but they're a tough sell for a modern fantasy reader. They feel super dated at this point!

Nils | nilsreviewsit At least you tried, Petrik! No point reading a series you’re not enjoying. Life’s way too short my friend! 😊

Marius :))) I will just leave part of my comment to your book 3 review.

"I wonder if and when you give up the series :P I stopped after 6 books, I think."

message 4: by Hanzel (new)

Hanzel too bad, since the early parts of this great, great series was a bit topsy- turvy, but the latter part is where the meat is........

Petrik Justine wrote: "*cries silent tears*

Just kidding! I love these books but they're a tough sell for a modern fantasy reader. They feel super dated at this point!"

Hahahaha it's okay! I'm really glad that you love this series, Justine! urgh I'm so bummed that I can't feel the same about it. They're so outdated now is so true!

Petrik Nils | nilsreviewsit wrote: "At least you tried, Petrik! No point reading a series you’re not enjoying. Life’s way too short my friend! 😊"

I tried 1 million words already... That should be enough right!? xD Time for me to move on!

Petrik Marius wrote: ":))) I will just leave part of my comment to your book 3 review.

"I wonder if and when you give up the series :P I stopped after 6 books, I think.""

YES! Hahahahaha dammit! I thought I'll at least until the sixth book but I can't! Even the thought of reading it is making me tired already.

Petrik Hanzel wrote: "too bad, since the early parts of this great, great series was a bit topsy- turvy, but the latter part is where the meat is........"

It's unfortunate, Hanzel. I really want to love this, but I can't. Pushing through another 7 books (2 million words) that I don't love just to get to the final three books sounds very lunatic to me xD

message 9: by Hélène (new)

Hélène Louise I always thought that I wouldn't like this series (for various reasons, one is because old fantasy doesn't seem to agree with me) and the promess of BS in its end never was an enough enticement to have a go!
Don't torture yourself, there are so many other books to read!
(the sky is lovely and blue here, but I'm just glancing at it from time to time, my read seems to be good! ^-^)

message 10: by Colleen (new)

Colleen Great review, Petrik! Despite how many recommendations I've gotten for this series, I've also heard a lot of complaints about it too. I've never felt that this series is worth the effort to read. I hope your next book is much better and gets you out of your reading slump!

message 11: by Brandon (new) - added it

Brandon To be honest Your review reflects a lot about what I heard in the series I started book 1 and put it down I want to start it again however I’m not sure if it’s worth it for me either especially when I have to grind through so many books that just drag on! I hope your next pick in a fantasy series brings you more excitement!! :)

Petrik Hélène wrote: "I always thought that I wouldn't like this series (for various reasons, one is because old fantasy doesn't seem to agree with me) and the promess of BS in its end never was an enough enticement to ..."

If you do give it a try, I hope you'll enjoy it, Helene! And you're right, infinite number of better books out there for me to read! :)

Petrik Montana wrote: "👎"

Hope it will work out better for you. Imo, The Stormlight Archives toppled over this series in every possible way. Enjoy!

Petrik Colleen wrote: "Great review, Petrik! Despite how many recommendations I've gotten for this series, I've also heard a lot of complaints about it too. I've never felt that this series is worth the effort to read. I..."

Thanks, Colleen! Yeah, it was the same case for me. The number of people who loved and hated it are more or less the same. It's sad but I have to join the latter... xD

Matthew I'm with you all the way, Petrik. Eventually finished the series (thank god for audiobooks), but can't say it was worth it.

Petrik Brandon wrote: "To be honest Your review reflects a lot about what I heard in the series I started book 1 and put it down I want to start it again however I’m not sure if it’s worth it for me either especially whe..."

Thanks, Brandon! There's just too many infuriating thing overshadowed the brilliant parts imo. The brilliant moments of the book became flashes instead of being continuous, and I can't bare through it anymore. It's almost an unanimous reaction too that book 7-10 gets even worse. If you do continue, I hope it will work out better for you!

Petrik Matthew wrote: "I'm with you all the way, Petrik. Eventually finished the series (thank god for audiobooks), but can't say it was worth it."

I salute you, Matthew. Seriously, I do. That's kinda how I feel about this installment, when I get to the final section (which was supposedly awesome), I just want to get it over with instead of feeling wow by it...

Marius Petrik wrote: "YES! Hahahahaha dammit! I thought I'll at least until the sixth book but I can't! Even the thought of reading it is making me tired already."

For books 5 and 6 and maybe even 4, don't remember exactly, I used the audio book. Was listening to it while on my way to work, otherwise I would have probably given up earlier as well :)

No point in forcing it, there are simply too many good books out there, just waiting to be read :)

message 19: by Maja (new)

Maja Ingrid Great review Petrik!

message 20: by Audrey (new)

Audrey You are so brave petrik I gave up at the first book . I was so sad 😭 I had the ebook free on iTunes but no it didn’t work out for me. Like you said if we were teens and didn’t read the stormlight archive books lol such an irony because sanderson finished to write this saga lol. Great review petrik and I can feel your sadness when a saga didn’t live up to your expectations I knew that a lot☹️

Petrik Marius wrote: "Petrik wrote: "YES! Hahahahaha dammit! I thought I'll at least until the sixth book but I can't! Even the thought of reading it is making me tired already."

For books 5 and 6 and maybe even 4, don..."

I think the moment when I've started to think on resorting to audiobook (I don't do audiobook, they doesn't work for me) is a great sign that I have to stop reading the series. And this happens a lot when I was reading through this series...

Like you said though, no point in forcing it. Hallelujah xD

Petrik Maja Ingrid wrote: "Great review Petrik!"

Thank you, Maja!! :)

Petrik Audrey wrote: "You are so brave petrik I gave up at the first book . I was so sad 😭 I had the ebook free on iTunes but no it didn’t work out for me. Like you said if we were teens and didn’t read the stormlight a..."

Thank you, Audrey! I really want to love it,seriously, I really do. But imo, The Way of Kings alone made the four books in the series that I've read looked so mediocre. This just doesn't work for me! :/

message 24: by Suz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Suz They do get much worse, actually. The ones in the middle of the series are excruciating to plod through.

Gabriel d'Matos I really love this series but i also completely understand the problems. Great review and i hope that one day you continue to read just because you are bored. HAHAHAHA

Kenneth Wait...take a breath, maybe skip some pages if the description is getting to you but follow the main story. It is worth it. Please...

message 27: by Jody (new) - added it

Jody Oh no! That sucks, bro! I keep putting off starting this, and considering our similarities in taste of fantasy, I may have to hold off longer than I expected. Great review BTW! I hope your next read is awesome!

message 28: by Audrey (new)

Audrey Luckily a lot of good books out there waiting for you lol

Kenneth Brandon wrote: "To be honest Your review reflects a lot about what I heard in the series I started book 1 and put it down I want to start it again however I’m not sure if it’s worth it for me either especially whe..."

I see you Brandon. LOL... I just reread my review or more like comment on the book and as at when I read it, it was my best so far. I agree with his hating the characters, I used to rant about them on twitter until some guy started implying I was sexist not liking Nynaeve and Faile. I hated Perrin's part until Book 12 or 13 and used to skip them. Faile is still my least favorite person there. The book is brilliant and I shed a few tears at the end.

Kenneth I recommend The Crimson Queen and The Silver Sorceress by Alec Hutson. Fast paced, action packed and entertaining.

Katarine Gontijo This one was the best I've read in the series so far. Was the first I saw some evolution in the characters development. Except for Moiraine they were all flat, without any strong layers.
Yet, I totally understand your point of view. I really enjoy the universe of TWoT, but Jordan likes to beating aroud the bush and I hate the fact that Rand only gets things done because he is the chosen one. That's the reason I never go to the next one right way.

message 32: by Al (new) - rated it 4 stars

Al Burke Despite losing interest rapidly while reading The Wheel of Time, I've still read all but the last two. Is there something wrong with me?

message 33: by Hannah (new)

Hannah I gave up 2/3 of the way through the first novel. I'm surprised you made it this far!

message 34: by Hebah (new)

Hebah I had been planning to go back and finish this series myself, but after watching my husband slog through the rest of the series and encounter the same issues as you, I took them off my TBR. I think they are absolutely a landmark of '90s fantasy (that's actually why I stopped reading the genre for a while--after Jordan, it felt like fantasy was mostly derivative farmboys being called up as chosen ones for a while), and I wish only the best to its fans, but it's not for me either.

message 35: by Jack (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jack Cunningham Fair play Petrik ! If you weren't starting to warm to the series by book 4 you ended at the right time :( onto the next adventure!

Aritra Oh no! I am actually going through the series at the same pace as you. I finished book 4 two days back. And I have to agree, the pain is real. The only thing that keeps me going is that it's at least more enjoyable than LOTR! And Sanderson of course. But now I just need a break from those ungodly amount of braid tugging :(

Petrik Suz wrote: "They do get much worse, actually. The ones in the middle of the series are excruciating to plod through."

That's pretty much what everyone said, Suz. I can't go through it... not now or anytime soon for sure

message 38: by Petrik (last edited May 15, 2019 08:10AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Petrik Gabriel wrote: "I really love this series but i also completely understand the problems. Great review and i hope that one day you continue to read just because you are bored. HAHAHAHA"

Thank you, Gabriel! Hahahaha it will only bore me even more! xD I'm glad you love the series though!

Petrik Kenneth wrote: "Wait...take a breath, maybe skip some pages if the description is getting to you but follow the main story. It is worth it. Please..."

Sorry... I don't think I can do it, Kenneth. Glad you loved the series though!

Petrik Jody wrote: "Oh no! That sucks, bro! I keep putting off starting this, and considering our similarities in taste of fantasy, I may have to hold off longer than I expected. Great review BTW! I hope your next rea..."

Thank you, Jody! Putting it off sounds good, bro. I think you should try it when you're sure that you have plenty of time and non-pressing books in your TBR! xD

Petrik Audrey wrote: "Luckily a lot of good books out there waiting for you lol"

True that! :)

Petrik Kenneth wrote: "I recommend The Crimson Queen and The Silver Sorceress by Alec Hutson. Fast paced, action packed and entertaining."

Thanks for the recommendation, Kenneth. I'll check it out! :)

message 43: by Brandon (new) - added it

Brandon Kenneth just when I get the urge to give it another try I see the same reviews that hold me back lol! It’s hard to take on a journey like wheel of time if your only half set on it but I guess one day I’ll have to take the step and make my own opinion 👍

message 44: by Jenny Baker (new)

Jenny Baker Sorry this series didn't work out for you! I haven't tried it yet, but I'll at least read the first one. I hope you find an awesome series to devour soon! :-)

message 45: by jenn (new)

jenn This review makes me sad because I hardly ever see anything from you below a 2 star. I'm sorry this one was a bust. =(

message 46: by Olga (new)

Olga Oh no. It sucks the series didn't work for you, but you gave it a fair shot. This made me definitely say, I'll just avoid it. 😅😅

Petrik Katarine wrote: "This one was the best I've read in the series so far. Was the first I saw some evolution in the characters development. Except for Moiraine they were all flat, without any strong layers.
Yet, I tot..."

Although I know that they do received (very few) development, they're too relatively short in between the nonsense imo. He's taking way tooooo long to get to his point. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book though!

Petrik Al wrote: "Despite losing interest rapidly while reading The Wheel of Time, I've still read all but the last two. Is there something wrong with me?"

I applaud you, Al. Seriously, I do. That's all I can say xD

Petrik Hannah wrote: "I gave up 2/3 of the way through the first novel. I'm surprised you made it this far!"

Hahaha thank you, Hannah! This is the most I can go, I can't go any further than this. xD

Petrik Hebah wrote: "I had been planning to go back and finish this series myself, but after watching my husband slog through the rest of the series and encounter the same issues as you, I took them off my TBR. I think..."

Taking the series off your TBR is a great choice, Hebah. Seriously, it's very rare for me to drop a series because I'm a huge completionist. But I just can't anymore. Like you said, this would've worked so much better if I were reading it in the 90's or 00's xD

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