Lisa's Reviews > The Book of Job

The Book of Job by Anonymous
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's review

God's Hand is with Argentina, according to Messi, and thus god made him suffer brutally before seeing the team through to the round of 16.

Of all the things the biblical god is and isn't, this sounds most plausible to me: a football fan, namely a fan of the Argentinan national team. Suffering from a grandiosity complex, utterly macho and homophobic, with a strange sense of entitlement and a belief in their right to divine intervention, they are godlike, created in the image of their football gods. And Messi(as), successor of Maradona, was just about to be publicly crucified when he was miraculously saved by the grace of football.

As for me, football is my only religion, but I had managed to read the whole bible before I finally understood the offside rule. I wonder when enlightenment will hit me on the meaning of VAR.
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June 27, 2018 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Ray (new)

Ray Messi was saved by the grace of Rojo - better that than the hand of god.

Mention of Maradona and god in the same paragraph strikes a bad chord with me. He might have been a sublime footballer in his heyday (before he ballooned to Michelin man) - few will argue with that, but in my book he is still a disgrace and a cheat.

As an aside my daughter is in Buenos Aires at the moment and watched the game in a fan park there. It was fantastic by all accounts.

message 2: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Ray wrote: "Messi was saved by the grace of Rojo - better that than the hand of god.

Mention of Maradona and god in the same paragraph strikes a bad chord with me. He might have been a sublime footballer in h..."

Your definition of Maradona rhymes well with my definition of the biblical god, Ray. I am fully with you on his character.

message 3: by Matt (new)

Matt Karl Ove Knausgård in seinem letzten Brief an Ekelund vor dem Halbfinale 2014 (und wir erinnern uns, wie das ausging)

Lieber Gott,
lass Brasilien heute Abend gegen Deutschland gewinnen
lass das Spiel gut werden, lass es ausgeglichen sein
lass Deutschland ruhig in Führung gehen
aber lass sie nicht gewinnen!
Lass Brasilien gewinnen, damit sie ins Finale kommen
lass sie auf Argentinien treffen
und lass Argentinien das Finale gewinnen.
Denn Dein ist das Reich,
und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.

Alles Gute
Karlos Blasfemios Dias

message 4: by Yu (new)

Yu I'm definitely on the side of Argentina against France. Are u a fan of Barcelona Lisa?

message 5: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Matt wrote: "Karl Ove Knausgård in seinem letzten Brief an Ekelund vor dem Halbfinale 2014 (und wir erinnern uns, wie das ausging)

Lieber Gott,
lass Brasilien heute Abend gegen Deutschland gewinnen
lass das ..."

Hahaha - ja, wir erinnern uns gerne daran, vor allem in Zeiten, da England 6:1 gewinnen und Deutschland hiobsmäßige Frustration aufstaut. Ist noch alles möglich: in 38 Minuten geht die Selbstfolter wieder los. Soll ich mal vorsichtshalber fűr Sűdkorea beten?

withdrawn I’m surprised at you Lisa. You do not need “enlightenment” on VAR. His Holiness Pope Gianni, head of the holy catholic IFAB has blessed VAR and proclaimed its truth. His word is infallible. Accept and believe. If you find that you still have doubts, seek guidance from your parish referee.

message 7: by Jacob (new)

Jacob Overmark I never cease to wonder.

Michael Perkins Job is the original theodicy. He goes through what even an evangelical scholar admitted was a lot of meaningless suffering. When Job asks why, he's basically told to shut up and look at the stars. John Milton adapted this argument into a Calvinist context with Paradise Lost. Sam Harris and many are not buying it...

message 9: by Matt (new)

Matt Lisa wrote: "Ist noch alles möglich: in 38 Minuten geht die Selbstfolter wieder los. Soll ich mal vorsichtshalber fűr Sűdkorea beten?"

Dein Gebet (so es denn stattfand) wurde erhört. Aber auch ohne Gebet wäre Deutschland zu schwach gewesen. Was für ein grottenschlechter Kick! Ich schau mir jedenfalls bei dieser WM kein Spiel der Deutschen mehr an.

message 10: by Matt (new)

Matt PS: Glückwunsch an Schweden. Habe allerdings von dem Spiel nix gesehen.

message 11: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Matt wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Ist noch alles möglich: in 38 Minuten geht die Selbstfolter wieder los. Soll ich mal vorsichtshalber fűr Sűdkorea beten?"

Dein Gebet (so es denn stattfand) wurde erhört. Aber auch ohn..."

Hahaha, ich auch nicht. Bin in Trauer. Schweden interessiert mich nur auf Eis, aber sie freuen sich zurecht! Typisch, dass Gebete nur erhört werden, wenn man sie nicht ernst nimmt. Zeigt mal wieder, dass der biblische Gott wirklich ein Sadist ist. Oder einfach nur ein Argentinien-Fan und bestechlicher Schiri.

message 12: by Czarny (new)

Czarny Pies I thought that Swedes believed in hockey after death. Congratulations in making it out of the preliminary round.

message 13: by Matt (new)

Matt Lisa wrote: "Hahaha, ich auch nicht. Bin in Trauer. Schweden interessiert mich nur auf Eis, aber sie freuen sich zurecht! "

"Schweden auf Eis"? Klingt wie ein Cocktail. Hoffentlich kein Schwedentrunk.
Meine Emotionen ob des frühen Ausscheidens halten sich in Grenzen. Meine Trauer und Wut sind nicht besonders tief und halten nicht lange an. Man muss es so sehen: Die Deutschen waren bei dieser WM sehr effektiv. Sie brauchten nur drei Spiele und haben das Turnier in der Hälfte der Zeit hinter sich gebracht. Andere, wie die Schweden, müssen nachsitzen während die Deutschen am Strand sind und ihr Geld zählen können.

message 14: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Elie wrote: "I'm definitely on the side of Argentina against France. Are u a fan of Barcelona Lisa?"

Not at all, Elie. I think now my team exited in disgrace I will have to cheer for a European team at least. Not sure which one yet. Still sad...

message 15: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa RK-ique wrote: "I’m surprised at you Lisa. You do not need “enlightenment” on VAR. His Holiness Pope Gianni, head of the holy catholic IFAB has blessed VAR and proclaimed its truth. His word is infallible. Accept ..."

You make me laugh in my misery, RK-ique - the xomparison is perfect! The infallible pope of the church of VAR.

message 16: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Jacob wrote: "I never cease to wonder."

At what, Jacob? If it is the universe and everything, I hope you know the answer to your question is 42!

message 17: by Jacob (new)

Jacob Overmark Lisa wrote: "Jacob wrote: "I never cease to wonder."

At what, Jacob? If it is the universe and everything, I hope you know the answer to your question is 42!"

Indeed it is, 42 surpasses in every aspect the otherwise holy number 7 - it was the VAR thing I didn´t see coming.

Colocolo At he heads of my Chile the suffering came upon Messi and Argentina. He is a false prophet.

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