Riku Sayuj's Reviews > The Coming of the Third Reich

The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
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bookshelves: history-europe, r-r-rs, war, reference

Many questions perplex us about the Nazis, about the atrocities they committed and about the beginnings of the Second World War. How could one of the most advanced, highly cultured, industrialized and modern nation states in Europe allow such horrors to come to pass? How could democracy be replaced so easily? How did an extremist party lurking at the fringes of political life take over the entire government in such a shot time without ever raising the wrath of the bigger parties or of the people? How did they establish a one party state without ever commanding a majority in any single election?

To answer these perplexing questions, Richard Evans takes us to the time of the Second Reich established by Bismarck and builds the story of the german nation and the foreign influences that moulded its thoughts and political structure in a well paced and minutely detailed history.

It was not a single person by the name of Hitler or a single freak party called the Nazis that precipitated this wild descent into madness that led Germany into the most devastating war in history. A wide variety of political, economic and ideological factors contributed to developing these events. Evans tries to track the growth of ideas such as antisemitism, radical nationalism, conspiracy theories and the cult of violence from the time of Bismarck. He starts the book withe the question "Why start with Bismarck?" and never really answers it. In my view, the origins of antisemitism and the wild support nazis enjoyed among protestant electorates could have been explored if one chapter had been dedicated to the history of germany before Bismarck and focussing on martin Luther and the protestant movement. But, as it is, Evans chose to not make it a study of the entire germanic history so as not to give us the impression that there was a historic inevitability to the whole process and because of this he never fully manages to convey the real reason for antisemitism and protestant support anywhere in the book, both of which are such prime candidates for investigation.

Even though this is a review of the book, because my real purpose of reading the book was to understand the course of events and the causal connections that led to the world war, I will try to trace out the history from a while earlier than Evans and then join his narrative as we get to Bismarck.

Antisemitism was a cultural phenomenon in Europe much before the Nazis and extreme violence against the Jews can be traced back to the First Crusade when they started being branded as 'Christ-killers' and were put in the same bracket as Muslims, progressed through the Inquisitions and Expulsions in various countries and culminated in the Final Solution in Nazi Germany.

There are two types of Antisemitism - Cultural and Religious. Cultural Antisemitism is defined as "that species of anti-Semitism that charges the Jews with corrupting a given culture and attempting to supplant or succeeding in supplanting the preferred culture with a uniform, crude, "Jewish" culture." Religious Antisemitism is the "christ-killer" version mentioned earlier. Cultural antisemitism was what was adopted by the Nazis (broadly allowing this category to allow for racial Antisemitism too which discriminates based on race).

Tracing back to the roots of antisemitism in Europe will take us to its deeply religious beginnings and this is probably why Evans chose to not cover it in detail. In any case, this religious hatred soon transformed into cultural and economic hated against their affluence and culminated in racial hatred once the budding ideas of Eugenics provided fuel to the fire.

In the context of the Industrial Revolution, Jews rapidly urbanized and experienced a period of greater social mobility. With the decreasing role of religion in public life tempering religious antisemitism, a combination of growing nationalism, the rise of eugenics, and resentment at the socio-economic success of the Jews led to the newer, and more virulent, racist antisemitism.

While these were pan-European trends, a dangerous precedent was set in Germany during the Protestant Reformation when Martin Luther described Jews as a "base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth." Luther wrote that they are "full of the devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine," and the synagogue is an "incorrigible whore and an evil slut". This treatise is supposed to have had a major influence on the Nazi movement.

Lutheranism was also ideologically very close to the kind of radical nationalism that motivated first Bismarck, then the far Right in Germany. The origins of the beginning of a sense of German identity began with the Protestant Reformation begun by Martin Luther that resulted in the spread of a standardized common German language and literature.

The Three Reichs

The whole of modern German history has been a nostalgic and mad attempt at regaining the old glories of the Holy Roman Reich which was also called the 'Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation'. This was soon ended by the Napoleonic Wars that threw Germany into confusion and made it a faction of warring states. Advocacy of a German nation began to become an important political force in response to the invasion of German territories by France under Napoleon. And the more distant Germany grew from that state, the more they remembered the First Reich as the ideal state when Germany was superior and dreamed of returning to these glory days.

When finally Bismarck successfully unified Germany again in 1871, he became the 'ideal leader' who was bringing back the old order and a national hero for defeating those hated French who had humiliated Germany earlier. He even called this unified germany The Second Reich.

Bismarck and Germany was obsessed with unification by any means, by "iron and blood". After his defeats of Denmark and Austria, France declared war on Germany, which ended with a thumping German victory and annexations of parts of France. Soon the new German Empire was established as a federation of 25 states with the King of Prussia as the Emperor. Ironically enough, this royal coronation and proclamation as the emperor of Germany was conducted at Versailles. Bismarck himself was elevated to the position of Imperial Chancellor.

After his initial military campaign, Bismarck spent the est of his life trying to achieve political stability in Europe and forging alliances. He was also instrumental in Germany not participating in the wild colonial acquisitions that the rest of Europe obsessed about. But with the death of the old king, the new Kaiser Wilhelm II came into power, and his careful foreign policies fell into disfavor, the new Emperor seeking rapid expansion and colonization. He was forced to resign from the Reichstag and died soon after. Under Wilhelm II, Germany was to pursue belligerent policies that polarized the major European powers who were soon to unite with France against Germany in time for the First World War.

Bismarck's most important legacy was the unification of Germany. Following this unification, Germany became one of the most powerful nations in Europe. However, this was not the complete re-unification that the people wanted and many felt that something was yet left to be done by another Leader or Führer. The figure of Bismarck became legend and the romantic ideal of a leader for the german people became someone who was a militaristic dictator who would do anything for the nation. Bismarck, a devout Protestant also left a legacy of anti-Catholicism in Germany which led to the vast protestant electorates that fueled Nazi ascension later on. He also left a legacy of anti-socialism and suppression.

The First World War

After having dismissed Bismarck, William II was to launch a foreign policy that culminated in the fatal decision to support Austria-Hungary in 1914 that precipitate the World War. His policies led to the gradual weakening of the bonds Bismarck had formed with Russia an with Austria-Hungary. Meanwhile France had recovered from its last defeat and was itching for revenge. French soon formed treaties with Britain and then Britain with Russia, thus forming the Triple Entente. An increasingly insecure Germany started an arms race which escalated very fast throughout Europe. Austria-Hungary in its own expansion drive started a conflict with Serbia which ended in a declaration of war with them. Russia decided to support the Serbs and once Germany announced support for Austria-Hungary, France too joined the fray, with UK joining them soon.

Germany was the biggest power in Europe at this time and entered the war expecting huge gains and certain victory. They annexed huge portions of Russia and laid down draconian laws under the military legend Hindenburg. They incurred huge debts expecting to repay them with the spoils of war. But once their strategic mistakes led to America entering the war, it all went quickly downhill for them culminating in the Treaty of Versailles. The period before this had also seen the German Revolution that led to the establishment of a republic called the Weimar Republic and the Kaiser Wilhelm II fled the country. It was this Weimar Republic that had negotiated and signed the Treaty of Versailles.

Hindenburg and other senior German leaders tried to soften the defeat by spreading the story that their armies had not really been defeated. This resulted in the stab-in-the-back legend, which attributed Germany's defeat to intentional sabotage of the war effort by insiders, particularly by Jews, Socialists, and Bolsheviks. This led to the denouncement of the Weimar Republic government leaders who signed the Armistice on November 11, 1918, as the "November Criminals". Conservatives, nationalists, ex-military leaders and political theorists began to speak critically about the peace. Weimar politicians, socialists, communists, Jews, and sometimes even Catholics were viewed with suspicion due to presumed extra-national loyalties. It was claimed that they had not supported the war and had played a role in selling out Germany to its enemies.

The Treaty of Versailles was particularly harsh in its terms but Richard Evans draws our attention to the fact that the terms that Germany had envisaged on successful defeat of its enemies were far worse and even the treaty force on Russia was comparable. The Treaty asked Germany to take full responsibility for the war and to make heavy annual reparation payments to the victorious allies. The total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion Marks in 1921 which is roughly equivalent to US $442 billion in 2012. The final payments were made on 4 October 2010. It also forced rapid disarmament and restrictions on weapons manufacture and limitation on military troops to 100,000.

The conditions of the Treaty was to be decisive in many ways as the reparation payments pushed german economy over the brink and the military restrictions left german military mostly a spectator to internal changes and led to rapid gain in the importance of the paramilitary and the police. At the same time it led to a repressed rage among the german people that cascaded a series of political events that led to the radicalization of the entire political atmosphere.

Adolf Hitler

Hitler was not German. He was born in Austria and his family emigrated to and from Germany in his early years. His father was serving in the Austrian Government and his conflicts with his father was among the reasons postulated as having caused Hitler to develop a strong affinity for Germany and a hatred for Austria. He started considering Germany his spiritual homeland. Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist but his strict and architectural paintings were rejected as unfit by the Academy of Fine Art in Vienna. This led him to cultivate a deep anti-establishment mentality.

This was also the time when the Weimar Republic was experiencing strong political difficulties and the theories of Social Darwinism, Nationalism and Eugenics were gaining in popularity. Hitler grew up reading some of the early propagandists of these theories and they deeply influenced him. Driven by these impulses Hitler joined the Bavarian army to fight for Germany in the First World War. During the war he was injured and taken to a remote hospital to recuperate. Hitler too like the rest of Germany had gone into the war with assured victory and future glories of his nation in mind.

When news finally reached him of Germany's loss and of the Treaty, he was deeply shocked, humiliated and scarred for life. He was soon to pick up on the concepts of the stab-in-the-back legend and of the "November Criminals" to explain this to himself and to fuel his hatred and his ascension.

He returned and continued working for the army and drifted though various movements before finding a mentor who recognized that Hitler was a good orator. Soon Hitler was using is speaking skills to motivate various factions under the direction of his superiors. He became a leading speaker at the National Socialist German Workers Party and soon became their leader and tendered his resignation to the army. His vitriolic speeches and charisma transformed the party and soon their numbers began to swell and his speeches started to attract huge attendance.

As the Nazi party grew, Hitler fueled by his hatred for the government and inspired by Mussolini, organized a coup or a "Putsch" to seize power and was completely thwarted and thrown into jail. This convinced him and the party that they have to keep up appearances of legality and come to power through the democratic system itself.

A gradual rebuilding of the Nazi party and a building up of it paramilitary wing was pursued after this even as the Hitler Personality Cult grew and grew and grew. They were waiting for an opportunity to make the first push towards power. Until this time only the radical right wingers and the nationalists were joining the party. Then came the Great Depression. Nazis used the fear and the confusion to drive home their ideology and became more popular party. In the 1932 election, two years into the depression, Hitler came second to Hindenburg but was already a force to be reckoned with, with over 35% votes, mostly from protestant electorates and Prussia.

The inability to form a majority government lead to Hindenburg inviting Hitler to be the Chancellor of Germany in 1933. The party still had no political majority and Hitler was intended to be only a rubber stamp. But then came the famous Reichstag Fire Decree, which was the response to the parliament being set on fire by an alleged communist party member. this gave Hitler an excuse to allege a Communist Plot against Germany and suspend basic rights and undertake a violent suppression of the Communist party, which was a much bigger party than the nazis in terms of parliamentary representatives. He then called for a re-election. With the Communist Party effectively suppressed, Nazis were able to gain a majority vote but was still short of the 51% required for an absolute majority.

Even though Hitler did not command a full majority, he was able to pressurize the parliament to vote for an Enabling Act. THis was achieved by banning Communist and Nation Socialist party members from attending the vote, which effectively made the Act illegal by all standards. Nevertheless, the vote was passed and the Act gave the Nazis complete legislative control for the next four years.

The Act was soon used to give an appearance of legality to what turned out to be a systematic and grotesquely violent suppression of all other political parties. All political opposition was wiped away with street violence, killings and finally formal dissolution of the parties. The Nazi paramilitary wing was given the right of the Police and was free to commit any atrocities and the military were soon reconciled and made an ally. Soon Nazis were organizing a campaign to make all social groups such as sports organizations and social clubs to be centralized under the Nazi banner in a process they called "Synchronization".

With the political parties suppressed and all chances of any discordant voices eliminated, the Nazis finally let loose their racial campaigns and massacres and systematic eradication of Jews, Socialists and Communists from all social, political and economic positions in the entire country.

Thus with Hitler as the Supreme Commander in charge of what he called The Third Reich, with his minions wrecking havoc and with the German people perplexed at how all this came to pass, Richard Evans takes leave of us, daring us if we have the heart to continue the journey in the next book.
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Reading Progress

December 29, 2011 – Shelved
February 26, 2012 – Started Reading
February 29, 2012 –
page 215
34.57% "all the detail is finally solidifying into some sense and a narrative is emerging now... or maybe my interest perked by the arrival of Hitler on the scene."
March 4, 2012 – Finished Reading
December 22, 2013 – Shelved as: history-europe
December 22, 2013 – Shelved as: r-r-rs
March 5, 2014 – Shelved as: war
March 5, 2014 – Shelved as: reference

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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message 1: by Jeffrey (new)

Jeffrey Keeten I often wonder if the allied powers had listened to President Wilson, who was pushing for moderation, if we would have avoided a 2nd World War. Punishing Germany was more important than achieving a lasting peace. They also believed that by crippling Germany economically that would keep them from ever being a world power again. Germans are resilient, prideful and ambitious all we did was give them no choice, but to embrace radical thinking.

message 2: by Riku (last edited Mar 05, 2012 01:33PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Jeffrey wrote: "I often wonder if the allied powers had listened to President Wilson, who was pushing for moderation, if we would have avoided a 2nd World War. Punishing Germany was more important than achieving ..."

Very true... But these currents were already set in motion and it is possible that just the thirst for revenge and for redemption might still have precipitated the war.

message 3: by Jeffrey (new)

Jeffrey Keeten Riku wrote: "Jeffrey wrote: "I often wonder if the allied powers had listened to President Wilson, who was pushing for moderation, if we would have avoided a 2nd World War. Punishing Germany was more important..."

Yes, redemption is a key word, and if the first loss really wasn't their fault due to the mythical "stab in the back", they might have felt compelled to start another war just for their honor. The time traveler determined to change the past might find it an impossible task.

message 4: by Tanuj (new)

Tanuj Solanki I loved your refresher-like review Riku! But don't think I will read the book. You might even have made it unnecessary.

Riku Sayuj Moonbutterfly wrote: "BISMARCK:

I agree about Bismarck. I understand why Evans included this, but the details were lacking especially considering this book is classified for the "general" reader. Even worse, he barely ..."

Thanks for your inputs! It certainly extends the scope of what I could cover in my review.

My review covers a bit of reading outside of the book through, especially from Kershaw's Hitler - which is where I picked up the idea about Hitler's hatred for his father turning into a hatred for anything non-german. But I agree that this sort of psycho-analysis can never be rigorous or fully accepted.

On the question of antisemitism, as you said, the issue has very deep roots. But it is easier to trace the beginning os cultural and racial hatred from around he period of the protestant reformation and the real peak starting from the industrial revolution - that is what I tried to convey...

message 6: by Riku (last edited Mar 08, 2012 09:44PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Tanuj wrote: "I loved your refresher-like review Riku! But don't think I will read the book. You might even have made it unnecessary."

I have been preparing such notes for my books for a long time... So I thought why not share it here in a condensed version. Glad that you liked it!

Petra It's a year now, still in a dark place That's not a review, that's an essay - and an amazingly good one at that! 5* review.

Riku Sayuj Petra X wrote: "That's not a review, that's an essay - and an amazingly good one at that! 5* review."

hey, welcome back! how are you now? fully recovered?

And thanks too, of course :)

Petra It's a year now, still in a dark place Thanks! Not really back, just on and off.

message 10: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 15, 2012 11:27AM) (new)

I was really interested in wanting to know about Adolf Hitler, so much so that I have only heard his name and that he was associated with Germany and was a ridiculously hated person on this entire planet.

Thankfully, your essay(review) just showed me the way to search for this topic of History & Politics in a wide way. Amazingly written review.

message 11: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Swati wrote: "I was really interested in wanting to know about Adolf Hitler, so much so that I just heard his name and that he was associated with Germany and was a ridiculously hated person on this entire earth..."

Glad that you found it useful. Do catch up on the book if the topic interests you so much, it is a very well written series.

message 12: by Alan (new)

Alan I believe part of his hatred of Jews derived from being an aspiring artist and having his paintings rejected. Check me on this; I don't know how large a part it played in his evil plans, that only the German genius for organization made possible. It's terrible to think that his art being accepted could have saved millions, and the world. On a lesser scale, if only that small Georgia college had given Newt Gingrich tenure, how much would the US been spared.

message 13: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Alan wrote: "I believe part of his hatred of Jews derived from being an aspiring artist and having his paintings rejected. Check me on this; I don't know how large a part it played in his evil plans, that only..."

There is an alt hist novel hidden in that comment.

message 14: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Bird Brian wrote: "Wow! What a thorough review! You're really setting the bar higher for nonfiction reviews on GR, Riku. Keep up the great work!

For an alternative view on this subject, you may be interested in Conj..."

Thanks for the recc! Seems like an amazing book

message 15: by Sean (new) - added it

Sean Great review!

message 16: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Sean wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks Sean!

message 17: by sologdin (new)

sologdin full of the devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine

luther suffered from chronic constipation so his writings are full of ultra vires fecal references. good stuff.

message 18: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj sologdin wrote: "full of the devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine

luther suffered from chronic constipation so his writings are full of ultra vires fecal references. good stuff."

?? Ha!

message 19: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Absolutely marvellous. Thank you!

message 20: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Caroline wrote: "Absolutely marvellous. Thank you!"

Thanks, Caroline.

message 21: by Sue (new)

Sue Thanks for this fantastic history lesson. You've definitely added some facts I've never heard before. Not sure whether I will get to the book, but I have already learned much today.

message 22: by David (new)

David Rubenstein Wonderful review, Riku (as usual!)

message 23: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Sue wrote: "Thanks for this fantastic history lesson. You've definitely added some facts I've never heard before. Not sure whether I will get to the book, but I have already learned much today."

Thanks, Sue! Glad you enjoyed it.

message 24: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj David wrote: "Wonderful review, Riku (as usual!)"

Thanks, David!

message 25: by David (new)

David Cerruti Riku, this review is outstanding.
Have you written any books? If not, are any planned?

message 26: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj David wrote: "Riku, this review is outstanding.
Have you written any books? If not, are any planned?"

Thank you so much, David! Maybe some day...

message 27: by Riku (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Travelin wrote: "Webber+"

That is supreme jest, sir.

Nicolaas Van Uffelen I strongly believe that any historical explanation for the antisemitism will ultimately prove to be unsufficient if not backed by some sociological and psychological concepts. One could state that the jews clearly served as an imaginary enemy that weaker minds could attribute personal failures to, and that scapegoating is one of the strongest instruments of collectives that have difficulties in defining their own attributes or properties. However, your comment is lengthy as well as informative and I enjoyed reading it.

message 29: by Riku (last edited Jan 28, 2015 09:00PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Riku Sayuj Nicolaas wrote: "I strongly believe that any historical explanation for the antisemitism will ultimately prove to be unsufficient if not backed by some sociological and psychological concepts. One could state that ..."

Thanks Nicolas. I recently read an argument which incorporates the sociological and psychological aspects -- Origins of Totalitarianism. It is an important read. Will try to review that as well...

howl of minerva Very thorough, thanks!

Harry Haller Just finished reading the book and wanted to write a review in favor of it. But after having read your review, I realized mine would have been a tiny, dismal comment :-D Exellent review!

message 32: by Tim (new)

Tim Kimball sloppy work, significantly flawed, a history worked to meet [generally] the expectations of the cold war: SOME nazis were horrible but the germans were misled. ignores the achievements of the ndsap [there were many, early] which cemented their power, the depths of civilian suffering that set the stage during ww1--especially 1916-1918, the continuing grip of the elites that eventually would protect the second level war criminals [which many of them also were] and maintain their hold, which continues. think merkel and the eu...
[i am a bit strong here, as evans is weak.]

message 33: by reli (last edited Apr 06, 2023 05:14PM) (new)

In my view, the origins of antisemitism and the wild support nazis enjoyed among protestant electorates could have been explored if one chapter had been dedicated to the history of germany before Bismarck and focussing on martin Luther and the protestant movement.

Do you know of any book that explores this?

message 34: by Mel (new) - added it

Mel HS!

Ioan Fat I just finnished reading the book. This review is outstanding!! Good job Riku!!

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