Stephan's Reviews > Alien 3

Alien 3 by William Gibson
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did not like it
bookshelves: aliens, horror, sci-fi, crap, comics-and-graphic-novels

Why is it that whenever a new chapter in the Alien saga is to be written there’s a need to change the creatures? The first movie portrayed a horrifying monster never seen before. In the second movie they suddenly had a queen. In the third the face huggers could infect more than one host, in the fourth they were cloned and we got a hybrid as well. And don’t get me started on the Aliens vs. Predator mess or *shudder* the Prometheus films.
We get the same crap here. Suddenly the Aliens can infect humans by releasing spores in the air and having them transform the humans into aliens. There’s even one human who gets turned into an Alien after getting bit by one. I never thought the Aliens were space-werewolves.
This is my biggest problem with this story. The way the Aliens infect humans makes the entire cycle of egg-> facehugger-> chestburster obsolete. Why would any of those be needed if it’s enough that the Aliens nibble on a human a bit?
Besides the weird evolution of the monsters I found the story hard to follow. We get thrown between different characters and places I can hardly tell apart and everyone’s just running around for no apparent reason.
No. This story certainly wasn’t my cup of tea.
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Reading Progress

January 23, 2019 – Shelved
January 23, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
January 24, 2019 – Started Reading
March 31, 2019 – Shelved as: aliens
March 31, 2019 – Shelved as: horror
March 31, 2019 – Shelved as: sci-fi
March 31, 2019 – Finished Reading
April 1, 2019 – Shelved as: crap
May 21, 2019 – Shelved as: comics-and-graphic-novels

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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nooker Read two issues so far. It's ok.

Stephan nooker wrote: "Read two issues so far. It's ok."

I've read 3 issues my self =). I quite like the art and characters. It's just... after so long time I find it hard to read what feels like a reboot of the Alien-verse. I actually browsed through Gibsons unused script a long tme ago, but don't remember too much more tvan Hicks and spores.
This is still better than the Alien I watched on the telly (even though I actually liked it) and A LOT better than Aliens, Colonial marines.

nooker I read first Aliens comic books that Dark Horse put out after the movie. I thought they were AWESOME. When Alien 3 came out and were nothing like them, that it was essentially a reboot (for me anyway), I was crushed. Since then I have come to the conclusion that the Aliens universe is huge and there are a lot of stories in it.

Stephan I read the comics way after seeing the third film. So those were a bit of a reboot already then. But I do agree. Those were awesome!

message 5: by Johan (new) - added it

Johan Thilander Åhnej! Jag som varit aspeppad på denna - men det du beskriver låter ju helt bananer. Jag har varit ganska okej med att låta Alien ha lite olika iterationer, men grunden måste alltid vara detsamma.

Stephan Johan wrote: "Åhnej! Jag som varit aspeppad på denna - men det du beskriver låter ju helt bananer. Jag har varit ganska okej med att låta Alien ha lite olika iterationer, men grunden måste alltid vara detsamma."

Om det hjälper så var ju faktiskt Gibson långt före hela Prometheusgrejen med sporer och Aliens. Men det var verklgien inte min grej. Jag älskar första och i synnerhet andra filmen, men det borde fasen gå att spinna nya berättelser utan att A) Ändra monstret eller B) Slänga in Ripley(s ättlingar)

message 7: by Johan (new) - added it

Johan Thilander Min lista är
- Alien
- Alien 3 (pga jag ska alltid vara lite speciell)
- Aliens
- Alien Resurrection
- Alien Covenant (som utöver att jag hatar exakt allt den gör med mytologien är en ganska habil film)

Stephan Alien 3 ÄR långt bättre än vad folk påstår. Underbart mörk, gotisk med religiösa teman och magnifik musik!
Kunde gjorts bättre, men själva filmens ljud och ljus är underbart.

message 9: by Johan (new) - added it

Johan Thilander Har du sett 40th Anniversary-kortfilmerna som 20th Century Fox släpper gratis via IGN (och deras Youtube-kanal)? Ska komma 6 st, 2 än så länge, nya regissörer på varje. Väl värda att se på, 10 minuter var och stabila Alien-historier.

Stephan Johan wrote: "Har du sett 40th Anniversary-kortfilmerna som 20th Century Fox släpper gratis via IGN (och deras Youtube-kanal)? Ska komma 6 st, 2 än så länge, nya regissörer på varje. Väl värda att se på, 10 minu..."

Inte hört ett ord... å andra sidan har också Fox haft en del att göra med de senaste Alien-böckerna... och man kan få ögonskador av dem :/

...Men det här måste jag kolla! =)

message 11: by Nick (new) - rated it 2 stars

Nick Jones While the execution has been terrible, including in this graphic novel, I think the basic idea of the aliens constantly presenting new forms in each installment is a good one. The threat keeps evolving as humans learn to deal with the previous version, making it a technological arms race on humanity's part versus a biological one on the alien side.

Having the same alien pop up every time just gets the franchise into a formula, it becomes Terminator or Halloween or Friday the 13th. Just imagine if a few new H. R. Giger designed creatures popped up in every movie, though.

Stephan Nick wrote: "While the execution has been terrible, including in this graphic novel, I think the basic idea of the aliens constantly presenting new forms in each installment is a good one. The threat keeps evol..."

The idea of an arms race is not too bad, but change the monsters too much and they stop being "Xenomorphs" and just turn into Zerg or Tyranids. The better parts of the Alien stories (in my opinion) is always the human interaction, not the monsters different exiting forms. Give me the warrior/drone, face hugger, chest burster and queen. That's all that's needed. Spores, blood bursters, deacons, black goo, hybrids and such is, to me, just lazy writing. Instead of using the materials at hand to put together a great story it's easier to invent new materials that's easier to work with. Obviously there's lots of different tastes out there, but sadly these new takes on the monsters are not mine :)

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