Steph Sinclair's Reviews > Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
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Check out the interview with Leigh Bardugo where she saves Kat Kennedy and I from Ninjas. True story. Also, there's a giveaway of a finished copy of Shadow and Bone!

If I could wrap up my emotions about how I felt after reading Shadow and Bone and send them to you through my computer screen, I totally would. Instead, I'm afraid you'll have to settle for my words: THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! I wish I could unread it just so I can go back and re-read it again for the first time.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes, I loved it that much.

Now I've come to the part where I am supposed to describe to you the awesomeness that is Shadow and Bone and I'm finding that rather difficult to do. Why is that? Is it because while reading a book you love your get so swept away with the story that you can't be bothered to take notes? Or perhaps it's the fact that you don't want to give away too much of the story? You want other potential readers to go into the book blind, expecting little and gaining everything the story has to offer? I suspect it is a little of both for me and with that, I offer my sincerest apologies if you do not find this review helpful. It is my hope, however, that my inability to do this book justice in my review speaks volumes in and of itself.

Shadow and Bone follows the story of Alina Starkov, a remarkable young girl, who holds a power not even she realizes she has. All her life she's never fit in. Not in the orphanage where she grew up alongside her best friend, Mal, nor in the First Army where she serves as a mapmaker. In her world people of elite status with unique abilities, called Grisha, serve as nothing more than fanciful servants to the kingdom of Ravka.  One day, while protecting Mal, it is revealed that she too is Grisha with a very rare and sought after power: the ability to summon sunlight. She soon finds herself in a very different world filled with adventure, betrayal, and a sinister plot that could destroy all of Ravka.

Within the first 10% of Shadow and Bone I knew that I would give it at least 4 stars. The book begins quickly immersing the reader into the kingdom of Ravka head on. Terms are thrown at the reader at a reasonable pace for a fantasy novel and for once I didn't immediately feel overwhelmed or the need to "play ketchup" with the characters. I can tell Bardugo employed the rule of "show, don't tell" and I believe she did it well. I found myself hanging on the edge of my seat waiting for more of the world to be revealed to me. There was never a dull moment reading Shadow and Bone; no downtime for me to catch my breath. And I loved every minute of it!

I thought the plot was very well done and I got so caught up in the story that the plot twists just blew me away. I was so engrossed that by the time the climax hit I felt an intake of breath and couldn't tear myself away from the book for the duration of the read!

Oh. My. God. NOooooooo!

And the characters.... ahhhhh, the characters! I loved them all to pieces! Alina is naive, candid, and feeble in the beginning, but she grows so much throughout the novel. (Yes, Yes! I know! Character development! It really does still exist in YA novels!) Does she make mistakes? Absolutely! But she realizes them and she strives to be better. I can see there is a lot of conflict in her character to come in the next two novels in the series and I am VERY eager to see how that is handled. I also loved the Darkling. I can't really say much about him because I am NOT giving away any spoilers in this review--not even in a spoiler tag because I know how some of you are!-- but he was awesome! Just the right amount of intrigue and mystery. And Mal. *sigh* Oh, Mal. Let's just say he is another love interest we can add to our swoon worthy list right next to Tucker Avery. ;)
"I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I'd catch myself just walking around to find you, not for any reason , just out of habit, because I'd seen something that I wanted to tell you about or because I wanted to hear your voice. And then I'd realize that you weren't there anymore, and every time, every single time, it was like having the wind knocked out of me. I've risked my life for you. I've walked half the length of Ravka for you, and I'd do it again and again and again just to be with you, just to starve with you and freeze with you and hear you complain about hard cheese every day. So don't tell me why we don't belong together," he said fiercely.

I think it goes without saying I loved the writing. The descriptions were vivid, easy to visualize and thankfully, not overdone (I'm really hoping there will be a map in the finished copy. Please tell me there's a map waiting for me!). The book is told through Alina's PoV, so we get a first hand account of the happenings. And boy are there some happenings! I'll tell you one thing, Bardugo can write a kissing scene... well. And the romance? Man, I just loved the romance. It was so sweet and by the end it just tore at my heart!
The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that I would have waited for him forever.


This book. I just love it!

I'm really not sure what else to say about Shadow and Bone besides the obvious: it was awesome and you should read it. If you are a fantasy lover, rejoice! If fantasy isn't your thing, still rejoice! Because this is a book that is sure to take you and your heart on a wild adventure this summer.

EDIT: I've been informed that there will be a map included drawn by Keith Thompson! Click here to check it out!

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley. As always, this review expresses my honest opinion of the book. No gifts or monetary funds were exchanged for a review. 

For more reviews like this one be sure to check out Cuddlebuggery Book Blog!
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Quotes Steph Liked

Leigh Bardugo
“I don't care if you danced naked on the roof of the Little Palace with him. I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

Leigh Bardugo
“Do you blame me for every mistake I made? For every girl I tumbled? For every dumb thing I've said? Because if we start running tallies on stupid, you know who's going to come out ahead.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone
tags: mal

Leigh Bardugo
“The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that I would have waited for him forever.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

Leigh Bardugo
“This was his soul made flesh, the truth of him laid bare in the blazing sun, shorn of mystery and shadow. This was the truth behind the handsome face and the miraculous powers, the truth that was the dead and empty space between the stars, a wasteland peopled by frightened monsters.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

Leigh Bardugo
“I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I'd catch myself just walking around to find you, not for any reason, just out of habit, because I'd seen something that I wanted to tell you about or because I wanted to hear your voice. And then I'd realize that you weren't there anymore, and every time, every single time, it was like having the wind knocked out of me. I've risked my life for you. I've walked half the length of Ravka for you, and I'd do it again and again and again just to be with you, just to starve with you and freeze with you and hear you complain about hard cheese every day. So don't tell me why we don't belong together," he said fiercely.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone
tags: mal

Reading Progress

February 26, 2012 – Shelved
February 26, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012-release
February 26, 2012 – Shelved as: young-adult
February 26, 2012 – Shelved as: fantasy
March 2, 2012 – Started Reading
March 2, 2012 – Shelved as: netgalley
March 2, 2012 – Shelved as: ebook
March 3, 2012 –
10.0% "Starting off really good so far!"
March 5, 2012 –
42.0% "I'm entirely engrossed in this book. It's so different. Perhaps I need to stick to fantasy for a while."
March 6, 2012 –
53.0% "Whoa, that totally came out of left field...but...I think I liked it. Lol."
March 6, 2012 –
62.0% "Oh my. That was... steamy! :D"
March 6, 2012 –
67.0% "I got to my feet. I wasn't going to make it easy for him anymore. YES!!!!!! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos "
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: 2-am-or-later
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012-favs
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012-reads
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: action-packed
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: awesome
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: best-characters
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: best-relationships
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: come-out-already
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: deserves-every-one-of-those-stars
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: epic
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: i-didn-t-see-that-coming
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: i-loved-it
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: i-need-the-next-book-like-yesterday
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: i-really-enjoyed-it
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: mind-blowing-good
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: oh-yeah-baby
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: omg-that-ending
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: original-and-creative
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: dat-cover-yo
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: pure-win
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: so-glad-i-read-this
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: surprised-me
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: superb-world-building
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: yeah-baby-5-stars
March 6, 2012 – Shelved as: didn-t-disappoint
March 6, 2012 – Finished Reading
March 7, 2012 – Shelved as: strong-heroine
March 30, 2012 – Shelved as: e-arc
July 7, 2012 – Shelved as: i-own-it

Comments Showing 1-50 of 73 (73 new)

Steph Sinclair Sam wrote: "This sounds amazing. I got this from NG, too, and can;t wait to get started. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. :)"

I was so happy they approved me! I'm loving the premise. So very different. Maybe I need to stick with fantasy for a while. Ha!

message 2: by Jon (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jon Can I have a link to it on netgalley? I can't seem to find it.

Steph Sinclair Scott wrote: "Can I have a link to it on netgalley? I can't seem to find it."

It's a different cover up now. Scroll down a bit and you should see it. :)

Kyle Well, I'll definitely make sure to pick this up!

message 5: by Jon (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jon Thanks for the Link! Can't wait to read your review!

message 6: by Jessie Leigh (last edited Mar 06, 2012 02:22PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jessie Leigh I am reading this in a few days! I can't wait - the description, your reaction to it has me super excited.

Katie Already have this on my to read list! It looks awesome.

Erica (storybookend) If you love it, then it must be good :) I requested it on Netgalley, I hope they approve me!

Steph Sinclair I just fell in love with this book. Ahhhh, the characters, the plot, the world. For a debut this was pretty darn good! I'll be pre-ordering my copy very soon!

Becky I love when people have reactions like this, it gets me all excited for the book. Ack, can't wait for June!

Steph Sinclair Becky wrote: "I love when people have reactions like this, it gets me all excited for the book. Ack, can't wait for June!"

Get excited! I have a feeling this will be getting a lot of hype!

Sam wrote: "I guess I should get to it soon then? ;) I have an approval from NG so I can't wait to get started! Looking forward to your review. :)"

Yes, Sam! Doooo iittttt! That was my sad attempt at peer pressure. Lol. I'm writing my review now. Why is it so hard to explain everything you love about a book? Lol.

Becky Seriously, I think the positive reviews are harder to write than the negative ones. With the negative ones, I can usually pinpoint what didn't work. With the good ones, all I want to do is lapse into fangirly squees. :D

Steph Sinclair Becky wrote: "Seriously, I think the positive reviews are harder to write than the negative ones. With the negative ones, I can usually pinpoint what didn't work. With the good ones, all I want to do is lapse in..."

That's exactly it! I just want to fangirl in the corner while hugging my kindle close.

Steph Sinclair Sam wrote: "Some of the hardest reviews to write are for 5-star books. ;) It takes me AGES to work out how to write something that will do the book justice. :D

I think I'll get round to this in 2 or 3 books t..."

Hahaha! So many books to read and so little time. My ARC pile is incredibly long. O.O

Experiment BL626 Becky wrote: "Seriously, I think the positive reviews are harder to write than the negative ones. With the negative ones, I can usually pinpoint what didn't work. With the good ones, all I want to do is lapse in..."

QFT. And you know what funny? I find that my high-stars reviews tend to have more cons than pros because it's so much easier writing out the cons than the pros, enough that the review seem somewhat contrary to its high-stars rating. When I love a book, I can't express it any better than simply saying "I love this" and "I love that." I can go into super details about what I dislike, but I get writer's block about what I like.

Steph Sinclair Ebony wrote: "Okay, I'm kind of excited to read this.

Just a little bit."

You should be!

message 17: by Kimberly (new) - added it

Kimberly Ah Stephanie, you had me at Troy jumping gaily over an unconscious janitor...

Steph Sinclair Full review is up!

shady boots Oh crap this sounds awesome. O_O

[image error]

Steph Sinclair fαuzαn | wιld нearт wrote: "Oh crap this sounds awesome. O_O


Oh, It is! I think you would really enjoy this one!

Brandi I'm rejoicing! You had me at character development, and then a Tucker-like l/i cinched it. Gah I hate waiting for release days!!!!!

Steph Sinclair Brandi wrote: "I'm rejoicing! You had me at character development, and then a Tucker-like l/i cinched it. Gah I hate waiting for release days!!!!!"

I know! It seems like such a long wait! I can't wait to get my own personal prin copy and re-read it.

message 23: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Jealousing over your eARC. *goes off to pout in corner*

Steph Sinclair Lisa wrote: "Jealousing over your eARC. *goes off to pout in corner*"

Aww, I can't wait for you to read it!

Ikhlas Hussain Wow, I am DYING to read this now! Can't wait for this one to come out :D

Steph Sinclair Mary Elizabeth wrote: "thank you !! you made my day :) I'm sooo loving this book already how is that EVEN possible ???"

It's possible because you recognize awesome when you see it! Lol!

Ikhlas wrote: "Wow, I am DYING to read this now! Can't wait for this one to come out :D"

Just a few short months... D: That seems like such a long wait, but I think it's worth it!

Ikhlas Hussain I was sort of iffy about this one before, but your review makes me want to run out and get in line now! lol

It feels like several long months >_<

RIN ಠ_ಠ Makes the wait for the book seem even longer now arghhhhh!!!

Steph Sinclair Ikhlas and Lynn, just think about how long I have to wait for book 2! D:

RIN ಠ_ಠ Does it end with a cliffhanger? I apologize if it's already mentioned above, I'm trying not to look too close because I want the story to be completely new when I finally get it.

Ikhlas Hussain Yeah, that is the annoying thing about reading galleys/ARCs...gotta wait DOUBLY long!

Steph Sinclair Ikhlas wrote: "Yeah, that is the annoying thing about reading galleys/ARCs...gotta wait DOUBLY long!"

Ugh, don't remind me! I guess I'll have to settle for re-reading it when my copy comes home with me!

Lynn wrote: "Does it end with a cliffhanger? I apologize if it's already mentioned above, I'm trying not to look too close because I want the story to be completely new when I finally get it."

Thankfully, no. The immediate threat is resolved. I love it when that happens! :D

Steph Sinclair Shaylee wrote: "Great review! I'm so glad that there's character development. I'll definitely look forward to reading this. :)"

Thank you! I look forward to hearing your thoughts once you get your hands on a copy!

message 34: by jesse (last edited Mar 11, 2012 11:48AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

jesse day'um gurls!
what do i have to do, so i can get approved by macmillan? (already checked the approval preferences)

Steph Sinclair joє wrote: "day'um gurls! what do i have to do, so i can get approved by macmillan. (i did look up the approval preferences)"

You must build a bonfire and offer your first born child to the NetGalley gods. Lol. Just kidding, of course! I have no idea how to get approved! I just waited and they approved me after a week.

message 36: by Jon (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jon I have requested it but have yet to hear from Netgalley.

message 37: by Steph (last edited Mar 11, 2012 10:57AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Steph Sinclair Scott wrote: "I have requested it but have yet to hear from Netgalley."

I don't think they check their request queue very often. There were a few titles I requested from Macmillan last month and *just* heard back from. Quite a few people are waiting to be approved for this title.

message 38: by Jon (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jon Stephanie wrote: "Scott wrote: "I have requested it but have yet to hear from Netgalley."

I don't think they check their request queue very often. There were a few titles I requested from Macmillan last month and *..."

Ok thanks! I wish these publishers were quicker on netgalley.

jesse how long has it been on NG anyway? anyone got a clue?

Steph Sinclair joє wrote: "how long has it been on NG anyway? anyone got a clue?"

No clue. I remember when I requested it had the cover shown on GRs up, now it has a different one up and it says they are only approving a limited amount of people. I don't remember that notice being there before.

jesse Stephanie wrote: "joє wrote: "how long has it been on NG anyway? anyone got a clue?"

No clue. I remember when I requested it had the cover shown on GRs up, now it has a different one up and it says they are only a..."

yeah, saw that (old cover). this looks... well better. it looks magical, inviting and just plain awesome :)

Jessie Leigh butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you get a bookcrush on the Darkling? Because I'm 150 pages in and I'm kind of in love

Steph Sinclair Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you get a bookcrush on the Darkling? Because I'm 150 pages in and I'm kind of in love"

YES. I think it's impossible not to!

Jessie Leigh Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you get a bookcrush on the Darkling? Because I'm 150 pages in and I'm kind of i..."

I'm very obsessed interested in him. Almost more than the plot of the book itself and I am loving the book too! I can tell I will be buying this book, maybe even pre-ordering.

message 45: by Steph (last edited Mar 11, 2012 08:15PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Steph Sinclair Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you get a bookcrush on the Darkling? Because I'm 150 pages in..."

See that is exactly how I felt too! It's like, get to the part about the Darkling! Lol. I will definitely be ordering the book!!!

Jessie Leigh Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you get a bookcrush on..."

Yep. After my next paycheck I'm pre-ordering this, Stormdancer and Days of Blood and Starlight .

Steph Sinclair Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is pretty nice as well. And Stephanie: did you ..."

Yup, Stormdancer is a must buy.

I can't wait for you to get to the part where.... Oh, I'll just be stalking your updates!! Lol.

Jessie Leigh Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperback cover is prett..."

And the author of SD seems so completely awesome, too.

I'm not progressing as fast/far as I'd like. I want to read this all tonight but of course my dog has picked tonight to get sick so I'm reading 10 pages, cleaning, reading another ten pages... uuugh! I just want to devour this completely in one sitting.

Steph Sinclair Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Jessie (Ageless Pages Reviews) wrote: "butting in, but the paperb..."

Oh, he is!

That's how I am. I read incredibly slow these days because I'm running after two toddlers hell bent on destroying my house at any given moment. *sigh*

Syahira JUNE?????? sigh

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