Matthew's Reviews > The Hero of Ages

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
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bookshelves: 2020, audio, library, fantasy

Oh no, my Sanderson/Cosmere/Mistborn friends are probably not going to be very happy with me.

I liked this trilogy of books okay. I didn’t LOVE them . . . just liked. The third book was probably the best for me (3.5 to 4 stars). I have to say that I liked Elantris much better and that does not seem to be a common opinion among fans of this series.

The biggest thing for me is that Sanderson is world building on 12 shots of espresso. I do like world building overall, but with Sanderson, keeping up with what is happening, what has happened, what people can do, what people can’t do, who is dead, who is alive, who has transformed into who, who is possessed by who, who has magic, who doesn’t have magic, who has magic now (but didn’t before), who is where, who knows who, who is good, who is bad, who was bad and is now good (and visa versa), etc. etc. etc. requires a PhD in flow charting.

Seriously, go look up “Brandon Sanderson flow charts” in Google Images – it is a rabbit hole you may never escape.

All this to say, that while I have found the experience to be okay so far and will likely continue to see where things are going, it can be quite exhausting!

While Sanderson gets touted by many as great fantasy, after my experience so far, I don’t think it is something I would recommend to someone looking for a place to start with fantasy or who just likes to dabble in fantasy occasionally. This is for the hard core!
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Reading Progress

May 21, 2020 – Started Reading
May 21, 2020 – Shelved
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: library
May 21, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
May 21, 2020 –
9.0% "Cache"
May 22, 2020 –
17.0% "Reminiscing"
May 23, 2020 –
27.0% "Consequences and balance"
May 24, 2020 –
34.0% "Expendable"
May 26, 2020 –
43.0% "Dog on the loose"
May 29, 2020 –
58.0% "Seige"
May 30, 2020 –
72.0% "Citizen vs Survivor"
May 31, 2020 –
89.0% "Fall of the Inquisitors"
June 3, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim Henderson There is some complexity there, but I personally love them. My only complaint with several of the series is that each seems to have one character who is inanely, stupidly noble and regular makes decisions based on their 'nobility' that hurt, not just themselves, and others.

Matthew Jim wrote: "There is some complexity there, but I personally love them. My only complaint with several of the series is that each seems to have one character who is inanely, stupidly noble and regular makes de..."

I usually don't mind complexity too much, but so far for me, it has been a bit more that I enjoy in a book. But, if I keep going I am hoping I will start to get more used to it.

Funny you mention that complaint. I have been looking at other reviews/opinions on the series and I am seeing some others saying something very similar to you. So, you are not alone!

message 3: by Kelli (new)

Kelli Wilson Thoughtful, overall review of trilogy Matthew!

Matthew Kelli wrote: "Thoughtful, overall review of trilogy Matthew!"

Thank you, Kelli! 😄 I try! 🙂

message 5: by Kenz (new) - added it

Kenz The Dragon Queen huh, odd. I’ve only read The Final Empire so far, but I found it pretty easy to follow, even for high fantasy. Maybe I’m just used to reading fantasy, or I spend too much time reading slowly to memorize all the details.

Did you find the second and third books in the Mistborn trilogy harder to follow then the first? I’m simply curious, since I haven’t read them yet.

Matthew Kenzie wrote: "huh, odd. I’ve only read The Final Empire so far, but I found it pretty easy to follow, even for high fantasy. Maybe I’m just used to reading fantasy, or I spend too much time reading slowly to mem..."

I think the complexity really hit with book two. I was feeling a bit more knowledgeable in book three, but it was still making my brain grind harder than I am used to. I hope I am getting more used to all the finer aspects and it will flow better the farther I get.

Jesús Manuel I haven't read the third one yet, but I have to say that while I'm really enjoying this series I loved much more everything about Elantris, and I don't really understand why it receives so much "hate" in the cosmere community.

Matthew Jesús Manuel wrote: "I haven't read the third one yet, but I have to say that while I'm really enjoying this series I loved much more everything about Elantris, and I don't really understand why it receives so much "ha..."

Before I read Elantris, someone warned me that it was "rough" compared to his others. (Not sure if that is the exact word they used, but that was the gist of it). Now, after reading this trilogy, it seemed quite smooth to me! :)

Maybe what made me love Elantris is what is making me only kind of like this one?

message 9: by Kenz (new) - added it

Kenz The Dragon Queen Ah, alright. That’s good to know. Sometimes sequels can surprise you, for better or worse. I’ll be interested in reading them.

Matthew Kenzie wrote: "Ah, alright. That’s good to know. Sometimes sequels can surprise you, for better or worse. I’ll be interested in reading them."

I hope you enjoy when you get to them, Kenzie! :)

message 11: by Kenz (new) - added it

Kenz The Dragon Queen Thank you! I hope so too :)

Matthew Kenzie wrote: "Thank you! I hope so too :)"


Adina (way behind) So where would hour reccomend someone to start witj fantasy? I am just curious, I am not a newbie. I did like this series but did not love it either. I guess I expected more from it.

Matthew Adina wrote: "So where would hour reccomend someone to start witj fantasy? I am just curious, I am not a newbie. I did like this series but did not love it either. I guess I expected more from it."

If you haven't tried it yet, my favorite fantasy series is by Raymond Feist - start with Magician: Apprentice - it is the first book in the four book Riftwar series. If you like those, he has several more series in that same world (30 books total - but it does not have to be a 30 book commitment! I am only up to book 16 or 17 myself)

Mariah I completely agree! I enjoyed Elantris way more, it was so beautifully selfcontained in a standalone.

Matthew Mariah wrote: "I completely agree! I enjoyed Elantris way more, it was so beautifully selfcontained in a standalone."

I am still looking for another Sanderson I like as much as Elantris!

Tracey I agree with everything you've said here. I'm half way through the third book in the series and for me they have got 'worse' not better over the 3 books. Book 1 was a 5* for me, book 2 a 4 * barely and this one is just annoying me.

Matthew Tracey wrote: "I agree with everything you've said here. I'm half way through the third book in the series and for me they have got 'worse' not better over the 3 books. Book 1 was a 5* for me, book 2 a 4 * barely..."

Sorry your experience was similar to mine, Tracey, but it does make me glad that there are more out there who felt this way. Considering I usually see praise, it makes me think I am doing the whole Sanderson thing wrong!

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