Katja Labonté's Reviews > Anne's House of Dreams

Anne's House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery
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5+ stars (9/10 hearts). All the Anne books are beautiful, but this one is particularly lovely and touching. It’s just so gorgeous and I can’t stop tearing up or laughing aloud. Anne & Gilbert's romance is absolutely wonderful. The kind you dream of and wish for. I am always touched by how beautiful their love for each other is.

The setting is simply magnificent and I can’t get enough of the sea and ships part of the book—those descriptions make my waves-loving heart happy. And then the characters. Captain Jim…. ah, Captain Jim. He is wonderful. How can you love him so much when he only figures in this one book? What a good, wise, admirable man. <3 Miss Cornelia, so hilarious and kind, and Susan, so simple and humorous, and Owen, so passionate, and Leslie, so broken and yet so strong… and Anne, so much deeper than ever before.

There is great sorrow and great beauty in this book. The tragedies and beauties of life, the adventures and everyday events, are woven so sweetly together. There is so much passion and wonder and love… so much truth. This is my second-favourite of the Anne books. <3 I love the whole series so much. It’s my favourite book series ever. But some of the books are a little better than the others… In my humble opinion, Rilla of Ingleside is THE best. But I *love* Anne’s House of Dreams. It’s such a paradox. Heartbreaking and swelling with joy. Beautiful and somber. Powerful and gentle. Alive and dreamy. I love the setting, so gorgeous, so moody, so shifting. I love the people—living, vibrant, with their own flaws and virtues, their darkness and light. I love the humour, so brilliant and homely. But the love—the LOVE that fills this book. The love of Anne and Gilbert for each other and their babies. Captain Jim’s love for everyone and everyone’s love for him.… and the same for Miss Cornelia. Leslie’s love for Anne… Anne’s love for Leslie… and Owen’s love for Leslie… mother love and romantic love and friendship love. It’s a picture of life.

Content: 3 mentions of suicide, one rather detailed; 1 kiss mentioned in passing; and Leslie’s story is very tragical/difficult, so that I recommend this book for ages 18+.

A Favourite Quote: “I don’t want to. I know how you feel about it, Mistress Blythe—just as I feel meself. But it ain’t our feelings we have to steer by through life—no, no, we’d make shipwreck mighty often if we did that. There’s only the one safe compass and we’ve got to set our course by that—what it’s right to do.”
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: It was an exquisite morning, full of tints and sounds at once ripe and delicate. The harbour was sparkling and dimpling like a girl; white gulls were soaring over the dunes; beyond the bar was a shining, wonderful sea. The long fields by the shore were dewy and fresh in that first fine, purely-tinted light. The wind came dancing and whistling up the channel to replace the beautiful silence with a music more beautiful still.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Now, now, Cornelia,” remonstrated Captain Jim[,] “you shouldn’t say that about those two ... boys, unless you’ve got certain proof. Jest because their father ain’t none too honest isn’t any reason for calling them thieves. It’s more likely it’s been the robins took your cherries. They’re turrible thick this year.”
“Robins!” said Miss Cornelia disdainfully. “Humph! Two-legged robins, believe ME!”
“Well, most of the Four Winds robins ARE constructed on that principle,” said Captain Jim gravely.
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Quotes Katja Liked

L.M. Montgomery
“I'd like to add some beauty to life," said Anne dreamily. "I don't exactly want to make people KNOW more... though I know that IS the noblest ambition... but I'd love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me... to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn't been born.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

Reading Progress

August 10, 2019 – Started Reading (Broché Edition)
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August 16, 2020 – Shelved as: slice-of-life-books (Broché Edition)
August 16, 2020 – Shelved as: slice-of-life-books
November 29, 2020 – Started Reading
December 5, 2020 –
37.0% "“Miss Cornelia always says I shouldn't have done it, but I can't agree with her. It was the RIGHT thing to do—and so 'twas the only thing. There ain't no question in my mind about THAT.”"
December 6, 2020 –
50.0% ""I do love to watch a little child asleep, Mistress Blythe. It's the most beautiful sight in the world, I reckon.”"
December 7, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 19, 2021 – Started Reading
July 19, 2021 –
10.0% "My heart Gilbert is just the sweetest husband ever. I adore this marriage chapter; it’s the best in literature. 🥰"
July 20, 2021 –
36.0% "This book is so alluring to me... so full of beauty in writing style, in description, in stories, in characters... and oh, it is so full of the sea... the sea that I love..."
July 21, 2021 –
39.0% "Okay but Anne & Gilbert are just the sweetest married couple ever. 🥰"
July 22, 2021 –
50.0% "I just can’t get over how amazing this book is. And wow... sometimes Captain Jim’s simple declarations of theology just have me in awe. So true... and so striking."
July 23, 2021 –
60.0% "O Leslie... 💔"
July 26, 2021 –
73.0% "Oh... this part always hurts..."
July 26, 2021 –
76.0% "“You know you have the very same idea of sacredness of assumed responsibilities yourself. And you are right. Shirking responsibilities is the curse of our modern life—the secret of all the unrest and discontent that is seething in the world.”"
July 28, 2021 – Finished Reading
September 23, 2021 – Shelved as: 9-of-10-hearts
August 10, 2022 –
August 17, 2022 – Shelved as: books-paused
August 21, 2022 – Started Reading
August 21, 2022 –
18.0% "Oh, I love Captain Jim…"
September 4, 2022 –
55.0% "This book is just breathtaking every time 😍"
September 4, 2022 –
September 5, 2022 – Finished Reading
September 12, 2022 – Shelved as: good-family-relationship-books
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September 12, 2022 – Shelved as: well-done-writing-style-books
September 12, 2022 – Shelved as: sea-ships-ocean-books
September 12, 2022 – Shelved as: friendship-story-books
September 12, 2022 – Shelved as: seaside-and-island-books
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December 8, 2023 – Started Reading
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December 14, 2023 – Finished Reading
June 27, 2024 – Shelved as: primary-source-contemporary-authors

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Joleen I feel ignorant, but what's NRTC?

message 2: by Tamara (new)

Tamara I was wondering the same thing, but I am thinking of a new review to come, maybe?

Katja Labonté Joy wrote: "AHHH I LOVE CAPTAIN JIM *all the heart eyes* And his scenes with Miss Cornelia are always SO FUNNY. I mean, every scene with Cornelia in it is bound to be hilarious... but yeah. XD"


Katja Labonté Tamara wrote: "I was wondering the same thing, but I am thinking of a new review to come, maybe?"

Joleen wrote: "I feel ignorant, but what's NRTC?"

Yup, it’s New Review To Come :) sorry for the jargon! I kinda made it up lol.

message 5: by Sophia (new)

Sophia E. Davis Oh, this is one of my top favorites of this series! Though I'm not sure which I like better, it or Rainbow Valley. <3

Katja Labonté Sophia wrote: "Oh, this is one of my top favorites of this series! Though I'm not sure which I like better, it or Rainbow Valley. <3"

ohhh yesss, Rainbow Valley is sooo good!

message 7: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie Marr I love this book!! One of my favorites!!

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