Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > Cress

Cress by Marissa Meyer
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I’m on BookTube now! =)

”Kiss her, she thought. Isn’t that what people did after they survived thrilling, near-death experiences together? She was sure it wasn’t an appropriate suggestion, but this close, it was all she could think about.”

Ahh, Cress is such a romantic! <3 The way she swooned over Thorne was just adorable! But let’s not get off topic here and focus on the overall review instead! This said “Cress” was already the third book in “The Lunar Chronicles” and basically everybody and their grandma told me that it’s the best book in the series. Of course there were also a couple of voices that said it’s the weakest book in the series so I decided to just read it and form my own opinion. (As always. Did you expect anything different from me? ;-P)

So did “Cress” live up to my expectations or not? Well, the answer is: Yes, I think it did. It was very entertaining and I loved to see how the story of all those different characters came together in the end. What I really liked about this book was that we got some background info about all the characters and that some of them finally got a chance to confront not only each other but also their personal problems as well. No matter if it’s Cinder, Thorne, Cress or Wolf, they all experience things that force them to act and ultimately lead them to finding themselves and their own path in this (by now very) huge storyline.

Interestingly enough Queen Levana didn’t have an all too big part in this instalment but I’m actually glad she had a secondary role. It gave our protagonists room to plan their next moves and to come to terms with their destiny and their individual parts in the game. The introduction of Princess Winter and Jacin was interesting as well and I can’t wait to read their story. Considering Winter’s mental state I’m sure it’s going to be quite something though. XD For now let’s get down to business and talk about the MCs of “Cress”!

The characters:

If you dare to take a trip to the Sahara be my guest! It’s wise to be careful though, there are many dangers that can be found in the desert and mirages and spoilers are just two of them. ;-P Consider yourself properly warned. That’s all I can do for you, my friend!


Cress glanced up, and though his expression was sympathetic, she thought he was probably mocking her. ”I’m not crazy. I know she’s just a computer. It’s just ... I programmed her myself, and she was the only friend I had. That’s all.”

Okay, Cress is probably one of the most innocent characters I ever came across in a book but considering she spent almost her entire life on an isolated satellite this doesn’t really come as a surprise. (On a side note: You just gotta love how Meyer turned the initial tower into a satellite. ;-P) She is definitely a cinnamon roll and it’s no wonder she had troubles to adapt to the life on earth. I suppose everyone would have troubles to adapt to life in a desert though so I think she actually did pretty well! Also I kinda liked the contrast of her being a hacker wizard on the keyboard and knowing nothing about the real world. XD I’m very curious where her character arc will head. Still, to find out Dr. Erland was her father was really quite the plot twist. It makes me sad that he died before they could get to know each other. T_T

”She tried to swallow down the rising panic, this sensation that her existence was as small and unimportant as the tiniest fleck of sand blowing against her shins. There was a whole world – a whole planet. And she was stuck somewhere in the middle of it, away from everything. There were no walls, no boundaries, nothing to hide behind. A shudder swept over her, goose bumps crawling across her bare arms.”


”Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said, squeezing. “Maybe there’s a little bit of a hero in me after all. But ... really, Cress. Only a little.”

Poor boy had it really rough in here. He lost his sight due to the satellite crashing and I was really worried about him. I think it was amazing that he never gave up though. You could tell that he was struggling with his fate and had trouble to adjust to a life without his eye sight but he did what needed to be done and he helped Cress as best as he could. Some might say Thorne is arrogant and self-assertive but I know he isn’t. It’s just a way to hide his insecurities and he is indeed the misunderstood hero Cress thought him to be. I loved to get a glimpse at his true thoughts and to see his character arc was really amazing. <3 Thorne came a long way and I think his journey isn’t over yet.

”She was a girl. A living girl, smart and sweet and awkward and unusual, and she was worth far more than they could ever realize.”

”It seemed like hours since he’d so flippantly said good-bye to Cress, when she was still in the bath, when her singing was still echoing in his ears. And he’d left her. He’d just left her – and why? To show off his gambling skills? To prove that he was still self-sufficient? To prove that he didn’t need anyone, not even her?”


”Of course I will. I’m the rightful heir!”
She drew back, stunned by her own words. She didn’t think she’d ever felt so invested in her identity, and determined to claim her place. It was a strange feeling, bordering on pride.

Cinder actually accepted her powers, but she still feels conflicted about them and I think that’s a good thing! I loved to see how she got stronger and started to see the Lunars as her people and came to terms with her identity. She had to make a lot of difficult choices though and I was really afraid that she might break under the pressure. To think you’re just a cyborg that works as a mechanic and to realize you’re the rightful heir to Luna... I can’t even fathom how tough this must have been. It’s no wonder she’s so insecure, but she has a lot of people that love and support her so I’m sure she’ll make her way. =)

”Standing on the hotel step, with sixty guns trained on her, Cinder realized she was no better than that thaumaturge. This really was war, and she really was in the middle of it.
If she had to make sacrifices, she would.”

“News flash: I have never manipulated you. And I hope I never have to. But you aren’t the only one with responsibilities and an entire country of people who are relying on you. So I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but you are coming with me, and you’re just going to have to figure out whether or not you can trust me when we’re not so pressed for time.”

”You want to know another secret? The biggest secret?” She sat, splaying her legs like a broken doll in front of her. “I’m scared, Kai. I’m so scared.” She thought it might feel better, to say the words out loud, but instead they only made her feel pathetic and weak.


”Excellent. And have you given any thought to your wedding vows?”
Kai snorted. “Delete anything that has to do with love, respect, or joy, and I’ll sign on the dotted line.”

Seriously whenever I read about Kai’s and Levana’s upcoming wedding I felt dread! >_< I really, really, really didn’t want him to marry her and ahhh the mere idea of their wedding was already enough to cause me to scream and tear at my hair! He still defied her though and I’ll never get tired of this boys defiance! *lol* Kai is the best and I love him so much! <333 The things he did for his country and people were amazing and I hated to see his self-doubt and insecurity. He did everything he could and it’s not his fault Levana was cunning enough to plan this invasion for years or even decades. It could have happened to his father if he wouldn’t have died of the plague so I really hope he stops blaming himself for everything that happened. It’s not his fault. T_T

”He hated Levana. He hated himself for giving in to her. He hated that his father had managed to keep her and her threats of war at bay for years and years, and within weeks of Kai taking the throne, he’d let everything fall apart.”

”Maybe she’s trying to help me. Cinder knows that if she finds the princess, it could be the end of Levana’s rule. I wouldn’t have to marry her. She would probably be executed for treason. Cinder risked her life going to that farm, and she did it ... she may have done it for me.”

”He would never tell Torin that a part of him hoped Cinder would be safe. And he would never tell a single living soul how terrified he was, every moment of every day. How afraid he was that he was making an enormous mistake.”


”Aaaaw,” squealed Iko. “Did Wolf just say that he loves Scarlet? That’s so cute!”

Iko fangirling over Scarlet and Wolf was one of the best things in this book! *lol* She’s basically the embodiment of every shipper and the comical relief of this series. XD Also I almost choked when she spoke about Adri and Pearl. Haha! I just adore Iko and I’m so glad she got a new body now. Thorne really picked the perfect robot. It’s a shame she got hurt when she tried to help them, but I’m sure Cinder will find a way to fix her. =)

”See? Injustice. Here we are, risking out lives to rescue Kai and this whole planet, and Adri and Pearl get to go to the royal wedding. I’m disgusted. I hope they spill soy sauce on their fancy dresses.”


”Because Thaumaturge Mira was preoccupied with your operative. Otherwise, I would have been the same brainless mannequin that I usually am.” His tone was self-deprecating, but Cinder could detect bitterness beneath it. Nobody liked to be controlled, and she didn’t think anyone ever got used to it.

Now here’s a new character that has me intrigued. Mostly because he’s still one big question mark and we all know how much I love question marks. XD But please, Jacin! I don’t believe you a single second that you’re not in love with Princess Winter! He so is! It was pretty obvious. After what I saw from Winter I can’t help but wonder about their relationship though. Is his love one-sided, does she reciprocate? I need answers and since the last book is named “Winter” I’m sure I’ll get them soon. ;-)

”Do you ... do you love her?”
He glared at her, disgusted. “Don’t try to push your swoony psychodrama on me. I’m sworn to protect her. Can’t very well do that from down here, can I?”

The relationships & ships:

Cress & Thorne:

”But you’re a prisoner,” said Thorne.
“I prefer damsel in distress,” she murmured.
One side of Thorne’s mouth quirked up, into that perfect half smile he’d had in his graduation photo. A look that was a little bit devious, and all sorts of charming.

Those two are such an unlikely pair but they still worked somehow. XD I loved them together and they were pretty cute. I mean Cress is super innocent and Thorne well, let’s just say he has a lot of experience with women and all sorts of crimes. *lol* Despite everything they are still kind of perfect for each other. I loved that Cress brought out the compassionate and chivalrous side of Thorne and that he didn’t care about who she was or how she looked like. The fact that he couldn’t see her might have helped to see her inner values more clearly but that was exactly what it was supposed to do so yeah. Also Thorne protecting Cress and taking care of her was legit the cutest thing! She saw his true self long before he saw it and I think her believing that he’s a good person might have helped to actually make him one. Plus can we appreciate that Thorne is super gentle and caring with her. He’s kind of a rake but he got all protective and considerate with her. So, nope, I don’t agree with Dr. Erland. I think Thorne is exactly what Cress needs! <333

He rubbed her shoulder. It was the kind of touch that would have filled her with giddiness and yearning if she hadn’t been too tired to feel anything. “You have to trust me, Cress. I’m going to get us out of this.”

”Good idea,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “How could they not think that we’re in love?”
“How couldn’t they?” she murmured. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to memorize the exact feel of him.

Knees suddenly weak, she reached for his forearms to stabilize herself. “You came for me.”
He beamed, looking for all the world like a selfless, daring hero.
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Dropping the cane, he pulled her into a crushing embrace that tore her away from Wolf and lifted her clean off the floor.

”While Cress’s thoughts continued to churn through the horrible things that could happen to her, she felt herself being suddenly sprung around and dipped backward, a supportive arm scooping beneath her back. She yelped and caught herself on Thorne’s shoulder.
Then he was kissing her.”

Cinder & Kai:

”Right. And what if I’d said, oh, sure, Your Highness, I’d love to go to the ball with you, but first you should probably know that I’m cyborg. And then what?”
Kai looked away.
“You never would have talked to me again,” she answered for him. “You would have been mortified.”
“So you were just going to keep it hidden forever?”
“Forever?” Cinder waved her arm toward the window. “You are the emperor of an entire country. There was never going to be a forever.”
He was surprised how much the words stung. She was right.

I was so glad they finally got a chance to talk!!! This conversation was so overdue and I was damn happy when they eventually had their confrontation! Also I remember wishing that Cinder would kidnap Kai before he marries Levana when I wrote my Scarlet review and well, it happened! *lol* Marissa Meyer actually threw me a bone here! YAY! XD I guess now that Cinder cleared things up and Kai knows that she’s Princess Selene they got closer to getting their happily ever after and I can’t wait for it to happen!!! <333 I ship them, HARD! Both on their own couldn’t do a lot against Levana but Cinder and Kai together? They’ll crush her! I know they will because they have the potential to be a power couple! ;-) And it definitely helps that they both know how it feels to be responsible for an entire nation. They can support each other and push through their doubts together and I’m so ready to see that!!! <3

He lifted his gaze. “Just to be clear, you’re not using your mind powers on me right now, are you?”
She blinked. “Of course not.”
“Just checking.”
Then he slid his arms around her waist and kissed her.

”Arms wrapped around her. Cinder pressed her face against his silk shirt. There was some sort of cologne or maybe soap there – so faint she hadn’t picked up on it before.
“I know exactly how you feel,” Kai said.
She squeezed her eyes shut. “Not exactly.”
“I think pretty close.”

Scarlet & Wolf:

Cupping his chin, Scarlet tilted Wolf’s face away from her and pressed a kiss against the wound. He inhaled sharply, but otherwise became as still as a rock – an unusual feat for him.”

They broke my freaking heart!!! T_T I can’t believe Scarlet got kidnapped by Sybil and ended up as a prisoner on Luna. I felt so sorry for both of them because Wolf knew exactly what they’d do to her and Scarlet suffered so damn much. >_< Poor girl!!! I could understand why Wolf considered her to be dead because the torture she went through physically as well as mentally will leave its scars and make her a different person than she used to be. Ahhh! I feel so damn sorry for Scarlet! To lose her grandmother was already horrible enough but now this?! T_T I really hope Meyer gives my girl a break in the next book! Wolf and her deserve to be happy and neither of them are right now and it’s just not fair. =(((

”She suppressed the voice out of nervous panic that her mistress would sense her confusion. She did not want that. There was no confusion.
She knew precisely where she wanted to be. Precisely who she wished to be serving.”

”But then Wolf’s breath hitched and all the fury drained out of him with a shudder. Like a man shot fatally through the heart, he collapsed over his knees, covering his head with his good arm like he wanted to block out the world.”

”The illusion and the pain vanished, but the horror lingered. The rawness of her throat. The damp salt on her face. Scarlet rolled onto her side, sobbing in the middle of the playroom floor, grateful that the boy couldn’t maintain the brainwashing while he was distracted.”


All told “Cress” was one of those sequels in which most of the plotlines come together and finally turn into one central theme. The only loose thread that’s still left is Winter’s and Jacin’s story and I’m already very curious about it. I really liked that some of the character’s problems were addressed, resolved and smoothed out. This lays a good foundation for the final book and I’m ready to read it soon! =)

Okay, I get why so many of you love this book!
The last 200 pages were basically unputdownable!
I really, really NEEDED to know how it ends... and the ending. Oh wow!
Guess Queen Levana better get ready for a rough ride. *lol*

Full RTC soon! This was fun! XD

And here we go with book two from my BookTube May TBR!

So many of my GR friends told me that this is the best book in the series and others said it was the worst. *lol* So umm... I guess I’ll have to read “Cress” in order to form my own opinion. XD
I’m very curious if I’ll like it or not. The first two books were great so I think I should be safe?

Let’s do this and see what Prince Kai, Cinder, Wolf, Scarlet, Thorne and Iko are up to! ;-P

P.S: Wow the character cast list gets longer and longer. 😅
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Reading Progress

May 10, 2021 – Started Reading
May 10, 2021 – Shelved
July 5, 2021 –
page 37
6.7% ""Seeing that smile, Cress melted.
Every. Time."

Ohhhh! Someone is crushing hard! *lol* That's so adorable!! <3"
July 11, 2021 –
page 61
11.05% ""Excellent. And have you given any thought to your wedding vows?"
Kai snorted. "Delete anything that has to do with love, respect, or joy, and I'll sign on the dotted line."

Can anyone please save my baby?! I need Kai to be fine and to survive this! He's too precious to die! <333"
July 12, 2021 –
page 125
22.64% "Ahhh!!! I can't believe this just happened! O_o
OMG! 20% into the book and it's already driving me crazy. *lol* Please, someone tell me everything is going to be fine!"
July 13, 2021 –
page 167
30.25% ""What kind of toll would be paid for a young man with these responsibilities, forced to make these decisions." She took in a deep breath, as if she regretted her words before she said them. "As a mother, I'm worried about you."

Bless Priya and her gentle heart! I really hope she means what she's saying. How come I'm worried about each and every single character in here? XD"
July 14, 2021 –
page 209
37.86% ""You have to trust me, Cress. I'm going to get us out of this."

Thorne is so sweet, I can't even!! He's taking care of Cress and this even though he's in so much trouble himself. <33 I'm beginning to understand why everyone loves him. *lol*"
July 15, 2021 –
page 245
44.38% "I'm really worried about Scarlet now. >_< And I want to find out more about Jacin! He has me intrigued. XD"
July 16, 2021 –
page 296
53.62% ""Like a man shot fatally through the heart, he collapsed over his knees, covering his head with his good arm like he wanted to block out the world."

Awww no!!! T_T My poor Wolf!!!"
July 17, 2021 –
page 382
69.2% "Scarlett!!! O_o OMG! NO! T_T


"See? Injustice. Here we are, risking our lives to rescue Kai and this whole planet, and Adri and Pearl get to go to the royal wedding. I'm disgusted. I hope they spill soy sauce on their fancy dresses."

Iko... yep, *lol* Let them spill soy sauce on their fancy dresses. XD"
July 17, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

dateDown arrow    newest »

Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus} 'Cress' is definitely THE BEST book in the series. I really should start re-reading this series, since I adore the characters too much.😄 And I hope you love this, *whispers* and it becomes your favorite too. lol

Susan Kennedy I agree.. I loved this one!

Laura It's the best 😊

Layla I hope you enjoy it! I definitely really liked this, and more than the first two. Personally I think Winter is the best, but this one is almost just as good, and all the new character dynamics that are introduced and developed further are great. Good luck! :)

Book Worm I’m going to be reading this soon as well!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Sylvie wrote: "'Cress' is definitely THE BEST book in the series. I really should start re-reading this series, since I adore the characters too much.😄 And I hope you love this, *whispers* and it becomes your fav..."

A reread is always a good idea! Glad to hear you loved it so much! 😊 And yes *whispers back* I also hope it will become one of my faves. *lol* Why are we whispering!? XD 😂

Katelyn Cress is the best!! Your in for a great time😊

Matthew The best!

preoccupiedbybooks This series was so addictive!

message 10: by Virginia Ronan (last edited May 11, 2021 01:05PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Susan wrote: "I agree.. I loved this one!"

YAY! I'm glad to hear you loved it! =)

message 11: by Virginia Ronan (last edited May 11, 2021 01:06PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Laura wrote: "It's the best 😊"

I'm about 90% convinced I'll think the same. *lol*

message 12: by Virginia Ronan (last edited May 11, 2021 01:08PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Layla wrote: "I hope you enjoy it! I definitely really liked this, and more than the first two. Personally I think Winter is the best, but this one is almost just as good, and all the new character dynamics that..."

Thank you, Layla! I'm always ready for new character dynamics so that sounds really great! For some reason people don't talk a lot about "Winter" but I'm very curious about it too because it's the last book and it has to be good. XD

message 13: by Virginia Ronan (last edited May 11, 2021 10:23PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Book Worm wrote: "I’m going to be reading this soon as well!"

Oh, that's awesome! =) I hope you'll enjoy it!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Katelyn wrote: "Cress is the best!! Your in for a great time😊"

Yes, that's sounds good! XD I'm looking forward to it. =))

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Matthew wrote: "The best!"

It's good to hear you enjoyed it, Matthew! =))

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "This series was so addictive!"

So far I loved every book. I'm sure I'll enjoy the rest too. =)

message 17: by Liz (new)

Liz Barthel best one for me

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Liz wrote: "best one for me"

That's comforting to hear! =) I'm sure I'll enjoy it too! XD

message 19: by Patricie (new)

Patricie About to start this series after I'm finished with A curse so dark and lonely ✨ Sooo excited, my first year at uni is starting soon, so I have to read as much books from my tbr as possible 😂🌌

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Patricie wrote: "About to start this series after I'm finished with A curse so dark and lonely ✨ Sooo excited, my first year at uni is starting soon, so I have to read as much books from my tbr as possible 😂🌌"

Ohh I still need to continue with the "Cursebreakers" series! Are you liking the first book so far? =) And haha! You're doing the right thing with trying to read as many books as you can. Uni will keep you busy. I'll cross my fingers for you that you'll be able to read a lot of books before you start!

message 21: by Patricie (new)

Patricie The first book is ok,, I have about 80 pages left, I hope that in that the sequels will be better, I would maybe love to see a better character description... so far I've read the whole ACOTAR series, I have about 2 books left in the TOG series and many more books 😂 I finished high school in June, so Acotar was amazing for me to wind sown, because this school year was exhausting! As we had to learn everything ourselves for the finals - the worst was the history of art 😅

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Patricie wrote: "The first book is ok,, I have about 80 pages left, I hope that in that the sequels will be better, I would maybe love to see a better character description... so far I've read the whole ACOTAR seri..."

I only read the first book, but I heard that book two will be better because it's about Grey. XD I loved ACOTAR so much! It's a great series. And wow, you're in for a treat with those last two books of ToG! I hope you'll love them as much as I do! Wow, sounds like you had a rough time! It's good that you can wind down by reading great books. =)

message 23: by Ray (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ray dude this is literally the best review I have EVER seen on this book. This book is for reals Amazing!!!!! I love Cress and Thorne, I ship them sooo hard. <33

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Rey wrote: "dude this is literally the best review I have EVER seen on this book. This book is for reals Amazing!!!!! I love Cress and Thorne, I ship them sooo hard. <33"

Thank you so much for reading my review and linking it! 😊 Cress and Thorne are so cute! Love them together! ♥️

message 25: by Ray (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ray Virginia Ronan wrote: "Rey wrote: "dude this is literally the best review I have EVER seen on this book. This book is for reals Amazing!!!!! I love Cress and Thorne, I ship them sooo hard.

Thank you so much..."


message 26: by B.D (new) - rated it 5 stars

B.D Amazing review!

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