Mark Porton's Reviews > The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music

The Storyteller by Dave Grohl
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobook, 5-stars, biographies, memoirs-biographies

One time drummer of Nirvana and founder and songwriter of the Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl, is one of the best-known musicians on the planet. The first thing you learn about him (but most of us fans know this anyway), is that he’s generous and a nice bloke. This comes through in spades in this autobiography, it’s also evident for those of us who have seen the Foo Fighters live – the only time I saw them, they played for almost three hours. It was the best live show I have ever seen (they played with Tenacious D FFS! – how lucky was that?) – and I’ve been to a few concerts over the years. The only bands I reckon I might enjoy more would be ACDC or Radiohead – they’re on my bucket list.

In this audiobook, Grohl talks about his humble beginnings, living with his mom and sister in working-class Springfield, Viriginia. I really enjoyed hearing his early experiences practising drums on pillows, and following local punk bands as he was growing up. Even though he wasn’t musically trained, he had enough pluck to put himself out there and, even though he said he benefited from serendipity at times, I truly believe he made his own luck. One can only admire the guy. The way he phoned for an audition to the well-known band Scream, when only a young inexperienced home drummer, was admirable, yes – he got the gig, and the rest is history. He doesn’t say it – but he had balls, but he's never cocky.

Learning about his time with Nirvana was interesting, the capricious Kurt Cobain was difficult to work with at times, a junkie – but what an obscene talent. His death had a massive impact on Grohl, despite Cobain’s tricky character, he was also a heroin addict – which was a whole different world from Grohl’s world of smokes, weed and booze. They seemed to grow apart when Cobain started to down spiral.

Grohl played for a number of bands over this time, often as a guest (see the link to Queens of the Stone Age below – you’ll get an idea of Grohl’s energetic drumming style).

One of my favourites – Grohl, punching the crap out of those skins man!

Then there’s this – him playing to the soundtrack of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

And just a very short clip of Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl dedicating a song to his best friend, and the Foo's drummer Taylor Hawkins and Glastonbury.

Sad – RIP Taylor Hawkins


I love this and I was sad to finish it………………….. 5 Stars❤️ #FF
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Reading Progress

November 12, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
November 12, 2021 – Shelved
January 14, 2024 – Started Reading
January 14, 2024 – Shelved as: audiobook
January 17, 2024 –
40.0% "This is brilliant!"
January 18, 2024 –
75.0% "Oh maaaan - I don't want this to finish!"
January 23, 2024 –
90.0% "Grohl is a very cool guy, a nice guy too! I'm in the process of buying some Foo Fighters T-shirts :))"
January 28, 2024 – Shelved as: 5-stars
January 28, 2024 – Shelved as: biographies
January 28, 2024 – Shelved as: memoirs-biographies
January 28, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 52 (52 new)

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) What a heartbreaking story Kurt Cobains life was. It’s great to hear the story from someone who worked with him and was directly impacted by his death.

The story of Grohl is fascinating too. I don’t read memoirs much because o feel you are judging the person but this could be one exception. Fabulous tempting review as always Mark

Mark Porton How kind, Margaret......I agree with you about Cobain's life for sure. Thanks again :))

message 3: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Mark, your love for this music and this musician is palpable. I'm glad this was such a satisfying listen for you. You are lucky to have had so many opportunities to attend so many live shows.

Left Coast Justin El Presidente, you have GOT to check out his rendition of Barry Manilow's 'Copacabana' while wearing a tuxedo that looks like he spend $25 on at a thrift store.

Left Coast Justin P.S. great review, you be spitting facts yo.

message 6: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Mark! Sounds like a fascinating read for fans. And what is it about musicians that makes them die before their time... so sad.

Karen Same! Love him.. and his love for family tool!

message 8: by Lorna (new)

Lorna A beautiful and heartfelt review, Mark. And thank you for the links, magical.

Mark Porton Lisa wrote: "Mark, your love for this music and this musician is palpable. I'm glad this was such a satisfying listen for you. You are lucky to have had so many opportunities to attend so many live shows."

Yes, indeed Lisa - I will always remember my first - The Police - in Adelaide, since then haven't looked back. But imagine living where you live, all the big bands play there, when they come to Australia - they often only go to Sydney and Melbourne. You're right I loved this audiobook and thanks for reading my review, my friend :))

message 10: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Left Coast Justin wrote: "El Presidente, you have GOT to check out his rendition of Barry Manilow's 'Copacabana' while wearing a tuxedo that looks like he spend $25 on at a thrift store."

Bahahahaha - just watched it Justinio!! Dude, I reckon that was brilliant - a great piss-take. A suit AND sneakers no less!! By the way, I've just watched another one by him - he's called the Dee Gees, & the Foo's are covering a Bee Gees song, excellent too!

message 11: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Left Coast Justin wrote: "P.S. great review, you be spitting facts yo."

Thanks dude - that made me laugh, HARD! 😂😂

message 12: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Yun wrote: "Great review, Mark! Sounds like a fascinating read for fans. And what is it about musicians that makes them die before their time... so sad."

Thanks so much Yun! Maybe it's the lifestyle many of them live, drugs, drink and the hectic schedules when on tour - I don't think sleep would be high on their agenda :))

message 13: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Karen wrote: "Same! Love him.. and his love for family tool!"

Indeed Karen, glad to see you loved this, and him too!!

message 14: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Lorna wrote: "A beautiful and heartfelt review, Mark. And thank you for the links, magical."

My pleasure, I'm so happy you checked out the links Lorna. As well as the man, I love his music - thanks again for your kind comments my friend :))

Maricarmen Estrada M Excelente reseña querido amigo Mark! Yo también quiero leer este libro. Dave Grohl es un tipazo y es una inspiración para muchos!

message 16: by Mark (last edited Jan 28, 2024 03:59PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Maricarmen wrote: "Excelente reseña querido amigo Mark! Yo también quiero leer este libro. Dave Grohl es un tipazo y es una inspiración para muchos!"

Claro mi amiga y muchas gracias por sea tan amable. Estoy de acuerdo, Grohl es una astrella!! El es un divertido y amable hombre de familia tambian. Gracias Maricarmen :))

Bianca Love your review, even though I can't stand ACDC. :-) I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this memoir. I was lucky enough to see the Foos in November, such a great concert, Dave is the ultimate entertainer.

message 18: by Candi (new)

Candi Markus, your review has given me the urge to go to a concert! It's been ages, actually. I love your enthusiasm for this musician and for this book :) Fantastic review!

message 19: by Debbie Y (new)

Debbie Y Your enthusiasm about the guy is so genuine. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much, Mark. I don’t listen to FF, but wonder, which album is your favorite? Such a great review! :)

message 20: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Bianca wrote: "Love your review, even though I can't stand ACDC. :-) I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this memoir. I was lucky enough to see the Foos in November, such a great concert, Dave is the ultimate e..."

I just read your review and loved it too Bianca - BUT, I think we need to sit down and have a good chat about your antipathy towards ACDC!!!!!! I saw them over 10 years ago at Adelaide Oval - aren't they so good live? They really do play for the fans. There was a story on that tour of Grohl throwing a frisbee with a bunch of people on Victoria Square in the city - sounds like him doesn't it? The ultimate entertainer indeed. Thanks so much :))

message 21: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Candi wrote: "Markus, your review has given me the urge to go to a concert! It's been ages, actually. I love your enthusiasm for this musician and for this book :) Fantastic review!"

Thanks heaps Canders - isn't it great watching a band live? It's been a while for me too - I reckon the last one was Midnight Oil around 6 or 7 years ago at a natural amphitheatre in the rainforest up here - was pretty good! The thing best about concerts is - everyone is happy right? Who would you see if you could?

message 22: by Mark (last edited Jan 28, 2024 11:21PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Debbie Y wrote: "Your enthusiasm about the guy is so genuine. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much, Mark. I don’t listen to FF, but wonder, which album is your favorite? Such a great review! :)"

Thanks again for your kind comments Debbie - shit, the last album I bought was probably before my girls were born - there was a time, when they were little, I spent in musical no mans land!!!! The Foo Fighters are a band I listen to on Spotify and watch their videos - one of my go to bands, and I love watching interviews with Grohl, he's a funny guy. The songs I love include - The Best of You, Times Like These, Monkey Wrench, Everlong but there's .............there's so many. Watching them with Tenacious D was a special treat too!

message 23: by Laysee (new)

Laysee A different kind of read and am glad you got to learn more about a performing artiste and song writer you love, Mark.

message 24: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Thanks so much, Laysee!!

Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) A lovely heartfelt review Mark 👏

message 26: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Thanks so much, Maureen. Dave Grohl made this such an easy review to write 😊

message 27: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen I follow him on IG- he’s fantastic as is your review, Mark!

message 28: by Ilse (new)

Ilse Mark, thanks for this great tribute to Dave Grohl - how lucky you were to see him play live! I'll be forever grateful to the man because his music made my son pick up the bass guitar & join a band which first songs were covers of Foo Fighters songs :).

message 29: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Jen CANADA wrote: "I follow him on IG- he’s fantastic as is your review, Mark!"

Thanks so much Jen Jen - always very kind, I bet he posts some good fun pics, do you follow Jack Black too and Tenacious D??

message 30: by Mark (last edited Jan 29, 2024 02:11PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Ilse wrote: "Mark, thanks for this great tribute to Dave Grohl - how lucky you were to see him play live! I'll be forever grateful to the man because his music made my son pick up the bass guitar & join a band ..."

Yes, he certainly played for the fans and basically, they wouldn't go home!! They were magic Ilse. I bet he would love to hear he influenced your boy to pick up a bass and play in a band 🤗🎸 This book was full of names of people who inspired him - that's what it's all about hey? Inspiring the next generation of rockers. Thanks again!

message 31: by Mai (new)

Mai I grew up in a post-Nirvana world, but always enjoyed their music. Less into Foo Fighters, but this sounds very interesting. Great review!

message 32: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Mai wrote: "I grew up in a post-Nirvana world, but always enjoyed their music. Less into Foo Fighters, but this sounds very interesting. Great review!"

Thanks very much Mai, yes this was excellent - great to read you like Nirvana :))

message 33: by Candi (new)

Candi "Thanks heaps Canders - isn't it great watching a band live? It's been a while for me too - I reckon the last one was Midnight Oil around 6 or 7 years ago at a natural amphitheatre in the rainforest up here - was pretty good! The thing best about concerts is - everyone is happy right? Who would you see if you could?"

It is awesome seeing and listening to live music! Right now I am obsessively listening to London Grammar and would kill to see them somewhere! It's a totally different sound from what we are talking about here though! :D But take a listen, they are perfect for the right mood :) :)

message 34: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Onto it Canders!!!!! 😄

message 35: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Just listened to Strong and the start of their cover of Wicked Game, they're great Canders. I love her voice. So, I just added their playlist to my Spotify. Thanks, my friend!!!

message 36: by Candi (new)

Candi Mark wrote: "Just listened to Strong and the start of their cover of Wicked Game, they're great Canders. I love her voice. So, I just added their playlist to my Spotify. Thanks, my friend!!!"

Yippee!! Hope you enjoy them, Markus. Hannah's voice is so unique and seductive!

message 37: by Ned (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ned Thank you Mark, I just hit this as a retirement gift from a dear friend and colleague. I saw him on Austin City Limits so primed and ready to read. Your review was excellent and moves it up on my list.

message 38: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton That's wonderful to hear, Ned. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did mate :)

Nancy (playing catch-up) The Foo Fighters and Tenacious D - lucky you! I agree, this book was so good. I read it after Taylor's death, so the parts about him and their close friendship as well as their shenanigans brought both some tears and a smile to my face.

message 40: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Nancy wrote: "The Foo Fighters and Tenacious D - lucky you! I agree, this book was so good. I read it after Taylor's death, so the parts about him and their close friendship as well as their shenanigans brought ..."

Great to see you're a big fan of the man and his work too Nancy!! I must admit, I admire him even more after reading this. Grohl made a point to discuss his moments of grief - departed friends - during his life. He would've even had more to say if this had been written after Taylor's death - that was sad too. Have you seen the clip on YouTube of Taylor's son, playing a cameo on drums (after his Dad's death) at one of FF's concerts? 🎸🎸🎸...............oh Tenacious D were so good too!

Nancy (playing catch-up) Mark wrote: "Nancy wrote: "The Foo Fighters and Tenacious D - lucky you! I agree, this book was so good. I read it after Taylor's death, so the parts about him and their close friendship as well as their shenan..."

Yes, I saw that clip and it was amazing.

preoccupiedbybooks Great review Mark! I luckily got to see Radiohead in about 2005 at a cricket ground in Manchester. The foos are up there with one of the best bands I've seen, alongside the chilli peppers and muse.

message 43: by Lily (new)

Lily Great review Mark. I hope you get to see AC/DC and Radiohead soon.

message 44: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Great review Mark! I luckily got to see Radiohead in about 2005 at a cricket ground in Manchester. The foos are up there with one of the best bands I've seen, alongside the chilli peppers and muse."

You've got a great taste in bands Fran - love your work!

message 45: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Lily wrote: "Great review Mark. I hope you get to see AC/DC and Radiohead soon."

Hopefully one day Lily - wouldn't it be a hoot????

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] I am not a rock music fan, so I'm sort-of embarrassed to say that I had no idea who Dave Grohl was until I saw the first reviews of his book several years ago🤔. Good review, Mark!

message 47: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Porton Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] wrote: "I am not a rock music fan, so I'm sort-of embarrassed to say that I had no idea who Dave Grohl was until I saw the first reviews of his book several years ago🤔. Good review, Mark!"

Hey Tezza I can understand that mate - for sure! He is good though. Okay - if you hade to see ONE musical act before you die, who would it be my friend?

message 48: by Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] (last edited Apr 06, 2024 03:40AM) (new)

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] Mark wrote: "Hey Tezza I can understand that mate - for sure! He is good though. Okay - if you hade to see ONE musical act before you die, who would it be my friend?..."

That's a tough one, Mark, but after considerable thought, I would love to have seen and heard Russian violinists David and Igor Oistrakh, father and son, playing the Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043. If I were asked What is your favourite EVER piece of music?, an impossible question for me, but I would probably answer "The Bach Double Violin Concerto, ie, BWV 1043"!

I have a few recordings of this concerto, including several with the late David and Igor Oistrakh. My favourite, unsurprisingly, is the first one I bought. It is their 1996 DGG (Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft) recording with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and Sir Eugene Goossens as conductor.

Maricarmen Estrada M Mark wrote: "Maricarmen wrote: "Excelente reseña querido amigo Mark! Yo también quiero leer este libro. Dave Grohl es un tipazo y es una inspiración para muchos!"

Claro mi amiga y muchas gracias por sea tan am..."

Sí! es increíble! Amé escucharlo en sus memorias y qué emocionante que pudiste ir a su concierto por 3 horas... just an unforgettable life experience!! 🤗

message 50: by Keri (new) - rated it 5 stars

Keri Stone I became a Foo fan later in life. Initially of their music, but then after listening to this audiobook I became a huge Dave Grohl fan. Sure he’s an amazing musician, but he just is such a terrific human, dad, friend, etc. Then watching the memorial for Taylor Hawkins, especially My Hero with Shane, you realize he has made the band a family. I’ve actually thought of listening to this again.

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