Rowan's Reviews > Ordinary Heroes: A Memoir of 9/11

Ordinary Heroes by Joseph Pfeifer
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I recently watched the Nat Geo docuseries 9/11 One Day in America. It was powerful, gripping and heartbreaking to watch. It took me right back to that day twenty years ago. The experiences shared by Chief Joseph Pfeifer were some of the most intense. When I discovered this remarkable man, the first FDNY Chief at the scene, had recently released a memoir, I immediately had to read it. It didn’t disappoint.

Ordinary Heroes is a great book about terrible events. The first fifty pages throw the reader straight into events on that fateful day, concluding with the Towers collapse. It’s anxiety-inducing to read. Joe Pfeifer accurately transports the reader into those buildings, alongside the brave men and women among first responders.

“We were going to the biggest fire of our lifetime, the biggest fire since the FDNY was founded in 1865.”

Pfeifer draws heavily from the documentary,9/11, (made by French brothers Jules and Gedeon Naudet) as he recounts details from his perspective as one of only four surviving fire chiefs. He doesn’t shy away from the reality of events.

“Within minutes of arrival, bodies of several people landed near the rig, only recognisable as bone, tissue and blood after the fall of over a hundred stories.”

All these years later, it's still hard wrapping one's head around the horrific events of that day.

“We positioned a firefighter outside to watch for falling bodies and warn new arrivals to look up before entering the building.”

Bravery. Comradery. Resilience. These are all key themes of the book, as Pfeifer takes the reader into the life of a firefighter - not just on that tragic day, but in general. I really gained a better understanding of the work firefighters do, and just how close-knit the firefighting communities of New York (and throughout the world) are.

Joe Pfeifer certainly comes across as someone wholeheartedly dedicated to his career, serving others and making the world a better place. I was left in awe at his strength, stamina and leadership shown during the most horrific times.

“By 11pm, I had been working for over twenty-nine hours, and awake for almost forty.”

The book is not only from the perspective of fire chief, but someone who lost a loved one during 9/11. It was this aspect, which I often found the most heartbreaking (along with lengthy descriptions of the recovery effort).

There was a lot to digest in this quick read. I learned a lot about 9/11 that I didn’t previously know, despite watching numerous documentaries, such as:

How NYC had its own version of Dunkirk in wake of the attacks, with up to 150 boats of all kinds coming to help evacuate almost 500,000 people from Manhattan.

The mid-October discovery of scorch marks on a basement door at Ground Zero (that happened to have $200 million behind it).

“It was hard to believe that someone was trying to pull off an Ocean’s Eleven-type heist.”

108,342 truckloads of rubble were removed from Ground Zero.

The sheer magnitude of 9/11-related cancers: “By the time of the twenty-fifth anniversary, we fear that more firefighters will have died from inhaling 9/11 dust than the 343 who died that day.”

Ordinary Heroes is as much a tribute to the those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to save others, as it is a memoir about Chief Pfeifer. I was amazed at how he continues to wholeheartedly believe in the good of others, when he has witnessed humanity at its most evil.

“The courage of ordinary heroes is in each one of us.”

Highly recommend this book. Thank you to Joe and all firefighters, and first responders who continue to give so much to others in pursuit of making our communities (and world) a better place.

“Always remember the heroes, who did ordinary things, at extraordinary times, so others may live.”
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Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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Tina Amazing book. Enjoy the read.

Rowan Tina wrote: "Amazing book. Enjoy the read."

It was definitely an amazing read, Tina!

message 3: by Pat (new)

Pat Amazing review Rowan!

Rowan Pat On partial hiatus wrote: "Amazing review Rowan!"

Thank you, Pat! I really enjoyed this one.

message 5: by Pat (new)

Pat Rowan wrote: "Pat On partial hiatus wrote: "Amazing review Rowan!"

Thank you, Pat! I really enjoyed this one."

I read a non-fiction account of Australia’s worst bushfire crisis where many people lost their lives. It was horrific but so well done. I can’t read those things too often, too sad!

Rowan Pat On partial hiatus wrote: "Rowan wrote: "Pat On partial hiatus wrote: "Amazing review Rowan!"

Thank you, Pat! I really enjoyed this one."

I read a non-fiction account of Australia’s worst bushfire crisis where many people ..."

Ah yes, I can imagine how heartbreaking that book would be too, Pat. Think I’ll need a change of pace with my next read!

message 7: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Definitely adding this one to my list. Thanks for the review. Really well done.

Rowan Melissa wrote: "Definitely adding this one to my list. Thanks for the review. Really well done."

Thanks for your kind words, Melissa! I hope you enjoy this one.

message 9: by Colin (new)

Colin Baldwin This is a well-crafted review, Rowan. Well done. CB

Rowan Colin wrote: "This is a well-crafted review, Rowan. Well done. CB"

Thank you very much, Colin!

message 11: by Jill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jill Hutchinson Superb review, Rowan. I read this book a couple of years ago and it brought back the horror and the heroism of that day.

Rowan Jill wrote: "Superb review, Rowan. I read this book a couple of years ago and it brought back the horror and the heroism of that day."

Thanks, Jill. I really enjoyed reading your review of this book too!

message 13: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Greer- Hansen I appreciate this review Rowan! I think this is a must read before I go to New York in May!

Rowan Tracy wrote: "I appreciate this review Rowan! I think this is a must read before I go to New York in May!"

I think you should definitely read this prior to your New York trip, Tracy! Have you been there before? My time walking around the 9/11 Memorial will stay with me forever. Very touching and solemn experience.

message 15: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Greer- Hansen Rowan: I have not been before. Really looking forward to it. I heard the memorial is quite heavy!

Rowan Tracy wrote: "Rowan: I have not been before. Really looking forward to it. I heard the memorial is quite heavy!"

I'm sure you'll enjoy New York, Tracy! The memorial was quite heavy indeed, though a touching tribute. I would like to return, as the museum was not finished when I visited.

message 17: by Misty Marie (new)

Misty Marie Harms Awesome review ✏️📚

Rowan Maiden Misty's wrote: "Awesome review ✏️📚"

Thank you, Misty!

message 19: by Cathy (new)

Cathy S. Incredible review! Just reading it brought back the memories of that day. I lived in northern NJ and the horror and fear for family and friends who were stuck just 15 blocks away and the family friends who worked in the towers but were delayed that morning, still feels surreal to this day. I suspect it will the rest of my life.

message 20: by Ed (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ed Bernard Easily one of the best memoirs I've read recently. Imagine sending your own brother into the South Tower that day ...

Rowan Cathy wrote: "Incredible review! Just reading it brought back the memories of that day. I lived in northern NJ and the horror and fear for family and friends who were stuck just 15 blocks away and the family fri..."

Thank you for your kind words, Cathy! Your memories of that day certainly sound stressful, and intense, and will no doubt stay with you forever. This book certainly drops the reader among it all. Heartbreaking stuff.

Rowan Ed wrote: "Easily one of the best memoirs I've read recently. Imagine sending your own brother into the South Tower that day ..."

Oh, I know. I can't even begin to imagine how Chief Pfeifer felt sending his brother up. Definitely one of the best memoirs I've read recently too, Ed!

message 23: by Kat (new)

Kat Amazing review, Rowan. This sounds like an intensely emotional read!

Rowan Kat wrote: "Amazing review, Rowan. This sounds like an intensely emotional read!"

Thanks, Kat! It certainly was - and a good one at that!

Cheryl Great review, Rowan! I really liked this book too!

Rowan Cheryl wrote: "Great review, Rowan! I really liked this book too!"

Thanks Cheryl! I’m glad you enjoyed this one too. I loved reading your review for it!

Deana Seek out the video on youtube titled Boatlift for more info about the evacuation of lower Manhattan. Eye opening!

Rowan Deana wrote: "Seek out the video on youtube titled Boatlift for more info about the evacuation of lower Manhattan. Eye opening!"

Thanks for this recommendation, Deana! I'll be sure to check it out.

message 29: by Pattie (new)

Pattie Excellent review!

Rowan Pattie wrote: "Excellent review!"

Thank you, Pattie!

message 31: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy  Fantastic review, Rowan! With all that has been written about 9/11 over the past two decades, this sounds like a standout.

Rowan Tracy wrote: "Fantastic review, Rowan! With all that has been written about 9/11 over the past two decades, this sounds like a standout."

Thank you, Tracy! This was a fantastic memoir. It definitely puts the reader down at Ground Zero on that fateful day, and was inspiring at the same time.

message 33: by Kay (new)

Kay Amazing review Rowan!

Rowan Kay wrote: "Amazing review Rowan!"

Thank you, Kay!

message 35: by Jill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jill Hutchinson Beautiful review, Rowan. I was almost in tears when I read this book and I love your final quote.

Rowan Jill wrote: "Beautiful review, Rowan. I was almost in tears when I read this book and I love your final quote."

Thank you, Jill. This book made me emotional at times too. It was such a great read!

Barbara (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS!) Very powerful review Rowan. Have you listened to the audio of "Only Plane in the Sky"? It's amazing. Fabulous review Rowan.

Rowan Barbara wrote: "Very powerful review Rowan. Have you listened to the audio of "Only Plane in the Sky"? It's amazing. Fabulous review Rowan."

Thank you very much, Barbara! I haven’t listened to the audio of “Only Plane in the Sky” - thank you for making me aware of this. I’ll definitely check it out :)

Barbara (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS!) Rowan wrote: "Barbara wrote: "Very powerful review Rowan. Have you listened to the audio of "Only Plane in the Sky"? It's amazing. Fabulous review Rowan."

Thank you very much, Barbara! I haven’t listened to the..."

You're welcome!!

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