Imme van Gorp's Reviews > Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces by Riley Hart
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This book was divided into three parts and they were all very different to me.

The first part is about Mateo and Josiah when they were both teenagers living together in a foster home and after that, on the streets. And my god. Their love was so fucking epic. My heart couldn’t stop hammering in my chest, and my stomach had constant butterflies. I was damn well swooning. They both cared about each other so much. Both so scared to let the other in at first, but both so desperately wanting to. Mateo would literally do anything to protect Josiah, to keep him safe and keep Josiah with him. Mateo would honestly rather cut out his own tongue than say something that would hurt him; ugh, ultimate swoon. When they finally got together I was so damn happy, but their lives were still so hard. And then finally my heart absolutely broke when Mateo had to do what he did.. They deserved so much better.

“Goodbye, my precioso. Te amo.”

The second part is about Tristan and Josiah: it’s five years later and Josiah is still struggling with everything that happened before. He can’t get over the past and he can’t forget Mateo. Tristan is also a complex person with his own deep-rooted issues. They form a tentative bond, which, after a very long time, leads to them getting together. I have to say that I had trouble getting into their relationship; Josiah was obviously still in pain and I didn’t feel like Tristan treated him all that well. They didn’t speak often and seemed uncomfortable around each other. It also took them way too long to get together. I hated how Tristan refused to let Josiah in, and how Josiah just made due with the scraps he got. Josiah deserved a better love than that; he deserved a love like his and Mateo’s.

“I was sixteen when I met him. The first time he walked into the room, I thought he would kill me… but he didn’t. He saved me. He loved me.”

Then part three happened, and it followed all three of them: Josiah, Mateo and Tristan. I cannot tell you how loudly I squealed when Mateo and Josiah were finally reunited after nine god damn years apart, but of course they had the ‘past’ to deal with first.. Nonetheless, it was so obvious that they were still so perfect together: their love has always been so pure and it clearly still was. The way Mateo loved Josiah so fiercely, adored him, treasured him, would have done anything for him.. I immediately wished Tristan would just disappear into thin air, and Mateo and Josiah could get their happily ever after ALONE. It’s like… you have this epic love and then there’s also this random other guy who doesn’t belong. I honest to god felt angry when Mateo and Tristan started to connect: I almost wanted to scream. I wanted Mateo (and Tristan) to only have eyes for Josiah, and it made me sad when they were so quick in their interest for each other: I felt like it totally cheapened both of their love for Josiah.. The fact that Mateo even thought about Tristan that way when he finally had Josiah back.. How could that even occupy his mind? Why was he not fighting tooth and nail to get Josiah for himself? Why was he so turned on by Tristan? I honestly felt like Tristan and Mateo took over the entire story, and Josiah was pushed into the backseat. Ugh. Anyway, I guess I was happy enough that Mateo and Josiah at least found their way back to each other, even if it was with Tristan too. Doesn’t mean I didn’t still wish Tristan would go the hell away.

“Don’t let me lose you. Whatever you’re thinking right now, come back to me Jay. You’re here. Dios, I can’t fuckin’ believe you’re here.”

Long story short, I completely loved the first part of this book, found the second part pretty good, yet the last part honestly just pissed me off so much and made the whole thing lose most of its charm and sparkle from before.
This book went from something I thought could be one of my best reads to something I almost despised. Such wasted potential, and I'm honestly a bit sad about it.

It’s like this: Mateo and Josiah make my heart happy and swoon uncontrollably, and Josiah and Tristan were okay as a couple, but Tristan and Mateo together? I HATE IT. SO MUCH. I want both of them to only love Josiah. And for them to then just open their hearts up to each other so quickly?? I’m raging. I almost felt like they were betraying Josiah by how intense their feelings for each other were.

And truly, this is why I never like to read about polyamory in books; I always end up favouring one duo, and then I get angry when they start to care about the third person too. I’m too possessive for this stuff.

Mateo and Josiah's love deserved their own story.
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Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm] Oh Imme, so why did you do it then? 😭😭 reading poly I mean. I’m so looking forward to this book. Haha now more than ever 😄💗

message 2: by Cyndi (last edited Jun 11, 2022 01:34PM) (new)

Cyndi Such a fantastic review, Imme! I feel like you do about poly books, yet I keep trying them in hopes to find an author that writes it in whatever way it is that I need it. I don't know what that is because I haven't found it yet. It sounds like you're like me, where you get attached to 2/3 of the relationship and want the other 1/3 to go away. I'm glad you enjoyed the first part so much!

Imme van Gorp @Kati — Well, okay so I knew this book would end up in a three-way relationship; I mean, helloo, the cover is kinda obvious lol. BUT with previous reviews I read of this book I thought it would be a little different.. I felt like those reviews hinted at an end relationship where both men were IN LOVE with Josiah, but loved each other as friends only. That obviously wasn’t the case, and I can’t help but feel disappointed with that. It didn’t suit them at all, because both men had been so in love with Josiah before, I found it odd that they would suddenly fall for each other too. So yea.. I really should just stop with any poly books.. but to be fair, I’m not mad I read this if only for part 1 of this book: Mateo and Josiah had a beautiful love. I wish the book had stuck with only that😅
Anyway, if you’re into poly books, I’m sure you’ll love this, so I’m excited for you to read it and hear your thoughts on it!!😘

Imme van Gorp @Cyndi — LOL i’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who always ends up feeling like that😂 I always try to get invested in the whole trio, but it’s just so hard when one duo is obviously so much better. I couldn’t wrap my head around an epic love like theirs needing a third…😅
But yes thank you, I was also glad I enjoyed the first part so much!! I genuinely loved it!

message 5: by len ❀ (last edited Jun 11, 2022 04:20PM) (new)

len ❀ this is exactly why i don’t think i’ll ever read menage. there’s some series i wanna read that have an installment that’s mmm but i would gladly skip the novel and move on to the rest, even if it’ll make me confused for the rest of the series/books. the way you described the story between josiah and mateo sounds absolutely beautiful and like something i would love to read. the angst the separation can cause can create so much longing and emotion, and i would so read something like it if it was between them only. even if mateo left and they reunited nine years later, i would read it. give me that yearning. but as you said, then you have this other character coming in and taking other one of the mc’s thoughts and it just… ruins it. i know there’s some menage stories where it doesn’t feel like one character is more loved, but it does seem like it happens here, and that’s another reason i don’t wanna read menage stories. i just prefer monogamous ones between two mc’s that just love each other. 🤷🏻‍♀️
even if i ever find a book by this author that i’ll enjoy, this is one i’d probably skip.
overall, amazing review, imme! 💙

🇵🇸🇵🇸 hasfia 🇵🇸🇵🇸 Ooo I’ve had this on my tbr for a bit now and after reading your review I’m hesitant in gettin on it. I know what you mean about a poly relationship, I’m reading the confessions series by Ella frank (spin off of the temptation books) and the MMM are in a poly relationship where it kind of works. If you’re ever looking to dabble a little more I’d suggest giving the confessions series a go ❤️

Imme van Gorp @elena — yup, you nailed exactly what I don’t like about it as well.
The love here between josiah and mateo was so absolutely stunning, and if this story had gone the way you just said; with still a nine year seperation but with it only about them, god this book would have been so good. The chemistry, the love, the feelings; they were all there between these two. But then the third person comes in and ruins my whole mood lol.
Give me monogamous stories about poly stories any day! It’s just a bit of a shame when some books seem so good if only they weren’t MMM…😅 I never learn and try them out anyway lol

Imme van Gorp @Hasfia — oh yes, I’ve read some Ella Frank books before, and they do tend to be a bit hit or miss for me. I think I saw her MMM series before, and it did sound like it had an interesting premise then. For the moment I think I might stay away from poly for a little while though, but I’ll keep it in mind for if I want to give it another try!🧡
And I also hope that if you do decide to give this one a try, you’ll end up enjoying it! It’s really not a bad book; part 1 alone was already worth reading the book to me. And I imagine it’s even an absolutely wonderful book if you manage to actually get into the relationship with the trio!

L Ann First of all, I'm surprised you actually read this! 😆😆 And Second, OH MY GOD! YESSSSS! That first part was perfection. I loved Josiah's and Mateo's story and I desperately wanted them to get back together. Theirs would have been the best second chance romance. I guess I can see Josiah being with Tristan (though I low key hated it the whole time) but Tristan and MATEO? That shit was completely unbelievable to me. And Mateo sharing Josiah? Even more unbelievable. When written right mmm can work. Too bad that was not the case here.

message 10: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @L Ann — hahah yes, I had this book on my TBR for a long ass time, and when I saw your review posted about two days ago, I was like; oh riiiight, i wanted to read that! So i did😂
I’m so happy that you loved Josiah and Mateo as much as I did; they were genuinely perfection!! You’re so right though: if this book had been a second-chance romance for them (minus Tristan), my god this could have been so freaking good.
I agree that Josiah and Tristan kind of worked together although they were no match for Josiah and Mateo. HOWEVER, when Mateo and Tristan suddenly fell head over heels in love with each other as well, I was like: NO. NO. NO. Don’t you dare😭 It was extra heartbreaking because I couldn’t imagine Mateo ever loving anyone like he loved Josiah and then suddenly he just did… Ugh😢😢

message 11: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Sorry this didn't work for you! Poly romances are definitely not for everyone, but I'm glad you tried it.

message 12: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rebecca — Thanks! And yea, I’m always willing to try anything (within reason lol), so I might even give poly another shot sometime in the future. For now I think I’m done with it for awhile though😅 I cannot ever seem to help getting attached to two out of three😬

message 13: by Florence (new)

Florence . So sorry this didn’t work for you! I find that poly romances are super hit and miss for me too because i’m always way too possessive but all of my favourite ones always end up being the ones where everyone feel like they matter the same amount, which is rare but sometimes happens and it’s a glorious moment haha

message 14: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Florence — hahah yess that is very true! Although to be honest, in this case I didn’t even want them all to matter an equal amount since I was already too invested in the duo from part 1 as a monogamous couple. I basically just wanted the other dude to go away regardless😂

Cat the bookworm (in a semi hiatus of sorts) I’ve only read one book so far where mmm worked for me, for exactly the same reasons you described. More often than not, you have one couple that’s perfect for each other. And then there’s this third guy that somehow only makes the steamy scenes more interesting and adds drama to the plot. Great review, Imme, thank you for NOT recommending a book for my tbr for once 😉

message 16: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Cat — Yes exactly!! Well, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who feels this way about most MMM books! hahah

message 17: by Elena (new)

Elena I have some of the same problems you brought up in your review when I try to read MMM, but some have worked for me and I keep hoping there are more out there because when it works, it's really awesome. But when it doesn't, it's awfully frustrating. 🙈 I'm sorry this book didn't deliver completely for you, Imme.

Iman (semi-hiatus) ahh amazing review!!

message 19: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Elena — yea it seems that a lot of people tend to struggle the same with MMM; it’s definitely hard to not develop a preference within a trio😅 I also can’t seem to stop hoping I find a gem in the genre, but unfortunately I don’t think I have found one yet. You said some have worked for you: do you mind telling me which ones?? I’d love to know!!😘

message 20: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Iman — Thanksss🖤

message 21: by Elena (last edited Jun 12, 2022 06:14AM) (new)

Elena Imme wrote: "You said some have worked for you: do you mind telling me which ones?? I’d love to know!!"

I don't mind at all, but as I was going through my shelves to make sure I didn't miss any, I realized the ones that really worked for me because of the relationship--as opposed to being simply stories I liked that happened to have some poly/mmm content--were not as many as I thought. As in, one. Maybe two. 🙈 Three, if you don't count that two of them are a duology about the same throuple. 😅
The duology starts with Changes Coming Down, there's a mystery subplot in both books, which isn't the best, but I have a soft spot for this author's writing and characters, and I didn't mind much because I loved the MCs and their relationship.
The other one is Marrick's Promise, but don't take this as a rec, I'm only mentioning it because it's the only other example I have where I felt the relationship was perfectly balanced. It's a short story with lion shifters, BDSM and very little plot's not great by any standards. It's by one of my favorite authors and I first read it when I was new to the genre, it worked really well for me, so much that I changed the rating up after a couple of rereads, but I'm aware that objectively speaking it has many limits.

I don't know if you've already read Misfits. It didn't completely work for me, but I'm an exception and I don't have a good track record with this author. A lot of my friends love it and it's considered one of the best mmm books, so it's worth checking out, if you haven't already. :)

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Elena — Ah thank you so much🧡 I really appreciate that!!🥰 It’s unfortunate that there didn’t end up being as many successes with MMM for you as you thought; it truly is a very tricky genre😅😂

message 23: by Elena (new)

Elena Imme wrote: "@Elena — Ah thank you so much🧡 I really appreciate that!!🥰 It’s unfortunate that there didn’t end up being as many successes with MMM for you as you thought; it truly is a very tricky genre😅😂"

And it doesn't help that I give it so few tries because I know it's likely to not go well for me. 😅

message 24: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Elena — hahhah yes same ;)

Celia {Hiatus until August} Amazing review Imme, now I'm curious about this book. I like polyamory relations, if they are equal, it takes a lot of chemistry to be able to divide love like that and it's happier, no one suffer 🥰

L Ann It was also annoying how much Josiah kept trying to actually push Mateo and Tristan together. He REALLY wanted them to be together and everytime he brought it up I'd roll my eyes so much I thought my eyes would roll out of my head.

message 27: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Celia — Thanks! And honestly, it you like poly books, this one might be really good for you! Do know that two of the guys have long-standing relationships with one guy until the other two fall in love too, so I don’t really know how “equal” that is😅

message 28: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @L Ann — honestly, yea you’re right. It was very pushy and almost made me a bit uncomfortable. He was like; you better start making out together as well or I’m not gonna hook up with both of you🙄 almost felt like manipulation lol

message 29: by gloria .☆゚. (new)

gloria .☆゚. awh it's so sad when the book has a promising start but lets you down. i end up being so hesitant to love a book because i'm like "what if it ends up being bad" and then i'm unable to enjoy it in the moment. i'm glad you were still able to enjoy part of it though!! and the blockquoting is looking fresh, love how you've started doing it in your reviews Imme <33

Celia {Hiatus until August} Imme wrote: "@Celia — Thanks! And honestly, it you like poly books, this one might be really good for you! Do know that two of the guys have long-standing relationships with one guy until the other two fall in ..."

Well, the three of them love each other, right? They stay all together?

message 31: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @gloria — yea, I totally get what you’re saying. It’s like: if you start loving a book, I feel it’s so easy to get disappointed with it later on😅
And thank you💜 I definitely still don’t always use quotes in my reviews, but whenever I have the energy for it, I try to😂

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Celia — yes, they do, but I do feel like Mateo and Tristan love Josiah more than each other, even if they claim that’s untrue at the end😅 So yea, they stay together, but I wouldn’t exactly call it an “equal” relationship between the three of them!

Celia {Hiatus until August} Imme wrote: "@Celia — yes, they do, but I do feel like Mateo and Tristan love Josiah more than each other, even if they claim that’s untrue at the end😅 So yea, they stay together, but I wouldn’t exactly call it..."

Love takes time Imme 😂 🤣

message 34: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Celia — Lol true, but that was exactly why Tristan and Mateo’s love fell flat to me; whereas they both spend years getting to know and falling in love with Josiah, they only knew each other for a super short amount of time and randomly loved each other too. It wasn’t good😢

Celia {Hiatus until August} Imme wrote: "@Celia — Lol true, but that was exactly why Tristan and Mateo’s love fell flat to me; whereas they both spend years getting to know and falling in love with Josiah, they only knew each other for a ..."

Maybe, as they love Josiah, they also love each other 😂 🤣

message 36: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Celia — hahah yes that is kind of how it was explained, but that was not good enough for me😂😂

Celia {Hiatus until August} Imme wrote: "@Celia — hahah yes that is kind of how it was explained, but that was not good enough for me😂😂"

Yeah, hope the next reading it goes better for you Imme 😘

message 38: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Celia — Thanks, darling 💗

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