Phuong ✯'s Reviews > Keeping 13

Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 5-stars-crème-de-la-crème, all-time-favorites, family-moments-givin-butterflies, friendships-that-are-ride-o-die, books-read-in-2020, cry-me-a-river, cutest-kids-i-would-adopt, anger-management-issues-in-da-house, found-family-by-blood-o-choice, friends-o-dumbasses-to-lovers, funniest-shit-my-eyes-have-seen, sports-romance, witty-banter-giving-me-life, rambling-thoughts-and-rant-reviews, oops-i-did-it-again-rereads, diabetes-alert-too-sweet-to-handle, soft-boi-wanna-squish-him, book-boyfriends-break-my-back-sir, underrated-gems-that-need-more-love, giving-me-bangxiety-attack, side-characters-doing-the-hard-work, books-read-in-2023, punch-me-in-the-feels-why-don-t-you, for-rainy-days-to-come, kings-and-queens-of-literature
Read 2 times. Last read February 8, 2023.

☆⋅⋆ ── 1st read 2020: 5 stars
☆⋅⋆ ─── 2nd read 2023: 5+ stars

"I love you," she whispered, fingers digging into my neck as she pulled my face down to hers and kissed my lips. "A crazy fucking amount." "I love you, too –" my voice cracked and I exhaled a strangled breath before adding, "Most in the world."

johnnyshannon will always be famous for paving the way for the rest of the Boys of Tommen couples that will follow. my precious babies. i love them so much and now i'm more than excited to dive into joeyaoife's story even though i know they will break my heart.

1825 pages, 150 chapters and many many tears later .... THE HIGH RATINGS FOR THIS SERIES ARE REAL AND I'M 100% ONE THIS HYPE TRAIN!

WARNING: This review contains a lot of screaming, crying, fangirling and mental breakdowns. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions.

Family Portrait - P!nk
Bruises - Lewis Capaldi
Jane - Picture This
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
Breath Me- Sia

The reason why this book (and series in general) deserves all these 5 stars is because it has HEART. It has so much HEART, SOUL AND LOVE in it. The love is real. The most beautiful thing about The Boys of Tommen Series is, that it emphasises that love comes in many shapes and sizes.

Obviously, we have the romantic love, which ofc is a big part of this series, but besides that, Binding 13 and Keeping 13 showcase all the different forms of love such as: the most amazing bromances, supportive female-female friendships, how strangers can become family, beautiful & heartbreaking sibling relationships, the love parents have for their children, the love the children have for their parents even though they can be quite embarrassing and more.

WARNING 2: Each book in this series is long, like really long. That means a huge cast ensemble and lots of different relationships between them and I will say something to each characters & their relationship, because they are worth mentioning and the reason why this series is so great. Therefore this review is going to be a long one. (Decided to do a jointed review for Binding 13 and Keeping 13)

First of all, this series was addictive to read. Lately, I've been having problems reading books in one sitting, but with Binding 13 and Keeping 13? No problem at all. I said fuck my life, fuck my responsibilities, fuck exam preparation, fuck it all, I'm just going to read this series in under 48 hours and I did.

As lengthy as these books appear, it doesn't feel long at all. I was so entranced with the story and characters that 900 pages fly by like nothing. After finishing these books, I even wished them to be longer. The reason why these books are so long is because you get a front seat to all these characters lives. Instead of telling you how these people do things, they get shown. Every milestone is shown. Every important conversation is shown. Was every scene in this book necessary? No. Would I delete anything if I could? Never.

Because of how every scene was shown, I had the feeling of being right next to all these characters. All this talk about the characters, but I haven't told you anything about them yet. So here we go:


You're going to hate him, cause he just THAT perfect. Johnny is boyfriend material. He's every parent dream for their daughter. Smart, Gorgeous, Handsome, Future Rugby star, but most of all he's KIND & GENEROUS. I'm telling ya that's a lethal combination for my heart. Johnny was so sweet, I might cry because no guy in real life will ever compare to him. It's actually unfair, how unrealistically perfect he is 😭😭

It's annoying how my mind can't come up with one single flaw. All I can say is that his mother and father have raised him right. His an overall great guy. No flaws detected.

All his life, his only goal was rugby. All he focus on is training and playing rugby. A big part of the story is Johny finding himself and what he is outside of rugby. I love how from the moment he meet Shannon, he realises that he hasn't lived, because he was so focused on rugby. I don't know who his biggest fan was: Shannon, Gibsie, Mammy K or me? My money is on me. 😂

Shannon is small, shy and extremely timid. If you look up 'damsel-in-distress' in the dictionary, you would find Shannon's picture. All characteristics I don't look for in a heroine to be honest. My favorite heroines are more the type of 'Kick-them-in-the-balls-and-burn-them-alive kind of girls. The only thing I wished would be different is, that Shannon had more of a backbone and stand up for herself more. But the further I got in the story, the more I understood where she came from.

I think it's so easy to judge a character by their behaviour just because you would act differently, but I know it's hard when you haven't walked in their shoes. At the beginning I was lowkey annoyed at Shannon for not telling her bullies to fuck off, but then I haven't been bullied and tormented my whole life in school. I don't have anxiety the way Shannon has anxiety, I haven't been mentally and physically abused by my father my whole life like Shannon. I haven't been separated with my family and got put into the foster system. That's just a fraction of terrible things that happened to Shannon. So who am I to judge how she's has or has not to behave?

For what life has given her so far, Shannon is a kind, strong & most of all resilient girl. She endured everything as best as she could. She's a survivor. One of the best thing was seeing Shannon finding herself and knowing her strengths. I love the character development she went through.

URG... Johnny and Shannon were so adorable together. Their interactions are so damn awkward that it's sweet to watch. It's funny how a guy like Johnny, who has all these girls at his feet, fumbling with words and acting all awkward, because it's the first time that he has a crush on a girl.

*sigh* Johnny treated Shannon with so much care and respect, just thinking about it makes me want to cry 🥺🥺🥺 he let her dictate the pace. He never rushed her to do anything. He was the most respectful guy ever. Did I tell you that I love him? I couldn't imagine a more perfect guy for Shannon. He's exactly what she needed.

Their love was just so innocent and pure. 🤍🤍🤍

𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐃 '𝐆𝐈𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐄' 𝐆𝐈𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐍 (H's best friend)

This guy.. holy shit he is mental 🤣 I have almost every single line of Gibsie highlighted. He's that funny. Every time he opened his big mouth:

Gibsie is hands down my favorite character in the whole series. This series has many amazing characters, but no one is on Gibsie's level. He's something else. He outshines everyone in every scene he is. The manwhore with the biggest heart.

His relationship with basically every person on page was comedy gold. He's never serious, but when it counts, he knows exactly what to do. If someone needs his help, he is there no question asked. I'm ready to build this man a shrine in my room. 🙌

They are the definition of platonic soulmates. Johnny and Gibsie are each other's RIDE OR DIE, or in their case RIDE AND DIE cause when you're riding with Gibsie, you're 100% going to die. 🤣

Gibsie and Johnny's bromance is one of the best thing that happened to me in 2020. Their friendship is to cry for. I loved it so much. Their banter is hilarious. I don't know how many times I LOLed, because of these two. These two don't have any secrets and are constantly giving each other unnecessary life advises. I WAS DYING!

The way they kept lift each other up during darker times. Their bromance was everything. One of the best male-male friendships in literature I'm not lying.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐒 (h's best friend)
Claire is such a ray of sunshine. I was so happy that Shannon had Claire and Lizzie by her side who supported her all the way. Shannon never had the chance for a normal childhood, so when she transferred to the new school and had Lizzie and Claire with her that was a relief.

It was good to see that Claire gave her a bit of normality. Doing girly stuff. Talking about boys. Going shopping. I love that Claire and Shannon had each other.

Gibsie and Claire are friends since childhood and clearly care for each other, but refuse to be together. I WANT THEIR BOOK NEXT AND THE FACT THAT I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL BOOK #5 IS A HATE CRIME AND PHUONG-PHOBIC 😭 Claire and Gibsie already bicker like an old married couple.

Their books is the one I'm looking forward the most. I'm already so fucking invested in their love story, it hurts 😭 I hate the childhood best friends to lovers trope, but I already know that Claire and Gibsie are going to own that trope.

𝐉𝐎𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐂𝐇 (h's older brother)
My poor baby. Someone go and protect this boy who has the world's responsibilities on his shoulders. All he does is work, care for his good for nothing mother, protect Shannon from their father, care for the rest of the family, while dealing with the rest of his life. Somebody give this guy a gold medal and a break!

Joey went through so much in this book and all I want for him is to be happy and healthy.

I can't wait for the next book, which is Joey and Aoife's story. They are going to pull second-chance and accidentally pregnancy trope. Two tropes I'm not particular fond of, but I know Chloe Walsh is going to pull it off somehow. I trust her.

The two amigos. The oldest siblings. The protectors. Shan and Joey got the worst end of the deal. Joey as the second oldest brother after their brother Darren walked out their house, had to protect all his baby siblings from his alcoholic & abusive father. Shannon as the only girl also got abused repetitively. It was them against the world.

Their relationship broke my heart. Brother and sister relationships are normally not that close. When you're a teen, you find you're brother/sister annoying as hell and you constantly fight. Not these two. They are as close as how two siblings who went through hell together could be. Joey and Shannon had some really deep talk that was heart wrenching.

With 16 and 18 years, you shouldn't be sitting in the car in front of your house crying and talking about leaving everything behind, cause reality is too hard. With 16 years, you shouldn't worry about your brother walking out the door and never coming back, cause the pressure of caring about your family is too much. Every time Joey and Shannon had to walk through the door to their abusive father, I just wanted to cry with them.


Never in my life, did I have a crush on parents as hard as I have with Edel Kavanagh and John Kavanagh. I don't know on who I crush harder??? Mama K is a fashion designer and the most protective mama-bear. She wouldn't even think for a second to throw herself into a fire to save her son. She's a fucking badass!! When I grow up, I want to be her!! She was also extremely funny. If she wasn't busy embarrassing Johny infront of Shan, she was cockblocking him hardcore 😂 I love her so much.

But John Kavanagh 🥵🥵🥵 I reached that age where it should be acceptable to crush on the son and the father at the same time LOL. If you read this book, you'll know. There is just something about successful lawyer, who are smart, kind and treat their family right that does something to me. Don't judge 🥵 😂 There is one scene where Daddy K is in the principal's office of Johnny's school and PLEASE the power play...

I WANT THE KAVANGHS TO ADOPT ME, PLEASE. I say that every couple of days and in real life it's not possible to get adopted that often, but you know we're talking about fictional families here so I don't see the problem. I'm going to cry if they say no.

Mother a fashion designer, Father a lawyer, Son is a popular rugby player. Smart, gorgeous & generous. How does it feel like to be god's favorite?

I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM. These three together are literally family goals. The way John & Edel kept supporting Johnny was nothing short but amazing.

They are the best. I don't know better people.

Speaking of god. When god gave out luck, he ran out when he got to the Lynch family. It's sad how unlucky the Lynch siblings were.

I hated their father and mother with a passion. I was so furious at the mother that she didn't protect her children better. Because of her they are all completely messed up. For the father I have nothing to say except that he deserves his ending.

As messed up as they are, I love all the Lynch siblings so much. Joey, Shannon, Tadhg, Ollie and Sean. They are all adorable and I loved their relationship with each other. Siblings that went through hell together, stay together.

I'm just trying to insert how perfect Johnny is wherever I can. To no one's surprise he was perfect with Shannon's younger brothers. Tadhg, Ollie and Sean adore him.

I'm missing so many other relationship dynamics that are worth mentioning like Gibsie + Tadhg, Johnny + his dog or all the guys in the rugby team (shoutout to Feely & Hughie), but I'm running out of characters oops..

If you made it until here, I appreciate it very much and thanks for reading, but what are you guys waiting for? If you can read this bad written, almost 15k review, you can also start Binding 13 😂
This book will not be for everyone, mostly because most people will see Shannon as weak, but everyone should at least try to experience this book. ALL THESE FEELS!!!!

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Reading Progress

July 16, 2020 – Started Reading
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: 5-stars-crème-de-la-crème
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: all-time-favorites
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: family-moments-givin-butterflies
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: friendships-that-are-ride-o-die
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: books-read-in-2020
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: cry-me-a-river
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: cutest-kids-i-would-adopt
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: anger-management-issues-in-da-house
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: found-family-by-blood-o-choice
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: friends-o-dumbasses-to-lovers
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: funniest-shit-my-eyes-have-seen
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: sports-romance
July 17, 2020 – Shelved as: witty-banter-giving-me-life
July 17, 2020 – Finished Reading
September 14, 2020 – Shelved as: rambling-thoughts-and-rant-reviews
September 17, 2020 – Shelved as: oops-i-did-it-again-rereads
December 14, 2020 – Shelved as: diabetes-alert-too-sweet-to-handle
February 23, 2021 – Shelved as: soft-boi-wanna-squish-him
October 25, 2021 – Shelved as: book-boyfriends-break-my-back-sir
January 2, 2022 – Shelved as: underrated-gems-that-need-more-love
March 12, 2022 – Shelved as: giving-me-bangxiety-attack
March 27, 2022 – Shelved as: side-characters-doing-the-hard-work
December 2, 2022 – Shelved
February 8, 2023 – Started Reading
February 8, 2023 – Shelved as: books-read-in-2023
February 8, 2023 – Shelved as: punch-me-in-the-feels-why-don-t-you
February 8, 2023 – Shelved as: for-rainy-days-to-come
February 8, 2023 – Shelved as: kings-and-queens-of-literature
February 8, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 113 (113 new)

moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus] Omg I love how in-depth you went for this review! 🤩 This took me by surprise the first time I read it cause I don't read YA as much as I used to, but it was everything I was looking for and more. Aside from Shannon and Johnny's pure love, it doesn't even feel YA tbh. I agree with literally everything you wrote! Also yes, we need a book for Gibsie and Claire. 🙌💓

message 2: by Tears Of Venus (new)

Tears Of Venus me: Siri, i wanna read the perfect review
Siri: say no more

*directs me to this*

message 3: by Lien (new)

Lien Wow you really did it haha I'm so proud of you 😂 so how long did it take for you to read nearly 2K pages? 😂

message 4: by Lien (new)

Lien Oh never mind, I just skimmed your review and it says under 48h lol

❦O❦ Wow i love this review so much!!!! So detailed and in-depth, i’m sold! This series is gonna be the next one on my list FOR SURE, so excited! 💕💕

julia wow okay i am sold! looks like i know what i will be doing instead of studying for my geography exam!

great! nay! AMAZING review! this review got me so hype and excited to read these books now! ♥️


Rachel (LoverofTBR) Lovely review, Phuong!! I'm so glad this series is such a huge winner for you 💖 I LOVE the detailed character descriptions!

mel ☽ first of all... fucking finally girl 😤 🥺 lolll im so glad you loved this tho! Johnny is literally THE boyfriend material and Shannon- well i just wanna protect her from EVERYONE. she's just so innocent and precious and what happened to her.. omfg i wanna bitch slap her dad. and Gibsie... omfg i know im older than him and he's a fictional character but i want him. straight up. no joke, imma simp for him idc. but him and Claire tho. they're honestly one of the best side characters EVER and one of my anticipated reads of all time. im actually so annoyed that we have to wait for his book cuz Joey's book is next ughhhh we have to wait a looong fucking time for Gibsie's book omfg. ALSO, even tho i hate the tropes of Gibsie and Claires relationship (childhood bff, unrequited love from h while H is a ho, etc.) i still feel like their love is so genuine and pure and i hope Chloe pulls a Broken Knight move where his ho-ness is fake idk lol. again im so happy you loved this and i guess its time for us to make a petition for the Kavanagh family to adopt us cuz like- that's the dream

message 9: by Zita (last edited Jul 18, 2020 11:55PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zita I loved them too! You totally should read their chapter in the "seven sleepness night" ♥

message 10: by Zita (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zita mel wrote: "first of all... fucking finally girl 😤 🥺 lolll im so glad you loved this tho! Johnny is literally THE boyfriend material and Shannon- well i just wanna protect her from EVERYONE. she's just so inno..."

Babe! Did you read their chapter in seven sleepness night? Damn I was laughing soooo hard. They are cute. And Hughie's! Jesus - totally heart attack.!!!

marnie omgg this review is UH-MAZ-ING! my physical & virtual tbr are gonna be so pissed but i'm putting this at the top, you've convinced me, i'm so excited

Phuong ✯ @yasmin - wow that's the nicest thing you said to me. I don't know how to handle this 😮
PLEAASE you better send me all the GibsieClaire crumbs when you read them.. I need my fix

Phuong ✯ @Charee – thank you girl, this book was so amazing that I just needed to write something to every important character. That's what they deserved! 🙌 but same I'm not a huge fan of YA and seeing also the length of this book, I was very wary going into it, but it was all worth it. Shannon and Johnny were so sweet that I didn't even bother that they only kissed 3 times in the first book lol Gibsie & Claire better get their own book. They are the best characters ever!!!

message 14: by Phuong ✯ (last edited Jul 21, 2020 08:45AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Phuong ✯ @Mina – dlafkjdöllkdkdlslk honestly I don't know what to say except that Siri is wrong 🤣

Phuong ✯ @Lien – not bad for 48hours right? feeling pretty proud myself for reading this monster :D

message 16: by Phuong ✯ (last edited Jul 21, 2020 08:49AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Phuong ✯ @Oumaima – Thank you! Yaay, I hope you love this series as much as I do, cause these characters mean so much to me. They are all freaking amazing 🥰🥰

Phuong ✯ @Julia – hello who needs to study for geography when you can read this masterpiece instead??? if I can procrastinate studying for my business development exam so do you 🤣

can't wait to read your review about this! it's going to be so good!!

Phuong ✯ @Rachel – Thanks lovely ❤️ these characters really needed a detailed description. each of them. I'm obsessed with them, it's not healthy 😂

Phuong ✯ @mel – first of all, thanks for keep encouraging me to read this series. I kept pushing it back cause I was so intimidated by it (the page count, that it's YA, the extreme slowburn etc.) but it was the best decision!!

ikr?? If I could build THE perfect boyfriend … Johnny would be it. Can’t name a single flaw. This guy is so respectful and sweet I can’t 😭 Shannon is my baby. She had such a shitty life and wanted to k*ll every of her bullies for treating my girl like shit. WHO DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE?! Her parents deserved what they got just saying.

lmao Gibsie is THE KING. He’s one of the funniest characters I’ve ever read about. period. i don’t know how he would be as a boyfriend, but I want him as my wingman that would be so much fun. Claire & Gibsie’s book is one of my most anticipated books EVER and the fact that we have to wait yeears until it maybe comes out, i can’t cope. did you read some of the excerps for saving 6 with Joey and Gibsie? omfg 🤣🤣 their bromance is going to fucking kill me. Joey is super serious and then there is Gibsie.. it’s going to be a trip. I DETEST CHILDHOOD BFF, but I’m Gibsie & Claire’s bitch so idc idc idc.. they can slap me and I’d thank them 😍 i hated broken knight.. Luna & Knight’s misunderstanding ew… so CW better not pull a BK on Gibsieclaire besides the fact that he is not a manho (the thing he has going on with the secretary yikes)

The Kavanagh home is already full of people.. what’s two more people? we should annoy CW so much until she writes characters with our names into the story

Phuong ✯ @Zita – after I finished Keeping 13, I totally looked up if there is like bonus content. so I read seven sleepless night right after and it made me even more excited for the next book! I wished it was Gibsie & Claire but I'm looking forward to Joey and Aoife's story too. at least more content with these characters. they are so adorable 💕

Phuong ✯ @arini – it's really rare to find a cast ensemble like this one where you love every characters. they're a special bunch 💕 can't wait to fangirl together when the next book comes out!!! thanks girl <3

Phuong ✯ @michayla – YAAAS PLEASE 🥺🥺🥺 these characters are EVERYTHING! you're not going to regret reading these books. feeling so excited for you!!

message 23: by Zita (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zita Phuong ✯ wrote: "@Zita – after I finished Keeping 13, I totally looked up if there is like bonus content. so I read seven sleepless night right after and it made me even more excited for the next book! I wished it ..."

Oh yes!! Gibsie is soooo cute! ♥ And Claire! But also I can't wait Hughie's story. I think he is gonna be our biggest suprise.

message 24: by Tears Of Venus (new)

Tears Of Venus okay i guess 1825 pages, 150 chapters and many many tears are in my future 😁 wish me luck

EmBibliophile Oh I feel like crying!! I truly love those two books. They’re one of those rare books that got me completely hooked and unable to live my life until it’s finished and then I became sad that it’s finished. Those characters are the best indeed!! I loved every single one of them! Your detailed review on every character is so accurate and made me wanna cry! Why am I so tempted to do a reread even tho this book is so freakin huge? Lovely review, Phuong! xx

Phuong ✯ @Zita – Hughie seems so much more interesting after reading the chapter in Seven Sleepness Night. Hughie and xxxxx are going to serve so much angst!

Phuong ✯ @Mina – these 1825 pages be better in your future! I promise you, you won't regret it!!

Phuong ✯ @Em – I'm so glad that I gave these books a chance, cause it turned out to be the best decision. I feel exactly like you .. every book is so long, but after finishing it, you still want mooore! Em, reread, these characters make it worth your time :D thanks you 🥰

message 29: by Zita (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zita Phuong ✯ wrote: "@Zita – Hughie seems so much more interesting after reading the chapter in Seven Sleepness Night. Hughie and xxxxx are going to serve so much angst!"

Omg yes!!! The ending gives me a heart attack!!! 😂

Phuong ✯ Zita wrote: "Phuong ✯ wrote: "@Zita – Hughie seems so much more interesting after reading the chapter in Seven Sleepness Night. Hughie and xxxxx are going to serve so much angst!"

Omg yes!!! The ending gives m..."

How are we suppose to wait years for these books? I just want them to come out all at once so we can binge read them 😂

Seline I’m so glad you loved this too, Phuong. I cried so much too. Everything was AMAZING. I agree 100% this series is all ‘heart, soul and love’. I couldn’t put this down I was like what responsibilities I don’t have one of those. Lol.. Joey’s book is next and I’m dying to read that. Amazing review, Phuong.

Phuong ✯ Seline wrote: "I’m so glad you loved this too, Phuong. I cried so much too. Everything was AMAZING. I agree 100% this series is all ‘heart, soul and love’. I couldn’t put this down I was like what responsibilitie..."

Thank you Seline 💕 this series is amazing and I'm so happy that I've read it. The downside is to find anything that will compare to it now 😔 lol, I was the same.. I have a couple of papers to finish, study for exams but once I started Binding 13 it was over and my life stopped. Saving 6 is one of my most anticipated reads for next year, I absolutely can't wait. Just want more of these characters!

message 33: by Monique (new)

Monique I'm in love with your review!! 😍 I usually don't like slow burn much but everyone is loving this series and I'm seriously tempted to give it a try 😊

julia This review popped up on my feed again. I just want to let you know I still love this review and series <3

Phuong ✯ Saint Monique wrote: "I'm in love with your review!! 😍 I usually don't like slow burn much but everyone is loving this series and I'm seriously tempted to give it a try 😊"

Thank you Monique 💕 I'm so in love with this series and the characters. I'm usually not that much for slow burn either, but the characters are AMAZING. I'd just tell you to give it a try, you'll probably see early on with it's worth continuing or not :)

Phuong ✯ ✨ Julia ✨ wrote: "This review popped up on my feed again. I just want to let you know I still love this review and series <3"

Completely agree with your comment. My love hasn't changed one bit. Answering these comments made me want to reread the whole series but my tbr list is looking very angry at me rn 🤷🏽‍♀️

message 37: by Tears Of Venus (new)

Tears Of Venus why haven't i read this yet

Phuong ✯ Tears Of Venus, but humans call me Mina wrote: "why haven't i read this yet"

idk why but girl I'm telling you! You're missing out on some good stuff

julia @Mina DO IT!!! Don't be intimidated by the page count the story literally flies!!

Milla This review is incredible. I wish I liked highschool books so I could enjoy this much

Phuong ✯ ✨ Julia ✨ wrote: "@Mina DO IT!!! Don't be intimidated by the page count the story literally flies!!"

If Mina doesn't listen to me, she better listen to you 👆

Phuong ✯ Jam wrote: "This review is incredible. I wish I liked highschool books so I could enjoy this much"

Thanks Jam 💖 I kinda want you to read this cause these characters are so funny and amazing and everyone should at least try to experience it, but from what I've seen you read so far I don't think you would like it LOL. The slowburn is even slower than in Mariana Zapata and there is a lot of drama because of the high school aspect and as you said if you don't like high school book it's prob going to be a miss for you 🙈

Milla Yknow what now I’m gonna read it just because I’m intrigued and bored lmaooo. You give good fangirl!!!!

farwa ☽ (hiatus; exams) ok brb adding this to my never ending tbr pile :”) even though i don’t vibe with high school romance anymore,BUT i hope i love it nonetheless 😤

farwa ☽ (hiatus; exams) wAIT wtf this isn’t a standalone,,,,,,,,,🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️honestly am i blind?

Zahra I’m so sad there isn’t another book for Johnny and Shannon 😭😭😭😭

Phuong ✯ ∽⋆farwa∽ wrote: "ok brb adding this to my never ending tbr pile :”) even though i don’t vibe with high school romance anymore,BUT i hope i love it nonetheless 😤"

omg you even said that you don't vibe with high school romances, it's not like you didn't warn me ahhhh I'm still sad you didn't like it tho 😭

Phuong ✯ Zahra wrote: "I’m so sad there isn’t another book for Johnny and Shannon 😭😭😭😭"

I'm not sure if the author maybe plans a wedding book for Johnny and Shannon in the future. On her website you can see all the titles for the upcoming books in the Boys of Tommen series and I can't remember the title but the last book has the number "13" in it too so I was guessing that it might be another Johnny and Shannon book. 🥺

message 49: by Zita (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zita Phuong ✯ wrote: "Zahra wrote: "I’m so sad there isn’t another book for Johnny and Shannon 😭😭😭😭"

I'm not sure if the author maybe plans a wedding book for Johnny and Shannon in the future. On her website you can se..."

True!! And the cover has a wedding type of stlye. ♥

Phuong ✯ Zita wrote: "Phuong ✯ wrote: "Zahra wrote: "I’m so sad there isn’t another book for Johnny and Shannon 😭😭😭😭"

I'm not sure if the author maybe plans a wedding book for Johnny and Shannon in the future. On her w..."

let's see if will ever see the release for that book. we still don't have release date for Joey's book. 😂

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