karen's Reviews > Night Film

Night Film by Marisha Pessl
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's review

it was amazing
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good lord, remember marisha pessl?? she of Special Topics in Calamity Physics fame?? remember the immense fawning hordes of fans and the praise surrounding that book?? you might not, it was 7 years ago and all. but it was a Very Big Deal at the time.

and it was a book that i personally thought was just okay. i am a tough judge of books that claim to be like The Secret History. i might have said this once or twice or a dozen times on the internet. and i thought special topics was fine, just a little too cheekily stylized for me, and a little hyperactive and referential in its prose.

so when i was handed this ARC, at first, i was a little, "her?"

and then i flipped through it.

and it was full of pictures and screenshots and case notes and just a real explosion of visual literacy.

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and then i read what it was about.

and the first thing i thought of, because of the mixed-media approach, and the dark tones, was House of Leaves.

another book i found overly gimmicky that everyone else loooves.

but something about this made me want to dive right into it, despite those two books being lodged in my mind and making me hesitate.

and wouldn't you know it...

to borrow the phrase of a very enthusiastic man,

this book is everything.

everything except easy to review, that is.

it is a minefield of spoilers.

there is a sentence in this book, where a character is talking about his life, but it also serves as the most succinctly perfect description of the experience of reading this book:

Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you realize you're on another trapdoor.

the basic plot revolves around scott mcgrath, a disgraced investigative journalist drawn to the mystery of a beautiful young woman who has apparently committed suicide.

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she just happens to be the daughter of stanislas cordova, the very same reclusive film director who was responsible for the "disgraced" adjective on scott's CV. cordova's films are scary-dark pieces whose fans share a cultish devotion, especially since the films are only distributed through unconventional, underground channels. cordova's life is surrounded by mystery - very few photos of him exist, mysterious deaths, madness and disappearances accrue in his wake, his actors refuse to speak of their experiences working with him, but they are forever changed.

and scott's going to find out what really happened to ashley cordova, and maybe uncover some dirt on stanislas himself and restore his own reputation.

ooorrrr issss heeee???

trapdoors upon trapdoors upon trapdoors.

i do not want to say anything that will mar your reading experience. but i will say that it is pleasantly creepy, very well-executed, and genuinely gripping.

and not at all cheeky.

the praise for this one will come, and this time, i will be amongst the cheerleaders.

come to my blog!
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Reading Progress

March 6, 2013 – Started Reading
March 6, 2013 – Shelved
March 10, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 148 (148 new)

message 1: by Erica (new)

Erica ...So...did you play the Cordova girl in that picture? Because isn't that what you look like when you're being ethereal and have put your glasses in your purse?

message 2: by El (new) - rated it 5 stars

El Awesome, I've been nervous to hear someone's thoughts on this. I was also meh about her first book BUT want to cheer her on as a writer. This sounds great. I'll check it out now.

karen ha! nooo, she is less roundy-face than me. and way hotter. and hopefully more damaged.

Misha I had the same reservations with her first, found it too clever and didn't finish. will try this one based on your review!

Cait Thank you so much for posting the pictures! I can't believe we have to wait until August. I guess I should just be happy that it's actually being published (for real) this year.

Jessica J. It better be good, as long as it took for this thing to come off press.

Bonnie You lucky duck you. I can't wait for this one!

karen i had no idea it had been in the works for so long and people were getting agitated over it. i am indeed a lucky duck. and now, greg is, too.

Bonnie Lucky duck Greg.
Your pictures do remind me a lot of House of Leaves. Way too gimmicky, I agree.

Jessica J. They announced it several years ago and it kept getting pushed back - it's been at least two years now, possibly longer. I guess they just had to keep reworking and reworking it.

karen well, they definitely got it right. it is worth the wait.

message 12: by Scott (new)

Scott The latest podcast from "Books on the Nightstand" just had a segment about this book - it looks great

message 13: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya Panika Ooh, thanks for a great review and the heads-up on this. I was horribly irritated by STICP, but ended up quite loving it. It was no Secret History, but when the style settled down, it was pretty good.

message 14: by Kate (new) - added it

Kate Karen, I'm not going to read your whole review until I read the book, but I'm super excited Pessl has written another book as I loved her first one.

karen i'm pretty sure i didn't give anything away, but i completely understand your caution.

it is very different from her first book, but i think it is much stronger. it is much denser and richer and so very much darker. it is definitely a mature beast.

Oriana Oh man pleeeeeeease if you find another arc may I have it? I have little to offer in return, except my undying gratitude and endless hugs.

karen greg has mine, but maybe if you ask nicely. i am not at the store anymore, so you will have to go visit him periodically. i did kinda sorta want it back, but i suppose i can just buy the thing when it actually comes out...

Leanne God, I could not be ANY more excited for this book...I realize people are fairly split on STICP, but I adored it. And to hear that this book is better, plus creepy, plus a complete puzzle, is amazing. I would be extremely jealous that you have an ARC, but I think I want to just hold the full and complete package in my hands once it comes out.

Anyway, thanks for the review :) (even though it makes waiting for August that much harder...)

message 19: by Terri (new)

Terri I thought STICP was gimmicky and predictable and self-congratulatory. At the same time, the style was very fluid. I can't decide if I want to read this new one or not! It looks a bit gimmicky, to be honest, but maybe I should give it a chance?

karen yes

karen secret history is nothing like this book, but it is amazing. House of Leaves has similarities, and lots of people like it more than i do.

message 22: by Beth (new) - rated it 4 stars

Beth Holy fuck, I can't believe I missed this. I've had this on my to read shelf since 2011 for Christ's sake. I thought it was never coming out! Can you, like, spoil me one tiny thing, Karen: is there answers? Not what are the answers, but are there answers of some description (unlike Calamity Physics)? Because that would definitely change when I chose to read it.

karen yes, and then more questions and then more answers and then more questions. but it is totally satisfying. i swear.

message 24: by Beth (new) - rated it 4 stars

Beth Ah ok, you've convinced me!

message 25: by Jess (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jess I would give anything for an ARC of this book...

karen i know. i gave mine away, and they had them at BEA, but on the day is wasn't there - and she was signing!! grrrr

Delee I just won this on first reads. I am sooo excited! Great review!

karen thank you!! congratulations on your win

Delee Thank you back!

message 30: by Alex (new)

Alex As a guy whose first response on hearing of this book was "Fuck, that looks like House of Leaves, a book that everyone else loved and I thought was fucking terrible," I appreciate this review.

karen twins!

message 32: by Alex (new)

Alex What is with the love for that book? It's total amateur night! But people who can prove that they know how to read totally fall for it, like, all the time. I was honestly mystified.

Melissa I just got ARC from RH's Reader's Circle giveaway and I am stoked! The book is staring at me from my desk at work.

karen Alex wrote: "What is with the love for that book? It's total amateur night! But people who can prove that they know how to read totally fall for it, like, all the time. I was honestly mystified."

i do want to read it again. i thought it was going to be really scary, but then it was jus gimmicky. i think if i read it without thinking it was going to be scary, i might like it more. maybe?

message 35: by Alex (new)

Alex Or if you read it without thinking it was going to be well-written?

karen hahahha buuurrrrnnnn!

message 37: by Michelle (last edited Aug 05, 2013 05:07PM) (new) - added it

Michelle Oh! I was just emailed by B&N about this book and I want to read it. Based on your review it looks like something not for the Nook, though, right?

(I got the email and checked to see if you had reviewed it, and I was pleased to see you gave it five stars.)

karen it is definitely available on nook. or will be. the pictures are probably okay on the device. which one you have?

message 39: by Michelle (last edited Aug 05, 2013 05:15PM) (new) - added it

Michelle It's cheaper on Nook than hardcover by about half so I was thinking about doing that, but I can't imagine House of Leaves on a Nook and I don't want to dampen the experience of reading this one. I have the Nook Color, but not the new HD one.

karen oh, it's not all "and then you hold the book upside down and in a mirror" kinda bullshit. there's just some pictures.

house of leaves is not available on nook.

message 41: by Kimberly (new) - added it

Kimberly DuBois Karen,
Should I read Calamity Physics before I read Night Film?

karen well, they are completely different kinds of books, so i guess it depends if you want whimsy or creepy right now. i personally didn't love calamity physics, but many people did. if i had read night film blind, without knowing who the author was, and later learned it was pessl, i would never have believed it.

Pixelina I rather disliked her first book but might still give this one a chance.

karen this one is completely different

message 45: by David (new)

David Did you float this because Marisha Pessl was interviewed on NPR yesterday and you wanted to parlay the publicity into additional vote profits for your review?

You're diabolical, brissette. But cute.

message 46: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Just ordered my copy, and happy that I convinced by book club to read it too. Can't waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiittttt!

karen i floated it because it comes out today. i don't know shit about NPR.

SheriC Thanks for the spoiler free review - am glad to hear good reviews. My copy just arrived in the mail and I can't wait to get started.

message 49: by Beth (new) - rated it 4 stars

Beth I am leaving for bookstore in about to 10 minutes to get my copy, discount coupon in hand! Your review helped ratchet up the excitement level.

message 50: by Elizabeth (new) - added it

Elizabeth Just read the sample. BIG TIME BLEW ME AWAY, my friend. I think I may have no choice other than to indulge...

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