Jason Koivu's Reviews > All the Pretty Horses

All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
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it was amazing
bookshelves: fiction

This western of new antiquity flows with a horse's grace and bursts into furious and powerful charges. McCarthy's pen grazes upon lush words. His verbs gallop, his adjectives whinny and snort. There is a subdued, wild loneliness. The populous within the pages wander like herds or rally in a tense, motionless pack ready to pounce, while mere boys -more man than most- wander through them ready for love, ready for death.

These characters breath and sweat and bleed. The reader comes to know the true color of their blood. It flows down their filthy boots into a landscape vivid with an encompassing spectrum not seen in The Road. Here, the travelers cross the land and the land touches their painfully real feet, and from there a current spreads out, electrifying the hardscrabble Mexican countryside.

Kick the dust and sand off these words. Dig in and glory in their life-giving beauty.

Review Appendix: There's a band I've recently come across who write the kind of music that would make for a wonderful soundtrack to McCarthy's Border Trilogy. The Division Men (a husband and wife duo) play a music that sounds like Leonard Cohen lost in the desert. Take a listen: http://divisionmen.bandcamp.com/track...

Listen to the whole album Under The Gun here: http://divisionmen.bandcamp.com/album...

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March 24, 2013 – Shelved
August 4, 2013 – Started Reading
August 7, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Trudi (new)

Trudi Great review. This trilogy has been on my to-read list for a long time. Maybe after Lonesome Dove. I think it would be a marvelous study of stark contrasts.

Also this: "music that sounds like Leonard Cohen lost in the desert"

Oh yeah. Gonna Spotify these Division Men right now.

message 2: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Well that was poetic :)

Jason Koivu Trudi wrote: "Great review. This trilogy has been on my to-read list for a long time. Maybe after Lonesome Dove. I think it would be a marvelous study of stark contrasts.

Also this: "music that sounds like Leon..."

Yes to everything you said, Trudi!

Jason Koivu Matthew wrote: "Well that was poetic :)"

I would say thank you if I didn't have such an aversion to poetry. Ah hell, thanks anyway!

message 5: by Mir (new)

Mir Nice track.

Jason Koivu Miriam wrote: "Nice track."

They've got a good sound, if you're in the mood for moody.

message 7: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Smith So I promised myself a third McCarthy book - you've just made this a contender, Jason. I'll look up the band, too. Thanks.

Jason Koivu Andrew wrote: "So I promised myself a third McCarthy book - you've just made this a contender, Jason. I'll look up the band, too. Thanks."

Just put the music on and imagine yourself out there on the plains. This book's a scene setter.

message 9: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Smith Sounds interesting - I'll give it a try!

message 10: by Mir (new)

Mir Jason wrote: "Andrew wrote: "So I promised myself a third McCarthy book - you've just made this a contender, Jason. I'll look up the band, too. Thanks."

Just put the music on and imagine yourself out there on t..."

Hey, have you ever watched the Lord Huron videos that are done as a loosely connected film?

Jason Koivu Miriam wrote: "Jason wrote: "Andrew wrote: "So I promised myself a third McCarthy book - you've just made this a contender, Jason. I'll look up the band, too. Thanks."

Just put the music on and imagine yourself ..."

No, but that sounds intriguing! I'll check it out.

message 12: by Mir (new)

Mir My fave is the one that's like a spaghetti western with subtitles in some language I don't recognize (Farsi?).

message 13: by J (new) - rated it 3 stars

J You can lead a metaphor to water...

message 14: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Reis Just goes to show one never knows from whence their next -- spot on -- music recommendation will come.


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