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All for the Game #1

The Foxhole Court

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Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team. He's short, he's fast, he's got a ton of potential—and he's the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher.

Signing a contract with the PSU Foxes is the last thing a guy like Neil should do. The team is high profile and he doesn't need sports crews broadcasting pictures of his face around the nation. His lies will hold up only so long under this kind of scrutiny and the truth will get him killed.

But Neil's not the only one with secrets on the team. One of Neil's new teammates is a friend from his old life, and Neil can't walk away from him a second time. Neil has survived the last eight years by running. Maybe he's finally found someone and something worth fighting for.

237 pages, ebook

First published January 15, 2013

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About the author

Nora Sakavic

8 books7,108 followers
Happy New Year, lovies. I do not use this account, so I am sorry for any & all missed messages.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 14,285 reviews
Profile Image for ELLIAS (elliasreads).
508 reviews41k followers
January 30, 2019
S C R E A M I N G**


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Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,127 followers
October 27, 2015
the book of no.



no, the NCAA would never permit


no, you don't go from

no, marginally post-pubescent children wouldn't be able to —and who does that, anyway?

no, the human body cannot be reduced to with and , not even if it

no, you probably can't

no, there is no team sport on earth that can be competently played if —baseball and the 1979 yankees notwithstanding.

no, you can't shake off the effects of a


no, it is not possible to —and who seriously fucking does that, ever, anywhere, anyway?

no, you can't really

no, you probably can't make this big melodramatic speech with your

no, one does not simply walk into mordor.




Profile Image for Lala BooksandLala.
529 reviews72.5k followers
March 31, 2020
This was terrible. I must read more.

*book 30 of 30 in my 30 day reading challenge.
Profile Image for Lena.
421 reviews390 followers
July 16, 2024
fuck all romance except whatever the evil twin and the mafia kid got going on
Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews840 followers
August 6, 2023
Pretty much every character in this book belongs in a psych ward or prison. Not gonna lie, I loved it!!
Profile Image for Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰.
173 reviews2,898 followers
February 2, 2018
"I can see it. You've got that look in your eye that says you know where every exit to this dormitory is."


The Foxhole Court was definitely a surprise, wherein I didn't get anything that I was expecting. However, I got a lot of which I didn't even know I needed.

Note: All rights belong to the different artists that have created the (fucking amazing) fanart attached to this review.

Meet The Foxes
"The Palmetto State University Foxes were a team of talented rejects and junkies because Wymack only recruited athletes from broken homes. His decision to turn the Foxhole Court into a halfway house of sorts was nice in theory, but it meant his players were fractured isolationists who couldn't get along long enough to get through a game."

Danielle Leigh Wilds, #1 → Offensive Dealer
Kevin Day, #2 → Striker
Andrew Joseph Minyard, #3 → Goalkeeper
Matthew Donovan Boyd, #4 → Backliner
Aaron Michael Minyard, #5 → Backliner
Bryan Seth Gordon, #6 → Striker
Allison Jamaica Reynolds, #7 → Defensive Dealer
Nicholas Esteban Hemmick, #8 → Backliner
Natalie Renee Walker, #9 → Goalkeeper
Neil Josten, #10 → Striker

“Andrew bets you can outrun everyone on this team. Coach said you clocked a fourminute mile back in Arizona. That true? You're a little short to run so fast."
"I like running," Neil said.
"Fuck running," Seth said. "Learn to score. Word is you still can't score on Andrew."
"No," Neil admitted. "Not yet."
"When you do, you can talk to me," Seth said. "Until then, stay out of my way and try not to drag down my line too much."
"Welcome to the Foxhole Court," Matt added”

For those of you who go into this and aren't familiar with Exy (the sport that the foxes, alongside a bunch of other teams play - it's broken down on the authors tumblr

I think the gang of misfits that all hated each other was one of the aspects of this book that I fucking loved. I can see how the comparisons with The Raven Cycle come in, especially with all the hardass and badass shenanigans that go around.
However, in a way it is way more deep than what is shown on the surface. We get elements that I wouldn't have even dreamt this book could cover.

"We have to talk. Something went wrong this morning." "We're Foxes. Something is always going wrong," Seth said, but he fished the remote out from

The LGBTQIA rep is phenomenal in its soft approach. We get the Mafia, mental health, crime and justice, family... and most importantly - teamwork with a team that is hellbent on not working.

"You lost. Your school is the laughingstock of the NCAA. You're a team with no concept of teamwork."
"Lucky for you," Neil said. "If we were a unified front you wouldn't have a chance against us."

The Plot

The amount of hype that surrounds this series is something that you can't even put to words. With a fanbase that strong, one is cautious treading into the story.


So here I am, about to make an ass out of myself.
Although, I loved how character driven this plot was, I also felt like it was one of the story's shortcomings. It dragged on for quite a bit, and I only found myself getting into the story at about 75%. After reading a couple reviews on this however, I found that a lot of people say that the storyline reallllllyyyy picks up in the second and third book. Because I actually did like TFC quite a bit, I'm most probably going to read that this week if not next up.

As much as the Foxes disliked each other at times, they disliked their opponents more. They were still too fractured to be truly great, but they were good enough to give him chills. Neil finally understood how the Foxes made it to third place last fall and scored a spot in championships.

The writing felt very mediocre, as it skipped through a lot of character names and it felt confusing following a heavy scene sometimes. I wish I could say it thrived through its amateur cliches, but...


The Banter
"Coach says he's got potential." Matt looked at Neil. "Andrew says you're fast."
Neil frowned. "When did he say that?"
"When do you think, wiseass?" Seth asked. "We talked all kinds of shit about you after you booked it."

The banter in this book was amazing to say the least. If I could rate the book only on the humor and the quirky hits we get between characters, it would hands down be a 5 star read. I also loved that the author integrated three girls on the team with completely opposing personalities to even out all the testosterone that was flying around. That goes without saying however, that each and every guy on the team had such a brutally honest and real persona to them, that the whole thing mixed together gave you the best fucking Exy team on the planet.

"We'll tell everyone you're there for conditional early practice. Chances are half of them will believe it. You won't be able to fool the rest, but that doesn't matter. Foxes are Foxes for a reason and they know we wouldn't sign you if you didn't qualify. That doesn't mean they know specifics. It's not my place to ask, and I'm sure as hell not going to tell them."


Furthermore, the dynamic between the coach and the kids was something I loved. I fucking loved Wymack, not just as a side character but as a coach! He was one of those characters that I was skeptical about in the beginning, but as I read chapters I slowly started to like him more and more.
Although, the dialogue was at times unrealistic, it was a very minor fallback in the grand scheme of things.

"All right," he said, then promptly forgot what he was saying when he got a good look at the back of the bus. "Damn it all to hell. Hemmick! You were supposed to wake them up ten miles ago."
"I don't want to die," Nicky said.


Neil and Andrew
"Hey, Pinocchio," he said without looking at Neil. The cheer in his voice was too mocking to be real, but Neil doubted anyone but the Foxes noticed. "Time to run. This one's for you."

Someone scream 'slow burn' louder for the people at the back.

Andrew and Neil was something of a conundrum for me. During the first 3 quarters of the book, I really did not know how the writer was going to be able to pull the chemistry between the both of them off. It all seemed like a mess to me, and both of them did not look like they would be good together.

I really loved Andrew... he's still a mystery to me and I can't wait to slowly solve him through this trilogy. He is the foxes' "deadliest investment" and if that doesn't get you intrigued, then damn.... I thought I was a tough crowd. I also can't wait to read how Neil's time with the foxes unfolds, he is truly a cinnamon role that needs love and a family because fuck knows, he's suffered enough.


But then the last 25% of the book turned up, and it hit me like a bag of bricks. It's unconventionally perfect and I love how it was broken and not yet there and everything that a Young Adult book needs when there are so many serious overtones in it.

“God damn it, Minyard. This is why we can't have nice things.”

I also love when an author bends the rules of YA, and shows that it doesn't really take romance (or dense romance) for that matter, to make a book successful. The chemistry between the characters and the feeling of a group of misfits coming together to make something bigger is enough.

"Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit."

Between the pep talks, powwows, bus rides and midnight practices - I could feel why so many people have fallen (like myself) in love with these group of outcasts just trying to live life. It's so much more than what you think it is and if you haven't already read it... then give these kids a chance. You (probably) won't regret it.

"You play like you have everything to lose."
"Welcome to the line."

Profile Image for Dianna ☾midnight reads☽.
430 reviews386 followers
January 24, 2022
after what felt like 90 years after finishing this headache and slump-causing awful book, my tear-stained review is now up aaahhhhhh

First off, I just want to say that if you loved this book and you're my friend, there are no hard feelings for me. We all have different opinions and I hope you'll respect mine as I do yours. I still love you guys. Believe me when I say that I am deeply annoyed down to my soul that this book didn't work out for me. I was so ready to love this but shit happened. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay. I'll start with what I liked about this book:
1. The fact that Exy is a co-ed sport and that it doesn't matter how tall you are to play this game. And that teeny-tiny bit about second chances.
2. I got this for free on Kindle.
3. Umm... I think that's it? I almost added how it has openly gay characters but when I think of Nicky and how he annoyed me so much, I just can't do it. LGBTQ+ rep characters are good so please don't make me hate them.

Now on to the things that made me pull my hair out a.k.a. Why I Think This Book is Trash, shall we?


As a writer myself, I do pay a lot of attention to the writing style of the book I'm reading. That is personally what makes or breaks a book for me. I notice a lot of tiny details like how a particular paragraph flows or if the transition was good, etc. It doesn't really take much to impress me, I mean, I read smutty books that are 99.9% sex scenes and only 0.01% logical plot. I don't mind very simple writing as long as you can relay your story. (Think fairy tales!)

But man, THIS BOOK. (!!!)

My main problem with the book is the writing style. It was stunted and awkward and worsened my reading experience. I found myself rereading several passages over and over again just to see if I read that totally absurd scene correctly. It fucking tested my comprehension skill. I feel like the writing style is being purposefully difficult so that it can hide just how fucking terrible everything is in this book. As one reviewer said, It's like the book is screaming at your face, "I'm trying really hard to be difficult to follow. Can you see the difficulty?" Well, book, you shall be pleased with yourself because not only did I see the difficulty, I felt it in my very bones.


Every chapter is info-dumpy, too much irrelevant talk and legit nothing was happening. It was too descriptive in the wrong parts. Like I don't get enough descriptions on how the characters looked, their mannerisms, etc. (except for Andrew always hurting someone when they wake him up) I can't even tell how most of the characters looked like. It became so exhausting to read I even had a mini-slump halfway in the story.

"Exy was a bastard sport, an evolved sort of lacrosse on a soccer-sized court with the violence of ice hockey, and Neil loved every part of it from its speed to its aggression."

Another thing I hated about this book: EXY.

As a sports fan, the fact that the author invented her own sport without clearly any idea of how real sports worked just irked me so much. Was it laziness? Because there are tons of sports out there and all you have to do is do something called research. Maybe it's because she wanted a co-ed sport but still, I just hate how messy this fantasy sport is. Given that it is a very significant part of the story, it wasn't given much thought. Sorry, but this is not acceptable to me.

You want to create something new? Well at least make it realistic. (QUIDDITCH, BITCH!) I find it so absurd that someone can just create a sport out of nothing and make it one of the most popular sports worldwide in only 30 years? Even Quidditch took hundreds of years to be popular!

Unrealistic things about Exy:
"His decision to turn the Foxhole Court into a halfway house of sorts was nice in theory, but it meant his players were fractured isolationists who couldn't get along long enough to get through a game."

- That is some fucking fantasy. Please. Team sports don't work like that. Even a football player with an inflated ego would know that you can't go anywhere with a team like that.
- Drugs. No way a coach would let his players get away with that. And hello, there's this little thing, that doesn't always work tbh, but sometimes does...called antidoping you know?
- Professional players training on their own, without their coach. AHHAAHAHA THIS IS A JOKE.
- a pro team without reserve players on their roster?
- A professional player refusing to train with his teammates, save for two of them. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?
- A player carrying knives on the court. WTF?
"Wymack rarely interfered in the fighting. He let them brawl and then punished them with intense cardio and excruciating drills. Seemed he'd long ago decided his team could only function by testing themselves against each other and establishing their own ranking."

- And a lame ass coach. If you have no authority over your players I suggest you go home, man.

AND IT'S OFFICIAL. THIS BOOK'S CHAPTER 11 IS THE LONGEST AND MOST USELESS CHAPTER I'VE EVER READ IN MY LIFE. It's basically a second after second telling of what happened in the most boring game in history.

Another thing that just frustrated me and had thrown me deep into the nine levels of hell is how little research the author made regarding everything mental health-related she used in this book. God. The things that were written here only perpetuates stigma against mental illnesses and people who are affected by them. The author made these stereotypical characters and made them behave in a disgusting way that is no way related to these illnesses. Words like suicide and psychotic were thrown around lightly in this book that just profoundly displeased me. I have a lot to say about this, but I suggest you check out my notes and highlight in this book. Just beware, there might be spoilers ahead, so I advise you not to check them out if you haven't read the book.

Also, if I got it correctly: A court-induced mania? Is that real? Because that sounds disturbing to me. Like who would want mania? Who thought it's a good idea to force someone to develop mania just to lessen aggressive behavior??? Wtf. Shouldn't it be more on the likes of anger management or something? Or is the author trying to use Kendra's Law here but can't put it into words correctly? Or maybe the use of the word mania here is incorrect? I definitely think so.

And as if I hadn't had enough of this torture, there's even some kind of rape joke! Tadaaaaaaaaa!

The one thing I was excited about this book is that people told me there's gay romance here. But honestly, I can't see myself enjoying a romance in which the MC falls for someone who forced himself on him, or drugged him, or kidnapped him, threatened him several times or bullied him. It's not okay just because they're boys and not girls. Unhealthy relationships shouldn't be justified because "boys will be boys."

Aaaaaand, if your family drugs you, makes you drink when you don't want to, take knives to family games, has a member who is a psychopath, threatens to kill you and even tries a couple times....... Yep, that sounds like family to me.

I almost forgot how fucking bland the characters are too. I felt like the author's recipe for these characters are annoying, boring, and everything not nice.

Like the ACOTAR series, I've heard that this series is so good, and that the first book isn't that great and that I'd have to push through it, but one can only push through so much. At this moment, I can't say that I'll read the following books in the series. If you enjoyed this book, good for you. Seriously, I'm happy for you. Maybe my bullshit shield is just so much more sensitive nowadays.

ya girl is just going to gather my receipts and then I'll get back to anyone with the full review
buddy read with the Percy to my Monty
Profile Image for aleksandra.
662 reviews2,911 followers
May 28, 2024

Why did I wait so long to read it?!? I hate, hate, hate myself sometimes. I've seen this series several times over the years on various apps and I've never had that thought "This looks interesting, let's read it!". What a huge, even enormous mistake that was. You know those types of regrets that you know will haunt you for the rest of your life because you regret so much that you didn't do that thing sooner and you lost so much of the life that you could have already lived with that thing? That’s me with this series.

I won't lie here, when I picked up The Foxhole Court I expected a strong found-family trope, with sport as the main theme and a hint of romance, definitely not a bunch of troubled mafia-connected teenagers playing Exy as if their lives depended on it. Not that I'm complaining about it, I ate it up, and I sense a new addiction here.

I can honestly say that this series won't be for everyone and that's completely understandable, but as it turns out, I'm definitely not in that group. If you overlook some — or maybe actually more than "some" — things that could never happen in real life, you'll probably enjoy it. Look, is this book questionable? Yes. Do these characters need lifelong therapy? Yes. Is the writing style here the most beautiful thing I have ever read? No, but does that change the fact that I'm already obsessed with this series? No.

There are many reasons why I end up loving this series so much, even though it was quite depressing at times (or rather all the time), so let's get into them.

The found family trope that is, and I think will always be, one of my favorite things in books. You know you're going to love the development of relationships and friendships between characters when they at the beginning think like this

"So much for family, hm?"
"I don't believe in family."
"Neither do I."

Foxes are just such a unique and interesting group of people that entire long essays could be written about each of them. I know they're far from perfect, but it doesn't change anything for me as I like them anyway. Do they hate each other, do they like each other? Who knows, but when the other needs help, they are there. At first I was a little confused and had to read slower and look at their fanarts on the internet — quiet embarrassing, but whatever — so as not to get confused as to who was who, that's why I'm glad that the book was told from the point of view of only the main character — Neil Josten. Probably one of the best characters I've ever read about. Seriously. He has gone through hell in his life and still lives as if every day was to be his last, but he does not give up and keeps going. I know it's still a long way — probably a painful and heartbreaking way, since it's only the first book, but I can't wait to see him happy.

I've seen spoilers so I know who will he end up with, but I'm glad I did because the crumbs in this book did not disappoint me. There weren't many of them, because romance isn't the main plot here, but I enjoyed them — I highlighted every possible moment between Neil and Andrew. This is only the first book, but I already know that these two will be the death of me. I mean — former mafia kid on the run and five-foot psycho? This combination is just so bizarre that I literally love it. The way Andrew was basically into Neil since the first time he saw him? Maybe he did something quiet questionable to him, although he had his reasons, which I kind of understood, but the clothes, "I just didn't think they were fashion lenses until Andrew said so.", the

"Neil tensed as Andrew's fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, but Andrew only wanted to pull Neil's head down. Neil focused on Andrew's cheekbone so as not to go cross-eyed and let Andrew study his eyes."

this man was whipped. I actually screamed every time Andrew pulled Neil's neck or collar to look him in the eyes.

"We were just talking about you," Riko said.
"With your fists, it seems," Andrew said. "Don't touch my things, Riko. I don't share."
He reached back without looking and pushed at Neil's shoulder. Neil took the hint and skirted around Andrew and Riko."

This scene had no reason being this hot.

There were other characters that will definitely become my favorites, or already are, like Coach Wymack. This man was such a grumpy, but he had the biggest heart of them all. I loved him. How could I not, when he was dealing with a group of teenagers who would drive most people crazy after just one day spent with them? As for the rest,

Andrew — I still can't believe I'm an inch taller than him,
Dan — a female captain who is also strong, kind and caring? I love her,
Kevin — Kevin is.. Kevin, I like him though,
Mat — I liked him a lot, one of the kindest Foxes, but he was a bit forgettable,
Aaron — literally don’t know what to say about him,
Allison — "Rumor had it she lost her inheritance when she chose Exy and public schools over joining the family business, but Allison still looked like a catwalk star." how could I not like her,
Nicky — not my type of character, I honestly don't like him, the club scene only confirmed it, although I know he apologized
Renee — I LOVE HER

As for the Exy, I'll be honest here and say that I'm not the biggest fan of reading game descriptions in books — I find it a bit boring and I usually skip to the end to see who won, but when reading about these guys playing Exy? I could never. I was literally stressed out reading the chapter where the Foxes were playing. I'm still not sure how it works exactly, it's very similar to lacrosse, but it keeps me entertained so I don't care.

I don't know what I was doing all my life without this series and these characters, but I'm extremely happy I finally decided to read it. I know the next books will hurt, but I'm ready.

I’m probably not.


may 2024

Oh how much I love these fucked up people.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
March 12, 2023

“It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you.”

First and foremost, I want to thank May for giving me the emotional support I needed while reading this book:

Secondly, holy shit, I didn’t think I’d actually like this. What even is my life? Friends, I couldn’t put this down. I read it in 24 hours and no regrets were had. This was way darker than I expected, but I became so damn invested in this main character and I honestly fell in love with him and his story from day one. I know this is a bit of a polarizing read, but if you enjoyed Fence and The Wicker King then I think this story is for sure worth a try for you! Especially since it’s free on Amazon US!

Basically, this is a story about a boy that has been on the run practically his entire life. Neil is currently living in a small town in Arizona, trying to stay on the down low, but he can’t stay away from his one love; Exy, which is a sport that is sort of a mix of Lacrosse and Soccer. But Neil is homeless, able to fit all his possessions in a duffel bag and is currently sneaking into his school’s gym to sleep. But his Exy coach notices where he has been sleeping, but he also notices the pure talent that Neil harnesses on the Exy field and sends a video to possible college recruiters.

And the Foxes from Palmetto State University’s Exy team like what they see when they come and recruit Neil. PSU is a newly reformed and up-and-coming team, who are known for taking in kids who normally don’t get second chances, but they are even more hyped this upcoming season because they now have Kevin Day (AKA: The Son of Exy) playing for them. Neil knows the smartest move is to stay out of the spotlight, but he is so very tired of running, especially running from the only thing that brings him happiness.

Neil Josten - Ready to fight for and protect at all costs.
Andrew Minyard - Still sus and I’m still not sold on.
Aaron Minyard - No opinion yet, but I know all my friends hate.
Allison Reynolds - Badass princess that I stan.
Nicky Hemmick - The actual best.
Seth Gordon - My face when.
Renee Walker - My chill pacifist who I already adore completely.
Matt Boyd - My heartwarming boy.
Dan Wilds - My actual queen.
Kevin Day - My actual king. My favorite Fox. Also, the thing I am most invested with in this entire story is him and Riko and everything that went down and everything that is going to go down.

(Breathtaking art by llstarcasterll!)

But besides these foxes, who I mostly adore, my favorite part of this book was just seeing Neil tired of feeling like he didn’t have a home, and finally not only accepting that fact, but willing to finally carve out something for himself, completely and utterly unapologetically. Again, I’m not saying that what Neil is doing is the healthiest of circumstances, but seeing him realize that he is worthy of a home, of a family, and of love, was just so damn beautiful. And I know that this is just going to increase during the next two books!

“Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.”

Overall, I just really couldn’t put this down. This is for sure a very character driven book. And I’ll be the first to say that these characters are for sure mostly morally grey and they do a lot of questionable things. But… my love for Kevin and Neil just overpowered all the other questionable teammates.

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Content and trigger warnings for a lot of drug use, talk of overdosing, underage drinking, loss of a loved one, talk of suicide, mention of cutting, drugging someone, jokes about rape, physical abuse, talk of past parental abuse, ableist insults, homophobic slurs (the f word), and use of the r word.

🦊 Also, this film adaption fan-cast by Jamieson added ten years to my life.

Buddy Read with Amy! 🧡
Profile Image for Lisa.
78 reviews81 followers
August 27, 2017
Let me introduce you to my most recent obsession:

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“Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit.”

Oh, joy. I have gracefully avoided writing a review on any of these books until I have read them all, because I honestly couldn't stop reading until I was through with the whole trilogy.

Now I don't remember my feelings on this first book anymore because I am overwhelmed by the GREATNESS that is contained in the other two books.

So now, my review will consist of:


● First of all, the first book is free, and the other two are under a pound each. Like, you legally get this whole trilogy in all its glory for under two pounds. Why wouldn't you give it a try? You have literally nothing to lose. You can also buy paperback versions of this on Amazon for about ten pounds each, but as I prefered the inexpensive version, I read all three books on my phone, the first one on my kindle app and the other two on iBooks. I do think I might purchase the physical copies now, though, because I WANT them on my shelf.
The characters. All of these people are so complex and interesting and flawed. Seriously, especially if you are a fan of The Raven Cycle (which is pretty character-driven IMO), you might want to have a look into this.
"How are you getting along with your teammates?" "I'm pretty sure the majority of them are clinically insane."
The sports. Now, hear me out. I am literally the least sportive person in the world. I don't care about any sport in the slightest and the only time I ever do is the FIFA World Cup (feeling of companionship and unity, yada yada, you know.) I thought the sport aspect would bore me, but it absolutely didn't. If you've read and liked Winger by Andrew Smith, it's a bit like that, but so much more intriguing, because Nora invented this particular kind of sport for the series itself, and the history and background is just so cool. Trust me, you might end up loving it. If not, do not despair - there's so much more to it, Exy is only a part of a whole.
Issues. Like, okay, I would have to give a lot of trigger warnings for this one, including mental and physical abuse, drug use, rape, mentions of self-harm, depression... Everything you can think of, basically. But this is exactly what I think contributes to making this story so deep and the characters so complex and what eventually also contributes to topics being addressed such as the importance of consent, the importance of family and friendship, the importance of having a purpose in life.
LGBT. Not really a spoiler - there are gay and demisexual characters and it's very well-handled, in my opinion. Good writing.
“I don't swing either way.”
“Bullshit,” Nicky said.
“I don't.”
“When you say you don't like being touched, is it because you don't like it at all or because you don't trust anyone else enough to let them touch you?”
“It doesn't matter.”
“If it didn't, I wouldn't ask.”
“It doesn't matter to a man who doesn't swing.”
“I've said all year I don't swing and I mean it. Kissing you doesn't make me look at any of them differently. The only one I'm interested in is you.”

The plot. It might not sound very interesting when you first look at the synopsis, but it is, it so is.
Andrew Joseph Minyard. Who is basically like Ronan Lynch and Joseph Kavinsky in one person. I love him.
"Honesty suited Andrew because he was an instigator at heart and his opinions were often unpopular."
"Tick tock, says the clock. Get out of my room.“

So in conclusion: The writing is well done, the characters are complex and interesting and real, the plot is thrilling and disturbing and all-encompassing at times and makes you think a lot about some things, there is diversity and it's basically free.

Also, the series gets better with each book. The Foxhole Court was pretty good, The Raven King was oooooomg and The King's Men was just unbelievably awesome. This series has quickly become a favourite of mine and I think it should be more known and out there, because it's so so underrated.

“This is about everything it took you to get to this point, everything it cost you, and everyone who laughed when you dared to dream of something big and bright. You're here tonight because you refused to give up and refused to give in. You're here where they all said you'd never be, and no one can say you haven't earned the right to play this game. All eyes are on you. It's time to show them what you're made of. There's no room for doubt, no room for second guesses, no room for error. This is your night. This is your game. This is your moment. Seize it with everything you've got. Pull out all the stops and lay it all on the line. Fight because you don't know how to die quietly. Win because you don't know how to lose. This king's ruled long enough—it's time to tear his castle down.”

Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
595 reviews35.1k followers
September 13, 2020
”Easy, easy.” Andrew lifted his hands in a careless shrug. “Why bother? It’s a cruel world, right Neil? You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”
“It’s not the world that’s cruel,” Neil said. “It’s the people in it.”

trigger warnings:

I don’t know why I waited three freaking years to read this, but I could really kick myself for procrastinating so long! Then again maybe it’s good I waited so long because I’m pretty sure my younger self would have gobbled this book down like nobody’s business and then would have regretted not giving it the attention it deserves! *lol*

So yes, I’m three years wiser now and even though I learned to savour books I still had a really tough time trying not to rush through this, because people! THIS IS SO GOOD!!!! Yes, I know, I know! It’s no Shakespear or Wilde, but even though there isn’t a lot of plot or background to go with this fictional world there is something it definitely has going for itself! Its amazing characters and Exy!!! And boy did I love both! XD It’s been a long time I got so consumed by a book and I think it’s mostly due to the super intriguing characters.

“The Foxhole Court” is nothing but character driven and ahh do I love books like that! *lol* I mean if you’re looking for logic or sophisticated words this most definitely isn’t the right book for you, but if you decide to leave your logic at the front door and dive into this without overthinking it too much instead: Well, then you’re in for a real treat! I guess to some degree you should actually read this book like it’s a game. Enjoy the rush of the moment, follow your instincts, trust your heart and thoroughly ignore the voice at the back of your mind. ;-P If you follow those instructions you might be able to enjoy it as much as I did. *lol*

And since I can’t wait to gush about all those lovely characters I’ll call it a day now and just jump into my character’s section instead! XD

The characters:

You are now a student at Palmetto State University, so tread carefully and don’t enter the Foxes dorms. If you don’t head this well-intentioned advice you’ll be confronted with a bunch of spoilers that might ruin the fun for you! Coach Wymack says: Don’t say I didn’t warn you! ;-P

Neil Josten:

”This was the only thing he had left that was real. Now that he’d had a taste of it again, he didn’t know how to walk away from it.”

I swear Neil Josten is a precious baby bean and everyone who wants to hurt him will have to go through me first! <333 I mean it! This boy is so sweet and innocent and this even though so many horrible things happened to him. He needs to be protected at all costs and I’m ready to defend him with my life! I love Neil so, so much and I hated that he was so down and broken at the beginning of the book. I mean that boy didn’t even have any hope and then the Foxes found him and BAM his life took a 180 degree spin and never stopped moving ever since. Also his character development was amazing! At first he’s so very careful and guarded, he’s so afraid of taking a wrong step that he doesn’t even allow himself to breath. Well, and then he joins the Foxes and his true character gets a chance to come out. And boy, did I love the boy he hid inside!! Neil can be so sassy and vigorous! I had no idea! <3 I want more of this Neil and to be entirely honest I can’t wait to pick up the next book! ;-) My kicked puppy is turning into a true lion fox and I need that new Neil like I need air to breath! XD

”Keys meant Neil had explicit permission to be here and do what he liked. They meant he belonged.”

”Neil stepped over it and went to stand in front of Wymack: within arm’s reach but just barely. He’d perfected that trick as a kid. He could look at anyone’s arms and judge the safe distance from them in a heartbeat. If they had to move to hit him, he had enough time to dodge. Either way he wouldn’t catch the full intended force of their blow.”

Riko’s smile could have frozen hell. “I am not scared of Kevin. I know him.”
“You’re going to eat those words,” Neil said. “You’re going to choke on them.”

Andrew Minyard:

”Oh,” Andrew said. “Oh, you might actually turn out to be interesting. For a little while, at least. I don’t think the amusement will last. It never does.”

I know about half of the people who will read this will be like WTH?! But I’ll still say it anyway: I LOVE AND ADORE ANDREW MINYARD THAT LITTLE SHIT!!! *lol* Yes, his character is problematic and shady af but I don’t care! XD That controlling, bitchy and crazy bastard won over my heart the moment he appeared on page and even though I hated that he drugged Neil I still kind of get why he did it?! Most people will say he’s a psycho and even though that might be true, he’s still a psycho with a big heart. Andrew loves his family and he would do anything for them! Yes, he’d even go to the length of drugging a person he sees as a threat just to make sure that she/he isn’t. Andrew is fiercely protective of the people he loves and cares about and I can relate to that. So you might say I understand the person that’s hidden behind all those carefully crafted layers of craziness. His character is very intriguing and I’m sure there is so much more to him than initially meets the eye. Is it totally illogical and unrealistic that a person that’s so small (5ft, we’re talking 5ft here, people) is as intimidating and dangerous as Andrew? Yes, but it’s fun nevertheless and we all know that even the smallest person can pack a punch. ;-P I want more of him. Period!!! <3

”Let Andrew give you things if he wants to. He’s not normally the gifting type, so it’s kind of fun.”

”Oh, he made it,” Andrew said. “That’s interesting.”
He pressed two fingers to Neil’s throat, checking his pulse. When Neil tried to bat him away, Andrew caught his wrist with his free hand. His smile was small and fierce as he leaned forward into Neil’s space.
“Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit.”

Coach Wymack:

”Did you think I made the team the way it is because I thought it would be a good publicity stunt? It’s about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you.”

I really liked Coach Wymack because even though his players don’t seem to see it, it’s obvious that he has a big heart! This man cares for his team and he’s providing them with a safe environment to spread their wings. Something tells me that someone gave him a second, third or even fourth chance when he was younger and that he’s trying to do the same for the members of his team. I hope we’ll find out more about his past in the other books and I’m definitely ready to dive into his background story. =) Coach Wymack is the best!

Kevin Day:

”Tetsuji took Kevin in and took over his training, but he also gave Kevin to Riko – literally. Kevin isn’t human to them. He’s a project. He’s a pet, and it’s Riko’s name on his leash. The fact he ran away is a miracle. If Tetsuji called tomorrow and told him to come home, Keven would. He knows what Tetsuji would do to him if he refused. He’d be too afraid to say no.”

I’m going to be honest here: Kevin is still an enigma to me and even though he’s an integral part of the story because of his connection to Neil I still didn’t get a feel for his character. If you ask me that’s mostly due to the fact that he rarely talks and that he lives in his own world. Exy is everything for him and everything else that’s around him isn’t important if it doesn’t have to do with the sport. *lol* So yep, all I know is that Exy is Kevin’s life and that he was raised as Riko’s peronal toy. Maybe that’s even the reason why his character is so bland. He never got a chance to do what HE wanted to do and therefore never was able to develop his own character. Guess I’ll have to continue with the series to see some of his true self. ;-)

”If you won’t play with me, you’ll play for me,” Kevin said. “You’re never going to get there on your own, so give your game to me.”

Riko Moriyama:

Riko jerked back a bit in surprise, started to school his expression into something more civil, and gave up when he realized who had joined them.
“We were just talking about you,” Riko said.
“With your fists, it seems,” Andrew said. “Don’t touch my things, Riko. I don’t share.”

Now here’s a character I instantly disliked! XD Riko is so smug and full of himself that I just wanted to punch him in his face! Thankfully Neil already did that for me. Verbally but still! *lol* I can’t believe Kevin was raised with Riko and I feel very sorry for him. To be in the shadow of such a guy must have hurt and the fact that he broke his hand... *shakes head* Some part of me really hopes that Riko will be put in his place and I’m about a 100% sure we’ll say way more of him in those other books than we actually want to. >_<

The relationships & ships:

Neil & Andrew:

”Your loose ends aren’t adding up.”
“I’m not a math problem.”
“But I’ll still solve you.”

THOSE TWO!!!! I SHIP THEM SO HARD AND I SHIP THEM LIKE THERE’LL BE NO TOMORROW!! *lol* I mean honestly!! Their chemistry! The way they interact, all those little subtle nuances in their conversations, those seemingly insignificant and infinitesimal touches. I saw it between Ronan and Adam and I’m seeing it here!!! This ship is going to sail and BURNNN BRIGHT!!! And I’m so here to see it! <333 Also I kind of love how Andrew always seems to be pulled towards Neil when he’s in his orbit!! Did anyone realize how often he’s leaning closer to him because I certainly did!!! I want those two to give into their feelings ... badly... very badly! *lol* And I hope that Andrew will let Neil in as much as Neil let him in. I mean at the end of the book he basically entrusted him with his life and I want ... no actually I NEED Andrew to open up to Neil! Gosh I just need more of them and I’m beginning to realize that I’m total Neil & Andrew trash! *LOL*

Neil tensed as Andrew’s fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, but Andrew only wanted to pull Neil’s head down. Neil focused on Andrew’s cheekbone so as not to go cross-eyed and let Andrew study his eyes.
“Another bit of unexpected honesty,” Andrew said. “Any particular reason?”
“Nicky asked nicely. You might try it sometime.”
“We already talked about this. I don’t ask.” Andrew gave Neil another slow once-over and let go.

”What would it take to make you stay?”
The question was so unexpected Neil had to turn back. “What?”
Andrew laughed quietly at his shock and leaned forward. “Name it and it’s yours. It doesn’t matter what it is so long as you stand your ground here with us.”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You have everything you need to survive. You’re just too afraid to see it.”

”He knows what it’s like to hate every day of his life, to wake up afraid every day, but he’s got you at his back telling him everything’s going to be okay. He has everything, even when he’s lost everything, and I’m – “ Neil didn’t want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, “nothing. I’ll always have and be nothing.”
Andrew reached up and forcibly uncurled Neil’s fingers from his mouth. He pushed Neil’s hand out of the way and stared Neil down with nothing between them. Neil didn’t understand the look on his face. There was no censure over Neil’s crooked parents or pity for their deaths, no triumph over having backed Neil into admitting so much, and no obvious skepticism for such an outlandish story. Whatever this look was, it was dark and intense enough to swallow Neil whole.

”A group of people shouldered their way up to the bar counter at Neil’s back, pushing him into Andrew. Andrew didn’t budge beneath his weight. He was something solid to lean against, something violent and fierce and unmoving. Neil couldn’t remember what it felt like to have someone hold him up. It was terrifying and liberating all at once. His life was out of his control now; he was giving it to Andrew and hoping Andrew would keep it safe.”

Kevin & Andrew:

”Help me,” Kevin said, almost a whisper.
Andrew clucked his tongue and cocked his head to one side. “Help you? Help a man who lies to my face for a month? How?”
“I want to stay,” Kevin said. “I’ll ask you again: don’t let him take me away.”
“You’re the one who would tell him yes,” Andrew said. “Maybe you forgot.”

Those two have such an intriguing dynamic! I really don’t know what’s going on between them and why Kevin trusts Andrew so much but I’m more than just ready to solve that mystery! Also I hope one day it will be explained why everyone has so much respect of Andrew. Even Riko has respect and considering he’s the baddie of the story this is interesting! What did Andrew do??!! And what exactly is his deal with Kevin?! Because they definitely made some sort of deal, I just have no idea what it might entail. I need answers. XD

Neil & Riko:

”I will ask you only once to tone down that animosity.”
“I can’t,” Neil said. “I have a bit of an attitude problem.”
Riko’s smile was all ice. “A bit?”

And here comes my favourite part of the entire book! I LOVED how Neil put Riko into his place during the TV interview!!! GOSH! That scene was EVERYTHING and if that’s Neil’s true self I’m really desperate to see more of him! <3 I swear Neil giving Riko a run for his money is my new aesthetic! *lol* I, for my part, wouldn’t mind to read more about Neil’s “attitude problem”, yet at the same time I’m kind of afraid what Riko will do. He won’t accept this and some part of me is worried that he’ll hurt my precious baby bean. >_< Ahh! I really need to read book two!


I never expected to love this so much but right from the very first sentence this world drew me in, locked the door and threw the key away. In short: I’ve been a goner the moment I started to read this and I’m afraid my addiction will only get even worse. XD Yes, this sometimes reads like fan fiction and yes, the mental health rep in this is more than just a little sketchy (if not completely unrealistic, weird and – I’m no expert - wrong) but as I already pointed out earlier in my review: This is not a book to read with your mind, this is a book you’ll have to read following your gut instinct. So all told this book is problematic af, kind of unrealistic and definitely politically incorrect in so many different ways and on so many levels... but I still loved it!? O_o On to the next one! *lol*
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
April 6, 2021
“It’s not the world that’s cruel. It’s the people in it.”

Man, this book. I don't remember the last time a story captured me as much as this one did. I totally forgot about my surroundings, read till late at night and couldn't get enough. That's what makes for a great book.

The many characters and the fact that I've never read a sports book before confused me in the beginning. But especially the characters. They are mean, have hidden motives and complicated pasts.
Andrew is the biggest bully on the lot. He makes me mad. He's ruthless and aggressive and doesn't respect boundaries. It doesn't hurt to not be an ass, and the way Andrew treats people is inexcusable.
Nicky is another two-faced bully. That's why I was glad for all the good people on the team. Matt and Dan, Renee and Coach. All of those character have incredible character-depth and seem so real. Their relationships and stories fascinated me. I just have to keep reading this series to know where everything is going.

The plot was okay. It was a very character driven book, so there was enough excitement as it is. But I'm hoping for more suspense in the sequel. And more romance! What happened to the promised m/m romance? Or romance in general? Cause there was not a single trace anywhere. So I was waiting for the gay and not getting it. That, however, is not the authors fault, but the genres the book is sorted into.

Anyway, I'm glad the sequels gave me the romance I was waiting for. This is such an amazing series.

Find more of my books on Instagram
Profile Image for may ➹.
516 reviews2,418 followers
November 16, 2023
pls dont look at me…….. sometimes i just need to reread an extremely disturbing and terrible series for comfort

// buddy reread with breana <3
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
June 5, 2019
first rule (and blatant common sense) for reading stories about a sports team: make sure you like sports.
ooops. my bad.

but ignoring the silly made-up sport of exy, choppy and inconsistent mess of writing, lack of plot, and confusing details, i actually really bonded with neil!?? like, im pretty sure hes now my son and i will see no harm done to him ever.

i have a feeling that the next book is going to be better in terms of story and pacing, so im willing to keep going with the series, if only for neil alone.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for tappkalina.
685 reviews516 followers
May 1, 2023
22 June 2021

21 June 2021

Name a more iconic book and main character, because I can't. Nothing can top Neil.

10 June 2020

"Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit."

This is the book that understands me the best. Neil is the person I can relate to the most. Of course we don't have the same background, but I still see myself in him.
Especially the "I don't believe in family." part.
I don’t believe blood makes family and I cry every time someone who doesn’t have anyone finds a family for themself.
Everyone has that one book that just gets them, and this book/series is the one for me.
"I'm —" Neil didn't want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, "— nothing. I'll always have and be nothing."

What this boy had to endure during his childhood is unspeakable, and although I can tell you this much -
Neil stepped over it and went to stand in front of Wymack: within arm's reach but just barely. He'd perfected that trick as a kid. He could look at anyone's arms and judge the safe distance from them in a heartbeat. If they had to move to hit him, he had enough time to dodge. Either way he wouldn't catch the full intended force of their blow.

- we doesn’t understand the full force of it until book 3.
He wondered if he was supposed to feel something besides shock, but a mental check came back clean. He'd grown up around death. It was nothing to him now but ice in his system and a reminder to keep moving.

The way Neil and Andrew slowly learn to trust each other is the most beautiful thing ever, even if both of them want something from the other at the beginning.
Andrew didn't budge beneath his weight. He was something solid to lean against, something violent and fierce and unmoving. Neil couldn't remember what it felt like to have someone hold him up. It was terrifying and liberating all at once. His life was out of his control now; he was giving it to Andrew and hoping Andrew would keep it safe.

[…] trying to remember the last time someone gave him a gift and coming up blank. That his first one should be from Andrew was unsettling.

I loved the others the first time I read the book, but now I learned to truly appretiate them. Matt and Dan are the best parent figures Neil could ever have and they are doing their best to protect him.
"I'm fine," Neil said. [...]
"You say that an awful lot," Matt said. "I'm starting to think you don't know what it means."

Also, Andrew and Kevin are so much fun.

Waymack, our dearest godfather sends y’all his message:
"It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you."

The last page, especially the last sentence brings tears to my eyes every. fucking. time.
Neil looked down at the key in his hand. "Home," he whispered, needing to hear it aloud. It was a foreign concept to him, an impossible dream. It was frightening and wonderful all at once, and it set his heart racing so fast he thought it'd drum out of his chest. "Welcome home, Neil."

20 September 2019

Two words: Neil. Josten. ♡
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 15, 2020
DNF at 48%.
This book wasn't doing anything for me at all. No attachment was formed to the story or characters, so I quit.


It's free.
Naturally, I bought it.
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,180 reviews56.7k followers
April 6, 2018
"Welcome home, Neil."


I'll start by saying I absolutely fell in love with this book and this series and finished all of them in 3 days. This series is about a fictional sport, relationships, and INTRIGUE. Honestly I'm horrible at plot descriptions but I think this book works better if you go into it knowing as little as possible. Because non-sports fans will still probably love this even though that's a component of it.

The most special thing about this book for me was the complicated characterization. If you've read any of my reviews you know that characterization is the #1 thing that can make or break a book for me (world building can choke idc). And this book truly stands apart from anything else I've read.


None of the characters introduced are flat and that SHOCKED me since there was so damn many of them (blame the sports aspect I guess). I also appreciated that characters with trauma actually exhibited those signs and didn't automatically become chipper and cured when someone was nice to them?

There was nothing about this book that I didn't love. However, I will say that the writing style might bother others. The language is NOT at all flowery, and I've heard some describe it as "telling not showing." I personally think that the writing worked really well given the subject matter and the main character and it didn't distract from the story itself. But that being said having read reviews before reading this I was able to see how some could be bothered.
Profile Image for Romie.
1,169 reviews1,369 followers
April 16, 2024
one day I'll stop rereading this book every single year. one day I'll stop obsessing over a fictional sport I barely understand and a bunch of kids who could probably kill me in 0.2 second. luckily for me, today isn't that day.

“It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you.”
January 24, 2022
Thinking about it twice, and at the risk of getting lynched hardcore side-eyed forever, I must admit that I didn't like this as much as I thought I would.
I don't know, we just didn't...click.
The writing was a bit meh and the characters...well, they weren't awful (or were they?) but let's say I'm not exactly a fan.
All my friends seem to like/adore/worship this series, and then there's me. Not giving an absolute darn.
Takes all sorts, I guess.
What can I say, c'est la vie.

Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
August 4, 2017
This book was a fucked up mess. I debated DNF'ing at 60% but decided to skim read the rest to see if anything redeemable would happen, but nope. i'm so angry i don't even feel like going into what a trash fire this was.
Profile Image for ily .
455 reviews736 followers
September 15, 2016
How did this book managed to get so much popularity on tumblr??? It is simply a joke, a not even well-written piece of a book that doesn't just lack of an actual plot but has the most boring, mind-blowingly annoying as f*ck characters I've met in a while. I congratulate myself for reading the entire thing.

Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team. He's short, he's fast, he's got a ton of potential—and he's the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher.

Knowing that he has to keep a low profile for the rest of his life if, you know, he wants to stay alive, Neil joins the Foxes. Who cares, YOLO# right?? The kid's been doing so well running away from the Japanese mafia and his father's enemies to start acting dumb now. Disappointed but not surprised.

OK, how can someone create an sport out of nothing and make it one of the most popular in only 30 (!!!) years???

Too good to be true. Exy is a sort of mix between cricket and tennis? All I know is they use rackets and have a goalkeeper. I hardly remember the vague descriptions and that's because they made me even more confused. It was not clear to me how Exy worked and that's a shame because I love sports.

The Foxes are the worst-ranked team of the league yet they have a professional and ex champion playing for them. Anyone who understands how sports work would know that there's something fishy about Kevin being part the team. They suck. They literally have no replacement for their players. At all. Their coach allows them to use DRUGS, practice on their own or not even practice at all. I am sorry but there's something called antidoping @ Nora Sak*vic.

They barely had one match in the whole book, and they lost.

The foxhole court was the only home he needed; the foxes were his family.

If your family drugs you, makes you drink when you don't want to, takes knives to family games, has a member who is a psychopath, threatens to kill you and even tries a couple times....... Yep, that sounds like family to me.

Neil is boring. Kevin is pointless. Andrew is a drug-addict/psychopath/should be in jail/banned from ever playing Exy again moody teenager who will probably kill one of his team members in the future. Nicky is like that black friend who's always saying dumb and funny things in Hollywood comedies. Coach is the babysitter that has to handle their BS because the Foxes can never act like normal college athletes, God forbid them!!

Do not even try it.
Profile Image for Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~.
357 reviews1,000 followers
April 23, 2017
This novel is about Neil Josten.

✘ Freshmen at Palmetto State University.
✘ Hiding from his ruthless, crime boss father.
✘ Obsessed with Exy.
✘ Runs faster than you.

Generally when someone says "This book reads like fanfiction," that is not a compliment. It usually means one or more of the following things:

- The characters are unbelievable.
- The main character is a self-insert and/or they are the epitome of perfection.
- Typos. Grammatical Errors. Misspellings.
- The plot is nonexistent or poorly constructed.
- 50 Shades of Grey *cue scary music*

In this case, I don't mean to imply any of thee above.

When I say this book reads like fanfiction, I mean I read it the same way I used to read some of my all-time favorite fanfiction stories back in the day. With a joyful but ravenous intent.

It gave me that feeling I've had before where you're left staring at your computer screen wondering if maybe this anonymous author has portrayed truer versions of your favorites than their actual creators.

The main characters here are literally a pack of misfits & troubled individuals, and they're all absolute savages, which is perfectly fitting for such a wicked plot as this one.

I said "Oh my God" and "Jesus Christ" out loud more times than I care to count while reading this, it was just that entertaining.

Also I took a particular liking to the sport Sakavic created for her team, Exy, which plays like a mash-up between Soccer & Rugby with all the violence of Hockey.

It's interesting to try and imagine how the game plays out on a court & its brutality feels like a solid parallel to Neil's life, both on & off his team.

I also happen to find Neil's passion for it quite charming.

My only quip with this novel is the writing. It's not that good, folks.

It's not dreadful, but it lacks that polished consistency that comes from a professional editor.

Names were repeated too often in some sections, not enough in others. A couple confusing leaps between events here & there. Some cheesy dialogue that I can't imagine anyone saying in real life.

However, I'm definitely excited to find out more, as this installment is pretty short on answers about the overarching mystery that is Neil Josten. All in all, a strong, attention-getting debut.

Side note: Half-way through this I realized that if you squint the cover of this looks like 4 corn dogs about to be dipped in some corn dog-colored sauce...
Profile Image for Charmel.
186 reviews406 followers
August 16, 2024
reread: This series had me in a mind-bending time warp, and rereading it just made my life better.


I have no idea why I'm obsessing over this book right now. Seriously. All I know is that I am in love with these aggressive, violent, damaged, ruthless, crazy, and cute foxes.

TW : violence, murder, drug use, alcohol abuse, etc.. (check out this list)

okay. 4.20 stars. okay wait. AAAAAHHH ASDFGHJKSK.

"It's not the world that's cruel," Neil said. "It's the people in it."

The Foxhole Court follows Neil Josten who has survived his last eight years running away from his father, a crime lord known as The Butcher. Now, he joins the Palmetto State University Exy team and now, things are different and maybe it's time for him to stop being a runaway. Go read the book my friends, because that's all I can say.

There was no real plot and I am not complaining. This was more likely a character-driven book but other than the amazing complex characterization, it was so much more.

The pace and the writing style were actually easy to follow. I didn't mind the long chapters at all, which was surprising. It was so gripping. The setting sort of gave me TEOTF vibes, bad things were always bound to happen courtesy of these messed up teenagers, and Stranger Things vibes, without the demogorgons and supernatural stuff obviously. And yes, also Haikyuu vibes because of the sport.

Some parts of this book were completely unrealistic. Like a problematic thing happened and no one's concerned and stuff and i was "what?" "really?" "how?". Except all these questions came down to "wow". I mean, WOW.


Now, about my ruthless foxes who all needed a hug but i swear don't do it or else you'll get punched in the gut.
I adore how Nora Sakavic made the backgrounds of these diverse characters all deeply complex, that just made me love love love them more. They are troubled people living in a troubling world.

"We're Foxes. Something is always going wrong,"

Neil, asdfghjks he's just a soft-badass runaway mc who has hidden talents and reading from his past literally made me wanna hug him.

Andrew whom I loved not understanding is a psychotic complicated baby. He's a 5ft cinnamon roll but he's a bitter, morally grey cinnamon so don't belittle him. ( *coughs in Andreil* )

Kevin is Exy's wife. Exy x Kevin is canon.

Aaron is kinda a quiet-secretive type for me, but his character is still vague so can't wait to find out more of him.

Nicky is a hot gay af. Period.

Matt, the nicest cinnamon bun who deserves the world.

Dan is a queen for being the captain of her exy team! (that rhymes lmao)

Renee seems suspicious, she's like a goody-goody who's hiding something but she's no trouble, yet. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Allison and Seth could be a definition of a "what-the-hell-relationship-but-its-cute"

And the best coach of the decade, Coach Wymack! Seriously guys, are y'all done wasting his oxygen?

Probably the frequently used sentence in my head while reading this was: "Whoa whoa, chile! No need to be aggressive."

But of course, these resilient guys can't hear me.

"Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it."

The ending was "OH MY GOODNESS" that made me want to read the next books asap. Right now, my favorite sport is probably Exy. I don't play sports anymore but I'd die just to play this game, thank you.

I think I'm going to have a strange and maybe unhealthy addiction with this book. Also, thanks to Lucyyy for hyping me up to read this series aaa skkskssjsjja.

Y'all must read this!!
4.20 starssss <3

The Raven King
The King's Men
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
726 reviews4,198 followers
August 31, 2018
Decided to delete my original review bc it was trash
I love my boys so much. It was so interesting reading this back and understanding it so much more. The first time I was so confused by everyones motivations and why they were the way they are. Makes a lot more sense now.
riko please choke

review to come
Profile Image for Grace (BURTSBOOKS).
153 reviews383 followers
May 23, 2018
I'm not even sure if I liked this but I do know IM HYPE AS HELL FOR THE SECOND BOOK RTC
Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
492 reviews2,721 followers
May 3, 2024
2nd read [April 30, 2024] : 4⭐

neil my precious savage cinnamon roll <3

1st read [Feb. 2, 2022] : 5⭐

and the bsd and haikyuu vibes are so strong in this book prob why i loved it sm automatically

also i dont understand the love for andrew but im guessing next two books will hopefully change my mind??😭😭 EITHER WAY I ADORE THIS BOOK <33

buddy read with lucy!! <33


i am so so so excited to read this like haikyuu & bsd vibes??? YES PLEASE
Displaying 1 - 30 of 14,285 reviews

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