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Mine #1

Mine to Take

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Sometimes you want someone so much...
Sometimes you need someone so much...
Lust can become love.
And love can turn into a deadly obsession.


Skye Sullivan knows that someone is watching her. Not just watching - stalking her. Months ago, Skye was involved in a dangerous car accident. The accident ended her dancing career and sent her fleeing back to Chicago. Skye is convinced that her stalker caused the crash, and she fears that he won’t stop pursuing her, not until she’s dead.

When someone breaks into her apartment in Chicago, Skye turns to the one man she believes can protect her - Trace Weston. Once, Trace was her lover. Two lost souls, they’d come together in a firestorm of need and desire. But then Trace had pushed her away. He’d joined the military, vanishing from her life. She’d put all of her emotion into dancing, and she’d tried to forget him.

Now Trace is one of the most successful men in the United States. Rich, driven, and carrying dark secrets, he agrees to help Skye. He’ll protect her from the danger that lurks in the darkness, but Trace wants more than to just be a guard for Skye.

He wants her. And he’ll take her. The years have changed him, hardened him. He’s not just a poor kid from the streets any longer. Now, he can have anything - or anyone - that he wants. And the one woman he has always wanted has just come back into his life. He won’t let her go again.

But with the threats mounting against Skye, she suspects that her stalker may be intimately close. He’s a man who knows her too well. As his attacks grow ever more dangerous, she realizes that if she trusts the wrong man, she could be making a fatal mistake.

Lust. Love. Obsession.

Just how far would you go in order to possess the one person you want the most?

Author's Note: MINE TO TAKE is a sexy romantic suspense novella—it contains approximately 41,000 words. MINE TO TAKE is intended for adults. Sexy situations and adult language will be found within the pages of this story - please consider yourself warned.

169 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 12, 2013

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About the author

Cynthia Eden

315 books6,727 followers
Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes sexy tales of contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over one hundred novels and novellas.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

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193 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 730 reviews
Profile Image for "That's All" Ash.
158 reviews1,873 followers
July 16, 2013
I hate three-star reads.

Did I ever tell you that?

Because a three-star book means that I didn’t love it… and I was only one star away from hating it.

I mean, what do I tell you guys?

“Hey this book was good, but it kind of sucked, too.”???

It had a hot alpha male with mediocre sex scenes.

That’s it. That’s all I remember.


 photo Fuck.gif

There was nothing memorable about this book.

Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,449 followers
June 20, 2013
3.5 STARS.

"The illusion of safety was a lie. Deep inside, she knew it. Physically, she could trust him-he wouldn't hurt her. But there were worse things in this world than just physical pain.

Much, much worse."


Well...wasn't that a surprising read...


I admit, going into this story, my expectations weren't extremely high. Based on the blurb, I thought the story was going to be predictable and maybe even a little bit cliché, but boy, was I wrong! This story managed to grab my attention from the start and once I really got into it, I couldn't put it down!

It had suspense, intrigue, drama, romance and the perfect type of billionaire bad boy (without it being too stereotype). And although I would have liked the story to be a little longer, it was also nice to be able to read and finish an entire story in a couple of hours, especially when you don't have much time to read.


Skye Sullivan --

When Skye suspects that she's being stalked, and she starts to fear for her safety more and more every day, she informs the police, in hopes that they'll keep an eye on her.

But, since there isn't any solid evidence to back up her story, there isn't much the police can do.

So, Skye turns to the only person who might be a able to help her. The only person who might be able to keep her safe.

She turns to her first and only true love...Trace Weston.

"Some men left a mark on a woman, a mark that went far beneath the skin.

Trace had marked her for years."

Trace Weston --

When Skye and Trace first met, they were both in foster care. At first they were friends, but their friendship quickly evolved into something more.

"We've never really been the friendly chat type," she said softly.
"No, we weren't, were we? More the hot sex type."

They fell madly in love, but because of Skye's promising career as a ballerina, she moved away to New York to focus on her future, while Trace joined the army. They broke up 10 years ago and haven't spoken to each other ever since.

But that doesn't mean they haven't thought about each other. Trace might have let Skye leave for New York because he wanted what was best for her career, but now that she returned to him for help, he's not about to let her walk away that easily again.

As the owner of the one of the best security firms, Weston Securities, Trace is determined to do whatever it takes to keep Skye safe from the stalker who's been terrifying her.

What follows after that is an action filled roller coaster ride in which the real stalker gets revealed. AND what made it even more intriguing is that we get to be inside the stalker's head (whitout knowing who he is of course).

"Have you ever wanted something so badly...that you couldn't think about anything else? All you feel is need. An endless desire that churns through you."

When literally everyone becomes a suspect, who can Skye trust?

Who can she depend on?

Who will be her savior?

"He couldn't get away from her.

He'd make sure she didn't escape from him.

No one could come between them.

Not now.

Not ever.

He'd see Skye dead first."

**ARC courtesy of the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

August 15, 2013
3.5 stars because it was just way too short, but 4 stars because it would have been amazing had it been a full length novel!


I really love it when a book surprises me!!!

So when I started reading this I was like, uuurgh another one!!! Another billionaire saves a damsel in distress! Seriously it seemed really predictable, I had everything figured out but I just kept on reading because hey! I love possessive men! But I also love drama!

And boy was there drama! Skye Sullivan, was a ballerina, until one fateful night when her leg got mangled in a car accident. Skye is adamant another car pushed her off the road, but there's no evidence to support her statement!

Her dancing career in ruins, she moves back to Chicago, and seeks the help of her first love Trace Weston. Trace and Skye met in foster care, ten years ago, for Skye, Trace was the only man she ever loved, ever felt safe with. Unlike everyone else Trace believes Skye when she tells him someone is watching her. Being the owner of a security company he immediately puts his best men on the job. He doesn't expect monetary payment for his services, what he has in mind has a much higher value. He wants Skye back and this time, he won't be letting her go!

I'm not gonna lie, that shit turns me on. It just does, and...

At this point, I'd already figured out who was stalking Skye and I was like. Oh wow, real original! But then shit got weird, I wasn't so sure off myself anymore and then everyone turned into a suspect! The cool thing was, I got to be inside the stalkers head! This in my book is amazing, the chance to read about villain is almost like being the villain!

So if you don't know this, I like reading about sicko's, the crazier the better, the more twisted their thoughts are the better!

So I don't wanna give away too much here, but after some really close calls, and some huge accusations. The stalker is revealed, and I gotta say, yes I was starting to suspect it was that person, but I was also pretty sure it was someone else.

So yes, it probably could have been even more twisted than it was. It definitely should have been longer,but the question is did I enjoy it? And the answer is yes! I had a ball of a time, and that's what it's all about!

Oh and I really love Spartacus, so I just added that for the hell of it hahaha!!!

On to the next great(and twisted) read!!!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2013
This wasn’t a bad read at all. Story about Skye and Trent. They had been lovers years previously but parted ways. Skye was on her way to becoming a Prima Ballerina when her career was cut short by an accident. She is being stalked, or so she says and the only person that can help her is Trent, who is now the owner of an Investigative Firm. So she asks him to help her. It was interesting because I really was not sure who the good guys and the bad guys were here. Someone is in her apartment, so she says. Somebody attacks her and burns down her dance studio. Somebody is following her. Right up to the end it kept me interested. Would probably give it 3.5 stars.

Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
June 24, 2013
Some men left a mark on a woman, a mark that went far beneath the skin. Trace had marked her years before

Well, hell. Cynthia Eden has done it once again. Having read and loved her Deadly series, a romantic suspence, when I saw that she was coming out with this novella I just knew I had to get my hands on it.

She did not disappoint. For a 150 pages novella, this story had a hell of a punch. I read it in one sitting, so that should tell you something. I really enjoy Eden's romantic suspense, and sincerely hope that she will be releasing a new series in this genre soon.

Ten years ago, Trace came into Skye's life when she needed him most. Both kids in the foster system they fell hard and fast for each other. Trace was everything to Skye. Unfortunately he pushed her away in a away she is still finding hard to get over, and then vanished.

She moved on to achieve her dream and becoming a prima ballerina. Dancing is all that Skye has ever known. After losing her parents to a terrible accident, dancing became her escape.

Then, one dark and rainy night changed everything for her.

Now, feeling like she has no one else to turn to, with a deadly stalker on her heels, and her once dream career as a ballerina having been shattered, Skye runs back to the one man she thinks can help her.

Skye thinks that she has been erased from Trace's memory with a blur of women, a successful career, and money. She couldn't be more wrong.

Now a successful owner of an investigating agency, Trace has everything he's ever wanted, except the one woman that he never forgot.
His addiction. The one he'd never been able to ditch.
No matter how much money he got, no matter how many women came into his bed, Skye was the one he wanted, the one that he would have.

Trace wants a second chance with her, and knows that offering his protection is his in.
"There's nowhere to run. And you don't want to run, not from me. I'm the one you ran to."

The story flowed very well. The sexual tension and steam between Skye and Trace is nothing less that what you'd expect from Cynthia Eden. It was damn hot.
"Don't what, baby? Don't look at you?" His lips- open, hot, sexy - brushed over hers. "Don't taste? Because that's exactly what I plan to do. I'll taste every inch of you."

"That's what I'm doing tonight, baby. I'm tasting, and I'm taking...everything."

Trace is possessive, demanding, and as alpha as they get.

Skye was a broken soul. But she never came off as too weak (a pet peeve of mine.) She was a strong heroine, in a very understated way.

The suspense part of the story was very well written and fast paced. Though I did figure out who the bad guy is around 50% in, so I have to say it was fairly predictable.

So while this wasn't 'edge of your seat' exciting, it was still very enjoyable.

I would love to get a story for next. I was very intrigued by his character. Hope to see his book next.

If you've never read a book by Cynthia Eden, definitely give this one a shot if you enjoy steamy romantic suspense.

4 stars

ARC courtesy of the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews visit: Dirty Girl Romance Book Blog
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,335 followers
December 20, 2017
I love Cynthia Eden's recent books.
But not this one, nope!!!

Such a disturbing male protagonist *ugh*. The reason for their separation was lame. He loved her so much, that he pushed her away? And then f*cked OWs over the years? Hell no! He stalked her, but didn't know she were in danger?
Did he f*ck OW in NY after he saw the love of his life dance? Did he f*ck OW in his penthouse, where he took the h without protection? And he was furious because she had 3 lovers?! Double standards much, dude? 😤 You hated OM, who touched her, but it was ok for you to screw many OWs? Ugh!!!
And the heroine was just meh. Not CE's typical strong female. Like a hormonal puppet...

Thanks God this author grew a lot within last years. Thanks God she doesn't stick to cliché romance trope anymore!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
September 18, 2013
Well, heck. I really liked the first of the book...the first twenty pages were great. The first meeting after ten years apart, when Trace is drilling holes through Skye with his eyes, drinking her up like ice tea in Texas on a hot summer day...yeah, that was sexy.

So, Skye is a dancer...a prima ballerina, to be exact...

But she can't dance any more, because a madman ran her off the road, causing an accident that ripped her dreams from her, leaving her broken and alone. Whereas Trace used to be her rock, he let her go so that she could pursue her dream, and so now she's left with neither her dancing or her truest friend and lover.

Now, she is forced to seek Trace out. She senses that she is being followed again. The police can't or won't help, and Trace is the owner of one of the most successful security companies in Chicago. And so, the broken ballerina returns, asking for help.

I enjoyed the premise, but I felt like this was way too short to cram so much into a hundred page book. This story would normally take around three hundred pages to tell. Cutting short the sexual tension and build up, the character development that I've come to expect from Eden, and the explosive sex was shortened to one page, mediocre and forgettable quickies.

The beginning was great. But boy, I expected more...of everything.
Profile Image for Crystal~BIG book addict~.
279 reviews216 followers
September 7, 2013
*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I loved this book! The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was because it was too short. This novella had the potential to be an absolutely awesome novel. There was suspense, drama, love, steam....

Trace and Skye had been high school sweethearts before she went off to New York to fulfill her dream as a dancer. Trace broke it off with her in a not so very nice way because he didn't want to hold her back and be the reason she didn't get to live her dream. Trace joins the military and disappears. When he comes back, he starts a very successful security business in Chicago. Skye has fled New York because of a stalker. The only person she knows that can help her is Trace so she seeks him out. He can't believe she has come back to him and now that she is back, he isn't going to let her get away a second time.

Some men left a mark on a woman, a mark that went far beneath the skin. Trace had marked her years before.

"Have you ever wanted something so badly..." Trace whispered as he bent his head, "that you couldn't think about anything else? All you feel is need. An endless desire that churns through you."

I really would have loved this story more if it had been longer, but it was a great story despite the shorter length of it.
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
June 19, 2013
3.5 Stars

I’ll say right off that I think this novella would’ve worked better for me had it been a full sized novel. The story centers on Skye, a ballerina who had to give up dancing professionally because of a serious car accident and Trace, a bad ass security specialist. When Skye acquires a creepy stalker she figures it’s time to pay a visit to old friend and lover, Trace. 10 years ago Trace reluctantly broke things off with Skye so she’d leave for New York and pursue her dancing career. They’d come out of the foster care system together and letting her go while she still had a shot at making something of her life was for her own good. Why, sweet baby jesus, is it always for their own good? After moving back to Chicago and not shaking her stalker, Skye decides it’s last resort time and contacts Trace.

From the very second Skye reenters Trace’s life his mantra becomes MINE, MINE, MINE! To say this dude’s an alpha male would be a serious understatement. Here’s where the length of the story bothered me. There’s virtually no character development so the only real facet of Trace’s personality we get to see is that of a serious bad ass alpha male. Skye comes off as fragile, dainty and scared and that’s about it. Plus there’s the stalking thing to contend with, dealing with a 10 year separation, suspicion and trust issues between the two and on and on. This had the potential to be a really good full length romantic suspense book but I felt there was just too much going on for a novella.

That being said, I still enjoyed the story. There was more than enough smokin’ hotness for a story this length and I wasn’t sure of the stalker’s identity until well into the book. All good things, I just wish there was a little more of it to read.

ARC provided from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
November 23, 2014
3,5 Suspenseful Stars!

After an accident that kept her from dancing, the thing she did best and her passion, Skye returns to her hometown... but something returns with her.
She knows she is being followed and knows she’s in danger so goes to the only man that can protect her from whatever is chasing her, Trace.
Skye and Trace were once lovers and she thought they would be together forever, but he pushed her away and now, ten years later, he is a self-made man controlling a huge security company.
And now that Skye is back in Trace’s life… he’s not willing to let her go one second time. After all, he didn’t even wanted let her go the first time, he just had good reasons to do so.
The problem is… how to keep Skye in his life, when something is so obsessed in taking her for good?


This was a very sweet book, with a little steam and a lt fo romance. Those type of “fluffly” books when you need a low on angst and fast read.
The reason my rating isn’t higher? TOO CHEESY!!!
And when the main character is a supposedly badass alpha-male we need more badasserie, not cheesiness. (Yes, I like to make up words. Deal with it!)
Other than that, a series that I’ll definitely keep under my eyes ;)
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
December 28, 2019
I swear, every time I read a story about a stalker, one song comes to mind...

🎶 I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy 🎶

Skye's being watched and she's scared for her life. It started in New York. She was a prima ballerina until an almost fatal car crash ended her career. Determined to start fresh, she moves back to Chicago and weird things are happening again. Who could it be? Who is so obsessed with her? Who is haunting her every step, her every thought? Her fear has her swallowing her pride and seeking the help of the one person who has always protected her, who has always made her feel safe... Trace Weston... the man who broke her heart. And now that she's back in his life, he's going to take out whoever's tormenting her and then he'll never let her go.

Once again, Cynthia Eden wooed me with another incredibly sexy alpha hero. I really can't get enough of them! Trace was everything a girl in danger could possibly want - fierce, protective, possessive and loving. Once the poor boy who risked it all to save a girl he didn't even know, he became a self-made billionaire and he wanted to lay his entire world at Skye's feet. She was everything to him and I didn't doubt that for a minute. With nail-biting mystery, high adrenaline suspense, and some pretty intense chemistry, Mine to Take was a winner for me!
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
January 6, 2016
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FREE on Amazon US today (3/28/2015)

Sometimes you want someone so much...
Sometimes you need someone so much...
Lust can become love.
And love can turn into a deadly obsession.

Skye Sullivan knows that someone is watching her. Not just watching - stalking her. Months ago, Skye was involved in a dangerous car accident. The accident ended her dancing career and sent her fleeing back to Chicago. Skye is convinced that her stalker caused the crash, and she fears that he won’t stop pursuing her, not until she’s dead.
When someone breaks into her apartment in Chicago, Skye turns to the one man she believes can protect her - Trace Weston. Once, Trace was her lover. Two lost souls, they’d come together in a firestorm of need and desire. But then Trace had pushed her away. He’d joined the military, vanishing from her life. She’d put all of her emotion into dancing, and she’d tried to forget him.
Now Trace is one of the most successful men in the United States. Rich, driven, and carrying dark secrets, he agrees to help Skye. He’ll protect her from the danger that lurks in the darkness, but Trace wants more than to just be a guard for Skye.
He wants her. And he’ll take her. The years have changed him, hardened him. He’s not just a poor kid from the streets any longer. Now, he can have anything - or anyone - that he wants. And the one woman he has always wanted has just come back into his life. He won’t let her go again.
But with the threats mounting against Skye, she suspects that her stalker may be intimately close. He’s a man who knows her too well. As his attacks grow ever more dangerous, she realizes that if she trusts the wrong man, she could be making a fatal mistake.
Lust. Love. Obsession.
Just how far would you go in order to possess the one person you want the most?


FREEBIES are often good for MORE than one day, I have gathered all my FREEBIES on a special shelf: Kindle-freebies (currently over 400 books)
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews790 followers
May 17, 2016

***3.75 Small Package, Big Punch Stars***

"Have you ever wanted something so badly...that you couldn't think about anything else? All you feel is need. An endless desire that churns through you."

Wow! For a novella this sure did pack a punch! And my first Cynthia Eden to boot....consider this girl SOLD!

Skye and Trace share a history. It's dark and sad, tinged with heartbreaking hurts. Both emotional and physical. Yet because of that past, they are forever bonded. Ten years have passed since they were last together, but now Skye is desperate. And the only person she can turn to is Trace.

Someone is following Skye. Leaving her messages. Messing with her head. She was injured in a car wreck that ripped away her dancing career, and she's convinced that it wasn't an accident. She's now running away from New York, her career and the life she made there.

She's moved to Chicago, where Trace happens to live. He's a wealthy man and head of the most prestigious security company in the country. Far from the poor boy that threw her out of his life all those years ago. But just because he pushed her away, doesn't mean he stopped loving her.

When the two reconnect, sparks instantly fly. The desire is still there, a burning inferno awakened by proximity. Trace has vowed that he won't let her go a second time. Now Trace has to figure out who's messing with Skye, while persuading her that the time has come for them to finally be together.

"I don't understand you, Trace."
"I know."
"What do you want from me?"

With a stalker closing in and knowing Skye's every move and Trace trying to both protect and love her, can Trace convince Skye that he never stopped loving her before a crazed man takes her away from him?

I loved the balance of romance and suspense in the book. I was gripping my kindle from both the passion and action. Trace and Skye definitely did not lack chemistry. Any time they were together it was smoking hot.

Unfortunately, I did have two issues with the book that made it difficult for me to rate higher. The first, and most prominent, is I wish we had more of Trace and Skye's past. I would have liked to have seen what their relationship was like and look a little deeper into the time when their bond was formed.

Second, and less of an issue and more of a picky annoyance, is the author's use of the word "fellow." It strikes me as an odd word selection. If it was sprinkled once or twice throughout the novella I could have overlooked it, but it seems to be a favorite of Ms. Eden's.

But I will say that, this may have been my first Cynthia Eden book but it certainly won't be my last.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'avoid'
June 16, 2022
Self note avoid

10yr separation.
He broke up with her so she could follow her dreams.
But he kept up with her over the years.. slept around with ow, became a huge manwhore, allowed her to be with om.
And yet, she was the love of his life? He’s possessive? Yea ok… TOTALLY believe his love.🙄
10yrs separation… yea, he sure sounds like he’s obsessed with the h. 🙄🙄
August 4, 2013
Cynthia Eden became an instant favorite romantic suspense author for me after reading her "Deadly" series. I really enjoyed this book however; I think I would have loved it had it been a full length book rather than a novella.

Skye Sullivan is a prima ballerina, in her prime on the road to super stardom in the dancing world until her world is destroyed by a horrible life changing car "accident". Skye knows she is being watched and scared for life, her only option is to go to the one man who can protect her, the only man she has ever loved and who a decade earlier tossed her away.

Trace Weston is a self made man who has lived on the dark side for a very long time. Since he last seen Skye his life has changed dramatically but he has never forgotten Skye and when she seeks his protection he decides in a very aggressive alpha male way that he's keeping her.

As with her other books I kept guessing till the end who the threat was...I had my suspicions and as usual (with her books) I was completely wrong!!



Profile Image for Tammy Walton Grant.
417 reviews293 followers
June 17, 2013
Another freebie from Amazon.

Let me just say this - if this guy existed in real life, the woman he ended up with would have no friends.

She would be like the woman all of us know who is constantly having to explain or apologize for what a complete DICK her husband is. Sure, sure, he loves her to the point of distraction (obsession?) but he's a complete asswipe to everyone around her. So possessive/controlling/desperate. Of course, all of the tortured desperate love that he feels for her can't make a girl feel anything but cherished, right? When your man can't hold you tight enough, have you close enough, fuck you hard enough?

It was a little too much for me. I couldn't help but imagine their relationship a few years into their HEA, thinking that if he doesn't get all that emotion sorted out he'll start using her as a punching bag. I was also not a big fan of the author's writing style in this novella - lots of very short sentences. That are very dramatic. And used to make a point. But can also get very tiresome.

Fans of OTT tough guy Heroes will enjoy this steamy little bit tremendously. I'm going to use the 3-book rule for this author and try some of her other stuff.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
983 reviews141 followers
October 24, 2014
2.5 - Stars

Hmmm this one really did absolutely nothing for me. I picked this one up as a in between book. I wanted a quick read but it ended up being a flop for me.

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Maybe it is a case of its me not the book but I just never connected with the main characters Trace and Skye. Actually I really didn't connect with the story line either.

Oh well. Onward and upward! :)
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,224 reviews824 followers
April 21, 2017
Wow! This was an incredible read! It’s a short book and usually they don’t have enough length to feel the emotions of the characters but that was not the case in Mine to Take. I’m a huge fan of a strong alpha hero and Trace was all of that and more. Skye is struggling to regain her life after an accident has left her unable to continue her dreams of dancing. There was some confusion for me as to the length of time after the accident and when she meets with Trace, the boy who once meant the world to her ten years ago. Other than that, I really couldn’t find any fault with this story. With lots of mystery and suspense, the possibility of the villain at every corner, a great connection between the hero and heroine, and some really kindle steamy scenes, I devoured this book in short order. It ends with a HEA but this couple’s story picks up again in another book.

Dual POV
Can standalone
Neither were celibate during their years apart
Profile Image for Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer*.
484 reviews264 followers
June 21, 2013
"Having too much faith in the wrong man could be dangerous>"

I'm going to start off by saying, I love a book that starts out with a warning label in the blurb.

MINE TO TAKE is intended for adults. Sexy situations and adult language will be found within the pages of this story—please consider yourself warned.

haha, You've be warned...This book was so good. Yes, it's a short story. Short stories typically leave me wanting more, always more with me, haha, and don't get me wrong, I would have loved more for this one, but everything tied together really well. I never felt like it was too rushed or anything either. I have to make this brief because I don't want to give anything away, and believe me there are things that could ruin the whole thing.

Skye was driving home one night when she has a car accident. She sits in her wrecked car trapped waiting for someone to help her. Finally someone comes, nope, I'm not telling who, that 's one of those spoilers I can't give. Time passes and she is left with that horrible memory, not only mentally but physically. That accident ruined her dancing career. But that's the least of her problems, someone is following her and also breaking into her apartment leaving hints that they have been there. When she finally has had enough, and is terrified she runs to the one person she knows can help her with the stalker, but may be dangerous to her in a whole other way.

[image error]
(Btw, this hottie courtesy of Allison, the second I saw him he reminded me of Trace and she was awesome and let me borrow him for my review!! Thanks Allison!!)

Trace couldn't believe his eyes when he looked up and saw that Skye was in his building. He has been waiting for this chance with her for ten long years. And now that she needs his help, he won't be letting her go again. He has secrets, secrets that he's not ready for her to know yet, but it may not be up to him when she finds out everything. It doesn't matter though, she's back and will be staying no matter what he just has to get rid of this stalker first.

"When you walked into my office a few days ago...I was so damn stunned. It was all I could to not to run and grab you, to hold you tight." And never let go.

Like I said this book was the exact thing I love to read. Romance, confident alpha male, scorching sex and chemistry, mystery, danger, yep I thrive on this stuff. I suspected everyone was guilty while I was reading this. And when I say everyone, I mean that literally. There were huge twists and turns that had me saying...

I wish there was more only because I was so twisted up in this story it was over too soon. I highly recommend this, perfect length to fit in between longer reads and it will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
415 reviews124 followers
July 31, 2013

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Skye's Sullivan was a promising ballet dancer whose career finished after a tragic car accident, that nearly killed her.
She is being stalked, someone enters her apartment and go though her things and is watching her every step.
She decided to move from NY and get a fresh start but the stalker is back. And she is convinced that her car crash wasn't an accident at all.
She goes to the police but they don't have much evidence to go further and Skye is convince they don't believe her.

She only have one solution, to seek Trace Weston, a person she thought she wouldn't ever see again. A person that broke her heart and meant the world to her...

Trace Weston. Some men left a mark on a woman, a mark that went far beneath the skin. Trace had marked her years before.

We get to know that they shared an intense and all-consuming relationship that abruptly ended.
But Trace isn't over Skye. He wants her and this time he won't let her go.
He will protect and have her...

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Is there a line between passion and obsession?
The list of suspects keep rising and Skye must figure it out which one is friend or foe. Before it's too late...

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I loved it! I just kept wishing it was a full length novel! I wanted to keep reading!
But still despite some short comes that comes to be a short story, Cynthia Eden totally pulled this off.
It was sexy,hot, dangerous and suspenseful!
I kept wondering WHO THE HELL was the stalker aka sick psycho! And no, I didn't get it right *damn it

One thing is certain, I must check out other books from the author!

***egalley kindly provided via netgalley in exchange of an honest review

For this one and more reviews go to:
A Bookworm Confessions
Profile Image for Heather .
450 reviews148 followers
September 8, 2013
This was a super-fast-paced-novella. I see some readers complaining about the lack of chemistry and the forced dialogue. Well, I think she did really well for the measly 150 pages of text. We got a super hot alpha man and a broken ballerina who have history. We get mystery. We get suspense. And best of all, amazingly hot sex. This couple had a past which makes jumping in much more realistic. I really enjoyed it!

Skye Sullivan is a dancer. She has followed her dream and is dancing in New York City. Sky has recently discovered that someone is stalking her. She finds things out of place in her home and feels like someone is following her.

One night on the way home from a performance, Skye has a brutal accident that ends her career and sends her back home to Chicago. But her stalker is upping the ante and Skye finds herself turning to the man who let her go ten long years ago.

Trace is a private detective and he owns his own company. He has made it his life's goal to become successful. All he wants is to be able to take care of himself and the ones he loves. Trace let Skye go ten years ago and he is not about to make that same mistake again...

The chemistry between Sky and Trace is HOT!

This author takes us on an epic ride of whodunit. Skye is not sure who to trust because anyone could be her stalker. Trace finds himself doubting and second guessing himself. In the end, Skye must choose who to trust and hope that she is right.

I read this in one sitting. I had absolutely had no idea what was going to happen next.

For a quick read...this was a good one!
4 Stars
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,950 reviews435 followers
August 4, 2018
Well I almost loved this book BUT (spoilers ahead)

They were foster kids together and grew from friends to lovers, but the H knew she needed to pursue her love of dance so he broke up with her and both move on. 10 years later she has a stalker and goes to him for help INSTANTLY the connection is revived and H turns into intense, jealous,possessive Alpha( which is totally my type of H).We find out he's been checking in on her for years and went to many of her performances. The suspense and action were well done (because I had no idea who the bad guy was 😂) h was kidnapped,H rescues her ,hfn ending to be continued in book 2............... Major problems I had----
I felt his love and complete interest in the h yet a 10 year separation? While they both had sex with other people who I had to freaking hear about especially on the h's side as they were suspects in her stalker issue. 10 years and yet they picked up like it was yesterday so why the long separation? That was so overly ridiculous it drove me bonkers! Second chance romances usually fail for me for just these reasons, the reason for the long separation was nonsensical, sex with OP!!!!!!!!While still "deeply in love with each other!!!! Nooooooooooooo! Then the reunion and the inevitable" it's always been you" LIES! You both had sex so it was Women A-whatever and Man A-whatever plus you both(only been you my a**)!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh second chance romances kill me everytime! I finished this because this author's writing is actually pretty good and when I ignored the ☝then I enjoyed this book and eagerly moved on to book 2, however since I cant unread ☝then unfortunately this book only gets 2 stars!
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
Shelved as 'not-for-me'
August 12, 2015
Self note:

H becomes OTT instantly after meeting h again but was for 10 years completely absent from her life and even became a huge man-whore. Just did not buy the romance. :(
Profile Image for Bev .
2,079 reviews458 followers
December 4, 2015
Hot, bossy alpha male - check
Damsel in distress - check
Romantic suspense - check
Second chance romance - check
He's a bit of a manwhore - oh yeah, sign me right the hell up and double check
Tight, solid writing that hooked me from word one - yep, check again

I've had this on my Kindle for ages and am so glad to have unearthed a gem of a read. Loved this, and am excited to get more of Trace and Skye in the next book
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews569 followers
June 16, 2013
The book seemed to be trying to hard to make the hero all sexy, broody, possessive. Being so short it didn't have enough time to pull me in. The hero had a cave-man routine despite the fact he let the heroine go to follow her dreams. He was all obsessive types, you are mine, you should only remember my touch etc. His sexual history was all glossed over. The heroine has a stalker so she approaches her foster brother/first lover, the man who broke her heart for help because he runs a top notch security company and the accident that lost her dancing career drained her financial resources. Of course the chemistry is right back in, the hero does all the questioning, while she just follow. We see him almost want to kill her ex, a concerned detective. All in all an average read.
Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,012 reviews917 followers
September 20, 2014
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


What an entertaining read! I really enjoyed this one, and for not quite a novel length it was packed with action! (Maybe too much?)
I read it in one sitting, but more than that was the way this book "sucked me in" from the start!

Cynthia Eden did a great job opening the story right at point break. You just can't stop yourself from wanting to know more. And with some pointers here and there, she managed to make me perceive the heroine as fragile yet resilient. I had to know what troubles Skye Sullivan was in, so I kept on reading, eagerly.

No surprise regarding the alpha hero, Trace Weston, typical overbearing and possessive male. He made a name for himself as the owner of a prestigious investigating firm based in Chicago.

Nothing extraordinary here, heroine rekindles with the hero after 10 years, thinking she is the target of a stalker and seeks help from him. They loved each other but never acted on it, leaving their feelings buried deep.

The alpha hero did a great job of claiming back his possession, his feelings towards Skye never wavered and he doesn't waste any time in letting her know his intentions. Skye is back, and she'll be his for the taking.

Basic "Whodunit" plot, we are led to speculate about the book's every character, even the less conceivable ones. Many times I thought I had the culprit, but I have to say I began reading and was suspicious about everyone, so I indeed "knew" whodunit around 50% but I guess it doesn't count since I changed my answer between then and the end of the book.

I did however my enjoyment, have some problems with some repetitiveness, and use of words or better called abbreviations in the book. (SOB, fellow...) Enough so that it annoyed me every time I had to come upon them...
Some parts were a bit too cheesy for my taste, regarding the alpha behavior, especially.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed this novella, not for its innovative plot, but it was an easy read, with basic suspense factor and steamy romance. It's really a story without pretense, that any romance reader will enjoy.


Wonder Woman, over.

Profile Image for Jill.
793 reviews135 followers
June 27, 2013
Mine to Take was a fast paced romantic suspense, with an alpha hero that will knock your socks off.
Skye and Trace once meant the world to one another. In fact neither has stopped thinking about the other for the last 10 years. But Trace turned his back on Skye in a heartbreaking way and since then both have been going it alone.
Skye became a world class ballet dancer, but she caught the eye of someone scary and that person has made her life hell and taken away her ability to dance. After an "accident" that left her physically unable to perform and increasing feelings of being stalked. Skye turns to Trace who now has a highly successful businessman.

This book was very good, and even though it was quite short the story was built up well and sucked me in. The building romance was filled with great sexual tension and as we were drawn into the whats and whys of what happened with them earlier on, I felt a real sense of love and protection. These characters were friends before anything else.
This is actually my first book by this author, but I will be going back for more.

I received this book from Netgalley for my honest review.
Profile Image for Heidi.
950 reviews2 followers
June 28, 2013
I tried, really I did. Just not for me I guess.

It was almost, no actually, it was just cheesy! He's walked away and left her to her life - a life without him - but with other men over a ten year period. He had supposedly been SO in love with her, that he could barely survive. Yeah right! then SHE decides to re-establish contact after being stalked and almost killed.

The whole desperation that was his. The insta love "I..I had to see you. Just to make sure you were alright. Just to...fill the fucking hole in my chest from where my heart used to be." I so did not get that!

Oh wait, there's another one.... "He couldn't. He was starving, insane with need-for her. He'd wanted her for ten long years. She was back. No one and nothing would ever take her away from him again."

I was tempted to DNF, but I didn't.

Profile Image for Kenya Wright.
Author 105 books2,457 followers
July 20, 2018

I did a reread to be ready for book two. I'm intrigued to see where else this will go.

Good but not great. Mysterious but not jaw dropping awesomeness.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
July 20, 2014
ARC courtesy of the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

When infatuation turns into an obsession lives will be altered and everyone is suspect, even the victim.

I went into the one completely blind, barely glancing at the synopsis of the story - but loved the title and the cover. Those two things had me sold. Now we don't get an overly long story - but we do get a suspenseful love story that makes you question everything - everyone.

Skye is being watched, she has felt a presence for months. After a tragic accident forced her to give up her dreams of dancing she returns to Chicago and finds the one man that she trusts to protect her - to believe her. Trace fell in love with Skye when they were teenagers, he protected her all those years ago when they grew up in the foster home. And he has longed for her over the last ten years without her. He now has the money, the power and the means to protect her from whoever is after her.

The only problem is that every suspect checks out. As he seeks out who is out to do her harm, more events place her in danger.

This story mixes in the perfect storm of suspense and sexy alpha-male intensified sexual tension. Although the story could have been a little more erotic in nature, the overall story and plot were captivating. I seriously was ready to pick out each character as the one who was behind it all and then instantly change my mind as the next character was introduced. Every instinct was clouded with doubt. Often times the end of these stories can be too obvious and you find yourself fingering (**giggles**) the guilty suspect far too early to stay interested.

A great short read that kept your interest throughout each page.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 730 reviews

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