European Royalty discussion

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History Nominations > May 1 - Jun 1: Nominating

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message 1: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments ***WORLD WAR I THROUGH WORLD WAR II (1914-1945)***


Okay everyone, it's that time of the month - time to nominate! Anyone who would like to nominate ONE book may do so in this thread.

The theme this month is WORLD WAR I THROUGH WORLD WAR II (1914-1945) (any country, fiction or non-fiction). There's a lot of flexibility here! Certainly you can pick either of the wars, but you can also pick the Roaring 20s, the Great Depression or the Holocaust - anything at all that takes place during that time period.

Please try to check amazon or some other site to make sure the book is easily available - the last thing we want is to nominate some great book that no one can get! If you nominate more than ONE book, only the first book listed will make it into the voting thread (so save additional books for the next months!). Also, if the book doesn't fit the theme, I won't add it to this month's voting list, but I will carry it over to the next theme that it does fit under if you would like.

Feel free to nominate one book of your choice in this thread until April 19th, 9pm Eastern.

At around that time, I'll make a voting poll and list all the nominated books in it, and people can vote in the poll until the poll closes (set to last through April 23rd). Discussion can start on May 1st.

Happy Nominating!

message 2: by Misfit (new)

Misfit | 696 comments Dang it all there was a great one by Rosalind Laker that would be fun but its a bit rare and dear. In that case I'll nominate The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 378 comments Maisie Dobbs, by Jacqueline Winspear.

message 4: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Christina, Queen of Sweden The Restless Life of a European Eccentric would be good for me but I quite like the idea of Susanna's choice. Misfit, I haven't checked your nomination out yet ... I'll go look now.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 378 comments Bettie - didn't Queen Christina live in the 17th Century? I think that's too early for this theme. Sounds like a cool book, though.

message 6: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Yes - mea culpa! (maxima) I didn't read post 1 - my eyes are only drawn to book titles, must be a bookworm or something lol

message 7: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda514) Susanna wrote: "Maisie Dobbs, by Jacqueline Winspear."

Maisie Dobbs is wonderful! I second your suggestion, Susanna!

message 8: by Bettie (new)

Bettie So - how about The Welsh Girl instead

message 9: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda514) Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "So - how about The Welsh Girl instead"

Oh, Bettie - that one is good, too! Can I second yours and still second Susanna's?

message 10: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Wanda wrote: "Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "So - how about The Welsh Girl instead"

Oh, Bettie - that..."

I think maybe this choice is too parochial for most to relish but hey! I'd love you to second it - thanks

message 11: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda514) Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "Wanda wrote: "Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "So - how about The Welsh Girl instead"


But still a good book nonetheless.

message 12: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "[b:Christina, Queen of Sweden The Restless Life of a European Eccentric|1544257|Christina, Queen of Sweden The Restless Life of a European Eccentric|Veronica Buckley|"

I can work this into a theme for the next European Royalty read.

message 13: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments I'm going to nominate Suite Française by Irène Némirovsky.

message 14: by Bettie (new)

Bettie Sara wrote: "Bettie (Goodreads Reader!) wrote: "[b:Christina, Queen of Sweden The Restless Life of a European Eccentric|1544257|Christina, Queen of Sweden The Restless Life of a European Eccentric|Veronica Bu..."

That would be entirely groovy - thanks

message 15: by Sera (new)

Sera I nominate a prior nomination

1916 by Morgan Llewelyn

message 16: by Laura (new)

Laura I nominate the following book: Losing Julia
by Jonathan Hull

message 17: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments Nomination thread is closed - time to vote!

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