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message 1: by Leslie (last edited Dec 12, 2013 08:24PM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments 1. Continue with my 100,000 pages challenge: for 2013, read 40,000 pages. Done! 8/22/2013

2. Read 18 plays - 12 Shakespeare and:
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams (winter group play)
The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare (spring group play)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (reread) (fall group play)
Loot by Joe Orton
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov

3. Read at least one book or collection of poetry each month. Done!
Poets I’d like to read include: Keats, Frost, Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Pertarch’s Sonnets, Blake, Sandberg, Wordsworth

4. Read at least one book or collection of short stories each month.

5. Anthony Trollope: finish the Barchester series & read the Palliser series

6. Mysteries – finish the Read the USA challenge from the Cozy Mysteries group

7. Read 2 (or more) famous Russian novels: Anna Karenina and The Death of Ivan Ilych (Dec BOTM) - Done read Anna Karenina & Notes from the Underground

8. Read at least 3 books a month from the Guardian’s 1000 Novels Everyone Should Read list.
Here are some of the ones I want to read:
Thomas Hardy: (Jan monthly author) Jude the Obscure or The Woodlanders
Murial Spark: (Feb monthly author) The Driver s Seat, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, A Far Cry from Kensington
Angela Carter: (March monthly author) Nights at the Circus, Wise Children
Sylvia Townsend Warner: Lolly Willowes (March BOTM)
A.S. Byatt: (April monthly author) Possession
George Orwell: (May monthly author) Burmese Days
Carson McCullers: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (May BOTM)
Marilynne Robinson: Gilead (not July BOTM but by same author)
Margaret Atwood: (July monthly author) The Handmaid s Tale, The Cat's Eye
Rebecca West: (Aug monthly author) The Fountain Overflows, The Return of the Soldier
E.M. Forster: A Room with a View (not Aug BOTM but by same author)
William Faulkner: Sanctuary (not Sep BOTM but by same author)
Philip K. Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Oct BOTM), The Man in the High Castle
Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God (Nov BOTM)
Ernest Hemingway: (Nov monthly author) The Old Man and the Sea
Anais Nin: (Dec monthly author) Delta of Venus

W. Somerset Maugham: Cakes and Ale Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard, Of Human Bondage
Tobias Smollett: The Adventures of Roderick Random, The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
Evelyn Waugh: Decline and Fall, Scoop, A Handful of Dust, The Loved One
Arthur Conan Doyle: A Study in Scarlet, The Hound of the Baskervilles
E Phillips Oppenheim: The Great Impersonation
Anthony Trollope: The Last Chronicle of Barset, The Way We Live Now
Elizabeth Gaskell: North and South , Cranford , Ruth, Mary Barton
Henry James: a bunch to choose from, maybe The Wings of the Dove or Portrait of a Lady
Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth
Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
Ann Radcliffe: The Mysteries of Udolpho
Flann O’Brien: The Third Policeman
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes from the Underground , The Idiot
William Makepeace Thackeray: The Luck of Barry Lyndon
Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars
G.K. Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday
H.G.Wells: The War of the Worlds
Anthony Burgess: dropping these for Vonnegut
JG Ballard: The Drowned World, Crash
Eric Ambler: A Coffin for Dimitrios , Epitaph for a Spy
Ian Fleming: Casino Royale , Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice

and if I don’t read these during this December’s monthly read:
Charles Dickens: Bleak House, Martin Chuzzlewit, Little Dorrit, Hard Times

message 3: by Leslie (last edited Nov 16, 2013 09:29AM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Challenge #6: Here is my READ AROUND THE USA Challenge for the Cozy Mysteries group (starting 8/2012)
Progress: 30/51

Alabama -- Dog River Blues
Alaska -- Alaska Virgin Air by Izzy Ballard (4/13/13)
Arizona -- The Ghost Orchid Murder by Nancy Jill Thames (5/26/13)
Arkansas -- Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank (1/30/13)
California -- Death Turns a Trick by Julie Smith (9/1/12)
Colorado -- Catering to Nobody by Diane Mott Davidson (7/20/13)
Connecticut -- Elected for Death by Valerie Wolzien (11/17/12)
District of Columbia -- Murder Takes the Cake
Florida -- Artifacts by Mary Anna Evans (10/8/12)
Georgia -- The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers (not a mystery) (5/7/13)
Hawaii -- Maui Widow Waltz by JoAnn Bassett (9/1/13)
Idaho --
Illinois -- Opal Fire by Barbara Annino (10/22/13)
Indiana -- Death of the Couch Potato's Wife
Iowa -- Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (not a mystery) (7/18/13)
Kansas --
Kentucky -- Death By a Honey Bee
Louisiana -- The Tin Roof Blowdown by James Lee Burke (5/15/13)
Maine - The Book of Old Houses by Sarah Graves (9/14/13)
Maryland -- The Man in Lower Ten by Mary Roberts Rinehart (3/8/13)
Massachusetts -- Going, Going, Gone by Phoebe Atwood Taylor (8/31/12)
Michigan -- Murder Passes the Buck
Minnesota -- Bingo Barge Murder by Jessie Chandler (8/7/12)
Mississippi --- The Collected Stories by Eudora Welty (not a mystery) (6/19/13)
Montana -- Courthouse Cowboys
Nebraska -- One of Ours by Willa Cather (not a mystery) (11/20/12)
Nevada -- Pumpkins in Paradise by Kathi Daley (11/16/13)
New Hampshire -- An Appointment With Murder
New Jersey -- The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax??
New Mexico -- Red, Green, or Murder by Steven F. Havill (2/19/13)
New York -- Sailor, Take Warning! by Kelley Roos (8/12/12)
North Carolina -- Amethyst Dreams by Phyllis A. Whitney (10/27/12)
North Dakota -- January Exposure
Ohio -- A Shot in the Bark
Oregon -- Deadly Aim
Pennsylvania -- Never Buried by Edie Clair (10/31/12)
Rhode Island
South Carolina -- Oolong Dead by Laura Childs (3/1/13)
South Dakota -- Nearly Departed in Deadwood by Ann Charles (1/29/13)
Tennessee -- A Cutthroat Business
Texas -- Buck Fever by Ben Rehder (2/13/13)
Utah -- Black Diamond Death
Vermont -- Moonlighting in Vermont by Kate George (9/29/13)
Virginia -- Carbs & Cadavers by Ellery Adams - J.B. Stanley (9/17/12)
Washington -- Murder Spins a Tale A Flock and Fiber Mystery by Veryl Ann Grace (3/24/13)
West Virginia -- Moon Signs
Wisconsin -- Uncommon Grounds by Sandra Balzo (8/12/12)

message 4: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 80 comments Leslie - you don't have anything for Kansas. Have you read Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn?

message 5: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Chris wrote: "Leslie - you don't have anything for Kansas. Have you read Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn?"

No, in fact I have never read anything by her. Thanks for the suggestion! My biggest problem is time :P

message 6: by Leslie (last edited Dec 16, 2013 03:10PM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Challenge #8: to read at least 3 books each month from the Guardian list
running total = 94 (& 2 DNF) + 4 (part of series) + 1 this month so far

January- 10 + 1 from "Dance to the Music of Time"
·Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge & Jude The Obscure
·Ian Fleming: Casino Royale
·Thorne Smith: Topper Takes a Trip
·Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five & Breakfast of Champions
·Wilkie Collins: The Moonstone
·Anthony Powell: The Acceptance World (book #3 of A Dance to the Music of Time)
·Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes from the Underground
·Walter Mosley: Devil in a Blue Dress
·Evelyn Waugh: Decline and Fall

February- 11
·Phillip Pullman: His Dark Materials (all 3 books of the trilogy)
·Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
·Muriel Spark: A Far Cry from Kensington;
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie;
The Driver's Seat;
The Girls of Slender Means
·Robert A. Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land
·P.D. James: The Children of Men
·H.G. Wells: The War of the Worlds
·Larry Niven: Ringworld
·Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth

March- 12 + 2 from "Dance to the Music of Time" + 1 DNF
·Flann O'Brien: The Third Policeman
·Angela Carter: Nights at the Circus & Wise Children
·François Rabelais: Gargantua and Pantagruel (DNF)
·Evelyn Waugh: Scoop
·Sylvia Townsend Warner: Lolly Willowes
·Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars
·Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
·Michael Innes: Death at the President's Lodging (Seven Suspects)
·Anthony Powell: At Lady Molly's & Casanova's Chinese Restaurant (book #4-5 of “A Dance to the Music of Time")
·Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A Study of Scarlet
·Edith Wharton: The House of Mirth
·W. Somerset Maugham: Cakes and Ale
·G.K. Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday

April- 9 + 1 from Discworld series
·Anna Sewell: Black Beauty {reread}
·Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones's Diary
·A.S. Byatt: Possession
·Evelyn Waugh: A Handful of Dust
·Elizabeth Gaskell: North and South (audiobook)
·Arnaldur Indriðason: Silence of the Grave
·Anthony Trollope: The Last Chronicle of Barset
·Penelope Fitzgerald: The Blue Flower
·Louisa May Alcott: Little Women (audiobook) {reread}
·Terry Pratchett: Guards! Guards! (Discworld)

May - 12
·A.S. Byatt: The Virgin in the Garden
·James Lee Burke: The Tin Roof Blowdown (audiobook)
·Carson McCullers: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter & The Member of the Wedding
·Anthony Trollope: The Way We Live Now
·Evelyn Waugh: The Loved One
·George Orwell: Burmese Days & Animal Farm {reread}
·Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö: The Laughing Policeman
·Johnston McMulley: The Mark of Zorro
·Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence (audiobook)
·Elizabeth Gaskell: Cranford (audiobook)

June - 8 + 1 DNF
·Rose Macaulay: The Towers of Trebizond
·Haruki Murakami: The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (audiobook)
·James M. Cain: Double Indemnity
·Graham Greene: The Power and the Glory
·W. Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage
·Nicholas Blake: The Beast Must Die
·J.G. Ballard: Crash (DNF)
·Samuel Butler: Erewhon
·Colin Dexter: Last Seen Wearing

July - 7
·Victor Hugo: Les Misérables
·Georges Simenon: The Madman of Bergerac
·Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid's Tale (audiobook)
·Marilynne Robinson: Gilead
·Jack London: The Call of the Wild (audiobook) {reread}
·H. Rider Haggard: King Solomon's Mines (audiobook)
·Barbara Pym: Excellent Women

August - 9
·Kurt Vonnegut: The Sirens of Titan
·P.G. Wodehouse: Thank You, Jeeves (audiobook) {reread}
·Graham Greene: Our Man in Havana (audiobook)
·Eric Ambler: A Coffin for Dimitrios
·Patrick O'Brian: Master and Commander (audiobook) {reread}
·John le Carré: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy {reread}
·Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island (audiobook) {reread}
·Graham Greene: This Gun for Hire (A Gun for Sale)
·Arthur Conan Doyle: Hound of the Baskervilles

September - 6
·Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea
·Charlotte Brönte: Jane Eyre (audiobook) {reread}
·Graham Greene: The Ministry of Fear
·William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying {reread}
·E.M. Forster: A Room With a View
·Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent

October - 4
·Herman Melville: Moby Dick (audiobook)
·Philip K. Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
·James Joyce: A Portrait of the Author as a Young Man (audiobook & Kindle)
·Nathaniel Hawthorne: The House of the Seven Gables (audiobook & print)

November - 6
·Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass (audiobook) {reread}
·Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God
·John Galsworthy: The Man of Property (book 1 of "The Forsyte Saga")
·Noel Streatfeild: Ballet Shoes (audiobook)
·Tony Hillerman: Dance Hall of the Dead (audiobook) {reread}
·John Wyndham: The Midwich Cuckoos

December - 1
·P.G. Wodehouse: Joy in the Morning (audiobook)
·Max Beerbohm: Zuleika Dobson currently reading

message 7: by Leslie (last edited Nov 30, 2013 07:24AM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Since I seem to be doing an Angela Thirkell challenge already, I thought I would add it here. The challenge is to read her Barchester series, listed below.

High Rising - (1933) (done 8/15/12)
Wild Strawberries - (1934) (done 8/22/12)
·The Demon in the House - (1934)
August Folly - (1936) (done 8/28/12)
Summer Half - (1937) (done 9/4/12)
Pomfret Towers - (1938) (done 9/16/12)
The Brandons - (1939) (done 10/5/12)
Before Lunch - (1939) (done 10/16/12) (on Guardian's list)
Cheerfulness Breaks In - (1940) (done 11/13/12)
Northbridge Rectory - (1941) (done 8/4/12)
Marling Hall - (1942) (done 1/20/13)
Growing Up - (1943) (done 2/15/13)
The Headmistress - (1944) (done 3/18/13)
Miss Bunting - (1945) (done 4/27/13)
Peace Breaks Out - (1946) (done 5/24/13)
Private Enterprise - (1947) (done 8/27/13)
Love Among the Ruins - (1948) (done 6/23/13)
Old Bank House - (1949) (done 9/27/13)
County Chronicle - (1950) (done 10/27/13)
The Duke's Daughter - (1951) (done 11/29/13)
·Happy Returns - (1952)
·Jutland Cottage - (1953)
·What Did it Mean? - (1954)
·Enter Sir Robert - (1955)
·Never Too Late - (1956)
·A Double Affair - (1957)
·Close Quarters - (1958)
·Love at all Ages - (1959)
·Mrs. Morland & Son - (1960) (A book of four Angela Thirkell short stories.)
·Three Score and Ten - (1961) (Completed by C.A. Lejeune after AT's death.)

message 8: by Leslie (last edited Oct 02, 2013 05:41PM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Reading Scandinavia list: (6 month challenge from Perks) April-Sept. 2013
books with bold dates were from my original list for this challenge

The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen (Denmark) (done 4/3)
Silence of the Grave by Arnaldur Indridason (Iceland) (done 4/16)
Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson (Finland) (done 4/28)
Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen (Denmark) (done 5/8)
Voices by Arnaldur Indriðason (Iceland)
Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen (Norway) (done 5/20)
The Laughing Policeman by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö (Sweden) (done 5/21)
The Draining Lake by Arnaldur Indriðason (Iceland)
A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen (Norway) (done 6/13)
Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell (Sweden)
Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (Denmark) (done 6/16)
The Man Who Went Up in Smoke by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö (Sweden)
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
The Red Room by August Strindberg
Tales of the Night by Peter Høeg (Denmark) (done 8/20)
Sidetracked by Henning Mankell (Sweden)
The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen (Norway)
Artic Chill by Arnaldur Indriðason (Iceland)
The Inspector and Silence by Håkan Nesser (Sweden)
The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen (Norway)
Winter's Tales by Isak Dinesen (Denmark)
The Man on the Balcony by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö (Sweden)
Hypothermia by Arnaldur Indriðason (Iceland)

message 9: by Pink (new)

Pink Wow, brilliant lists Leslie! I recognise a lot of books that I'm aiming to read this year, but quite agree there are too many books and too little time!

message 10: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Pink wrote: "Wow, brilliant lists Leslie! I recognise a lot of books that I'm aiming to read this year, but quite agree there are too many books and too little time!"

:) I would love to take credit but it comes from reading off the Guardian's list! I am only about 24% done so I have years of reading from it to go!

message 11: by Pink (new)

Pink I have lists upon lists on my computer of bestsellers and must read books. The same names seem to crop up on most of them though and I'm working my way through as best I can. You seem to have quite a mix of books, like I try to, do you have a favourite genre or writing period?

message 12: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments I agree that certain books seem to be on all the lists so I try to put those higher on my TBR. My favorite genre is mystery/crime books (especially from the so-called Golden Age of Mysteries 1925-1950 or so) but this year I have been drawn to reading humor/satire. Guess I feel like I need the cheerfulness to balance out the darkness of some of the modern mysteries! The mix comes from trying to match books from the Guardian list with the Perks monthly authors and the Broaden Your Horizons genres.

message 13: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13900 comments Mod
I love The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, so witty.

message 14: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Alannah wrote: "I love The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, so witty."

Yes, I love almost all his plays but this is my favorite <3

message 15: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments As of yesterday, I have completed my 100,000 page challenge!!

58,212 pages so far in 2013 and 102,226 pages since I began the challenge in 2012. *pats self on back*

message 16: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13900 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "As of yesterday, I have completed my 100,000 page challenge!!

58,212 pages so far in 2013 and 102,226 pages since I began the challenge in 2012. *pats self on back*"

Well Done! That's great.

message 17: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13900 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "Alannah wrote: "I love The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, so witty."

Yes, I love almost all his plays but this is my favorite <3"

I have only read The Importance of Being Earnest and A Women of No Importance but preferred TIOBE a lot more.

message 18: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments @Alannah, thanks! and if you ever have the urge to read more of Wilde's plays, try An Ideal Husband. It has more social commentary than TIOBE but good fun!

message 19: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13900 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "@Alannah, thanks! and if you ever have the urge to read more of Wilde's plays, try An Ideal Husband. It has more social commentary than TIOBE but good fun!"

Cool, I'll make sure to check it out.

message 20: by Leslie (last edited Sep 05, 2013 06:46PM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments August summary of progress:

I have now completed challenges #7 & #1 (100,000 pages);

#2 (plays) - read Love's Labour's Lost and Miss Julie
#3 (poetry) - Answering Back: Living Poets Reply to the Poetry of the Past
#4 (short stories) - Tales of the Night
#5 (Trollope) - Phineas Finn
#6 (Read the USA mysteries) - Maui Widow Waltz, Hawaii
#8 (Guardian list) - 9

message 21: by Leslie (last edited Oct 19, 2013 10:58AM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Sept. progress:

#1 (pages) - completed
#2 (plays) - 3: The Lark, Henry V, and The Importance of Being Earnest
#3 (poetry) - I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats
#4 (short stories) - The Return of Sherlock Holmes & The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick 1: The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford
#5 (Trollope) - The Eustace Diamonds
#6 (Read the USA mysteries) - The Book of Old Houses (ME) & Moonlighting in Vermont (VT)
#7 (Russian) - completed
#8 (Guardian) - 6 (see message 6 for list)

and for my Thirkell challenge, I read The Old Bank House

message 22: by Leslie (last edited Dec 21, 2013 12:11AM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments My A-to-Z challenge seems to not have made it here from Perks... but luckily I had it elsewhere also :) done!

2013 A to Z challenge

I got this idea from another group. A year-long challenge in which you try to read one book for each letter of the alphabet - the book's title or author's name must start with the letter. (The words A, An, and The at the beginning of the title can be ignored) No genre restriction but the more mysteries, the better.

I'm putting my mysteries in bold.

A = Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton (1/1)
B = Buck Fever by Ben Rehder (2/13)
C = Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (1/3)
D = Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley (1/26)
E = Earthly Delights by Kerry Greenwood (2/8)
F = Full Dark House by Christopher Fowler (2/5)
G = A Grave Talent by Laurie R. King (3/3)
H = Henning Mankell's 'Faceless Killers' (6/15)
I = In the Blood by Steve Robinson (3/12)
J = James M. Cain's 'Double Indemnity' (6/3)
K = The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen (4/3)
L = Lord of the Silent by Elizabeth Peters (1/13)
M = The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (1/11)
N = Nearly Departed in Deadwood by Ann Charles (1/29)
O = Oolong Dead by Laura Childs (3/1)
P = Per Wahlöö and Maj Sjöwall's 'The Man Who Went Up in Smoke' (6/20)
Q = Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz (3/24)
R = Red, Green, or Murder by Steven F. Havill (2/19)
S = The Skull Beneath the Skin by P.D. James (1/24)
T = Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank (1/30)
U = An Unsuitable Job for a Woman by P.D. James (1/15)
V = Van Dine's 'The Bishop Murder Case' (2/26)
W = The Wicked Wager by Anya Wylde (1/19)
X = The Xibalba Murders by Lyn Hamilton (6/16)
Y = The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (10/17)
Z = Zuleika Dobson by Max Beerbohm (12/20)

message 23: by Amber (new)

Amber (amberterminatorofgoodreads) Awesome that you got your A-Z reading list done Leslie! ^_^

message 24: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Amber wrote: "Awesome that you got your A-Z reading list done Leslie! ^_^"

Thanks Amber! I'm feeling pleased ;)

message 25: by Amber (new)

Amber (amberterminatorofgoodreads) No problem at all. ^_^

message 26: by Leslie (last edited Dec 21, 2013 12:10AM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Status on my 2013 challenges:

1.    100,000 page challenge - done!
2.    Plays - I have read 23 plays but didn't get to 12 Shakespeare ones (11 done so far) or 2 of the non-Shakespeare that I had chosen...
3.    Poetry - if I count the Milton I abandoned, I am done. Otherwise, one left!
4.    Short Stories - currently reading my December collection, then I will be done.
5.    Trollope - won't be able to finish :( still have the last 2 books of the Palliser series to go after I finish Phineas Redux.
6.    Read the USA Cozy Mysteries Challenge - not even close to done! 30/51 done (continuing this challenge next year)
7.    Russian lit - done! Actually read 5 (currently reading the 6th)!
8.    Guardian list - still need to read 3 this month, then I'll be done! I read 94 books from this list this year, although that includes a fair amount of rereads in audiobook form.
9.    Angela Thirkell's Barsetshire series -- not finished, continuing this challenge next year.
10.    A-to-Z challenge - done!

message 27: by Bionic Jean (new)

Bionic Jean (bionicjean) Your challenges take my breath away, Leslie. You certainly like to push yourself...and what's more, do achieve a lot of what you intended.

Well done that girl!!:D

message 28: by Katy (new)

Katy | 422 comments Amazing Leslie!

message 29: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Jean wrote: "Your challenges take my breath away, Leslie. You certainly like to push yourself...and what's more, do achieve a lot of what you intended.

Well done that girl!!:D"

Thanks - I guess I can live with a 70% success rate (assuming I read 3 books from the Guardian list this month). I think it helped that 3 of my challenges were monthly (plays, poetry, short stories) & involved reading short bits. ☻

message 30: by Tracey (new)

Tracey (traceypb) | 1193 comments Wow!

message 31: by Amber (new)

Amber (amberterminatorofgoodreads) Awesome job leslie! :-)

message 32: by Charbel (new)

Charbel (queez) | 2725 comments Wow Leslie!

message 33: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Finished my A-to-Z challenge yesterday with Zuleika Dobson or An Oxford Love Story, and have completed my December poetry and short stories. Still need to read one more book from the Guardian's list (I have Ian McEwan's The Child in Time waiting on my Kindle)...

message 34: by Bionic Jean (new)

Bionic Jean (bionicjean) And you ARE going to make it Leslie!! Well done on a remarkable literary achievement :)

message 35: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments Jean wrote: "And you ARE going to make it Leslie!! Well done on a remarkable literary achievement :)"

:) Thanks Jean

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