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Blinders Keepers
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > 1828. - BLINDERS KEEPERS by John Rachel

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message 1: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Blinders Keepers by John Rachel John Rachel

Genre: Contemporary social-political satire

Blinders Keepers

Book Description:

Collapse, chaos, confusion, rioting, looting.

And that's the good news!

America is coming apart and the President can do nothing to stop it.

But 23-year-old Noah Tass has his own problems. Stuck his entire life in the hayseed capital of the Bible Belt after his father abandoned him 18 years ago, he has no future, all his friends are losers, his job is a dead end, his mother is stark raving mad, and his sister is a meth head stripper.

It was time to bail! Time to strike out a new path, to discover America, and kick start his life. Noah leaves Missouri and for a year truly experiences the adventure of a lifetime.

But the country is one big loony bin and he ends up in the sock puppet theater of contemporary American life, inhabited by a deranged blundering president, brutal agents of the ATF, FBI and NSA — men who kill first and ask questions later — and an underground of wild and wacky but endearing freaks who are trying to overthrow the existing order.

Blinders Keepers is social-political satire in the tradition of Jonathan Swift, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, but revved up and spit-shined to take on the historic new levels of absurdity and dysfunction of the 21st Century. It is one young man's laugh-out-loud struggle to survive the epic disintegration of the American Dream.

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Formats available: Mobi, Epub & Pdf

All reviews should be completed and posted within 4 weeks after you receive your copy of the ebook.

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Georgianna Price (somethingsomething) | 3 comments Your book sounds like a smashingly good read. My name is Georgie and my e-mail is [email protected] My preferred format is mobi. Thanks!

Tony Parsons (gambino71) | 1565 comments wow I would be glad to read/review/rate this book for U
tony parsons MSW
[email protected]

message 4: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
sent in your request Georgie and Tony.

Georgianna Price (somethingsomething) | 3 comments Thank you Tana. :)

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