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Readathons > January 2016 Read-a-thon

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message 1: by LauraT (new)

LauraT (laurata) | 14222 comments Mod
From Friday January 29th at 12.01am (in your local time zone), you start keeping track of how many pages you read until Sunday January 31st at 11.59pm. In here thread you will post your progress, telling everyone what you're reading and how many pages. Then all readers' totals will be tallied on the Monday to reach the goal of 20,000 pages. This is a relaxed read-a-thon; it doesn't matter if you read 20 pages or 100, it also doesn't matter if we reach our goal, it's just having fun doing what you would normally be doing anyway:)

As for the last read-a-thon, better to keep track of all numbers, we change the first post we write in the discussion, so each of us has only one and not 2000 as before!!!!

*An easy way to keep track is using the Currently Reading feature on Goodreads, entering your page number at the end of each day.

**For those who read by eReader, take the page number which shows for paperback/hardcover here on Goodreads for your total.Calculate by percentage to work out your page number read.

***For audio listeners, check out how many pages the book has on Goodreads, then divide that number by how many CDs or hours it is to give you an idea of pages per time.

If you respond 'Yes” to the event invitation , please don't forget to list totals in January Read-a-thon thread in Bookchat. Don't forget to post your totals of daily or full week end tally on the thread.

message 2: by LauraT (last edited Feb 03, 2016 11:39PM) (new)

LauraT (laurata) | 14222 comments Mod
List of partecipants:

Message n Name Tot
3 LauraT 1187
4 Ruth
5 Alannah 501
6 Kerry 346
7 Markie 658
8 Charbel 150
9 James 86
10 Janessa 2523
11 Allen 250
12 Petra 202
13 Anna 958
14 Maddie
15 Myst 648
16 Leslie 1165
17 Maggie 866
18 Chris 673
19 Tweedledum 552
20 Nefeli 12
21 Shirley 295
22 B the BookAddict
23 Rosie 626
24 Veronica 577
25 Patrick 148
26 Katherine 524
27 Terri 771
28 Amanda 283
29 Cecilia
30 KristiCats 337
31 Rhonda 702
32 Karen Michele 736
33 Dilek 286
34 Lale 205
35 Rebecca 148
36 Kirsten 181
37 June 382
38 Siewjye 19
39 E.A
40 Janette 303
41 Pam 65
42 Christine 422
43 Paula 88
44 John 585
45 Colleen 284
46 Ryan 99
47 Arnis 551
48 Jess 392
49 Anne (Booklady)
50 Afreen 655
51 Laura
52 Isabelle 435
53 Kat 626
54 Arnis 184
55 Heather 407
56 Josen 326
57 Christine
58 Chinook
59 Dinah
61 Greg 288
62 Diane 915
63 Michael 100
65 Kathy McC 477
66 Kristea 1316
67 Ellen 696
69 Archana 1043
70 Lisa 430
71 Jaytee 262
74 Paola 104
75 Meran 533
83 Bethan 159
86 Kirsti 104
Tot 28,846

message 3: by LauraT (last edited Feb 01, 2016 02:31AM) (new)

LauraT (laurata) | 14222 comments Mod
I'm in!
Total pages: 1187

message 4: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 88 comments I'm in. Will update later on laptop.

message 5: by Alannah (last edited Feb 01, 2016 07:00AM) (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13901 comments Mod
I'm in.

AMC: 134 pages
TGITRC: 188 pages
TDG: 179 pages

Total: 501 pages

message 6: by Kerry (last edited Feb 01, 2016 07:41AM) (new)

Kerry Christian (kwcreads) | 629 comments January Readathon

Friday: Wait for Me by Elisabeth Naughton - 57pages; Nightwoods by Charles Frazier - 70 pages = 127pages TOTAL

Saturday: What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross - 67pages

Sunday: What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross - 152pages

Total: 346 pages

message 7: by Markie (last edited Jan 31, 2016 11:16PM) (new)

Markie | 44 comments I'm in!!!

Friday: 227 pages
The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy, 115 pages
My Life on the Road, 112 pages

Saturday: 260 pages
My Life on the Road, 40 pages
The Bette Davis Club, 220 pages

Sunday: 171 pages
The Bette Davis Club, 54 pages
My Life on the Road, 40 pages
Letters to the Lost, 77 pages

January Total: 658 pages

message 8: by Charbel (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:24AM) (new)

message 9: by James (last edited Jan 31, 2016 05:15AM) (new)

James (jamessss) Sounds fun. Got two work shifts during that particular three-day stretch, though, so I don't know how many pages I'll be able to contribute to the cause. Still, count me in!

Friday: War and Peace, pages 539-552.
Saturday: War and Peace, pages 552-571.
Sunday: War and Peace, pages 571-625.

Total: 86

message 10: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 31, 2016 10:14PM) (new)

I'm in:)

Friday: Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks -214 pages
Saturday: 772 pages. Most of it was homework and I wasn't feeling all that great today, which made it hard for me to focus and finish a book:(
Sunday: 1,537 pages. Once again most of my reading today was homework

Total: 2,523

message 11: by Allen (last edited Jan 31, 2016 07:42PM) (new)

Allen I'm in

Fri:75 pages A Dance with Dragons
Sat:75 pages A Dance with Dragons
Sun:100 pages A Dance with Dragons
Total:250 pages

message 12: by Petra (last edited Jan 31, 2016 08:42PM) (new)

message 13: by Anna (last edited Jan 31, 2016 09:17AM) (new)

Anna Kļaviņa (annamatsuyama) Count me in!

Friday: The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov 73 pages
Fish for Jimmy: by Katie Yamasaki 32 pages
Hooked by Liz Fichera 362 pages
Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates 153 pages

Saturday: Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates 231 pages

Sunday: Poetry Please: The Seasons by Various Poets 107 pages

Total: 958

message 14: by Maddie (new)

Maddie I'm totally in! I'm dealing with snowzilla on the East Coast and lots of travel this past month.

message 15: by Myst (last edited Jan 31, 2016 09:16PM) (new)

Myst | 494 comments Not sure how much I'll get done as I've got something scheduled for sunday, but we'll see.

Friday: The Bone Collector pg 22-231 = 209

Saturday: The Bone Collector pg 231 - 418 =187
Fever pg 9-112 = 103

Discover Magazine pg 49-74 = 25
Fever pg 112-166 = 54
The Jaguar Dances pg 97-167 = 70

Total: 648

message 16: by Leslie (last edited Jan 31, 2016 10:41PM) (new)

Leslie | 16369 comments I'm in!

Friday: 420 pages
Saturday: 407
Sunday: 314 +24 = 338

Total: 1141 1165 so far but I might get a bit more read before Sunday is over! I did get a little more done. This is my final total!

message 17: by Maggie (last edited Feb 01, 2016 06:04AM) (new)

Maggie | 537 comments 17. I'm In!

January 2016 Read-a-thon

Friday: Under a Silent Moon by Elizabeth Haynes finished 114 pages
Remember, Remember by Lisa Cutts 206 pages

Saturday: Finished Remember Remember - 162 pages
Hit & Run by Cath Staincliffe 168 pages

Sunday: Finished Hit & Run - 120 pages
The War Widows by Leah Fleming 96 pages

Total: 866 pages

message 18: by Chris (last edited Jan 31, 2016 10:12PM) (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 80 comments I'm in:

Friday: Temptation Ridge 320 pages
Saturday: Temptation Ridge 96 pages
- Tildy 72 pages
- To Kingdom Come 14 pages
Sunday: Tildy 171 pages

Total pages: 673

message 19: by Tweedledum (last edited Jan 31, 2016 03:59PM) (new)

Tweedledum  (tweedledum) | 2149 comments I'm in

Solaris p.130, - 105 pages
The Wind-Up Bird Chroniclep.140 : 72 pages
Autism as Context Blindness 13 pages

Friday total 190 pages

Top 60 Recommended Apps for Autism: Preschool through Adult 95 pages
Freebie with kindle unlimited ... Just signed up for months free trial. Pleased to see a good number off apps listed that I also recommend! Mixing work and pleasure at the weekend...
Autism as Context Blindness 28 pages
Solaris p.172 : 60 pages
On Monday When It Rained. 30 pages
Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith and Lovep310-322: 12 pages
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle p.155 : 15 pages
The Rose of Tibet 36 pages
The Examined Life: How We Lose and Find Ourselves 12 pages
The Strangest Family George III's Extraordinary Experiment in Domestic Happiness 21 pages

Saturday total : 280 pages

Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith and Love p.332 : 10 pages
Solaris finished book. : 42 pages
The Examined Life: How We Lose and Find Ourselves 27 pages
The Mirrored Shield 32 pages
TOAST: Autism in the Early Years 24 pages
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle 20 pages
Autism as Context Blindness 12 pages
The Rose of Tibet 15 pages

Sunday total 182 pages

Total Pages: 552 pages

message 20: by Nefeli (last edited Feb 01, 2016 09:05AM) (new)

Nefeli (galacticon) | 53 comments I'm in

Friday: 4 pages
Saturday: 8 pages
Sunday: 0 pages

Total: 12 pages

I know this was a totally failed readathon for me :/

message 21: by Shirley (last edited Feb 03, 2016 10:10AM) (new)

Shirley | 4177 comments I'm in

Saturday: 163 pages
Sunday: 132 pages

Total pages: 295 pages

message 22: by B the BookAddict (last edited Jan 30, 2016 01:47PM) (new)

B the BookAddict (bthebookaddict) | 8315 comments I'm in:)

Friday: 302 pages Homestead by Rosina Lippi
Saturday: 257 pages Last Woman Hanged by Caroline Overington

Total pages:

message 23: by Rosie (last edited Jan 31, 2016 11:57PM) (new)

Rosie (rosy_posy77) | 23 comments I'm in!

Friday: Read 274 pages of The Widow and 17 pages of Eleanor & Park
Total- 291

Saturday: Read 127 pages of Eleanor & Park

Sunday: Read 181 pages of Eleanor & Park and 27 pages of Sharp Objects
total- 208

Overall total: 626 pages

message 24: by Veronica ⭐️ (last edited Jan 31, 2016 03:57AM) (new)

Veronica ⭐️ | 120 comments I'm in

Friday: 85 pages All That is Lost Between Us
Saturday: 283 pages finished All That is Lost Between Us.
Sunday: 209 pages Do You Want to Play? by Charlotte Raine

Total : 577 pages

message 25: by Patrick (last edited Jan 31, 2016 05:46PM) (new)

Patrick Pritchard | 50 comments I'm in.

January 2016 Read-a-thon.

Friday - 29th : Press Start to Play - Daniel H. Wilson, Ed. - 48 pgs.
Saturday - 30th : Press Start to Play - Daniel H. Wilson, Ed. - 64 pgs.
Sunday - 31st : Press Start to Play - Daniel H. Wilson, Ed. - 36 pgs.

Total : 148 pgs.

message 26: by Katherine (last edited Jan 31, 2016 06:32PM) (new)

Katherine | 140 comments I'm in

Friday: Scandalous Behavior (Stone Barrington, #36) by Stuart Woods 32pgs
Beloved Dog by Maira Kalman 140pgs
Puppy Bowl The Book by Discovery Communications 200pgs
A Barrel of Monkeys A Compendium of Collective Nouns for Animals by Samuel Fanous 144pgs
Scandalous Behavior - 8pgs
Total: 492pgs
Sunday:0 (out of town-not able to read)

Total pages: 524pgs

message 27: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 31, 2016 05:18PM) (new)

I'm in.

Woman with a Blue Pencil--63 pages
She's Leaving Home--77 pages
Ulysses--17 pages

She's Leaving Home--211 pages
Othello--15 pages
American Housewife: Stories--69 pages
Mr. Splitfoot--66 pages

Othello--36 pages
American Housewife: Stories--118 pages
Mr. Splitfoot--65pages
Ulysses--9 pages
Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, Vols. 1-2--25 pages

Total: 771 pages

message 28: by Amanda (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:45PM) (new)

Amanda | 6 comments I'm in

Friday : 213 p. of The Silver Star

Saturday: 70 p. of Dollbaby

Sunday: 0- got super busy, no time to read

Total: 283 pages

message 29: by Cecilia (last edited Jan 25, 2016 06:42PM) (new)

Cecilia (cecilia-reads) I'm in





message 30: by KristiCats (last edited Jan 31, 2016 12:36PM) (new)

KristiCats | 36 comments I'm in!

Friday: 69 pages of One Second After

Saturday: 193 pages of The Blackhouse

Sunday: 75 pages of One Second After

TOTAL: 337 Pages

message 31: by Rhonda (last edited Jan 31, 2016 09:52PM) (new)

Rhonda Lee Wunder | 339 comments I am in

Friday: 84 Charing Cross Road - 97 pages
The Forgotten Garden - 90 pages
Saturday: The Forgotten Garden - 220 pages
Sunday: The Forgotten Garden - 239 pages
Death by Chocolate Sundae - 56 pages

Total: 702 pages

message 32: by Karen Michele (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:52AM) (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) I'm in

Friday: 203 pages

Saturday: 223 pages

Sunday: 300

Total: 736

Thanks - it was fun!

message 33: by Dilek (last edited Feb 01, 2016 09:02AM) (new)

Dilek | 63 comments I'm in!

Friday: 67 (The Windup Girl
Saturday: 90 (The Girl on the Train)
Sunday: 129

Total: 286

message 34: by Lale (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:32AM) (new)

Lale | 48 comments I'm in!

Friday: 10
Saturday: 35
Sunday: 160

Total: 205

message 35: by Rebecca (last edited Feb 01, 2016 06:16AM) (new)

Rebecca | 50 comments I'm in!

Friday: 19
Saturday: 50
Sunday: 79

Total: 148

message 36: by Kristen (last edited Feb 01, 2016 07:54AM) (new)

Kristen | 52 comments January Readathon

Friday: 52 pages

Saturday: 109 pages

Sunday: 20 pages

Total: 181 pages

Stoner : page 136 - end
Dinner With Friends page 1 - 39

message 37: by Tawallah (last edited Feb 01, 2016 11:52AM) (new)

Tawallah | 188 comments January Readathon

Friday: P.D. James Omnibus 83 pages

Saturday: P.D. James Omnibus 173 pages

Sunday: P.D. James Omnibus 126 pages

Total: 382 pages

message 38: by Siewjye (last edited Feb 01, 2016 03:03AM) (new)

Siewjye Chow (ssjye) | 47 comments Participant: Siewjye

Friday: 5

Total: 19 pages

message 39: by E.A. (last edited Jan 28, 2016 06:07PM) (new)

E.A. | 155 comments I'm In >.<

Friday: 1618


Books Finished:
ホリミヤ 1 (Horimiya #1) by Hero Horimiya, Vol. 2 by Hero ホリミヤ 3 (Horimiya #3) by Hero ホリミヤ 4 (Horimiya #4) by Hero ホリミヤ 5 (Horimiya #5) by Hero ホリミヤ 6 (Horimiya, #6) by Hero ホリミヤ 7 (Horimiya, #7) by Hero ホリミヤ 8 (Horimiya, #8) by Hero

message 40: by Janette (last edited Jan 31, 2016 05:23PM) (new)

Janette I'm In

January 2016 Read-a-thon

Friday - 62 pages of The Cake House and 58 pages of audiobook My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry
Total 120

Saturday - 32 pages of The Cake House

Sunday - 151 pages of The Cake House

Weekend Total - 303

message 41: by Pam (last edited Feb 01, 2016 12:58PM) (new)

Pam (bluegrasspam) I'm in!

Friday: 20 pages Red Rising
Saturday: 30 pages Red Rising
Sunday: 15
Total: 65

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)


message 43: by Paula (last edited Jan 31, 2016 10:42PM) (new)

Paula | 25 comments I'm in!

Friday: Pale Fire 30 pages.

Saturday: Pale Fire 20 pages.
Christmas Stories from the Christmas Numbers of Household Words and All Year Around 15 pages.

Sunday: Pale Fire 23 pages.

TOTAL WEEKEND: 88 pages.

message 44: by John of Canada (last edited Feb 01, 2016 03:46PM) (new)

John of Canada (johnofcanada) | 313 comments I'm in.
Friday:40 Thieves 200 pages.
Saturday:40 Thieves 156 pages
The Griff 120 pages
Sunday:The Griff 40 pages
The Pillowman 69 pages


message 45: by Colleen (last edited Feb 01, 2016 03:13PM) (new)

Colleen  | 353 comments I'm in

Friday The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia de Luce, #2) by Alan Bradley p. 80-

Saturday - continued to pg. 364. Finished!

Sunday Eleanor & Park Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 30 pgs

Total Pages: 314

message 46: by Ryan (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:28PM) (new)

message 47: by Arnis (new)

Arnis (poseidons99) I'm in! :)

message 48: by Jess (last edited Jan 31, 2016 04:18PM) (new)

Jess (jesscatt) | 2 comments I'm in too :)

Friday: 315 pages
Pet Sematary pg 330-465 = 135 pages
The Boys from Brazil pg 104-130 = 26 pages
The Prophecy of Bees pg 14-55 = 41 pages
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pg 350-399 = 49 pages
Bridget Jones's Diary pg 163-227 = 64 pages
Saturday: 0 pages
Had a friend over all day!
Sunday: 77 pages
The Boys from Brazil pg 130-142 = 12 pages
The Prophecy of Bees pg 55-69 = 14 pages
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pg 399-414 = 15 pages
Bridget Jones's Diary pg 227-253 = 26 pages

TOTAL: 392 pages

message 49: by Anne (Booklady) (last edited Jan 30, 2016 08:12PM) (new)

Anne  (Booklady) Molinarolo (wwwgoodreadscomAnneMolinarolo) Forgive me, I almost Forgot about this.

January 2016 Read-a-thon

Friday 1/29:
A Girl's Guide to Moving On 352 Pages, The Kind Worth KillingThe Kind Worth Killing 12 Pages

Saturday 1/30: The Kind Worth Killing 300 Pages The Gray and Guilty Sea: A Garrison Gage Mystery


Books Read: A Girl's Guide to Moving On (New Beginnings #2) by Debbie MacomberThe Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson

Total Pages:

message 50: by Afreen (last edited Jan 31, 2016 07:48AM) (new)

Afreen Aftab I'm in!

Books Read
Ice Diaries: An Antarctic Memoir
Death Note, Vol. 9: Contact
Death Note, Vol. 8: Target

Friday - 29th: :178
Saturday - 30th: : 150
Sunday - 31st : 327

Total pages: 655

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