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Scavenger Hunt Archives > The Incredible Challenge Factory Scavenger Hunt XVIII

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message 1: by Paris (last edited Mar 26, 2016 11:14AM) (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments

Scavenger Hunt XVIII

Duration: April 1st to June 30th, 2016

•This “Challenge” works in conjunction with the other challenges you may participate in during this time frame.

•While you are fulfilling the requirements of your other challenges, be on the lookout for the following items - they may be on the cover or mentioned in the book. Most items are specific, but if in doubt about an item – just ask!

•You may use a book to fulfill multiple items (you do not have to read 50 books for this not worry!)

•When you find one of the items, list the Book Title and Author (or link the cover), date it, & rate it. Then specify where the item is found within the book. For audiobooks try to put the chapter if possible. If not, then at least let us know you got it from an audiobook.

•Books that are used must be read during the period of this challenge, the challenge does not start until 4/1/16, but you can get your lists together early. Good Luck & Happy Reading! ☺

message 2: by Paris (last edited Mar 29, 2016 10:34AM) (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments The List
1. Architect:
2. Diva:
3. Wine:
4. Slot Machine:
5. Voicemail:
6. A Competition:
7. Scientist:
8. Cigarette:
9. Pen:
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench:
12. Heater:
13. Calendar:
14. Sculpture:
15. Clouds:
16. Baseball:
17. Cheek:
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus:
20. Convertible:
21. Deck:
22. Infant:
23. Carpet:
24. Check:
25. Taxi Cab:
26. Saddle:
27. Sausage:
28. Steam:
29. War:
30. Morning:
31. Skeleton:
32. Silver:
33. Driveway:
34. Ladder:
35. Skimpy Dress:
36. Hug:
37. Plum:
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend:
40. High Heel:

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week:
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel:
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites):
4. A Specific Time:
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):
6. Magazine:
7. Amputation:
8. A Chaste Kiss:
9. A Secret:
10. Cartoon Character:

message 3: by Cait S (last edited Jun 28, 2016 04:23PM) (new)

Cait S Spring Scavenger Hunt

Progress: 50/50

Complete! 6/28/2016

The List
1. Architect- How They Met, and Other Stories 4/11/2016
(p. 88) ...Ted, an architect we were trying hard to like.
2. Diva- How Beautiful the Ordinary 6/28/2016
(p. 331) " that the next reigning diva can hold out the final note for sixteen bars?"
3. Wine- March 4/2/2016
(p. 36) My mouth was filled with cotton from the wine...
4. Slot Machine- You Against Me
(p. 105) ...or maybe further round the coast to the crazy golf and slot machines.
5. Voicemail- The Martian
(p. 191) He let it go to voice mail.
6. A Competition- We All Looked Up 5/4/2016
(p. 97) "Because, Mary, I want a real competition here, and you're already blowing it."
7. Scientist- The Monstrumologist 4/4/2016
(p. 5) "I am a scientist."
8. Cigarette- Time You Let Me In: 25 Poets under 25 4/13/2016
(p. 49) Our mother is smoking a slim cigarette outside...
9. Pen- March 4/1/2016
(p. 57) "...were she here with a pen to make a drawing of their loveliness."
10. Travel Agent- Bag of Bones 6/11/2016
(p. 61) Then I went home, picked a travel agent pretty much at random...
11. Wrench - The Martian 4/7/2016
(p. 31) All it takes is a wrench.
12. Heater- The Martian 4/7/2016
(p. 41) Making sure to jimmy the heater to stay on...
13. Calendar- The Monstrumologist 4/6/2016
(p. 336) ...with the same clarity as I see that calendar hanging there on the wall, marking the march of my days.
14. Sculpture- March 4/2/2016
(p. 39) Clement's face was as cold and immobile as one of his sculptures.
15. Clouds- March 4/1/2016
(p. 1) The clouds tonight embossed the sky.
16. Baseball- How They Met, and Other Stories 4/12/2016
(p. 221) Three days later, after my grandfather's baseball game, they were married.
17. Cheek- March 4/1/2016
(p. 34) I stood, reached out a hand, and touched her cheek.
18. Hockey Stick- Saving Zoë 6/9/2016
(p. 34) ...from the moment I stepped inside there's been a hockey stick wedged against my butt...
19. Bonus- The Martian 4/7/2016
(p. 146) One big bonus: email!
20. Convertible- The Martian 4/8/2016
(p. 330) "You're sending me to space in a convertible."
21. Deck- March 4/2/2016
(p. 89) "I lie down this night on our vessel's rough deck..."
22. Infant- March 4/1/2016
(p. 22) "Such a pretty infant."
23. Carpet- March 4/1/2016
(p. 16) Turkey carpets in jewel colors warmed the dark wood floors.
24. Check- How They Met, and Other Stories 4/12/2016
(p. 121) Checks had been sent.
25. Taxi Cab- How They Met, and Other Stories 4/11/2016
(p. 87) Within two hours, we were sharing a cab...
26. Saddle- March 4/3/2016
(p. 158) "Saddle Aster! Mr. March is most gravely ill!"
27. Sausage- The Monstrumologist 4/6/2016
(p. 404) "Potato pancakes and sausage."
28. Steam- March 4/2/2016
(p. 90) ...bathing the wounds of men blistered with steam burns...
29. War- March 4/2/2016
(p. 48) botched battle did not make a war...
30. Morning- March 4/2/2016
(p. 50) There was much to do that morning.
31. Skeleton- March 4/2/2016
(p. 124) Soon, the skeletons of these large buildings loomed large on the bare prairie.
32. Silver- March 4/2/2016
(p. 44) ...then chanced a like sum on a silver speculation that paid out handsomely...
33. Driveway- Time You Let Me In: 25 Poets under 25 4/13/2016
(p. 94) "Two blocks is longer than a driveway,"
34. Ladder- The Monstrumologist 4/4/2016
(p. 4) I dressed in the dark and scampered down the ladder...
35. Skimpy Dress- March 4/3/2016
(p. 221) The young flesh indecently laid bare by their low-cut gowns...
36. Hug- The Martian 4/8/2016
(p. 366) ...then pulled the NASA representatives in for a group hug.
37. Plum- March 4/2/2016
(p. 114) Along our boundary walls I started espaliered fruit trees-- apple, plum, and pear.
38. Gift Box- Bag of Bones 6/16/2016
(p. 413) "I hate it when I mix up my gift boxes like that."
39. Weekend- Beware the Wild 4/25/2016
(p. 202) "You're grounded. All weekend."
40. High Heel- We All Looked Up 5/3/2016
(p. 18) The girl turned and ran, her heels clicking on the tile...

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week- The Monstrumologist 4/4/2016
(p. 3) "He passed away last Thursday."
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel- How They Met, and Other Stories 4/12/2016
(p. 106) ...she pointed me toward the shower. When I got out, towel-wrapped and a little tired...
3. Exercise- The Monstrumologist 4/4/2016
(p. 77) ...wasting time on an interesting but pointless exercise.
4. A Specific Time- March 4/3/2016
(p. 212) "...they require all visitors to leave at nine o'clock..."
5. Ice Pack- The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer 6/4/2016
(p. 293) Joseph reappeared holding a Ziploc bag full of ice...
6. Magazine- Beware the Wild 4/24/2016
(p. 21) I shove the magazine beneath the bed.
7. Amputation- March 4/2/2016
(p. 49) "I was helping the surgeon with an amputation."
8. A Chaste Kiss- March 4/3/2016
(p. 170) ...the kiss placed on the brow of the slave child as he walked to the gallows...
9. A Secret- March 4/2/2016
(p. 114) ...I also undertook, in secret, the conversion of an attic stairway...
10. Cartoon Character- We All Looked Up 5/3/2016
(p. 18) some cartoon character expressing shock.

March by Geraldine Brooks The Monstrumologist (The Monstrumologist, #1) by Rick Yancey The Martian by Andy Weir How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan Time You Let Me In 25 Poets under 25 by Naomi Shihab Nye Beware the Wild (Beware the Wild, #1) by Natalie C. Parker We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1) by Michelle Hodkin Saving Zoë by Alyson Noel Bag of Bones by Stephen King You Against Me by Jenny Downham How Beautiful the Ordinary Twelve Stories of Identity by Michael Cart

message 4: by Joann (last edited Jun 03, 2016 08:34AM) (new)

Joann Completed: 50 / 50

1. Architect: Undeniably Yours p.128 - “He’s an architect.”
2. Diva: Louisiana Bigshot p.92 "The woman was such a DIVA."
3. Wine: Whiskey Rebellion p.12 - “usually half a glass of WINE puts me down for the count.”
4. Slot Machine: Set Sail for Murder p.266 "...she pulled a SLOT MACHINE lever..."
5. Voicemail: Whiskey Rebellion p.82 “...leave a message on his VOICEMAIL.’
6. A Competition: Whiskey Rebellion p.195 “I bet I can find the killer before you. You’re turning this into a competition.”
7. Scientist: Wishing For a Highlander p.177 “It didn’t take a rocket SCIENTIST to know.”
8. Cigarette: Ghost on Black Mountain p.184 “I breathed in his scent of whiskey and cigarettes.”
9. Pen:Perfectly Matched p.8 “...tapped her pen on a notepad.”
10. Travel Agent: Murder on the Mind p.98 loc 1521 “She got fired as a TRAVEL AGENT…”
11. Wrench: A Grave Matter p.274 "...WRENCH open the door..."
12. Heater: A Man Called Ove p.23 “...a fan HEATER he bought…”
13. Calendar: Perfectly Matched p.62 “His social calendar often took precedence.”
14. Sculpture: For the Sake of Elena "There is a SCULPTURE there."
15. Clouds: Whiskey Rebellion p. 145 “...the dark CLOUDS made it impossible to see.”
16. Baseball: Whiskey Rebellion p.178 “Do you like BASEBALL?’
17. Cheek: Whiskey Rebellion p.29 “....CHEEK bones that would cut glass.”
18. Hockey Stick: Murder on the Mind p.91 loc 1402 “Footbal jerseys, HOCKEY STICKS, pennants,....”
19. Bonus: Wishing For a Highlander p. 264 “I’ll even give you a BONUS.”
20. Convertible: Whiskey Rebellionp.61 “ into his new Lexus CONVERTIBLE….”
21. Deck: Whiskey Rebellionp.161 “...a large DECK in the backyard.”
22. Infant: Whiskey Rebellion p.78 “He’s an INFANT.”
23. Carpet: Whiskey Rebellion p.48 “...industrial grade CARPET.”
24. Check: Whiskey Rebellion p.43 “Have you done a background CHECK on her?”
25. Taxi Cab: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt p.293 “..throw her arms in the air and wave like she was waving down a taxi.”
26. Saddle: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt p.303 “I tied the laces of my new SADDLE shoes…”
27. Sausage: Whiskey Rebellion p.5 “....his SAUSAGE-like fingers….”
28. Steam: Whiskey Rebellionp. 95 “...he saw the STEAM coming out of my ears.”
29. War: Ghost on Black Mountain p.141 “This man here was in the Revolutionary War.”
30. Morning: Whiskey Rebellion p.17 "...saw the ad in the newspaper this MORNING….”
31. Skeleton: Whiskey Rebellionp.165 “...and the SKELETON of a storage shed being built.”
32. Silver: Whiskey Rebellion p. 85 “...inside and steal all of the SILVER.”
33. Driveway:Whiskey Rebellionp. 56 “...white van parked in the DRIVEWAY.”
34. Ladder: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt p.67 “...a tall wooden ladder that …”
35. Skimpy Dress: Whiskey Rebellion p. 119 “...her double Ds barely held up a slinky column of shimmering silver slit up her side showing long legs…”
36. Hug: Whiskey Rebellion p.42 “.... gave me a quick, but preoccupied HUG.”
37. Plum: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt p.32 “...shiny PLUM red with white…”
38. Gift Box: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt p.266 “She held a gift box of sugar coated pecans.”
39. Weekend: Ghost on Black Mountain p.32 “The weekend always seemed…”
40. High Heel: Whiskey Rebellion p.42 “ black and the highest heels I’d ever seen…”

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: Whiskey Rebellion p. 3 SATURDAY - Chapter title
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: Perfectly Matched p.218 “Sean appeared in the bedroom doorway wrapped in a towel.”
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activities): Whiskey Rebellion p.62 “...jogged in place, did some stretches…”
4. A Specific Time: Whiskey Rebellion p.50 “...the following day at eleven o’clock.”
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): Whiskey Rebellion p.63 “...give me a bag of ice for my trembling headache.”
6. Magazine: Whiskey Rebellion p.109 “I read it in a MAGAZINE.”
7. Amputation: The Kite Runner p.268 “...her left leg amputated below the knee.”
8. A Chaste Kiss: Perfectly Matched p.149 “He kissed the top of my head as he passed by.”
9. A Secret: Whiskey Rebellion P.26 Your SECRET is safe with me.”
10. Cartoon Character: Undeniably Yours "We're as intimidating as Rocky and Bullwinkle."

message 5: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments I'm so mad I left the list at work. Heck, I hope it's on my work computer. I'll be furious if it's not. That was a good, yet difficult list.

message 6: by Cait S (new)

Cait S *Crosses fingers* Hopefully it's there!

message 7: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments Thanks Cait!

message 8: by Michelle's Empty Nest (last edited Jun 28, 2016 12:48PM) (new)

Michelle's Empty Nest (mlundy5) | 452 comments TCF Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: 4/1/16-6/30/16

***CALLING THIS ONE DONE ON 6-27-2016 {I STILL HAVE 1 CARRY OVER (St. Patrick's Day) WORD for JULY}***

Completed: 40/40 Items
Bonus: 10/10 Items

The List
✓ 1. Architect: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 173
✓ 2. Diva: The Rabbit Factory|Marshall Karp 4-21-2016 >> Page 195
✓ 3. Wine: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 100
✓ 4. Slot Machine: Maybe in Another Life|Taylor Jenkins Reid 4-17-2016 >> Page 190
✓ 5. Voicemail: A Wanted Man|Linda Lael Miller 4-9-2016 >> Page 112
✓ 6. A Competition: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 41
✓ 7. Scientist: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 328
✓ 8. Cigarette: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 8
✓ 9. Pen: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 195
✓ 10. Travel Agent: The Rabbit Factory|Marshall Karp 4-21-2016 >> Page 323
✓ 11. Wrench: A Darker Shade of Magic|V.E. Schwab 4-4-2016 >> Page 263
✓ 12. Heater: Forget Me Not|Fern Michaels 4-11-2016 >> Page 303
✓ 13. Calendar: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 351
✓ 14. Sculpture: Rainshadow Road|Lisa Kleypas 4-6-2016 >> Page 257
✓ 15. Clouds: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 3
✓ 16. Baseball: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 173
✓ 17. Cheek: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 27
✓ 18. Hockey Stick: Beautiful Ruins|Jess Walter 6-21-2016 >> Page 354
✓ 19. Bonus: Reconstructing Amelia|Kimberly McCreight 4-13-2016 >> Page 190
✓ 20. Convertible: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 111
✓ 21. Deck: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 112
✓ 22. Infant: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 92
✓ 23. Carpet: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 32
✓ 24. Check: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 359
✓ 25. Taxi Cab: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 64
✓ 26. Saddle: A Wanted Man|Linda Lael Miller 4-9-2016 >> Page 11
✓ 27. Sausage: The Lost Wife|Alyson Richman 4-14-2016 >> Page 20
✓ 28. Steam: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 61
✓ 29. War: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 48
✓ 30. Morning: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 1
✓ 31. Skeleton: A Darker Shade of Magic|V.E. Schwab 4-4-2016 >> Page 81
✓ 32. Silver: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 3
✓ 33. Driveway: Rainshadow Road|Lisa Kleypas 4-6-2016 >> Page 2
✓ 34. Ladder: A Darker Shade of Magic|V.E. Schwab 4-4-2016 >> Page 408
✓ 35. Skimpy Dress: Anne of Green Gables|L.M. Montgomery 4-21-2016 >> Night dress
✓ 36. Hug: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 327
✓ 37. Plum: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 98
✓ 38. Gift Box: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 73
✓ 39. Weekend: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 85
✓ 40. High Heel: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 227

Bonus Words
✓ 1. A Day of the Week: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 8 {Monday}
✓ 2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 340 {Irwin}
✓ 3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): {running} A Darker Shade of Magic|V.E. Schwab 4-4-2016 >> Page 130
✓ 4. A Specific Time: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 118 {1:00}
✓ 5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): Rainshadow Road|Lisa Kleypas >> Page 191
✓ 6. Magazine: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 371 {Seventeen}
✓ 7. Amputation: A Constellation of Vital Phenomena|Anthony Marra 4-24-2016 >> 11:06 left
✓ 8. A Chaste Kiss: The Woman in White|Wilkie Collins 4-13-2016 >> 3:15 left {kiss of forehead}
✓ 9. A Secret: The Bell Jar|Sylvia Plath 4-2-2016 >> Page 10 {not a virgin}
✓ 10. Cartoon Character: Forget Me Not|Fern Michaels 4-9-2016 >> Page 293

Carry Over from XVII: 1/2 Items
✓ 1. Keep The Girl Who Stopped Swimming|Joshilyn Jackson >> Page 8
2. St. Patrick's Day ~ CARRY OVER into July.

message 9: by Stacey (new)

Stacey (boydsmom) | 468 comments My spot! :)

message 10: by Deanne (new)

Deanne Patterson (cnnamongirlaolcom) | 82 comments Me : )

message 11: by Debbie (last edited Jun 29, 2016 06:11AM) (new)

Debbie (debbiegray) | 1030 comments The List

1. Architect: The Cat Who Lived High by Lilian Jackson Braun 5/10/16 p83
2. Diva: The Island House: A Novel by Nancy Thayer 6/17/16 p8
3. Wine: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p49
4. Slot Machine: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p69
5. Voicemail: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p144
6. A Competition: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p147
7. Scientist: The Bible of Unspeakable Truths by Greg Gutfeld 5/3/16 p19
8. Cigarette: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p42
9. Pen: Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p107
10. Travel Agent: Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert 4/16/16 p176
11. Wrench: Murder on the Rocks by Karen MacInerney 4/14/16 p37
12. Heater: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p43
13. Calendar: Murder on the Rocks by Karen MacInerney 4/14/16 p53
14. Sculpture: Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods 4/11/16 p236
15. Clouds: Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods 4/11/16 p436
16. Baseball: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p238
17. Cheek: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p84
18. Hockey Stick: Do You Want To Know A Secret? by Mary Jane Clark 4/23/16 p467
19. Bonus: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p110
20. Convertible: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p111
21. Deck: Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p29
22. Infant: The Bible of Unspeakable Truths by Greg Gutfeld 5/3/16 p138
23. Carpet: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p69
24. Check: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p38
25. Taxi Cab: The Heat Islands by Randy Wayne White 6/1/16 p249
26. Saddle: Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p146
27. Sausage: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p70
28. Steam: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p62
29. War: Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods 4/11/16 p360
30. Morning: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p36
31. Skeleton: Murder on the Rocks by Karen MacInerney 4/14/16 p108
32. Silver: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p228
33. Driveway: Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert 4/16/16 p42
34. Ladder: Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert 4/16/16 p2
35. Skimpy Dress: The Beach House by Jane Green 6/13/16 p166
36. Hug: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p255
37. Plum: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p5
38. Gift Box: Gilt By Association by Tamar Myers 6/28/16 p255
39. Weekend: Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p81
40. High Heel: Murder With Puffins by Donna Andrews 4/27/16 p103

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p11 Friday
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: The Cat Who Lived High by Lilian Jackson Braun 5/10/16 p47
3. Exercise Murder on the Rocks by Karen MacInerney 4/14/16 p194
4. A Specific Time: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p13 6 O'clock
5. Ice Pack Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p218
6. Magazine: Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich 4/1/16 p23
7. Amputation: The Bible of Unspeakable Truths by Greg Gutfeld p167
8. A Chaste Kiss: Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods 4/11/16 p250
9. A Secret: Hot Button by Kylie Logan 4/5/16 p122
10. Cartoon Character: Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert 4/16/16 p168

Carry over

Keep (a building)

Lei Killer Cruise by Laura Levine 5/22/16 p22
Cherry Lip Gloss Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich 6/29/16 p10

Notorious Nineteen (Stephanie Plum, #19) by Janet Evanovich Hot Button (Button Box Mystery, #2) by Kylie Logan Moonlight Cove (Chesapeake Shores, #6) by Sherryl Woods Murder on the Rocks (Gray Whale Inn Mystery, #1) by Karen MacInerney Thyme of Death (China Bayles, #1) by Susan Wittig Albert Do You Want To Know A Secret? (KEY News #1) by Mary Jane Clark Murder With Puffins (Meg Langslow, #2) by Donna Andrews The Bible of Unspeakable Truths by Greg Gutfeld The Cat Who Lived High (Cat Who... #11) by Lilian Jackson Braun Killer Cruise (A Jaine Austen Mystery, #8) by Laura Levine The Heat Islands (Doc Ford, #2) by Randy Wayne White The Beach House by Jane Green The Island House A Novel by Nancy Thayer Gilt By Association (Den of Antiquity, #2) by Tamar Myers Takedown Twenty (Stephanie Plum, #20) by Janet Evanovich

message 12: by Dee (last edited Jul 05, 2016 12:55PM) (new)

Dee (phonebooklady) I'll give this a go!!

TCF Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: 4/1/16-6/30/16
Completed: 37/40 Items
10/10 Bonus Items

The List
1. Architect: The architect had done a wonderful job. Page 237 Discovered by Em Taylor
2. Diva: All disco divas had big hair... Location 1920 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
3. Wine: Two glasses of wine and a dance or two, and they'd begun dating. Location 1041 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
4. Slot Machine: I climbed past turned over slot machines.... Page 62 Shattered by Donna Augustine
5. Voicemail: Luckily, I didn't get the voicemail until I woke up. Location 312 The Skeleton in the Closet by Angie Fox
6. A Competition: I was in competition with the cops. Location 580 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
7. Scientist: In 1863, in a wolrd much like our own, European scientists discovered the Osiris serum.. Location 42 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
8. Cigarette: Like the time you taught Big Moses how to make eye shadow out of baby oil and cigarette ashes. Location 69 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
9. Pen: A pen drawing above the toilet that said "shit here," complete with an arrow. Page 73 Vampire Sun by J.R. Rain
10. Travel Agent: You make it sound like you're a travel agent. Page 5 Grim Tidings
11. Wrench: the last thing she remembers is getting the lug wrench. Location 2141 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
12. Heater: ....was a broom closet that had, yes, a broom, a mop and a bucket in it, along with a water heater. Page 69 Vampire Sun by J.R. Rain
13. Calendar: Allegiance of Honor since it's an audio book, I don't know where it is. 07/05
14. Sculpture: I couldn't care less if he was moon walking the cutting edge sculpture. Location 3574 Stupid Cupid: A Laugh Out Loud Romantic Comedy by Sharon Karaa
15. Clouds: In the stars and clouds? Location 1393 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
16. Baseball: I'm doing my best, but thinking about baseball only takes you so far. Location 2957 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
17. Cheek: Zelda sucked in her cheeks. Location 165 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy

18. Hockey Stick:

19. Bonus: With devil eye bonus. Location 625 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
20. Convertible: A red Maserati convertible pulled out of traffics and .... Location 587 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
21. Deck: Man the decks, Gus, my friend! Location 2721 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
22. Infant: Winnie chuckled, tucking her infant son, Ben Junior, in the crook of her arm before licking icing from here fingers. Location 2498 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
23. Carpet: The floor had carpet. Page 81 Vampire Sun by J.R. Rain
24. Check: Check back with me at the end of the day and I'll give you the address where you're staying. Location 586 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
25. Taxi Cab: I can get you a taxi. Page 66 Discovered by Em Taylor
26. Saddle: when she found out we were riding without a saddle.. Location 4133 Stupid Cupid: A Laugh Out Loud Romantic Comedy by Sharon Karaa
27. Sausage: Eating the crepes and sausages mom made for me. Location 351 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
28. Steam: Unmindful of her orange jumpsuit, the state of her hair, or even that she smelled like a steam room full of overworked hookers... Location 493 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
29. War: Is this one of those war stories we'll hear every Christmas dinner for the rest of our lives? Location 2396 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
30. Morning: Your to be here every morning at 8 sharp. Location 505 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
31. Skeleton: .....sat where its bones would be, and chains around the metal Skelton. Location 4697 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
32. Silver: Lola tugged on the leg of her metallic-silver jumpsuit. Location 1807 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
33. Driveway: Ben pointed a finger up the long driveway in spite of being put out. Location 799 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
34. Ladder: ...which connected to my loft by a sturdy folding ladder. Location 1534 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
35. Skimpy Dress: with dresses so short and books so I don't know where it is Allegiance of Honor 07/05
36. Hug: Can I least get a good bye hug? Location 240 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
37. Plum: Miss Whinnie's plum worn out, she teased. Location 1842 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
38. Gift Box: took out the brightly wrapped box witht the scarf on it...location 1191 Wild Things by Jennifer Ashley
39. Weekend: Did MC Hammer have a garage sale this weekend and I missed it? Location 1194 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
40. High Heel: Addie had expected mile - high heels but.... Page 198 White Tiger by Jennifer Ashley

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: Isn't that what you wore last Tuesday? Location 1949 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: She clenched her teeth and tightened the towel around her. Location 936 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): Besides, walking is good exercise. Location 798 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
4. A Specific Time: The disappearance happened just after noon. Page 51 Vampire Sun by J.R. Rain
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): I have a couple of ice packs in the freezer. Page 66 Discovered by Em Taylor
6. Magazine: I'm going to buy you a subscription to Brides magazine. Location 5515 Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
7. Amputation: I'm to help the doctor with an amputation. Location 839 The Skeleton in the Closet by Angie Fox
8. A Chaste Kiss: What was with the chaste kiss? Page 104 Discovered by Em Taylor
9. A Secret: The secret, of course. Location 658 Witched At Birth by Dakota Cassidy
10. Cartoon Character: Max was referring to a cartoon character. Location 2786 Fate

message 13: by PepperP0t (last edited Jun 25, 2016 07:57AM) (new)

PepperP0t I think I'm done.
April 1 -June 30
Scavenger Hunt XVII

Loyalty in Death by J.D. Robb 4/6 - 4stars
1. Architect: Eve stepped into what she supposed the architect had amused himself by calling a foyer. (pg 150) Loyalty in Death by J.D. Robb 4/6 - 4stars
5. Voicemail: Eve turned to her 'link and began to run the incoming messages. (pg 180)
29. War: We do not break the moratorium on this righteous and bitter war with a battle we intend to lose. (pg 3)
4. A Specific Time:Mr. Branson's memorial service is scheduled for tomorrow, at two o'clock at Quiet Passages, … (Pg 23)

Against the Wind by Kat Martin 5/5 - 3.75stars
3. Wine: … a bottle of good red Napa Valley wine in his hand … (pg 158)
6. A Competition: Competes in the local boxing competitions. (pg 96)
7. Scientist: …some of thes cientists working in the lab have come forward, … (pg 243)
9. Pen: He handed the lead to one of the hands and walked out of the pen. (pg 39)
12. Heater: … no fireplace here, just a heater in the wall. (pg 248)
15. Clouds: Just a few puffy clouds lating across the sky. (pg 65)
16. Baseball: … standing out in front of the house tossing a baseball back and forth. (pg 185)
17. Cheek:Embarrassment pinkened her cheeks as Jackon leaned back in his seat. (pg 191)
19. Bonus: There were also two bathrooms which Sarah viewed as a major bonus. (pg 20)
23. Carpet: … he saw that the leather sets were cracked ad the carpets worn. (pg 23)
24. Check: I just tohught I'd check to see if you were getting settled in all right. (pg 24)
26. Saddle: … riding palomino horses wearing silver-mountd saddles. (pg 64)
28. Steam: … fun to visit the museums o check out the old steam trains that once … (pg 146)
30. Morning: Instead tomorrow morning she would pick Holly up and return to work. (pg 165)
32. Silver: … older, with silver streaks in her short brown hair. (pg 87)
34. Ladder: If I had a ladder, I could put them back up. (pg 55)
36. Hug: Jackson shook hands with each of his brothers, pulling them into a quick bear hug. (pg 137)
38. Gift Box: I bought you each a present. He reached into the bag and pulled out a cardboard box and handed it to Holly. (pg 174)
39. Weekend: … it was the weekend, and there wasn't much he could do. (pg 176)
40. High Heel: … waving and wobbling on high heels she was clearly not used to wearing (pg 271)
1. A Day of the Week: Monday's a holiday. (pg 41)
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: A flufy white towel rode low on his hips, … (pg 201)
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): Jackson spent the morning … workin gout on the weights, … he liked the pysical exercise. (pg 31)
6. Magazine: I read about them in an article in Heavy Equipment magazine. (pg 189)
8. A Chaste Kiss: She leaned over and kissed the old woman's forehead. (pg 52)
9. A Secret: She and Smiley were an item which everyone knew, though they tried to pretend it s a secret. (pg 119)

Cowboy Truth by Olivia Jaymes 4/2 - 4stars
37. Plum: Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick, … (pg 39)

Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep 5/14 - 3.5stars
8. Cigarette: People bustled down the sidewalk, coffee and cigarettes in hand. (pg 46)
11. Wrench: She wrenched open the door, walked through, and slammed it shut. (pg 110)
13. Calendar: She even had her own pinup calendar, with the proceeds going to a charity to help burn victims. (pg 39)
14. Sculpture: … Frost had turned her into a giant, flame-shaped ice sculpture. (pg 138)
21. Deck: It was no larger than a deck of cards, … (pg 41)
22. Infant: Swifte sped back out, cradling a small infant in his arms. (pg 38)
25. Taxi Cab: I took a taxi to The Exposé, … (pg 75)
10. Cartoon Character: Hearts and other silly cartoon figures …(pg 8)

Redwood Bend by Robyn Carr 4/3 - 3.5stars
27. Sausage Let’s see if we can scare up a little business over pepperoni and sausage . (pg 219)
31. Skeleton: … but we can keep coffee in the pot with a skeleton crew for a long time. (pg 74)
33. Driveway: Maybe we can start plowing roads and driveways in Payne. (pg 86)
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): He pulled the ice pack off his eye. (pg 155)

Not Found:
The List
2. Diva:
4. Slot Machine:
10. Travel Agent:
18. Hockey Stick:
20. Convertible:
35. Skimpy Dress:
Bonus Words
7. Amputation:

message 14: by Cheryl (last edited May 28, 2016 05:50PM) (new)

Cheryl La Pa (cheryllp) | 92 comments I'm in!
TCF Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: 4/1/16-6/30/16

37/40 Items
9/10 Bonus Items
0/2 Carryover

The List
✔1. Architect: We fear them too, the architects of the Cold Peace. Pg 113
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔2. Diva: ...strutted into the courtroom like the diva she was, pg 2
Sealed with a Curse 28 May ★★★★

✔3. Wine: ...and kisses were cheaper than wine. Pg 207
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

4. Slot Machine:

✔5. Voicemail: My gut reaction was to just send it to voicemail... pg 138
Tooth and Claw by LisaEmme 2 April ★★★★★

✔6. A Competition: : If he wanted to do glaring competitions all night, fine by me. pg 199
Play 23 April ★★★★

✔7. Scientist: “A scientist said once… pg 473
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔8. Cigarette: …smoking a cigarette out of a silver holder. Pg 262
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔9. Pen: He picked up a pen from the desk… pg 309
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

10. Travel Agent:

✔11. Wrench: She tried to wrench herself forward… pg 399
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔12. Heater: “Did you turn off the heater?” pg 42
One Second 15 April ★★★★★

✔13. Calendar: Another thing to add to the calendar. Pg 248
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔14. Sculpture: A Grecian sculpture of a nude goddess occupied the center, pg 95 The Deepest Well 10 May ★★★★

✔15. Clouds: a roil of blue-black clouds spiked with lightning. Pg 277
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔16. Baseball: Emma felt as if a baseball bat had slammed into her chest. Pg 397
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔17. Cheek: …putting her hand against his cheek, pg 400
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

18. Hockey Stick:

✔19. Bonus: As an added bonus tonight... pg 47
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔20. Convertible: …dodging surfers’ vans and luxury convertibles on their way to Nobu. Pg 60
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔21. Deck: ...if you try and deck me every time I kiss you. pg 89
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔22. Infant: The small cry of an infant pulled his attention away, pg 381
One Second 15 April ★★★★★

✔23. Carpet: Not exactly rolling out the red carpet... pg 44
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔24. Check: You'll have to check with the Magister. pg 45
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔25. Taxi Cab: ... or I’ll take a taxi. Pg 191
Sleight of Hand 21 April ★★★★

✔26. Saddle: The horse had no rider, no saddle, and no bridle. Pg 324
One Second 15 April ★★★★★

✔27. Sausage: Two pounds of sausage simmered in another pan, pg 38
Magic Shifts 27 April ★★★★

✔28. Steam: They just wanted to blow off some steam. pg 125
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔29. War: ...a war had rocked the universe… pg 17
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔30. Morning: …and then I woke up one morning pg 22
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔31. Skeleton: …decorated with cartoon drawings of chain saws and skeletons. Pg 65
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔32. Silver: …like the back of a silver spoon. Pg 69
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔33. Driveway: An elderly couple appeared from a driveway near them,… pg 199
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔34. Ladder: The dog was crouched by the pool ladder,… pg 201
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔35. Skimpy Dress: : It was a body-hugging bandage dress in fiery red. Because Tess was shorter than me, it was a rather mini, mini-dress, leaving little to the imagination. pg 85
Tooth and Claw by Lisa
2 April ★★★★★

✔36. Hug: She hadn’t expected either quite such a tight hug… pg 50
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔37. Plum: It’s an earring. About the size of a plum. Pg 246
Magic Shifts 27 April ★★★★

✔38. Gift Box: …arrived with a familiar white box tied with a blood red bow, a sure sign that Salvador had been shopping for me again. pg 85
Tooth and Claw by Lisa
2 April ★★★★★

✔39. Weekend: Especially since we’ve got Clave testing this weekend.” Pg 70
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔40. High Heel: an elegant blond woman in a silver dress and high heels. Pg 271
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

Bonus Words
✔1. A Day of the Week: It is Monday, Miss Russo. pg 141
Tooth and Claw by Lisa
2 April ★★★★★

✔2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: He wrapped me up in a towel and placed me like a limp rag doll on the bathroom counter. Pg 191
Play 23 April ★★★★

✔3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites):A little exercise is good for the soul. Pg 311 (walking)
One Second 15 April ★★★★★

✔4. A Specific Time: THIS MONTH’S PERFORMANCE: AUGUST 11, 7 P.M. Pg 219
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔5. Ice Pack: It was like lying on an ice pack. Pg 307
Sleight of Hand 21 April ★★★★

✔6. Magazine: “That was in a copy of O magazine. Pg 246
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

7. Amputation:

✔8. A Chaste Kiss: ...with a chaste kiss on the hand. pg 141
Tooth and Claw by Lisa Emme 2 April ★★★★★

✔9. A Secret: The leader’s identity is totally secret. I don’t even know if it’s a man or a woman. Pg 291
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

✔10. Cartoon Character: : “Captain America is definitely the most handsome Avenger,” said Cristina. Pg 220
Lady Midnight 8 April ★★★★★

XVII Hold Over
National Park

St. Patrick's Day

Tooth and Claw (The Harry Russo Diaries, #2) by Lisa Emme Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1) by Cassandra Clare One Second (Seven, #7) by Dannika Dark Sleight of Hand (Bite Back, #1) by Mark Henwick Play (Stage Dive, #2) by Kylie Scott Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8) by Ilona Andrews The Deepest Well (Age of Gray, #1) by Juliette Cross Sealed with a Curse (Weird Girls, #1) by Cecy Robson

message 15: by Book Concierge (last edited Jul 14, 2016 05:31PM) (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) | 2437 comments TCF Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Begins: 01April16 / Ends: 30June16

8 books read
40/40 main words found
10/10 BONUS words found

1. Architect - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 688 – “..U.S. Navy Department architect.”
2. Diva - Death of a Kitchen Diva - ✔ 13July16 - pg 153 - "…a rival kitchen diva poisoning …"
3. Wine- Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 148 – “…like good wines, are supposed …”
4. Slot Machine - Brain on Fire ✔ – 12July16 - pg 100 - "…instead of slot machines."
5. Voicemail – Beautiful Ruins - ✔ 19Apr16 – pg 31 – “…Pergo’s cell: voice mail.”
6. A Competition - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 520 – “…in statewide competitions.”
7. Scientist - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 110 – “…make a Christian Scientist sick.”
8. Cigarette - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 286 – “Seth’s cigarette burned …”
9. Pen - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 146 – “…she dropped her pen, and …”
10. Travel Agent – Beautiful Ruins - ✔ 19Apr16 – pg 249 – “I ask the travel agent to …”
11. Wrench - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 149 – “…desperately to wrench away the …”
12. Heater - Beautiful Ruins - ✔ 19Apr16 – pg 311 – “…fireplace-shaped space heaters on …”
13. Calendar - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 110 – “…her calendar showing her…”
14. Sculpture - The Country Under My Skin - ✔ 16Apr16 – pg 126 – “…a beautiful Greek sculpture …”
15. Clouds - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 192 – “…squinted up at the clouds.”
16. Baseball - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 208 – “…and talked about baseball until …”
17. Cheek - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 313 – “…he whispered against her cheek.”
18. Hockey Stick – Beautiful Ruins - ✔ 19Apr16 – pg 299 – “…lockers, hockey sticks, and …”
19. Bonus - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 22 – “… a five percent bonus the week …”
20. Convertible - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 135 – “…worth of convertible coupe.”
21. Deck - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 155 – “…sound of the deck hatch…”
22. Infant - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 33 – “…while their infants slept…”
23. Carpet - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 274 – “…like a patterned carpet.”
24. Check - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 353 – “…a generous check from ...”
25. Taxi Cab - The Country Under My Skin - ✔ 16Apr16 – pg 99 – “…some taxicabs to take the…”
26. Saddle - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 244 – “…stowed against the saddle.”
27. Sausage - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 503 – “…the sausage and biscuit sandwich …”
28. Steam - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 300 – “…read a steam pressure guage…”
29. War - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 286 – “…United States is at war.”
30. Morning - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 300 – “…that morning that he could ..”
31. Skeleton - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 241 – “…a closet skeleton and a scandal…”
32. Silver - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 108 – “…bodice of her silver lame gown…”
33. Driveway - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 93 – “…shovelin’ snow in his driveway.”
34. Ladder - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 367 – “…climbin’ Jacob’s ladder…”
35. Skimpy Dress - The Sound of Glass ✔ – 04May16 – pg 222 – “…a dress that showed more leg than some bathing suits.”
36. Hug - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 87 – “…in a grotesque bear hug.”
37. Plum - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 34 – “Blue Plum is just the right shade…”
38. Gift Box - The Country Under My Skin - ✔ 16Apr16 – pg 199 – “…arranged them in the box, which I then gift-wrapped neatly,…”
39. Weekend - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 291 – “Ted came home week ends, …”
40. High Heel - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 301 – “…tap of Ginny’s high-heeled shoes.”

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 147 – “Tomorrow is Sunday.”
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 504 – “…wrapped himself in the bleached-sacking towel to run into the…”
3. Exercise - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 464 “…exercised down to nothin’ but muscle and bone, …”
4. A Specific Time - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 300 – “…so drunk at seven o’clock that …
5. Ice Pack - A Reliable Wife ✔ – 27Apr16 - pg 52 - “They held packs of ice against...”
6. Magazine - Peyton Place - ✔ 06 April 16 – pg 271 – “…leafing through a magazine.”
7. Amputation - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 446 – “…runnin’ ‘way, dey chopped off half his foot.”
8. A Chaste Kiss - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 505 – “…after he pecked Matilda’s cheek…”
9. A Secret - Roots: The Saga of an American Family - ✔ 12Apr16 – pg 561 – “…to keep his triumphant secret, to …”
10. Cartoon Character - The Country Under My Skin - ✔ 16Apr16 – pg 318 – “…Goofy and Mickey Mouse bedsheets.”

CARRY OVER from previous hunts
Scavenger Hunt XVI
19. Ugly Christmas Sweater - Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands - ✔ 29June16 - pg 171- "…world's ugliest red Christmas sweater.."

Scavenger Hunt XVII
✔ 11. Secret Admirer - Angel's Game – 02June16 - pg 38 - "Who sent this? An admirer."

✔ 14. Physical Therapy – The Tumor: A Non-Legal Thriller – 08Apr16 – pg 24 - “He is transferred to a rehabilitation center. After three weeks of intense therapy, his condition ...”

31. St Patrick's Day

message 16: by Barbara ★ (last edited Jul 02, 2016 02:28PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 2270 comments Mine...

FOUND 48/50

✔1. Architect: If Walls Could Talk - Juliet Blackwell 4/11
(working with the architect), p42

✔2. Diva: Seven Years - Dannika Dark 4/20
(like a little diva fashion model), p17

✔3. Wine: Fatal Circle - Linda Robertson 4/11
(the wine had matted my hair), p118

✔4. Slot Machine: Fired Up - Jayne Ann Krentz 4/13
(looks like every other slot machine), p176

✔5. Voicemail: Fired Up - Jayne Ann Krentz 4/13
(she was dumped into voicemail), p55

✔6. A Competition: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(Louisiana State fair karaoke competition), p132

✔7. Scientist: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman 4/7
(an enormous canvas scientist looking at), p42

✔8. Cigarette: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(still chewing on an unlit cigarette), p3

✔9. Pen: The Hotter You Burn - Gena Showalter 4/3
(only pen and paper), p118

✔10. Travel Agent: Devil's Bridge - Linda Fairstein 5/26
(is your travel agent on speed dial), p42

✔11. Wrench: Seven Years - Dannika Dark 4/20
(threw a giant wrench in his plans), p270

✔12. Heater: The Wild Ways - Tanya Huff 4/7
(worked off a flash heater), p93

✔13. Calendar: Silenced - Allison Brennan 4/15
(we couldn't find a calendar in her apartment), p122

✔14. Sculpture: Pies and Prejudice - Ellery Adams 5/20
(basset hound sculpture), p7

✔15. Clouds: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(clouds rolled overhead), p37

✔16. Baseball: If Walls Could Talk - Juliet Blackwell 4/11
(they talked baseball statistics), p164

✔17. Cheek: The Wild Ways - Tanya Huff 4/7
(Charlie patted Graham's cheek), p15

18. Hockey Stick:
(), p

✔19. Bonus: Fatal Circle - Linda Robertson 4/11
(and what's the bonus), p124

✔20. Convertible: Night Marchers - Rebecca Gober 4/25
(brand new deep blue convertible), p134

✔21. Deck: Fire Touched - Patricia Briggs 4/18
(you lowly deck scrubber), p92

✔22. Infant: Born of Shadows - Sherrilyn Kenyon 4/13
(do I look like an infant), p315

✔23. Carpet: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman 4/7
(I lay on the carpet), p119

✔24. Check: If Walls Could Talk - Juliet Blackwell 4/11
(she'd check them out), p236

✔25. Taxi Cab: Dragon Storm - Katie MacAlister 5/17
(a blast of a taxi horn), p96

✔26. Saddle: Feel the Burn - G.A. Aiken 4/13
(his body was so weak in the saddle), p58

✔27. Sausage: The Hotter You Burn - Gena Showalter 4/3
(sausage patties, sausage links ), p90

✔28. Steam: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(steam rolled out around her), p199

✔29. War: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman 4/7
(haven't you got a war to be going back to), p154

✔30. Morning: Fired Up - Jayne Ann Krentz 4/13
(the morning erection felt good), p204

✔31. Skeleton: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman 4/7
(I thought of cropses and skeletons), p164

✔32. Silver: The Wild Ways - Tanya Huff 4/7
(a heated silver blue), p33

✔33. Driveway: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(the narrow driveway), p74

✔34. Ladder: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman 4/7
(climbed up a rope ladder), p52

✔35. Skimpy Dress: Devoted in Death - J.D. Robb 6/13
(a very skimpy black dress littered the floor), p81

✔36. Hug: The Wild Ways - Tanya Huff 4/7
(dragging Jack into a hug), p47

✔37. Plum: The Hotter You Burn - Gena Showalter 4/3
(sand plum trees), p26

38. Gift Box:
(), p

✔39. Weekend: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(going to be gone all weekend long), p43

✔40. High Heel: If Walls Could Talk - Juliet Blackwell 4/11
(a lot of them in high heels), p250

Bonus Words
✔1. A Day of the Week: Fatal Circle - Linda Robertson 4/11
(at dawn this coming Sunday), p110

✔2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: The Hotter You Burn - Gena Showalter 4/3
(wearing nothing but a thin cotton towel), p308

✔3. Exercise : The Hotter You Burn - Gena Showalter 4/3
(anyone in the mood to exercise), p62

✔4. A Specific Time: Fired Up - Jayne Ann Krentz 4/13
(at 7 o'clock that evening), p48

✔5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): Born of Shadows - Sherrilyn Kenyon 4/13
(dug out a chemical ice pack), p151

✔6. Magazine: Got Your Number - Stephanie Bond 4/5
(I brought you magazines), p202

✔7. Amputation: Gates of Rapture - Caris Roane 6/10
(like looking at an amputated leg), p36

✔8. A Chaste Kiss: In Too Deep - Tracey Alvarez 4/21
(he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead), p216

✔9. A Secret: Fire Touched - Patricia Briggs 4/18
(would hunt him down to steal his secret), p161

✔10. Cartoon Character: Seven Years - Dannika Dark 4/20
(Winnie-the-Pooh diapers), p30

message 17: by NayNay (last edited Jun 30, 2016 11:29AM) (new)

NayNay Scavenger Hunt XVIII
April 1/16 to June 30/16

2. Diva:
4. Slot Machine:
18. Hockey Stick:

Book Used: The Last Camellia by Sarah Jio

1. Architect: page 42 Rex said nan architect had been drawing up plans'
5. Voicemail: page 5 'I longed for voice mail, if only we had voice mail'
8. Cigarette: page 103 'my aunt Jean lit a cigarette'
9. Pen: page 88 'Rex took the book into his hand, pulled out a pen from his pocket, and signed his name'
10. Travel Agent: page 10 'I bet I can call the travel agent and get tickets tomorrow'
15. Clouds: page 90 'the sun disappeared behind a cloud'
16. Baseball: page 266 'revealing a hole the size of a baseball'
17. Cheek: page 39 'planting a kiss on his cheek'20. Convertible: page 42 'and walked to a blue convertible'
21. Deck: page 19 'he ascended the nearby stairs to the upper deck'
22. Infant: page 46 'a framed photo on the wall of their infant daughter'
23. Carpet: page 20 'I ventured out the door and followed the blue-carpet walkway'
24. Check: page 59 'I must go check on the drapes on the third floor'
25. Taxi Cab: page 40 'I thought of what the taxi cab driver had said about the house'29. War: page 35 'I'd been able to compartmentalize the war'32. Silver: page 281 'It's quite an antique. Pure silver'
33. Driveway: page 199 'I let the children stand in the driveway'
34. Ladder: page 134 'I climbed up onto the ladder'
Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: page 125 'Wednesday was the one day of the week when Mrs. Dilloway went into town'
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: page 122 'Rex asked from the doorway to the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist'

Book Used: The Charm Bracelet by Viola Shipman

3. Wine: page 46 'can you grab the groceries and wine'
6. A Competition: page 257 '75th Annual Tulip Queen Celebration Today'
13. Calendar: page 113 'and we can set up a shared calendar'
28. Steam: page 109 'watched as a cloud of steam danced its way toward Lost Land Lake'
30. Morning: page 236 'as the morning passed'
36. Hug: page 38 'pulling Arden in for a bear hug'
38. Gift Box: page 5 'a little gift box'
39. Weekend: page 32 'Memorial Day weekend'
40. High Heel: page 13 'impossibly tall Kimora in high heels'
Bonus Words
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): page 265 'I spin, I yoga, I run'
4. A Specific Time: page 24 'I can do really late lunch. 3?'
6. Magazine: page 263 'arranging books, magazines, and drinks on each'

Book Used: Cuban Sun (Sofia Koury, #1) by Ann Bauer

11. Wrench: location 2152 ' causing her to wrench sideways'
Bonus Words
9. A Secret: location 2277 'want to know a secret'

Book Used: The Swan-Daughter (Daughters of Hastings, #2) by Carol McGrath

26. Saddle: location 982 'hoisted herself into the saddle'
37. Plum: location 4405 'on a bench under the plum tree'

Book Used: The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler

12. Heater: page 10 'Jocelyn had two portable heaters going'
31. Skeleton: page 139 'black veils and laurentina's skeleton?'
35. Skimpy Dress: page 18 'she had a skimpy strapless sundress'
Bonus Words
7. Amputation: page 211 'risk of amputation'
10. Cartoon Character: page 174 'a cartoon voice, young Elmer Fudd'

Book Used: The Paradise Guest House by Ellen Sussman

14. Sculpture: page 55 'in my gardens is a sculpture of Ganesh'

Book Used: The Vacationers by Emma Straub

27. Sausage: page 30 'a box of dried pasta, two fat links of susage and cheese'
Bonus Word
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): page 131 'Franny was in bed with an ice pack

Book Used: The Summer of Good Intentions by Wendy Francis

7. Scientist: page 142 'an interesting scientist'

Book Used: An Italian Affair by Laura Fraser

Bonus Words
8. A Chaste Kiss: page 55 'a chaste kiss goodbye'

Book Used: Intertwine (House of Oak, #1) by Nichole Van

19. Bonus: page 81 'like a catastrophe with a bonus tacked on'

message 18: by Deb, Acquisitions Foreman (last edited Apr 28, 2016 08:05AM) (new)

Deb (chiana) | 709 comments Mod
Duration: 4/1/16-6/30/16

To Find: Completed 40/40

Bonus Words to find: Complete 10/10

(view spoiler)
Bonus words found:
(view spoiler)

Dead as a Doornail (Sookie Stackhouse, #5) by Charlaine Harris Definitely Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #6) by Charlaine Harris The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #7) by Charlaine Harris Catch-22 by Joseph Heller From Dead to Worse (Sookie Stackhouse, #8) by Charlaine Harris The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck A Touch of Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #4.1, #4.3, #5.1, #7.1, #8.1) by Charlaine Harris Looking for You (Oh Captain, My Captain #1) by Lindsay Paige Sign Off (Caught Dead in Wyoming, Book 1) by Patricia McLinn

message 19: by ♦Ashley♦ (last edited May 11, 2016 02:02PM) (new)

♦Ashley♦ (ascherger12gmailcom) | 272 comments Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: April 1st to June 30th, 2016

Words Found: 48/50
Carryover Words: 4/5

Catch Me If You Can The True Story of a Real Fake by Frank W. Abagnale Sign Off (Caught Dead in Wyoming, Book 1) by Patricia McLinn In the Woods (Dublin Murder Squad, #1) by Tana French Little Women (Little Women, #1) by Louisa May Alcott Opposition (Lux, #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1) by Maggie Stiefvater Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys Animal Farm by George Orwell

The List
✔1. Architect: Out of the Easy Page 24 "I'm an architect and a developer, he said."
✔2. Diva: Sign Off Loc 987 "Besides, I had no intention of adding a third category-diva-to the queen and shark contingents.."
✔3. Wine: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 218 "He called the first time bearing two bottles of wine, one red and one white..."
✔4. Slot Machine: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 129 "...can pay off like three bars on a slot machine."
✔5. Voicemail: Sign Off Loc 2278 "I got his voice mail, and told him he was now "it" in telephone tag."
✔6. A Competition: Sign Off Loc 1498 "There wasn't much competition for that honor since the rest of it was spent chipping of green paint..."
✔7. Scientist: In the Woods loc 4301 "...huge tracts of cubicles like a mad scientist's rat mazes."
✔8. Cigarette: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 55 "I eased down into the small perch, feeling the need for a cigarette."
✔9. Pen: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 103 "...using the right angle and a fine artist's pen..."
✔10. Travel Agent: Sign Off Loc 1265 "She'd framed shots of Cissy and the travel agent just right..."
✔11. Wrench: Sign Off Loc 1575 "The wind playfully tried to wrench the car door out of my hand..."
✔12. Heater: Animal Farm Loc 707 "...every stall with its own electric light, hot and cold water, and an electric heater."
✔13. Calendar: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 104 "...he thumbed through a calendar and called someone on the telephone."
✔14. Sculpture: The Raven Boys loc 2127 "The moonlight made a strange sculpture of Ronan's face..."
✔15. Clouds: Sign Off Loc 2159 " mind was as empty of questions as the sky was empty of clouds."
✔16. Baseball: Sign Off Loc 1328 "Beneath a baseball cap, his hair was dark..."
✔17. Cheek: Sign Off Loc 1471 "His eyes nearly disappeared as his heavy lids lowered and his full cheeks drew up in concentration."

18. Hockey Stick:

✔19. Bonus: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 85 "Hell, as a bonus, I'll even put Nurse Strong on the shift for the ten days."
✔20. Convertible: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 121 "That's what I'm trying to fix up now, a 1950 Ford Convertible."
✔21. Deck: Sign Off Loc 1348 "...and went up the two steps to the deck."
✔22. Infant: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 95 "No one is really certain if newborn infants have thoughts..."
✔23. Carpet: Sign Off Loc 2567 "Smells clashed and clawed at each other, the mustiness of the carpet..."
✔24. Check: Sign Off Loc 1038 "...I'd done a quick check."
✔25. Taxi Cab: In the Woods loc 1445 "...who had kicked another to death when he jumped the queue for a late-night taxi..."
✔26. Saddle: Sign Off Loc 3276 "...behind the counter where she served breakfasts and lunches sat the Saddle Up."
✔27. Sausage: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 216 "...cheese, bread, sausages and soft drinks I'd picked up in the city."
✔28. Steam: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 208 "...the scheme would pick up steam and begin operating again."
✔29. War: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 6 "...and married during his World War II army service in Oran."
✔30. Morning: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 1 "Good morning, Captain..."
✔31. Skeleton: Sign Off Loc 2404 "...but the skeleton crew that would produce the evening news didn't come in until they had to."
✔32. Silver: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 42 "...engraved in silver and mounted on a handsome eight-by-eleven-inch hardwood plaque..."
✔33. Driveway: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 10 "The jerks had taken the car from a driveway while the owner was watering his lawn."
✔34. Ladder: Sign Off Loc 3934 "After a career-long, steady cimb on the TV new ladder..."
✔35. Skimpy Dress: In the Woods loc 328 "...appearing at the Christmas party with a strapless black velvet cocktail dress..."
✔36. Hug: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 142 "...she said delightedly and gave me a big bear hug."
✔37. Plum: Little Women Page 72 "The fat turkey was a sight to behold, when Hannah sent him up, stuffed, browned and decorated; so was the plum pudding..."

38. Gift Box:

✔39. Weekend: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 73 "...and the Pan Am offices are closed over the weekend."
✔40. High Heel: Little Women Page 19 "That stupid high heel turned and gave me a sad wrench."

Bonus Words
✔1. A Day of the Week: Sign Off Loc 2199 "Sherman Supermarket, open 'til midnight every other Thursday."
✔2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: Opposition Loc 1191 "Daemon had the TV turned on in the bedroom, volume low, when I waked in with a towel wrapped around me."
✔3. Exercise (other than bedroom activities): Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 229 "Not once during my stay in the hoary jail was I permitted outside for exercise or recreation."
✔4. A Specific Time: Sign Off loc 1220 "It was short of six a.m. in Wyoming,"
✔5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): Out of the Easy Page 33 "I'd often find her snoring in a collapsed bed with a melted ice pack between her legs."
✔6. Magazine: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 34 "A lot of the things I felt I ought to know, however, were not in the books or magazines."
✔7. Amputation: The Horse Whisperer Loc 632 "They're taking her leg off."
✔8. A Chaste Kiss: Little Women Page 33 "As Jo received her good-night kiss, Mrs. March whispered, My dear, forgive each other and begin tomorrow."
✔9. A Secret: Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Page 71 "...acting as if I'd been accused of selling nuclear secrets to the Russians."
✔10. Cartoon Character: Sign Off Loc 1769 "It was the reverse of the Cheshire Cat, the body remaining and the smile disappearing."

Carryover XVII
✔Semi Truck: Opposition Loc 2778 "When the Luxen was less than a few feet from me, I flung her against the side of a semi-truck."

Secret Admirer

✔Keep (a building): In the Woods Loc 452 "The Walsh clan built this keep in the fourteenth century, added a castle over the next couple of hundred years,"
✔National Park: Sign Off Loc 669 conjunction with a trip to Yellowstone National Park."
✔St. Patrick's Day: Out of the Easy Page 157 "But y'all know I'm gonna kick it on St. Patrick's Day, ride out in a coffin lined in green satin."

Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake by Frank W. Abagnale|4.06.16
Sign Off by Patricia McLinn|4.07.16
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott|4.14.16
In the Woods by Tana French|4.19.16
Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout|4.23.16
The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans|4.29.16
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater|5.02.16
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys|5.06.15
Animal Farm by George Orwell|5.11.16

message 20: by Cait S (new)

Cait S What's the verdict, Paris?? Was it there after all?

message 21: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments I go back to work tomorrow. I had today off for my last appointment with my surgeon. It will be the first thing I do when I get there. I just wish I could post from work....Maybe I'll send it to my email on my phone, copy it and try to paste it on my phone. Not always easy, but it'll be worth it.

If it's not there....I will probably cry. Just a warning.

message 22: by Cait S (new)

Cait S I'll be here to comfort you. Since you listened to me cry about Keeps :P I'm so anxious to find out, I imagine it's twenty times worse for you.

message 23: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments Thanks Cait! I appreciate the support. lol

message 24: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t Well Cait, if you're gonna be all sweet, we can't tease her.

message 25: by Cait S (new)

Cait S PepperP0t wrote: "Well Cait, if you're gonna be all sweet, we can't tease her."

Lol! I have to! This is my favorite challenge across the board, I've gotta keep it going ;)

message 26: by Denise (last edited May 20, 2016 10:19AM) (new)

Denise | 781 comments I would like to join. Is this how I do it?:)

39/40 words found Bonus: 10/10 words found

Books read: A Night of Long Knives (Hannah Vogel, #2) by Rebecca Cantrell A Trick of the Light (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #7) by Louise Penny The Wright Brothers by David McCullough The Absent One (Department Q, #2) by Jussi Adler-Olsen The Warmth of Other Suns The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson A Poisonous Plot (Matthew Bartholomew, #21) by Susanna Gregory audiobook Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

The List

1. Architect:“An architect had worked hard on the building, but I would have traded the columns and arches for larger signs directing travelers where they needed to go.” P. 91 (referring to Munich Hauptbahnhof) A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
2. Diva "The whole effect was like a diva with too much lipstick, and he loved it." p. 231 The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isobel Wilkerson 4.13.16
3. Wine: "Gamache took a sip of the very good red wine and agreed. p. 15 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
4. Slot Machine: "The store had a slot machine that took customers' nickels and dimes but gave hardly any back." p. 63 The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson 4.13.16
5.Voicemail " He called it right away and then listened to the message on Bent Krum's voicemail..." p. 341 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16
6. A Competition:"There are three societies in France for the encouragement of aviation and over $300,000 in prizes will be open to competition in the course of the year. The largest of the competitive events, an international flying meet, was scheduled for the coming summer, at the town of Riems…” p. 222 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough 4.5.16
7. Scientist: -“You think like a writer too, my scientist child.” P. 9 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
8. Cigarette: "Red embers glowed at the tips of their cigarettes, and the smell of their cigarette smoke wafted across the field." p. 21 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
9. Pen: "Beside him Inspector Beauvoir had his notebook and pen out." p. 44 A Trick of the Lightby Louise Penny. 4.3.16
10. Travel Agent: : "Elgie called the travel agent, who confirmed it." p. 222 Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple 5.5.16
11. Wrench:: “Wilbur would examine it up and down with his usual care, oil can in hand, pockets bulging with twine, a screwdriver, a wrench, touching a wire here..." p. 216 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough 4.5.16
12. Heater: "For about an hour she sat in the courtyard under the gas heater with a couple of drinks." p. 271 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16
13. Calendar: " Lis, come here a moment will you? I can’t find my calendar." P. 41 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16
14. Sculpture: "Above the door hung a marble sculpture of a woman holding Jesus' body, a marble sun setting behind them." p. 259 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
15. Clouds: "As the morning progressed breaks appeared in the clouds." p. 333 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
16. Baseball: "So they gave her a quarter and let her plow in their place so they could go to a pickup baseball game." p. 22 The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson 4.13.16
17. Cheek:“After the couple separated, she touched his cheek once.” P93 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16

18. Hockey Stick

19. Bonus: "Promise them a huge bonus if they see anything." p. 334 The Absent One 4.5.16
20. Convertible:Chrome headlights had been polished to a high shine, the curving black hood reflected the single white cloud in the sky, and the convertible top gleamed. p. 48 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
21. Deck: "Wilbur dipped into a jar of jelly Katherine had packed in his bag and stretched out on deck.” p 45 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough 4.5.16
22. Infant: "When Florence had been an infant." p. 333 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
23. Carpet: "He strode across the soft carpet brandishing a riding crop." p. 36 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
24. Check: "I'd like you to check on progress at the Incident Room." p. 94 A Trick of the Lightby Louise Penny 4.3.16
25. Taxi Cab: "There were taxicabs for colored people and taxicabs for white people in Birmingham, Jacksonville, Atlanta, and the entire state of Mississippi." p. 44 The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson 4.13.16
26. Saddle: “ I could think of no logical reason to force him to use a saddle, so I kept interviewing instructors until we found a retired vaquero who kept horses and agreed to give him bareback lessons of he used a saddle every other lesson.” p. 142 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
27. Sausage: "If it was necessary to talk about crime, about murder, why not do it over drinks and cheese and spiced sausage and olives?" p. 264 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
28. Steam: “…had resulted in a strange looking, steam powered, pilotless “aerodrome,” as he called it, with V-shaped wings...p. 33 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough 4.5.16
29. War: "There was even a bidding war for several of them." p. 75 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
30. Morning: "Her first dream as a child, her last dream that morning, almost fifty years later, was at the far end of the hard, white hallway." p. 2 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
31. Skeleton:" was where the maladjusted semi-wealthy with skeletons in their closets went." The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16
32. Silver:"It was a coin, the size of an Old West silver dollar." p. 114 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
33."Driveway: "They crunched down the gravel driveway, others close behind." p. 48 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
34. Ladder: "He would station men by the ladder." p. 17 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
35. Skimpy Dress:"Anne was at the heart of it, skimpily dressed even by her standards, bodice straining to contain her bulging bosom." audiobook 7/18 A Poisonous Plot by Susanna Gregory 4.30.16
36. Hug: "He enveloped me in a bear hug.” p. 63 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
37. Plum:”…shelves lined with canned goods…Gold Dust Gree Gage plums.” P. 60 The Wright Brothersby David McCullough 4.5.16
38. Gift Box: "It was hauling men to pick fruit for fresh juice and frozen concentrate, for gift boxes of temple oranges and ruby grapefruit..." p. 106 The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson 4.13.16
39. Weekend:"We could trade sections from the newspaper, and decide what to do the next weekend. p. 78 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
40. High Heel: "Carl shifted his attention to the other woman who stood on mile-high heels." p. 11 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16

Bonus Words

1. A Day of the Week: "...I'd call Lillian onSaturday night to see if she'd like to go out...and she'd say she'd get back to me, but she didn't." p. 45 A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny 4.3.16
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: "She stripped, pulled a thick white towel around her middle, then joined the figures misted in steam in the tiled bath area." Murder in the Latin Quarter p. 175 by Cara Black 4.9.16
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): "The citizens of the Welfare State were out getting their exercise fix." p. 241 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16
4. A Specific Time:"At eight o’clock at Camp D’Auvors the morning of September 18 when Hart Berg arrived at Wilbur’s shed…”p. 193 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough 4.5.16
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):"He's getting an ice pack." p. 146 Obsession in Death 5.20.16
6. Magazine: "I cursed the day I had accepted the assignment of chronicling the zeppelin's voyage, from the Swiss magazine where I worked..." p. 14A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
7. Amputation: “…members of the escort detail suffered from frostbite that later necessitated the amputation of their hands and feet.” p. 353 The Heart of Everything That Is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legendby Bob Drury 4.20.16
8. A Chaste Kiss:"But he leaned forward to press two quick, chaste kissesupon my cheek in the French style." p. 377 America's First Daughter by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie

9. A Secret: ""On top of the newspaper rested a twig with one bend in it , a secret Indian message that Anton had last stood here alone." p. 16 A Night of Long Knives by Rebecca Cantrell 4.2.16
10. Cartoon Character: "None dared to call him Klavs Krikke, the Danish version of Horace Horsecollar from Donald Duck." p. 169 The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen 4.5.16

message 27: by Cait S (new)

Cait S Hi Denise! Yup, you're in the right spot. You just wait for Paris to post the list of words to find and then put that in your comment. If you haven't done it before and you'd like to see how some people format theirs, you can check out the last round here- Scavenger Hunt

((I linked to my comment because it's the one I had open but there's lots of different ways to do it :) ))

message 28: by Denise (new)

Denise | 781 comments Cait wrote: "Hi Denise! Yup, you're in the right spot. You just wait for Paris to post the list of words to find and then put that in your comment. If you haven't done it before and you'd like to see how some p..."

Thanks very much Cait!

message 29: by Paris (last edited Mar 29, 2016 10:36AM) (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments The list is now up. Sadly it wasn't on my work computer, but thankfully Google Docs keeps a history of your revisions and I have my list of words to use saved in a Google doc. My last revision was removing all the words from my list that I planned to use this time. Thank goodness! No crying needed today,

message 30: by Deb, Acquisitions Foreman (new)

Deb (chiana) | 709 comments Mod

Question: Is 'Check' a noun, verb, adjective, or any use of the word?

message 31: by PepperP0t (last edited Mar 29, 2016 03:17PM) (new)

PepperP0t Cait wrote: "PepperP0t wrote: "Well Cait, if you're gonna be all sweet, we can't tease her."

Lol! I have to! This is my favorite challenge across the board, I've gotta keep it going ;)"

at least you gave her a list before she starts crying. (*looks over shoulder.*) Oh, What a great dress. Have you lost weight? Cute shoes. Thanks Paris or such fantastic words for the challenge. You're so talented.

message 32: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments Deb wrote: "YAY!!!!

Question: Is 'Check' a noun, verb, adjective, or any use of the word?"

Any form of the word check will work.

message 33: by Paris (last edited Mar 29, 2016 06:10PM) (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments PepperP0t wrote: "Cait wrote: "PepperP0t wrote: "Well Cait, if you're gonna be all sweet, we can't tease her."

Lol! I have to! This is my favorite challenge across the board, I've gotta keep it going ;)"

at least you gave her a list before she starts crying. (*looks over shoulder.*) Oh, What a great dress. Have you lost weight? Cute shoes. Thanks Paris or such fantastic words for the challenge. You're so talented. "

hahaha you guys are cracking me up. I'm glad people enjoy this challenge. This was always my favorite challenge and I had to make sure it kept going when I became a mod.

Hopefully you enjoy this round. I tried to give a good mix of easy and difficult. And I always make sure that they are items we haven't done before.

message 34: by Paris (last edited Jun 19, 2016 07:40PM) (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments TCF Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: 4/1/16 – 6/30/16
Completed: 40/40 10/10 Bonus Words

The List
1. Architect: (view spoiler)
2. Diva: (view spoiler)
3. Wine: (view spoiler)
4. Slot Machine: (view spoiler)
5. Voicemail: (view spoiler)
6. A Competition: (view spoiler)
7. Scientist: (view spoiler)
8. Cigarette: (view spoiler)
9. Pen: (view spoiler)
10. Travel Agent: (view spoiler)
11. Wrench: (view spoiler)
12. Heater: (view spoiler)
13. Calendar: (view spoiler)
14. Sculpture: A fifth hour neared its end when the finished sculpture finally emerged. – To Win Her Trust by Mackenzie Crowne – Page 16
15. Clouds: (view spoiler)
16. Baseball: (view spoiler)
17. Cheek: (view spoiler)
18. Hockey Stick: (view spoiler)
19. Bonus: (view spoiler)
20. Convertible: (view spoiler)
21. Deck: (view spoiler)
22. Infant: (view spoiler)
23. Carpet: (view spoiler)
24. Check: (view spoiler)
25. Taxi Cab: (view spoiler)
26. Saddle: (view spoiler)
27. Sausage: (view spoiler)
28. Steam: (view spoiler)
29. War: (view spoiler)
30. Morning: (view spoiler)
31. Skeleton: (view spoiler)
32. Silver: (view spoiler)
33. Driveway: (view spoiler)
34. Ladder: (view spoiler)
35. Skimpy Dress: (view spoiler)
36. Hug: (view spoiler)
37. Plum: (view spoiler)
38. Gift Box: (view spoiler)
39. Weekend: (view spoiler)
40. High Heel: (view spoiler)

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: (view spoiler)
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: (view spoiler)
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): (view spoiler)
4. A Specific Time: (view spoiler)
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): (view spoiler)
6. Magazine: (view spoiler)
7. Amputation: (view spoiler)
8. A Chaste Kiss: (view spoiler)
9. A Secret: (view spoiler)
10. Cartoon Character: (view spoiler)

message 35: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t Paris wrote: "PepperP0t wrote: "Cait wrote: "PepperP0t wrote: "Well Cait, if you're gonna be all sweet, we can't tease her."

Lol! I have to! This is my favorite challenge across the board, I've gotta keep it go..."

you now you love us

message 36: by Rosina (last edited Apr 01, 2016 06:55AM) (new)

Rosina | 44 comments Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: April 1st to June 30th, 2016
Words Found: 0/50
Carryover Words: 0/4

The List
1. Architect:
2. Diva:
3. Wine:
4. Slot Machine:
5. Voicemail:
6. A Competition:
7. Scientist:
8. Cigarette:
9. Pen:
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench:
12. Heater:
13. Calendar:
14. Sculpture:
15. Clouds:
16. Baseball:
17. Cheek:
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus:
20. Convertible:
21. Deck:
22. Infant:
23. Carpet:
24. Check:
25. Taxi Cab:
26. Saddle:
27. Sausage:
28. Steam:
29. War:
30. Morning:
31. Skeleton:
32. Silver:
33. Driveway:
34. Ladder:
35. Skimpy Dress:
36. Hug:
37. Plum:
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend:
40. High Heel:

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week:
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel:
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites):
4. A Specific Time:
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):
6. Magazine:
7. Amputation:
8. A Chaste Kiss:
9. A Secret:
10. Cartoon Character:

Q1 Carryover words:
14. Physical Therapy:
31. St. Patrick’s Day:

Bonus Words
1. Someone Takes a Vacation:
9. Someone who has a fun job:

message 37: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments PepperP0t wrote: "you now you love us."

You're right! I don't know what I'd do without you.

message 38: by Yuyun (last edited Apr 24, 2016 04:00AM) (new)

Yuyun | 21 comments (44/50)

1. Architect p. 119 "Ein berühmter Architekt, immer für ein Bonmot gut" [Tortenschlachten - Geschichten zum Geburtstag]
2. Diva:
3. Wine p. 167 "der sein Glässchen Wein liebte"
4. Slot Machine p. 191 "An old Lady swooped at One of the slot machines" The Secret Diamond Sisters
5. Voicemail p. 818 "I calm back But it goes straight to voicemail" Let the Storm Break
6. A Competition p. 11 "enough for an interesting Competition I think" The Inheritance Trilogy
7. Scientist p. 71 "mit dem Auge eines Sprachwissenschaftlers" Les Misérables. Die Elenden.
8. Cigarette p. 238 "und zündete sich eine Zigarette an" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
9. Pen p. 305/306 "reichte ihm einen Kugelschreiber" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench p. 435 "wrenching my wrist in the process" Let the Storm Break
12. Heater p.299 "Die Heizung lief auf vollen Touren" Die Ernte des Bösen
13. Calendar p.403 "kaufe ich mir einen Playgirl-Kalender" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
14. Sculpture p. 151 "Die ringsum aufgestellten Skulpturen" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
15. Clouds p. 165 "Ich konnte die vorbeiziehenden Wolken darin sehen" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
16. Baseball:
17. Cheek p. 81 "küsste die Luft neben meinen Wangen" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus P. 942 "And Bonus: it was a vulture" Let the Storm Break
20. Convertible p. 290 "Könnten Sie mir ein Kabriolett vermieten?" Les Misérables. Die Elenden.
21. Deck p. 87 "Das Plastikverdeck hatte wohl das Bücherregal getroffen" [Tortenschlachten - Geschichten zum Geburtstag]
22. Infant p. 148 "im Kindergartenalter" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
23. Carpet p. 212 "mit Fresken bemalt und Teppichen behangen" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
24. Check p. 40 "Können wir nicht überprüfen" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
25. Taxi Cab p. 138 "Danach war nur mehr Taxi möglich" [Tortenschlachten - Geschichten zum Geburtstag]
26. Saddle p. 103 "Lee schwang sich in den Sattel" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
27. Sausage p. 274 "Toast, Rührei, Würstchen, gebratener Bacon" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
28. Steam p. 169 "ich hätte schwören können er dampfte" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
29. War p. 97 "Krieg in der Elfenwelt auslösen" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
30. Morning p. 305 "bist du morgens immer so drauf?" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
31. Skeleton p. 55 " wie bei einem Skelett in der Geisterbahn" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
32. Silver p. 250 "kunstvoll mit Gold und Silber und winzigen Edelsteinen verziert" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
33. Driveway p. 146 "An der Auffahrt zum Point-Neuf" Les Misérables. Die Elenden.
34. Ladder p. 161 "ich stolperte über eine Leiter" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
35. Skimpy Dress p. 119 "If my Mom comes in and finds a gorgeous girl in a skimpy dress" Let the Sky Fall
36. Hug p. 347 "Meine Umarmung fiel dadurch etwas zittriger aus" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
37. Plum p. 61 "dessen Gesicht aussah wie eine vertrocknete Pflaume" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend p. 42 "inklusive Wochenende" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
40. High Heel p. 166 "vor ihm eine junge Frau in High Heels" [Tortenschlachten - Geschichten zum Geburtstag]

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week p. 84 "Zum Konzert nächsten Samstag " Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel:
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites) p. 82 "zweimal die Woche joggen zu gehen " Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
4. A Specific Time p. 249 "Um 10 Uhr treffen wir uns" Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice) p. 378 "do you want me to get an ice pack?" The Secret Diamond Sisters
6. Magazine p. 85 "Interview mit dem Jugendmagazin " Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
7. Amputation p. 338 "dass jemand eine Amputation herbeisehnte" Die Ernte des Bösen
8. A Chaste Kiss p. 112 "Ganz zart strichen sie darüber"Die dunkle Prophezeiung des Pan
9. A Secret p. 41 "dass ich sein Geheimnis nicht einmal fünf Minuten bewahren konnte?" Die verborgenen Insignien des Pan
10. Cartoon Character p. 77 "Mit Marge, Selma und Krusty wäre er nie durchgekommen." [Tortenschlachten - Geschichten zum Geburtstag]

message 39: by Louise (new)

Louise | 1448 comments  List 
1. Architect:
2. Diva:
3. Wine:
4. Slot Machine:
5. Voicemail:
6. A Competition:
7. Scientist:
8. Cigarette:
9. Pen:
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench:
12. Heater:
13. Calendar:
14. Sculpture:
15. Clouds:
16. Baseball:
17. Cheek:
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus:
20. Convertible:
21. Deck:
22. Infant:
23. Carpet:
24. Check:
25. Taxi Cab:
26. Saddle:
27. Sausage:
28. Steam:
29. War:
30. Morning:
31. Skeleton:
32. Silver:
33. Driveway:
34. Ladder:
35. Skimpy Dress:
36. Hug:
37. Plum:
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend:
40. High Heel:

Bonus Words 
1. A Day of the Week:
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel:
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites):
4. A Specific Time:
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):
6. Magazine:
7. Amputation:
8. A Chaste Kiss:
9. A Secret:
10. Cartoon Character: 

message 40: by Deb, Acquisitions Foreman (new)

Deb (chiana) | 709 comments Mod
Any chance this works for 'gift box'? It contains an engagement ring...

"He stuffed a little velvet-covered box into my hand."

message 41: by Kelly B (last edited May 01, 2016 06:34PM) (new)

Kelly B (kellybey) The List

1. Architect: Mrs. Dalloway page 137, 4/14/16
2. Diva:
3. Wine: Attachments, page 168, 4/5/16
4. Slot Machine: Foxfire page 28, 4/26/16
5. Voicemail: Landline page 48, 4/18/16
6. A Competition: A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy page 140, 4/8/16
7. Scientist: A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy preface, 4/6/16
8. Cigarette: Attachments, page 215, 4/6/16
9. Pen: Attachments page 310, 4/6/16
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench: Attachments, page 253, 4/6/16
12. Heater: House of Echoes page 302, 3/11/16
A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy page 117, 4/8/16
14. Sculpture: Mrs. Dalloway page 136, 4/14/16
15. Clouds: House of Echoes page 59, 4/9/16
16. Baseball:Attachments, page 269. 4/6/16
17. Cheek: Attachments page 311, 4/6/16
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus:
20. Convertible:
21. Deck: Attachments, page 259, 4/6/16
22. Infant:
23. Carpet: A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy page 106, 4/7/16
24. Check: The Sound of Gravel page 91, 5/1/16
25. Taxi Cab:
26. Saddle: The Winter People page 33, 4/20/16
27. Sausage: Attachments, page 265, 4/6/16
28. Steam: The Winter People page 144, 4/20/16
29. War: A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy preface, 4/7/16
30. Morning: Attachments, page 171, 4/5/16
31. Skeleton: Foxfire page 307, 4/29/16
32. Silver: Attachments, page 234, 4/6/16
33. Driveway: A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy page 10, 4/6/16
34. Ladder: Attachments, page 194, 4/6/16
35. Skimpy Dress:
36. Hug: Attachments, page 185, 4/6/16
37. Plum: Bird Box page 105, 4/15/16
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend: Attachments, page 178, 4/6/16
40. High Heel: Attachments, page 236, 4/6/16

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: Attachments, page 161, 4/5/16
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: Landline page 169, 4/19/16
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): Attachments, page 158, 4/5/16
4. A Specific Time: Attachments, page 154, 4/5/16
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):
6. Magazine: Attachments, page 165, 4/5/16
7. Amputation:
8. A Chaste Kiss: Attachments, page 236, 4/6/16
9. A Secret: Attachments, page 169, 4/5/16
10. Cartoon Character: Landline page 3, 4/18/16

message 42: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments Deb wrote: "Any chance this works for 'gift box'? It contains an engagement ring...

"He stuffed a little velvet-covered box into my hand.""

Not quite the gift box I had in mind, but if we get to the end and you can't find an actual gift box, I'll take it. So hold on to this as a maybe.

message 43: by Deb, Acquisitions Foreman (new)

Deb (chiana) | 709 comments Mod
Paris wrote: "Deb wrote: "Any chance this works for 'gift box'?
"He stuffed a little velvet-covered box into my hand.""

Not quite the gift box I had in mind, but if we get to ..."

Deal! It is very early in the quarter still, so I bet i'll find a great match. ;-)

message 44: by Jonquil (last edited May 19, 2016 06:49PM) (new)

Jonquil | 699 comments 40/40

1. Architect: "favored architects, attorneys or real estate agents" pg 146 The Gossiping Gourmet: (A Murder in Marin Mystery - Book 1) 4/15
2. Diva: "I was the do-si-do diva" pg 44 Dying for a Date 4/19
3. Wine: "put out a selection of wines"pg 140 Family Jewels 4/7
4. Slot Machine: "I got a little distracted by the dollar slots" pg 169 Dying for a Date 4/19
5. Voicemail: "the call went directly to voicemail" pg 76 Family Jewels 4/7
6. A Competition: "competition at the auction" Family Jewels 4/7
7. Scientist: "Scientists have made a great deal of progress" pg 9 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe 4/11
8. Cigarette: "lit up a cigarette" pg 104 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
9. Pen: "picked up a pen" pg 5 Family Jewels 4/7
10. Travel Agent: "owns the travel agency" pg 260 Inn Keeping with Murder 5/19
11. Wrench: "with some kind of wrench" pg 112 Power of the Raven 4/13
12. Heater: "he turned on the heater" pg 214 Tails, You Lose 4/18
13. Calendar: "on his calendar" Family Jewels 4/7
14. Sculpture: "a niche containing a lovely sculpture" loc 241 This Bitter Treasure 4/15
15. Clouds: "high clouds scattered across" pg 11 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
16. Baseball: "that last one had liked baseball" pg 52 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
17. Cheek: "kissed on both cheeks" pg 207 Family Jewels 4/7
18. Hockey Stick: "I picked up my old hockey stick" 17% Quicksilver 5/6
19. Bonus: "what a bonus" pg 124 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
20. Convertible: "a blue roadster convertible" pg 180 Tails, You Lose 4/18
21. Deck: "lunch on the rear deck" Family Jewels 4/7
22. Infant: "no cow's milk for infants" loc 3166 This Bitter Treasure 4/15
23. Carpet: "after the carpet was ripped out" pg 22 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
24. Check: "wrote him a check" pg 7 Family Jewels 4/7
25. Taxi Cab: "got out of a taxi" pg 201 Family Jewels 4/7
26. Saddle: "leather saddle parts" pg 36 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
27. Sausage: "sausage, fried potatoes and onions" pg 81 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
28. Steam: "runs out of steam" Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
29. War: "at the end of the war" Family Jewels 4/7
30. Morning: "appointments this morning" Family Jewels 4/7
31. Skeleton: "little more than a skeleton" The Sea of Storms 4/10
32. Silver: "silver tray" pg 29 Family Jewels 4/7
33. Driveway: "curve in the driveway" Family Jewels 4/7
34. Ladder: "complete with a rope ladder" pg 160 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
35. Skimpy Dress: "Lei tugged down the short skirt of the narrow, strapless black dress...a dress that turned out to be shorter and tighter than she'd estimated" loc 1109 Torch Ginger 4/22
36. Hug: "shook hands and hugged" pg 96 Family Jewels 4/7
37. Plum: "a plum volunteer position" pg 6 The Gossiping Gourmet: (A Murder in Marin Mystery - Book 1) 4/15
38. Gift Box: "different-sized gift boxes" loc 2686 This Bitter Treasure 4/15
39. Weekend: "Hamptons for the weekend" pg 26 Family Jewels 4/7
40. High Heel: "her high heels made a clickety-clack sound"" pg 25 The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back 4/21

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: "I'll see you Monday" pg 205 Family Jewels 4/7
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: "he toweled dry and wrapped it around his hips." loc 3844 Bulletproof Badge 4/6
3. Exercise: "walked Bob home for the exercise" pg 79 Family Jewels 4/7
4. A Specific Time: "it's six o'clock in the morning" pg 83 Family Jewels 4/7
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): "get an ice pack on it" pg 140 Murder at Blue Falls 4/9
6. Magazine: "Country Gentleman magazine circa 1950" pg 71 Family Jewels 4/7
7. Amputation: "chopping the arm off another" loc 3329 Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator 4/21
8. A Chaste Kiss: "they embraced, kissed on both cheeks, and Randol disappeared into a cab" pg 207 Family Jewels 4/7
9. A Secret: "kept your existence a secret" pg 105 Family Jewels 4/7
10. Cartoon Character: "He couldn't watch Crusader Rabbit with Mike...Rags the Tiger, Crusader Rabbit's faithful sidekick." pg 4 Loco Motive 4/22

message 45: by ☘KathyD☘ (new)

☘KathyD☘ | 1096 comments i didn't manage the 1st quarter challenge, so i figure i'll try this one! =)

message 46: by Erin L (last edited May 05, 2016 10:02AM) (new)

Erin L (wellreadmoose) | 270 comments 43/50

The List
1. Architect: The Lighthouse 04/25
"It's remarkable, isn't it? The architect was a pupil of Leonard Stokes..." pg 98
2. Diva:Smarty Bones 04/16
"She's a diva if I ever saw one." pg 54
3. Wine: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
"Beth drained her glass of wine." pg. 82/205 (ebook)
4. Slot Machine:
5. Voicemail: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
"Three e-mails and a voicemail message all from John..." pg 84/205 (ebook)
6. A Competition: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"It had been the winner of a countrywide competition." pg 115
7. Scientist: The Lighthouse 04/25
"An eminent scientist didn't resort to murder because of a quarrel over dinner." pg. 111
8. Cigarette: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...Mr. Upman stood at the wheel, a cigarette in his mouth..." pg. 182
9. Pen: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...he clicked a Mont Blanc pen..." pg 45
10. Travel Agent:
11. Wrench: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...Helma wrenched it back and pushed the lock button" pg. 201
12. Heater: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"If this were California, we'd be inside huddled around a heater." pg. 139
13. Calendar: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"Where's your calendar?" pg. 150
14. Sculpture: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
...they passed a sculpture of a stylized eagle... pg. 115
15. Clouds: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...saw sunlight glimmering through the cement gray clouds..." pg 1
16. Baseball: Running Blind 04/22
"as a boy he'd owned a baseball and nothing else" ch. 5 (audiobook)
17. Cheek: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
"Lindsay tucked her smile into her cheek at this blatant lie." pg 58 (ebook)
18. Hockey Stick:
19. Bonus:
20. Convertible: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
"She hated to leave Nancy's powder blue rag top Mustang on the street." pg 159/205
21. Deck: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...drinking iced tea on a deck, sitting on summer furniture, acting like it's a sunny, warm day..." pg 139
22. Infant: Smarty Bones 04/16
"Women with infants were left to starve" pg. 174
23. Carpet: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"The ambulance attendant had been right: a six-foot section of carpet in the Mo-Ne..." pg. 21
24. Check: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
...took her card and swiftly checked out the books..." pg 62 (ebook)
25. Taxi Cab: Dexter By Design 04/09
" the front of the hotel where a line of taxis stood guard" pg. 237
26. Saddle:Smarty Bones 04/16
"...I saddled up Reveler and Lucifer" pg 107
27. Sausage: The Lighthouse 04/25
"I had supper in my cottage. Sausages and mash, if you're interested." pg 132
28. Steam: Assassin's Apprentice 04/18
"...clouds of steam fogged the air..." ch 19 (audiobook)
29. War: Smarty Bones 04/16
"We weren't a hotspot for historical research, unless it involved some of the Native American Tribes or the well-trod terrain of the Civil War." pg 7
30. Morning: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"Friday morning, the sky was a high solid gray..." pg. 19
31. Skeleton: The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag
Cover: The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia de Luce, #2) by Alan Bradley
32. Silver: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
" silver dimes dropping into ice water..." pg 5
33. Driveway: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
...he put the truck in reverse and backed out of her driveway." pg 82/205 (ebook)
34. Ladder: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...Ruth climbed down the ladder to the cabin..." pg 175
35. Skimpy Dress:
36. Hug: Assassin's Apprentice 04/18
"She leaped at me and caught me in a ... hug" end of ch. 13 - audiobook
37. Plum: Assassin's Apprentice 04/18
"To this day, I can't drink plum wine" Ch 5, audiobook
38. Gift Box:
39. Weekend: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"You should be out playing, not sleeping the whole goddamn weekend away." pg 69
40. High Heel: Smarty Bones 04/16
Cover: Smarty Bones (Sarah Booth Delaney #13) by Carolyn Haines

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"Shall we treat today like a Sunday as far as overdues are concerned?" pg. 11
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel: Smarty Bones 04/16
I wrapped the towel around me." pg 11
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites): Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
"..she pushed off the curb and began to pedal." pg. 52 (ebook)
4. A Specific Time: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"It was only 8:09. Time stood still." pg 23
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice): Read It and Weep 05/04
Could you get him an ice pack, Beth? pg. 61
6. Magazine: Miss Zukas and the Library Murders 04/11
"...while Roger sat in his office reading financial magazines." pg 27
7. Amputation:
8. A Chaste Kiss: Book, Line and Sinker 04/16
Instead, John took her hand in his and raised the back of it to his lips." pg 45 (ebook)
9. A Secret: A Fistful of Collars 04/08
"What kind of secret could Thad have left behind when he went to Hollywood...?" cover blurb
10. Cartoon Character: Smarty Bones 04/16
"Jitty had incarnated as Betty Boop." pg. 11

message 47: by MSallyJ (last edited Apr 29, 2016 11:04PM) (new)

MSallyJ Bergstrom (mablesallyjoycebergstrom) | 250 comments maybe I can I DID IT 4/30/2016 DONE!!!

The List
1. Architect:had an architect’s drawings for the new building, construction due to start.Giles, Jay (2011-04-23). Blindsided (A Thriller) (Kindle Locations 8320-8321). RP Books. Kindle Edition.
2. Diva:wish I’d gotten one of the Divas to help me instead of you.”Brown, Virginia (2009-06-01). Dixie Divas (p. 24). BelleBooks Inc.. Kindle Edition.
3. Wine:glass of white wine.Howe, Hannah (2015-02-14). Love and Bullets: A Sam Smith Mystery (The Sam Smith Mystery Series Book 2) (p. 200). Goylake Publishing. Kindle Edition.
4. Slot Machine: knew you were in Nevada when you smelled the cigarette smoke and heard the clanging of slot machines. Stanton, Dave (2014-01-04). STATELINE: A Hard Boiled Crime Novel: (Dan Reno Private Detective Noir Mystery Series) (Dan Reno Novel Series Book 1) (p. 11). LaSalle Davis Books. Kindle Edition.
5. Voicemail:She was getting voice mail for Hilton, Traci Tyne (2014-01-06). Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 1) (p. 294). Proverbs 31 House LLC. Kindle Edition.
6. A Competition:the competition. To Self-Disqualify, simply remove your token ID,Nazarian, Vera (2014-12-20). Qualify (The Atlantis Grail Book 1) (Kindle Location 8017). Norilana Books. Kindle Edition.
7. Scientist:The remaining scientists formed a committee Sullivan, Scott M (2014-08-11). Impetus (p. 345). Digital Ink Publishing. Kindle Edition.
8. Cigarette:cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouthPaterson, Jill (2013-11-16). Murder At The Rocks (A Fitzjohn Mystery, Book 2) (p. 1). J. Henderson. Kindle Edition.
9. Pen:And in the center was a manila folder, with a single pen lying on top.Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 35). . Kindle Edition.
10. Travel Agent:as a travel agent when Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 98). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
11. Wrench:All I had to do was insert the tension wrench and then put the pick in. It seemed simple. Orgain, Diana (2015-07-24). Nursing A Grudge (A Maternal Instincts Mystery Book 4) (Kindle Locations 2345-2346). . Kindle Edition.
12. Heater:to check the toaster, heater, and iron, which I had done twice.Drew, Andrea (2014-10-28). Gypsy Hunted: a psychic paranormal book with a touch of romance (The Gypsy Medium Series 1) (p. 1). Andrea Drew. Kindle Edition.
13. Calendar:he leaned forward, flipped over the page in his planner, studied what rape, pillage, murder, and torture filled his calendar. Giles, Jay (2011-04-23). Blindsided (A Thriller) (Kindle Locations 2480-2481). RP Books. Kindle Edition.
14. Sculpture:customized garden sculpture would look in their yard."Newsome, C. A. (2013-11-18). A Shot in the Bark: A Dog Park Mystery (Lia Anderson Dog Park Mysteries Book 1) (p. 180). Two Pup Press. Kindle Edition.
15. Clouds:the clouds overhead were heavy and Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 241). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
16. Baseball:teenagers wielding baseball bats Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 178). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
17. Cheek:I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 271). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
18. Hockey Stick:Football jerseys, hockey sticks, Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 91). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
19. Bonus:As a bonus, she’d be less likely to run into Sam Hilton, Traci Tyne (2014-01-06). Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 1) (p. 61). Proverbs 31 House LLC. Kindle Edition.
20. Convertible:Jane looked down at her rag-top Rabbit. Hilton, Traci Tyne (2014-01-06). Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 1) (p. 86). Proverbs 31 House LLC. Kindle Edition.
21. Deck:The Celtic Contract page 18 Spotting a deck of cards on the bookshelf,
22. Infant:my four-month old daughter and another pair of moms with their infants camped out in the corner. Orgain, Diana (2015-07-24). Nursing A Grudge (A Maternal Instincts Mystery Book 4) (Kindle Location 24). . Kindle Edition.
23. Carpet:change. She took in the new carpets,Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 132). . Kindle Edition.
24. Check:Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 30). . Kindle Edition.
25. Taxi Cab:to call a cab for her,Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 71). . Kindle Edition.
26. Saddle:A bundle of food hung from its saddle, courtesy of Sylvie and Ma, no doubt. Layouni, NJ (2014-04-27). Tales of a Traveler: Book One: Hemlock (Time Travel Series) (p. 209). NJ Layouni. Kindle Edition.
27. Sausage:. The table was laden with tempting plates of eggs, toast and sausagesThe Celtic Contract
Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 33). . Kindle Edition.
28. Steam:I turned to the espresso machine to steam the milk for
Lin, Harper (2015-05-25). Cappuccinos, Cupcakes, and a Corpse (A Cape Bay Cafe Mystery Book 1) (p. 270). Harper Lin Books. Kindle Edition.
29. War:General Grant was a Civil War general who burned and slashed his way across Mississippi in 1862,Brown, Virginia (2009-06-01). Dixie Divas (p. 13). BelleBooks Inc.. Kindle Edition.
30. Morning:“Good morning, Claire. Please have a seat.”Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 33). . Kindle Edition.
31. Skeleton:“If a ghost pops out at us, I’m wetting my pants. Again.” “I thought it was a skeleton.”Brown, Virginia (2009-06-01). Dixie Divas (p. 25). BelleBooks Inc.. Kindle Edition.
32. Silver:A silver tray on the tile Hilton, Traci Tyne (2014-01-06). Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 1) (p. 224). Proverbs 31 House LLC. Kindle Edition.
33. Driveway:The Celtic ContractBMW and didn’t wake until they pulled into the driveway page 27
34. Ladder:Needing to do something, I dragged a ladder across the floor.Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (pp. 74-75). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
35. Skimpy Dress:tight black dress lending an air of seduction.
Paterson, Jill (2013-11-16). Murder At The Rocks (A Fitzjohn Mystery, Book 2) (p. 9). J. Henderson. Kindle Edition.
36. Hug:quick, one-armed hug,Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 47). . Kindle Edition.
37. Plum: nose the size of ripe plum, Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 140). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
38. Gift Box:]“Wait here. I have something for you.” He ran back to the SUV, dug in the glove compartment, and returned with an oblong box and handed it to her. She opened the box. A pen resting on white velvetMcCourtney, Lorena (2012-08-01). Dying to Read (The Cate Kinkaid Files Book #1): A Novel (Kindle Locations 4060-4061). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
39. Weekend:herself to a new hairstyle that weekend, BridgetMartin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 47). . Kindle Edition.
40. High Heel:trounced off, teetering on her four-inch heels,
Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 70). . Kindle Edition.

Bonus Words
1. A Day of the Week:each Thursday, as required.Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 37). . Kindle Edition.
2. Someone Wearing Just a Towel:Jake was standing in front of a mirror jelling his hair in nothing but a short towel.Hilton, Traci Tyne (2014-01-06). Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 1) (p. 63). Proverbs 31 House LLC. Kindle Edition.
3. Exercise (other than bedroom activites):hair. Nadine could often be spotted power-walking Newsome, C. A. (2013-11-18). A Shot in the Bark: A Dog Park Mystery (Lia Anderson Dog Park Mysteries Book 1) (p. 21). Two Pup Press. Kindle Edition.
4. A Specific timeat one o’clock to pick you upMartin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 40). . Kindle Edition.
5. Ice Pack (could be bag of ice):
6. Magazine:No books or magazines,Bartlett, L.L. (2008-10-29). Murder on The Mind (The Jeff Resnick Mystery Series Book 1) (p. 69). Polaris Press. Kindle Edition.
7. Amputation:amputation appeared to have taken place.Sullivan, Scott M (2014-08-11). Impetus (p. 8). Digital Ink Publishing. Kindle Edition.
8. A Chaste Kiss:see.” He leaned across the counter and kissed my cheek.Lin, Harper (2015-05-25). Cappuccinos, Cupcakes, and a Corpse (A Cape Bay Cafe Mystery Book 1) (p. 273). Harper Lin Books. Kindle Edition.
9. A Secret: been keeping secrets,” Sid said, first to the Sullivan, Scott M (2014-08-11). Impetus (p. 335). Digital Ink Publishing. Kindle Edition.
10. Cartoon Character:Like the sabre-tooth tiger in the Fred Flintstones cartoon,Martin, Jeanie (2014-08-26). The Celtic Contract (Kilts Book 1) (p. 80). . Kindle Edition.

The only reply was something that sounded like a cross between the Tasmanian Devil and Bugs Bunny.
Brown, Virginia (2009-06-01). Dixie Divas (p. 253). BelleBooks Inc.. Kindle Edition.

message 48: by Brindi Michele (last edited Jul 01, 2016 09:57AM) (new)

Brindi Michele (brindimichele) | 160 comments The Incredible Challenge Factory Scavenger Hunt XVIII
Duration: 4/1/16-6/30/16
39/40 Completed
10/10 Bonus Words

Love Finds a Home (Mirror Lake, #2) by Kathryn Springer Love Finds a Home by Kathryn Springer 4/2/16
DRIVEWAY --> p. 14 "Lost in thought, she hadn't heard a car pull up the DRIVEWAY."
MORNING --> p. 26 "...glared at him from the back row of the choir on Sunday MORNING..."
PEN --> p. 26 "Kate tucked the PEN in her apron pocket..."
VOICEMAIL --> p. 37 "...on the fourth ring, seconds before the call went to VOICE MAIL."
WEEKEND --> p. 42 "One of my guests asked for your business card last WEEKEND."
CHECK --> p. 42 "'Then I'm glad you came to CHECK it out.'"
WRENCH --> p. 50 "Jeremy knelt beside him, clutching a hammer and WRENCH against his damp T-shirt."
HUG --> p. 56 "Abby leaned over and gave Emma a quick HUG..."
A DAY OF THE WEEK --> p. 64 "The buttoned-up woman who had worn a skirt and blouse to a SATURDAY picnic?"
BASEBALL --> p. 82 "Not that Jeremy liked BASEBALL, but still..."
DECK --> p. 98 "He stepped out onto the DECK and stared..."
CIGARETTE --> p. 119 "The furniture, what there was of it, reeked of CIGARETTE smoke."
LADDER --> p. 123 "But that 'patrol officer' could skip a few rungs on the department LADDER..."
A COMPETITION --> p. 158 "According to Jeremy, the winner of last year's COMPETITION had completed the entire race..."
SAUSAGE --> p. 182 "'Ready to eat cold pancakes and SAUSAGE at a picnic table outside?'"
CONVERTIBLE --> p. 198 "Behind the Redstones' pickup truck she recognized Abby's red CONVERTIBLE."

Kiss of the Highlander (Highlander, #4) by Karen Marie Moning Kiss of the Highlander by Karen Marie Moning 4/13/16
TRAVEL AGENT --> p. 11 "So she'd let the TRAVEL AGENT convince her that a 14-day tour..."
EXERCISE --> p. 17 "...but she'd relished the EXERCISE after being cooped up in the stale air of the bus for so long."
SCIENTIST --> p. 152 "...the SCIENTIST within her intensely curious to discover how he planned to prove his claims true."
PLUM --> p. 180 "Brilliant PLUM and black tapestries in complicated patterns adorned the two tall windows..."

Under the Lights (Boys of Fall, #1) by Shannon Stacey Under the Lights by Shannon Stacey 4/16/16
STEAM --> p. 27 "...wasn't the time for volunteers to run out of STEAM."
SILVER --> p. 27 "...and gave a whistle that put the SILVER kind hanging around his neck at practices to shame."
WINE --> p. 42 "Like Albert's homemade dandelion WINE..."
WAR --> p. 53 "...even managing to start a bidding WAR over a DVD player with a missing remote..."
MAGAZINE --> p. 137 "...and whether the MAGAZINE[S] on the table were spread out in alphabetical order..."
CHEEK --> p. 193 "She kissed her mother's CHEEK and rinsed her lemonade glass."
CARTOON CHARACTER --> p. 218 "He knew his jaw dropped like a CARTOON CHARACTER'S..."
A SECRET --> p. 227 "'Don't want anybody knowing your dirty little SECRET?'"
A SPECIFIC TIME --> p. 251 "'We're heading out about SIX O'CLOCK Monday morning.'"

The Prodigal Comes Home (Mirror Lake, #3) by Kathryn Springer The Prodigal Comes Home by Kathryn Springer 4/17/16
CARPET --> p. 38 "...walking cane against the faded Berber CARPET in his office."
CALENDAR --> p. 83 "'I'm sure I saw it posted on the community CALENDAR.'"
SCULPTURE --> p. 111 "Zoey, who had turned into an ice SCULPTURE in church that morning..."

Home Sweet Home by Kim Watters Home Sweet Home by Kim Watters 4/21/16
CLOUDS --> p. 7 "Puffy gray CLOUDS threatened more snow in the sleepy town..."
SADDLE --> p. 9 "How apropos they'd SADDLE Abby with a falling down pile of wood..."
INFANT --> p. 189 "A folded piece of paper slipped out, uncovering the photo of a tiny INFANT."

Longing for Home (Mirror Lake, #4) by Kathryn Springer Longing for Home by Kathryn Springer 4/22/16
ARCHITECT --> p. 108 "'But being an ARCHITECT was your dream.'"
A CHASTE KISS --> p. 179 "Alex framed her face in his hands and pressed a KISS against her forehead. 'To prove it, I'm going to be one of the good guys you just claimed I was and say good night now.'"

The Dark Highlander (Highlander, #5) by Karen Marie Moning The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning 4/29/16
HIGH HEEL --> p. 37 "...slender ankles, pretty little feet clad in delicate HIGH HEELS."
SOMEONE WEARING JUST A TOWEL --> p. 102 "At the top of the stairs the blasted man had dropped his TOWEL!"
TAXI CAB --> p. 103 "He smiled, as the TAXI CAB came to a dead stop in bumper-to-bumper traffic..."

The Promise of Home (Mirror Lake, #5) by Kathryn Springer The Promise of Home by Kathryn Springer 5/1/16
SKELETON --> p. 9 "Jenna's gaze shifted from the rusty SKELETON of an old lawn mower to the faded sheets tacked up in the windows."

Second Chance Summer (Cedar Ridge, #1) by Jill Shalvis Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis 5/10/16
BONUS --> p. 3 "No Post-it notes this time. A BONUS."
HEATER --> p. 60 "There was no central HEATER in the place, just a woodstove."

Close to You by Kara Isaac Close to You by Kara Isaac 5/13/16
ICE PACK --> p. 113 "A grimace crossed her face as she slapped the ICE PACK into his hand."

The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer 5/15/16
DIVA --> p. 12 "A moment later, DIVA peeked around the corner."
SLOT MACHINE --> p. 127 "'They take more quarters than a SLOT MACHINE, and half the time they don't work.'"

My Kind of Wonderful (Cedar Ridge, #2) by Jill Shalvis My Kind of Wonderful by Jill Shalvis 5/30/16
SKIMPY DRESS --> p. 264 "The SKIMPILY cut cups had most of her spilling out."

The Deal (Off-Campus, #1) by Elle Kennedy The Deal by Elle Kennedy 6/16/16
HOCKEY STICK --> p. 135 "My back snaps straighter than a HOCKEY STICK."

Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave 6/30/16
AMPUTATION --> p. 343 "...worse than it had been before the AMPUTATION."

The List--
38. Gift Box:

message 49: by ♦Ashley♦ (new)

♦Ashley♦ (ascherger12gmailcom) | 272 comments Does the spelling matter for sculpture ...I found a sculptor. Also does taxi cab have to have the full word? Or will u take just taxi?

message 50: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) | 4285 comments Just taci works. I think svulptor is the person that svulpts the sculpture so that wouldn't work unless it truly is a misspelling and they are talking about an object.

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