Literary Horror discussion

Dead by Morning (Rituals of the Night #1)
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Author Promotion > How Much Damage Do You think a Serial Killer Can Do Through Your Dreams?

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message 1: by Kayla (last edited Aug 14, 2016 04:17AM) (new) - added it

Kayla Krantz (authorkaylakrantz) | 3 comments I'm super excited to say I have a Giveaway going on Goodreads for my debut novel, Dead by Morning. It would mean so much to me if you entered!
Also, if you're interested in reading this piece for free, I offer PDF copies in exchange for reviews! Anyone interested please DM me or email [email protected]

Dead by Morning by Kayla Krantz

Dead by Morning (Rituals of the Night, #1) by Kayla Krantz

Genres: New Adult, Psychological Thriller, Horror

Summary: Obsession is deadly. No one learns that better than Luna Ketz, a pessimistic high school senior. She wishes more than anything to graduate but things don’t always go as planned. Luna quickly finds herself trapped in a web of lies and murders, spun by the least suspected person in her hometown. It’s not long before she realizes she’s being targeted by the person she despises most in the world. When Luna figures out who is behind the killings, things make a turn for the bizarre when she is contacted by a friend she has not heard from in years. It is then Luna realizes she is very much in danger, but although she can avoid the killer in reality, she cannot avoid him in her dreams.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Here's an excerpt :)

CHANCE HAD BEEN surprised at Luna’s stunt; that was the best word he could use to describe it—stunt. Beside him, David appeared just as surprised. She could’ve killed herself with a move like that, easily broken her neck on a curb or busted her head open on the cement. But lucky for her, she had landed in the grass, though she’d still be in pain. He wouldn’t be surprised if she needed to go to the hospital. The beginnings of fusion caused him to lapse into a state that made him feel as if he was in that mind all the time. He found that that mind was braver and a bit sharper.
He had figured out she was okay because of her gift, her Teardrop of Knowledge. He had also discovered she couldn’t stand even being in his vicinity anymore, and after what had happened, he didn’t blame her. He knew the fear that ran through her mind; it was the fear he had seen on many of his victims’ faces.
The realization that he wasn’t playing around—that it wasn’t some poorly-written crime novel, that he meant murder, cold-blooded murder—seemed to have sunk into Luna’s mind. He recognized that desperate urge to escape. Chance frowned. He could feel the cold wind from outside rushing in through Luna’s open door. She was desperate to get away from him, desperate because she knew stunts like that were a Hell of a lot safer than being around him.

message 2: by Kayla (new) - added it

Kayla Krantz (authorkaylakrantz) | 3 comments Randolph wrote: "Good luck on the book Kayla."

Thank you :)

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