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message 1: by [deleted user] (last edited Mar 04, 2017 03:26AM) (new)


For each month of the year we have listed 5 weird and wacky celebrations with reading tasks to go with them. Read one book for each task.

Duration: One year from your start date

Level 1: 1-2 tasks per month
Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month
Level 3: 5 tasks per month.

Option one - Easy - choose your level and read the required number of books in any order.

Option two - Hard - choose your level and read the required number of books in order (i.e January tasks should be read in January, February tasks in February etc.)
NB: You do not need to read the months tasks in the order they are listed. As long as you do all that months tasks at some point within the month.(i.e you don't need to start January with 'Polar Bear Plunge', you could start with 'National Hug Day' or whichever order you want)


*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
*Each book may only be used for one task
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*Please explain briefly how your book fits a task.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go but also post an occasional message to let us know how you're getting on, if you would like to.

*When you have finished please re-post your whole challenge as a new message or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for by the deadline, please re-post your challenge anyway as you may still be eligible for a lower level badge.)

Please see TLC Standard Challenge Rules for further details.


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 05, 2016 02:57AM) (new)


message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Dec 07, 2017 06:37AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54674 comments Mod
I'm in Caroline. I wrote a challenge like this for another group!

Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month (Hard)
January 1, 2017- December 31, 2017

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day
– Read a book set in a cold location.
An Island Christmas Nancy Thayer 1/3/17
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
Skin Game Jim Butcher 1/3/17
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.
31 Days of Winter (31 Days, #1) by C.J. Fallowfield 31 Days of Winter C.J. Fallowfield 1/10/17

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
Stirred by Nancy S. Thompson Stirred Nancy S. Thompson 2/13/17
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
Silver Storm Cynthia Wright 2/17/17
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
Demon Hunting With a Dixie Deb Lexi George 2/1/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
Sweet Water Christina Baker Kline 2/4/17

10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name.
The Roots of the Olive Tree Courtney Miller Santo 3/16/17
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
Darkest Journey Heather Graham 3/1/17
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery on the cover. ring
Beautiful Day by Elin Hilderbrand Beautiful Day Elin Hilderbrand 3/16/17
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
Luck of the Draw Cheri Allan 3/4/17

2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a Young Adult book.
The Death Cure James Dashner 4/11/17
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
Wild Kisses Addison Moore 4/4/17
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (JoAnne)
Keeping Sam Joanne Phillips 4/9/17
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer)
Ever After Jude Deveraux 4/6/17
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (clouds).
Ill Wind (Weather Warden, #1) by Rachel Caine Ill Wind Rachel Caine 4/3/17

6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
Blood of the Earth Faith Hunter 5/7/17
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
All You Need (Need You, #3) by Lorelei James All You Need Lorelei James 5/5/17
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
Love Bats Last Pamela Aares 5/20/17
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.
Beautiful Christina Lauren 5/24/17

8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
Master of Solitude Cherise Sinclair 6/2/17
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
The Rose Garden Susanna Kearsley 6/12/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
On A Night Like This Barbara Freethy 6/2/17
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.

1st - International Joke Day
– Read a funny book.
Futures and Frosting Tara Sivec 7/6/17
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U.
Under Pressure Lori Foster 7/3/17
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
As Long As You Love Me Ann Aguirre 7/10/17
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
Winters Heat (Titan, #1) by Cristin Harber Winters Heat Cristin Harber 7/4/17
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an aunt is important to the story.
The Almost Sisters Joshilyn Jackson 7/20/17

4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
All or Nothing at All (Billionaire Builders, #3) by Jennifer Probst All or Nothing at All Jennifer Probst 8/8/17
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
Some Lucky Woman: Jana's Story Carmen DeSousa 8/4/17
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. Jean, Myra and Delaney
Death and Relaxation Devon Monk 8/1/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You Bella Andre 8/12/17
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a barbecue.
Part Time Cowboy Maisey Yates 8/2/17

1st - Emma M Nutt Day
- Read a book by a female author.
Only Yours Susan Mallery 9/2/17
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
American Queen Sierra Simone 9/11/17
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams The Secret Life of Violet Grant Beatriz Williams 9/13/17
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
Desert Heat J.A. Jance 9/25/17
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.
Wicked Charms Janet Evanovich 9/20/17

1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
Struck Amanda Carlson 10/10/17
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character.
Burn for Me Ilona Andrews 10/2/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop by Kate Saunders The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop Kate Saunders 10/17/17
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
One Stiletto in the Grave Jason Krumbine 10/11/17
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.
Prince of Wolves Quinn Loftis 10/1/17

1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
Because of Him Jessica Roe 11/2/17
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road, #1) by Katie McGarry Nowhere But Here Katie McGarry 11/10/17
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book involving a break-up.
After the Game Abbi Glines 11/1/17
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
Flight Alyssa Rose Ivy 11/2/17
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.
Shoot Don't Shoot J.A. Jance 11/1/17

9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
Christmas on the Last Frontier J.H. Croix 12/3/17
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
Kisses for Christmas: A Holiday Boxed Set Skye Warren 12/2/17
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
Christmas Nights J.H. Croix 12/2/17
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.
This Christmas Jeannie Moon 12/5/17

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge JoAnne! Hope mine isn't too similar :)

message 5: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54674 comments Mod
Caroline wrote: "Welcome to the challenge JoAnne! Hope mine isn't too similar :)"

It's fine....there are only so many ideas!! YAY!

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

JoAnne wrote: "It's fine....there are only so many ideas!! YAY!"

It's really weird, I'm always thinking up ideas and then a couple of days later see something similar in another group. Obviously all us challenge addicts have very similar thought patterns :)

message 7: by [deleted user] (last edited Aug 14, 2017 01:35AM) (new)

Crazy Celebrations Challenge

START DATE: 1/1/17
DURATION: 1 year
LEVEL: 3 (5 tasks) Hard option (but might downgrade later!)

January (5/5)

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
The North Pole Challenge - Kevin George (6/1/17) - North Pole
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
Some Degree of Murder - Frank Zafiro (16/1/17)
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien (17/1/17) - Smaug - dragon
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro (9/1/17) - Adapted in 2010
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.
Cajun Spirit - M.A. Harper (22/1/17) - Cajun Spirit (Jolie Blonde #3) by M.A. Harper

February (5/5)

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
The Surrogate (Brennan & Esposito, #1) by Tania Carver - The Surrogate - Tania Carver (3/2/17)
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
The Snow Rose - Lulu Taylor (4/2/17)
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
A Zen for Murder - Leighann Dobbs (1/2/17) - Norma - "She's crotchety, but she's not a killer" (loc. 5642)
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
A View to Die For - Richard Houston (15/2/17) - Jake has a dog, Fred
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.
Beauty and the Beast - K.M. Shea (4/2/17) - retelling

March (5/5)

2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
Tender Is the Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald (14/3/17) - Added March 2014
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
Mythology 101 - Jody Lynn Nye (12/3/17)
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
You're Mine Now - Hans Koppel (7/3/17) - tagged thriller
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
Consequences - Aleatha Romig (19/3/17) - Consequences (Consequences, #1) by Aleatha Romig - necklace
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
The Family Trap - Joanne Phillips (6/3/17) - Paul proposes to Stella

April (5/5)

2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
The Book of Dragons - E. Nesbit (9/4/17)
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
Lingerie Wars - Janet Elizabeth Henderson (3/4/17) - Lake throws a party for the opening day of his underwear shop
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
An Apple A Day - Caroline Taggart (11/4/17)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
The Advocate - Teresa Burrell (12/4/17) - Sabre Brown - Attorney
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).
The House that Jack Built - Willow Rose (5/4/17) - lightning - The House that Jack Built (Jack Ryder #3) by Willow Rose

May (5/5)

6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
Whiskey Rebellion - Liliana Hart (7/5/17)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
The Shining - Stephen King (16/5/17) - haunted hotel
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
The Third Victim - Lisa Gardner (5/5/17) - The Third Victim by Lisa Gardner
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
Million Dollar Question - Ellie Campbell (10/5/17) - Rosie wins a million pounds
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.
The Trouble with Goats and Sheep - Joanna Cannon (19/5/17) - Sheila Dakin has a drinking problem

June (5/5)

3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie (11/6/17)
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
Circle Of Friends - Maeve Binchy (13/6/17) - Benny, Eve & Nan
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
Little Boy Blue - M.J. Arlidge (2/6/17)
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
Loving Mr. Daniels - Brittainy C. Cherry (6/6/17)
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.
Unraveled - Lisa-Marie Cabrelli (14/6/17) - Unraveled (Jersey Girls #1) by Lisa-Marie Cabrelli

July (5/5)

1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
Confessions of a Reformed Tom Cat - Daisy Prescott (16/7/17) - tagged 'humour' on main page
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
Orphan X - Gregg Hurwitz (14/7/17)
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling (3/7/17) - Hermione
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride - Cora Seton (15/7/17) - The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride (The Cowboys of Chance Creek, #1) by Cora Seton
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling (1/7/17) - Harry lives with his aunt and uncle

August (5/5)

4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
Wish You Were Here - Mike Gayle (3/8/17) - Wish You Were Here by Mike Gayle
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
Letters from Lighthouse Cottage - Ali McNamara (5/8/17)
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
My Summer of You - Tammy Robinson (11/8/17) - Jess and Mindy
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
Death on the Nile - Agatha Christie (7/8/17)
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.
The Long Weekend - Veronica Henry (2/8/17) - Claire and Luca have a picnic lunch with friends


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 8: by Joann (last edited Dec 18, 2017 07:34PM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments Looks like fun - I'm in!
I'm going to try for Level 2 Hard version.

January: 3 completed
1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. Death of a Dapper Snowman
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z. The Book Thief
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

February 4 completed
3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover. A Field of Red
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character. India Black and the Shadows of Anarchy
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet. Trouble in Spades
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.

March 5 Completed
2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest. 7 Brides for 7 Bodies
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial. A Pocket Full of Murder - R.J. Anderson - read 3/5/17
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.Until Proven Guilty - J.A. Jance - 3/21/17
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover. The Final Cut (A Brit in the FBI, #1) by Catherine Coulter Coulter - Mar 11/17
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes. The Long Road Home Mary Alice Monroe - 3/20/17

April - 4 completed
2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book. Kids of Appetite - David Arnold - 4/26/17
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party. Firefly Lane - Kristin Hannah - 4/2/17
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc) Death of a Crafty Knitter - Angela Pepper - 4/21/17
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. STARS - Southern Spirits (Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries, #1) by Angie Fox - Angie Fox - 4/15/17

May4 completed
6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book. The Cruelest Month - Louise Penny - 5/2/17
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover. The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag - Alan Bradley - 5/17/17
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.Before the Rains Dinah Jefferies - 5/31/17
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot. A Muddied Murder - Wendy Tyson - 5/29/17

June - 3 Completed
3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends. Dead Cold - Louise Penny - 6/4/17
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title. A Red Herring Without Mustard - Alan Bradley - 6/9/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance. The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger - 6/11/17
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.

July 3 completed
1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book. The Best of Brain Droppings - George Carlin - 7/6/17
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.False Mermaid - Erin Hart - 5/7/17
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.Witching on a Star - Amanda Lee - 3/7/17

August 4 completed
4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover. Cicada Summer - Maureen Leurck - 8/20/17
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. Limelight - Emily Organ - 8/9/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author The Murder Stone - Louise Penny - 27/8/17
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue. Open Heart, Open Mind - Clara Hughes - 8/2/17

September - 3 completed
1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author. A Deadly Affection - Cuyler Overholt - 9/2/17
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you. The Other Side of Midnight - Simone St James - 9/10/17
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover. The Zig Zag Girl- Elly Griffiths - 9/3/17
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.

October 4 completed
1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - 10/20/17
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K Rowling - 10/7/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey - Ken Kesey - 10/2/17
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title The Two-Family House - Linda Loigman - 10/18/17

November 5 completed
1st - Author’s Day - Read a book by a new to you author. The Alice Network - Kate Quinn - 11/6/17
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover. Witch Me Luck (Wicked Witches of the Midwest, #6) by Amanda M. Lee - Amanda Lee - 11/14/17
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book involving a break-up. The Lavender Garden - Lucinda Riley - 11/11/17
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day. Anatomy of Murder - Imogen Robertson - 11/2/17
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for. High Strung- Janice Peacock - 11/12/17

December - 1 completed
8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book. No Comfort for the Lost - Nancy Herriman - 12/17/17
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme. The Christmas Joy Ride - Melody Carlson - 12/15/17
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover. Christmas at Harrington's by Melody Carlson - Melody Carlson - 12/11/17
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author. No Pity For the Dead - Nancy Herriman - 12/18/17
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice. The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde - 12/6/17

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Joann!

message 10: by Lauren (last edited Nov 16, 2017 11:53AM) (new)

Lauren (laurenv) | 114 comments I'm in!

Crazy Celebrations Challenge
*Duration: January 1 - December 31*

Progress: 48/60?

(I will be attempting them all in order! But I may not make it haha.)



1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. After the War Is Over 1/21 (England's cold, right haha?)
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z. Zeroes 1/7
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1/1
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film. The Lightning Thief 1/14
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover. Let it Snow by John Green Let it Snow 1/26/17


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover. A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) by Sarah J. Maas 2/4/17
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title. The Bone Season 2/2/17
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character. The Archived 2/2/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet. Chocolat 2/8/17
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling. Vassa in the Night 2/14/17


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest. Throne of Glass 3/27/17
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas 3/16
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense. The Couple Next Door 3/11
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover. Mistress of Rome (The Empress of Rome, #1) by Kate Quinn 4/1/17 (Ugh! A day late :<)
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes. The Twin's Daughter 3/13


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book. I Am Number Four 4/5
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party. In Perfect Time 4/24
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last) Fallen by Lauren Kate 4/26
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc) Arthur & George 4/13 - George is a solicitor
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc). Invasion (Alien Invasion, #1) by Sean Platt 4/3/17


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc) Death by Coffee 6/15
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book. The 8th Confession 6/7 - mysterious cause of death
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover. Wayfarer (Passenger, #2) by Alexandra Bracken 6/3
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character. Of Neptune 5/15
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot. One for the Money 6/14


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends. 7th Heaven 6/6
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title. The Black Prism 6/12
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance. It Ends with Us 6/5
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book. Two for the Dough 9/27
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O. Fudge Cupcake Murder 7/20
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character. The Sun Is Also a Star 8/15
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover. Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, #1) by Kim Harrison 10/16
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 7/27


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye 8/4
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 8/12
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue. 10th Anniversary 11/6


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 9/4
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates. The Broken Eye 11/12


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location. Gemina 10/27
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character Firebolt 11/9
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover. Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp 10/7
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title. Three Dark Crowns 10/22
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 10/8


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author. Ready Player One 11/2
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up. The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust 11/8
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day. 11th Hour 11/16
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for. Now I Rise 11/5


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Lauren! Good luck :)

message 12: by Ana (last edited Dec 10, 2016 09:38AM) (new)

Ana | 259 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Start date: January 1st, 2017
End Date: December 31st, 2017
Level: 1 + Easy

Progress: 0 / 24


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
White Fang - JACK LONDON
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
The Ladies' Paradise - EMILE ZOLA

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
The Neverending Story - MICHAEL ENDE
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.
Fairy Tales and Stories - HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN

13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
The Vampire Diaries - The Fury - L. J. SMITH
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
Presently Perfect - ALISON BAILEY

2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
The Secret Garden - FRANCES H. BURNETT
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.

16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
The Arabian Nights - ANONYMOUS
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
The Great Gatsby - SCOTT F. FITZGERALD

3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
The Solitude of Prime Numbers - PAOLO GIORDANO
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.

2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.

4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
Calendar Girl: January, February, March - AUDREY CARLAN
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author.
The Vicomte de Bragelonne - ALEXANDRE DUMAS


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.
The Black Corsair - EMILIO SALGARI

5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.

1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.
The Hidden Oracle - RICK RIORDAN

9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
A Christmas Carol - CHARLES DICKENS
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Anamaria!

Sorry but you'll need to choose a different book for "No 'L' Day" as there is an L in David Copperfield :)

message 14: by Ana (new)

Ana | 259 comments Caroline wrote: "Welcome to the challenge Anamaria!

Sorry but you'll need to choose a different book for "No 'L' Day" as there is an L in David Copperfield :)"

Damn, I was in such a hurry I matched a book WITH an L on purpose. I'll add a new one as soon as I can think about it. ^^

message 15: by Jennifer (last edited Apr 23, 2017 07:10PM) (new)

Jennifer (jhaltenburger) Calling this one done 4/23 -- :-)

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. A Vision of Murder 1/17 set outside Detroit
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures. A Charming Wish has a character who's a genie 2/17
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover. A Long Ago Affair Tales from Caravan, The Assembled Collection by John Galsworthy 3/17

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover. Spitting Devil (Jonathan Stride, #5.5) by Brian Freeman 4/17
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title. No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II 3/17
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character. A Solstice Celebration 2/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet. Witch Is When Life Got Complicated 2/17

2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest. The Gods of Guilt 1/17
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial. Mademoiselle Chanel C.W. Gortner 4/17
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense. Night School 1/17
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover. The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle 4/17
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes. Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages That Shaped Our History 2/17

3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party. Ghost of a Chance 1/17
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last) At the Drop of a Hat Jenn McKinlay 3/17
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc). Moon Spinners (Seaside Knitters, #3) by Sally Goldenbaum 3/17

6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc) Dead Cold Brew 2/17
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book. A Ghostly Gift 1/17
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover. 4 50 from Paddington (Miss Marple #8) by Agatha Christie 2/17
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character. Eleanor and Hick 3/17
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot. Murder at the Breakers 1/17

8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends. Death By Cashmere 3/17
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title. Four-Leaf Clover: A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Short #9.6 4/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance. Revealed 2/17
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover. Copy Cap Murder (Hat Shop Mystery, #4) by Jenn McKinlay 4/17

1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book. In Such Good Company: Eleven Years of Laughter, Mayhem, and Fun in the Sandbox 1/17
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O. The Fortune Hunter 3/17
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character. Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man 3/17
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover. I Loved Her in the Movies Working with the Legendary Actresses of Hollywood by Robert J. Wagner 3/17
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story. Witch Is When Everything Went Crazy 2/17

4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover. Patterns in the Sand (Seaside Knitters, #2) by Sally Goldenbaum 2/17
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book. Nineteen Minutes 2/17
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. Merry Witchmas: A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Short 1/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author Witch Is When Things Fell Apart 4/17
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue. Witchdependence Day: A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Short 2/17

1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author. Better Read Than Dead Victoria Laurie 2/17
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you. Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye 2/17
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
Death of a Mad Hatter (A Hat Shop Mystery, #2) by Jenn McKinlay 2/17
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates. Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun 3/17

1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location. The Survivor 2/17
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character The Giving Quilt 3/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover. A Holiday Yarn (A Seaside Knitters Mystery #4) by Sally Goldenbaum 3/17
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title. 17 Carnations: The Royals, the Nazis and the Biggest Cover-Up in History 1/17

1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author. The Gatekeeper
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover. Bewitched A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Short by Amanda M. Lee
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up. Ray & Joan: The Man Who Made the McDonald's Fortune and the Woman Who Gave It All Away
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day. We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for. The Wrong Side of Goodbye

8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme. Deck the Hallways
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover. Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen (A Year-Round Christmas Mystery #1) by Vicki Delany (santa)
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author. Death of a Ghost M.C. Beaton
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice. Victoria

message 16: by Krissy (last edited Dec 02, 2017 06:48PM) (new)

Krissy (krissystewart) | 214 comments KRISSY'S SPOT

(view spoiler)
The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens Zander's Story (Rough in the Saddle, #2) by Hennessee Andrews The Working Elf Blues by Piper Vaughn Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx Heiress Without a Cause (Muses of Mayfair, #1) by Sara Ramsey

(view spoiler)
Killing the Dead by Marcus Sedgwick Out of the Rain by Renae Kaye The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Oz, #1) by L. Frank Baum The Devil's Ride Coffin Nails MC (Sex & Mayhem, #2) by K.A. Merikan Beauty, Inc. (The Pennymaker Tales #3) by Tara Lain

(view spoiler)
Lord of Scoundrels (Scoundrels, #3) by Loretta Chase The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys, #1) by Franklin W. Dixon Blood Ran Cold (Karl Vollen, #1) by Sten Ostberg Eligible (The Austen Project, #4) by Curtis Sittenfeld Taming Groomzilla by E.N. Holland

(view spoiler)
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Cupids and Wardrobe Malfunctions (Holiday Jobs that Don't Suck, #4) by Jackie Nacht Nadine's Dog (Kindle Single) by Lucretia Stewart Freckles by Amy Lane Dancing Lessons by R. Cooper

(view spoiler)
Into the Water by Paula Hawkins Winter (The Haunted Heart, #1) by Josh Lanyon Who We Are by Nicola Haken Mate for Sale (Mate for Sale, #1) by Marcy Jacks Survival by Jade Falconer

(view spoiler)
Pink Lace and Stolen Hearts by Jake C. Wallace To Have and to Kill (Wedding Cake Mystery, #1) by Mary Jane Clark Taming Black Dog Four (Bodyguards in Love #4) by Carol Lynne Revolutionary Temptation by Silvia Violet Love Spell by Mia Kerick

(view spoiler)
Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1) by Jeff Lindsay Under My Skin (Under My Skin, #1) by M.L. Rhodes Hard Wired (Cyberlove, #3) by Megan Erickson Three Nick Nowak Mysteries (Boystown #1) by Marshall Thornton Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath

(view spoiler)
Cowboys Don't Come Out (Cowboys Don't, #1) by Tara Lain Summer Blowout by Claire Cook The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon Heart of the Steal by Avon Gale

(view spoiler)
Foul Play by Steffie Hall Trust (Temptation, #3) by Ella Frank Kingsley (Kennedy Ink., #2) by Jenny Wood Cowboy Miracles (Bear County #11) by Lynn Hagen

(view spoiler)
September's Tide (Island Tales, #2) by K.C. Wells Crazy Like a Foxe (Skyler Foxe Mysteries, #6) by Haley Walsh The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti Five Dares by Eli Easton My Little Kitty (Purrfect Mates #2) by Joyee Flynn

(view spoiler)
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman Love and Other Consolation Prizes by Jamie Ford Untouchable (A Blake Harte Mysteries, #1) by Robert Innes Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye The Child Finder by Rene Denfeld

(view spoiler)
By The Currawong's Call by Welton B. Marsland A Christmas for Oscar by Alex Whitehall Green the Whole Year 'Round by Rowan McAllister When I'm Weak (Mile High Romance #2) by Aria Grace Off the Ice (Hat Trick, #1) by Avon Gale

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Anamaria wrote: "Damn, I was in such a hurry I matched a book WITH an L on purpose. I'll add a new one as soon as I can think about it...."

No problem Anamaria. You have a whole year to think about it :)

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Jennifer and Krissy!

message 19: by Cheryl (last edited Oct 12, 2017 03:59AM) (new)

Cheryl La Pa (cheryllp) | 120 comments Count me in!

Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Level 2 - Hard: 3 tasks per month in Month Order
January 1, 2017- December 31, 2017

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
Graceling 4 Jan

1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
Justice Ascending by Rebecca Zanetti 14 Jan

16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
Breath of Fire 12 Jan

Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by Kristin Cashore Justice Ascending (The Scorpius Syndrome, #3) by Rebecca Zanetti Breath of Fire (Kingmaker Chronicles, #2) by Amanda Bouchet

16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
To Have It All 19 Feb

20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
My Lady Jane 25 Feb

To Have It All by B.N. Toler My Lady Jane (The Lady Janies, #1) by Cynthia Hand

10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
The Struggle by Jennifer L. Armentrout 29 March

12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
Till Death 13 March

20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
The Butterfly Project 6 March

The Struggle (Titan, #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout The Butterfly Project by Emma Scott

11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
Hell to Pay 4 April (lawyer)

2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a Young Adult book.
Strange the Dreamer 12 April

14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc)
Tangled Threads 15 April (clouds)

3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
Killbox 19 April

Hell to Pay (The Harry Russo Diaries, #4) by Lisa Emme Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1) by Laini Taylor Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin, #4) by Jennifer Estep Killbox (Sirantha Jax, #4) by Ann Aguirre

11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious book.
Out of the Shadows 4 May
Out of the Shadows (Shadowlands, #1) by Ashlee Nicole Bye

19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
Sugar & Gold 5 June

12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour in the title.
The Red Lily 11 June

3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
Lady Midnight 24 June

Sugar & Gold (Dreamcatcher, #2) by Emma Scott The Red Lily (Vampire Blood, #2) by Juliette Cross Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1) by Cassandra Clare

2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
The False Prince 21 July

13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
Forget Me Not 15 July

14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
Burn for Me 26 July

Forget Me Not (Blackbird Series Novella) by Em Shotwell The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen Burn for Me (Hidden Legacy, #1) by Ilona Andrews

6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
Wildfire 7 Aug
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author.
Secondborn 10 Aug

Wildfire (Hidden Legacy, #3) by Ilona Andrews Secondborn (Secondborn #1) by Amy A. Bartol

1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
A Strange Hymn by Laura Thalassa 5 Sept
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
The Mercenary by Petra Landon 20 Sept
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.
The Dark of the Moon 15 Sept

A Strange Hymn (The Bargainer, #2) by Laura Thalassa The Dark of the Moon (Chronicles of Lunos #1) by E.S. Bell The Mercenary (The War Chronicles, #1) by Petra Landon

21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
The Trouble with Twelfth Grave 3 Oct
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher.
The White Lily 8 Oct

The Trouble with Twelfth Grave (Charley Davidson, #12) by Darynda Jones The White Lily (Vampire Blood #3) by Juliette Cross

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Cheryl :)

message 21: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Jan 06, 2017 06:48PM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 196 comments THE TASKS

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. Iced Under, barbara ross (Maine)

1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z. Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, therese ann fowler

16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures. You Slay Me, katie macalister

19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film. The Painted Veil, w. somerset Maugham...01.04.2017

21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover. Dream River, dorothy garlock


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Sallie :)

message 23: by Melike (last edited Aug 04, 2017 06:16PM) (new)

Melike | 63 comments Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month EASY version.
Start Date: January 2017

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. Mermaid Moon set in Maine 1/29/17
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
Dune 1/15/17
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.
Mine for Now ~ Simon 2/27 Mine for Now ~ Simon (The Billionaire's Obsession, #1.2) by J.S. Scott


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover. The Scavenger's Daughters (Tales of the Scavenger's Daughters, #1) by Kay Bratt 1/19/17The Scavenger's Daughters
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.

The Bird and the Sword 1/8/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.
The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher 1/24/17 Bluebeard fairytale retelling


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
The End of Your Life Book Club
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.

12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense. What She Knew 1/24/17
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover. No Ordinary Billionaire 2/20
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
The Whole Town's Talking 1/15/17


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
Alice in Wonderland
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc) An Innocent Client (Joe Dillard, #1) by Scott Pratt 7/4
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).
All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders 1/4/17


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
Janet MacLeod Trotter The Tea Planter's Daughter (Tyneside Sagas #1)

11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover. The Lilac Bouquet by Carolyn Brown read July 23
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character. Heart of the Billionaire ~ Sam 2/28
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.
Angela's Ashes 3/6

3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.Blue Dahlia 2/23
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.The Memory of Us read July 2017
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover 3/12


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao 2/12
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover. Ethan's Mate 2/21 Ethan's Mate (The Vampire Coalition, #1) by J.S. Scott
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story. From Sand and Ash by Amy Harmon 7/7 From Sand and Ash


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover. The Inn at Eagle Point 2/28
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book. Truly Madly Guilty 2/27
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. My Sister's Grave 2/24
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author. What Nora Knew by Linda Yellin 6/28 What Nora Knew
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you. Serenad by Zülfü Livaneli 5/4 Serenad
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.
Daughter of the Pirate King (Daughter of the Pirate King, #1) by Tricia Levenseller 5/30Daughter of the Pirate King


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character Everything You Want Me to Be 1/31/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover. Chemistry by Weike Wang 6/15 Chemistry
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title. Hard Eight (Stephanie Plum, #8) by Janet Evanovich 3/24 Hard Eight
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover. Commonwealth 2/7
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.Pines 1/31/17
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for. Allie and Bea by Catherine Ryan Hyde 8/3 Allie and Bea


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.Orphan Train 1/19/17
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author. A Court of Thorns and Roses 2/18/17
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice. Caraval 3/6

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Melike :)

message 25: by Erin (last edited Sep 10, 2017 09:08PM) (new)

Erin | 467 comments Completed 9/10/17

Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month, Easy (read in any order)
January 1, 2017- December 31, 2017


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. First Steps by Sean Michael, Alaska, read 4/13/17
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures. Riding the Tide by M.A. Church, mermen. Read 1/12/17
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film. Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp, made into Die Hard. Read 1/17/17
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover. I'll Be Your Man by Clancy Nacht, read 1/6/17
First Steps by Sean Michael Riding the Tide (The Deep Blue Sea #2) by M.A. Church Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp I'll Be Your Man by Clancy Nacht


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover. Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West, read 7/27/17
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title. Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes, read 2/15/17
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling. The Fairy's Assistant by Sasha L. Miller, read 1/6/17
Shrill Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes The Fairy's Assistant by Sasha L. Miller


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest. I Don't: A Contrarian History of Marriage by Susan Squire, added November 25, 2013. Read 4/20/17
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial. Tidal Change by Chris T. Kat, read 6/7/17
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense. Damage Done by Amanda Panitch, read 4/16/17
I Don't A Contrarian History of Marriage by Susan Squire Tidal Change by Chris T. Kat Damage Done by Amanda Panitch


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book. The Well of Tears by R.G. Thomas, read 1/17/17
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last) Something Shifty by Erin M. Leaf, read 1/6/17
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc). Needing to Breathe by B.A. Tortuga, read 4/27/17
The Well of Tears (The Town of Superstition, #2) by R.G. Thomas Something Shifty by Erin M. Leaf Needing to Breathe (Two Is Never Enough, #1) by B.A. Tortuga


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc) Coffee, Pop, and Bisexuality by Nicole McCormick, read 4/2/17
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book. Waiting for Patrick by Brynn Stein, read 1/16/17
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover. Bean's Heart by Laura Jo Phillips, read 1/7/17
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character. Six Numbers by Wayne Mansfield, read 7/12/17
Coffee, Pop, and Bisexuality by Nicole McCormick Waiting for Patrick by Brynn Stein Bean's Heart (Hearts of ICARUS Book 7) by Laura Jo Phillips Six Numbers by Wayne Mansfield


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite. The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr, read 4/3/17
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends. Four Weddings and a Funeral by Richard Curtis, read 1/8/17
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, read 4/16/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance. Hot Mess 3 by Stormy Glenn, read 8/23/17
The High King's Golden Tongue (Tales of the High Court, #1) by Megan Derr Four Weddings and a Funeral by Richard Curtis A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) by Sarah J. Maas Hot Mess 3 (Hot Mess, #3) by Stormy Glenn


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book. Two Pet Dicks by John Inman, read 3/20/17
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O. Undead and Done by MaryJanice Davidson, read 3/23/17
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character. The Weight of It All by N.R. Walker, read 2/13/17
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover. The Harvest Young: Bound by Fate by M.A. Church, read 1/12/17
Two Pet Dicks by John Inman Undead and Done (Undead, #15) by MaryJanice Davidson The Weight of It All by N.R. Walker The Harvest Young Bound by Fate (The Next Generation, #1) by M.A. Church


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover. Beneath the Surface by M.A. Church, read 1/12/17
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book. Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum, read 4/12/17
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters. Undead and Unforgiven by MaryJanice Davidson, Betsy and Laura are sisters. Read 8/12/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author Forging the Future by Mary Calmes, read 4/13/17
Beneath the Surface (The Deep Blue Sea #1) by M.A. Church Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum Undead and Unforgiven (Undead, #14) by MaryJanice Davidson Forging the Future (Change of Heart, #5) by Mary Calmes


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author. Deja Who by MaryJanice Davidson, read 3/28/17
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover. Tiger vs Horse by Jason Nichols, read 2/6/17
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character. Horsefeathers by Caitlin Ricci, read 1/10/17
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates. The Pirate of Fathoms Deep by Megan Derr, read 4/3/17
Deja Who (Insighter #1) by MaryJanice Davidson Tiger vs Horse (Shifter Royalty Book 3) by Jason Nichols Horsefeathers by Caitlin Ricci The Pirate of Fathoms Deep (Tales of the High Court, #2) by Megan Derr


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location. Untrained Fascination by Viola Grace, set in outer space. Read 9/10/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover. I Heart My Little A-Holes by Karen Alpert, read 1/16/17
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title. Hot Mess 2 by Stormy Glenn, read 5/14/17
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves. Bryck by Lynn Hagen, read 1/10/17
Untrained Fascination (Brace for Humanity, #1) by Viola Grace I Heart My Little A-Holes by Karen Alpert Hot Mess 2 (Hot Mess, #2) by Stormy Glenn Bryck (Zeus's Pack #11) by Lynn Hagen


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author. House of Cards by Michael Dobbs, read 2/11/17
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover. Claiming Their Mate by B.A. Tortuga, moon. Read 4/27/17
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day. Undead and Unwary by MaryJanice Davidson, Queen of the Vampires is "outed" by her sister, daughter of the devil. Read 8/12/17
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for. Kitty Genovese: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime that Changed America by Kevin Cook, given to me as a gift. Read 3/22/17
House of Cards (Francis Urquhart, #1) by Michael Dobbs Claiming Their Mate (Two Is Never Enough, #2) by B.A. Tortuga Undead and Unwary (Undead, #13) by MaryJanice Davidson Kitty Genovese The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime that Changed America by Kevin Cook


9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme. Second Chance Christmas: MM Gay Alpha Male Romance by Haylee Wolf, read 1/7/17
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover. Darkside by Shannon West, read 1/9/17
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author. Seeds of Change by Devyn Morgan, read 6/28/17
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice. Sweetwater by Lisa Henry, read 3/23/17
Second Chance Christmas (Second Chance Mates Book 3) by Haylee Wolf Dark Side (Mate of the Tyger Prince #2) by Shannon West Seeds of Change by Devyn Morgan Sweetwater by Lisa Henry

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Erin :)

message 27: by Someoneyouknow (last edited Nov 12, 2017 07:35AM) (new)

Someoneyouknow | 241 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Duration: January 1st, 2017- December 31st, 2017
Level: 1 (Hard) - 1 task per month

Read 11/12


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film - Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome - 25/01/17
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character - The Ebony Tower. Eliduc. The Enigma by John Fowles - 16/02/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense - Goldfish by Raymond Chandler - 03/03/17
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book - Emily's Quest by L.M. Montgomery - 19/04/17
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book - Dracula by Bram Stoker - 28/05/17
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title - Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury - 16/06/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O - Farewell, My Lovely by Raymond Chandler - 27/07/17
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters - Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side by L.M. Montgomery - 18/08/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover - Huis clos by Jean-Paul Sartre Huis clos by Jean-Paul Sartre - 08/09/17
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location - Tropique de la violence by Nathacha Appanah - 15/10/17
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for - The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievich - 12/11/17


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 28: by Kay Kay (new)

Kay Kay | 23 comments Ohhhh fun!!!

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge!

message 30: by Sunshine✰✰✰ (last edited Dec 06, 2017 11:59AM) (new)

Sunshine✰✰✰ | 472 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Duration: Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2017
Level 1 Hard: 24/24

16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures. - Fae
Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy 1/18/17
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien 1/31/17

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
Deadly Magic (Grace Holliday Mystery #1) by Elisabeth Crabtree 2/6/17
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
Marked by P.C. Cast 2/26/17

2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest. - Added Jan 2014
Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison 3/21/17
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
Stepbrother Studs by Selena Kitt 3/10/17

3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
Gargoyle by Scarlett Dawn 4/25/17
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).
Demons are a Ghoul's Best Friend (Ghost Hunter Mystery, #2) by Victoria Laurie 4/9/17

6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
Jack Daniels Stories by J.A. Konrath 5/4/17
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost 5/5/17

8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
Minion by L.A. Banks 6/15/17
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
Shameless by Lora Leigh 6/7/17

2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
One Tequila by Tricia O'Malley 7/21/17
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
The Warlord Wants Forever (Immortals After Dark #1) by Kresley Cole 7/29/17

6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
Murder Under Construction by Maddie Cochere 8/21/17
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
Shaken by J.A. Konrath 8/9/17

1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
Ella, The Slayer by A.W. Exley 9/12/17
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas 9/18/17

1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location. - The UK & Russia
Necroscope by Brian Lumley 10/25/17
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
A Pinch of Murder (A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery #2) by Carol Durand, Summer Prescott 10/1/17

1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
Grumpy Old Wizards by John O'Riley 11/18/17
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.
Bed and Breakfast and Murder by Patti Larsen 11/21/17

25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs 11/24/17
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.
One Bad Apple by Sheila Connolly 11/27/17

message 31: by Kellie (last edited Dec 03, 2017 02:29PM) (new)

Kellie | 12 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month (Easy)
Duration: January 1, 2017- December 31, 2017

Tasks Completed: 48/48 FINISHED!!!!!!

(view spoiler)

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Sunshine and Kellie :)

message 33: by Marlene (new)

Marlene | 548 comments I am So In for this Challenge! :))
Gonna make it Hard on Level Two

I Accept Reccomendations....Please!!! :)

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Marlene! If you need suggestions for a particular task, just ask and I'll try to help. I'm sure other players will have ideas too :)

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Sharon!

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Happy new year everyone! 2017 has begun and it's time to start all those new challenges. So...


message 37: by AndaM (new)

AndaM | 62 comments Yearly Challenges > *NEW* Crazy Celebrations Challenge

Option one - Easy


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome AndaM :)

message 39: by Marlene (new)

Marlene | 548 comments Yei!!!! Time to start this challenge!!! I'll go like this, for January:
Option two - Hard
Level Two: 3 to 4 Tasks per month

1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location. No Night is Too Long by Barbara Vine No Night is Too Long by Barbara Vine
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes Me Before You (Me Before You, #1) by Jojo Moyes
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

message 40: by Barb (last edited Sep 15, 2017 07:50AM) (new)

Barb | 1670 comments CRAZY CELEBRATIONS CHALLENGE, 1/1 – 12/31

1st – POLAR BEAR PLUNGE DAY: Read a book set in a cold location
A Cold-Blooded Business (Kate Shugak #4), by Dana Stabenow, finished 3/1 ★★★★ – set in Alaska

1st – Z DAY: Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z
Zoo Time, by Howard Jacobson, finished 1/12 ★★

16th – APPRECIATE A DRAGON DAY: Read a book involving mythical creatures
Enchanted (Woodcutter Sisters #1; Books of Arilland #1), by Alethea Kontis, finished 5/5 ★★★★ – fairies and fae

19th – NATIONAL POPCORN DAY: Read a book that has been made into a film
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race, by Margot Lee Shetterly, finished 5/10 ★★★★.5

21st – NATIONAL HUG DAY: Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover
Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (Adams Grove #4), by Nancy Naigle, finished 3/8 ★★★.5
Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (Adams Grove, #4) by Nancy Naigle

3rd – NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY: Read a book with a red cover
The Intern, by Dave Wiley, finished 2/28 ★★
The Intern by Dale Wiley

5th – NATIONAL WEATHERMAN’S DAY: Read a book with a weather word in the title
Book Fair and Foul (Ashton Corners #4), by Erika Chase, finished 4/20 ★★★ – fair or foul

16th – DO A GROUCH A FAVOUR DAY: Read a book with a grumpy/bad–tempered character.
The Chilbury Ladies' Choir, by Jennifer Ryan, finished 2/3 ★★★★ – Mrs. B

20th – LOVE YOUR PET DAY: Read a book where the main character has a pet
The Skeleton Takes a Bow (Family Skeleton #2), by Leigh Perry, finished 2/2 ★★★★ – dog

26th – TELL A FAIRY TALE DAY: Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling
If the Shoe Fits (Once Upon a Romance #1), by Laurie LeClair, finished 5/14 ★★.5 – loosely based on Cinderella

2nd – OLD STUFF DAY: Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest
Tail Spin (FBI #12), by Catherine Coulter, finished 1/2 ★★★★.5 – added to TBR 5/22/12

10th – MIDDLE NAME PRIDE DAY: Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial
Let Me Whisper in Your Ear (KEY News #3), by Mary Jane Clark, finished 1/4 ★★★5

12th – ALFRED HITCHCOCK DAY: Read a thriller or suspense
The Devil's Triangle (Brit in the FBI #4), by Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison, finished 2/14 ★★★★.5

13th – JEWEL DAY: Read a book with jewelry or gemstones on the cover
His Majesty's Hope (Maggie Hope #3), by Susan Elia MacNeal, finished 9/9 ★★★★ – pearl necklace
His Majesty's Hope (Maggie Hope Mystery, #3) by Susan Elia MacNeal

20th – PROPOSAL DAY: Read a book where someone proposes
Fundraising the Dead (Museum #1), by Sheila Connolly, finished 3/6 ★★★★ – Charles

2nd – INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK DAY: Read a children's or Young Adult book.
The Cardturner: A Novel About a King, A Queen and a Joker, by Louis Sachar , finished 2/24 ★★★

3rd – WORLD PARTY DAY: Read a book where somebody throws a party
On Turpentine Lane, by Elinor Lipman, finished 1/19 ★★★.5 – housewarming

8th – NAME YOURSELF DAY: Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
Musseled Out (Maine Clambake #3), by Barbara Ross, finished 1/21 ★★★★

11th – BE KIND TO LAWYERS DAY: Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
Promise Me (Myron Bolitar #8), by Harlan Coben, finished 1/18 ★★★.5 – lawyer

14th – LOOK UP AT THE SKY DAY: Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc)
Gunpowder Plot (Daisy Dalrymple #15), by Carola Dunn, finished 2/7 ★★★.5 – fireworks
Gunpowder Plot (Daisy Dalrymple #15) by Carola Dunn

6th – BEVERAGE DAY: Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
Billionaire Blend (Coffeehouse #13), by Cleo Coyle, finished 3/13 ★★★.5 – "Billionaire Blend" is a coffee drink

11th – TWILIGHT ZONE DAY: Read a mysterious or spooky book.
The Andromeda Strain, by Michael Crichton, finished 2/6 ★★★

16th – WEAR PURPLE FOR PEACE DAY: Read a book with a purple cover
Stuck on Murder (Decoupage #1), by Lucy Lawrence, finished 2/17 ★★★.5
Stuck on Murder (A Decoupage Mystery, #1) by Lucy Lawrence

20th – BE A MILLIONAIRE DAY: Read a book with a wealthy main character
A Quarter for a Kiss (Million Dollar Mysteries #4), by Mindy Starns Clark, finished 1/6 ★★★5 – Tom

25th – NATIONAL WINE DAY: Read a book with a character who drinks a lot
Uncorking a Lie (Sommelier #2), by Nadine Nettmann, finished 1/23 ★★★.5 – Simon

3rd – REPEAT DAY – Re–read an old favourite

8th – BEST FRIENDS DAY: Read a book involving a group of friends
Please Don't Tell MyParents I'm a Supervillain (Please Don't Tell My Parents #1), by Richard Roberts, finished 1/8 ★★★5 – MC's friends are all "supers" too, they work together

12th – RED ROSE DAY: Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title
BLACK and BLUEberry Die (Fresh Baked #11), by Livia J. Washburn, finished 1/31 ★★★★

19th – NATIONAL KISSING DAY: Read a romance
If Not For You (New Beginnings #3), by Debbie Macomber, finished 3/3 ★★★★

23rd – NATIONAL PINK DAY: Read a book with a pink cover
Off the Books (Novel Idea #5), by Lucy Arlington, finished 2/25 ★★★.5 – the actual book is much more pink than this
Off the Books (Novel Idea, #5) by Lucy Arlington

1st – INTERNATIONAL JOKE DAY: Read a funny book
Still Foolin' 'Em: Where I've Been, Where I'm Going and Where the Hell are My Keys, by Billy Crystal, finished 3/29 ★★★

2nd – WORLD UFO DAY: Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O (ignore A, An, The)
The Fifth Petal (Lace Reader #2), by Brunonia Barry, finished 1/11 ★★★★

13th – EMBRACE YOUR GEEKNESS: Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character
The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, finished 3/2 ★★★.5 – all kinds of scientists

14th – NATIONAL NUDE DAY: Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover

26th – UNCLE & AUNT DAY: Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story
Scandal in Skibbereen (County Cork #2), by Sheila Connolly, finished 1/17 ★★★.5

4th – US COAST GUARD DAY: Read a book with a beach scene on the cover
A Deadly Cliche (Books by the Bay #2), by Ellery Adams, finished 3/23 ★★★.5
A Deadly Cliché (A Books by the Bay Mystery, #2) by Ellery Adams

4th – SINGLE WORKING WOMEN’S DAY: Read a chick–lit book
Stiltsville, by Susanna Daniel, finished 2/11 ★★.5

6th – SISTERS DAY: Read a book involving sisters
Pepperoni Pizza Can Be Murder (Pizza Lovers #2), by Chris Cavender, finished 1/30 ★★★ – sisters co-own the pizzaria

9th – BOOK LOVERS DAY: Read a book by your favourite author
The Chalk Pit (Ruth Galloway #9), by Elly Griffiths, finished 3/17 ★★★★.5

31st – EAT OUTSIDE DAY: Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue
Dearly Depotted (Flower Shop #3), by Kate Collins, finished 1/28 ★★★.5 – picnic

1st – EMMA M NUTT DAY: Read a book by a female author
Elementary, She Read (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #1), by Vicki Delaney, finished 2/13 ★★★

10th – SWAP IDEAS DAY: Read a book that was recommended to you.
The House of Silk (Sherlock Holmes #1), by Anthony Horowitz, finished 1/26 ★★★ – recc by Sheila

15th – MAKE A HAT DAY: Read a book with a hat on the cover.
Assault and Beret (Hat Shop #5), by Jenn McKinlay, finished 1/25 ★★★★
Assault & Beret (Hat Shop Mystery, #5) by Jenn McKinlay

17th – INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY MUSIC DAY: Read a book with a cowboy character
Bookman Dead Style (Dangerous Type #2), by Paige Shelton, finished 2/21 ★★★★ – Flint

19th – INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY: Read a book involving pirates
Pirate Latitudes, by Michael Crichton, finished 6/5 ★★★

1st – BALLOONS AROUND THE WORLD DAY: Read a book set in an exotic location
The Woman at the Light, by Joanna Brady, finished 2/23 ★★★ – Key West / Cuba

5th – WORLD TEACHERS DAY: Read a book with a teacher / professor character
Death of an Expert Witness (Adam Dalgliesh #6), by P.D. James, finished 1/15 ★★★ – Lorrimer

17th – WEAR SOMETHING GAUDY DAY: Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
FM for Murder (Acoustic Mystery #2), by Patricia Rockwell, finished 2/6 ★★★.5
FM For Murder (Pamela Barnes Acoustic Mystery #2) by Patricia Rockwell

21st – COUNT YOUR BUTTONS DAY: Read a book with a number in the title
You Can Get Arrested for That: 2 Guys, 25 Dumb Laws, 1 Absurd American Crime Spree, by Rich Smith, finished 5/9 ★★

26th – HOWL AT THE MOON DAY AND NIGHT: Read a book involving werewolves.

1st – AUTHORS DAY: Read a book by a new to you author
author Rainbow RowellLandline, finished 5/16 ★★.5

2nd – LOOK FOR CIRCLES DAY: Read a book with something circular/round on cover
The Lost Order (Cotton Malone #12), by Steve Berry, finished 1/5 ★★★★5
The Lost Order (Cotton Malone, #12) by Steve Berry

17th – TAKE A HIKE DAY: Read a book involving a break–up
Death by Drowning (Josiah Reynolds #2), by Abigail Keam, finished 2/24 ★★★.5 – Bloomie & (I can't remember the boy's name)

19th – HAVE A BAD DAY DAY: Read a book where somebody has a bad day
Puzzled Indemnity (Puzzle Lady #16), by Parnell Hall, finished 1/9 ★★★ – Cora

24th – BUY NOTHING DAY: Read a book that you did not pay for
The Unexpected Waltz, by Kim Wright, finished 2/27 ★★★.5

8th – PRETEND TO BE A TIME TRAVELLER DAY: Read a historical fiction book
Suffer Little Children (Sister Fidelma #3), by Peter Tremayne, finished 1/13 ★★★★

9th – CHRISTMAS CARD DAY: Read a book with a Christmas theme
Mistletoe Murder (Lucy Stone #1), by Leslie Meier, finished 8/24 ★★★.5

13th – CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY: Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover
Harbor Ice (Jack Beale #1), by K.D. Mason, finished 5/8 ★★.5 – body on ice
Harbor Ice (Jack Beale Mystery Series - Book 1) by K.D. Mason

25th – NO ‘L’ DAY: Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author
Every Trick in the Rook (Birds of a Feather #3), by Marty Wingate, finished 1/27 ★★★

31st – MAKE UP YOUR MIND DAY: Read a book where somebody has to make a choice
Meet Your Baker (Bakeshop #1), by Ellie Alexander, finished 2/12 ★★★★ – stay at home or go back to her previous career

***** CHALLENGE COMPLETE 9/9 *****

message 41: by Barb (new)

Barb | 1670 comments reserved for overflow, just in case

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

Barb wrote: "I've been thinking about joining this since you first posted the challenge ... and I finally caved *sigh*..."

Yay!! Welcome Barb :)

message 43: by Kelsi (last edited Dec 26, 2017 03:03PM) (new)

Kelsi | 85 comments I may decrease my tasks later, but am going to try for them all!

Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Duration: January 1-December 31, 2017
Level 3: 5 tasks per month, Easy
Completed: 60/60


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
Shadow and Bone (1/10/17)
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
The Zookeeper's Wife (2/25/17)
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
Rosemary and Rue (1/9/17)
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
The 5th Wave (2/10/17)
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.
A Hunger Like No Other (Immortals After Dark #2) by Kresley Cole (11/26/17)


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
Bitten (Women of the Otherworld, #1) by Kelley Armstrong (1/2/17)
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
Storm and Silence (3/7/17)
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (1/31/17)
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
Blueburied Muffins (1/28/17)
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.
Winter (1/27/17)


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
The Poisonwood Bible Added Jan. 6, 2014, the day I joined Goodreads (1/8/17)
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (1/7/17)
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
Naked in Death (2/5/17)
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
Touch of Power (Healer, #1) by Maria V. Snyder (1/15/17)
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.
Fairest (2/16/17)


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
Illuminae (1/3/17)
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
His Majesty's Dragon (1/22/17)
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
The Shipping News by Annie Proulx (12/14/17)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
2nd Chance (7/30/17)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).
One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2) by Jeaniene Frost (2/3/17)


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
Bloody Mary (12/22/17)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
Marked (1/29/17)
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
Calamity (The Reckoners, #3) by Brandon Sanderson (2/24/17)
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
Rebecca (2/14/17)
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.
Eleanor & Park (2/22/17)


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (9/4/17)
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
The Lost Hero (1/28/17)
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
Redwall (3/24/17)
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
Angels' Blood (1/22/17)
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.
A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels, #1) by Sarah MacLean (2/16/17)


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things (3/2/17)
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
Uglies (2/24/17)
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
Kraken (2/9/17)
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5) by Patricia Briggs (5/22/17)
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.
Howl's Moving Castle (2/11/17)


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
Kelly's Koffee Shop (Cedar Bay Mystery #1) by Dianne Harman (2/9/17)
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
The Onesies, Fall (3/19/17)
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
Cursed (1/29/17)
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews (2/27/17)
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter (3/15/17)


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
Graceling by Kristin Cashore (3/30/17)
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
The White Queen (3/30/17)
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (2/14/17)
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson (12/21/17)
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (2/11/17)


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
Inferno (3/28/17)
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
Forbidden (3/12/17)
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
The Bourne Identity (Jason Bourne, #1) by Robert Ludlum (2/20/17)
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
Station Eleven (4/6/17)
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.
Soulless (2/17/17)


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
Menagerie by Rachel Vincent (2/28/17)
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
Pure (Pure, #1) by Julianna Baggott (2/5/17)
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
Sins & Needles (2/25/17)
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
The Anatomical Shape of a Heart (2/7/17)
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.
Dead to You (2/23/17)


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
Daughter of the Forest (4/18/17)
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
St. Nick by Alan Russell (12/15/17)
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
The Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl, #2) by Eoin Colfer (9/24/17)
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep (3/10/17)
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.
Glass Sword (2/22/17)

message 44: by Kme_17 (last edited May 13, 2017 03:01PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 181 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Duration: January 1-December 31, 2017
Level 3: 5 tasks per month, Easy
Completed: 0/60


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.-On the Jellicoe Road 5-13-2017
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Kelsi and Kme :)

message 46: by Shan ~A~ (new)

Shan ~A~ (thebookglutton) | 228 comments Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Level 2: 3-4 tasks per month
Option 1: Read books in any order. (Easy)
January 1, 2017- December 31, 2017
*No page minimum

Progress: 2/36+



1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.


3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last)
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
Heartless by Winter Renshaw
Finished: 01/03/17
How it works: MC and her sister are roommates and besties
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
At Peace by Kristen Ashley
Finished: 01/04/16
How it fits: MC's breakup a couple of times before getting it together
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Shan :)

message 48: by Mave (last edited Dec 06, 2017 01:48AM) (new)

Mave | 210 comments I'm in!
Crazy Celebrations Challenge
Duration: January 1-December 31, 2017
Level 3: 5 tasks per month, Easy
Completed: 4/60


1st - Polar Bear Plunge Day – Read a book set in a cold location.
1st – Z Day - Read a book with a title or author (first or last name) beginning with a Z.
16th - Appreciate a Dragon Day – Read a book involving mythical creatures.
19th - National Popcorn Day – Read a book that has been made into a film.
21st - National Hug Day – Read a book with an embracing couple on the cover.
Bad Boys After Dark Dylan (Bad Boys After Dark #2; Billionaires After Dark #6; Love in Bloom #48) by Melissa Foster by Melissa Foster, 01/04/17 ****

3rd - National Wear Red Day – Read a book with a red cover.
The Magician's Lie by Greer Macallister by Greer Macallister, 07/12/17 *****
5th - National Weatherman’s Day – Read a book with a weather word in the title.
Hurricane in Paradise by Deborah Brown, 03/15/17 ****
16th - Do a Grouch a Favour Day – Read a book with a grumpy/bad-tempered character.
20th - Love Your Pet Day – Read a book where the main character has a pet.
26th - Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Read a book of fairy tales or a fairy tale retelling.


2nd - Old Stuff Day - Read a book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
10th - Middle Name Pride Day – Read a book by an author who uses their middle name or initial.
12th - Alfred Hitchcock Day - Read a thriller or suspense.
13th - Jewel Day - Read a book with jewellery or gemstones on the cover.
20th – Proposal Day - Read a book where someone proposes.


2nd - International Children’s Book Day - Read a children's or Young Adult book.
3rd - World Party Day - Read a book where somebody throws a party.
8th - Name Yourself Day - Read a book by an author who shares your name. (First or last) Divergent by Veronica Roth (firtst name) 01/15/17 ****
11th - Be Kind to Lawyers Day - Read a book with a character who works in a legal profession. (lawyer, judge etc)
14th - Look Up At The Sky Day – Read a book with a sky object on the cover. (stars / moon/ clouds etc).


6th - Beverage Day - Read a book with a drink in the title (coffee, champagne, juice etc)
11th - Twilight Zone Day - Read a mysterious or spooky book.
16th - Wear Purple For Peace Day - Read a book with a purple cover.
20th - Be a Millionaire Day - Read a book with a wealthy main character.
25th - National Wine Day - Read a book with a character who drinks a lot.


3rd - Repeat Day - Re-read an old favourite.
8th - Best Friends Day - Read a book involving a group of friends.
12th - Red Rose Day - Read a book with a colour OR flower in the title.
19th - National Kissing Day - Read a romance.
23rd - National Pink Day - Read a book with a pink cover.


1st - International Joke Day – Read a funny book.
2nd - World UFO Day - Read a book with a title that starts with U F or O.
13th - Embrace Your Geekness - Read a book with a geeky / nerdy character.
14th - National Nude Day - Read a book with a partly naked person on the cover.
26th - Uncle & Aunt Day - Read a book where an uncle or aunt is important to the story.


4th - US Coast Guard Day - Read a book with a beach scene on the cover.
4th - Single Working Women’s Day – Read a chick-lit book.
6th - Sisters Day – Read a book involving sisters.
9th - Book Lovers Day – Read a book by your favourite author
31st – Eat Outside Day - Read a book where somebody has a picnic or barbecue.


1st - Emma M Nutt Day - Read a book by a female author.
10th - Swap Ideas Day - Read a book that was recommended to you.
15th - Make a Hat Day - Read a book with a hat on the cover.
17th - International Country Music Day – Read a book with a cowboy character.
19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Read a book involving pirates.


1st - Balloons Around The World Day – Read a book set in an exotic location.
5th - World Teachers Day - Read a book with a teacher / professor character
17th - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Read a book with a brightly coloured cover.
21st - Count Your Buttons Day - Read a book with a number in the title.
26th – Howl At The Moon Day And Night - Read a book involving werewolves.


1st - Authors Day - Read a book by a new to you author.
2nd - Look For Circles Day - Read a book with something circular/ round on cover.
17th - Take a Hike Day – Read a book where somebody goes hiking OR involving a break-up.
19th - Have A Bad Day Day - Read a book where somebody has a bad day.
24th - Buy Nothing Day - Read a book that you did not pay for.


8th - Pretend To Be a Time Traveller Day - Read a historical fiction book.
9th - Christmas Card Day - Read a book with a Christmas theme.
13th - Christmas Jumper Day - Read a book with somebody dressed for cold weather on the cover.
25th - No ‘L’ Day – Read a book that has no letter L in the title and author.
31st - Make Up Your Mind Day - Read a book where somebody has to make a choice.

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Good luck Mave :)

message 50: by Melissa (last edited Sep 08, 2019 08:34AM) (new)

Melissa (melissaboedigheimer) | 0 comments withdrawn

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