2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2017 > Agnieszka's 300 books

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message 1: by Agnieszka (last edited Nov 12, 2017 04:18AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments January:
1. - 3. Alpha Enchantement 1-3 - see The Duke's Possession (estimated 75)
4. Heat of the Moment (68)
5. A Murder in Mount Moriah see The Mount Moriah Mysteries Box Set: Lindsay Harding Books 1-3 (250 - actually 258 - correction see book 2 in October)
6. In Liebe und Tod=Born in Death (496)
7. Thick as Thieves (104)
8. Last Train to London (106)
9. Ring of Secrets (354)
10. Fairchild's Lady (63)
11. The Curse of Mabb's Farm (110)
12. Spicy Murder - book 1 of Spicy Murder (46)
13. Der Insektensammler=The Empty Chair (479)
14. The Body in the Lake (114)
15. Snowblind (112)
16. Tropical Heat (41)
17. The Wet Job (25)
18. Sanft kommt der Tod=Innocent in Death (528)
19. Eternity in Death book 1 of Time of Death (108)
20. Mörderische Sehnsucht=Creation in Death (480)
21. God: Out of Control, Out of the Box, Out of Time (179)
22. Ein sündiges Alibi=Strangers in Death (512)
23. In The Stars (253)
24. 16 Uhr 50 ab Paddington=4:50 from Paddington (256)
25. Double Shot (255)
26. Darm mit Charme: Alles über ein unterschätztes Organ=Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ (288)
27. Whispers from the Shadows (353)
Not completed yet:
Remember Me (van Hulzen), A Passion Most Pure, A Noble Groom, Covenant Child, Sherlock Holmes Collection (book 3), Last Night in Montreal, London Tides, Persecuted: I Will Not Be Silent, Never Say Never, Saving Grace (Green), The Prayer Box, The Silencer

28. Im Namen des Todes=Salvation in Death (512)
29. Ritual In Death see Time of Death (90)
30. On Trial (145)
31. A Hero's Promise (35)
32. Das Gesicht des Drachen=The Stone Monkey (480)
33. Closer Than You Think (694)
34. Tödliche Verehrung=Promises in Death (512)
35. Playing for Keeps (332)
36. Playing for Keeps' Honeymoon from Hell (100)
37. Big Rock (244)
38. Lethal Action (224)
39. Rocky Mountain Heat (232)
40. Der faule Henker=The Vanished Man (481)
41. Z notatnika stanu rzeczy (168) lit. translation: From the Notebook of Status Quo
42. What Wendy Wants (212)
43. Morgen ist leider auch noch ein Tag: Irgendwie hatte ich von meiner Depression mehr erwartet (251) lit. translation: Unfortunatelly Tomorrow Is Another Day: Somehow I Expected More From My Depression
44. Lady Susan (93)
45. Chili to Die for (154)
46. Three Odd Balls (255)
47. Alone In the Dark (726)
Not completed yet:
Circle of Spies, Unlocked, Kidnapped, The Storyteller of Inis Mór, First Kiss: Missing, Cabin by the Lake, Good Sam, The Rook

48. Kühlfach zu vermieten=Morgue Drawer For Rent (304)
49. Nichts zu verlieren=A is for Alibi (244)
50. Süßer Ruf des Todes=Kindred in Death (544)
51. Hot Mess (160)
52. Alles außer Mikado: Leben trotz Parkinson (192) lit. translation: Everything but Spillikins: My Life In Face of Parkinson's Disease
53. Missing In Death see Time of Death (108)
54. Meine Stacheln: Wie Sie Ihre Schwächen entschärfen (144) lit. translation: My Stings: How You Can Defuse Your Weaknesses
55. Einklang der Herzen=Irish Thoroughbred (129)
56. Nicholas' Geheimnis=The Right Path (185)
57. Hell on Wheels see Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 (353)
58. Eine für vier=The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (321)
59. Fantasy in Death (353)
60. Herzen in Gefahr=Irish Rose (186)
61. Mord zur Geisterstunde=Walking with Ghosts (328)
62. Tea with Emma see The Teacup Novellas - Collection (116)
63. The Cop and the Girl from the Coffee Shop (62)
64. First Night (53)
65. Her Sensual Awakening (37)
66. Seducing Red (44)
67. Zeta Giannelli (406)
68. Mord nach Drehbuch=Killing Jane Austen (338)
69. Die Umarmung (145) lit. translation: The Embrace
70. Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand=The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (432)
71. Das geheime Tagebuch der Lizzie Bennet=The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet (496)
72. Orangenmond (448) lit. translation: Orange(s) Moon
73. The Policewoman (465)
74. Yofi oder die Kunst des Verzeihens=A Rhinoceros Learns To Meditate - Kofi and The Art of Forgiveness (116)
75. Mörderische Hingabe=Indulgence in Death (512)
Not completed yet:
Let Them Eat Cake, The Painter's Daughter, The Icecutter's Daughter, The Measure of Katie Calloway, Get Bunny Love, Black Butterflies, Beguiled, Shades of Blue

76. Gute Geister=The Help (238) abridged audiobook
77. - 81. Buying the Virgin - Box Set One: Books 1-5 (90)
82. Ziemlich gute Gründe, am Leben zu bleiben=Reasons to Stay Alive (304)
83. Jeder ist normal, bis du ihn kennenlernst: Wie zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen gelingen=Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them (300)
84. Stations of the Cross - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (22)
85. Moby Dick czyli biały wieloryb=Moby Dick (640)
86. The One Who Sees Me (182)
87. Possession In Death (75)
88. One Night Stand (223)
89. Cuts Like a Knife (418)
90. Quipu (276) no idea how you call in English the old Mayan 'script' made of cords
91., 95., 98., 100., 105., 110., 113., 115., 116. see #116
92. Und dann gab's keines mehr=And Then There Were None (224)
93. Wege durch die Depression (174) lit. translation: Ways Through Depression
94. In Rides Trouble see Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 (316)
96. Schlank mit Darm: Mit der richtigen Darmflora zum Wunschgewicht (91) lit. Translation: Slim With Gut: (Reach the) Desired Weight With the (Help of the) Appropriate Intestinal Flora
97. Verrat aus Leidenschaft=Treachery in Death (528)
99. Verlorene Seelen=Sacred Sins (416)
101. Loving Vin (204)
102. Escorting the Billionaire (300)
103. Mit Jane Austen durch England (169) lit. translation: Travelling England With Jane Austen
104. Nähideen, die Ordnung schaffen (112) lit. translation: Sewing Ideas to Create Tidiness (?)
106. Entscheide gut - lebe besser!: Der heilsame Prozess, aus Fehlern zu lernen=Never Go Back: 10 Things You'll Never Do Again (240)
107. Perfection's Honeymoon from Hell (108)
108. Perfection (421)
109. Noe=Noah (248)
111. Kühlfach Betreten Verboten!=Morgue Drawer: Do Not Enter! (320)
112. Behold the Beauty: An Invitation to Bible Reading (124)
114. NYPD Red (498)
91., 95., 98., 100., 105., 110., 113., 115., 116. Genesis (60), Job (41), Exodus (50), Leviticus (36), Numbers (54), Deuteronomy (45), Joshua (30), Judges (30), Ruth (5), in Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic (=351)
117. Mission Under Fire (148)
Not completed yet:
The Emperor's Edge, Neanderthal Seeks Human, A Tale of Two Cities

118. Thrust (36)
119. - 122. Owned by the Billionaire Cowboy: The Complete Series see B is for Bad Boy (120)
123., 140., - 148., 150. - 159., 165. see #159
124. Das Teufelsspiel=The Twelfth Card (540)
125. Rev It Up book 3 of Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 (353)
126. Serving the Soldier 1 see B is for Bad Boy (54)
127. Der Report der Magd=The Handmaid's Tale (416)
128. Darcy's Ultimatum (264)
129. Steel Horses 1 (51)
130. Loving The Fire Chief (86)
131. Mine 'Til Monday (151)
132. Déjà Dead (528)
133. Every Dark Corner (624)
134. Der gehetzte Uhrmacher=The Cold Moon (513)
135. Liebe mit beschränkter Haftung (320) lit. translation: Love With Limited Liability
136. Pineapple Lies (308)
137. Driving Miss Daisy (56)
138. Knochenarbeit=Death du Jour (448)
139. Schnee auf dem Kilimandscharo=The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories (224)
149. Der Täuscher=The Broken Window (544)
123., 140. - 148., 150. - 159. 1 Samuel (39), Psalms (109), 2 Samuel (33), 1 Chronicles (36), Proverbs (38), Ecclesiastes (11), Song of Solomon (7), Jonah (3), 1 Kings (38), Micah (7), Hosea (12), Amos (10), Isaiah (82), 2 Kings (37), 2 Chronicles (42), Obadiah (2), Habakkuk (4), Nahum (3), Joel (5), Zephaniah (4) in Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic (522)
160. Don't Look Back (337)
161. Groomless 1 see B is for Bad Boy (78)
162. Turn On the Light So I Can Hear (273)
163. Mistaken 1 see B is for Bad Boy (75)
164. Trapped (400)
Not completed yet:
Georgiana Darcy's Diary, True Valor, Zero Alternative

message 2: by Agnieszka (last edited Nov 12, 2017 04:16AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments June:
165., 166., 172.-177., 179., 180., 183., 184., 189., 191., 193.-200., 203.-216., 219. see #219
167. A Houseful of Fairies (55)
168. Hollywood Assassin (379)
169. Full Disclosure (481)
170. Journey's Edge (246)
171. Kleidungskonzepte für jede Figur (176) lit. translation: Clothing Ideas for Each Body Form
178. The Princess (300)
181. Die Hütte - Ein Wochenende mit Gott=The Shack (304)
182. Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte=The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden (448)
185. Jak przezwyciężyć depresję: Przewodnik dla kobiet=A Women's Guide to Overcoming Depression (224)
186. The Obsession (464)
187. Louisiana Longshot book 1 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (281)
188. Buried (362)
190. Lethal Bayou Beauty book 2 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (276)
192. Ich bin nun mal dick (224) lit. translation: I'm Fat - That's Just How It Is.
201. Zipp - und zu!: 25 Erfindungen, die unser Leben wirklich veränderten (192) - lit. tranlsation: Zipp and Shut!: 25 Inventions That Really Changed Our Lives
202. Szkice z życia (344) lit. translation Drafts (or Sketches) Of Life
217. Bible Surveyor Handbook (70)
218. If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat (224)
165., 166., 172.-177., 179., 180., 183., 184., 189., 191., 193.-200., 203.-216., 219. Jeremiah (80), Lamentations (9), Ezekiel (64), Daniel (20), Haggai (2), Esther (9), Zechariah (12), Ezra (13), Nehemiah (19), Malachi (4), Matthew (40), Mark (26), Luke (43), John (31), Acts (42), Romans (17), 1 Timothy (4), Ephesians (6), 2 Timothy (3), Titus (2), Philemon (1), 1 Corinthians (16), 2 Corinthians (11), Galatians (6), Philippians (4), Colossians (4), 1 Thessalonians (4), 2 Thessalonians (2), Hebrews (13), James (4), 1 Peter (5), 2 Peter (4), 1 John (5), 2 John (1), 3 John (1), Jude (2), Revelation (21) in Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic (550)
Not completed yet:
My Sister's Secret; The Next Exit, A' Is For Actress, Deadly Magic (Grace Holliday Box), A Spy Came Home (Mac Ambrose Box), Bone Cold

220. Thrill Ride (352)
221. Lasst Knochen sprechen=Deadly Decisions (353)
222. Alles Licht, das wir nicht sehen=All the Light We Cannot See (528)
223. The Liar (570)
224. How to Knit an Infinity Scarf + 9 Fashionable Cowl Knitting Patterns (34)
225. Born Wild (385)
226. Durch Mark und Bein=Fatal Voyage (434)
227. Die Rose von Jericho: Die Geschichte eines Neuanfangs (175) lit. translation: The Rose of Jericho: The Story of a New Start
228. Ruheloses Herz=Irish Rebel (212)
229. & 230. Ja, aber... Vol. 1 & Ja, aber... Vol. 2 (192) lit. translation: Yes, but...
231. Promises to Keep book 3 of Military Romance Novels Boxed Set (286)
232. Evil Games – Wer ist ohne Schuld?=Evil Games (464)
233. See Me (506)
234. Turbo Twenty-Three (298)
235. Swamp Sniper book 3 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (300)
236. Good Girl Bad Girl (334)
237. The Keeneston Roses (293)
238. Knochenlese=Grave Secrets (384)
239. Girl on the Train - Du kennst sie nicht, aber sie kennt dich=The Girl on the Train (464)
240. Tief im Herzen=Sea Swept (417)
241. In Rache entflammt=New York to Dallas (544)
242. Chaos in Death (160)
243. Zdrada Bourne'a=The Bourne Betrayal (352)
Not completed yet:
Cold Hearted (Cold Justice #6), The Wreck (Marie Force), Keep the Ghost, Princess Ever After (Royal Weddings #2), Deployed, Grave Danger, The Perfect Cast, Sixty Acres and a Bride, Miłość w wielkim mieście

244. Von einer, die auszog, Gutes zu tun: Wie 365 gute Taten mein Leben veränderten (224) lit. translation: About One, Who Went To Do Good Deeds: How 365 Good Deeds Changed My Life
245. Die Firma=The Firm (560)
246. Topless Table, Bottomless Chairs (18)
247. Swamp Team 3 (270)
248. Out of Time (17)
249. We Named Her Faith: How We Became a Gospel-Centered Family (152)
250. Slaying Your Giants: How to Have Massive Faith (46)
251. Ab heute alles anders! (253) lit. translation: Beginning Today Everything (Becomes) Different!
252. Gator Bait (249)
253. October Baby=October Baby (320)
254. Playing Dead (107)
255. Ich könnte alles tun, wenn ich nur wüsste, was ich will=I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It (384)
256. Runaway Twins (125)
257. Lucky Latte (67)
258. Soldiers of Fortune (255)
259. Lingerie Wars (310)
260. Ich könnte alles tun, wenn ich nur wüsste, was ich will=I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It (384) - 're-read' (listen again to the entire audio
261. A Deadly Confession (112)
262. Blade in the Water (110)
263. Death on a Summer Night (119)
264. Gezeiten der Liebe=Rising Tides (433)
265. Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How to Say No (321)
266. Strike the Match book 2 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection (103)
267. Hilfe, die Propheten kommen! (70) lit. translation: Help, The Prophets Are Comming! - out of print and no more online
268. The Vigilante's Bride (305)
269. Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt: Seelische Kräfte entwickeln und fördern (42 estimated) - lit. translation: A Journey of 1,000 Miles Starts With The First Step: Develop and Maintain Inner Strength (or Power)
270. Jeder Tag ein Weg zum Glück (160) - lit. translation: Each Day A Way To Joy (or Happiness)
271. Das Leben, nach dem du dich sehnst: Geistliches Training für Menschen wie du und ich=The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People (240)
272. Angels Fall (460)
273. A Merciful Death (353)
274. Home to Walnut Ridge book 3 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection (167)
275. Das Geheimnis der Wellen=Whiskey Beach (609)
276. Lizzy and Jane (352)
277. Dziewczynka z zapałkami=The Little Match Girl (11)
278. Web of Deceit (260)
279. A Sheriff's Legacy book 1 of Western Brides of Tombstone: Books 1-3 (161)
Not completed yet:
A Lasting Impression, Deceptive Cadence, The Chairman, Tidewater Inn (The Hope Beach Collection #1)

280. At Legend's End book 4 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection (178)
281. Rumble on the Bayou (340)
282. Belonging (288)
283. Happily Ever After book 1 of Deep Haven Collection 1 (275)
284. Tödliche Flammen=Blue Smoke (592)
285. Hurricane Force (258)
286. The Sniper (10)
287. Once Upon a Prince (343)
288. Die Liebe, nach der du dich sehnst: Vom Kopf ins Herz - Gottes Liebe fühlen lernen=Love Beyond Reason: Moving God's Love from Your Head to Your Heart (240)
289. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (194)
290. Shadowed (128)
291. Prayers Were No Help (64)
292. Fall Out book 1 of Fall for a SEAL (93)
293. Leben mit Vision: Wozu um alles in der Welt lebe ich?=The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (336)
294. Fall Hard book 2 of Fall for a SEAL (88)
295. Fall Away book 3 of Fall for a SEAL (102)
296. Forever Entangled (287)
297. A Merciful Truth (322)
298. Gut gegen Nordwind=Love Virtually (224)
299. Alle sieben Wellen=Every Seventh Wave (222)
300. Betrayal (current cover: Betrayal) (306)
301. Reese's Cowboy Kiss: Witness Protection - Rancher Style: Blake's Story book 1 of Sweet Montana Brides Boxed Set: Complete Series (219)
302. Forever Hidden (275)
303. Forever Betrayed (330)
304. Hell for Leather (366)
305. Viel Lärm um nichts=Much Ado About Nothing (256) bilingual
306. Bluegrass State of Mind (291)
307. The Rookie (166)
308. 1984=1984 (392)
Not completed yet:
Jack of Spades, Jenna's Cowboy, Die Begnadigung, Three Year Rule, Out of the Frying Pan, Agent for a Cause, Operation Zulu, Mord ist auch eine Lösung

message 3: by Agnieszka (last edited Nov 12, 2018 11:34AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments October:
309. Girl in Snow (368)
310. Opposites Attract (289)
311. A Dead Red Cadillac book 1 of Dead Red Mysteries #1-3 & Romantic Sailing Mysteries #1-2 (291)
312. Fall Deep (161)
313. Color Me Grey book 1 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 (190)
314. Shades of Grey book 2 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 (193)
315. Reflections of Grey book 2 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 (173)
316. One Sexy Ride (216)
317. Paper Roses (384)
318. A Death in Duck book 2 of The Mount Moriah Mysteries Box Set (236 - für page challenges: 244 due to an error in page # for book 1)
319. The Beginning (10)
320. Darmoszczak (43) darmoszczak is used for someone who mooches his or her life out of others but it's not as nice as the English moocher - it's only a little more polite than calling someone a human parasite
321. The Burning Wire (488)
322. Veiled (69)
323. Alone (352)
324. Known (336)
235. The Academy (44)
326. Wrong Number, Right Guy (353)
327. It Was You book 1 of Falling For You (74)
328. Her Hometown Cowboy book 3 of Falling For You (82)
329. Wrong Place, Right Time (370)
330. If I Fall book 6 of Falling For You (84)
331. Home to You book 9 of Falling For You (86)
332. Janette Oke: Ein Herz für die Prärie=Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie: The Untold Story of One of the Most Beloved Novelists of Our Time (312)
333. A Twist of Faith (308)
334. All Fired Up (275)
335. X (416)
336. Merit Badge Murder (191)
337. The Allure of Julian Lefray (367)
338. Through My Eyes (68)
339. Love Auction book 1 of Love Curves (25 estimated)
340. Billionaire Desires book 2 of Love Curves (30 estimated)
341. Vanished (337)
342. Dunkle Gebete=Now You See Me (512)
343. A Textbook Case (64)
344. Full Throttle (380)
Not completed yet:
Mistafikcja Bourne'a (#7), The Profiler, Ruby (Snelling), Rückkehr nach River's End; Wrong Question, Right Answer; Night Passage, Virtual Strangers, Off the Edge

345. A Lesson in Murder (103)
346. The Secret of Combe Castle (109)
347. Innocent in Las Vegas (216)
348. Dial P For Poison (320)
349. To Hatch a Thief (156)
350. Forever Driven (308)
351. Dangerous Liaison (72)
352. Forever Secret (370)
353. Mutiny's Bounty see SEALed With A Kiss: Heroes With Heart (81)
354. Dear Mr. Knightley (336)
355. It Takes a SEAL see Seven Naughty Seals (73)
356. Noel (22)
357. The Key (8)
358. My Sister's Grave (416)
359. Silver Bells (70)
360. Sankcja Bourne'a=The Bourne Sanction (544)
361. Fall Fast (174)
362. Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis=The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (240)
363. The Allure of Dean Harper (282)
364. Sixty-Four Days (28 - Kindle edition)
365. When a Secret Kills (353)
366. One Night in the Ice Storm (71)
367. Understanding Suffering: A Short Book Making Sense of a Big Topic (89)
368. Tainted Angel see Seven Naughty Seals (26)
369. Forever Surprised (101)
370. Fall Back see Romancing the Alpha (121)
371. Wunder aller Wunder: Weihnachten mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer (60) lit. translation: Miracle of all Miracles: Christmas With Dietrich Bonhoeffer
372. Out of the Frying Pan (278)
373. Und dann gab's keines mehr=And Then There Were None (224)
374. An Apple For Christmas (59)
375. Hope...the Best of Things (32)
376. Bridged (306)
377. Gotcha! (354)
378. Rendezvous mit einem Mörder=Naked in Death (384)
379. A Fatal Fall (114)
380. Fall Dark see SEALs of Summer 2 (112)
381. God Is...: a 30 Day Devotional of Spiritual Metaphors and Sanctified Adverbs (128)
382. Das Geheimnis meines Mannes=The Husband's Secret (433)
383. Fall Dirty see Seven Naughty Seals (112)
384. Ewig Dein=Forever Yours (209)
385. Deadly Magic book 1 of A Grace Holliday Cozy Mystery Box Set (328)

386. Special Agent Francesca (243)
387. Nerv Nicht!: Über Den Umgang Mit Nervensägen, Rechthabern, Langweilern & Co. (176) lit. translations: Stop Bugging!: How to Handle Nags (or Pains in the Nack), Dogmatists, Slowpokes & Co
388. Der Weihnachtswunsch=The Christmas List (289)
389. A Bride's Journey (11)
390. The Pirate: Part I: The Traitor (70)
391. Adventures of a Mall Santa (25)
392. Ice Cream in Winter (37)
393. The Witch Tree see Fatal 5 (249)
394. The Gift of the Magi see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories (26)
395. Special Agent Finnegan (251)
396. The Heavenly Christmas Tree see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories (16)
397. How the In-Laws Wrecked Christmas (60)
398. Where Love is, There God is also (here Where Love Is, God Is) see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories (51)
399. A Christmas Carol (162)
400. The Story of the Other Wise Man see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories (92)
401. Mistyfikacja Bourne'a=The Bourne Deception (480)
402. Bind (242) (ch. 1-11 in Seven Naughty Seals than move on to the complete single book edition)
403. A Christmas Peril book 5 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection (144)
404. A Christmas Kiss (18)
405. The Happiness Project (368)
406. Hafen der Träume=Inner Harbor (400)
407. Dangerous Attraction Part One see Seven Naughty Seals (110)
408. The End of Games (224)
409. Dye No More book 2 of Spicy Murder (38)
410. The Bridal Quilt book 3 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection (167)
411. Tödliche Küsse=Glory in Death (383)
412. Eine Katze namens Christmas (172) lit. translation: A Cat Called Christmas
413. Escaping Christmas (164)
414. Das kleine Mädchen (19) lit. translation: The Little Girl
415. Amber Alert (259)
416. Taming the SEAL see Seven Naughty Seals (56)
417. Eine mörderische Hochzeit=Immortal in Death (417)
418. The Fruitcake (12)
419. A Patchwork Love book 2 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection (144)
420. Second Chance Ranch (286)
421. Four Christmases (33) - four short stories
422. The Cop Who Stole Christmas (207)
423. Salads To Go (20)
424. One Enchanted Christmas (160)
425. The Judge Who Stole Christmas (268)
426. Seams Like Love book 1 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection (122)
427. Hang Your Heart on Christmas (202)
428. An Informal Christmas see Love's Gift: 8 Christian Romances Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas (200)
429. Home for Christmas (152)
430. Die Nacht, in der die Himmelstür offen stand: ... und andere wahre Geschichten, die das Herz berühren (192) orig. title: The Best Of Guideposts Christmas
431. The Brands Who Came For Christmas (223)
432.-433. Gifts of Christmas: Lucy Ames, Sharpshooter (61), Christmas Visitors (42)

message 4: by Agnieszka (last edited Dec 13, 2017 04:20AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Book list for Challenges 1st Quarter:

Alpha Enchantement 1-3 - books 1-3 of The Duke's Possession by Eva Madden 2*, 2* & 1* 1/2/17 (75 estimated)
Heat of the Moment by Elle Kennedy 3* 1/2/17 (68)
A Murder in Mount Moriah book 1 of The Mount Moriah Mysteries Box Set: Lindsay Harding Books 1-3 by Mindy Quigley 4* 1/3/17 (250 - actually 258 - correction see book 2 in October)
In Liebe und Tod=Born in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 1/4/17 (496)
Thick as Thieves by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 1/5/17 (104)
Last Train to London by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 1/6/17 (106)
Ring of Secrets by Roseanna M. White 4* 1/7/17 (354)
Fairchild's Lady by Roseanna M. White 4* 1/8/17 (63)
The Curse of Mabb's Farm by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 1/8/17 (110)
Spicy Murder book 1 of Spicy Murder by S.Y. Robins 3* 1/9/17 (46)
Der Insektensammler=The Empty Chair by Jeffery Deaver 5* 1/11/17 (479)
The Body in the Lake by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 1/12/17 (114)
Snowblind by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 1/12/17 (112)
Tropical Heat by Russell Hamilton 3* 1/13/17 (41)
The Wet Job by Russell Hamilton 3* 1/13/17 (25)
Sanft kommt der Tod=Innocent in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 1/13/17 (528)
Eternity in Death book 1 of Time of Death by J.D. Robb 3* 1/15/17 (108)
Mörderische Sehnsucht=Creation in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 1/18/17 (480)
God: Out of Control, Out of the Box, Out of Time by Don Nori Sr. 3*? 1/19/17 (179)
Ein sündiges Alibi=Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 1/20/17 (512)
In The Stars by Zanna Mackenzie 4* 1/22/17 (253)
16 Uhr 50 ab Paddington=4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie 4* 1/24/17 (256)
Double Shot by Cindy Blackburn 4* 1/22/17 (255)
Darm mit Charme: Alles über ein unterschätztes Organ=Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ by Giulia Enders 5* 1/28/17 (288)
Whispers from the Shadows by Roseanna M. White 5* 1/29/17 (353)

Im Namen des Todes=Salvation in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 2/2/17 (512)
Ritual In Death book 2 of Time of Death by J.D. Robb 3* 2/3/17 (90)
On Trial by Zanna Mackenzie 4* 2/3/17 (145)
A Hero's Promise by Roseanna M. White 4* 2/3/17 (35)
Das Gesicht des Drachen=The Stone Monkey by Jeffery Deaver 4* 2/5/17 (480)
Closer Than You Think by Karen Rose 4* 2/10/17 (694)
Tödliche Verehrung=Promises in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 2/13/17 (512)
Playing for Keeps by R.L. Mathewson 4* 2/14/17 (332)
Playing for Keeps' Honeymoon from Hell by R.L. Mathewson 3* 2/14/17 (100)
Big Rock by Lauren Blakely 4* 2/14/17 (244)
Lethal Action by Rachel Dylan 3* 2/17/17 (224)
Rocky Mountain Heat by Vivian Arend 5* 2/17/17 (232)
Der faule Henker=The Vanished Man by Jeffery Deaver 5* 2/18/17 (481)
Z notatnika stanu rzeczy by Andrzej Szczypiorski 5* 2/19/17 (168) lit. translation: From the Notebook of Status Quo
What Wendy Wants by Nikki Sex 5* 2/19/17 (212)
Morgen is leider auch noch ein Tag: irgendwie hatte ich von meiner Depression mehr erwartet by Tobi Katze 5* 2/20/17 (251) lit. translation: Unfortunatelly Tomorrow Is Another Day: Somehow I Expected More From My Depression
Lady Susan by Jane Austen 4* 2/23/17 (93)
Chili to Die for by Lilly York 3* 2/24/17 (154)
Three Odd Balls by Cindy Blackburn 4* 2/26/17 (255)
Alone In the Dark by Karen Rose 5* 2/28/17 (726)

Kühlfach zu vermieten=Morgue Drawer For Rent by Jutta Profijt 3* 3/1/17 (304)
Nichts zu verlieren=A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton2* 3/2/17 (244)
Süßer Ruf des Todes=Kindred in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 3/3/17 (544)
Hot Mess by Lynn Raye Harris 5* 3/3/17 (160)
Alles außer Mikado: Leben trotz Parkinson by Jürgen Mette 5* 3/4/17 (192) lit. translation: Everything but Spillikins: My Life In Face of Parkinson's Disease
Missing In Death book 3 of Time of Death by J.D. Robb 3* 3/5/17 (108)
Meine Stacheln: Wie Sie Ihre Schwächen entschärfen by Jörg Berger 4* 3/6/17 (144) lit. translation: My Stings: How You Can Defuse Your Weaknesses
Einklang der Herzen=Irish Thoroughbred by Nora Roberts 5* 3/6/17 (129)
Nicholas' Geheimnis=The Right Path by Nora Roberts 3* 3/8/17 (185)
Hell on Wheels book 1 of Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 by Julie Ann Walker 4* 3/9/17 (353)
Eine für vier=The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares 4* 3/11/17 (321)
Fantasy in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 3/14/17 (353)
Herzen in Gefahr=Irish Rose by Nora Roberts 4* 3/15/17 (186)
Mord zur Geisterstunde=Walking with Ghosts by J.G. Goodhind 3* 3/16/17 (328)
Tea with Emma book 1 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection by Diane Moody 4* 3/16/17 (101)
The Cop and the Girl from the Coffee Shop by Terry Towers 5* 3/19/17 (62)
First Night by Lauren Blakely 5* 3/19/17 (53)
Her Sensual Awakening by McKenna Chase 4* 3/19/17 (37)
Seducing Red by McKenna Chase 4* 3/19/17 (44)
Zeta Giannelli by Kathleen Davies 2* 3/19/17 (406)
Mord nach Drehbuch=Killing Jane Austen by J.G. Goodhind 3* 3/20/17 (338)
Die Umarmung by Martin Gülich 1* 3/20/17 (145) lit. translation: The Embrace
Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand=The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson 4* 3/20/17 (432)
Das geheime Tagebuch der Lizzie Bennet=The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su & Kate Rorick 4* 3/22/17 (496)
Orangenmond by Stefanie Gerstenberger 4* 3/29/17 (448) lit. translation: Orange Moon or Moon of Oranges
The Policewoman by Justin W.M. Roberts 3* 3/30/17 (465)
Yofi oder die Kunst des Verzeihens=A Rhinoceros Learns To Meditate - Kofi and The Art of Forgiveness by Oliver Bantle 4* 3/31/17 (116)
Mörderische Hingabe=Indulgence in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 3/31/17 (512)

message 5: by Agnieszka (last edited Nov 14, 2017 04:12PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Book list for Challenges 2nd Quarter:

Gute Geister=The Help by Kathryn Stockett 2* 4/1/17 (238)
Buying the Virgin - Box Set One: Books 1-5 by Simone Leigh 4/2/17 (90) ratings: The Virgin - Auctioned 5* The Virgin - Sold 4* The Virgin No More 4* The Virgin - Unleashed 2* The Virgin - Fulfilled 4*
Ziemlich gute Gründe, am Leben zu bleiben=Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig 5* 4/2/17 (304)
Jeder ist normal, bis du ihn kennenlernst: Wie zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen gelingen=Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them by John Ortberg 5* 4/3/17 (300)
Stations of the Cross - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem by Mimi L. Thompson 3* 4/4/17 (22)
Moby Dick czyli biały wieloryb=Moby Dick by Herman Melville 2* 4/4/17 (640)
The One Who Sees Me by Kandi J. Wyatt 5* 4/5/17 (182)
Possession In Death by J.D. Robb 4* 4/6/17 (70)
One Night Stand by J.S. Cooper & Helen Cooper 4* 4/7/17 (223)
Cuts Like a Knife by M.K. Gilroy 4* 4/8/17 (418)
Quipu by Agustín Sánchez Vidal 3* 4/8/17 (276) - quipu is the old Maya 'script' using strings of cord
Und dann gab's keines mehr=And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 5* 4/9/17 (224)
Wege durch die Depression by Anselm Grün 3*? 4/10/17 (174) lit. translation: Ways Through Depression
In Rides Trouble book 2 of Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 by Julie Ann Walker 4* 4/10/17 (316)
Schlank mit Darm: Mit der richtigen Darmflora zum Wunschgewicht by Michaela Axt-Gadermann 3* 4/12/17 (91) lit. Translation: Slim With Gut: (Reach the) Desired Weight With the (Help of the) Appropriate Intestinal Flora
Verrat aus Leidenschaft=Treachery in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 4/15/17 (528)
Verlorene Seelen=Sacred Sins by Nora Roberts 4* 4/18/17 (416)
Loving Vin by Sloane Kennedy 3* 4/19/17 (204)
Escorting the Billionaire by Leigh James 4* 4/20/17 (300)
Mit Jane Austen durch England by Elsemarie Maletzke 3* 4/21/17 (169) lit. translation: Travelling England With Jane Austen
Nähideen, die Ordnung schaffen by Sabine Haag 5* 4/22/17 (112) lit. translation: Sewing Ideas to Create Tidiness
Entscheide gut - lebe besser!: Der heilsame Prozess, aus Fehlern zu lernen=Never Go Back: 10 Things You'll Never Do Again by Henry Cloud 4* 4/24/17 (240)
Perfection's Honeymoon from Hell by R.L. Mathewson 3* 4/24/17 (108)
Perfection by R.L. Mathewson 4* 4/24/17 (421)
Noe=Noah by Ellen Gunderson Traylor 4* 4/26/17 (248)
Kühlfach Betreten Verboten!=Morgue Drawer: Do Not Enter! by Jutta Profijt 4* 4/27/17 (320)
Behold the Beauty: An Invitation to Bible Reading by Monica Sharman 5* 4/28/17 (124)
NYPD Red by James Patterson 5* 4/29/17 (498)
Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic by Anonymous: Genesis 4/9/17 (60), Job 4/11/17 (41), Exodus 4/15/17 (50), Leviticus 4/18/17 (36), Numbers 4/23/17 (54), Deuteronomy 4/27/17 (45), Joshua 4/28/17 (30), Judges 4/29/17 (30), Ruth 4/29/17 (5), in (=351)
Mission Under Fire by Rex Byers 4* 4/30/17 (148)

Thrust by Lucia Jordan 3* 5/1/17 (36)
Owned by the Billionaire Cowboy: The Complete Short Reads Series by Bella Wild see B is for Bad Boy 4* 5/1/17 (120)
Das Teufelsspiel=The Twelfth Card by Jeffery Deaver 5* 5/3/17 (540)
Rev It Up book 3 of Black Knights Inc. Boxed Set: Volumes 1-3 by Julie Ann Walker 4* 5/4/17 (353)
Serving the Soldier - Part 1 by Helen Grey see B is for Bad Boy 4* 5/5/17 (54)
Der Report der Magd=The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood 5* 5/6/17 (416)
Darcy's Ultimatum: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Jennifer Joy 4* 5/6/17 (264)
Steel Horses: Act 1 by Chelsea Chaynes 3* 5/6/17 (51)
Loving The Fire Chief by Michelle Grotewohl 5* 5/6/17 (86)
Mine 'Til Monday by Ruby Laska 3* 5/10/17 (151)
Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs 4* 5/10/17 (528)
Every Dark Corner by Karen Rose 4* 5/15/17 (616)
Der gehetzte Uhrmacher=The Cold Moon by Jeffery Deaver 4* 5/17/17 (513)
Liebe mit beschränkter Haftung by Jana Voosen 2* 5/18/17 (320) lit. translation: Love With Limited Liability
Pineapple Lies by Amy Vansant 3* 5/19/17 (308)
Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry 5* 5/19/17 (56)
Knochenarbeit=Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs 4* 5/21/17 (448)
Schnee auf dem Kilimandscharo=The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories by Ernest Hemingway 4* - 5/22/17 (224)
Der Täuscher=The Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver 5* 5/27/17 (544)
Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic by Anonymous: 1 Samuel 5/2/17 (39), Psalms 5/23/17 (109), 2 Samuel 5/23/17 (33), 1 Chronicles 5/25/17 (36), Proverbs 5/25/17 (38), Ecclesiastes 5/25/17 (11), Song of Solomon 5* - 5/26/17 (7), Jonah 5/26/17 (3), 1 Kings 5/27/17 (38), Micah 5/27/17 (7), Hosea 5/28/17 (12), Amos 5/28/17 (10), Isaiah 5/29/17 (82), 2 Kings 5/29/17 (37), 2 Chronicles 5/29/17 (42), Obadiah 5/29/17 (2), Habakkuk 5/29/17 (4), Nahum 5/29/17 (3), Joel 5/29/17 (5), Zephaniah 5/29/17 (4) (=522) (one book rated beacause of the exceptional great translation)
Don't Look Back by Lynette Eason 4* 5/29/17 (337)
Groomless 1 by Sierra Rose see B is for Bad Boy 3* 5/30/17 (78)
Turn On the Light So I Can Hear by Teri Kanefield 6* 5/30/17 (273)
Mistaken 1 by Renna Peak see B is for Bad Boy 4* 5/30/17 (75)
Trapped by Irene Hannon 4* 5/31/17 (400)

A Houseful of Fairies by John Osborne 3* 6/2/17 (55)
Hollywood Assassin by M.Z. Kelly 3* 6/4/17 (379)
Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson 4* 6/6/17 (481)
Journey's Edge by Dora Hiers 4* 6/9/17 (246)
Kleidungskonzepte für jede Figur by Teresa Gilewska 3* 6/11/17 (176) lit. translation: Clothing Ideas for Each Body Form
The Princess by Lori Wick 5* 6/14/17 (300)
Die Hütte - Ein Wochenende mit Gott=The Shack by William Paul Young 5* 6/15/17 (304)
Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte=The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson 4* 6/18/17 (448)
Jak przezwyciężyć depresję: Przewodnik dla kobiet=A Women's Guide to Overcoming Depression by Archibald D. Hart & Catherine Hart Weber 3* 6/19/17 (224)
The Obsession by Nora Roberts 4* 6/21/17 (464)
Louisiana Longshot book 1 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 6/23/17 (281)
Buried by Kendra Elliot 5* 6/23/17 (362)
Lethal Bayou Beauty book 2 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 6/25/17 (276)
Ich bin nun mal dick by Rainer Hunold 3*6/26/17 (224) lit. translation: I'm Fat - That's Just How It Is.
Zipp - und zu!: 25 Erfindungen, die unser Leben wirklich veränderten by Franz Metzger 5* 6/27/17 (192) lit. tranlsation: Zipp and Shut!: 25 Inventions That Really Changed Our Lives
Szkice z życia by Monika Pasek 4* 6/28/17 (344) lit. translation Drafts (or Sketches) Of Life
Bible Surveyor Handbook by Christy Bower 3* 6/29/17 (70)
If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg 6* 6/30/17 (224)
Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV-Classic by Anonymous: Jeremiah 6/1/17 (80), Lamentations 6/1/17 (9), Ezekiel 6/12/17 (64), Daniel 6/13/17 (20), Haggai 6/13/17 (2), Esther 6/13/17 (9), Zechariah 6/13/17 (12), Ezra 6/13/17 (13), Nehemiah 6/14/17 (19), Malachi 6/14/17 (4), Matthew 6/18/17 (40), Mark 6/18/17 (26), Luke 6/24/17 (43), John 6/26/17 (31), Acts 6/26/17 (42), Romans 6/26/17 (17), 1 Timothy 6/27/17 (4), Ephesians 6/27/17 (6), 2 Timothy 6/27/17 (3), Titus 6/27/17 (2), Philemon 6/27/17 (1), 1 Corinthians 6/27/17 (16), 2 Corinthians 6/28/17 (11), Galatians 6/28/17 (6), Philippians 6/28/17 (4), Colossians 6/28/17 (4), 1 Thessalonians 6/28/17 (4), 2 Thessalonians 6/28/17 (2), Hebrews 6/29/17 (13), James 6/29/17 (4), 1 Peter 6/29/17 (5), 2 Peter 6/29/17 (4), 1 John 6/29/17 (5), 2 John 6/29/17 (1), 3 John 6/29/17 (1), Jude 6/29/17 (2), Revelation 6/30/17 (21) (=550)

message 6: by Agnieszka (last edited Nov 14, 2017 05:02PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Book list for Challenges 3rd Quarter:

Thrill Ride by Julie Ann Walker 5* 7/2/17 (352)
Lasst Knochen sprechen=Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs 4* 7/3/17 (353)
Alles Licht, das wir nicht sehen=All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr 5* 7/4/17 (528)
The Liar by Nora Roberts 4* 7/5/17 (570)
How to Knit an Infinity Scarf + 9 Fashionable Cowl Knitting Patterns by Prime Publishing 2* 7/8/17 (34)
Born Wild by Julie Ann Walker 4* 7/9/17 (385)
Durch Mark und Bein=Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs 3* 7/11/17 (343)
Die Rose von Jericho: Die Geschichte eines Neuanfangs by Sergio Bambaren 1* 7/14/17 (175) lit. translation: The Rose of Jericho: The Story of a New Beginning
Ruheloses Herz=Irish Rebel by Nora Roberts 4* 7/15/17 (212)
Ja, aber... Vol. 1 3,5* & Ja, aber... Vol. 2 2,5* by Lelia Kühne de Haan 3* 7/15/17 (192) lit. translation: Yes, but...
Promises to Keep book 3 of Military Romance Novels Boxed Set by Nikki Sex & Zachary J. Kitchen 5* 7/16/17 (286)
Evil Games – Wer ist ohne Schuld?=Evil Games by Angela Marsons 5* 7/16/17 (464)
See Me by Nicholas Sparks 4* 7/17/17 (506)
Turbo Twenty-Three by Janet Evanovich 3* 7/18/17 (298)
Swamp Sniper book 3 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 7/24/17 (300)
Good Girl Bad Girl by Ann Girdharry 4* 7/25/17 (334)
The Keeneston Roses by Kathleen Brooks 5* 7/25/17 (293)
Knochenlese=Grave Secrets by Kathy Reichs 4* 7/26/17 (384)
Girl on the Train - Du kennst sie nicht, aber sie kennt dich=The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins 4* 7/27/17 (464)
Tief im Herzen=Sea Swept by Nora Roberts 4* 7/8/17 (417)
In Rache entflammt=New York to Dallas by J.D. Robb 4* 7/31/17 (544)
Chaos in Death by J.D. Robb 2* 7/31/17 (160)
Zdrada Bourne'a=The Bourne Betrayal by Eric Van Lustbader 4* 7/31/17 (352)

Von einer, die auszog, Gutes zu tun: Wie 365 gute Taten mein Leben veränderten by Theresa Voigt 2* 8/3/17 (224) lit. translation: About One, Who Went To Do Good Deeds: How 365 Good Deeds Changed My Life
Die Firma=The Firm by John Grisham 4* 8/5/17 (560)
Topless Table, Bottomless Chairs by Marissa Elizabeth Stone 4* 8/5/17 (18)
Swamp Team 3 by Jana Deleon 5* 8/7/17 (270)
Out of Time by C.J. Darlington 3* 8/8/17 (17)
We Named Her Faith: How We Became a Gospel-Centered Family by Tim Orr 3* 8/8/17(152)
Slaying Your Giants: How to Have Massive Faith by Adam Houge 5* 8/9/17 (46)
Ab heute alles anders! by Joachim Franz 2* 8/10/17 (253) lit. translation: Beginning Today Everything (Becomes) Different!
Gator Bait by Jana Deleon 5* 8/11/17 (249)
October Baby=October Baby by Eric Wilson & Theresa Preston 5* 8/11/17 (320)
Playing Dead by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 8/12/17 (107)
Ich könnte alles tun, wenn ich nur wüsste, was ich will=I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It by Barbara Sher & Barbara Smith 4* 8/12/17 (384)
Soldiers of Fortune by Jana Deleon 5* 8/13/17 (255)
Runaway Twins by Pete Palamountain 5* 8/12/17 (125)
Lucky Latte by Courtney Hunt 4* 8/13/17 (67)
Lingerie Wars by Janet Elizabeth Henderson 5* 8/15/17 (310)
Ich könnte alles tun, wenn ich nur wüsste, was ich will=I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It by Barbara Sher & Barbara Smith 4* 8/15/17 (384)
A Deadly Confession by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 8/17/17 (112)
Blade in the Water by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 8/18/17 (110)
Death on a Summer Night by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 8/19/17 (119)
Gezeiten der Liebe=Rising Tides by Nora Roberts 5* 8/20/17 (433)
Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How to Say No by Henry Cloud & John Townsend 5* 8/21/17 (321)
Strike the Match book 2 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection by Diane Moody 3* 8/22/17 (118) for page challenges (103)
Hilfe, die Propheten kommen! by Stefan Driess 3* 8/22/17 (70) out of print and no more online - lit. translation: Help, The Prophets Are Comming!
The Vigilante's Bride by Yvonne Harris 5* 8/23/17 (305)
Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt: Seelische Kräfte entwickeln und fördern by Luise Reddemann 4* 8/23/17 (42 estimated) lit. translation: A Journey of 1,000 Miles Starts With The First Step: Develop and Maintain Inner Strength (or Power)
Jeder Tag ein Weg zum Glück by Anselm Grün 3* 8/24/17 (160) lit. translation: Each Day A Way To Joy (or Happiness)
Das Leben, nach dem du dich sehnst: Geistliches Training für Menschen wie du und ich=The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People by John Ortberg 5* 8/24/17 (240)
Angels Fall by Nora Roberts 5* 8/25/17 (460)
A Merciful Death by Kendra Elliot 5* 8/27/17 (353)
Home to Walnut Ridge book 3 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection by Diane Moody 4* 8/27/17 (167)
Das Geheimnis der Wellen=Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts 3* 8/28/17 (609)
Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay 4* 8/30/17 (352)
Dziewczynka z zapałkami=The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen 4* 8/30/17 (11)
Web of Deceit by Susan Sleeman 5* 8/30/17 (260)
A Sheriff's Legacy book 1 of Western Brides of Tombstone: Books 1-3 by Samantha Bayarr 4*? 8/31/17 (161)

At Legend's End book 4 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection by Diane Moody 3* 9/1/17 (178)
Rumble on the Bayou by Jana Deleon 5* 9/4/17 (340)
Belonging by Robin Lee Hatcher 4* 9/5/17 (288)
Happily Ever After book 1 of Deep Haven Collection 1 by Susan May Warren 4* 9/6/17 (275)
Tödliche Flammen=Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts 5* 9/11/17 (592)
Hurricane Force by Jana Deleon 5* 9/13/17 (258)
The Sniper by Roger Weston 5* 9/13/17 (10)
Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck 5* 9/15/17 (343)
Die Liebe, nach der du dich sehnst: Vom Kopf ins Herz - Gottes Liebe fühlen lernen=Love Beyond Reason: Moving God's Love from Your Head to Your Heart by John Ortberg 5* 9/16/17 (240)
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan 5* 9/16/17 (194)
Shadowed by Dani Pettrey 4* 9/17/17 (128)
Prayers Were No Help by Paul Lawrence 2* 9/17/17 (64)
Fall Out book 1 of Fall for a SEAL by Zoe York 4* 9/18/17 (93)
Leben mit Vision: Wozu um alles in der Welt lebe ich?=The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren 4* 9/18/17 (336)
Fall Hard book 2 of Fall for a SEAL by Zoe York 5* 9/18/17 (88)
Fall Away book 3 of Fall for a SEAL by Zoe York 4* 9/19/17 (102)
Forever Entangled by Kathleen Brooks 5* 9/21/17 (287)
A Merciful Truth by Kendra Elliot 5* 9/21/17 (322)
Gut gegen Nordwind=Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer 6* 9/21/17 (224)
Alle sieben Wellen=Every Seventh Wave by Daniel Glattauer 5* 9/22/17 (222)
Betrayal (current cover: Betrayal) by Tim Tigner 5* 9/22/17 (306)
Reese's Cowboy Kiss book 1 of Sweet Montana Bride: Complete Series by Kimberly Krey 4* 9/23/17 (219)
Forever Hidden by Kathleen Brooks 5* 9/25/17 (275)
Forever Betrayed by Kathleen Brooks 5* 9/26/17 (330)
Hell for Leather by Julie Ann Walker 4* 9/27/17 (366)
Viel Lärm um nichts=Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare 2* 9/28/17 (256) bilingual
Bluegrass State of Mind by Kathleen Brooks 5* 9/30/17 (291)
The Rookie by Kara Stalnaker 2* 9/30/17 (166)
1984=1984 by George Orwell 1* 9/30/17 (392)

message 7: by Agnieszka (last edited Dec 15, 2017 04:12PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Book list for Challenges 4th Quarter:

Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka 3* 10/1/17 (368)
Opposites Attract by Merry Farmer 3* 10/1/17 (289)
A Dead Red Cadillac book 1 of Dead Red Mysteries #1-3 & Romantic Sailing Mysteries #1-2 by R.P. Dahlke 3* 10/3/17 (291)
Fall Deep by Zoe York 4* 10/3/17 (161)
Color Me Grey book 1 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 by J.C. Phelps 5* 10/5/17 (190)
Shades of Grey book 2 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 by J.C. Phelps 5* 10/6/17 (193)
Reflections of Grey book 3 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books 1-3 by J.C. Phelps 5* 10/6/17 (173)
One Sexy Ride by Vivian Arend 5* 10/7/17 (216)
Paper Roses by Amanda Cabot 3* 10/8/17 (384)
A Death in Duck book 2 of The Mount Moriah Mysteries Box Set by Mindy Quigley 4* 10/9/17 (236 - für page challenges: 244 due to an error in page # for book 1)
The Beginning by Kirsten Osbourne 4* 10/9/17 (10)
Darmoszczak by Piotr Ka 1* 10/9/17 (43) darmoszczak is used for someone who mooches his or her life out of others but it's not as nice as the English moocher - it's only a little more polite than calling someone a human parasite
The Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver 5* 10/11/17 (488)
Veiled by Kendra Elliot 5* 10/12/17 (69)
Alone by Kendra Elliot 5* 10/14/17 (352)
Known by Kendra Elliot 5* 10/16/17 (336)
The Academy by Robert Dugoni 5* 10/16/17 (44)
Wrong Number, Right Guy by Elle Casey 5* 10/18/17 (353)
It Was You book 1 of Falling For You by Tara Taylor Quinn 3* 10/18/17 (74)
Her Hometown Cowboy book 3 of Falling For You by Claire McEwen 4* 10/19/17 (82)
Wrong Place, Right Time by Elle Casey 5* 10/20/17 (370)
If I Fall book 6 of Falling For You by Kris Fletcher 5* 10/20/17 (84)
Home to You book 9 of Falling For You by Dana Nussio 2* 10/20/17 (86)
Janette Oke: Ein Herz für die Prärie=Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie: The Untold Story of One of the Most Beloved Novelists of Our Time by Laurel Oke Logan 3* 10/20/17 (312)
A Twist of Faith by Pepper D. Basham 3* 10/21/17 (308)
All Fired Up by Vivian Arend & Elle Kennedy 5* 10/23/17 (275)
X by Sue Grafton 4* 10/25/17 (416)
Merit Badge Murder by Leslie Langtry 3* 10/25/17 (191)
The Allure of Julian Lefray by R.S. Grey 5* 10/26/17 (367)
Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges 10/27/17 (68) no rating due to the discrepancy between the great content but very poor technical side of the Kindle
Love Auction book 1 of Love Curves by Hot Novels Publishing 3* 10/27/17 (25 estimated)
Billionaire Desires book 2 of Love Curves by Hot Novels Publishing 1* 10/27/17 (30 estimated)
Vanished by Kendra Elliot 5* 10/29/17 (337)
Dunkle Gebete=Now You See Me by Sharon Bolton 6* 10/30/17 (512)
A Textbook Case by Jeffery Deaver 4* 10/30/17 (64)
Full Throttle by Julie Ann Walker 3* 10/31/17 (380)

A Lesson in Murder by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 11/1/17 (103)
The Secret of Combe Castle by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 11/2/17 (109)
Innocent in Las Vegas by A.R. Winters 3* 11/2/17 (216)
Dial P For Poison by Zara Keane 4* 11/3/17 (320)
To Hatch a Thief by Zara Keane 4* 11/3/17 (156)
Forever Driven by Kathleen Brooks 4* 11/4/17 (308)
Dangerous Liaison by Delilah Devlin 3* 11/6/17 (72)
Forever Secret by Kathleen Brooks 5* 11/7/17 (370)
Mutiny's Bounty by Delilah Devlin see SEALed With A Kiss: Heroes With Heart 4* 11/7/17 (81)
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay 5* 11/8/17 (336)
It Takes a SEAL by Delilah Devlin see Seven Naughty Seals 2* 11/8/17 (73)
Noel by Jordan Taylor 5* 11/8/17 (22)
The Key by Christy Miller 5* 11/8/17 (8)
My Sister's Grave by Robert Dugoni 6* 11/10/17 (416)
Silver Bells by Debby Mayne 5* 11/10/17 (70)
Sankcja Bourne'a=The Bourne Sanction by Eric Van Lustbader 3* 11/11/17 (544)
Fall Fast by Zoe York 4* 11/11/17 (174)
Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis=The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 3* 11/12/17 (240)
The Allure of Dean Harper by R.S. Grey 5* 11/12/17 (282)
Sixty-Four Days by Malcolm Torres 3* 11/13/17 (28 - Kindle edition)
When a Secret Kills by Lynette Eason 5* 11/14/17 (353)
One Night in the Ice Storm by Noelle Adams 5* 11/14/17 (71)
Understanding Suffering: A Short Book Making Sense of a Big Topic by Kent Locke 5* 11/16/17 (89)
Tainted Angel by Sadie Haller see Seven Naughty Seals 3* 11/16/17 (26)
Forever Surprised by Kathleen Brooks 4* 11/17/17 (101)
Fall Back by Zoe York see Romancing the Alpha 4* 11/19/17 (121)
Wunder aller Wunder: Weihnachten mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 3* 11/19/17 (60) lit. translation: Miracle of all Miracles: Christmas With Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Out of the Frying Pan by Michelle Griep & Kelly Klepfer 3* 11/20/17 (278)
Und dann gab's keines mehr=And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 6* 11/20/17 (224)
An Apple For Christmas by Darlene Franklin 3* 11/21/17 (59)
Hope...the Best of Things by Joni Eareckson Tada 6* 11/21/17 (32)
Bridged by Kendra Elliot 5* 11/22/17 (306)
Gotcha! by Christie Craig 4* 11/22/17 (354)
Rendezvous mit einem Mörder=Naked in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 11/23/17 (384)
A Fatal Fall by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 4* 11/23/17 (114)
Fall Dark by Zoe York see SEALs of Summer 2 4* 24/11/17 (112)
God Is...: a 30 Day Devotional of Spiritual Metaphors and Sanctified Adverbs by Robin Zaruba 3* 11/26/17 (128)
Das Geheimnis meines Mannes=The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty 5* 11/26/17 (433)
Fall Dirty by Zoe York see Seven Naughty Seals 3* 11/27/17 (112)
Ewig Dein=Forever Yours by Daniel Glattauer 6* 11/28/17 (209)
Deadly Magic book 1 of A Grace Holliday Cozy Mystery Box Set by Elisabeth Crabtree 4* 11/29/17 (328)

message 8: by Agnieszka (last edited Mar 03, 2018 04:35AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments December:

Special Agent Francesca by Mimi Barbour 5* 12/1/17 (243)
Nerv Nicht!: Über Den Umgang Mit Nervensägen, Rechthabern, Langweilern & Co. by Gitte Härter 5* 12/1/17 (176) lit. translations: Stop Bugging!: How to Handle Nags (or Pains in the Nack), Dogmatists, Slowpokes & Co
Der Weihnachtswunsch=The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans 4* 12/2/17 (289)
A Bride's Journey by E.E. Burke 3* 12/2/17 (11)
The Pirate: Part I: The Traitor by Malcolm Torres 3* 12/2/17 (70)
Adventures of a Mall Santa by Nick Nichols 5* 12/4/17 (25)
Ice Cream in Winter by Jordan Taylor 3* 12/5/17 (37)
The Witch Tree by Karin Kaufman see Fatal 5 5* 12/5/17 (249)
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories 5* 12/5/17 (26)
Special Agent Finnegan by Mimi Barbour 5* 12/6/17 (251)
The Heavenly Christmas Tree by Fyodor Dostoevsky see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories 3* 12/6/17 (16)
How the In-Laws Wrecked Christmas by Fiona Gibson 4* 12/6/17 (60)
Where Love is, There God is also (here Where Love Is, God Is) by Leo Tolstoy see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories 6* 12/7/17 (51)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 4* 12/7/17 (162)
The Story of the Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke see The Gift of the Magi and Other Christmas Stories 3* 12/8/17 (92)
Mistyfikacja Bourne'a=The Bourne Deception by Eric Van Lustbader 2* 12/9/17 (480)
Bind by Olivia Devon 4* 12/9/17 (242) (ch. 1-11 in Seven Naughty Seals than moved on to the complete single book edition)
A Christmas Peril book 5 of The Teacup Novellas - The Collection by Diane Moody 5* 12/10/17 (144)
A Christmas Kiss by T.K. Richardson 5* 12/10/17 (18)
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin 4* 12/10/17 (368)
Hafen der Träume=Inner Harbor by Nora Roberts 3* 12/11/17 (400)
Dangerous Attraction Part One by Sidney Bristol see Seven Naughty Seals 4* 12/11/17 (110)
The End of Games by Tara Brown 4* 12/12/17 (224)
Dye No More book 2 of Spicy Murder by S.Y. Robins 2* 12/12/17 (38)
The Bridal Quilt by Nancy Moser book 3 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection 3* 12/13/17 (167)
Tödliche Küsse=Glory in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 12/13/17 (383) re-read
Eine Katze namens Christmas by Lilly Labord 4* 12/14/17 (172) lit. translation: A Cat Called Christmas
Escaping Christmas by Alice B. Ryder 4* 12/15/17 (164)
Das kleine Mädchen by Jenna Rick 4* 12/16/17 (19) lit. translation: The Little Girl
Amber Alert by Linda K. Rodante 4* 12/17/17 (259)
Taming the SEAL by Yvonne Michaels see Seven Naughty Seals 4* 12/17/17 (56)
Eine mörderische Hochzeit=Immortal in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 12/18/17 (417) re-read
The Fruitcake by Caren Rich 5* 12/18/17 (12)
A Patchwork Love by Stephanie Grace Whitson book 2 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection 4* 12/18/17 (144)
Second Chance Ranch by Liz Isaacson 4* 12/18/17 (286)
Four Christmases by Loretta Livingstone 4* 12/19/17 (33) - four short stories
The Cop Who Stole Christmas by Christie Craig 4* 12/20/17 (207)
Salads To Go by Arnel Ricafranca 2* 12/20/17 (20)
One Enchanted Christmas by Melissa Tagg 2* 12/21/17 (160)
The Judge Who Stole Christmas by Randy Singer 4* 12/22/17 (268)
Seams Like Love by Judith McCoy Miller book 1 of A Patchwork Christmas Collection 3* 12/24/17 (122)
Hang Your Heart on Christmas by Heather Blanton 4* 12/26/17 (202)
An Informal Christmas by Heather Gray see Love's Gift: 8 Christian Romances Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas 5* 12/28/17 (200)
Home for Christmas by Emme Rollins 4* 12/28/17 (152)
Die Nacht, in der die Himmelstür offen stand: ... und andere wahre Geschichten, die das Herz berühren by Patricia A. Pingry (editor) 3* 12/30/17 (192) orig. title: The Best Of Guideposts Christmas; lit. translation: The Night When Heaven's Gate Was Open: ... And Other True Stories That Touch The Heart
The Brands Who Came For Christmas by Maggie Shayne 2* 12/30/17 (223)
Lucy Ames, Sharpshooter book 2 of Gifts of Christmas by Darlene Franklin 5* 12/31/17 (61)
Christmas Visitors book 3 of Gifts of Christmas by Darlene Franklin 1* 12/31/17 (42)

message 9: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments 2016:

1. Don't Tell (405)
2. A Thief in Venice (137)
3. Curve Contract (114)
4. Steal Your Heart (119)
5. Forsaken (439)
6. Taken Rough by the Billionaire Cowboy (38)
7. Polly and Her Neighbor (37)
8. The Protector (336)
9. The Unsung Hero (416)
10. When I'm With Jesus: For Any Child with a Loved One in Heaven (20)
11. When God Whispers Your Name (25)
12. An Irish Heart (170)
13. The Lake House Secret (364)
14. Gesund und heil durch das Abendmahl=Health and Wholeness Through the Holy Communion (86)
15. When Night Falls (38)
16. Double Cross (403)
17. The Snow Globe (24)
18. Nachtgeflüster 1. Der gefährliche Verehrer=Night Shift (144)
19. Dirty Little Secrets (252)
20.-22. Big Girls And Bad Boys: The Curves Collection see Big Girls And Bad Boys: The Curves Collection (Big Girls And Bad Boys #1-3) ***Special Edition*** (122)
23. Arouse (392)
24. Charming a Spy (170)
25. Step Into My Parlor (192)
26. Single, Volume 1 (153)
27. Texas Heat (46)
28. Adrenaline (47)
29. Filled by the Billionaire Alpha Cowboy (35)

30. The Seal Seduction (39 pages + 2 samples / GR page count: 100 pgs / submited for challenges: 39 pgs)
31. Determined (165)
32. Determined: To Love (170)
33. Determined: To Win: Volume III of The Determined Trilogy (193)
34. Trau keinem Playboy (The Law is a Lady) (159)
35. Mord ist ihre Leidenschaft=Vengeance in Death (324 449)
36. Liebesnacht mit einem Mörder=Holiday in Death (307 417)
37. No Turning Back (440)
38. Impregnated by the Seal (new book title: Pregnant by the Seal) (33 pgs + short-story / 85 pgs GR - 33 pgs read and submitted)
39. Top Secret Twenty-One (346)
40. A Cold Dark Place see Dangerous Connections: 6 Romantic Suspense Series Starters + Bonus HEA Chapters! (375)
41. Have You Seen Her? (300)
42. Death by Chocolate (127)
44. Stone Cold Heart (85)
45. The St. Valentine's Day Cookie Massacre (177)
46. A Bride for Pastor Dan (43)
47. Kissing Frogs (232)
48. The Rose of Winslow Street (355)
49. The Bad Boy Agreement (238)
50. The Husband List (309)
51. Freefall (465)

52. One Night with You (64)
53. Der Mitternachtsmord=Midnight in Death) see Mörderspiele=Three in Death (105 139)
54. You & Me - Zwei Leben mit dir German only (336)
55. Young Annabelle (227)
56. Gentleman of Her Dreams (81)
57. Reykjavik Sanction: A Jake Adams Short Story (64)
58. Lighten Up (332)
59. Doing Germany (198)
60. Taking Kelsey (28)
61.-64. Military Romance: Large and in Charge (books 1-4) (139)
65.-67. ROMANCE: 101 Book Mega Bundle - Read These 101 Hot Amazing Stories In 1 Box Set Including BBW, BILLIONAIRE, MM and HISTORICAL Stories (books 1,2,4) (60 estimated)
68. Der Tod ist mein=Conspiracy in Death (359)
69. Blane's Turn (321 480)
70. Des Todes liebste Beute=I'm Watching You (608)
71. Mord Im Orientexpress=Murder on the Orient Express (260)
72. Desert Love (30)
73. The Search (456)
74. Nacht im Central Park German only (385)
75. Ruth (Bible) (5 estimated)
76. A Cure for a Headache (5)
77. A Wild Ride (22)
78. A Gentleman and a Cowboy (37)
79-80. One Night with a Navy Seal & One Wild Ride (Bonus novella) (142)
81. The Cowboy's Runaway Bride (84)
82. Winter (375)
83. Bad Company (312)
84. Playing With Fire (265)

85. The Warrior Spy: A Thriller (340)
86. The Heir Agreement (35)
87. The Sheikh Seduces (33)
88. BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Billionaire Connection with the Baby: A BBW First Time Romance (31)
89. Guarding Suzannah (230)
90. Wounded Faith (32)
91. The Eyes Have It (274)
92. Death on a Deadline (301)
93. Slow Roasted Hope (66)
94. Kopciuszek (6)
95. Lingering Shadows (163)
96. Against the Dark see Dangerous Connections: 6 Romantic Suspense Series Starters + Bonus HEA Chapters! (305 estimated)
97. Tricky Twenty-Two (202 304)
98. Ausgeliefert=Die Trying (427)
99. Sweet Charity: A Short Story (25)
100. 1000 Przysłów polskich (104)
101. Ein feuriger Verehrer=Loyalty in Death (350 561)
102. Playing With Poison (251)
103. The Grace of a Duke see The Daughters of the Aristocracy: Boxed Set (352)
104. Falling for Her Fiance (211)
105. The Healer (340)
106. Knight & Play (226)
107. Changing His Game (368)
108. The Sheriff & The Outlaw (169)
109. Wednesday's Child (253)

110. Spiel mit dem Mörder=Witness in Death (609)
111. Marine for Hire (169)
112. Operation Zulu Redemption: Overkill - The Beginning (73)
113. Her Secret Agent (50)
114. The Chase (320)
115. Buried Secrets (440)
116. Fiancée for Hire (238)
117. After the Dance (7)
118. Thursday's Child (289)
119. Sündige Rache=Judgement in Death (577)
120. Dangerously Hot see Heroes In Uniform: Soldiers, SEALs, Spies, Rangers and Cops: Sexy Hot Contemporary Alpha Heroes from NY Times and USA Today bestselling authors (82)
121. The Job (320)
122. Emily (63)
123. Symphonie des Todes=Betrayal in Death (529)
124. Das verbrannte Gewissen German only (176)
125. Mörderspiele=Interlude in Death see Mörderspiele=Three in Death (141)
126. When the Smoke Clears (353)
127. Necessary Force (100)
128. Dripping Wet see Military Romance: Large and in Charge (37 estimated)
129. Dirty Secrets: Alpha Billionaire Romance (59)
130. Der Graf von Monte Christo=The Count of Monte Cristo (1,504)
131.-135. The Wedding Rescue, Complete Series (328)
136. Nothing To Fear (612)
137. Dirty Secrets (198)
138. Best Man for Hire (228)
139. Above the Bridge (240)
140. Staying Sane with Chronic pain (69)
141. Hidden (388)
142. Nie wirst du entkommen=You Can't Hide) (656)
143. Das Lächeln des Killers=Seduction in Death (545)

144. Miss Merriweather's Marriage (40)
145. Lusting To Be Caught (23)
146. Work: For Exposure... (20)
147. Ein dunkles Geschenk=The Collector (608 unabridged edition)
148. Whiskey Rebellion (266)
149. Sense and Sensibility (346)
150. Unplanned (287)
151. Mine to Take (174)
152. Riptide (270)
153. Under A Desert Sky (396)
154. Pride and Prejudice (362)
155. Protector for Hire (250)
156. Tangled Bond (281)
157. Hidden Genders (24)
158. Dinner für eine Leiche: Honey Driver ermittelt=A Taste to Die for (312)
159. Lockruf der Gefahr=Black Hills (624)
160. Wierna rzeka=The Faithful River (152)
161.-162. Possessed by the Duke books 1 & 2 (60 estimated)
163. Vier Frauen und ein Hochzeitskleid=The Wedding Dress (351)

message 10: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments July:
164. The Scam (304)
165. Julie's Huge Birthday Surprise (44)
166. Due North (123)
167. Broken Vows A Novella (83)
168. Firebird (27 - children's book)
169.-170. ROMANCE: MILITARY: Seized by My Soldier (Army Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) books 1 & 3 (50 estimated)
171. Illuminati=Angels & Demons (706)
172. Anastasia And The Doctor's Orders (30)
173. Einladung zum Mord=Reunion in Death (545)
174. Cold Pursuit (350)
175. Reckless Heat (96)
176. Hot Pursuit (387)
177. Die falsche Tochter=Birthright (545)
178. The Key to the Middle East: Discovering the Future of Israel in Biblical Prophecy (208)
179. Spying in High Heels (354)
180. The Illegal Gardener (290)
181. Angel Heart (177)
182. As Soon as I Fell: A Memoir (246)
183. Sunshine Hunter (216)
184. Die Touristin=The Informationist (448)

185. Maxwell's Smile (74)
186. Cold Light of Day (340)
187. Protect Her: Navy SEAL (29)
188. Surf's Up! (49)
189. How To Survive In Russia: From The Bear's Mouth (44)
190. A Two-Way Street: a drabble (3)
191. Abenteuer Bibelauslegung - Eine Expedition für Fortgeschrittene (German only, lit. translation: Adventure Bible Interpretation) (14)
192. Der alte Mann und das Meer=The Old Man and the Sea (128)
193. Larry and Kate: A romantic comedy (15)
194. Die Bücherdiebin=The Book Thief (593)
195. Her Final Breath (426)
196. Tödliche Unschuld=Purity in Death (481)
197. Red Moon Rising: Rediscover the Power of Prayer (402)
198. Tank (250)
199. The Common Core Guide to Housekeeping (16)
200. An Actor's Life - A Short Story (24)
201. 2 Kurzgeschichten zum Nachdenken: Ein unerreichbarer Held / Der Ratschlag des Kindes (German only - lit. translation: 2 short stories to think about: A Hero out of Reach (best translation - word play) / The Advice from a Child) (13)
202. Peace, Be Still (14)
203. Murder on Thames (121)
204. Mystery at the Manor (109)
205. Murder, Mayhem and Mama (390)
206. A Change of Fortune (320)
207. Orphan X (358)
208. River's Edge see The Cape Refuge Collection: Cape Refuge, Southern Storm, River's Edge, Breaker's Reef (360)
209. Dangerous Waters (327)
210. Undeniably Yours (385)
211. AVIATRIX: First Woman Pilot for Hughes Airwest (248)

212. Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank=The Diary of a Young Girl (320)
213. Whiskey Sour (245)
214. The Apothecary's Daughter (419)
215. Voices of Angels (247)
216. The French Collection (DNF - 45 pages read)
217. Breaker's Reef last book of The Cape Refuge Collection: Cape Refuge, Southern Storm, River's Edge, Breaker's Reef (316 - estimated)
218. Dziedzictwo Bourne'a=The Bourne Legacy (400)
219. 1st to Die (444)
220. Mirror Ball (176)
221. Between Then and Now (71)
222. Hate F*@k: The Complete Story (383)
223. Heiss glüht mein Hass=Count to Ten (640)
224. If the Shoe Fits (244)
225. Männer sind Frauensache: Was Frauen über Männer wissen sollten=For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men (160)
226. Pirate of My Heart (323)
227. Breaking Me (70)
228. True Devotion (331)
229. Chilled (349)
230. Zwei wie Hund und Katz: Roman=A Most Peculiar Circumstance (343)

231. Running Home (279)
232. Die For Me (708)
233. Bloody Mary (268)
234. Cold Fear (428)
235. The Sleeping Doll (582)
236. The Rescuer (360)
237. Pogonip (16)
238. Works of Darkness book 1 of Double the Suspense: Matt Foley/Sara Bradford Series Box Set (259)
239. When a Heart Stops (338)
240. Aunt Bessie Assumes (225)
241. The Apple of My Eye (246)
242. Kann es wirklich Liebe sein?=Short-Straw Bride (288)
243. Northanger Abbey=Northanger Abbey (288)
244. Todesbräute=Scream for Me (656)
245. The Deceived (372)
246. - 248. The Escort: The Complete Series (315)
249. Todesspiele=Kill For Me (640)
250. Cost of Life: A Thriller (296)
251. Im Bruchteil der Sekunde=Split Second (512)
252. Edge of the Heat book 1 of Edge of the Heat, the Complete Series (208 estimated)
253. The Pursuit of God (122)
254. Defender (340)

255. The Sea Glass Sisters (86)
256. Caught in the Barn (34)
257. Ride: Pleasure Your Cowboy (29)
258. Cowboy Wild: Rough & Ready (30)
259. Der Hauch des Bösen=Portrait in Death (577)
260. The Quinoa Master Cookbook: Delicious Everyday Quinoa Recipes For A Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss (60)
261. 52 Steps To Murder (314)
262. I Can See You (514)
263. Cold in the Shadows (305)
264. Justice or Injustice? What Really Happens In A Jury Room (152)
265. Love on the Line (371)
266. Small Wars (44)
267. Das Herz des Mörders=Imitation in Death (576)
268. Ein gefährliches Geschenk=Remember When (513)
269. Die Abschussliste=The Enemy (481)
270. Der geheimnisvolle Fremde=Night Shadow (169)
271. Allwissend=Roadside Crosses (544)
272. Im Kühlfach nebenan=Morgue Drawer Next Door (288)
273. Dark Waters (318)
274. Feuer=Silent Scream (624)
275. You Belong to Me (504)
276. No One Left to Tell (648)
277. The Pursuit (320)
278. The End of Me (280)
279. Did You Miss Me? (648)

280. Broken Silence (67)
281. The Right Wrong Number (30)
282. Married for Christmas (241)
283. Mistletoe and Holly - book 1 of Once Upon A Christmas (187)
284. Murder by Moonlight (107)
285. Christmas Honeymoon - book 2 of Once Upon A Christmas (153)
286. A Baby for Christmas - book 3 of Once Upon A Christmas (172)
287. Watch Your Back (712)
288. Im Tod vereint=Divided in Death (577)
289. Don't Mean a Thing (200)
290. The Dead of Winter (146)
291. The Gift (76)
292. Tanz mit dem Tod=Visions in Death (495)
293. A Cowboy for Christmas book 1 of Home for Christmas (69)
294. In den Armen der Nacht=Survivor In Death (561)
295. Stich ins Herz=Origin in Death (512)
296. 500+ Jokes, Tongue-Twisters, & Fun Facts For Kids! (104)
297. Stirb, Schätzchen, stirb=Memory in Death (512)
298. The Christmas Mail Order Bride (148)
299. Arresting Holli (106)
300. XO (512)
301. Geisterstunde=Haunted in Death - book 3 of Mörderspiele=Three in Death (137)
302. Der Knochenjäger=The Bone Collector (576)
303. Letzter Tanz=The Coffin Dancer (448)
304. A Family for Christmas (235)
305. Pieces on Earth (166)
306. A Carolina Christmas book 1 of A Biltmore Christmas (86)
307. Fireplay: Jack Emery 0.5 (39)
308. Silver and Gold (30)

message 11: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Congratulations Agnieszka, you did it! Very impressive!

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