Retro Reads discussion

The Harp in the South
This topic is about The Harp in the South
Buddy reads > The Harp in the South -Spoiler thread.

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Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
Open spoilers fine & welcome! :)

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
Roie being assaulted by the Dutch sailors was so raw - very hard to read!

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
Oh Hughie!

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
I've finished & I still feel emotional about this book! Real flawed people you care about.

It is written in an episodic format (another GR reviewer said HitS was originally serialised in The Sydney Morning Herald. Once that is pointed out to you you can see that but it doesn't detract from the book at all.

Probably my best read of the year - definitely my best by a NZ author. Just a crime that she is nearly unknown here now.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
Cphe wrote: "I'm up to the third and final in the series, and it really does pull at the heart strings.

I won't say what happens to a beloved character but it's very sad"

Just let me know if you would like another thread for Poorman's Orange, Cphe

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
Cphe wrote: "I think it will be okay Carol, Finished the trilogy yesterday and Poor Man's Orange is very much tied into the Harp in the South."

OK. I'm going to be on the hunt for the other 2 parts of the trilogy.

I've just finished Pink Flannel & very much enjoyed it.

I found this about Park & her books. Full of spoilers for several of Park's books so read with caution!

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 2331 comments Mod
& a copy of The Sydney We Love has turned up at work. I'm going to have a quick read before handing on to my hairdresser.

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