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Archives - Quarterly/Semi-Annual > Things You Did Not Know About Guinness

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message 1: by JoAnne (last edited Aug 24, 2018 05:54AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Six months from your start date


Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks


Historic Strain of Yeast

Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

Info from:


Challenge Rules
*Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
*Each book may only be used for one task or letter
*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go.

*When you have finished, please re-post your whole challenge as a new message and MARK AS FINISHED or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for by the deadline, please re-post your challenge anyway as you may still be eligible for a lower level badge.)

Please use the TLC STANDARD RULES when participating in this challenge.
If you are not familiar with these rules, please click on the link and read them over.

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited Jul 10, 2020 09:49AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod



Barbara ★























message 3: by Claire (last edited Nov 25, 2018 09:51AM) (new)

Claire  | 285 comments Levels:
Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks

✔️☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
The Fiery Cross (Outlander, #5) by Diana Gabaldon The Fiery Cross Diana Gabaldon 1443 p. 19 november 2018 4 stars

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
UnEnchanted UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) by Chanda Hahn Chanda Hahn 235 p. 17 october 2018 3 stars
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Owls Well That Ends Well Owls Well That Ends Well by Donna Andrews Donna Andrews 326 p. ( editin Owls Well That Ends Well (Meg Langslow, #6) by Donna Andrews ) 14 october 2018 3 stars
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
The Gathering The Gathering by Anne Enright Anne Enright 261 p. 5 september 2018 4 stars
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Bed Rest by Sarah Bilston Bed Rest Sarah Bilston 248 p. 4 september 2018 2 stars

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Pygmalion Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw 194 p. 29 july 2018 4 stars

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Greenmantle Greenmantle by John Buchan John Buchan 352 p. 25 august 2018 4 stars

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
Thunder God Thunder God (Joe Hawke #2) by Rob Jones Rob Jones 282 p. 16 september 2018 2 stars
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Voyager Voyager (Outlander, #3) by Diana Gabaldon Diana Gabaldon 1059 p. 13 october 2018 4 stars
Jamie has red hair

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.

The Ice People 1 - Spellbound The Ice People 1 - Spellbound (The Legend of the Ice People, #1) by Margit Sandemo Margit Sandemo 260 p. 31 october 2018 3 stars
The Ice people
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Frankenstein in Baghdad Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi Ahmed Saadawi 288 p. 18 november 4 stars

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
Zeven dagen zonder Zeven dagen zonder by Monika Peetz Monika Peetz 280 p. 21 november 2018 3 stars
Looking for a picture of the father she doesn’t know
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
De reünie De reünie by Simone van der Vlugt Simone van der Vlugt 335 p. 25 september 2018 2 stars

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Quarantaine Quarantaine by Erik Betten Erik Betten 352 p. 26 september 2018 2 stars
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 4: by Emeli (last edited Sep 08, 2018 09:01AM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 326 comments My spot

Level Two: 12+ tasks

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Parting Glass by Dani Wyatt
Parting Glass
Finished 30/7
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
Undercover Lover by Max Hudson
Finished 8/9
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Dirty Savior by Eva Leon
Published 25/7 2018
Finished 28/7
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE
The Sister of Seven Ravens Stories, Tales, and Legends Retold 2  by Sophie Martin
The Sister of Seven Ravens Stories, Tales, and Legends: Retold 2
Finished 29/8

message 5: by Jess (last edited Aug 03, 2018 05:47AM) (new)

Jess Penhallow | 258 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Six months from starting date

Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks


Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal. - The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware - 02/08/18 - Lo gets a free meal as par of her assignment reporting on a cruise liner
Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 6: by JoAnne (last edited Aug 23, 2018 05:55AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: July 25, 2018-?
Level Two: 12+ tasks


☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book. (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Black Echo Michael Connelly 7/26/18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first name begins with an A.
Kiss Me, Kill Me Allison Brennan 8/2/18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
410 pages The Harder You Fall Gena Showalter 8/3/18

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
PS... You're Mine Alexa Riley 8/7/18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Without a Trace Colleen Coble 8/6/18

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
The Night Is Alive Heather Graham 7/30/18

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
One Night of Trouble Elle Kennedy 8/4/18 p 156 He chugged some more beer.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover.
Born in Blood (The Sentinels, #1) by Alexandra Ivy Born in Blood Alexandra Ivy 8/10/18

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover.
Blessed Are the Meek (Gabriella Giovanni Mystery #2) by Kristi Belcamino Blessed Are the Meek Kristi Belcamino 8/12/18

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Racked and Stacked Lorelei James 8/11/18

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
When We Found Home Susan Mallery 8/11/18

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
The Hotter You Burn Gena Showalter 7/28/18

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
All In: Betting on a Full House Lane Hart 7/28/18 Loc 2941 ... I couldn't afford rent and food every month.

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
Mulberry Moon Catherine Anderson 8/5/18

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Judgment in Death J.D. Robb 7/31/18 (In Death #11)

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
Gambling With Love #1 All In: Double or Nothing Lane Hart 7/27/18

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Settling Up Eryn Scott 8/13/18

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
Swedish for Beginners Susanne O'Leary 7/29/18

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
Information on suspects A Gathering of Secrets Linda Castillo 8/19/18

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
No Turning Back Tiffany Snow 8/4/18

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
Lucky Charmed Sharla Lovelace 8/9/18

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Perfect Couple Elin Hilderbrand 8/2/18

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
The Opposite of Everyone Joshilyn Jackson 8/23/18

message 7: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Claire, Emelie and Gabi!

@Gabi, 6 months will take you into January, if you need it!

message 8: by Elle (last edited Nov 26, 2018 05:43PM) (new)

Elle (elleay) | 1753 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: July 25, 2018-Jan 25, 2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks
Completed: 18/12+

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Do You Want to Start a Scandal | Tessa Dare - 10.4.18

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Murder at the Vicarage (Miss Marple #1) | Agatha Christie - 8.10.18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Magic Rises | Ilona Andrews - 9.25.18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
The Witches | Roald Dahl - 7.25.18 (208 pages)

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang - 8.6.18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
An Enchantment of Ravens | Margaret Rogerson - 8.27.18

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover.
The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson The Family Under the Bridge | Natalie Savage Carlson - 8.26.18

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Sadie | Courtney Summers - 10.6.18
"Noah knocks his fist against the table in affirmation, and then takes a swig of his beer." p. 84

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover.
At Home A Short History of Private Life by Bill Bryson At Home: A Short History of Private Life | Bill Bryson - 9.13.18

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Apprentice | Rachel E. Carter - 9.3.18

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
The Duchess Deal | Tessa Dare - 8.3.18 (Set in Regency Period 1811-1820)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
It Ends with Us | Colleen Hoover - 9.5.18

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Three Mages and a Margarita | Annette Marie - 10.26.19
""Rent for the month was paid ..." loc. 2092

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
Girl Meets Duke #2 | The Governess Game | Tessa Dare - 10.20.18

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover.
Spinning Silver | Naomi Novik - 8.13.18

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records.
Powers, Vol. 1: Who Killed Retro Girl? | Brian Michael Bendis - 10.15.18
Known aquaintances of Retro Girl who may have wanted to kill her

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Strength | Jane Washington - 7.31.18 (Pub. August 2018)

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE.
One of Us | Craig DiLouie - 10.14.18

message 9: by Ferenc (last edited Nov 09, 2018 09:47AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 7/25/2018 - 1/25/2019

Goal: 22/12+
Current level: Level Two: 12+ tasks

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Roger Ascham and the King's Lost Girl by Matthew Reilly - 8/4/2018

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Rough Edge by C.D. Reiss - 8/3/2018
The Edge Series #1

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Portuguese Irregular Verbs by Alexander McCall Smith - 9/4/2018

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Cutting Edge by C.D. Reiss - 8/3/2018
2 numbers from 1702: 152 pages.

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman - 8/11/2018

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Her Brooding Italian Boss by Susan Meier - 9/26/2018
Set in the Italian countryside

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman - 9/20/2018

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
The Cabinet of Curiosities: 36 Tales Brief by Stefan Bachmann - 10/16/2018
“What’s that?” whispered Quinn, even though she could guess. “The Winthrop tomb,” said Emily. (Kindle Locations 1605-1606)

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman - 8/4/2018
A drink? Well, since you’re buying, and it’s a hot day, sure. Why not. Just a little one. Maybe a beer. And a whiskey chaser. (Kindle Locations 3316-3318)

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
On the Edge (The Edge, #2) by C.D. Reiss - On the Edge by C.D. Reiss – 8/6/2018

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
The Tournament by Matthew Reilly - 8/5/2018
...a ghastly shock of curly strawberry-red hair that I hated.(Kindle Locations 256-257)

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin - 8/13/2018
Set in 1857.

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena – 9/16/2018
Marco: I needed to hire more designers to keep up with demand, (Kindle Location 1387)

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
Death: The Deluxe Edition by Neil Gaiman - 9/16/2018
Death (as Didi): Free breakfast. Uh-huh. You really never pay for anything. (p.127)

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Bedbugs by Ben H. Winters - 10/25/2018
Alex: I have to write the rent check... (Kindle Location 1405)

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith - 9/5/2018
No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - 19 books

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith - 8/24/2018
Set in Botswana.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi – 11/9/2018
I force myself to swim through the waterfall until my back rests against the cliff’s edge. (Kindle Location 5051)

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - 8/2/2018
“You all know what it’s for—Helen can’t leave those children to work while Tom’s in jail. If everybody gives one more dime, we’ll have it—” Kindle Locations 2091-2092

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters - 8/26/2018
MC Henry Palace searches police records: I’m feeling restless and dissatisfied, staring at J. T. Toussaint’s clean record... (Kindle Locations 1408-1409)

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Broken Edge by C.D. Reiss - 9/9/2018
Published July 10th 2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Signal to Noise by Neil Gaiman – 8/2/2018

message 10: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Elle and Ferenc!!

message 11: by Connie N. (last edited Oct 26, 2019 08:50AM) (new)

Connie N. | 3709 comments OK, I'm in. I'm not a fan of Guinness, but hubby is, so I'm doing this in his honor. I'll go for Level 2 and see how many I can get done.

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Timeframe: 7/25/18 to 1/24/19

1. Historical genre - Odin's Shadow by Erin S. Riley - 9/11/18 ♥♥♥♥
Odin's Shadow (Sons of Odin #1) by Erin S. Riley

2. “Original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books) - Chocolat by Joanne Harris - 7/26/18 ♥♥♥♥ (#1 Chocolat)
Chocolat (Chocolat, #1) by Joanne Harris

3. Author whose first or last name begins with A - Author Kristen Ashley - Rock Chick Reckoning - 8/28/18 ♥♥♥♥♥
Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, #6) by Kristen Ashley

4. Musical instrument on cover - Guitar - Rock Chick Regret by Kristen Ashley - 2/24/19 ♥♥♥♥♥
Rock Chick Regret (Rock Chick, #7) by Kristen Ashley

5. Set in Ireland - Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning - 10/22/19 ♥♥♥♥
Shadowfever (Fever, #5) by Karen Marie Moning

6. With 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count - 275 pgs - Hawke by Sawyer Bennett - 7/28/18 ♥♥♥
Hawke (Cold Fury Hockey, #5) by Sawyer Bennett

7. Glass (not cup) on the cover - Black Tie Optional by Ann Marie Walker - 9/29/19 ♥♥♥♥
Black Tie Optional (Wild Wedding, #1) by Ann Marie Walker

8. Title begins with P - Playing with Fire by Kate Meader - 7/27/18 ♥♥♥♥
Playing with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #2) by Kate Meader

9. Set in the country - Love without a Compass by Lindy Zart - 10/3/18 ♥♥♥
Love without a Compass (A Least Likely Romance Book 2) by Lindy Zart

10. Mountain on the cover - When Love Comes by J.H. Croix - 9/5/18 ♥♥♥♥
When Love Comes (Diamond Creek, Alaska, #1) by J.H. Croix

11. Tomb in the story – The 13th Hour by Richard Doetsch - 9/9/18 ♥♥♥♥
The 13th Hour by Richard Doetsch
“And the falling jet, what Nick thought of as a tomb, filled with chaos, filled with the damned, disappeared behind the trees.” – Page 280

12. Character drinks beer - Murder Off the Beaten Path by M.L. Rowland - 8/11/18 ♥♥♥♥
Murder Off the Beaten Path (Search and Rescue Mystery #2) by M.L. Rowland
“On the opposite side of the campfire, a loose cluster of teenagers talked and laughed, some standing, some sitting on log seats, a couple dancing. One or two held cans of beer. Others plastic glasses of what Gracie presumed was alcohol of some kind.” – Page 259

13. Black cover - When Darkness Comes by Alexandra Ivy - 8/31/18 ♥♥♥
When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity, #1) by Alexandra Ivy

14. Ruby red cover - Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts - 7/30/18 ♥♥♥♥
Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven, #1) by Nora Roberts

15. Character who has red hair - Enemy Lover by Pamela Kent - 7/31/18 ♥♥♥♥
Enemy Lover by Pamela Kent
”She knew that she had seen him before—in the night—and it was the redness of his hair and the blueness of his eyes that impressed her then.” Angus on Page 19-20.

16. Set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870) - I Dared the Duke by Anna Bennett - 9/15/18 ♥♥♥♥
I Dared the Duke (The Wayward Wallflowers, #2) by Anna Bennett
Set during the Regency period, 1811-1820

17. Character has employees - Trying It All by Christi Barth - 7/31/18 ♥♥♥♥♥
Trying It All (Naked Men, #4) by Christi Barth
Summer has a clothing store and has a number of people working there.

18. Character gets a free meal - Fifteen Minutes to Live by Phoef Sutton - 8/27/18 ♥♥♥
Fifteen Minutes to Live by Phoef Sutton
”She’d never dreamed that Carl would think of cooking breakfast for her, much less do it well.” Loc 2132

19. Character pays the rent - Lucky Boy by Shanthi Sekaran - 10/14/18 ♥♥♥
Lucky Boy by Shanthi Sekaran
“To Soli’s ledger, she added $3,000, written clearly. The amount seemed insurmountable. It dwarfed the other sums, the thirty dollars per week for food, the ten dollars for gas and electricity, the spurts of paltry expense that appeared for Soli’s new shoes, for the two pairs of pants and three shirts designed to fit her expanding belly.” Page 75.

20. Character gets a great deal - Beach Happens by Jamie K. Schmidt - 11/16/18 ♥♥♥♥
Beach Happens (Hawaii Heat, #2) by Jamie K. Schmidt
Michaela is offered a beautiful hotel suite on the beach for free as well as her own law practice in Hawaii.

21. Series that has 18 or more books - Mystery of the Brass-bound Trunk by Carolyn Keene - 8/2/18 ♥♥♥♥
Mystery of the Brass-bound Trunk (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, #17) by Carolyn Keene
Nancy Drew Mystery series has 64 books.

22. Series whose name begins with G - Ghost Hunters Mystery - Demons are a Ghoul's Best Friend by Victoria Laurie - 8/20/18 ♥♥♥♥
Demons are a Ghoul's Best Friend (Ghost Hunter Mystery, #2) by Victoria Laurie

23. Set in Africa – The Light Within by Yvonne Whittal - 11/30/18 ♥♥♥
The Light Within by Yvonne Whittal

24. Set in a country that was part of the British Empire - You Can't Hurry Love by Lee Kilraine - 8/14/18 ♥♥♥♥
You Can't Hurry Love (A Cates Brothers Book, #5) by Lee Kilraine
Set in the U.S.

25. Waterfall in the story – River Marked by Patricia Briggs - 1/30/19 ♥♥♥♥
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6) by Patricia Briggs
Chapter 4: "Someone once told me there is about a ten-mile stretch where the annual rainfall increases by about an inch a mile. Truth or not, not far west of Hood River scrub is replaced by lots and lots of trees and other green stuff. A few miles farther on the waterfalls begin. Multnomah is the most impressive, but there are dozens of waterfalls on Larch Mountain, and we spent most of the days hiking the trails that webbed the mountainside from one falls to another."

26. Coin gets thrown into water - The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster - 7/17/19 ♥♥♥♥♥
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
Milo makes a point of putting a coin into the tollbooth. Not the same, but a close enough reference to a coin, at least for me.

27. Money is given to charity - The Matchmaker by Elin Hilderbrand - 9/27/18 ♥♥♥♥
The Matchmaker by Elin Hilderbrand
C.J. donates $100,000 to the boys’ and girls’ club to impress Agnes.

28. Character looks into their family history - The Hollow by Nora Roberts - 10/18/18 ♥♥♥♥
The Hollow (Sign of Seven, #2) by Nora Roberts
All 6 of the main characters must discover their connection to the current situation by looking into their ancestry.

29. Character searches through records - Thankless in Death by J.D. Robb - 10/7/18 ♥♥♥♥♥
Thankless in Death (In Death, #37) by J.D. Robb
Dallas and her team are following the money trail of the murderer to discover his whereabouts.

30. Employee takes a bathroom break - Serena's Plight by Carol Madison - 10/12/18 ♥♥♥
Serena's Plight (Goddess of Ivy #1) by Carol Madison
”…and from where I now stood I could see an ornate bathroom sink. Duh! I hadn’t even realized I hadn’t found a bathroom until then. As I walked over, I realized I needed to pee, but as I stepped in, it took my breath away, again.” Loc. 387 of 3538.

31. Character takes a vacation - Along Came a Spider by James Patterson - 9/12/18 ♥♥♥♥
Along Came a Spider (Alex Cross, #1) by James Patterson
Alex and Jezzie go to Virgin Gorda on vacation.

32. Published in 2018 - Pub 4/3/18 - X Marks the Spot by Opal Carew - 8/17/18 ♥♥♥
X Marks the Spot by Opal Carew

33. First letter of each title word is in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE - T, O, S - The Other Side by J.D. Robb - 3/25/19 ♥♥♥♥
The Other Side by J.D. Robb

*****CHALLENGE COMPLETE 10/22/19*****

message 12: by Angie (new)

Angie | 287 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
25/7/18 - 24/1/19

Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks


Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 13: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Connie and Angie!

@Connie, I LOVE Guinness but Murphy's is my fav Irish beer, the beer of my family's county - Cork!!

message 14: by Grace (last edited Sep 26, 2018 11:08PM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 7/26/2018-12/25 2018

Level Two: 12+ tasks

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books)- Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A- The White Carnation by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland- Chasing River by K.A. Tucker 9/26
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count- The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James 7/26- pg. 290
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P- Paper Girls, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan 9/7
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country- Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds 8/13
☘️ 10. Read a book with a mountain on the cover- The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #10) by Lemony Snicket by Lemony Snicket 7/28
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer- Too Late by Colleen Hoover 8/13-“he turns toward me and takes a swig of his beer”- Wattpad didn't show page numbers.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur by Rupi Kaur 9/10
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees- Heavy Vinyl, Vol. 1 by Carly Usdin 9/22
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal- Chasing Magic by Jessica Sorensen 8/5
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series- Bleach, Volume 59 by Tite Kubo 8/2
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history- Chasing Hadley by Jessica Sorensen 8/18
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation- Christmas at Gunpoint by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018- Saga, Vol. 9 by Brian K. Vaughan 8/1
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word min)- The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 9/13

message 15: by Rina (last edited Nov 17, 2018 11:30AM) (new)

Rina | 1084 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 01.08.2018 - 31.01.2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks

Progress: 16


Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Lilac Girls, Martha Hall Kelly, 08.08.2018

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Fer-de-Lance, Rex Stout, 10.08.2018 - Nero Wolfe #1

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
The Girl Who Chased the Moon, Sarah Addison Allen, 06.08.2018

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Embracing the Knight, Jenn Langston, 18.08.2018 - 215 pages

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Paw and Order, Diane Kelly, 28.09.2018

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Lisa See, 02.08.2018

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Death Masks, Jim Butcher, 15.08.2018 - "I drank some more beer.", p. 199

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
Todesreigen, Andreas Gruber, 11.08.2018
Todesreigen (Maarten S. Sneijder, #4) by Andreas Gruber

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
The Empty Chair, Jeffery Deaver, 26.08.2018
The Empty Chair (Lincoln Rhyme, #3) by Jeffery Deaver

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Scarlet, Marissa Meyer, 04.08.2018

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
The Flame and the Flower, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, 25.08.2018 - set in 1799

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Poirot Investigates, Agatha Christie, 07.08.2018 - Hercule Poirot series has 41 books in it.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm
Green Rider, Kristen Britain, 17.11.2018 - Green Rider #1

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Rubinrot, Kerstin Gier, 12.08.2018 - set in England

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Magic Triumphs, Ilona Andrews, 27.10.2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas, 05.08.2018

message 16: by JoAnne (last edited Jul 26, 2018 05:13AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Grace and Rina!

message 17: by Kat (last edited Dec 08, 2018 08:33AM) (new)

Kat Interesting Facts!

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Jul 27, 2018-Dec 26, 2018

Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks

Read: 16

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan 8/4/18
Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan 10/18/18
These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 by Nancy E. Turner 11/15/18

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Storm Front by Jim Butcher 7/28/18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman by Anne Helen Petersen 8/14/18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

✔ ☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland. The Magdalen Girls by V.S. Alexander 10/18/18

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Blood on the River: James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone (260 pages) 10/8/18
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (392 pages) 11/2/18

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth 10/11/18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Blood on the River: James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone 10/8/18
Blood on the River James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
Mariana by Susanna Kearsley 11/10/18

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards 9/4/18
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene (#1 of Nancy Drew series) 8/2/18

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
West with the Night by Beryl Markham 8/28/18

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
Crooked Heart by Lissa Evans 10/25/18

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman 11/3/18 (published April 17, 2018)

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum)

message 18: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Kat!

message 19: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Banshee!

message 20: by Karen ♐ (last edited Nov 29, 2018 11:53AM) (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1110 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Aug 1, 2018 - Jan 31, 2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks

23 Tasks Completed

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre. - McKettrick's Choice Linda Lael Miller - 8/22
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books). - The Cowboy Joan Johnston - 8/2
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A. - Rocky Ride Vivian Arend - 8/26
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count. - 218 pgs - Unleashed Cherrie Lynn - 8/2
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P. - The Protector Jodi Ellen Malpas - 9/28
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country. - Slow Heat in Heaven Sandra Brown - 8/4
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover. - On My Knees (Bridge, #1) by Meredith Wild Meredith Wild - 10/13
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #. - Pg 19 - Connor poured himself a beer and sat back
- Fire & Dark Susan Fanetti - 10/9
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover. - Fight (Brazen Bulls MC, #6) by Susan Fanetti Susan Fanetti - 9/5
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover. - Burned (Titanium Security, #3) by Kaylea Cross Kaylea Cross - 11/19
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair. - At Your Service Lexi Blake - 8/25
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870) - Frontier Woman Joan Johnston - 9/17
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees. - Satisfaction K.M. Golland - 8/2
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal. - The Choice Shayla Black - 10/17
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series. - In Death - Salvation in Death J.D. Robb - 8/20
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. - Green Mountain - I Want to Hold Your Hand Marie Force - 9/7
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire. - Australia - Fulfillment K.M. Golland - 8/9
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history. - It Had to Be Him Tamra Baumann - 9/13
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for. - Searching for records proving parents murder - Ruthless Lexi Blake - 8/8
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation. - Attainment K.M. Golland - 8/11
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018. - Simple Faith Susan Fanetti - 8/12
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE - On the Island Tracey Garvis-Graves - 8/22

message 21: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Karen!

message 22: by Melanie (last edited Dec 02, 2018 05:42PM) (new)

Melanie Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Six months from starting date

Start date: July 31 2018
Finish date: January 31 2019

Level: Level Two: 12+ tasks

Historic Strain of Yeast
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
The Captain's Daughter by Leah Fleming The Captain's Daughter - Leah Fleming - 10/29/2018
How it fits: MPG Historical by 14 users.

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum - 10/10/2018
How it fits: Book #1 in the Oz series; series has 16 primary works.

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
The Puma's Shadow by Antoine B. Daniel The Puma's Shadow - Antoine B. Daniel - 8/07/2018

The Downhill Harp
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. (post cover.)

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Brownie Points by Jennifer Coburn Brownie Points - Jennifer Coburn - 8/13/2018
How it fits: Page count 274

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie - 10/29/2018

The Source of Guinness Water
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Women of the Outback by Sue Williams Women of the Outback - Sue Williams - 9/13/2018
How it fits: Set in the rural, country areas of Australia.

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah The Great Alone - Kristin Hannah - 10/13/2018
How it fits: Mountains on cover.

The Oldest Artifact
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer. (sentence and page/location #)

Guinness Draught
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
The Dogs by Robert Calder The Dogs - Robert Calder - 8/24/2018

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
The Lollipop Shoes (Chocolat, #2) by Joanne Harris The Lollipop Shoes - Joanne Harris - 10/8/2018
How it fits: Roux has red hair.

Employee Benefits
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
Coffee-to-Go by Grayson Bell Coffee-to-Go - Grayson Bell - 11/20/2018
How it fits: At the end of the book Leo has expanded the coffee house and has 2 employees.

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
Love Anthony by Lisa Genova Love Anthony - Lisa Genova - 8/18/2018
How it fits: Beth's friend takes her out for dinner.

Yearly Rent
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent. (sentence % page/location #)

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Sizzling Sixteen (Stephanie Plum, #16) by Janet Evanovich Sizzling Sixteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/10/2018
How it fits: 24 Primary works in series.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group - Catherine Jinks - 10/5/2018
How it fits: Set in Australia.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
Dewey The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron - 10/22/2018
How it fits: An employee takes a bathroom break and accidently leaves the door open, Dewey goes in and drinks from the toilet bowl.

Top Visitor Destination
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Only Child by Rhiannon Navin Only Child - Rhiannon Navin - 8/28/2018
How it fits: Published March 8, 2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Secrets of Southern Girls by Haley Harrigan Secrets of Southern Girls - Haley Harrigan - 10/19/2018
How it fits: Title initials can be found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE

message 23: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Melanie!

message 24: by Barbara ★ (last edited Jul 31, 2018 06:08AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: August 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

READ: 0/32

Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 25: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Barbara!

message 26: by Debbie (last edited Jan 28, 2019 05:47AM) (new)

Debbie (debbiegray) | 386 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Six months from starting date

Level Two: 12+ tasks 24/33


☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre. The Summer I Met Jack by Michelle Gable 8/3/18
The Summer I Met Jack by Michelle Gable
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books). .All Fudged Up by Nancy CoCo 8/21/18
All Fudged Up (Candy-Coated, #1) by Nancy CoCo
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A. Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert 11/14/18
Rueful Death (China Bayles, #5) by Susan Wittig Albert

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count...256 pages..The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President by Sean Spicer 8/24/18
The Briefing Politics, the Press, and the President by Sean Spicer

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover. Musseled Out by Barbara Ross 1/26/19
Musseled Out (A Maine Clambake Mystery, #3) by Barbara Ross
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P. Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke 11/10/18
Plum Pudding Murder (Hannah Swensen, #12) by Joanne Fluke
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country. Round Robin by Jennifer Chiaverini 10/8/18
Round Robin (Elm Creek Quilts, #2) by Jennifer Chiaverini

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #. Have a Nice Guilt Trip by Lisa Scottoline 8/25/18..p200 Brother Frank ordered a beer
Have a Nice Guilt Trip by Lisa Scottoline
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Halloween Hijinks by Kathi Daley 10/11/18
Halloween Hijinks (Zoe Donovan Mystery #1) by Kathi Daley
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover. Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind by Ann Coulter 10/14/18
Resistance Is Futile! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind by Ann Coulter
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair. Willow Brook Road by Sherryl Woods 9/14/18
Willow Brook Road (Chesapeake Shores, #13) by Sherryl Woods
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870) Carnegie's Maid by Marie Benedict 9/11/18
Carnegie's Maid by Marie Benedict
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees. Dead to the Last Drop by Cleo Coyle 8/15/18
Dead to the Last Drop (Coffeehouse Mystery, #15) by Cleo Coyle
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal. Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand 12/3/18
Winter in Paradise (Paradise, #1) by Elin Hilderbrand
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #. Enchanted, Inc. by Shanna Swendson 9/1/18..chap1..Six hundred bucks a month for my share of the rent on a one bedroom apartment that the three of us shared
Enchanted, Inc. (Enchanted, Inc., #1) by Shanna Swendson
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal. Engaged in Death by Stephanie Blackmoore 11/21/18
Engaged in Death (Wedding Planner Mystery #1) by Stephanie Blackmoore

18 Kinds of Beer
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series...A Donut Hole Cozy Mystery..Strawberry Cream Murder by Susan Gillard 9/17/18
Strawberry Cream Murder (Donut Hole Mystery #1) by Susan Gillard
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story Under a Maui Moon by Robin Jones Gunn 12/8/18
Under a Maui Moon (Hideaway, #1) by Robin Jones Gunn
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity. Out to Canaan by Jan Karon 9/3/18
Out to Canaan (Mitford Years, #4) by Jan Karon

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history. Dogwood Hill by Sherryl Woods 8/9/18
Dogwood Hill (Chesapeake Shores, #12) by Sherryl Woods
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for...Looking for bad behavior in the past...When Life Gives You Lululemons by Lauren Weisberger 10/17/18
When Life Gives You Lululemons (The Devil Wears Prada, #3) by Lauren Weisberger
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break. Running Against the Tide: True Tales from the Stud of the Sea by Captain Lee 12/1/18..p121 they leave their seat for a quick bathroom break
Running Against the Tide True Tales from the Stud of the Sea by Captain Lee

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018. Beach House Reunion by Mary Alice Monroe 8/13/18
Beach House Reunion (Beach House, #5) by Mary Alice Monroe
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum). The High Season by Judy Blundell 9/21/18
The High Season by Judy Blundell

message 27: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Debbie!

message 28: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Aug 05, 2018 05:06AM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 196 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 08.01 - 01.31.2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks


Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 29: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Sallie!

message 30: by Katherine (last edited Sep 28, 2018 12:01AM) (new)

Katherine | 220 comments ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Things You Did Not Know About Guinness ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Level Two.

Historic Strain of Yeast
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Five Glass Slippers by Elisabeth Brown 8/9/18 ★★★
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2) by Douglas Adams 11/9/18 ★★★★
☘️ 3. an author whose first name begins with an A.
Little Red Running Shorts (A Gay Erotic Fairy Tale #1) by Angele Aurore 6/9/18 ★★★

The Downhill Harp
☘️ 4. Read a book with a musical instrument on the cover.
A Wonderlandiful World (Ever After High, #3) by Shannon Hale 9/9/18 ★★★★★
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
Doctor Who The Invasion by Ian Marter 13/9/18 ★★★
☘️ 6. with 2 numbers from 1862 in the page count.
A Plague Upon Your Family (Zombie Fallout #2) by Mark Tufo 6/9/18 ★★★★

The Source of Guinness Water
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Allies of the Night (The Saga of Darren Shan, #8) by Darren Shan 7/9/18 ★★★★★
☘️ 10. Read a book with a mountain on the cover.
The End (Zombie Fallout, #3) by Mark Tufo 17/9/18 ★★★★★

The Oldest Artifact
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
Hers To Command (Cyborg Sizzle #6) by Cynthia Sax 10/9/18 ★★★
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey 10/9/18 ★★★

Guinness Draught
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover.
Red as Blood and White as Bone by Theodora Goss 16/9/18 ★★★
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover.
Riding Red (Fairytale Shifter, #1) by Alexa Riley 18/9/18 ★★
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
A Wedding Story by Dee Tenorio 14/9/18 ★★★★

Employee Benefits
☘️ 16. set during the Industrial Revolution
Howl's Moving Castle (Howl's Moving Castle, #1) by Diana Wynne Jones 17/9/18 ★★★★★
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them The Original Screenplay by J.K. Rowling 16/9/18 ★★★★
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
Dr. Hugh Mann (Zombie Fallout #3.5) by Mark Tufo 18/9/18 ★★★

Yearly Rent
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
The Fury & The Reunion (The Vampire Diaries, #3-4) by L.J. Smith 20/9/18 ★
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
Doctor Who The Last Voyage by Dan Abnett 19/9/18 ★★★★

18 Kinds of Beer
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books.
Grimm Diaries Prequels (The Grimm Diaries Prequels #1-6) by Cameron Jace 20/9/18 ★★★★★
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
Ghost of a Machine (Cyborg Sizzle #7) by Cynthia Sax 20/9/18 ★★★

International Presence
☘️ 24. set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
The Devil Died at Midnight by Cheryl Bradshaw 21/9/18 ★★★

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story.
Cinders and Fangs A Shifter Retelling of Cinderella by J. Conrad 25/9/18 ★★
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
Critical Failures IV by Robert Bevan 22/9/18 ★★★★

Guinness Archives
☘️ 28. where a character looks into their family history.
Rise of the Governor (The Walking Dead #1) by Robert Kirkman 19/9/18 ★★★★
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records.
Doctor Who Who-ology by Cavan Scott 22/9/18 ★★★★
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire 22/9/18 ★★★★

Top Visitor Destination
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
The Savages by Matt Whyman 27/9/18 ★★★★
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O'Neill 25/9/18 ★★★★

message 31: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Katherine!

message 32: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: July 25, 2018-?
Level Two: 12+ tasks


☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book. (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Black Echo Michael Connelly 7/26/18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first name begins with an A.
Kiss Me, Kill Me Allison Brennan 8/2/18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
410 pages The Harder You Fall Gena Showalter 8/3/18

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
PS... You're Mine Alexa Riley 8/7/18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Without a Trace Colleen Coble 8/6/18

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
The Night Is Alive Heather Graham 7/30/18

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
One Night of Trouble Elle Kennedy 8/4/18 p 156 He chugged some more beer.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover.
Born in Blood (The Sentinels, #1) by Alexandra Ivy Born in Blood Alexandra Ivy 8/10/18

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover.
Blessed Are the Meek (Gabriella Giovanni Mystery #2) by Kristi Belcamino Blessed Are the Meek Kristi Belcamino 8/12/18

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Racked and Stacked Lorelei James 8/11/18

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
When We Found Home Susan Mallery 8/11/18

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
The Hotter You Burn Gena Showalter 7/28/18

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
All In: Betting on a Full House Lane Hart 7/28/18 Loc 2941 ... I couldn't afford rent and food every month.

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
Mulberry Moon Catherine Anderson 8/5/18

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Judgment in Death J.D. Robb 7/31/18 (In Death #11)

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
Gambling With Love #1 All In: Double or Nothing Lane Hart 7/27/18

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Settling Up Eryn Scott 8/13/18

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
Swedish for Beginners Susanne O'Leary 7/29/18

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
Information on suspects A Gathering of Secrets Linda Castillo 8/19/18

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
No Turning Back Tiffany Snow 8/4/18

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
Lucky Charmed Sharla Lovelace 8/9/18

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Perfect Couple Elin Hilderbrand 8/2/18

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
The Opposite of Everyone Joshilyn Jackson 8/23/18

message 33: by Grace (new)

Grace | 1650 comments Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 7/26/2018-12/25 2018


Level Two: 12+ tasks

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books)- Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A- The White Carnation by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland- Chasing River by K.A. Tucker 9/26
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count- The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James 7/26- pg. 290
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P- Paper Girls, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan 9/7
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country- Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds 8/13
☘️ 10. Read a book with a mountain on the cover- The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #10) by Lemony Snicket by Lemony Snicket 7/28
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer- Too Late by Colleen Hoover 8/13-“he turns toward me and takes a swig of his beer”- Wattpad didn't show page numbers.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur by Rupi Kaur 9/10
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees- Heavy Vinyl, Vol. 1 by Carly Usdin 9/22
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal- Chasing Magic by Jessica Sorensen 8/5
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series- Bleach, Volume 59 by Tite Kubo 8/2
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history- Chasing Hadley by Jessica Sorensen 8/18
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation- Christmas at Gunpoint by Anthony Horowitz 8/9
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018- Saga, Vol. 9 by Brian K. Vaughan 8/1
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word min)- The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 9/13

message 34: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 35: by Ferenc (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments FINISHED!

Goal: 22/12+
Current level: Level Two: 12+ tasks

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Roger Ascham and the King's Lost Girl by Matthew Reilly - 8/4/2018

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Rough Edge by C.D. Reiss - 8/3/2018
The Edge Series #1

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Portuguese Irregular Verbs by Alexander McCall Smith - 9/4/2018

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Cutting Edge by C.D. Reiss - 8/3/2018
2 numbers from 1702: 152 pages.

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman - 8/11/2018

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Her Brooding Italian Boss by Susan Meier - 9/26/2018
Set in the Italian countryside

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman - 9/20/2018

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
The Cabinet of Curiosities: 36 Tales Brief by Stefan Bachmann - 10/16/2018
“What’s that?” whispered Quinn, even though she could guess. “The Winthrop tomb,” said Emily. (Kindle Locations 1605-1606)

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman - 8/4/2018
A drink? Well, since you’re buying, and it’s a hot day, sure. Why not. Just a little one. Maybe a beer. And a whiskey chaser. (Kindle Locations 3316-3318)

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
On the Edge (The Edge, #2) by C.D. Reiss - On the Edge by C.D. Reiss – 8/6/2018

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
The Tournament by Matthew Reilly - 8/5/2018
...a ghastly shock of curly strawberry-red hair that I hated.(Kindle Locations 256-257)

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin - 8/13/2018
Set in 1857.

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena – 9/16/2018
Marco: I needed to hire more designers to keep up with demand, (Kindle Location 1387)

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
Death: The Deluxe Edition by Neil Gaiman - 9/16/2018
Death (as Didi): Free breakfast. Uh-huh. You really never pay for anything. (p.127)

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Bedbugs by Ben H. Winters - 10/25/2018
Alex: I have to write the rent check... (Kindle Location 1405)

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith - 9/5/2018
No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - 19 books

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith - 8/24/2018
Set in Botswana.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi – 11/9/2018
I force myself to swim through the waterfall until my back rests against the cliff’s edge. (Kindle Location 5051)

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - 8/2/2018
“You all know what it’s for—Helen can’t leave those children to work while Tom’s in jail. If everybody gives one more dime, we’ll have it—” Kindle Locations 2091-2092

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters - 8/26/2018
MC Henry Palace searches police records: I’m feeling restless and dissatisfied, staring at J. T. Toussaint’s clean record... (Kindle Locations 1408-1409)

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Broken Edge by C.D. Reiss - 9/9/2018
Published July 10th 2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Signal to Noise by Neil Gaiman – 8/2/2018

message 36: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 285 comments 14 tasks

Level Two: 12+ tasks

✔️☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
The Fiery Cross (Outlander, #5) by Diana Gabaldon The Fiery Cross Diana Gabaldon 1443 p. 19 november 2018 4 stars

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
UnEnchanted UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) by Chanda Hahn Chanda Hahn 235 p. 17 october 2018 3 stars
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Owls Well That Ends Well Owls Well That Ends Well by Donna Andrews Donna Andrews 326 p. ( editin Owls Well That Ends Well (Meg Langslow, #6) by Donna Andrews ) 14 october 2018 3 stars
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
The Gathering The Gathering by Anne Enright Anne Enright 261 p. 5 september 2018 4 stars
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Bed Rest by Sarah Bilston Bed Rest Sarah Bilston 248 p. 4 september 2018 2 stars

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Pygmalion Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw 194 p. 29 july 2018 4 stars

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Greenmantle Greenmantle by John Buchan John Buchan 352 p. 25 august 2018 4 stars

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
Thunder God Thunder God (Joe Hawke #2) by Rob Jones Rob Jones 282 p. 16 september 2018 2 stars
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Voyager Voyager (Outlander, #3) by Diana Gabaldon Diana Gabaldon 1059 p. 13 october 2018 4 stars
Jamie has red hair

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.

The Ice People 1 - Spellbound The Ice People 1 - Spellbound (The Legend of the Ice People, #1) by Margit Sandemo Margit Sandemo 260 p. 31 october 2018 3 stars
The Ice people
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Frankenstein in Baghdad Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi Ahmed Saadawi 288 p. 18 november 4 stars

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
Zeven dagen zonder Zeven dagen zonder by Monika Peetz Monika Peetz 280 p. 21 november 2018 3 stars
Looking for a picture of the father she doesn’t know
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
De reünie De reünie by Simone van der Vlugt Simone van der Vlugt 335 p. 25 september 2018 2 stars

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Quarantaine Quarantaine by Erik Betten Erik Betten 352 p. 26 september 2018 2 stars
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).

message 37: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
WOOHOO Ferenc and Claire!

message 38: by Elle (new)

Elle (elleay) | 1753 comments Finished! Actually completed this in October but because of a busy work schedule I am way behind in updating my challenges.

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: July 25, 2018-Jan 25, 2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks
Completed: 18/12+

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Do You Want to Start a Scandal | Tessa Dare - 10.4.18

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Murder at the Vicarage (Miss Marple #1) | Agatha Christie - 8.10.18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Magic Rises | Ilona Andrews - 9.25.18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
The Witches | Roald Dahl - 7.25.18 (208 pages)

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang - 8.6.18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
An Enchantment of Ravens | Margaret Rogerson - 8.27.18

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover.
The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson The Family Under the Bridge | Natalie Savage Carlson - 8.26.18

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Sadie | Courtney Summers - 10.6.18
"Noah knocks his fist against the table in affirmation, and then takes a swig of his beer." p. 84

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover.
At Home A Short History of Private Life by Bill Bryson At Home: A Short History of Private Life | Bill Bryson - 9.13.18

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Apprentice | Rachel E. Carter - 9.3.18

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
The Duchess Deal | Tessa Dare - 8.3.18 (Set in Regency Period 1811-1820)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
It Ends with Us | Colleen Hoover - 9.5.18

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Three Mages and a Margarita | Annette Marie - 10.26.19
""Rent for the month was paid ..." loc. 2092

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.
Girl Meets Duke #2 | The Governess Game | Tessa Dare - 10.20.18

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover.
Spinning Silver | Naomi Novik - 8.13.18

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records.
Powers, Vol. 1: Who Killed Retro Girl? | Brian Michael Bendis - 10.15.18
Known aquaintances of Retro Girl who may have wanted to kill her

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Strength | Jane Washington - 7.31.18 (Pub. August 2018)

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE.
One of Us | Craig DiLouie - 10.14.18

message 39: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 40: by Karen ♐ (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1110 comments Finished!

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Aug 1, 2018 - Jan 31, 2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks

23 Tasks Completed

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre. - McKettrick's Choice Linda Lael Miller - 8/22
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books). - The Cowboy Joan Johnston - 8/2
☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A. - Rocky Ride Vivian Arend - 8/26
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count. - 218 pgs - Unleashed Cherrie Lynn - 8/2
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P. - The Protector Jodi Ellen Malpas - 9/28
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country. - Slow Heat in Heaven Sandra Brown - 8/4
☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover. - On My Knees (Bridge, #1) by Meredith Wild Meredith Wild - 10/13
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #. - Pg 19 - Connor poured himself a beer and sat back
- Fire & Dark Susan Fanetti - 10/9
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover. - Fight (Brazen Bulls MC, #6) by Susan Fanetti Susan Fanetti - 9/5
☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover. - Burned (Titanium Security, #3) by Kaylea Cross Kaylea Cross - 11/19
☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair. - At Your Service Lexi Blake - 8/25
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870) - Frontier Woman Joan Johnston - 9/17
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees. - Satisfaction K.M. Golland - 8/2
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal. - The Choice Shayla Black - 10/17
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series. - In Death - Salvation in Death J.D. Robb - 8/20
☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. - Green Mountain - I Want to Hold Your Hand Marie Force - 9/7
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire. - Australia - Fulfillment K.M. Golland - 8/9
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history. - It Had to Be Him Tamra Baumann - 9/13
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for. - Searching for records proving parents murder - Ruthless Lexi Blake - 8/8
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation. - Attainment K.M. Golland - 8/11
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018. - Simple Faith Susan Fanetti - 8/12
☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE - On the Island Tracey Garvis-Graves - 8/22

message 41: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 42: by Melanie (new)

Melanie COMPLETION POST - Level Two (16 books.)

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Six months from starting date

Start date: July 31 2018
Finish date: January 31 2019

Level: Level Two: 12+ tasks

Historic Strain of Yeast
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
The Captain's Daughter by Leah Fleming The Captain's Daughter - Leah Fleming - 10/29/2018
How it fits: MPG Historical by 14 users.

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum - 10/10/2018
How it fits: Book #1 in the Oz series; series has 16 primary works.

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
The Puma's Shadow by Antoine B. Daniel The Puma's Shadow - Antoine B. Daniel - 8/07/2018

The Downhill Harp
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. (post cover.)

☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Brownie Points by Jennifer Coburn Brownie Points - Jennifer Coburn - 8/13/2018
How it fits: Page count 274

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie - 10/29/2018

The Source of Guinness Water
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Women of the Outback by Sue Williams Women of the Outback - Sue Williams - 9/13/2018
How it fits: Set in the rural, country areas of Australia.

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah The Great Alone - Kristin Hannah - 10/13/2018
How it fits: Mountains on cover.

The Oldest Artifact
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer. (sentence and page/location #)

Guinness Draught
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
The Dogs by Robert Calder The Dogs - Robert Calder - 8/24/2018

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
The Lollipop Shoes (Chocolat, #2) by Joanne Harris The Lollipop Shoes - Joanne Harris - 10/8/2018
How it fits: Roux has red hair.

Employee Benefits
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
Coffee-to-Go by Grayson Bell Coffee-to-Go - Grayson Bell - 11/20/2018
How it fits: At the end of the book Leo has expanded the coffee house and has 2 employees.

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
Love Anthony by Lisa Genova Love Anthony - Lisa Genova - 8/18/2018
How it fits: Beth's friend takes her out for dinner.

Yearly Rent
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent. (sentence % page/location #)

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Sizzling Sixteen (Stephanie Plum, #16) by Janet Evanovich Sizzling Sixteen - Janet Evanovich - 8/10/2018
How it fits: 24 Primary works in series.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm

International Presence
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group - Catherine Jinks - 10/5/2018
How it fits: Set in Australia.

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.
Dewey The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron - 10/22/2018
How it fits: An employee takes a bathroom break and accidently leaves the door open, Dewey goes in and drinks from the toilet bowl.

Top Visitor Destination
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Only Child by Rhiannon Navin Only Child - Rhiannon Navin - 8/28/2018
How it fits: Published March 8, 2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Secrets of Southern Girls by Haley Harrigan Secrets of Southern Girls - Haley Harrigan - 10/19/2018
How it fits: Title initials can be found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE

message 43: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
WOOHOO Melanie!

message 44: by Kat (new)

Kat Finished

Interesting Facts!

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: Jul 27, 2018-Dec 26, 2018

Level One: 6-11 tasks
Level Two: 12+ tasks

Read: 16

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan 8/4/18
Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan 10/18/18
These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 by Nancy E. Turner 11/15/18

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Storm Front by Jim Butcher 7/28/18

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman by Anne Helen Petersen 8/14/18

☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.

✔ ☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland. The Magdalen Girls by V.S. Alexander 10/18/18

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Blood on the River: James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone (260 pages) 10/8/18
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (392 pages) 11/2/18

☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth 10/11/18

☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.
Blood on the River: James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone 10/8/18
Blood on the River James Town, 1607 by Elisa Carbone

☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.
Mariana by Susanna Kearsley 11/10/18

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards 9/4/18
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.

☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.

☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene (#1 of Nancy Drew series) 8/2/18

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G.

☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.
West with the Night by Beryl Markham 8/28/18

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.

☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.

☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.
Crooked Heart by Lissa Evans 10/25/18

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.

☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman 11/3/18 (published April 17, 2018)

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum)

message 45: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 46: by Rina (new)

Rina | 1084 comments Finished!

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness
Duration: 01.08.2018 - 31.01.2019

Level Two: 12+ tasks

Progress: 16


Historic Strain of Yeast
Every batch of Guinness is made with the same strain of yeast originally used by Arthur Guinness in the early 19th century. The Guinness Storehouse has been able to keep the same strain of yeast alive over its entire history by preserving and growing yeast from the original strain first used by founder Arthur Guinness. The yeast is grown at the brewery and locked inside of a cylinder in 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen. Only two people have access to it.
☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre.
Lilac Girls, Martha Hall Kelly, 08.08.2018

☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books).
Fer-de-Lance, Rex Stout, 10.08.2018 - Nero Wolfe #1

☘️ 3. Read a book by an author whose first or last name begins with an A.
The Girl Who Chased the Moon, Sarah Addison Allen, 06.08.2018

The Downhill Harp
Guinness trademarked the harp as their emblem 60-years before The Irish Free State Government made it Ireland’s symbol. To avoid trademark issues when it became an independent nation in 1922, Ireland had to mirror the image of the harp, which Guinness had already adopted as its emblem in 1862. The original Downhill Harp, which dates back to 1702, is on display at the Guinness Storehouse.
☘️ 4. Read a book with a harp or other musical instrument on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 5. Read a book set in Ireland.

☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count.
Embracing the Knight, Jenn Langston, 18.08.2018 - 215 pages

Largest Pint-Sized Glass
The largest pint-shaped glass in the world is located at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland. If it were to be filled, it could hold 14.3 million pints. That’s three times the entire population of Ireland.
☘️ 7. Read a book with a glass (not cup) on the cover. Please post the cover.

☘️ 8. Read a book whose title begins with P.
Paw and Order, Diane Kelly, 28.09.2018

The Source of Guinness Water
Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not get their source of water from River Liffey that runs through Dublin. In fact, the water comes down from a well in the Wicklow Mountains just outside of Dublin.
☘️ 9. Read a book set in the country.
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Lisa See, 02.08.2018

☘️ 10. Read a book with a river or a mountain on the cover. Please post the cover.

The Oldest Artifact
The oldest artifact in the Guinness Storehouse is from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Located behind a tiny door in one of the tasting rooms is a small jar that was unearthed from King Tut’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt. Inside the jar is barley, an ingredient primarily used to brew beer, which is more than 3,000-years old. Egyptians were known to drink beer, and it is believed King Tut had barley in his tomb so he could drink beer in the afterlife.
☘️ 11. Read a book with a tomb in the story.

☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.

Death Masks, Jim Butcher, 15.08.2018 - "I drank some more beer.", p. 199

Guinness Draught
Guinness Draught really isn’t black. Though marketed and promoted as a “black beer” since the brewery’s first ad in 1929, you can hold a glass of Guinness Draught up to a light and see it’s actually a ruby-red color. The real black stuff is their Foreign Extra Stout.
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
Todesreigen, Andreas Gruber, 11.08.2018
Todesreigen (Maarten S. Sneijder, #4) by Andreas Gruber

☘️ 14. Read a book with a ruby red cover. Please post the cover.
The Empty Chair, Jeffery Deaver, 26.08.2018
The Empty Chair (Lincoln Rhyme, #3) by Jeffery Deaver

☘️ 15. Read a book with a character who has red hair.
Scarlet, Marissa Meyer, 04.08.2018

Employee Benefits
Guinness provided unbelievable employee benefits in the 19th century. These benefits were unheard of at the time of the industrial revolution and included free medical care, doctors and nurses that provided free medicine; pensions, free breakfast, lunch and dinner; and of course two pints of Guinness per day.
☘️ 16. Read a book set during the Industrial Revolution (1790-1870)
The Flame and the Flower, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, 25.08.2018 - set in 1799

☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.

Yearly Rent
The yearly rent payment for the Guinness Storehouse is just 45 euros. When Arthur Guinness founded the brewery, he worked out an incredible deal on the lease that would last for 9,000 years, where the annual rent would never be more than 45 euros ($55 USD).
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
Give us a sentence and page/location #.
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.

18 Kinds of Beer
Guinness makes 18 different kinds of beer. Most are familiar with the classic Guinness Draught and Foreign Extra Stout, but there are many different types of beers being brewed by Guinness, including a lager, IPA and amber ale.
☘️ 21. Read a book from a series that has 18 or more books. Tell us the series.
Poirot Investigates, Agatha Christie, 07.08.2018 - Hercule Poirot series has 41 books in it.

☘️ 22. Read a book from a series whose name begins with a G. Ex. Graceling Realm
Green Rider, Kristen Britain, 17.11.2018 - Green Rider #1

International Presence
12 out of 13 Guinness-operated breweries are located in Africa. Besides the Storehouse in Dublin, the other 12 breweries owned & operated by Guinness are located in some eastern and western African countries. Guinness has a big presence in Africa, especially in nations that were once a part of the British Empire.
☘️ 23. Read a book set in Africa.

☘️ 24. Read a book set in a country that was part of the British Empire.
Rubinrot, Kerstin Gier, 12.08.2018 - set in England

Ireland's Largest Indoor Waterfall
Ireland’s largest indoor waterfall is located at the Guinness Storehouse. Guests throw coins from currencies all over the world into the water, and every six months Guinness collects them all and donates them to charity in Africa to be used to provide clean drinking water. The amount collected every six months ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 euro ($12,200-18,400 USD).
☘️ 25. Read a book with a waterfall in the story or on the cover. Please post the cover.
☘️ 26. Read a book where a coin gets thrown into water.
☘️ 27. Read a book where money is given to charity.

Guinness Archives
The Guinness Archives hold the records of every employee dating back to 1870. Guests from all over the world visit the Guinness Storehouse and schedule a meeting to review their family history of ancestors who have worked at Guinness. The Storehouse has many types of records, including the bathroom breaks employees took.
☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history.
☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
☘️ 30. Read a book where an employee takes a bathroom break.

Top Visitor Destination
The Guinness Storehouse is the top visitor destination in all of Europe. It beat out the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace and saw more than 1.7 million visitors last year. The Storehouse set an attendance record on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, as they welcomed more than 10,000 visitors in a single day.
☘️ 31. Read a book where a character takes a vacation.

☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
Magic Triumphs, Ilona Andrews, 27.10.2018

☘️ 33. Read a book where the first letter of each title word is found in GUINNESS STOREHOUSE (3 word minimum).
Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas, 05.08.2018

message 47: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod

message 48: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 09, 2019 12:39PM) (new)

Things You Did Not Know About Guinness FINISHED
I'm hoping to achieve at least level 1 (6 books)
Read 0/6 - Despite only thinking I'd get 6, I have actually finished 12 books (way before time too) 12/12

Duration: 16/01/2019 - 21/07/2019

☘️ 1. Read a book from the Historical genre. Beth Underdown The Witchfinder's Sister 17 Jan 2019
☘️ 2. Read an "original" book (Series #1 from a series with at least 4 books). Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder Jo Nesbø 24 Jan 2019
☘️ 6. Read a book with 2 numbers from 1702, 1862 or 1922 in the page count. Charity Ends at Home Colin Watson 30 Jan 2019 (pages 192)
☘️ 12. Read a book where a character drinks beer.
‘Rebus ordered himself a pint of Eighty with a malt on the side’ page 105
The Falls Ian Rankin Feb 2019
☘️ 13. Read a book with a black cover. Please post the cover.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here Patrick Ness
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
7 Feb 2019
☘️ 17. Read a book where a character has employees.
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult Jodi Picoult 7 Feb 2019
☘️ 18. Read a book where a character gets a free meal.
An April Shroud (Dalziel & Pascoe, #4) by Reginald Hill Reginald Hill
5 Feb 2019
☘️ 19. Read a book where a character pays the rent.
‘This house is just outside a small summer resort … Hella, and I rented it in Paris’ page 8 Giovanni’s Room – James Baldwin – 18 Jan 2019 Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin James Baldwin
☘️ 20. Read a book where a character gets a great deal.
Jungle A Harrowing True Story of Survival by Yossi Ghinsberg Yossi Ghinsberg 29 Jan 2019

☘️ 28. Read a book where a character looks into their family history. The Broken Bridge by Philip Pullman Philip Pullman 20 Jan 2019

☘️ 29. Read a book where a character searches through records. Tell us what they are searching for.
The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund Erik Axl Sund - MC is searching for lots of different records to find a person, who has managed to remain off the system since she was 16
☘️ 32. Read a book published in 2018.
The Memory by Lucy Dawson Feb 2019 Lucy Dawson

message 49: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
Welcome Den!

message 50: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54621 comments Mod
WOOHOO Banshee!

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