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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32698 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32698 comments Mod

message 4: by Deanna (last edited Oct 13, 2018 04:04PM) (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments

Wheel-a-thon III - Holiday Edition: Team Lock

Starts on October 27th, 2018 and runs for 6 weeks

Team Shelves:
📚 Deanna (Captain) - nbrc-wheel-2018
📚 Ashley (Co-Captain) - wheelathon
📚 Jan - wheel
📚 Danielle Taylor - wheel-a-thon-challenge
📚 Alysa - wheel-a-thon-2018
📚 Brittany - 3-lock
📚 Rebecca - wheel-a-thon-iii
📚 Megan - nbrc-wheel-a-thon-3

Important Links & Spreadsheets
📜All About Wheel-a-thon III - Holiday Edition Rules
📜Holiday Forest Doors - Challenge Updates
📜Halloween Town Chat Thread

📈Team Status Spreadsheet
📈Team Lock Spreadsheet
📈Team Lock Planning Spreadsheet

message 5: by Deanna (last edited Nov 20, 2018 06:54AM) (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments

Point System

◈ Books between 160 and 200 pages = 5 points
◈ Books between 201 pages and 300 pages = 10 points
◈ Books between 301 and 400 pages = 20 points
◈ Books between 401 and 500 pages = 40 points
◈ Books between 501 and 650 pages = 60 points
◈ Books between 651 and 800 pages = 80 points
◈ Books over 801 pages = 100 points

◈ BOM bonus:
- Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
- Participating in a current BOM (participating in discussion) = 20 points

Additional Points Quick Reference Once per category

◈ Word in text --> 20 points
Example: (view spoiler)

◈ Word in title/series name --> 30 points
Example: (view spoiler)

◈Word on the cover --> 40 points
Examples: (view spoiler)

◈ Word as book genre --> 50 points
Example: (view spoiler)

Added note on Genre:

For these "word as genres" we have alternatives you can use as follows:

Word:			Can also use:

Thanksgiving Words	Can also use:

Christmas Words	Can also use:

All other genres, you need to use the word as given

You CAN use plurals
You can NOT use hypenated words (e.g. black-author does not work for black)
Where a word is already hyphenated, you can take out the hyphens (e.g. trick-or-treat you can use trickortreat)

Breakdown of Points per Page
(view spoiler)

message 6: by Deanna (last edited Nov 20, 2018 06:52AM) (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments

Books posts are due each week by Saturday 10 pm London time, which translates to 5 pm EST each week
Challenge Start
👻End of Week 1
👻End of Week 2
🍗End of Week 3
🍗End of Week 4
🎄End of Week 5
🎄End of Week 6

Weekly Word

👻Week 1 - Candy Corn
👻Week 2 - Blood
🍗Week 3 - Thursday
🍗Week 4 - Cranberry
🎄Week 5
🎄Week 6

message 7: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Reserved

message 8: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Reserved

message 9: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Reserved

message 10: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments Reserved

message 11: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments Reserved

message 12: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Welcome everyone!

I'm Deanna. I live in Virginia with DH, 4 kids, 4 cats, a dog, and a few chickens. I love reading a variety of genres; but my favorites tend to be fantasy, science fiction, and mysteries. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

To get started please introduce yourself (only as much as you are comfortable with). If you haven't yet created a shelf for this game (I'm guilty of this), please do so. Then post the shelf link here in the thread.

Challenge rules are linked in post four. If you have any questions after reading them, just let us know.

message 13: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments Hi guys!

I'm Ashley and live in Texas with my 3 dogs, 2 cats and a parrot (hopefully a second parrot on the way, I have been looking for the perfect fit for months!). I read mostly YA fantasy but have been really trying to branch out, which mostly means romance and a thriller here and there. I read mostly on audio and I love it.

I'm really excited for this challenge!

Here is the link to my shelf

message 14: by JanEyre9 (new)

JanEyre9 Hi all! I'm Jan. I live in NY with my husband, our 6 year old daughter, and our basset hound, Matilda. I read a wide range of genres, though my favorites are fantasy, YA, and contemporary fiction. I listen to audiobooks all day at work and usually get an hour or so of reading time before bed. Can't wait for this challenge to start!

message 15: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Yay! We are open!!!
I have been waiting and planning like a fiend :D

Hi, I’m Alysa. I live in NYC. I am an actual librarian, though my current position is more in library operations/admin than, like, at a reference desk. I have a daughter who is about to turn 8 (we share a birthday: 5 Nov!). I read widely, though I have tended towards speculative fiction — both adult & YA fantasy, etc. — for the past few years. My only Team Challenge up to now has been Cutthroat, and I was on the winning team. I am apparently hypercompetitive at this stuff.

Just to get some strategy thoughts down someplace:
Our first word is fairly thin in books with the word in text/title/genre/cover, at least among *MY* tbr’s, so my strategy for this Round is to read long books for the extra point value (and since only Read Date counts, not start date, I plan to get a head start on a couple of long books that I unfortunately(?) have to return to the library in early-Nov anyway).

We have a longish word, though it seems most of us are heavy readers so we can probably finish spelling it a few times. If there’s time left towards the end of the week in which to read but not finish the word again, I may try to read extra in “difficult letters” just in case we want to go for the win in that category.

I am so happy to “meet” you all!

*goes back to making lists*

message 16: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments JanEyre9 wrote: "Hi all! I'm Jan. I live in NY with my husband, our 6 year old daughter, and our basset hound, Matilda. I read a wide range of genres, though my favorites are fantasy, YA, and contemporary fiction. ..."

Jan, we are both in NY! Are you in the city or upstate somewhere?

message 17: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Alysa wrote: "Yay! We are open!!!
I have been waiting and planning like a fiend :D

Hi, I’m Alysa. I live in NYC. I am an actual librarian, though my current position is more in library operations/admin than, li..."

Welcome Alysa!

There was a question about regarding starting books on the captains' board. According to Sonia, all books must be started after the countdown to the start of the challenge. Once the challenge is going, you can start a book in week 1 and then finish it in week 2 or later. The original wording was a bit unclear. (Otherwise I'd totally be getting a head start on some large books as well).

I do have two books so far for the extra points: 1 (shockingly) works for genre, the other can work for either title, cover, or text.

message 18: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Welcome Jane! Hey Ashley!

message 19: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments There was a question about regarding starting books on the captains' board. According to Sonia, all books must be started after the countdown to the start of the challenge. Once the challenge is going, you can start a book in week 1 and then finish it in week 2 or later. The original wording was a bit unclear. (Otherwise I'd totally be getting a head start on some large books as well).

Ah, good to know. I’m not sure if that’s how it worked in my last (only) team challenge, and I started that one with a blank slate on Day One regardless. But yeah, that is not at all how I interpreted the original wording. So, I won’t start the bigguns until the countdown rolls over (though in that case, I might not finish them before Week Two if I am reading other stuff at the same time, or even use the ones I was thinking of. We’ll see!

I do have two books so far for the extra points: 1 (shockingly) works for genre, the other can work for either title, cover, or text.

Nice! I did have a few w/ genre too, but not on first page of genres. So glad you have something!

message 20: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments Alysa wrote: "Yay! We are open!!!
I have been waiting and planning like a fiend :D

Hi, I’m Alysa. I live in NYC. I am an actual librarian, though my current position is more in library operations/admin than, li..."

We definitely got a super hard word to start! I am going through now to see if I have anything, but I don't feel like our word pops up a whole lot

message 21: by Alysa (last edited Oct 05, 2018 04:41PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Ashley wrote: ".We definitely got a super hard word to start! I am going through now to see if I have anything, but I don't feel like our word pops up a whole lot"

Do you know if one word (candycorn) vs two words (candy corn) vs hyphenates (candy-corn) are all valid? I have none of the above, but it would be good to know. That may apply to other words in future too.
ETA: I noticed that candy corn appears as one word on the assignment list, but two words on the original wheel & word list.

message 22: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Alysa wrote: "Ashley wrote: ".We definitely got a super hard word to start! I am going through now to see if I have anything, but I don't feel like our word pops up a whole lot"

Do you know if one word (candyco..."

I missed that discrepancy. As far as the genre goes, I would expect either candycorn or candy-corn would be acceptable (since shelf names use hyphens for spaces). For text and title, candy corn would be correct. Since there are other two word options, I'll double check that for future reference.

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) Hi everyone. I live in Arizona where I am a single mom to two teens. I love the holiday season and tend to go a bit overboard. I love to read romance and mostly read M/M, paranormal, fantasy, and suspense as long as it has a romance in it.

Wow candycorn - that's a hard genre/title/cover to find.

message 24: by JanEyre9 (new)

JanEyre9 Deanna, I can't believe you found a book with candycorn for the genre! That's awesome. I did find a book called candy corn murder that I can read for extra points once we're finish spelling it out. I can't wait to get started!

Alysa, I live on Long Island. I was actually in NYC today! My cousin lives upstate so we each took a day off and met up in the city. She's a book lover also so we spent a bit of time at Strand :)

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) I found a Candy Corn book with candy corn on the cover and in the title but unfortunately it's only 138 pages so it won't work. Back to the drawing board.

My shelf is Danielle's Wheel A Thon Shelf

message 26: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments JanEyre9 wrote: "Alysa, I live on Long Island. I was actually in NYC today! My cousin lives upstate so we each took a day off and met up in the city. She's a book lover also so we spent a bit of time at Strand :)"

Fun! The Strand isn’t too far from my work. I grew up upstate, but I have family on Long Island too. My parents are from NYC originally.

message 27: by Danielle Gypsy Soul (last edited Oct 05, 2018 05:20PM) (new)

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) Found one that is shelved candy corn (I don't even know what that means) but I'll look and see if it has the word in it since we already have genre.

message 28: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Danielle Gypsy Soul wrote: "Found one that is shelved candy corn (I don't even know what that means) but I'll look and see if it has the word in it since we already have genre."

I don’t know what that means either. But all this talk has me really wanting to eat some candy corn. :)

Also, hello Danielle!

message 29: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments I’ve searched so many books for the word in the text and am having no luck so far!

I want to eat candy too, Alyssa. I love candy corn especially

message 30: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments I'm glad it's not just me. I have a feeling I'll be coming home with candy corn after I grocery shop tomorrow. I can only resist for so long.

message 31: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Hey Danielle! Welcome!

message 32: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 714 comments Hi team! I live in Illinois and enjoy reading a lot of different genres. My current favorites are paranormal, contemporary, and mystery.

Here's the link to my shelf for this challenge: nbrc-wheel-a-thon-3‎

message 33: by Deanna (last edited Oct 06, 2018 09:41AM) (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Welcome Megan!

message 34: by Alysa (last edited Oct 06, 2018 01:41PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Does anyone mind if I plan to take the letter “O” first when the time comes? That is, if no one else has a bonus-points book that happens to also fit “O” for spell-it-out.
Mine is one of the those books that needs to go back to the library at the end of the month (loan cannot be renewed). I should be able to bang it out for 27-29 Oct.

Oh and in case anyone is insterested, it is this book: Our Lady of the Streets by Tom Pollock


message 35: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Alysa wrote: "Does anyone mind if I plan to take the letter “O” first when the time comes? That is, if no one else has a bonus-points book that happens to also fit “O” for spell-it-out.
Mine is one of the those..."

I absolutely don't mind.

Our planning spreadsheet is up.

Books can be added to the Week 1 - Candy Corn books tab. If you don't like spreadsheets, just post here and Ashley or I can add your book for you.

The Week 1 - Quick Status tab is set up to change letters to light orange when they are claimed and light purple when books are finished. Hopefully it will make a quick visual way to check for what letters are needed.

message 36: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments For anyone who hasn't started yet, for planning our we need to spell out C-A-N-D-Y-C-O-R-N as many times as possible in the first week. We also need one book (across the team ; not one each ;) ) to cover each of these for extra bonus points:

"Word in Text (20 points)"
"Word in Title/Series (30 points)"
"Word on Cover (40 points)"
"Word as Genre (50 Points)" - (I can cover this one)
If you have a book that fits these, please shout it out as we will assign you to that task. Please only nominate yourself if you are absolutely sure you can read that book in week 1 (Oct 27 - Nov 3)

Reminder: All week for week one must be started after Oct 27 at 10 pm London time (5 pm EST) and finished before Nov 3 at the same time.

message 37: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Deanna wrote: "Alysa wrote: "Does anyone mind if I plan to take the letter “O” first when the time comes? That is, if no one else has a bonus-points book that happens to also fit “O” for spell-it-out.
Mine is on..."

Spreadsheet is awesome! Thanks!
I added my first planned book. I usually read more than one book at a time, so I’m sure to claim another slot or two when start date gets closer. I don’t want to get too greedy now anyway ;)

message 38: by Alysa (last edited Oct 06, 2018 05:51PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Also, so, while I realize that this is not the kind of team challenge that necessarily requires us to spy on other teams, AND there are weeks left to hammer out rules in captains’ group, I have noticed other teams talking about doing shady things, or at least not having the same understanding of the start date VS read date rule.

Sandy Claws’ captain said, today after it was already discussed in captains group according to Deanna, that her understanding is that people can use books they are already reading, so long as they don’t finish before 27 Oct, though she did say she would check with mods to make sure. (This is also a person who read AN EFFING LOT during my previous experience w/team challenges, and if she was, just possibly, counting books she essentially read before THAT challenge’s start but for which she simply left a handful of pages unfinished until the time came, her misunderstanding the rule may help to explain her prolificity. I am not saying she intentionally cheated, just that she, and others, may have had a different understanding of the start date rule.)

Another team, can’t recall which Giant Snake, seems to have decided that it might be okay to “encourage 'others' to place [books] on the appropriate [genre] shelves” so that they can be used for word-as-genre. Their example would be “a book that has cobwebs on the cover or is maybe about a spider making cobwebs (Charlotte's Web, anyone?) and someone puts it on a shelf named cobwebs, that's legal, ya?”

I don’t know about anyone else but I think that is cheating. I mean, I am a Goodreads librarian and I personally make it a point not to edit entries for any relevant data points (page counts, etc) during such time as I or a teammate might be using a book for a challenge, so as to avoid even the *appearance* of conflict of interest. I realize that not all things are provable and/or enforceable, but come on.

message 39: by JanEyre9 (new)

JanEyre9 I can definitely read Candy corn murder by Leslie Meier (sorry, on phone and can't link) which shows candy corn on the cover and in the title, so whichever we need it for. I'm going to hunt around to see what other books apply.

message 40: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments JanEyre9 wrote: "I can definitely read Candy corn murder by Leslie Meier (sorry, on phone and can't link) which shows candy corn on the cover and in the title, so whichever we need it for. I'm going to hunt around ..."

That is awesome.
Captains, sorry if this is already stated somewhere else, but is there a rule about the same book being read by two different team members and then counting for two different letters or bonus categories?

Also wondering if anybody is planning to go for the BOM bonuses, in which case, is 27-31 Oct really enough time to participate? It is not enough to be allowed to write DQ’s, surely...

message 41: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Alysa wrote: "Also, so, while I realize that this is not the kind of team challenge that necessarily requires us to spy on other teams, AND there are weeks left to hammer out rules in captains’ group, I have not..."

Regarding the starting of books, she did post for the mods. Since it's the second time someone has asked about when books can be started, I'm sure Sonia will make sure the ruling is clear on the captains' board and that all of the captains are on the same page before we start.

For Giant Snake, those ladies like to joke around. I enjoyed reading their team thread during tower teams just for the laughs. I'm inclined to think they are joking but will ask the mods if someone actually does that.

message 42: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Thanks Deanna! Sorry for panicking. Having a third grader has instilled in me an overactive spidy sense for potential unfairness. ;)

The rest of Giant Snake’s thread is really funny. I did not get a sense that they were joking about that issue, but I guess you know them better than I do!

message 43: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments JanEyre9 wrote: "I can definitely read Candy corn murder by Leslie Meier (sorry, on phone and can't link) which shows candy corn on the cover and in the title, so whichever we need it for. I'm going to hunt around ..."

I'll put you down for in the title since that is probably harder to find.

Alysa wrote: "JanEyre9 wrote: "I can definitely read Candy corn murder by Leslie Meier (sorry, on phone and can't link) which shows candy corn on the cover and in the title, so whichever we need it for. I'm goin..."

It is perfectly legal for two different team members to read the same book to cover separate tasks and letters.

I will participate in the BOMs as long as I can get the books. The mods haven't made a final ruling on whether or not the October BOMs will be allowed for extra points, but I know it is currently under discussion. If they rule like tower teams, then the books will need be started after the start time on the 27th. The BOM deadlines during tower were one month after the start date, so it is possible that there will be a little bit longer to finish. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.

message 44: by JanEyre9 (new)

JanEyre9 Thanks Deanna!

message 45: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments Hey guys, sorry I wasn't around last night, we went to the Taylor Swift concert and left super early! I'm adding to the planning spreadheet now

message 46: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Hope you had lots of fun at the concert.

I don't want anyone to feel pressured by the spreadsheet. We still have 20 days until start, so plenty of time to pick books.

message 47: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments I have another rules question, something I am just not quite clear on for some reason. Probably it’s just me.

So, when we finish spelling our word, we get points for each letter, plus “completion” points for finishing the word.
Let’s say we do not manage to spell out our entire word again, but we have read additional books for certain letters, say, three extra C’s, two R’s, an A, and a Y. Do we still get letter points for each one of those, or only two of the C’s but not all 3 and only one of the R’s but not both (because there are only 2 C’s and 1 R in our word)?
The examples I have seen other teams using aren’t clear to me because they are showing consecutive letters, like SKELETON SKELET SKE, as opposed to, like, SKELETON SLTN ST, or whatever.

I am sorry for all these annoying technical questions, ladies. I will be more fun once this Thang actually gets underway! :D

Ashley, I am jealous that you went to a concert, ANY concert. It has been way too long since I have seen any good live music!

message 48: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Not annoying questions at all. I've posted on the captains' board to get clarification. I'll let you know.

message 49: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (itsmedaisy) | 279 comments I know the feeling Alyssa! I never go to concerts either, but I saw the Backstreet Boys in Vegas earlier this year, and omg that was amazing too. I don’t know if you are the age to have grown up with the BSB but I was dying I loved it so much! I never got to see them when I was little, it was so awesome to see them
20 years later. That one is so worth it if you find yourself in Vegas before they leave.

I’ve been searching books for candy corn in the text all day, still no luck.

message 50: by Deanna (last edited Oct 07, 2018 12:36PM) (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments I found Spooked (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries, #6) by Gina LaManna (with a character named Carlos) which has candy corn on the cover and in the text as well as Murderously Sweet A Pumpkin Hollow Mystery, Book 2 by Kate Bell (with a character named Jerry Crownover) which has candy corn in the text on Kindle Unlimited.

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