Book Snails Book Group discussion

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message 1: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Sep 01, 2022 11:39AM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
This challenge is all about us. I'm hoping it's an interesting way for us to get to know each other better and provide a stress-free challenge for those who love a challenge, too. The goal is to get around to every one of us willing to participate but as there are over two hundred of us, it might take a bit.
So get to know your fellow snails and read along.

Snail 1 - Allison
Snail 2 - Amy Summers
Snail 3 - Erin
Snail 4 - Pien
Snail 5 - Aya
Snail 6 - Ev
Snail 7 - Ben
Snail 8 - Candace
Snail 9 - Sue
Snail 10 - Fred
Snail 11 - Ushashi
Snail 12 - Reading Reindeer 2021 On Proxima Centauri
Snail 13 - Steven
Snail 14 - Samaria
Snail 15 - Teresa
Snail 16 - Paulo
Snail 17 - Julie H
Snail 18 - StarMan

message 2: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 07:33AM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Allison, the original snail, founder of our little group. She is an avid reader, even if slow. It appears that she loves reading more than anything else (she has three library cards, so that she can get 3 times the books!). Although, I think this might soon change, see question 5. Read below to know a bit more about Allison and take part in challenges inspired by her answers. And if you want to know even more, check out her blog

Q1. Why did you start the Book Snails Group?
A. I started the Book Snails Book Group (almost 3 years ago in July) because I personally did not fit in with other online book groups that seemed to value speed over substance. I myself am a slow reader and I like it that way. I decided to start a group that wasn't based on HOW many books we read--but rather focused on the quality of books and supporting each other to read, especially when life gets crazy busy and we struggle to make time. My desire to start a group like this was not original in the least, but it has attracted quite a few readers and I'm glad to see the group still growing!!
🐌 Read a book with a 3 in the total page count
🐌 Read a book that spans a long period of time
🐌 Read a book that is a first in a series or a debut book.

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.
A. I have many favorite genres but I find myself reading the following genres the most: literary fiction, all types of non-fiction, mystery, memoir and classics. I'm also a mood reader so it just depends!
🐌 Read a mystery
🐌 Read a memoir
🐌 Read a book that best describes your current mood at this moment.

Q3. Who is your fave author?
A. Some favorite, auto-read authors (in no particular order): Stephen King, John Irving, Wally Lamb, Gillian Flynn, Sylvia Plath, etc.
🐌 Read either a Stephen King or Gillian Flynn book
🐌 Read either a John Irving or Sylvia Plath novel
🐌 Read a Wally Lamb novel

Q4. What is your favourite book?
A. I don't really have a favorite book but I usually say "The Cider House Rules" by John Irving because people want an answer!! Lol"
🐌 Read The Cider House Rules
🐌 Read a book set in Maine
🐌 Read a book by an author whose first name is John or last name is Irving

Q5. What is your favourite colour?
A. Blue (I'm having a baby boy in September so he'll be wearing that color a lot, I hope!)
🐌 Read a book with a blue cover
🐌 Read a book with someone wearing blue on the cover
🐌 Read a book with the word blue in the title

Q6. What's your favourite food?
A. Anything pasta or Italian!! (My heritage)
🐌 Read a book set in or by an author from Italy
🐌 Read a book with a pasta dish on the cover
🐌 Read a book with red, white AND green on the cover

Q7. What is your favourite song?
A. Again, it's much too hard for me to choose a favorite song so it's usually whatever I like at the moment. (However, I love Amy Winehouse's music and will always listen to her! RIP Amy)
🐌 Read a book with a character that has fantastic hair on the cover or mentioned in the text
🐌 Read a book starting with a letter from REHAB
🐌 Read a book by an author with the initials A W

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?
A. So many great book-to-film adaptations, especially in recent years! I'll go with "The Danish Girl" by David Ebershoff. The movie followed the book almost perfectly and both were heartbreaking and beautiful; highly recommend!
🐌 Read The Danish Girl
🐌 Read a book with an LGBT mpg tag
🐌Read a book from the Rosenthal Family Foundation Award Winners list found here Rosenthal Family Foundation Award 2001

Q9. What's your favourite movie?
A. Always tough for me to pick entertainment favorites! Recently, "Avengers: Endgame" surprised me by how well it captured my attention; I enjoyed it very much (in theaters, no less)
🐌 Read a book that ENDS with a letter from AVENGERS
🐌 Read a comic or graphic novel
🐌 Read a book set on another planet

Q10. Which three people, alive or dead, would you invite to a dinner party at yours?
A. This one is easy! Audrey Hepburn without a doubt is my first guest, and then maybe Winston Churchill and J.K. Rowling as secondary guests. If only Audrey showed up, that would suit me just fine because she is my absolute idol!
🐌 Read Breakfast at Tiffany's
🐌 Read a book by or about Winston Churchill
🐌 Read a book by JK Rowling

Bonus Tasks
🐌 Read a book with "ll" in the title. "
🐌 Read a book with a character who moves house.
🐌 Read a book book with a character who is having or recently had a baby.

message 3: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) Thanks Keli, what a great idea! And congrats, Allison, on your little one! Boys are a blessing. My second one is graduating high school this week, so my advice is don't blink, they grow up SO fast! Cherish every moment. Thanks for sharing with us! :-)

message 4: by Allison, Mod Nerd (new)

Allison (bookgirl1987) | 1153 comments Mod
GREAT JOB, Keli! Thank you for posting my responses and adding a little something extra for our challenge-hungry members. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea with our group and for being a fastidious moderator!

message 5: by Allison, Mod Nerd (new)

Allison (bookgirl1987) | 1153 comments Mod
Thank you Vickie, for your sweet words. I can't wait to join the motherhood club!

message 6: by Keli, Keli Snail (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
Readage - My "little one" is 19 and I completely agree with Vickie, remember how little and fantastic they are and enjoy every minute.

Vickie, thank you. I really hope people take part. I was at work when I posted it, so I wasn't able to get out the email but I'll do that now.

message 7: by StarMan (new)

StarMan (thestarman) | 1935 comments Thanks for this new Social thread, Keli, and the newsletter also :)

The challenges based on answers are really good!

message 8: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Dec 13, 2020 12:26PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
Guess I'll start
✔Q1.🐌 Read a book that is a first in a series or a debut book. - Vampire Academy - 07/06/19

✔Q2. 🐌 Read a mystery - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - 15/07/19

Q3. 🐌 Read either a Stephen King or Gillian Flynn book
🐌 Read either a John Irving or Sylvia Plath novel
🐌 Read a Wally Lamb novel

✔Q4. 🐌 Read a book set in Maine - The Queen of Nothing - 26/04/20

✔Q5. 🐌 Read a book with a blue cover - The Blue Fairy Book - 05/06/19

✔Q6. 🐌 Read a book with red, white AND green on the cover - Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven, #1) by Nora Roberts - 25/01/20

✔Q7. 🐌 Read a book with a character that has fantastic hair on the cover or mentioned in the text - Dark Heir - 23/06/19 - Jane is the Crystal Gayle of vampire hunters.

✔Q8. 🐌 Read a book with an LGBT mpg tag - Into the Drowning Deep 23/11/19

✔Q9. 🐌 Read a book that ENDS with a letter from AVENGERS - Shiftless - 03/07/19

🐌 Read Breakfast at Tiffany's
🐌 Read a book by or about Winston Churchill
🐌 Read a book by JK Rowling

✔Bonus Tasks🐌 Read a book with "ll" in the title. " - Full Blooded - 05/06/19

Amy S
✔Q1. 🐌3. Read a book that one of your Goodreads friends recently reviewed and gave 5 stars - Storm Cursed - 10/07/19

✔Q2. 🐌1. Read a book with an Historical Romance MPG tag. - The Duke I Tempted 24/11/19

✔Q3. 🐌3. Read a book by your go to author - To Hell and Back - 29/07/19

✔Q4.🐌2. Listen to an audiobook - Innocent Traitor - 15/07/19

✔Q5. 🐌1. Read a book with a blue cover The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - 28/08/19

✔Q6. 🐌3. Read a book that begins with a letter from the word PIZZA - Alice in Zombieland - 05/08/19

✔Q7. 🐌3. Read a book where the MC is a teenager -Ready Player One - 31/07/19

🐌1. Read Gone With the Wind
🐌2. Read The Secret Life of Bees
🐌3. Read A Christmas Carol

✔Q9. 🐌3. Read a book with a hot (interpret this however you want) woman on the cover - A pretty woman holding fire is pretty hot. Phoenix Unbound (Fallen Empire, #1) by Grace Draven - 03/10/19

✔Q10. 🐌3. Read a book where the MC is spoiled - Poison - 19/09/19

✔Bonus Tasks🐌3. Read a book with a grandmother character - Dreamer's Pool - 07/07/19


✔Q1. 🐌 Read a book that takes place over a long period of time (years) - Transcendence - 26/12/19

✔Q2. 🐌 Read a science fiction book - Dune - 30/10/19

🐌 Read a Micheal Crichton book
🐌 Read a book with a main character who is a novelist
🐌 Read a book with an author whose first or last name is Michael

✔Q4. 🐌 Read a book that is part of a series with at least 5 books - Cold Reign - 20/10/19

✔Q5. 🐌 Read a book with the word red or heart in the title - A Red Herring Without Mustard - 06/11/19

🐌Read either Chocolat or Like Water for Chocolate
🐌 Read a book set in Jamaica
🐌 Read a cozy mystery with an apple pie on the cover

🐌 Read a book with an MPG of music
🐌 Read a book about or that takes place in a circus
🐌 Read a book with a piano on the cover

🐌 Read Memoirs of a Geisha
🐌 Read Into the Wild
🐌 Read Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

✔Q9. 🐌 Read a book with a character that lives an extraordinary life - Naamah's Curse - - 09/11/19

✔Q10. 🐌 Read a book set in the late 1800s - The Six-Gun Tarot - 27/08/20

✔Bonus Tasks🐌 Read any book from the Best for Book Clubs list - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - 17/12/19


✔Q1.🐌 Read a fantasy or sci-fi book - To Be Taught, If Fortunate - 26/09/20

🐌 Read an historical fiction book
🐌 Read a paranormal suspense book
🐌 Read a book from the following shelf Novels about books

🐌Read a book by Oscar Wilde
🐌 Read a book by Michael Crichton
🐌 Read a book by Glen David Gold

🐌 Read The Picture of Dorian Gray
🐌 Read The Secret Garden
🐌 Read Carter Beats the Devil

✔Q5. 🐌 Read a novella - The Prophet - 06/10/20

✔Q6. 🐌 Read a book set in one of the following countries; Mexico, Peru or Bolivia - Mexican Gothic - 25/10/20

Q7. 🐌 Read a book with an African-American female protagonist - Homegoing - 22/09/20

🐌 Read The Lord of the Rings or The Fellowship of the Ring
🐌 Read a book from Mentalfloss's 11 Famous Books That Have Proven Impossible to Film
🐌 Read a book with a ring on the cover

🐌 Read a book set in Austria
🐌 Read a book about a musician or musicians
🐌 Read a book with a governess or nanny in the story

✔Q10. 🐌 Read The Woman Who Would Be King: Hatshepsut's Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt - 12/10/20

Bonus Challenge
🐌 Read a book with a dog on the cover. Bonus points if it's a retriever
🐌 Read a book where a MC is either a veterinarian, writer or pop star
🐌 Read a book set in The Netherlands or by someone from there.

message 9: by Vickie (last edited Jun 05, 2019 07:11AM) (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) Q5. What is your favourite colour?
A. Blue (I'm having a baby boy in September so he'll be wearing that color a lot, I hope!)
🐌 Read a book with a blue cover - currently reading The Tide: Devil to PayThe Tide Devil to Pay (The Tide, #8) by Anthony J. Melchiorri
🐌 Read a book with someone wearing blue on the cover
🐌 Read a book with the word blue in the title

Q7. What is your favourite song?
A. Again, it's much too hard for me to choose a favorite song so it's usually whatever I like at the moment. (However, I love Amy Winehouse's music and will always listen to her! RIP Amy)
🐌 Read a book with a character that has fantastic hair on the cover or mentioned in the text
🐌 Read a book starting with a letter from REHAB - reading Hannibal, started 6/3/19 :-)
🐌 Read a book by an author with the initials A W
Read The Danish Girl
🐌 Read a book with an LGBT mpg tag
🐌Read a book from the Rosenthal Family Foundation Award Winners list found here

message 10: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Keli wrote: "This challenge is all about us. I'm hoping it's an interesting way for us to get to know each other better and provide a stress-free challenge for those who love a challenge, too. The goal is to ge..."

This is a wonderful idea, Keli!

message 11: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Keli wrote: "

Meet Allison, the original snail, founder of our little group. She is an avid reader, even if slow. It appears that she loves reading more than anything else (she has three library cards, so that..."

Congratulations on the expected baby boy in September, Allison! (I have a friend who's expecting a girl in September, and I'm making crocheted baby things for her. I have no children, but some grandmotherly hormones must be kicking in, because this is fun, even with arthritic hands!) I know you must be so happy (and anxious to greet your little son!) All best to you and yours!

message 12: by Candace (last edited Jun 05, 2019 12:12PM) (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments I recommend this for reading a book with "blue" in the title: The Blue by Nancy Bilyeau. Very interesting topic because the quest to find the best blue for use in ceramics was fiercely competitive, even dangerous. The book has been optioned for a movie! The author's also written a fabulous Tudor trilogy.

message 13: by Keli, Keli Snail (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
Candace wrote: "I recommend this for reading a book with "blue" in the title: The Blue by Nancy Bilyeau. Very interesting topic because the quest to find the best blue for use in ceramics was fierc..."

Thanks, Candace. I did a similar challenge in another group, though their's was only about mods. I like the idea of doing as many members, mod or not, as possible. I hope you'll take part in the challenge.
You sold me on The Blue, I've added it to my reading list, sounds great.

message 14: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Keli wrote: "Candace wrote: "I recommend this for reading a book with "blue" in the title: The Blue by Nancy Bilyeau. Very interesting topic because the quest to find the best blue for use in ce..."

Lemme know what you think of it when you get a chance, Keli.
Yes, I'll be participating in the challenge. :)

message 15: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Vickie wrote: "Q5. What is your favourite colour?
A. Blue (I'm having a baby boy in September so he'll be wearing that color a lot, I hope!)
🐌 Read a book with a blue cover - currently reading [book:The Tide: Dev..."

What's an mpg tag, please?

message 16: by Keli, Keli Snail (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
Candace wrote: "Vickie wrote: "Q5. What is your favourite colour?
A. Blue (I'm having a baby boy in September so he'll be wearing that color a lot, I hope!)
🐌 Read a book with a blue cover - currently reading [boo..."

It's the main page genre tag. So the genre/shelves tags that are listed on the book's main page.

message 17: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Keli wrote: "Candace wrote: "Vickie wrote: "Q5. What is your favourite colour?
A. Blue (I'm having a baby boy in September so he'll be wearing that color a lot, I hope!)
🐌 Read a book with a blue cover - curren..."

Ohhhh. Thanx!

message 18: by Allison, Mod Nerd (new)

Allison (bookgirl1987) | 1153 comments Mod
Thank you, Candace. I'm thrilled with the pregnancy so far and anxious indeed to meet him!

message 19: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 02:46PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Amy, she likes dogs and birds. She has five beautiful, I imagine, grandsons. And doesn't seem to appreciate colder climes. Read on to learn more about Amy and, hopefully you read along, too.

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?

1. I like to feel like I belong to something. I have severe depression and anxiety issues, so anything online is like a lifeline to the world. I try to be consistent, but don’t always make it. I enjoy reading book reviews and getting other’s opinions.

🐌1. Read a book from the Mental Health genre
🐌2. Read a book with an MC who works with computers, eg a hacker or a software engineer or developer, that sort of thing
🐌3. Read a book that one of your Goodreads friends recently reviewed and gave 5 stars

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.

2. Once I would have said Historical Romance, but many years ago I forced myself to branch out. I’ll read almost anything now. I’d like to complete the list of “50 Books to Read Before You Die” that is on a metal bookmark. Not sure it will happen (not looking forward to TLoTR Trilogy).

🐌1. Read a book with an Historical Romance MPG tag.
🐌2. Read a book from the 50 Books to Read Before You Die
🐌3. Read The Fellowship of the Ring

Q3. Who is your fave author?

3. Heather Graham - she is always my go-to when I can’t decide on a book to read.

🐌1. Read a book by Heather Graham
🐌2. Read a book by an author with the initials H G
🐌3. Read a book by your go to author

Q4. What is your favourite book?

4. Anna Karenina - it’s like a new story every time. I’ve read it twice, and listened to the Audible once. This is the book I want to be stranded with on an island.

🐌1. Read Anna Karenina
🐌2. Listen to an audiobook
🐌3. Reread a book

Q5. What is your favourite colour?

5. I always say my favorite color is blue, but it’s really pink.

🐌1. Read a book with a blue cover
🐌2. Read a book with with pink object on the cover
🐌3. Read a new release

Q6. What's your favourite food?

6. Spaghetti, or pizza, really spaghetti. And the regular spaghetti noodles, not the angel hair or other varieties.

🐌1. Read a book set in Italy
🐌2. Read a book that features an angel
🐌3. Read a book that begins with a letter from the word PIZZA

Q7. What is your favourite song?

7. Jack & Diane - John Mellencamp

🐌1. Read a book where a character or the author is named Jack or Diane
🐌2. Read a book set in rural middle America
🐌3. Read a book where the MC is a teenager

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?

8. Gone With the Wind did an excellent job taking a 1037 page book that spanned 12 years, and make a 4 hr movie. The Secret Life of Bees is another good one, as well as most A Christmas Carol.

🐌1. Read Gone With the Wind
🐌2. Read The Secret Life of Bees
🐌3. Read A Christmas Carol

Q9. What's your favourite movie?

9. Some will say Hunt for Red October, but really it’s She’s Out of My League.

🐌1. Read The Hunt for Red October
🐌2. Read a geeky romance
🐌3. Read a book with a hot (interpret this however you want) woman on the cover

Q10. If you could go back in time would you and when would you go to?

10. Regency England, preferably old money. I am a bit spoiled.

🐌1. Read a book set in Regency England
🐌2. Read a book originally published during the regency period, 1811 - 1820
🐌3. Read a book where the MC is spoiled

Bonus Tasks
🐌1. Read a book that takes place during the summer
🐌2. Read a book with a dog or a bird on the cover.
🐌3. Read a book with a grandmother character

message 20: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) Oh, I love Heather Graham too! Krewe of Hunters series is my favorite. Very cool to find a fellow Heather Graham fan. :-)

message 21: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Hi Amy - Nice to meet you! I sympathize. I have major depression, chronic, severe, and agoraphobia, although that’s gotten milder over the years. Reading has always been a huge part of my life, too. I hope you’ll enjoy LOTR!

message 22: by Keli, Keli Snail (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
Amy's answers are going to get me to read some of the classics I've been putting off, like Anna Karenina. But my next book is going to be To Hell and Back for Allison's Q2 🐌 Read a book that best describes your current mood at this moment.
For some reason I'm really angry and don't want to be around people. So it's a very fitting book.

message 23: by Keli, Keli Snail (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod
I never really listen to audiobooks but I just finished Innocent Traitor and I loved it. The narrator's voices were fantastic. She really brought the story to life. I've just ordered two more from the library. 😋

message 24: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 02:45PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Erin. She's originally from northern NJ but transplanted to central FL about 5 years ago. She's been married for almost 6 years and is a SAHM (stay at home mom) with two kiddos, an almost 4 year old son and a 21 month old daughter. Erin loves books so much, she hosts a book club that meets at a local Starbucks once a month. Erin's other biggest hobby (aside from reading) is counted cross stitch.
This is an example of counted cross stitch, in case you were wondering description
Read on to get to know a bit more about Erin, and hopefully read along, too.

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?

1. I was part of another group that had a ton of fun challenges but many of the members seemed to be reading 1-2 books A DAY which I just cannot keep up with, so I was drawn to this group that really supports reading at your own pace (however slow it may be!)
🐌 Read a book that takes place within a single day
🐌 Read a book that takes place over a long period of time (years)
🐌 Read a book with a clock or other timepiece on the cover.

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.

2. Science fiction / dystopia / historical fiction or even historical nonfiction seem to be my favorites right now. I will basically read anything but romance.
🐌 Read a science fiction book
🐌 Read a non-fiction book
🐌 Read any of the 2018 Goodreads Choice Award winners except The Kiss Quotient

Q3. Who is your fave author?

3.Michael Crichton!
🐌 Read a Micheal Crichton book
🐌 Read a book with a main character who is a novelist
🐌 Read a book with an author whose first or last name is Michael

Q4. What is your favourite book?

A. Too hard!!! I absolutely love the Harry Potter series and the Little House on the Prairie series will always hold a special place in my heart, as will the Earth’s Children series by Jean Auel. Wool by Hugh Howey is amazing and Bryan Cranston’s memoir A Life in Parts was so good I listened to the audio book twice, back to back.
🐌 Read a book that is part of a series with at least 5 books
🐌 Read Wool
🐌 Read A Life in Parts

Q5. What is your favourite colour?

A. Red ❤️
🐌 Read a book with a red cover
🐌 Read a book with a heart on the cover
🐌 Read a book with the word red or heart in the title

Q6. What's your favourite food?

A. Probably chocolate 🍫 Though my jerk chicken skewers with mango habanero sauce and corn fritters are amazing! And so is my mom’s homemade apple pie 🥧🤤
🐌Read either Chocolat or Like Water for Chocolate
🐌 Read a book set in Jamaica
🐌 Read a cozy mystery with an apple pie on the cover

Q7. What is your favourite song?

A. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ??? I’m not big on music, but I do love the soundtrack to The Greatest Showman! I enjoy Billy Joel as well.
🐌 Read a book with an MPG of music
🐌 Read a book about or that takes place in a circus
🐌 Read a book with a piano on the cover

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?

A. Books to film are my jam!!!
I thought Memoirs of a Geisha was done well. I liked how Into the Wild was adapted. And Fried Green Tomatoes! It’s one of my all time favorite movies (I watched it a million times before finally reading the book) and I really appreciate how it puts the events of the story in order because the book kinda jumps around all over the place.
🐌 Read Memoirs of a Geisha
🐌 Read Into the Wild
🐌 Read Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

Q9. What's your favourite movie?

A. #1 would have to be Forrest Gump! But Fried Green Tomatoes, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Benny and Joon, and The Greatest Showman are right up there!
🐌 Read a book with a character that lives an extraordinary life
🐌 Read Bridget Jones's Diary
🐌 Read book with a brother and sister as the main characters

Q10. If you had to live trapped in a book which book would you live in and why?

A. 🤔 Part of me wants to say Little House on the Prairie, but life was hard back then 😂 so I’ll go with Harry Potter! I so badly want to study magic at Hogwarts!!! Ravenclaw ❤️
🐌 Read a book set in the late 1800s
🐌 Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
🐌 Read a book with a raven on the cover

Bonus Tasks
🐌 Read any book from the Best for Book Clubs list
🐌 Read a book set in Florida
🐌 Read a book that centers around a marriage

message 25: by StarMan (new)

StarMan (thestarman) | 1935 comments Glad to see another SciFi/dystopia fan (Erin) here :)

I wonder how long a person could live on nothing but chocolate and water?

And thanks to Keli for the fun book-related challenges in her Meet-A-Members.

message 26: by Erin (new)

Erin | 842 comments Mod
Thanks so much, Keli! You came up with some great challenges and I’m certainly going to have to tackle many of them. Have you actually come across a book that takes place over the course of a single day? I totally want to read one!

message 27: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) StarMan, I could absolutely live on chocolate and water, but it has to be dark chocolate. 😏

Erin, I really like Michael Crichton too!

Here are a couple lists of books that take place in a single day...

message 28: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Very nice to "meet" you, Erin!

I'm in awe of anyone who does counted cross-stitch! It's like a black art to me. :(

Michael Crichton should be read and re-read. The man is immortal.

A book with the main character as a novelist is Misery. There are many more, I'm sure!

message 29: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Dec 13, 2020 12:28PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

🐌1. Read a novella
🐌2. Read a book that another member is currently reading (you can find a link to our members in the upper right hand corner of the page)
🐌3. Read a book from the relaxing genre

🐌1. Read a fantasy book
🐌2. Read Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
🐌3. Read a sci-fi book

🐌Read a book by Oscar Wilde
🐌2. Read a book by John Boyne
🐌3. Read a book by an author you have loved so far in 2020

🐌1. Read The Universe Versus Alex Woods
🐌2. Read a book with a book on the cover
🐌3. Read a book about books

🐌1. Read a book with a dirty grey blue cover. (I'm thinking heron blue or cadet blue.)
🐌2. Read a book with all the colours of the rainbow on it.
🐌3. Read a book with an autistic character

🐌1. Read a book with a cucumber on the cover
🐌2. Read a book from the  Best Danish Books list
🐌3. Read a book with something smelly or pungent on the cover

🐌1. Read a book with runes/runic looking writing on the cover
🐌2. Read a book with a person wearing part of an animal on them that mimics the animal
🐌3. Read a book that has the word "healing" in the title

🐌1. Read The Hobbit, Part One
🐌2. Read The Fellowship of the Ring
🐌3. Read a magical book

🐌1. Read a book by an author with the initials QT or GT
🐌2. Read a caper/heist novel
🐌3. Read gothic horror novel

🐌1. Read a book about Norse mythology or with a diety from Norse mythology as a character
🐌2. Read a Grimm Brothers' fairytale
🐌3. Read a book with a love triangle

Bonus Challenge
🐌1. Read a book set in Denmark
🐌2. Read a book with a budgie on the cover
🐌3. Read a book in French or that was originally published in French

community of book lovers like myself.
🐌1. Read a book with the word "amazing" in the title
🐌2. Read a book from Oprah's Book Club Picks
🐌3. Read a book with all the letters from WARM in the author's name

🐌1. Read a book with a model as a character
🐌2. Read a book set in Mississippi
🐌3. Read a legal thriller

🐌1. Read a John Grisham novel
🐌2. Read a Dean Koontz novel
🐌3. Read a book from your tbr list by an author you've never read

🐌1. Read Dracula
🐌2. Read The Grapes of Wrath
🐌3. Read a book from Flavorwire's 10 Quintessentially American Novels *please note this link will take you out of Goodreads

🐌1. Read a book with a pink cover
🐌2. Read a book with a wasp or bee on the cover
🐌3. Read a book of poetry

🐌1. Read a book with a red and white cover
🐌2. Read a book set in Greece
🐌3. Read a from the Best Books About China List

🐌1. Read a book about an insecure character
🐌2. Read a self help or positive thinking book
🐌3. Read a book about a rock band

🐌1. Read a book that has been adapted from a film, e.g. Five Feet Apart
🐌2. Read a book from the Therefore I Read list
🐌3. Read Missing, The Execution of Charles Horman

🐌1. Read a book with cousin characters
🐌2. Read a book with an MPG Humor
🐌3. Read with an MC named Vincent or Vinny

🐌1. Read Fahrenheit 451 or 1984
🐌2. Read The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha or Foxe's Book of Martyrs
🐌3. Read The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government or Atlas Shrugged

Bonus Challenges
🐌1. Read a book about the printed word, i.e. newspapers, books, plays, pamphlets or a printing press
🐌2. Read a book with dogs on the cover
🐌3. Read a book by an author whose initials are EV

message 30: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 03:00PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Pien. She lives with her husband, their ten year-old daughter and two year-old Flatcoated Retriever in The Netherlands, close to the city The Hague.
Pien works part-time as a life coach, mainly helping people find suitable jobs. Though she does work free of charge when the client is unable to maintain traditional employment. Instead she helps them find something in the voluntary sector.
Pien spends the majority of her time as a stay at home mam, focusing her energies on her multi-goaled daughter (she wants to become a vet, a writer and a musical star! ) and their dog (he just wants to joke around and is the happiest creature in the world).
In her spare time, she loves reading (mostly in Dutch but sometimes in English), partaking in anything concerning music (singing, making music, going to popconcerts or the opera), being out in nature, and passing time with friends and family. She is also very interested in people, particularly in relation to psychology and philosophy.
Read on to get to know a bit more about Pien, and hopefully read along, too

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?

A. I hoped that joining a group would motivate me to read a bit more, which it did. And I was curious to read books I would never pick out myself. I found out I really like fantasy and sf much more than I expected, and am pretty hooked on non-fiction now, which I never read before.
Also it’s much fun to read what others think of the books we are reading, and thanks to the Snails Group, I had a great time buddy-reading some big books with Erin.
This snails group specifically is great because there’s no pressure. It doesn’t matter whether someone reads three books a day or one every month. And there’s a happy vibe in this group.
🐌 Read a fantasy or sci-fi book
🐌 Read a book that one of your Goodreads friends gave 5 stars
🐌 Read a book recommended to you

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.

A. Historical fiction and horror are great (not blood dripping slasher things, but nice paranormal suspense and ghosts that just aren’t ready to leave yet), and I like to be challenged a bit sometimes with books like Homo Deus. But anything that is well written, in the sense of believable characters and beautiful sentences, is great for me. And I like books about books, libraries and universities, with a nice dusty smell. Like Donna Tartts The secret history. (I should reread that one some time soon!)
🐌 Read an historical fiction book
🐌 Read a paranormal suspense book
🐌 Read a book from the following shelf Novels about books

Q3. Who is your fave author?

A. No! An impossible question. I can’t choose. But I’ll give you Oscar Wilde, Michael Crichton and Glen David Gold.
🐌Read a book by Oscar Wilde
🐌 Read a book by Michael Crichton
🐌 Read a book by Glen David Gold

Q4. What is your favourite book?

A. Again! But amongst my favorites are definitely The picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde), The secret garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett), The thousand autumns of Jacob de Zoet (David Mitchell) and Carter beats the devil (Glen David Gold)
🐌 Read The Picture of Dorian Gray
🐌 Read The Secret Garden
🐌 Read Carter Beats the Devil

Q5. What is your favourite colour?

A. Green. At least one easy question :-)
🐌 Read a book with a majority green cover
🐌 Read a book where the title is written in green
🐌 Read a novella

Q6. What is your favourite food?

A. Anything spicy will be fine.
🐌 Read a book from the Books with Spices in the Title list
🐌 Read a book with anything spicy on the cover
🐌 Read a book set in one of the following countries; Mexico, Peru or Bolivia

Q7. What is your favourite song?

A. Winter by Tori Amos, many songs by Beyonce, Wide open space by Mansun. And again, many more…
🐌 Read a book that takes place in the winter
🐌 Read a book with an African-American female protagonist
🐌 Read a book with an expansive landscape on the cover, e.g.
Autumn by Ali Smith Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?

A. I think that could be The Lord of the Rings. Unbelievable someone actually had the guts to take on that project, and it came out so beautiful.
🐌 Read The Lord of the Rings or The Fellowship of the Ring
🐌 Read a book from Mentalfloss's 11 Famous Books That Have Proven Impossible to Film
🐌 Read a book with a ring on the cover

Q9. What's your favourite movie?

A. All time favorite is The Sound of Music. I’ve watched it every year at Christmas time, since I was a child. I love good horror movies too, and a good sci-fi or comedy (Love Actually is a very nice one)… As you can see, choosing is not at all my thing.
🐌 Read a book set in Austria
🐌 Read a book about a musician or musicians
🐌 Read a book with a governess or nanny in the story

Q10. It's 2020 and the gods of merriment offer you a choice: you can have perfect vision and the bonus of seeing all the colours that exist or you can travel back in time but only to a year where a number is/can be said twice, e.g. 1919, 1010, 33. Which would you choose and why?

A. 1414 B.C. in Egypt please! I would love to see that for myself. Old Egypt is such an interesting culture and time. A bit earlier Hatshepsut was the pharaoh, a woman! And she did a pretty good job. I’m not a feminist, but this interested me a lot. How did she become the pharaoh and how did people react? I’d go there and interview anyone I’d meet and try to write a book about it. If the gods are so kind as to give me the knowledge to speak their language that is…
🐌 Read a book where the total page count has 14 intact, i.e. 140, 314, etc
🐌 Read a book set in ancient Egypt
🐌 Read The Woman Who Would Be King: Hatshepsut's Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt

Bonus Challenge
🐌 Read a book with a dog on the cover. Bonus points if it's a retriever
🐌 Read a book where a MC is either a veterinarian, writer or pop star
🐌 Read a book set in The Netherlands or by someone from there.

message 31: by Erin (new)

Erin | 842 comments Mod
Keli wrote: "

Meet Pien. She lives with her husband, their ten year-old daughter and two year-old Flatcoated Retriever in The Netherlands, close to the city The Hague.
Pien works part-time as a life coach, ma..."

🙌🏻 Yes, Pien was a fabulous buddy for reading the Century Trilogy! 😁
I’m certainly living up to the name “book snail” this year (I’ve only finished 3), but I will definitely revisit this thread and try to meet some of the challenges when I get a chance!

message 32: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) It's wonderful getting to know members! And yes, Pien, Sound of Music is such a classic and favorite of mine as well! Looking forward to some of these challenges... reading a Michael Crichton book, check! He's one of my favorites too.😊

message 33: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments It's wonderful to "meet" you, Pien! Couldn't agree more about the film adaptation of LOTR - astounding.

message 34: by Fred (new)

Fred Alexander (tumbleweed984gmailcom) | 125 comments Happy to meet you, Pien, you sound as if you have a broad reading interest! I have enjoyed The Golden Age Trillogy and A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley. Have you picked up 13 Ways of Looking at The Novel ? I would also enjoy reading a Michael Crighton book, I've only read a few . That's a beauriful tulip photo 1! The flower shows will be starting soon huh?

message 35: by Pien (new)

Pien | 565 comments Thanks, it’s nice to meet you all too! It was a lot of fun participating in meet a member and I hope many of you will join in! It’s so nice to read everyone’s favorites and background.
And well spotted, Fred! That’s me on a Dutch tulip indeed! :-)
I don’t know 13 ways to look at the novel, but I put it on my TBR list.
If anyone is looking for a Dutch novel I would recommend Hex (by Oldeheuvelt, a very young writer) if you like to get seriously spooked, and The discovery of heaven by Mulisch if you’re interested in the heavier stuff. (You either will love it or hate it!)

message 36: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 02:48PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Aya. Aya is a retired cabin attendant and medical secretary (though not at the same time). She loves budgies and books, which is wonderful because she spends most of her day with both.
An avid blogger at one point, she even had an old Goodreads account with a plethora of reviews, but Aya made the decision to destress and read solely for enjoyment. She stopped blogging and opened a new Goodreads account to find and interact with other book lovers in a stress free environment.
Aya resides in Denmark, has good neighbours and enjoys taking walks when she can. She's very open about her autism, which was diagnosed later in life. She has a passion for knitting and an appreciation for the French language, both of which she tries to keep up. Read on to get to know a bit more about Aya, and hopefully read along, too

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?"

A. I was looking for a group with not so many members (so as to get to know as many as possible) and more important a group where it is not important to read one or two books a month, I have tried it before and it was a bit stressful.
🐌1. Read a novella
🐌2. Read a book that another member is currently reading (you can find a link to our members in the upper right hand corner of the page)
🐌3. Read a book from the relaxing genre

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.

A. Fantasy, sci-fi, and what ever genres Donna Tartt and John Boyne are. Though The Secret History has caused me trouble - I loved loved The Goldfinch and have read it in Danish and English.
I also like horror, really dying under the pillow horror, like Bird Box, and of course Stephen King.
I have been a huge historical fiction fan but it is rare to find just the right one. My favorite so far is Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania...and so many others. I find it hard to limit myself.
🐌1. Read a fantasy book
🐌2. Read Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
🐌3. Read a sci-fi book

Q3. Who is your fave author?

A. Erik Larsson, Donna Tartt, Stephen King, John Boyne, Amor Towles..and many others. I find new favorites each year.
🐌1. Read a book by Donna Tartt(bonus points if you read The Goldfinch)
🐌2. Read a book by John Boyne
🐌3. Read a book by an author you have loved so far in 2020

Q4. What is your favourite book?

A. If I had to chose one (it would not be fantasy or sci-fi) The Universe Versus Alex Woods, because of the content of course and also the many references to books.
🐌1. Read The Universe Versus Alex Woods
🐌2. Read a book with a book on the cover
🐌3. Read a book about books

Q5. What is your favourite colour?

A. Being autistic it is only fair to name: All "dirty" colors, like a dirty muddy blue or green. Yellow I love. I just bought lilac curtains. I think I love all colors to be honest - maybe blue - a dirty grey blue is my favorite!
🐌1. Read a book with a dirty grey blue cover. (I'm thinking heron blue or cadet blue.)
🐌2. Read a book with all the colours of the rainbow on it.
🐌3. Read a book with an autistic character

Q6. What's your favourite food?

A. Cucumber, rugbrød (ryebread is a Danish thing), butter, cheese (strong) - and coffee.
🐌1. Read a book with a cucumber on the cover
🐌2. Read a book from the  Best Danish Books list
🐌3. Read a book with something smelly or pungent on the cover

Q7. What is your favourite song?

A. Alfadir by Heilung - a Danish band
🐌1. Read a book with runes/runic looking writing on the cover
🐌2. Read a book with a person wearing part of an animal on them that mimics the animal
🐌3. Read a book that has the word "healing" in the title

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?

A. That is difficult - I know when I have answered I will want to change to another..but here goes: All the movies based on books written by Tolkien - they are magical.
🐌1. Read The Hobbit, Part One
🐌2. Read The Fellowship of the Ring
🐌3. Read a magical book

Q9. What's your favourite movie?

A. All Quentin Tarantino movies - and Guillermo del Toro. But there are so many...
🐌1. Read a book by an author with the initials QT or GT
🐌2. Read a caper/heist novel
🐌3. Read gothic horror novel

Q10. If the afterlife is a fairytale which one would you pick, and which four people would you want to populate it with you, give their roles. (e.g. Snow White, my husband is Grumpy, Denzel Washington is the Prince, my daughter is Doc and Julian Clary is the Queen)

A. Afterlife for me is Ragnarok - the old norse - and i would populate it with Quentin Tarantino as my protector, Guillermo del Toro as my Seer, John Boyne as my closest friend (he is gay and could not be my husband) and The Brothers Grimm as my lovers - haha
🐌1. Read a book about Norse mythology or with a diety from Norse mythology as a character
🐌2. Read a Grimm Brothers' fairytale
🐌3. Read a book with a love triangle

Bonus Challenge
🐌1. Read a book set in Denmark
🐌2. Read a book with a budgie on the cover
🐌3. Read a book in French or that was originally published in French

message 37: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) Pleasure to meet you Aya!😊

message 38: by Candace (new)

Candace (candywilliams) | 491 comments Budgies and books! So wonderful to meet you, Aya!

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Pien wrote: "Thanks, it’s nice to meet you all too! It was a lot of fun participating in meet a member and I hope many of you will join in! It’s so nice to read everyone’s favorites and background.
And well spo..."

Nice meeting you, Pien, I have Hex on my tbr now, and i follow Passion for pencils on Youtube, she is Dutch and i love her accent.

message 40: by [deleted user] (last edited Aug 07, 2020 11:09PM) (new)

Keli wrote: "

Meet Aya. Aya is a retired cabin attendant and medical secretary (though not at the same time). She loves budgies and books, which is wonderful because she spends most of her day with both.
An a..."

It is a pleasure to meet you all and read your challenges.
Thank you so much, Keli, you made my answers so readable. My English is still improving and i look up to people with a speciel gift for words, i think you are one.
Will be working on my challenge and post it here.

p.s. I love the Hammersnail you found for me.

message 41: by Pien (new)

Pien | 565 comments Great the get to know you better, Aya! I like the books you mentioned and put Dead wake on my tbr list. Hopefully you can get your hands on the book Hex, and I hope you get as blown away by it as I was. I love being really scared :-)
The Dutch blogger you mentioned is new to me, I will look her up. I love the French language, I know quite a lot of words but understanding someone speaking it is a whole other thing...
And I love the sound of Danish. My husband and I have been bingewatching Broen and Borgen and your language is so beautiful. Maybe I’ll try to speak it a little with a language app, just for the fun of it.

message 42: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 18, 2020 01:21AM) (new)

All right, here is my Snail challenge for this thread.
Some i have read already ✔, i might read them again, and others are waiting to be discovered, yai!

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?"
🐌1. Read a novella
🐌2. Read a book that another member is currently reading (you can find a link to our members in the upper right hand corner of the page) - I have read them before but was not into reading at the time, so here goes again.
The Song of Achilles and Circe
🐌3. Read a book from the relaxing genre
Little Women

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.
🐌1. Read a fantasy book
✔book:Ravnenes hvisken|29826391]
🐌2. Read Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
🐌3. Read a sci-fi book
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

Q3. Who is your fave author?
🐌1. Read a book by Donna Tartt(bonus points if you read The Goldfinch)
The Goldfinch and will give this one more chance The Secret History
🐌2. Read a book by John Boyne
Mutiny on the Bounty
🐌3. Read a book by an author you have loved so far in 2020
The House of Special Purpose

Q4. What is your favourite book?
🐌1. Read The Universe Versus Alex Woods
The Universe Versus Alex Woods
🐌2. Read a book with a book on the cover

🐌3. Read a book about books
Fahrenheit 451

Q5. What is your favourite colour?
🐌1. Read a book with a dirty grey blue cover. (I'm thinking heron blue or cadet blue.)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
🐌2. Read a book with all the colours of the rainbow on it.
All's Well That Ends Well by William Shakespeare
🐌3. Read a book with an autistic character
Convenience Store Woman

Q6. What's your favourite food?
🐌1. Read a book with a cucumber on the cover

🐌2. Read a book from the Best Danish Books list
🐌3. Read a book with something smelly or pungent on the cover

Q7. What is your favourite song?
🐌1. Read a book with runes/runic looking writing on the cover
Futhark A Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson
🐌2. Read a book with a person wearing part of an animal on them that mimics the animal.
Nordens Gudekvad & Snorris Eddasagn
🐌3. Read a book that has the word "healing" in the title

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?
🐌1. Read The Hobbit, Part One
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
🐌2. Read The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings
🐌3. Read a magical book
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Q9. What's your favourite movie?
🐌1. Read a book by an author with the initials QT or GT
The Hateful Eight
🐌2. Read a caper/heist novel
Six of Crows
🐌3. Read gothic horror novel

Q10. If the afterlife is a fairytale which one would you pick, and which four people would you want to populate it with you, give their roles. (e.g. Snow White, my husband is Grumpy, Denzel Washington is the Prince, my daughter is Doc and Julian Clary is the Queen)
🐌1. Read a book about Norse mythology or with a diety from Norse mythology as a character
Norse Mythology
🐌2. Read a Grimm Brothers' fairytale

🐌3. Read a book with a love triangle
The Age of Innocence

Bonus Challenge
🐌1. Read a book set in Denmark
Helgi Daner
🐌2. Read a book with a budgie on the cover

🐌3. Read a book in French or that was originally published in French
The Little Prince

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Candace wrote: "Budgies and books! So wonderful to meet you, Aya!"

Yeah, i love my little man - nice to meet you too, Candace

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Vickie wrote: "Pleasure to meet you Aya!😊"

You too, Vickie, thanks for Welcoming me.

message 45: by Fred (new)

Fred Alexander (tumbleweed984gmailcom) | 125 comments Nice to meet you Aya, welcome to Book Snails !

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Fred wrote: "Nice to meet you Aya, welcome to Book Snails !"

Thank you, Fred.

message 47: by StarMan (new)

StarMan (thestarman) | 1935 comments Hi Aya, thanks for sharing, and for the good book & author suggestions.

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Thank you, Starman, I think i might have found a group to my needs and liking, if that is even English.
I can see from the books you all read, that we have much in common.

message 49: by Keli, Keli Snail (last edited Nov 14, 2020 02:48PM) (new)

Keli | 494 comments Mod

Meet Ev, she's a fellow moderator here at Book Snails Book Group. She prefers paper books. Read on to learn more about Ev and, hopefully you read along, too.

Q1. Why did you join the Book Snails Group?

A. I joined this awesome club because it seemed like a place where I belonged among my fellow Snail readers with amazing tastes in books. I found it to be a very warm community of book lovers like myself.
🐌1. Read a book with the word "amazing" in the title
🐌2. Read a book from Oprah's Book Club Picks
🐌3. Read a book with all the letters from WARM in the author's name

Q2. What is your favourite genre? Be as specific as you like.

A. Genres are to me like fashion is to a model. I read all type of styles depending on the mood that strikes me. However, one of my favorite genres that I have never stopped loving since I lived in Mississippi is the Legal Thriller genre, dominated by the honorable John Grisham.

🐌1. Read a book with a model as a character
🐌2. Read a book set in Mississippi
🐌3. Read a legal thriller

Q3. Who is your fave author?

A. Next to choosing a favorite book, having to decide on a favorite author feels like a tormenting disloyalty because I can’t pick just one...but if I had to, one of the top candidates, besides Grisham, of course, is Dean Koontz, the real King of Horror and Sci-Fi.

🐌1. Read a John Grisham novel
🐌2. Read a Dean Koontz novel
🐌3. Read a book from your tbr list by an author you've never read

Q4. What is your favourite book?

A. Speaking of torment, I am torn between two contenders for the title of Favorite Book: Dracula and The Grapes Of Wrath, which I consider the quintessential American novel.

🐌1. Read Dracula
🐌2. Read The Grapes of Wrath
🐌3. Read a book from Flavorwire's 10 Quintessentially American Novels *please note this link will take you out of Goodreads

Q5. What is your favourite colour?

A. Much like wasps are attracted to yellow, my eyes are drawn to anything pink, a sweet and poetic color.

🐌1. Read a book with a pink cover
🐌2. Read a book with a wasp or bee on the cover
🐌3. Read a book of poetry

Q6. What's your favourite food?

A. If it’s edible, I’ll eat it. I love American, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Greek food.

🐌1. Read a book with a red and white cover
🐌2. Read a book set in Greece
🐌3. Read a from the Best Books About China List

Q7. What is your favourite song?

A. To me, picking a favorite song is like being offered a humongous box of books and told I can only pick one while blindfolded. Not fair, lol. But if I had to narrow it down to just one, it would be one of the earliest songs I remember that resonated with me, “Papercut” by Linkin Park.

🐌1. Read a book about an insecure character
🐌2. Read a self help or positive thinking book
🐌3. Read a book about a rock band

Q8. What is the best book to film adaptation you've seen?

A. I have always been a strict reader and never a viewer of book-to-movie adaptations because Hollywood takes away the essence of a novel and inserts a revised and corrupt message that is often in tune with a political agenda. Thus the whole book and reading experience is ruined.

🐌1. Read a book that has been adapted from a film, e.g. Five Feet Apart
🐌2. Read a book from the Therefore I Read list
🐌3. Read Missing, The Execution of Charles Horman

Q9. What's your favourite movie?

A. Hands down, one of my favorite movies is My Cousin Vinny. With genius dialogue and an intriguing plot infused with a full dose of legal flavor, it is possibly one of the greatest movies ever written and produced. Topping it off is a maximum dosage of hilarity even real life can’t deliver.

🐌1. Read a book with cousin characters
🐌2. Read a book with an MPG Humor
🐌3. Read with an MC named Vincent or Vinny

Q10. The world has become a Fahrenheit 451 dystopian nightmare. You are allowed to keep five books for all humanity, all others will be destroyed. Which five books would you choose?

A. Since it feels like the world is already in Fahrenheit 451 dystopian mode, five books I would definitely save are the Bible, John Foxe’s Book Of Martyrs, The Rise And Fall Of The Confederate Government, Atlas Shrugged, and 1984

🐌1. Read Fahrenheit 451 or 1984
🐌2. Read The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha or Foxe's Book of Martyrs
🐌3. Read The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government or Atlas Shrugged

Bonus Challenges
🐌1. Read a book about the printed word, i.e. newspapers, books, plays, pamphlets or a printing press
🐌2. Read a book with dogs on the cover
🐌3. Read a book by an author whose initials are EV

message 50: by Pien (new)

Pien | 565 comments Yay! A new Meet a member!! Nice to get to know you a bit better Ev! I’m inspired to read some of your favorites (like The grapes of Wrath), and I’ll look up Linkin Parks song for shure!
And that food thing, whenever it’s edible... Same :-)

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