2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE: Yearly Challenges > Let's Turn Pages - 2020

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message 1: by oshizu (last edited Jan 11, 2020 10:37AM) (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments LET’S TURN PAGES
Duration: January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020

Our most popular challenge, Let’s Turn Pages, returns once again in 2020!
The GoodReads Reading Challenge lets you aim at reading a certain quantity of books during a year. This challenge, however, doesn’t care at all about how many books you read. Here, it’s all about how many pages you turn in 2020.

Getting Started
1. Make a goal of the number of pages you aim to read and let the challenge leader know.
Also post that goal in your original sign-up post.

2. Do your best to reach that goal by the end of 2020. You can always raise or lower your goal to accommodate your personal circumstances. Just let the challenge leader know.

3. There’s no need to plan out all your books in advance.
Just be sure to keep track of the books you read and their page count.

- - - -
Updating Your Progress
Please track your ongoing progress in your original sign-up post, adding up your total pages read. Only count the pages turned for a book after you have finished reading it. Use the format below:
Sample Post:
Progress: 1,004/10,000 pages
The Picture of Dorian Gray: 254
Cloud Atlas: 509
The Children of Men: 241

Posting Update Comments
To have your progress updated on the Participants list, please post an update comment. Be sure to include both your message number and progress as follows:
Updated msg #10: 1,004/10,000

*If GoodReads doesn’t show a page count for your edition (as with audiobooks), simply use the page count of the most popular non-audiobook edition.
*Rereads also count for this challenge, but you need to read the entire book. No skimming!
*Has your progress not been updated on the Participants list?
Please note that, in order to update this challenge twice monthly, I will not be checking your original posts.
When you post an update comment, include both your message number and progress (not just your message number).
Also check to make sure that your original post includes your total progress using the “pages read/pages pledged” format (this is just for backup).
*Updating schedule: The Participants list will be updated regularly, on the 16th of each month (for Days 1-15) and the 1st of the next month (for Days 16 to month end).
*If you change your Goodreads name, please let the challenge leader know via an update comment or by a direct message, only so we can keep your progress updated accurately.
*For more information on how challenges are run in this group, see the Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly Challenges - Start Here thread.

If you decide to leave this challenge, please simply edit your original post to say “Withdrawn,” but do not delete your post. Deleting a post changes every subsequent message number, which is confusing for all. Thank you!

Let’s read great books and have fun with this challenge!
How many pages will we have turned as a group by the end of 2020?

message 2: by oshizu (last edited Jan 09, 2021 02:40PM) (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments - - - - -
Challenge Tiers
As you update your challenge, we will update your corresponding challenge tier.
In view of this year’s yearly theme of Myth, Legends, & Fairy Tales, each tier is symbolized by a mythical creature, from small to gigantic.
🧚‍♀️Sprite: 1,000 pages
🧝‍♀️ Elf: 5,000 pages
🧜‍♀️ Merfolk: 10,000 pages
🦄 Unicorn: 20,000 pages
🦅 Garuda: 30,000 pages
🐉 Dragon: 40,000 and above pages

Alli - 0 / 35,000
Amber - 0 / 20,000
Anna - 0 / 25,000
Ava - 0 / 20,200
Barbara - 0 / 20,000
Becky - 0 / 12,000
Berit - 0 / 15,000
Blagica - 0 / 45,000
Cassandra - 0 / 40,000
Cassie - 0 / 20,000
Catarina - 0 / 10,000
Cindy III - 0 / 10,000
Danielle - 0 / 35,000
Debbie (#269) - 0 / 10,000
Debra - 0 / 75,000
Dominique (msg 45) - 0 / 22,000
Dominique (msg 89) - 0 / 17,000
Erin - 0 / 40,000
Evil Secret - 0 / 25,000
Fairlee - 0 / 5,000
Gail (msg 132) - 0 / 12,000
Genevieve - 0 / 20,000
Hao - 0 / 45,000
Jennifer (msg 30) - 0 / 30,000
Jennifer (msg 278) - 0 / 20,000
Jessica (msg 19) - 0 / 40,000
Julia (msg 90) - 0 / 10,000
Karin - 0 / 15,000
Katherine - 0 / 80,000
Kylie (msg 377) - 0 / 20,000
Kyra - 0 / 10,000
Lauri - 0 / 50,000
Letizia - 0 / 20,000
Lisa (msg 110) - 0 / 15,000
Lisa B (msg 250) - 0 / 16,000
Lucian - 0 / 21,000
Luna - 0 / 20,000
Maca - 0 / 10,000
Maria Hill (msg 115) - 0 / 37,500
matilde - 0 / 24,000
Meghan L - 0 / 37,000
Michelle (msg 106) - 0 / 15,000
Michelle T. (msg 211) - 0 / 5,000
Nikinnia - 0 / 40,000
Raimondo - 0 / 22,000
Samantha (msg 96) - 0 / 20,000
Scott - 0 / 20,000
The Book Girl - 0 / 45,000
Vale - 0 / 7,000
Veer - 0 / 40,000
Wolf - 0 / 100,000
Yare - 0 / 25,000

Abbie - 453 / 5,000
Aimée - 10,067 / 40,000 🧜‍♀️
AKindaTrilingual (Leen) - 8,551 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Alison - 51,658 / 60,000 🐉🧜‍♀️
Alta - 11,897 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Alyshia - 2,149 / 5,000 🧚‍♀️
Amanda (msg 804) - 10,772 / 15,000 🧜‍♀️
Amber M. - 7,301 / 47,000 🧝‍♀️
Amy (msg 183) - 4,082 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Andrea (msg 116) - 5,828 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Andrea (msg 187) - 11,052 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Andrew - 16,748 / 40,000 🧜‍♀️
Andy - 9,146 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Anissa - 3,505 / 10,000 🧚‍♀️
April - 15,255 / 18,000 🧜‍♀️
Barry - 11,118 / 14,000 🧜‍♀️
Beatriz - 2,442 / 30,000 🧚‍♀️
Beth - 14,299 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Carrie - 13,972 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
CC - 38,653 / 40,000 🦅
Chris (msg 151) - 1,581 / 10,000 🧚‍♀️
Chrissie - 23,135 / 50,000 🦄
Christina (msg 123) - 789 / 40,000
Christine (msg 213) - 10,947 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Christine (msg 1023) - 12,090 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
CrazyAsACupcake - 14,118 / 25,000 🧜‍♀️
Crystal - 17,061 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Dar - 5,893 / 60,000 🧝‍♀️
Debbie (#1523) - 8,933 / 40,000 🧝‍♀️
Deidre - 19,203 / 25,000 🧜‍♀️
Diane - 33,294 / 40,000 🦅
Eduardo - 4,330 / 7,000 🧚‍♀️
Elena (msg 1151) - 28,189 / 30,000 🦄
Emily (msg 172) - 942 / 10,000
Fahad - 312 / 20,000
Gabriella - 38,097 / 40,000 🦅
Gail (msg 8) - 16,662 / 25,000 🧜‍♀️
Greg - 17,810 / 24,000 🧜‍♀️
Haley - 14,847 / 50,000 🧜‍♀️
Heather - 44,938 / 50,000 🐉
Hillary - 324 / 10,000
Ioana - 466 / 10,000
Isabella - 8,058 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Jennifer (msg 5) - 4,950 / 6,000 🧚‍♀️
Jennifer (msg 292) - 6,768 / 35,000 🧝‍♀️
Jessica (msg 786) - 1,220 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Jennifer (#1451) - 45,993 / 50,000 🐉
Joelyn - 3,919 / 5,000 🧚‍♀️
JoseeD - 4,475 / 40,000 🧚‍♀️
Julie (msg 124) - 3,176 / 10,000 🧚‍♀️
Kara - 418 / 10,000
KaraBeta - 26,915 / 40,000 🦄
Kate (msg 48) - 5,299 / 29,000 🧝‍♀️
Katie (msg 82) - 1,066 / 30,000 🧚‍♀️
Keir - 1,623 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Kerrie - 9,354 / 15,000 🧝‍♀️
Ketty - 3,378 / 15,000 🧚‍♀️
Kitty - 3,498 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Kristin - 871 / 15,000
Kylie (msg 91) - 14,922 / 17,500 🧜‍♀️
Kylie (msg 549) - 2,044 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Kylie (msg 888) - 3,310 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Lara - 20,417 / 40,000 🦄
Laura - 3,146 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Lindsay - 4,464 / 29,000 🧚‍♀️
Lisa (msg 1110) - 4,015 / 10,000 🧚‍♀️
Luci - 9,017 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Luisa - 7,033 / 10,000 🧝‍♀️
Marie Claude - 2,386 / 25,000 🧚‍♀️
Mary-Ann - 3,717 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Marythios - 46,251 / 75,000 🐉
Matt - 3,342 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Michelle (msg 165) - 1,572 / 20,000 🧚‍♀️
Michelle (msg 401) - 9,956 / 24,000 🧝‍♀️
Monica - 7,676 / 30,000 🧝‍♀️
Nancy Ann - 5,079 / 20,000 🧝‍♀️
Nancy from NJ - 5,665 / 15,000 🧝‍♀️
Nathalia - 8,701 / 40,000 🧝‍♀️
Nicky - 19,113 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Niecie - 2,930 / 40,000 🧚‍♀️
Prometheus - 327 / 20,000
Ras Tazie - 18,458 / 25,000 🧜‍♀️
Richard - 44,937 / 100,000 🐉
Robin - 196,292 / 250,000 🐉🐉🐉🐉🦅
Sabah - 1,139 / 5,000 🧚‍♀️
Sarah (msg 16) - 10,302 / 50,000 🧜‍♀️
Sarah (msg 58) - 506 / 30,000
Sharon - 12,749 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Shatina - 2,147 / 15,000 🧚‍♀️
Siddhant - 3,765 / 10,000 🧚‍♀️
sophie - 12,582 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Stephanie - 11,104 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Sue - 7,559 / 30,000 🧝‍♀️
Suzanne - 20,847 / 50,000 🦄
Tammy - 10,054 / 20,000 🧜‍♀️
Tasha - 5,467 / 20,000 🧝‍♀️
Thomas - 11,275 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Tiffany - 14,992 / 30,000 🧜‍♀️
Tracy - 18,767 / 40,000 🧜‍♀️
Tylor - 3,011 / 5,000 🧚‍♀️
Vernice - 8,070 / 25,000 🧝‍♀️
Ziggy - 3,446 / 40,000 🧚‍♀️

Amanda (#364) - 37,566 / 30,000 🦅
Amy (#7) - 20,546 / 20,000 🦄
Ashley - 34,713 / 20,000 🦅
Bailey - 20,021 / 20,000 🦄
Beverly - 96,444 / 60,000 🐉🐉🧜‍♀️
Brittany - 34,801 / 30,000 🦅
Caro - 22,380 / 16,000 🦄
Carmen - 114,116 / 75,000 🐉🐉🦅
Cassia - 21,542 / 20,000 🦄
Catherine - 18,001 / 18,000 🧜‍♀️
Chalmation - 36,630 / 36,500 🦅
Charity - 36,828 / 35,000 🦅
Chloe - 15,955 / 9,000 🧜‍♀️
Chris (#204) - 21,551 / 20,000 🦄
Christina (msg 139) - 6,433 / 6,000 🧝‍♀️
Claire - 14,052 / 12,000 🧜‍♀️
Darlene - 40,151 / 40,000 🐉
David - 21,571 / 20,000 🦄
Doe - 26,888 / 25,000 🦄
Eggp - 30,852 / 25,000 🦅
Elaine - 9,507 / 5,000 🧝‍♀️
Elena (#586) - 6,707 / 4,000 🧝‍♀️
El raton lector - 25,701 / 25,000 🦄
emilia - 11,933 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
Emily (#155) - 33,846 / 24,000 🦅
Emma - 21,489 / 20,000 🦄
Erica - 11,243 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
Fran - 57,707 / 50,000 🐉🧜‍♀️
Gretchen - 35,575 / 35,000 🧜‍♀️
Gwen S. - 22,197 / 21,000 🦄
Janet - 28,528 / 25,000 🦄
Janine - 43,101 / 36,000 🐉
Kat - 17,805 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
Kay - 40,087 / 40,000 🐉
Kendra - 20,402 / 20,000 🦄
la mariane - 11,089 / 10,500 🧜‍♀️
Laureen - 22,279 / 20,000 🦄
Library Queen - 90,707 / 80,000 🐉🐉🧜‍♀️
Lynette - 22,110 / 20,000 🦄
Mani - 63,147 / 40,000 🐉🦄
Marc - 40,646 / 40,617 🐉
Margie - 90,189 / 75,000 🐉🐉🧜‍♀️
Maria (msg 129) - 82,301 / 75,000 🐉🐉
Maris - 17,206 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
Marissa - 45,609 / 45,000 🐉
Marja - 16,240 / 14,000 🧜‍♀️
Marta - 35,344 / 25,000 🦅
Mena - 23,245 / 20,000 🦄
Michelle (#57) - 50,661 / 35,000 🐉🧜‍♀️
Nicole - 51,770 / 22,000 🐉🧜‍♀️
oshizu - 67,924 / 50,383 🐉🦄
ॐ Pixie - 10,095 / 5,000 🧜‍♀️
Rachael - 43,091 / 30,000 🐉
Regina - 32,355 / 30,000 🦅
Samantha (#33) - 25,704 / 20,000 🦄
Sara (#843) - 12,844 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
Sarah (msg 76) - 238,338 / 200,000 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🦅
SarahG (#72) - 35,491 / 30,000 🦅
Sarah c (#1127) - 13,074 / 10,000 🧜‍♀️
selina c - 54,950 / 40,000 🐉🧜‍♀️
Shay - 25,455 / 20,000 🦄
Snezana - 31,209 / 25,000 🦅
Sunny - 67,716 / 60,000 🐉🦄
Susan (dalmation21) - 31,930 / 30,000 🦅
Tari - 73,196 / 73,000 🐉🦅
Taya - 40,000 / 40,000 🐉
Yana - 43,295 / 40,000 🐉

- - - - -
Q1: Pages read/pledged: 842,737/3,536,617 (23.87%); Done/started: 0/136 (0%)
Q2: Pages read/pledged: 1,925,470/4,438,117 (43.4%), Done/started: 0/159 (0%)
Q3: Pages read/pledged: 2,654,981/4,944,000 (55.8%); Done/started: 15/169 (8.9%)
Q4: Pages read/pledged: 3,862,521/4,976,500 (77.6%); Done/started: 67/169 (39.6%)

Final update: Jan 9th (US time) for the year 2020, through msg 2348

Archiving: This thread will be archived on January 10th.

message 3: by Ilona (new)

Ilona | 4700 comments Reserved

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Burton | 234 comments I plan to read 6,000 pages

message 6: by Ziggy (last edited Feb 01, 2020 09:14AM) (new)

Ziggy | 1217 comments I will go for the Dragon level and read 40,000 pages.

January: 3,446 pages/40000 read

message 7: by Amy (last edited Dec 31, 2020 09:30PM) (new)

Amy (amy_graves) | 591 comments I plan to read 10,000 (Merfolk) pages in 2020.

January: The 18th Abduction - 382 pages, Alex Cross's Trial - 488 pages, Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing Up - 242 pages, I, Alex Cross - 457 pages

February: The Fault in Our Stars - 322 pages, Cross Fire - 356 pages, Kill Alex Cross - 364 pages

March: Merry Christmas, Alex Cross - 323 pages, Alex Cross, Run - 407 pages, Cross My Heart - 419 pages

April: I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer - 328 pages,Hope to Die - 374 pages, The 19th Christmas - 344 pages, Meghan: A Hollywood Princess - 253 pages

May: Francona: The Red Sox Years - 368 pages, Small Sacrifices - 496 pages, Bulletproof - 181 pages, Eldest - 668 pages, I Wasn't Born Bulletproof: Lessons I've Learned - 134 pages, The 20th Victim - 398 pages, Do You Mind If I Cancel? - 159 pages, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy - 176 pages

June: The Tales of Beedle the Bard- 109 pages, Alexander Hamilton - 731 pages, Girl, Woman, Other - 452 pages, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - 333 pages

July: Boston Mob: The Rise and Fall of the New England Mob and Its Most Notorious Killer - 384 pages, Cross Justice - 421 pages, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 357 pages, Conquering Chaos - 150 pages, A Time to Kill - 488 pages

August: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 488 pages, Cross the Line - 376 pages, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - 294 pages, Cross Kill - 95 pages

September: House of Earth and Blood - 799 pages, Detective Cross - 130 pages, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood - 399 pages, Sons of Anarchy: Bratva - 256 pages

October: The Grim Sleeper: The Lost Women of South Central - 325 pages, The People vs. Alex Cross - 413 pages, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me - 289 pages, Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood - 338 pages, Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood - 384 pages, The Duchess Deal - 368 pages, Heartstopper: Volume One - 263 pages

November: Check, Please! Book 1: # Hockey - 288 pages, A Court of Thorns and Roses - 416 pages, Lumberjanes, Vol. 1: Beware the Kitten Holy - 128 pages, The Governess Game - 373 pages, Assassin's Apprentice - 435 pages, The Wallflower Wager - 353 pages, Target: Alex Cross - 414 pages

December: Sisterhood Everlasting - 349 pages, Jade City - 495 pages, A Court of Mist and Fury - 624 pages, The Kiss Quotient - 313 pages, Mister Black - 130 pages

Pages read total: 20,546/20,000 pages

message 8: by Gail W (new)

Gail W H (abbygg) | 711 comments Please add me for 25,000 pages

message 9: by Scott (new)

Scott Flicker | 1191 comments I’ll got for 20000 in 2020

message 10: by Ashley (last edited Dec 31, 2020 12:35PM) (new)

Ashley (ashleym99) | 1369 comments I'll try for 20,000 pages in 2020.

The Son: 30
The War of the Worlds: 158
A Widow's Tale: 524
Digital Fortress: 430
The Long Winter: 352
The Law is a Ass: An Illustrated Anthology of Legal Quotations: 276
Hallow Be the Haunt: 114
The Da Vinci Code: 489
A Stolen Life: 207
Seven Shadows: 350
The Chill: 435
San Diego Dead: 320
Artemis: 305
Little Town on the Prairie: 374
You Are Not Alone
The Lost Symbol: 639
The Transfer: 30
The Traitor: 42
Overwatch: 432
Only Lies Remain: 309
Beautiful Bait: 267
World Without End: 1,014
These Happy Golden Years: 322
Virgins: 103
Hour of the Assassin: 334
Murder Comes Home: Classic Detective Action: 306
Matilda: 233
Book Club Bloodshed: 174
Pippi Longstocking: 69
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass: 239
Memoirs of a Geisha: 428
The First Four Years: 68
Sharp Objects: 254
The Deep: 108
The Great Gatsby: 200
Inferno: 560
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek: 526
Gone Girl: 555
Stillhouse Lake: 286
I Am Number Four: 440
The Guest List: 312
On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915: 171
The Sea of Monsters: 196
Spring Girls: 368
The Woman: 255
The Old Man and the Sea: 96
Gulliver's Travels: 295
The Uncommon Reader: 119
Origin: 456
Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes: 249
Flatline: 182
Cell: 449
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes: 517
Divergent: 487
Everything I Never Told You: 292
Bird Box: 260
Gone to Darkness: 349
The Grapes of Wrath: 455
One Last Lie: 337
The Time Machine/The Invisible Man: 226
The Patient: 224
The End of the Rainbow: 245
The World of Divergent: The Path to Allegiant: 50
Outlander: 850
Insurgent: 525
Sweet Whispers of the Devil: 59
The Shadows: 323
Allegiant: 526
Displaced: 270
The Dead of the Night: 271
Takeoff: 289
The Night Swim: 341
The Auctioneers: 185
The Power of Six: 406
Ruthless: 342
The Rise of Nine: 360
The Unraveling: 250
Midnight Sun: 658
Dragonfly in Amber: 947
Never Past: 107
Intricate Deceptions: 213
The Fall of Five: 241
The Revenge of Seven: 243
The Fate of Ten: 416
War and Peace: 1,100
United as One: 449
The Catcher in the Rye: 110
Voyager: 1,059
Any Way You Bury It: 152
Pretty Little Wife: 400
The Princess Diaries: 283
The Joy Luck Club: 288
The Handmaid's Tale: 314
Miracle Creek: 351
The Gauguin Connection: 424
Drums of Autumn: 880
Lock Every Door: 368
The Odyssey: 306
A Christmas Carol: 85
The Silent Patient: 323
The House of the Seven Gables: 277
Becoming: 421

message 11: by Rachael (new)

Rachael (allons-y-bookworm) | 4318 comments I'm going to aim for 30,000 pages please and will post monthly updates like I've done in previous years.
Go, Garuda!

message 12: by Debra (last edited Dec 31, 2020 06:52PM) (new)

Debra Barstad | 362 comments Im in shooting for 75000 pages or 300 books
TOTAL - 5196

TOTAL - 6361

TOTAL - 7194

Total - 4485

TOTAL : 5710

TOTAL : 3354

Total - 2825

Total - 862

Total- 6410

TOTAL: 5728

1.Earning It 161
2.Shadow of the Wolf 196
3.Beneath a Blood-Red Sky 278
4.Catch Me If You Can : The True Story of Serial Killer Anne Gates23
5.The True Story of Killer Tabitha Messina23
6.Louisa Merrifield : Poison Killer24
7.Hiccup Girl : The True Story of Jennifer Mee25
8.The Bodies We Won't Bury: Love is Dangerous 495
9.The Little Prince Returns 156
10.Black & White 156
11.Blood Ties 262
12.Hallucinations 18
13.In The Company Of Wolves 18
14.Strangler John : The True Story of John Reginald Christie 18
15. Mister Slasher 17
16. Infectious: A collection of Zombie Stories 17
17. Cool Blue After Midnight 17
18. One Evil Bitch : The True Story of Judith Ann Neeley 17
19.Dead Girl's Bridge 17
20.Beast : The True Story of Serial Killer Guy Georges 17
21. A Mother's Killer16
22. Witch Girl : The True Story of Marlene Olive 15
23. Church Lady and Killer : The True Story of Blanche Moore 17
24. Black Widow : The True Story of Dena Thompson 17
25. Melt With You 312
26. The Underground Railroad306
27.An American Princess: The Many Lives of Allene Tew 225
28.Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 352
29.Shadows Falling 260
TOTAL 3457

1. The Kidnapping of Freddy Heineken 14
2.The Wolf Family Massacre 18
3.Sister Midnight: A Novel of Erotic Obsession 221
4.A Prisoner of His Own Mind 15
5. The Helios Disaster128
6.Bound 153
7.Stalked & Abducted : The True Story of Brianna Maitland 15
8.Christmas, a Cat and Cardiac Arrest168
10.Boiler Room16
11.Green With Envy 169
12.Lady Cannibal : The True Story of Katherine Knight16
13.Curvy Diversion130
14.The Real Life Vampire of Sacramento17
15.The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle482
16No Place to Die 150
17.Vampire Moments 19
18.Gay Slayer : The True Story of Colin Ireland18
20.The Bride of Chucky Killer 19
21.The Black & Blue Butterfly Tattoo 178
22.The Hunting Trip 18
23.Fatal Decision 177
24.Broomstick Murderer : The True Story of Kenneth McDuff 18
25.Message In A Bottle146
26.Teenage Vampire 18
27. The Vampire In The Mirror 18
28.Lust Killer18
29.The Dream Jumper's Christmas129
30.Stockwell Strangler : The True Story of Kenneth Erskine 19
31.Make Enterprise Great Again: The Gods Must Be Crazy!: Cradle of Communism to Catacomb of Capitalism: A Proposal to bring back the House of Roosevelt's143
32.The Screams of Ghosts19
33.Doctor Death : The True Story of Harold Shipman19
34.The Rules of Vampire Hunting19
35.A Deadly Internet Love Triangle19
36.Toy Box Killer19
38.Instant Message Murderer : The True Story of Sharee Miller19
39.The Trailside Killer19
40.Stalking Jack: The Hunt Begins...271
41.Bad Preacher19
42.Lassie Come-Home248
43.The Girl Who Cried Werewolf 19
44.Color of Danger195
45. The Hillside Stranglers19
46. Clear Body, Clear Mind254
47.The Girl Who Ran Away311
48.The Rock224
49.The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam19
50.A Waitress and a Vampire 19
51.This Is Where It Ends 286
52. The Smoothest Killer 19
53.Serial Killin' Slut : The True Story of Sharon Kinne 19
55.The Gift225
56. Paul Castellano : Mafia Godfather 19
Total: 5867

message 13: by Marissa (last edited Dec 31, 2020 09:04AM) (new)

Marissa | 382 comments I'm aim for 45,000 pages :)

✔️Progress: 51,427/45,000 pages✔️
Completed on 11/08/2020

January - 5,459 pages
Maybe This Time - 336 pages
Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss - 400 pages
The Forest of Hands and Teeth - 308 pages
The Cellar - 347 pages
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 435 pages
The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend - 280 pages
The Witch's Kind - 440 pages
A Heart So Fierce and Broken - 464 pages
American Royals - 448 pages
Sea Witch Rising - 368 pages
The Best Lies - 352 pages
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 734 pages
The Hunger Games - 374 pages
Every Heart a Doorway - 173 pages

February - 2,378 pages
The People We Hate at the Wedding - 326 pages
Catching Fire - 391 pages
Feed - 599 pages
Black-Eyed Susans - 352 pages
Mockingjay - 390 pages
Watching You - 320 pages

March - 4,472 pages
The Last - 340 pages
Home - 160 pages
Necessary People - 342 pages
A Great and Terrible Beauty - 403 pages
P.S. I Like You - 330 pages
Before the Devil Breaks You - 552 pages
Here There Are Monsters - 352 pages
Someone We Know - 292 pages
Keeping the Moon - 228 pages
Cruel Crown - 208 pages
The House We Grew Up In - 401 pages
A Thousand Boy Kisses - 316 pages
Rebel Angels - 548 pages

April - 4,952 pages
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo - 323 pages
Be Not Far From Me - 240 pages
Clockwork Angel - 481 pages
The Scorch Trials - 362 pages
The Kingdom of Back - 336 pages
The Iron King - 363 pages
The Sweet Far Thing - 819 pages
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War - 342 pages
There Will Come a Darkness - 496 pages
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 870 pages
The Distance Between Us - 320 pages

May - 3,775 pages
Never Let Me Go - 288 pages
Hex Hall - 323 pages
Orange Is the New Black - 322 pages
The Unhoneymooners - 400 pages
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 652 pages
Ruthless Gods - 544 pages
Glass Sword - 444 pages
Clockwork Prince - 498 pages
The Last One - 304 pages

June - 2,577 pages
The Storyteller - 461 pages
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 759 pages
Asylum - 317
Imaginary Friend - 705 pages
Water for Elephants - 335 pages

July - 5,447 pages
Cinder - 390 pages
Perfect Chemistry - 368 pages
Everything I Never Told You - 292 pages
Havenfall - 305 pages
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - 183 pages
Clockwork Princess - 567 pages
The Princess Saves Herself in This One- 156 pages
These Broken Stars - 378 pages
Scarlet - 505 pages
Normal People - 273 pages
Gemina - 659 pages
The Book of Speculation - 339 pages
Wilder Girls - 357 pages
This Shattered World - 394 pages
Someone Like You - 281 pages

August - 4,995 pages
Cress - 552 pages
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing - 213 pages
We Were Liars - 242 pages
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - 391 pages
Garden of Lies - 359 pages
This Lullaby - 345 pages
All Your Twisted Secrets - 400 pages
Fairest - 222 pages
Their Fractured Light - 428 pages
Pride - 304 pages
In the Dark - 407 pages
This Night So Dark - 109 pages
Beach Read - 361 pages
Midnight Sun - 662 pages

September - 5,167 pages
Winter - 827 pages
King's Cage - 528 pages
These Rebel Waves - 474 pages
If I Stay - 201 pages
LIFEL1K3 - 402 pages
How to Hang a Witch - 358 pages
Anna and the French Kiss - 372 pages
Not Even Bones - 368 pages
Atonement - 480 pages
Where She Went - 297 pages
Dear John - 276 pages
Shadow of Night - 584 pages

October - 5,119 pages
Artemis Fowl - 396 pages
War Storm - 662 pages
Only Ashes Remain - 432 pages
A Light in the Attic -176 pages
The Book of Life- 561 pages
Annihilation - 190 pages
Pitch Dark - 378 pages
Stars Above - 369 pages
Horrorstör - 248 pages
When Villains Rise - 384 pages
The Whisper Man - 355 pages
DEV1AT3 - 419 pages
Children of Blood and Bone - 544 pages

November - 3,240 pages
Broken Throne - 400 pages
Hunted - 388 pages
TRUEL1F3 - 480 pages
The Haunting of Blackwood House - 358 pages
Blood & Honey - 528 pages
A Deadly Education - 336 pages
The Joy Luck Club - 288 pages
The Appleton Case - 105 pages
Fable - 357 pages

December - 3,846 pages
You Were Here - 378 pages
The Glittering Court - 416 pages
The Vanishing - 291 pages
The Queen of Hearts - 348 pages
The Astonishing Color of After - 480 pages
Zoo - 395 pages
Xoe: Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! - 212 pages
The Haunting of Ashburn House - 328 pages
His Stand-In Holiday Girlfriend - 156 pages
A Movie Star for Christmas: A Sweet Holiday Romance - 163 pages
Murder at the Vicarage - 231 pages
Bridge to Terabithia - 128 pages
This Is Our Story - 320 pages

message 14: by Charity (last edited Nov 06, 2020 10:00PM) (new)

Charity (faeryrebel78) | 1465 comments I'm going to aim for 35,000.

1. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - 338 - 1/5/20
2. The Couple Next Door - 308 - 1/5/20
3. Plain Truth - 405 - 1/8/20
4. The Age of Light - 384 - 1/11/20
5. The Butterfly's Daughter - 382 - 1/13/20
6. All of Us with Wings - 360 - 1/13/20
7. Lone Wolf - 517 - 1/17/20
8. Ramona Blue - 408 - 1/18/20
9. If I Stay - 196 - 1/23/20
10. Puddin' - 428 - 1/24/20
11. Famous in a Small Town - 312 - 1/26/20
12. Evidence of the Affair - 115 - 1/27/20
13. Tell Me How You Really Feel - 312 - 1/30/20
14. Open Road Summer - 344 - 2/2/20
15. Monday's Not Coming - 439 - 2/5/20
16. Let Me Hear a Rhyme - 380 - 2/8/20
17. On the Come Up - 464 - 2/11/20
18. The Unhoneymooners - 400 - 2/12/20
19. Red, White & Royal Blue - 421 - 2/16/20
20. The Start of Me and You - 376 - 2/19/20
21. Full Disclosure - 290 - 2/20/20
22. The Tenth Circle - 416 - 2/21/20
23. Angel's Ink - 338 - 2/26/20
24. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves - 320 - 2/27/20
25. The Guinevere Deception - 352 - 3/6/20
26. Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald - 464 - 3/7/20
27. The Other Woman - 304 - 3/8/20
28. The Conference of the Birds - 325 - 3/12/20
29. The Map from Here to There - 368 - 3/15/20
30. A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy - 336 - 3/19/20
31. Color Me In - 373 - 3/26/20
32. Shadowfever - 671 - 4/5/20
33. Beach Music - 592 - 4/8/12
34. More Happy Than Not - 293 - 4/11/20
35. No Rest for the Wiccan - 295 - 4/13/20
36. Meet Cute - 384 - 4/13/20
37. You Are Not Alone - 340 - 4/13/20
38. Fateful - 328 - 4/20/20
39. Queen of Hearts - 306 - 4/23/20
40. The Vines - 217 - 4/25/20
41. When the Stars Lead to You - 400 - 5/8/20
42. The Deal - 342 - 5/20/20
43. Like a Love Story - 413 - 5/22/20
44. We Hunt the Flame - 472 - 5/30/20
45. The Mistake - 296 - 6/6/20
46. The Meaning of Birds - 368 - 6/7/20
47. Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens - 374 - 6/15/20
48. The Score - 361 - 6/19/20
49. The Goal - 350 - 6/25/20
50. They Both Die at the End - 373 - 6/27/20
51. The Brilliant Death - 352 - 7/2/20
52. The Chase - 377 - 7/11/20
53. Gods of Jade and Shadow - 341 - 7/14/20
54. Don't Call Me Crazy - 228 - 7/19/20
55. The Boyfriend Project - 368 - 7/21/20
56. The Risk - 432 - 7/29/20
57. Writers & Lovers - 320 - 7/31/20
58. Lucky in Love - 337 - 8/6/20
59. Love & Luck - 303 - 8/10/20
60. Woven in Moonlight - 384 - 8/11/20
61. Love, Life, and the List - 400 - 8/12/2020
62. Maybe This Time - 368 - 8/14/2020
63. A Good Neighborhood - 311 - 8/18/2020
64. Final Draft - 272 - 8/20/2020
65. The Play - 422 - 8/23/2020
66. Let's Call It a Doomsday - 416 - 8/27/2020
67. The Disasters - 352 - 8/28/2020
68. American Panda - 311 - 8/31/2020
69. What I Like About You - 416 - 9/1/20
70. Pretties - 370 - 9/2/20
71. Ice Planet Barbarians - 188 - 9/3/20
72. The Graveyard Book - 307 - 9/4/20
73. One to Watch - 432 - 9/7/20
74. A Spark of Light - 381 - 9/10/20
75. The Last House Guest - 336 - 9/11/20
76. Behind Closed Doors - 293 - 9/11/20
77. My Lovely Wife - 390 - 9/14/20
78. The Dare - 354 - 9/17/20
79. Bring Me Back - 291 - 9/18/20
80. The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes - 448 - 9/20/20
81. Someone Knows - 400 - 9/22/20
82. A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor - 452 - 9/24/20
83. The Dilemma - 352 - 9/25/20
84. The Night Swim - 352 - 9/28/20
85. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret - 149 - 9/28/20
86. Follow Me to Ground - 208 - 9/29/20
87. All Adults Here - 356 - 10/2/20
88. Big Summer - 368 - 10/5/20
89. One by One - 372 - 10/6/20
90. A Very Large Expanse of Sea - 310 - 10/7/20
91. Love From A to Z - 384 - 10/8/20
92. Dry - 390 - 10/8/20
93. The Field Guide to the North American Teenager - 384 - 10/9/20
94. Last Light Over Carolina - 384 - 10/12/20
95. Mexican Gothic - 336 - 10/12/20
96. On the Fence - 293 - 10/14/20
97. Hex Hall - 323 - 10/15/20
98. Demonglass - 359 - 10/16/20
99. The Sun Down Motel - 328 - 10/18/20
100. Spell Bound - 327 - 10/19/20
101. In a Dark, Dark Wood - 308 - 10/21/20
102. My Best Friend's Exorcism - 332 - 10/21/20
103. Mrs. Everything - 416 - 10/23/20
104. The Mother-in-Law - 347 - 10/31/20


message 15: by Brittany (last edited Jan 02, 2021 08:45AM) (new)

Brittany | 740 comments I'm upping my challenge again from last year. Going for Garuda: 30,000 pages!


January The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) by Holly Black 370 pages High Fantasies (Rat Queens, #4) by Kurtis J. Wiebe 128 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 1 (Flying Witch, #1) by Chihiro Ishizuka 160 pages Library Wars Love & War, Vol. 4 (Library Wars Love & War, #4) by Kiiro Yumi 208 pages Murder of Crows (The Others, #2) by Anne Bishop 430 pages Legendary (Caraval, #2) by Stephanie Garber 451 pages I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 2 Fluff My Life by Skottie Young 128 pages Broken Elements (Elements, #1) by Mia Marshall 332 pages
Month Total 2207

February A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) by Sarah J. Maas 419 pages Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3) by Kristin Cashore 576 pages Zodiac Starforce Volume 1 By the Power of Astra by Kevin Panetta 136 pages Second Star (Neverland Transmissions, #1) by J.M. Sullivan 352 pages 1984 by George Orwell 326 pages
Month total: 1809

March Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, #4) by Jeaniene Frost 355 pages The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2 Fandemonium (The Wicked + The Divine #2) by Kieron Gillen 200 pages Written in Blood (Forensic Handwriting Mystery, #2) by Sheila Lowe 306 pages Library Wars Love & War, Vol. 5 (Library Wars Love & War, #5) by Kiiro Yumi 200 pages Resistance Women by Jennifer Chiaverini 640 pages Library Wars Love & War, Vol. 6 (Library Wars Love & War, #6) by Kiiro Yumi 200 pages Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2) by Marissa Meyer 454 pages The Alloy of Law (Mistborn, #4) by Brandon Sanderson 332 pages Furiously Happy A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson 329 pages Two Witches and a Whiskey (The Guild Codex Spellbound, #3) by Annette Marie 330 pages Four Shifters and a Stranger (The Guild Codex Spellbound, #0.25) by Annette Marie 26 pages Armed & Magical (Raine Benares, #2) by Lisa Shearin 294 pages
Month Total: 3666

April Zodiac Starforce Volume 2 Cries of the Fire Prince by Kevin Panetta 136 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 2 (Flying Witch, #2) by Chihiro Ishizuka 160 pages Demon Magic and a Martini (The Guild Codex Spellbound, #4) by Annette Marie 314 pages Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran 429 pages The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Vol. 4 I Kissed a Squirrel and I Liked It by Ryan North 120 pages A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) by Sarah J. Maas 626 pages Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1) by Malorie Blackman 479 pages The Silver Gryphon (Mage Wars, #3) by Mercedes Lackey 400 pages Coraline by Neil Gaiman 162 pages Mera Queen of Atlantis by Dan Abnett 144 pages The Colossal Magic Nothing (Rat Queens, #5) by Kurtis J. Wiebe 152 pages
Month Total 3122

May The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy (Montague Siblings, #2) by Mackenzi Lee 450 pages One of Us Is Next (One of Us Is Lying, #2) by Karen M. McManus 377 pages Chill Factor (Weather Warden, #3) by Rachel Caine 337 pages Wayward, Vol. 1 String Theory by Jim Zub 134 pages 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston 336 pages Finale (Caraval, #3) by Stephanie Garber 478 pages Pocket Apocalypse (InCryptid, #4) by Seanan McGuire 352 pages The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3) by Neal Shusterman 625 pages I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 3 Good Girl by Skottie Young 128 pages Hawkeye, Volume 1 My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction 136 pages
Month total 3353

June Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, #1) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz 359 pages Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly 352 pages The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #1) by C.S. Lewis 106 pages Butterflies, Flowers, Vol. 1 (Butterflies, Flowers, #1) by Yuki Yoshihara 192 pages The Tattooist of Auschwitz (The Tattooist of Auschwitz, #1) by Heather Morris 262 pages Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho 429 pages Die, Vol. 1 Fantasy Heartbreaker by Kieron Gillen 184 pages Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Vol. 1 (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, #1) by Magica Quartet 144 pages The Woods, Vol. 1 The Arrow by James Tynion IV 128 pages Vicious (Villains, #1) by V.E. Schwab 366 pages Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6) by J.R. Ward 560 pages
Month Total 3082

July Save the Date by Morgan Matson 432 pages Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1) by Seanan McGuire 173 pages Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children, #2) by Seanan McGuire 187 pages Alpha Night (Psy-Changeling Trinity, #4; Psy-Changeling, #19) by Nalini Singh 368 pages Monstress, Vol. 1 Awakening by Marjorie M. Liu 202 pages Heathen, Vol. 1 by Natasha Alterici 108 pages The Infernal Path (Rat Queens #6) by Kurtis J. Wiebe 144 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 3 (Flying Witch, #3) by Chihiro Ishizuka 160 pages I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 4 Sadly Never After by Skottie Young 120 pages A Study in Darkness (The Baskerville Affair, #2) by Emma Jane Holloway 513 pages Wayward, Vol. 2 Ties That Bind by Jim Zub 136 pages The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2) by Holly Black 336 pages The Court of Miracles (Court of Miracles, #1) by Kester Grant 464 pages
Month Total 3343

August The Empire of Gold (The Daevabad Trilogy, #3) by S.A. Chakraborty 766 pages Wayward, Vol. 3 Out from the Shadows by Jim Zub 128 pages Let's Pretend This Never Happened A Mostly True Memoir by Jenny Lawson 318 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 4 (Flying Witch, #4) by Chihiro Ishizuka 160 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 5 (Flying Witch, #5) by Chihiro Ishizuka 170 pages Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Vol. 2 (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, #2) by Magica Quartet 146 pages Flying Witch, Vol. 6 (Flying Witch, #6) by Chihiro Ishizuka 176 pages Library Wars Love & War, Vol. 7 (Library Wars Love & War, #7) by Kiiro Yumi 192 pages We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett 400 pages The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein 320 pages Blackbird, Vol. 1 by Sam Humphries 168 pages Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Vol. 3 (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, #3) by Magica Quartet 192 pages
Month Total 3136

September Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann 304 pages Bitter Sweet Love (The Dark Elements, #0.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout 105 pages Skyward, Vol. 1 My Low-G Life by Joe Henderson 136 pages Taming Demons for Beginners (The Guild Codex Demonized #1) by Annette Marie 360 pages Middlewest, Book One by Skottie Young 160 pages Sleepless, Vol. 1 by Sarah Vaughn 168 pages The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell 340 pages The Ancient Magus' Bride, Vol. 1 (The Ancient Magus' Bride, #1) by Kore Yamazaki 180 pages The Trouble with Demons (Raine Benares #3) by Lisa Shearin 370 pages
The Woods, Vol. 2 The Swarm by James Tynion IV 112 pages The Woods, Vol. 3 New London by James Tynion IV 112 pages Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein 336 pages Sleepless, Vol. 2 by Sarah Vaughn 144 pages Monstress, Vol. 2 The Blood by Marjorie M. Liu 152 pages

Month Total 2979

October Komi Can’t Communicate, Vol. 1 by Tomohito Oda 192 pages Mistress of the Ritz by Melanie Benjamin 372 pages The Girl from the Other Side Siúil, A Rún, Volume 1 (The Girl from the Other Side, #1) by Nagabe 180 pages Bewitched & Betrayed (Raine Benares, #4) by Lisa Shearin 366 pages The Promised Neverland, Vol. 1 by Kaiu Shirai 192 pages The Alchemist and an Amaretto (The Guild Codex Spellbound, #5) by Annette Marie 340 pages Heathen, Vol. 2 by Natasha Alterici 112 pages A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers, #1) by Brigid Kemmerer 484 pages The Girl from the Well (The Girl from the Well, #1) by Rin Chupeco 299 pages Bones by Howard Odentz 32 pages

Month Total 2569

November The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1) by Rick Riordan 553 pages Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) by Elizabeth Lim 392 pages The Anatomist's Wife (Lady Darby Mystery, #1) by Anna Lee Huber 357 pages The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White 304 pages Strange Planet (Strange Planet #1) by Nathan W. Pyle 144 pages The German Midwife by Mandy Robotham 254 pages Insurgent (Divergent, #2) by Veronica Roth 525 pages There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins 298 pages Mortal Arts (Lady Darby Mystery, #2) by Anna Lee Huber 384 pages

Month Total: 3211

December The Signal-Man by Charles Dickens 28 pages The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus, #2) by Rick Riordan 513 pages Christmas Magic (Christmas Magic #1) by Alexandra Moody 234 pages Ash Princess (Ash Princess Trilogy, #1) by Laura Sebastian 432 pages The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air, #3) by Holly Black 300 pages Dear Santa by Kristen Granata 132 pages Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children, #3) by Seanan McGuire 174 pages Vision in Silver (The Others, #3) by Anne Bishop 511 pages
Month Total: 2324

message 16: by Sarah (last edited May 11, 2020 08:18PM) (new)

Sarah | 234 comments I'll aim for 50,000 pages in 2020.

Total: 10,302/50,000

List of books in my Personal Challenge post.

message 17: by Canadian Dragon (last edited Mar 10, 2020 05:30PM) (new)

Canadian Dragon | 904 comments Add me for 20,000 pages please 5467/20000

A Court of Thorns and Roses 419 pg
Murder at the Vicarage 288 pg
🎧The Strain 403 pg
Sorcery of Thorns 456 pg
🎧These Broken Stars 378 pg
Storm Front 332 pg

In The Afterlight 535 Pages
The Turn of the Key 337 pages
Fool Moon 342 pages
The Kiss Quotient 333pg
The Love That Split the World 406pg
Caraval pg 407

The Lie Tree p 377
Shadow of the Fox p 454

message 18: by Margie (last edited Dec 30, 2020 04:49PM) (new)

Margie | 902 comments My goal is 50,000 75,000 pages for Dragon 🐉

Progress: 90,189/75,000 Challenge Complete!

Updated 12/30/20

Jan: 7,665 pages
Feb: 6,221 pages
Mar: 6,010 pages
Apr: 6,756 pages
May: 7,141 pages
June: 7,231 pages
July: 9,259 pages
August: 7,895 pages
September: 8,328 pages
October: 8,792 pages
November: 7,894 pages
December: 6,997 pages

Book details are in my Member's Corner post

message 19: by Jessica (new)

Jessica R. | 510 comments I’m in for 40,000 :)

message 20: by oshizu (last edited Dec 29, 2020 05:43PM) (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments I'm signing up for 40,000 pages for a second consecutive year.

Progress: 63,401/50,383 (Completed 22 Sep 2020)
Current tier: 🐉🦄 (Dragon + Unicorn)

Jan: 6,692 pages/20 books (view spoiler)
Feb: 5,984 pages/18 books (12,676 pages) (view spoiler)
Mar: 3,710 pages/12 books (16,386 pages) (view spoiler)
- - - - -
Apr: 5,563 pages/20 books (21,949 pages) (view spoiler)
May: 7,207 pages/20 books (29,156 pages) (view spoiler)
June: 4,424 pages/14 books (33,580 pages) (view spoiler)
July: 6,291 pages/22 books (39,871 pages) (view spoiler)
August: 6,801 pages/21 books (46,672) (view spoiler)
September: 6,157 pages/17 books (52,829 pages) (view spoiler)
October- 6,398 pages/15 books (59,227 pages) (view spoiler)
November: 4,175 pages/11 books (63,401 total)
December: 4,523 pages/12 books (67,924 total)
- - -
Book details are in my Challenge post.

message 22: by Chalmation (last edited Sep 09, 2020 02:47PM) (new)

Chalmation | 3294 comments Well, this year my goal is 36,500, which I will reach, but my books for next year barely add up to 30,000! So I guess that will be my goal for 2020.
ETA: Looks like I'm going to hit 30,000 pages soon, and the rest of my TBR for this year will get me to 36,500, so I'm changing my goal.

Challenge Complete

Dark Matter: 342
Recursion: 336
River Run (Forensic Geology #5): 324
Jonathan Livingston Seagull: 131
Strangers on a Train: 292
A Mississippi Whisper: 298
The First Sixteen (Vigilante #9): 153
See You in Saigon (Vigilante #10): 241
Sins in the Sun (Vigilante #11): 252
Getting Even (Vigilante #12): 204
Make It Happen (Vigilante #13): 209
The Nephew (Vigilante #14): 210
Nasty in Nice (Vigilante #15): 145
Famous: 212
Noble Intentions (Jack Noble #4): 530
When Dead in Greece (Jack Noble #5): 202
Noble Retribution (Jack Noble #6): 494
This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection: 266
Noble Betrayal (Jack Noble #7): 520
Never Go Home (Jack Noble #8): 324
Noble Judgment (Jack Noble #9): 586
Never Cry Mercy (Jack Noble #10): 293
Deadline (Jack Noble #11): 354
End Game (Jack Noble #12): 417
The Paradise Piracy (Vigilante #16): 116
A Question of Time: 881
Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse: 353
The Other Side of Silence: 435
Revival: 416
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead: 272
Lord of the Flies: 348
The Skull Ring: 330
Fever Moon: 256
Effected Intent: 238
The Glass Hotel: 320
The Andromeda Evolution (Andromeda #2): 448
The Jungle Book: 136
A Midsummer Night's Dream: 126
Gone Girl: 578
The House of the Whispering Pines: 425
The Hurricane Lover: 281
North Slope: 298
Building America’s Main Seats of Power: The Construction History of the White House and U.S. Capitol: 118
Hell House: 302
Restricted Waters: 176
Lady 52 (Jack Daniels): 254
Shot of Tequila (Jack Daniels #6.5): 270
Shaken (Jack Daniels #7): 303
Jack Daniels Stories #1: 246
Break You (Andrew Thomas/Luther Kite #3): 110
Stirred (Jack Daniels #8): 492
Rum Runner (Jack Daniels #9): 323
Plague (Plague Trilogy #1): 333
Pestilence (Plague Trilogy #2): 294
Scourge (Plague Trilogy #3): 290
Kind of Blue (Ash Levine #1): 324
Midnight Alley (Ash Levine #2): 300
Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America: 547
Before the Fall: 401
The Woman in Cabin 10: 384
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games #0): 540
Codon Zero: 538
Wastelands 2: More Stories of the Apocalypse: 336
The Postman: 339
Wastelands: The New Apocalypse: 512
Chosen Ones (The Chosen Ones #1): 432
Armada: 368
World War Z: 352
The Early Cases of Hercule Poirot: 366
The ABC Murders (Hercule Poirot #13): 266
Murder in Mesopotamia (Hercule Poirot #14): 281
Cards on the Table (Hercule Poirot #15): 259
The Man in the Brown Suit: 303
Sparkling Cyanide: 278
Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre: 304
Dumb Witness (Hercule Poirot #16): 272
Extinction Red Line (The Extinction Cycle #0.5): 301
Extinction War (The Extinction Cycle #7): 464
Mount Vernon and Monticello: The History of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's Famous Estates: 110
Big Lake Celebration (Big Lake #11): 241
Big Lake Tragedy (Big Lake #12): 266
Big Lake Snowdaze (Big Lake #13): 235
Big Lake Fugitive (Big Lake #14): 225
Big Lake Wedding (Big Lake #15): 277
Big Lake Ninja (Big Lake #16): 297
Big Lake Quarterback (Big Lake #17): 281
Big Lake Massacre (Big Lake #18): 266
Little Girl Gone (Logan Harper #1): 263
Every Precious Thing (Logan Harper #2): 344
They Also Raise Chickens: 401
48 Hours: 336
The Silent Patient: 325
Malorie (Bird Box #2): 296
Carrie: 322
Escape to Witch Mountain: 144
The Walk: 206
The House of Silk: 300
Moriarty: 317
No Time for Goodbye: 482
No Safe House: 512
Fear the Worst: 417
Sound of Blood (Jake Scarne Thrillers #1): 481
Madman's Thirst (Jake Scarne Thrillers #2): 195
Killerfest (Jake Scarne Thrillers #3): 171
'Salem's Lot: 470
The Viron Conspiracy (Jake Scarne Thrillers #4): 267
Pedestal (Jake Scarne Thrillers #5): 327
Facets (Jake Scarne Thrillers #6): 258
Chance (Jake Scarne Thrillers #7): 270
Before I Wake: 388
The Outsiders: 196
All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #16): 448
The Long Walk: 321
Lethal Remedies (A Victorian San Francisco Mystery #7): 406

message 23: by Heather (last edited Dec 30, 2020 10:16AM) (new)

Heather (bigaitchc) Upped my target from 25,000 to 50,000 pages.

Progress: 47,715/50,000 pages

1. The Christmas Wish List - 400
2. The Hunting Party - 394
3. Gallows View - 334
4. A Dedicated Man - 339
5. The Silent Patient - 325
6. Where the Crawdads Sing - 379
7. A Necessary End - 464
8. One Day - 435
9. The Road - 324
10. Apple Tree Yard - 358
11. Six Degrees of Assassination - 260
12. The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae - 432
13. The Hanging Valley - 340
14. The One - 416
15. Look Behind You - 238
16. Past Reason Hated - 384
17. The One Plus One - 518
18. The Flatshare - 336
19. The Library of Lost and Found - 352
20. Wednesday's Child - 356
21. How to Stop Time - 382
22. No Time for Goodbye - 482
23. The Katharina Code - 416
24. Clover's Child - 384
25. The Cabin - 400
26. The Caveman - 352
27. Dry Bones that Dream - 369
28. As Long as We Both Shall Live - 324
29. Blood Orange - 336
30. The Hunting Dogs - 320
31. The Rest of Their Lives - 240
32. Innocent Graves - 468
33. Dead Right - 304
34. Then She Was Gone - 422
35. Two Brothers - 528
36. The Last Mrs. Parrish - 420
37. In a Dry Season - 516
38. Cold is the Grave - 481
39. The Philanthropist's Danse - 366
40. Aftermath - 480
41. The Summer That Never Was - 416
42. Playing With Fire - 436
43. When It Grows Dark - 194
44. The Holiday - 496
45. Past Mortem - 486
46. Dregs - 310
47. Strange Affair - 384
48. Messy, Wonderful Us - 400
49. Daisy Jones & The Six - 366
50. One Summer in Paris - 400
51. Unraveling Oliver - 260
52. Piece of My Heart - 548
53. Closed for Winter - 337
54. Nine Perfect Strangers - 453
55. Down Among the Dead - 363
56. Ordeal - 320
57. The Secret - 292
58. The Music Shop - 320
59. The Good Samaritan - 390
60. Friend of the Devil - 444
61. The Passengers - 400
62. Twisting the Truth: The Heart-Stopping Sequel to One Man Crusade - 164
63. The Henna Artist - 384
64. Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee - 336
65. The Scholl Case: The Deadly End of a Marriage - 213
66. Something in the Water - 342
67. All the Colours of Darkness - 415
68. Reservoir 13 - 291
69. The Beekeeper of Aleppo - 378
70. Help - 209
71. Bad Boy - 417
72. Killer Affair - 400
73. Watching the Dark - 595
74. Children of the Revolution - 401
75. Love Her To Death - 481
76. Our Broken Fairy Tale - 291
77. Abattoir Blues - 385
78. When the Music's Over - 497
79. Notes from an Exhibition - 377
80. Sleeping in the Ground - 366
81. Careless Love - 352
82. Many Rivers to Cross - 416
83. Some Kind of Wonderful - 389
84. The Authenticity Project - 368
85. The Preacher - 516
86. One to Watch - 424
87. The Stonecutter - 579
88. Living On A Rainbow - 321
89. The Hidden Child - 400
90. The Stranger - 394
91. The Drowning - 498
92. Written in Blood - 496
93. The Lost Boy - 497
94. Buried Angels - 400
95. The Ice Child - 433
96. The Girl in the Woods - 607
97. The Chain - 357
98. I Owe You One - 448
99. The Nightingale - 593
100. Do Not Disturb - 400
101. The Lost Girls - 304
102. The Woman I Was Before - 332
103. Murder Beyond the Grave - 304
104. Munich - 352
105. Unnatural Causes: The Life and Many Deaths of Britain's Top Forensic Pathologists - 400
106. We Begin at the End - 464
107. Perfect - 401
108. Abducted - 382
109. The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - 228
110. The Catch - 332
111. Dead Weight - 312
112. Let It Snow - 358
113. The Mermaids Singing - 447
114. Fifty-Fifty -349
115. The Wire in the Blood - 547
116. The 24-Hour Café - 417
117. The Gift - 471
118. Six Wicked Reasons - 432
119. The Last Temptation - 496
120. Christmas at the Beach Hut - 383
121. Christmas on the Coast - 222
122. Under A Pole Star - 596
123. Coming Home for Christmas - 177

(Updated msg #23: 47,715/50,000)

message 24: by Catherine (last edited Dec 31, 2020 12:50PM) (new)

Catherine (thisbookishcat) | 627 comments In 2019 I aimed for 25,000 and didn't make it. I will be more realistic this year. My goal is 18,000.

Completed: 18,001/18,000

January: 1,574 pages
The Damascened Blade (Joe Sandilands, #3) by Barbara Cleverly Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2) by Sarah J. Maas Outlander (Outlander, #1) by Diana Gabaldon

February: 1,413 pages
Margaritas, Marzipan, and Murder (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery, #3) by Harper Lin Passion (Fallen, #3) by Lauren Kate Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker The Assassin's Blade (Throne of Glass, #0.1-0.5) by Sarah J. Maas

March: 975 pages
Curse of the Healing Kiss by Mark McClelland Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5) by J.K. Rowling

April: 0 pages

May: 975 pages
Dead is a Battlefield (Dead Is, #6) by Marlene Perez Brisingr (The Inheritance Cycle, #3) by Christopher Paolini

June: 1,457 pages
Traffick (Tricks, #2) by Ellen Hopkins The Five The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold Revealed (House of Night, #11) by P.C. Cast Redeemed (House of Night, #12) by P.C. Cast

July: 304 pages
Crime of Fashion by José Latour

August: 691 pages
Pirate Women The Princesses, Prostitutes, and Privateers Who Ruled the Seven Seas by Laura Sook Duncombe Belinda Blinked 1 (Belinda Blinked, #1) by Rocky Flintstone Dark Shimmer by Donna Jo Napoli

September: 466 pages
Rapture (Fallen, #4) by Lauren Kate

October: 2,833 pages
Island The Complete Stories by Alistair MacLeod Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle, #4) by Christopher Paolini Secret Vampire (Night World, #1) by L.J. Smith Dead Is a Killer Tune (Dead Is, #7) by Marlene Perez The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks The Rock Star and The Lifeguard by Jackie Collins Coraline by Neil Gaiman Witchcraft Tales, Beliefs, and Superstitions from the Maritimes by Clary Croft Lattes, Ladyfingers, and Lies (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery, #4) by Harper Lin For He Can Creep by Siobhan Carroll

November: 3,463 pages
Kalona's Fall (House of Night Novellas, #4) by P.C. Cast Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman Daughters of Darkness (Night World, #2) by L.J. Smith Never Look Away by Linwood Barclay The Ghost and the Goth (The Ghost and the Goth, #1) by Stacey Kade River Thieves by Michael Crummey Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari The Zodiac Killer (Zodiac Killers #1) by W.L. Knightly Dead Is Just a Dream (Dead Is, #8) by Marlene Perez

December: 3,850 pages
Forgotten Bones. Uncovering a Slave Cemetery by Lois Miner Huey Remember Me (Remember Me, #1) by Christopher Pike Sea Change by Karen White Smoke (Burned, #2) by Ellen Hopkins The Return (Remember Me, #2) by Christopher Pike The Chimp and the River How AIDS Emerged from an African Forest by David Quammen Wings (Wings, #1) by Aprilynne Pike The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks Unexpected Gifts (Castle Mountain Lodge, #1) by Elena Aitken Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3) by Sarah J. Maas Wondrous Strange (Wonderous Strange, #1) by Lesley Livingston Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx Circus Girl, The Hunter, and Mirror Boy by J.Y. Yang Wild Embers Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty by Nikita Gill

message 25: by Beverly (last edited Dec 29, 2020 09:39PM) (new)

Beverly (zippymom) | 1465 comments I'm going to stay with my 60,000 page challenge, the same as for 2019. 97,280/60,000

*Sprite: 1,000 pages
*Elf: 5,000 pages
*Merfolk: 10,000 pages
*Unicorn: 20,000 pages
*Garuda: 30,000 pages
*Dragon: 40,000 and above pages

JANUARY--Starting January as a Sprite and ended as an Elf!
61 + 280 + 50 + 176 + 328 + 438 + 61 + 304 + 40 + 212 + 416 + 420 + 288 + 42 + 48 + 40 + 335 + 197 + 320 + 328 + 400 + 288 + 55 + 349 + 208 + 36 + 497 + 224 + 862 + 40


FEBRUARY--Starting February as an Elf and ended as Merfolk!
589 + 264 + 32 + 320 + 625 + 336 + 387 + 32 + 320 + 560 + 327 + 227 + 174 + 320 + 352 + 392 + 384 + 274 + 39 + 47 + 260 + 252 + 229 + 385 + 346 +56

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 14,872

MARCH--Started March as Merfolk and ended as a Unicorn!
343 + 383 + 33 + 374 + 272 + 339 + 404 + 357 + 257 + 327 + 432 + 304 + 75 + 197 + 400 + 46 + 176 + 28 + 562 + 448 + 320

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 20,950

APRIL--Started and finished April as a Unicorn!
303 + 421 + 236 + 368 + 399 + 336 + 378 + 418 + 177 + 320 + 192 + 378 + 192 + 64 + 288 + 304 + 345 + 40 + 371 + 434 + 375 + 482 + 492 + 338 + 355

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 28,956

MAY--Started May as a Unicorn and finished as a Garuda!
320 + 336 + 459 + 248 + 243 + 256 + 323 + 249 + 401 + 354 + 369 + 537 + 288 + 244 + 382 + 307 + 352 + 447 + 340 + 291 + 189 + 336 + 283 + 322 + 343

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 37,175

JUNE--Started June as a Garuda and ended up as a Dragon!
337 + 32 + 40 + 40 + 32 + 40 + 32 + 48 + 40 + 32 + 32 + 489 + 240 + 482 + 306 + 375 + 272 + 400 + 40 + 48 + 32 + 40 + 339 + 310 + 352 + 480 + 368 + 384 + 416 + 44 + 273 + 182 + 498 + 404 + 484 +322 + 40 + 48 + 56 + 56

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 45,650

DRAGON For the Remainder of the Year.

48 + 447 + 310 + 380 + 296 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 48 + 40 + 48 + 400 + 247 + 198 + 314 + 264 + 227 + 38 + 300 + 335 + 40 + 40 + 48 + 40 + 40 + 410 + 333 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 56 + 46 + 448 + 531

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 51,862

326 + 40 + 52 + 64 + 32 + 40 + 288 + 240 + 40 + 32 + 48 + 40 + 32 + 48 + 40 + 256 + 304 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 304 + 230 + 304 + 32+ 40 +48 + 40 + 48 + 40 + 48 + 32 + 48 + 48 + 336 + 40 + 40 + 32 + 382 + 325 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 12 + 26 + 31 + 352 + 256 + 33 + 336 +323 + 48 + 371 + 388 + 40 + 80 + 28 + 304 + 345 + 40 + 307 + 384 + 549 + 304 + 512 + 220

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 62,101

471 + 256 + 448 + 256 + 48 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 64 + 334 + 156 + 449 + 439 + 200 + 466 + 102 + 643 + 400 + 319 + 288 + 481 + 430 + 336 +40 + 32 + 40 + 48 + 256 + 48 + 272 +242 + 40 + 256 + 400 + 32 + 72 + 40 + 513 + 400 +32

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 71,479

59 + 401 + 256 + 539 + 30 + 40 + 32 + 240 + 675 + 352 + 448 + 44 + 371 + 309 + 357 + 463 + 326 + 158 + 309 + 213 + 184 + 32 + 32 + 40 + 48 + 32 +48 + 48 + 32 + 317 + 504 +387 + 313 + 40 + 48 + 40 + 80 + 40 + 32 + 32 + 464 + 500 + 202 + 32 + 52 + 40 + 40 + 32 + 311

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 81,103

40 + 416 + 304 + 439 + 340 + 370 + 371 + 184 + 64 + 32 + 420 + 40 + 384 + 371 + 310 + 287 + 203 + 306 + 464 + 320 + 184 + 186 + 35 + 197 + 320 + 128 + 370 + 528 + 500 + 451

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 89,667/60,000

48 + 176 + 227 + 419 + 40 + 40 +36 + 40 + 272 + 256 + 192 + 384 + 370 + 311 + 256 + 336 + 224 + 352 + 264 + 418 + 327 + 255 + 408 + 190 + 152 + 347 + 213 + 224 + 322 + 346 +32 + 40 + 48 + 48

TOTAL PAGES READ IN 2020: 97,280

message 26: by Luna (last edited Feb 27, 2020 11:11PM) (new)

Luna Mendax | 1 comments Aiming for 20,000 pages!
Progress so far (as of February 28): 3121/20,000 pages

message 27: by oshizu (last edited Dec 01, 2019 11:39AM) (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments Welcome everyone!
Everyone's added to the challenge up to here! 😎

message 28: by Eggp (last edited Dec 31, 2020 05:40AM) (new)

Eggp | 487 comments Please put me down for for 25,000 pages, thanks!

Let's Turn Pages, January 01 - December 31
Goal: 30,852/25,000, 123.41% - 106 total books.

January - 2,039 pages. (view spoiler) - 8 books, 2,039 pages.
February - 2,048 pages. (view spoiler) - 8 books, 4,087 pages.
March - 2,945 pages. (view spoiler) - 9 books, 7,032 pages.
April - 4,211 pages. (view spoiler) - 17 books, 11,243 pages.
May - 1,554 pages. (view spoiler) - 5 books, 12,797 pages.
June - 2,777 pages. (view spoiler) - 11 books, 15,574 pages.
July - 3,736 pages. (view spoiler) - 12 books, 19,310 pages.
August - 1,602 pages. (view spoiler) - 5 books, 20,912 pages.
September - 2,284 pages. (view spoiler) - 8 books, 23,196 pages.
October - 2,201 pages. (view spoiler) - 7 books, 25,397 pages.
November - 3,609 pages. (view spoiler) - 10 books, 29,006 pages.
December - 1,846 pages. (view spoiler) - 6 books, 30,852 total pages.

message 30: by Jennifer (last edited Jan 02, 2021 08:10AM) (new)

Jennifer Barstad (maidenoflight) | 319 comments Mark me down for 30,000 please


January 2070
February 2700
March 2911
April 2446
May 2056
June 2030
July 1902
August 657
September 1,009
October 1,398
November 1,504
December 2,159

message 31: by Doe (new)

Doe (loves2walk) | 114 comments I’m going to aim for 20,000 pages in 2020!

These challenges keep me turning pages!


message 32: by Fairlee (new)

Fairlee Corkran | 12 comments I start as a elf.

message 33: by Samantha (last edited Dec 03, 2020 07:00AM) (new)

Samantha King | 358 comments I will aim for 20,000 in 2020

Progress: 25,704/20,000

Books Read: 7
Pages Read: 2,412
Books Read: 6
Pages Read: 3,013
Books Read: 9
Pages Read: 2,701
Books Read: 7
Pages Read: 2,259
Books Read: 3
Pages Read: 1,298
Books Read: 3
Pages Read: 1,152
Books Read: 5
Pages Read: 2,017
Books Read:8
Pages Read:3,026
Books Read: 6
Pages Read: 2,489
Books Read: 6
Pages Read: 2,291
Books Read: 5
Pages Read: 2,656
DECEMBER (as of 12/3/20)
Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 390

message 34: by Armand (last edited Feb 07, 2020 06:07PM) (new)

Armand (armandyjaucian) | 245 comments I aim to read at least 25,000 pages this 2020.

message 35: by Crystal (last edited Jun 30, 2020 07:11PM) (new)

Crystal 17,061/30,000

Books Read: 14
Pages Read: 3,791
Books Read: 12
Pages Read: 4,573
Books Read: 7
Pages Read: 1992
Books Read:7
Pages Read: 2351
Books Read: 6
Pages Read: 1837
Books Read: 8
Pages Read: 2589
Books Read:
Pages Read:
Books Read:
Pages Read:
Books Read:
Pages Read:
Books Read:
Pages Read:
Books Read:
Pages Read:
Books Read:
Pages Read:

message 36: by Yana (last edited Jan 01, 2021 04:52AM) (new)

Yana Petrovska | 128 comments I'm joining up for 40,000 pages.

Progress: 43,295/40,000

Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone: 320
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 352
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 384
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 672
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix: 816
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 576
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: 640
Witch Hat Atelier Vol.1: 208
Witch Hat Atelier Vol.2: 224
Witch Hat Atelier Vol.3: 192
Witch Hat Atelier Vol.4: 192
Witch Hat Atelier Vol.5: 192
Fables (Collected Editions):
Vol. 1: Legends in Exile: 152
Vol. 2: Animal Farm: 136
A Wizard of Earthsea: 183
2001: A Space Odyssey: 224
Soul Music: 424

Hogfather: 408
The Christmasaurus: 384
Little Women: 684
Sandman Book 1: 272
The Night Circus: 480

Sourcery: 344
The Last Wish: 288
I, Robot: 272
Book Thief: 416

Guards! Guards! (Варта! Варта!): 416
Men at Arms (Озброєні): 424
The Lightning Thief: 375
Emma: 512
Witches Abroad (Відьми за кордоном): 368

The Sea of Monsters: 288
Rolling in the Deep: 123
Carmilla: 103
The Tombs of Atuan: 180
The Hobbit: 316
Sense and Sensibility: 384
The Deep: 176
Dune (Дюна): 656
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: 865
The Fifth Season: 512
The Starless Sea: 498
Master and Commander: 416

Pyramids: 380
Сон смешного человека: 28
Into the Drowning Deep: 440
The Vampire Maid: 15

Бойня номер п’ять, або Дитячий хрестовий похід: 320
Twilight: 501

The Yellow Wallpaper: 63
Smoke and Mirrors (Дым и зеркала): 384
The Sleeper and the Spindle: 72
The Doll's House (Кукольный домик): 256
Dream Country (Страна снов): 184
The Farthest Shore: 324
New Moon: 608
Alice: 304
The Three-Body Problem (Проблема трьох тіл): 432

Eric (Ерік): 152
Season of Mists (The Sandman. Песочный человек. Книга 4: Пора туманов): 240
A Game of You (The Sandman. Песочный человек. Книга 5: Игра в тебя): 208
Going Postal! (Поштова лихоманка): 520
Dead Until Dark: 341
11/22/63: 896
The Count of Monte Cristo: 1633
Living Dead in Dallas: 291
Fables & Recollections (The Sandman. Пісочний чоловік. Книга 6: Притчі й відображення): 296
Club Dead: 292
Terror (Террор): 896
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Один день Ивана Денисовича): 352
War and Peace (Война и мир): 1856
Interview with the Vampire: 342
Let The Right One In: 528
Before They're Hanged (Раніше ніж їх повісять): 608
Piranesi: 272
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: 128
Persuasion: 325
Les Misérables

Таємнича пригода в Стайлзі: 288
Мастер и Маргарита: 732
Убивство на полі для гольфу: 288
Mansfield Park: 488

Dead to the World: 316
The Left Hand Of Darkness: 345
Dead as a Doornail: 304
Персі Джексон та Прокляття Титана (Персі Джексон та Олімпійці, #3).: 416
The Island: 76
Foundation (Фундація): 224
The Secret Adversary: 400
We (Ми): 232
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars: 880
Northanger Abbey: 280
Foundation and Empire (Фундація та Імперія): 224
This Is How You Lose the Time War: 224
Second Foundation (Друга Фундація): 224
Anxious People: 341
The Midnight Library: 284
All Quiet on the Western Front: 296
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue: 560
Definitely Dead: 352

Wee Free Men (Вільні малолюдці): 296
Piranesi: 272
2010: Odyssey Two:320
Hyperion: 482
2061: Odyssey Three: 302
Poirot Investigates (Пуаро веде слідство): 288
The Housekeeper and the Professor: 180
Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма: 432
To the Lighthouse: 209
Персі Джексон та Лабіринт Смерті: 528
Персі Джексон та Останнє Пророцтво: 510
Hotshot: 23
And Then There Were None: 264
Exit Strategy: 176
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory: 17
3001: The Final Odyssey: 304
The Ten Thousand Doors of January: 384

message 37: by Beverly (new)

Beverly (zippymom) | 1465 comments Updated message #25 with challenge goal: 60,000

message 38: by Thereadingbell (last edited Feb 21, 2020 09:22AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 116 comments Let's Turn Pages 2020 Challenge
Duration:January 1, 2020-December 31, 2020
Pages Turned: 46,251/75,000

Books Listed From Members Corner Link

Marythios Member's Corner

message 39: by Tari (last edited Sep 23, 2020 06:30AM) (new)

Tari (thann) Let's Turn Pages 2020
Had oshizu change my goal on June 1 to 73,000, thank you!

Goal: 73,000
Progress: 73,196/73,000

Will post at end of each month in an update post.
Book/pages list will be moved to my challenge corner page at the end of each month.

January: 9124

February: 8215

March: 8179

April: 7611

May: 9814

June: 7216

July: 9104

August: 9025

Button Holed Kylie Logan 9/1/20, 286
Chili Cauldron Curse Lynn Cahoon 9/2/20, 100
Seven Lives to Kill K.M. Waller 9/3/20, 148
Fear at the Ferris Wheel Mel McCoy 9/4/20, 210
Quilt or Innocence Elizabeth Spann Craig 9/5/20, 304
Doggone Murder Nancy Smith Gibson 9/6/2020, 197
Murder Just Isn't Faire Thea Cambert 9/7/20, 162
Checked Out for Murder Allison Brook 9/8/20, 320
Derby Divas Kathi Daley 9/9/20, 208
Murder Rings a Bell Thea Cambert 9/10/20, 119
Folk Tales and Fudge Brownies A.R. Winters 9/11/20, 217
Murder Most Sweet Laura Jensen Walker 9/12/20, 289
Who Shot the Serif? Daisy Robyns 9/13/20, 280
Bichon Frise Near the Body Kyla Colby 9/14/20, 190
Hitches, Hideouts & Homicides Tonya Kappes 9/15/20, 221
Assailants, Asphalt & Alibis Tonya Kappes 9/16/20, 194
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard Ellen Byron 9/17/20, 294
Valleys, Vehicles & Victims Tonya Kappes 9/18/20, 270
For Whom the Book Tolls Laura Gail Black 9/19/20, 316
Booking a Killer Vacation J.R. Ripley 9/20/20, 283
Sunsets, Sabbaticals & Scandal Tonya Kappes 9/22/20, 300

message 40: by oshizu (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments Welcome to Let's Turn Pages!
Everyone's been added to the Participants list up to here.

Wishing y'all the best of luck with your unfinished 2019 business so we can start his challenge in January with a big burst of energy.

message 41: by Marie Claude (last edited Jan 23, 2020 07:04PM) (new)

Marie Claude (mariecg2001) | 30 comments Goal: 25 000 pages

Progress: 2386/25 000

4: Something Read, Something Dead - 336 pages
6: Bird, Bath, and Beyond - 295 pages
8. Kingdom of the Blind - 400 pages
14: The Invisible Library - 330 pages
17: A Deadly Cliché - 278 pages
18: This Is How You Lose the Time War - 201 pages
22: Bookman Dead Style - 276 pages
22: Lost Sanity - 270 pages

message 42: by readwatchrelax (last edited Jul 13, 2020 12:04PM) (new)

readwatchrelax  (readwatchrelax) Let's Turn Pages! Challenge

Goal: 20,000
Page Progress:14,992/20,000

1. Daughter of the Emperor, Season 3 - 248 pages
2. The Woman Warrior - 204 pages
3. Twilight - 501 pages
4. In Bed with a Highlander - 351 pages
5. Something in Between - 432 pages
6. To All the Boys I've Loved Before - 335 pages
7. War Storm - 662 pages
8. All Fall Down - 310 pages
9. See How They Run -323 pages
10. Take the Key and Lock Her Up - 336 pages
11. A Court of Frost and Starlight - 229 pages
12. P.S. I Still Love You - 337 pages
13. If I Stay - 201 pages
14. Where She Went - 297 pages
15. The Magician's Nephew - 202 pages
16. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - 206 pages
17. Throne of Glass - 433 pages
18. Crown of Midnight - 448 pages
19. Heir of Fire - 565 pages
20. Always and Forever, Lara Jean - 320 pages
21. After - 582 pages
22. After We Collided - 688 pages
23. Heart of Thorns - 443 pages
24. Tears of Frost - 480 pages
25. The Young Elites - 355 pages
26. The Way You Make Me Feel - 336 pages
27. After We Fell - 837 pages
28. It's Not Summer Without You - 288 pages
29. The Summer I Turned Pretty - 276 pages
30. We'll Always Have Summer - 291 pages
31. 황제의 외동딸 1 - 248 pages
32. Daughter of the Emperor, Season 2 - 248 pages
33. The Upside of Falling - 288 pages
34. The Liar's Daughter - 287 pages
35. 10 Blind Dates - 336 pages
36. 99 Percent Mine - 368 pages
37. Second Chance Summer - 369 pages
38. My Kind of Wonderful - 368 pages
39. Ash Princess - 452 pages
40. Lady Smoke - 512 pages

message 43: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Beggs (barbsbookclub) | 3 comments I aim to read 20,000 pages in 2020

Barbara xo

message 44: by Dominique (last edited Feb 01, 2020 10:14AM) (new)

Dominique  | 1077 comments LET’S TURN PAGES
Duration: January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020
6 060/22,000 pages

1- The Last Mrs. Parrish 1/2/20 400 pages
2 - The girl in the woods 1/5/20 580 pages
3- Forgotten Bones 1/7/20 302 pages
4 - The Neighbor 1/8/20 373 pages
5- The Well of Ascension 1/12/20 763 pages
6 - The Da Vinci Code 1/13/20 489 pages
7- The Fountains of Silence 1/16/20 512 pages
8 - Oryx and Crake 1/17/20 389 pages
9- Thunderhead 1/19/20 504 pages
10- Mistress of the Art of Death 1/25/20 384 pages
11 - The Guardians 1/25/20 370 pages
12 - Warbreaker 1/28/20 688 pages
13 - Hellbent 1/29/20 406 pages
January total: 6 060 pages

message 45: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 18, 2020 11:07PM) (new)

Goal: 30,000 pages.


List of books read

message 46: by Tylor (last edited Sep 20, 2020 11:07AM) (new)

Tylor (tylorschmidt) I'm going to try for 5,000 pages in 2020!!

Progress - 3,011 of 5,000 (60.2%)

The Sky Weaver - 400 Pages
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 193 Pages
Red Harvest - 246 Pages
Lord of the Flies - 189 Pages
The Keeper - 481 Pages
Mrs. Dalloway - 182 Pages
Fatal Alliance - 449 Pages
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - 439 Pages
Black Obsidian - 432 Pages

message 47: by Kate (last edited Mar 30, 2020 11:07AM) (new)

Kate (fictreader) | 68 comments My goal is to read 29,000 pages in 2020!

Progress: 5299/29,000

January (2227)
Unlucky 13: 384
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: 237
Dead Men Do Tell Tales: 304
The Hidden Staircase: 182
Queen of the Flowers: 244
The Secrets we Kept: 344
Deja Dead: 532

February (1791)
Shakespeare's Landlord: 216
Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol: 252
The Art of the English Murder: 320
A Gentleman's Murder: 331
Excursion to Tindari: 304
The Tenant: 368

March (1281)
Followers: 380
The Julius House: 280
The Five: 333
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo: 34
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: 254

message 48: by Marc *Dark Reader with a Thousand Young! Iä!* (last edited Dec 30, 2020 08:46AM) (new)

Marc *Dark Reader with a Thousand Young! Iä!* (marcthedarc) | 660 comments Goal: 40,617 pages - Dragon tier or GTFO!
(to keep it challenging, I will only count text, not graphic works).

Total pages to date (updated monthly): 40,646 - I did it!

482 - The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind
83 - Dark Gods (only the last story in 2020)
416 - Firefight
254 - Swords and Deviltry
316 - Mort
216 - How to Raise a Reader
659 - The Shining
144 - Junie B., First Grader: Turkeys We Have Loved and Eaten (and Other Thankful Stuff)
685 - Ship of Magic
530 - King's Dragon
302 - Sabbath

Total pages January: 4087

421 - Calamity
480 - Beyond Redemption
496 - Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
505 - Foundryside
131 - Rage
270 - Sourcery
387 - The Hanged Man
256 - Stuffed
336 - Waking Gods
314 - The Giant Among Us
336 - Only Human

Total pages February: 3932

314 - Shadows of Doom
453 - Red Country
344 - Night Shift
332 - Wyrd Sisters
371 - The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack
290 - Sharp Ends
316 - King Pinch
256 - The Burning Page
225 - The Thief of Always

Total pages March: 2901. Pretty low considering I should have had lots of reading time with stay-at-home activity.

336 - Half a King
78 - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me
304 - Pyramids
79 - The People Of The Black Circle
404 - The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires
350 - The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man
592 - Prince of Dogs
370 - So You Want to Be a Wizard
214 - How to Train Your Dragon
192 - Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom
366 - Half the World
817 - Uncle Steve's epic The Stand (original version)

Total pages April: 4102

~40 -Reversed Order Existence (free sample)
328 - Half a War
755 - The Burning Stone
647 - The Mad Ship
245 - The Long Walk
288 - Guards! Guards!
399 - Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon
297 - Once Around the Realms

Total pages May: 2999

645 - The Way of Shadows
155 - Eric
496 - Shorefall
215 - Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (counting even though graphic as it is substantial)
193 - Books of Blood: Volume Two
184 - A Wizard of Earthsea
320 - The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
142 - Lost Horizon
463 - A Little Hatred
395 - The Secret of Abdu El-Yezdi

Total pages June: 3208

426 - The Dead Zone
350 - Moving Pictures
333 - Prince of Thorns
315 - Cloak of Shadows
850 - Child of Flame
658 - The Dragon Republic

Total pages July: 2932

789 - Ship of Destiny
294 - The Hour of the Dragon
287 - Reaper Man
304 - Nightbooks
527 - The Fellowship of the Ring
513 - The Red Wolf Conspiracy
510 - Harrow the Ninth

Total pages August: 3224

364 - Kill the Farm Boy (audiobook)
656 - A Peculiar Peril
367 - The Return of the Discontinued Man
45 - The Bloody Crown of Conan (last story only)
320 - Witches Abroad
623 - The Burning God (ARC)
39 - In The Forest of Doon

Total pages September: 2414

92 - The Elements of Style
555 - The Dragon's Path
903 - The Gathering Storm
166 - The Deep
432 - The Deep
329 - The Deep
256 - The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss
367 - The Lost Plot
272 - Small Gods
504 - The Trouble with Peace
458 - King of Thorns

Total pages October: 4334

487 - The Worst of All Possible Worlds
353 - The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge (counting 2/3 of the pages as the rest are illustrations)
192 - The Zodiac Killer
447 - The Two Towers
497 - Firestarter
305 - Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students
314 - Lords and Ladies
383 - The Rise of the Automated Aristocrats
132 - The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life: How to Get More Books in Your Life and More Life from Your Books
303 - On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
528 - In the Ruins
146 - Dead Leprechauns & Devil Cats: Strange Tales of the White Street Society

Total pages November: 4087

221 - Kaileb's Dream
385 - The Return of the King
379 - Masquerades
541 - Crown of Stars
341 - Men at Arms
191 - After Dark
368 - Up Jumps the Devil

Total pages December: 2426 (a couple books still in progress, but this is enough to push me over my year's goal)

message 49: by oshizu (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments Marc wrote: "Goal: 40,617 pages - Dragon tier or GTFO!
(to keep it challenging, I will only count text, not graphic works)."


message 50: by oshizu (new)

oshizu | 5762 comments Welcome to Let's Turn Pages, y'all! *waves

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