❀The Never-ending TBR❀ {You Are Loved} discussion

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❀Former 2021 Challenges > Aashi's A-Z Challenge Log

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments 🥔

message 3: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Half of the time will be gone by me searching for books instead of actually reading them

message 4: by stu , Stupendous stuti (new)

stu  (blobmustardsprinkles) | 8590 comments Mod
Lmao *shakes head*

message 5: by Niharika✩ , Nerdy Niharika (new)

Niharika✩  (doesitreallymatterpeople) | 2067 comments Mod

message 6: by ananya ♡ (new)

ananya ♡  (literary_f4iry) | 255 comments I just realised Game of Thrones is about 900 pages long. Well that removes it from my TBR

message 7: by ananya ♡ (new)

ananya ♡  (literary_f4iry) | 255 comments Aashi wrote: "Half of the time will be gone by me searching for books instead of actually reading them"


message 8: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Ananya♡ wrote: "I just realised Game of Thrones is about 900 pages long. Well that removes it from my TBR"

I am 100% sure I wont finish it this month

message 9: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Proof for the number of pages in Freaking romance:https://webtoon.fandom.com/wiki/Freak...

message 10: by Nash (all too unwell), Nefarious Nash {on hiatus} (new)

Nash (all too unwell) (iambecomeabladee_n) | 1726 comments Mod
yayyy aashiii

message 11: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Nashita wrote: "yayyy aashiii"

*confusion* I don't know for what you were saying 'Yaay'

message 12: by Nash (all too unwell), Nefarious Nash {on hiatus} (new)

Nash (all too unwell) (iambecomeabladee_n) | 1726 comments Mod
👀i was wishing you atb and hence saying YAYYY

message 13: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Ooooooooh thank you thank youuu<3

message 14: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Freaking Romance Season 2
Author~ Snailords
Page Count~ 602 (+60)
Letter Completed~ F (+10)
Extra~ Review: (+5)
Total Points: 75

message 15: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ The Hand of the Sun King
Author~ J.T. Greathouse
Page Count~ 416 (+40)
Letter Completed~ H (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 55

message 16: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Lore Olympus, Season 1
Author~ Rachel Smythe
Page Count~ 1150 (+110)
Letter Completed~ R (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 125

message 18: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Needing Normal: Freshman Year
Author~ Emme Grange
Page Count~ 400 (+40)
Letter Completed~ N (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 55

message 19: by Hershey (last edited Aug 30, 2021 01:08AM) (new)

message 20: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ All the Bright Places
Author~ Jennifer Niven
Page Count~ 400 (+40)
Letter Completed~ A (+10)
Extra: N/A
Total Points~ 55

message 21: by Hershey (last edited Aug 29, 2021 12:10AM) (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Just Add Magic
Author~Cindy Callaghan
Page Count~ 240 (+20)
Letter Completed~ J (+10)
Extra: N/A
Total Points~ 35

message 22: by Hershey (last edited Aug 29, 2021 12:17AM) (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ The Midnight Library
Author~ Matt Haig
Page Count~ 304 (+30)
Letter Completed~ M (+10)
Extra: Review (+5)
Total Points~ 45

message 23: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ This Is Where It Ends
Author~ Marieke Nijkamp
Page Count~ 336 (+30)
Letter Completed~ T (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 45

message 24: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Stargirl
Author~ Jerry Spinelli
Page Count~ 200 (+20)
Letter Completed~ S (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 35

message 25: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ The Selection
Author~ Kiera Cass
Page Count~ 336 (+30)
Letter Completed~ K (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 45

message 26: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ She Drives Me Crazy
Author~ Kelly Quindlen
Page Count~ 304 (+30)
Letter Completed~ Q (+10)
Extra~ Review (+5)
Total Points~ 45

message 27: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories
Author~ Truman Capote
Page Count~ 182 (+10)
Letter Completed~ B (+10)
Total Points~ 20

message 28: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ True Beauty
Author~ Yaongyi
Page Count~ 288 (+20)
Letter Completed~ Y (+10)
Total Points~ 30

message 29: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Clockwork Angel
Author~ Cassandra Clare
Page Count~ 479 (+40)
Letter Completed~ C (+10)
Extra: Review: (+5)
Total Points~ 55

message 30: by Hershey (new)

Hershey (taylorswiftplssteponme) | 1866 comments Book~ Letters to the Lost
Author~ Brigid Kemmerer
Page Count~ 400 (+40)
Letter Completed~ L (+10)
Extra: N/A
Total Points~ 50

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