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Caliban’s War (The Expanse, #2)
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Science Fiction > Buddy Read for Caliban's War (The Expanse, #2)- December 1, 2022

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message 1: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new) - added it

Sally | 1207 comments Mod
We're continuing our journey in The Expanse Series by James A. Corey in December 2022. Book #2, Caliban's War. Enjoy and please use spoiler tags when necessary!

We are not alone. On Ganymede, breadbasket of the outer planets, a Martian marine watches as her platoon is slaughtered by a monstrous supersoldier. On Earth, a high-level politician struggles to prevent interplanetary war from reigniting. And on Venus, an alien protomolecule has overrun the planet, wreaking massive, mysterious changes and threatening to spread out into the solar system.

In the vast wilderness of space, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante have been keeping the peace for the Outer Planets Alliance. When they agree to help a scientist search war-torn Ganymede for a missing child, the future of humanity rests on whether a single ship can prevent an alien invasion that may have already begun . . .

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Spot!

Graeme Rodaughan | 1066 comments Awesome!

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 309 comments I cannot do one-a-month for a series so I'm gonna sit this one out.

Nyssa | 262 comments Looking forward to this!

Felina | 648 comments Spot!!

Ginger | 476 comments Fantastic and can’t wait to continue the series! Thanks Sally for setting this up.

message 8: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new) - added it

Sally | 1207 comments Mod
You're welcome! I am really going to try and catch up with y'all! This month got away from me.

Terry | 355 comments I’ll be in!

Graeme Rodaughan | 1066 comments I'm joining in on this one.

Ginger | 476 comments Graeme wrote: "I'm joining in on this one."

Terry wrote: "I’ll be in!"

Awesome Terry & Graeme!

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 309 comments Okay I'm changing my hard no to a maybe lol

I just got book 2 yesterday and I'm keener to jump back in than I anticipated. I'll probably get fomo if I don't do it with you all lol

message 13: by Ginger (last edited Nov 28, 2022 06:42PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger | 476 comments Krystal wrote: "Okay I'm changing my hard no to a maybe lol

I just got book 2 yesterday and I'm keener to jump back in than I anticipated. I'll probably get fomo if I don't do it with you all lol"

I'm going through the same thing Krystal. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with one book a month with this series but I might?
FOMO is real and I'm hooked! 😂🤣

Terry | 355 comments I’m so excited for this after the first one that I’ve already jumped into it. And I love the start!

Graeme Rodaughan | 1066 comments I'll start this shortly.

message 16: by Terry (last edited Nov 29, 2022 08:43AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Terry | 355 comments And also, Graeme, I'm loving Gunny Sergeant Bobbie Draper already! She's in it right away.

message 17: by Terry (last edited Nov 29, 2022 11:03AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Terry | 355 comments And to let my sci-fi nerdy-ness shine, in ch1, I'm loving the use (view spoiler)

Felina | 648 comments I have a short book due to the library in 3 days then I'm starting this one.

Graeme Rodaughan | 1066 comments Terry wrote: "And also, Graeme, I'm loving Gunny Sergeant Bobbie Draper already! She's in it right away."

One of my favorite characters.

Nyssa | 262 comments I will be starting this one tomorrow.

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Sooo, I started this today and am already 28% in... Just finished Ch. 18... You guys were right. Naomi is good for Holden. She grounds him, because he definitely drifts back and forth with his reactions to crisis... Before he was spontaneous, but always willing to talk things out. Now he is starting to react with his trigger finger much more often... But she is there to remind him of the kind of person he wants to be...

Bobby is absolutely awesome! I love her and feel for her! Terry, you are so right about the power armor!!!:)))

Pax breaks my heart! He is totally out of his comfort zone and it is not good on him...

And finally, Grandma politician! I am in love with her fully and completely! Now her characters are my favorite, at least so far...

I will wait for you guys to comment further...

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Ch. 20... Well, I spoke too soon... The Holden we have grown to expect is back... (view spoiler)

Terry | 355 comments Choko wrote: "Sooo, I started this today and am already 28% in... Just finished Ch. 18... You guys were right. Naomi is good for Holden. She grounds him, because he definitely drifts back and forth with his reac..."

You are so right about Avasarala (and Bobbie too)! At this point, she's one of my favorite characters all time. So many good characters in this series so far.

Terry | 355 comments Choko wrote: "Ch. 20... Well, I spoke too soon... The Holden we have grown to expect is back... [spoilers removed]"

I really like Holden, and completely understand (view spoiler)

Terry | 355 comments I've made it up to ch41 (about 75%). I haven't been able to put this one down! All of these characters are just amazing.

At the end of ch26, (view spoiler)

At this point (view spoiler)

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Terry I am up to Ch. 42 and this has been my running theory... If so, I am terrified for Mei... Her dad would not be able to handle it...

Nyssa | 262 comments You guys read/listen hella fast!! I'm juggling other reads - this being the longest - so I'm allowing myself two weeks to complete it.

I am currently six chapters in.

1. Do we ever see (view spoiler)?

2. Just met Avasarala. Is she (view spoiler)? Something about her feels scarily intimidating!

3. I don't yet know how I feel about Prax. I've only read one of his chapters.

4. I like Bobbie. I hope she's safe.

Terry | 355 comments Choko wrote: "Terry I am up to Ch. 42 and this has been my running theory...."

Kinda fits the best, although we've not had much evidence yet really.

Terry | 355 comments Nyssa wrote: "You guys read/listen hella fast!! I'm juggling other reads - this being the longest - so I'm allowing myself two weeks to complete it.

I am currently six chapters in.

1. Do we ever see [spoiler..."

I cheated and started a week early, haha. This size book easily takes me two weeks (or more) normally.

Good questions!

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Nyssa, you know how it is, you just get swept away sometimes...

Avasarala is a very intimidating lady, but she is also very human. Her relationship with her husband keeps her so. I love everything about her:)))

Terry, did you notice how the public opinion can build you up and then just as powerfully knock you down? Wow!

Terry | 355 comments Choko wrote: "Nyssa, you know how it is, you just get swept away sometimes...

Avasarala is a very intimidating lady, but she is also very human. Her relationship with her husband keeps her so. I love everything..."

Things can turn so quickly, truth or not!

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments You are right...

I absolutely loved Holden's reaction to Bobbie in Ch. 42!!! "Mate with it or run from it!?" Haha!!!

Nyssa | 262 comments My heart aches for Prax.

I understand Basia's decision.

So many angles in this one! Four points of view feel like a lot!

I hope to get through a chapter each (Chapters 7 - 11) before work this morning.

Ginger | 476 comments I got to the beginning of Chapter 24 last night. I love the characters of Avasarala and Bobbie. They are fantastic in the TV series too!

Avasarala's cussing makes me feel better about colorful words that I like to say all the time too. ;) hahaha

message 35: by Ginger (last edited Dec 05, 2022 08:30AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger | 476 comments Choko wrote: "Ch. 20... Well, I spoke too soon... The Holden we have grown to expect is back... [spoilers removed]"

Yes!!! This drives me crazy too Choko. I really wanted to (view spoiler)

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Ginger, right!? But his idea to go more democratic with his crew does curb this horrible tendency of his, eventually:)))

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 309 comments I'm only a handful of chapters in so far but loving Bobbie! Prax I'm still curious about - he does have a similar beat down vibe to Miller so I suspect I'll warm to him.

Very curious about Mei and I suspect she'll drive the story for me in a similar way that Julie did in the first book!

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments You guys have a good feel for the story:)))

message 39: by Ginger (last edited Dec 05, 2022 09:32PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ginger | 476 comments Choko wrote: "You guys have a good feel for the story:)))"

As someone who’s watched the six seasons of this series, they really do Choko! 😃

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 309 comments Ginger wrote: "Choko wrote: "You guys have a good feel for the story:)))"

As someone who’s watched the six seasons of this series, they really do Choko! 😃"

6 seasons?! I'm not sure I want to get ahead of the books so I might have to slow myself to one season per book lol. I'm only a few episodes into the first season so far and already it's changed the way I'm seeing things reading the second book!

Terry | 355 comments I finished this up this morning. I think I enjoyed book 2 more than book 1. I went with 5 stars. So many good characters! And what a way to leave it for book 3 to pick up.

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Terry, same here. This was much better as a structure and character development. I went with 5* as well:)))

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Ginger, I have been reluctant to watch the series, since I usually prefer the books, and once we read a few more, I am going to try and watch it:)

Terry | 355 comments Choko wrote: "Ginger, I have been reluctant to watch the series, since I usually prefer the books, and once we read a few more, I am going to try and watch it:)"

That's what I'm going to do too. I was going to wait until I got 4 or 5 books under my belt before jumping into the show. Think I'll enjoy it more that way.

Ginger | 476 comments That might be a good idea to wait till book 4 or 5 before you start watching the show. Like in the first season, they have characters from this book in the show. It doesn’t change the overall story but they kind of mixed book 1 and 2 into the first season.

They likely did that with most seasons too in regards to the books.
Just a heads up for anyone trying to figure out a game plan if they plan on watching this.

Terry | 355 comments Ginger wrote: "That might be a good idea to wait till book 4 or 5 before you start watching the show. Like in the first season, they have characters from this book in the show. It doesn’t change the overall story..."

Thanks, Ginger!

Graeme Rodaughan | 1066 comments I hope to catch up, once I finish HP #1.

Krystal (krystallee6363) | 309 comments Ginger wrote: "That might be a good idea to wait till book 4 or 5 before you start watching the show. Like in the first season, they have characters from this book in the show. It doesn’t change the overall story..."

Yeah I noticed a few scenes and characters that I didn't recognise in the show are in book 2.

Nyssa | 262 comments (view spoiler)

Choko (chokog) | 89 comments Nyssa, haha! That was my reaction too!:)))

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