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This topic is about Sivullinen
Book Cover Help > [DONE] Alternate cover images under the same ISBN

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Annika | 14 comments Hi!

The Finnish edition "Sivullinen" by Albert Camus has two alternate cover images under the same ISBN 9789511249641. The yellow-blue one can be seen in the edition:

Here's the link to the the red cover image that is in the book that I'm currently reading and that I would like to shelve:
The cover image is from the library website here:

I'm not sure what the policy is with alternative covers under the same ISBN, but hopefully it can be solved so that I could shelve the edition with the matching cover image. Thanks!

message 2: by Kristian (new)

Kristian | 1017 comments
Done. Please add [DONE] on the title of your post.

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