SOS: Serious Overload of Series discussion

Archive: Past Team Challenges > R23: Team #5 ~ The Meet-Cute Readers Grim!

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message 1: by Steph, Serious series addict (last edited Apr 30, 2023 12:20PM) (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Team #5
Captain: Melissa

Lady Jaye

message 2: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Just a Hop, Skip & Click Away
Happy Reading!

Shelf Announcements ~ Check for the latest shelf announcement & review the requirements for each shelf
Captain's Log ~ Share team shelf stats prior to requesting a stamp
Stamp Me! ~ Request a stamp for your bingo card
Discussions ~ Throughout the game, head here to chat with other players & shelf chant til your heart's content
Bingo Rules ~ Rules of the game
Free Space Rules ~ Where to look when pickin' your free space book
Bingo FAQ ~ Don't hesitate! If you have a question, let us know.

message 3: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Hiya, Team Caps! Thanks for volunteering to guide your team through a round of BookShelf Bingo!

Your job, should you choose to accept it, will require a few things:
1 ~ Be our go-to person should we have any questions about your team
2 ~ Organize your teammate's weekly reads for each shelf/category so that the BSB Ninjas can quickly and easily verify and approve your stamp request(s)
2a ~ Create a master list in a post (preferably on the first page of your team's thread) and update it weekly or as often as necessary
2b ~ Post your team's stats on the Captain's Log prior to requesting a stamp
3 ~ Encourage and motivate your team (you may also ask to borrow Judithe's whip whenever necessary)
4 ~ Post regularly to ensure your team is communicating and on track each week
4a ~ Send them a PM and friendly poke if they haven't posted at least once a week, noted their book choice, and/or appear to have dropped out of webspace
5 ~ Send us a PM (Steph, Sandra or Judithe) should you need us for any reason throughout the game

message 4: by Steph, Serious series addict (last edited Jun 11, 2023 01:26PM) (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Link to print a copy of your bingo card:

SOS book shelf bingo card

message 5: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments ...

message 6: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Hi Ladies! Lookin' forward to another round of bingo. 😊

message 7: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments Welp, sorry to leave ya, ladies, but two more players have joined and I’m hopping on team #15 with them. Hope y’all have a good round!

message 8: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments hi! just checking in ☺️ looking forward to playing this round!

message 9: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Sad to see you go, Steph but happy to have more players/teams! Good luck 🍀💜

message 10: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Checking in! Boo to losing Steph but yay we have more people wanting to play!!

message 11: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31262 comments 😊 Same, ladies. Happy reading!

message 12: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments i don’t mind being captain. if one of you would like to do it, i’m happy to step aside. but since we’re about 5 minutes away from the first shelf call, i’ll get our list started.

message 13: by Melissa (last edited Jun 04, 2023 07:24PM) (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments R23: Team #5 - The Meet-Cute Readers Grim

Free Space
Melissa - Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne 5/8/23 ★★★★ Review
LaurLa - Oracle's Moon by Thea Harrison 5/27/23 ★★★★ Review
Lady Jaye - Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

Ink & Sigil (Ink & Sigil, #1) by Kevin Hearne Oracle's Moon (Elder Races, #4) by Thea Harrison Mistborn The Final Empire (The Mistborn Saga, 1) by Brandon Sanderson

Week 1: Detective - STAMP RECEIVED
Melissa - Play the Fool by Lina Chern 5/2/23 ★★★★ Review
LaurLa - Hungry Like the Wolf by Paige Tyler 5/6/23 ★★★★ Review
Lady Jaye - Something from the Nightside by Simon R. Green 5/2/23 ★★★½ Review

Play the Fool by Lina Chern Hungry Like the Wolf (SWAT Special Wolf Alpha Team, #1) by Paige Tyler Something from the Nightside (Nightside, #1) by Simon R. Green

Week 2: May Day - STAMP RECEIVED
Melissa - Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant 5/9/23 ★★★★★ Review
LaurLa - The Vampire's Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter 5/13/23 ★★★★ Review
Lady Jaye - Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire 5/15/23 ★★★★ Review

Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep, #1) by Mira Grant The Vampire's Mail Order Bride (Nocturne Falls, #1) by Kristen Painter Rosemary and Rue (October Daye, #1) by Seanan McGuire

✓ Week 3: Cozy Mystery - STAMP RECEIVED
Melissa - The Vampire Knitting Club by Nancy Warren 5/17/23 ★★★★ Review
LaurLa - Semi-Psychic Life by Elizabeth Hunter 5/17/23 ★★★★ Review
Lady Jaye - A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn 5/23/23 ★★ Review

The Vampire Knitting Club (Vampire Knitting Club, #1) by Nancy Warren Semi-Psychic Life (Glimmer Lake, #2) by Elizabeth Hunter A Curious Beginning (Veronica Speedwell, #1) by Deanna Raybourn

Melissa - Wickedly Dangerous by Deborah Blake 5/25/23 ★★★★ Review
LaurLa - MacRieve by Kresley Cole 6/3/23 ★★★★ Review
Lady Jaye - Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne 6/1/23 ★★★ Review

Wickedly Dangerous (Baba Yaga, #1) by Deborah Blake MacRieve (Immortals After Dark, #13) by Kresley Cole Ink & Sigil (Ink & Sigil, #1) by Kevin Hearne

Week 5: Beware of Bears
Melissa - Polar Bared by Eve Langlais 5/27/23 ★★★★ Review
LaurLa - Badger to the Bone by Shelly Laurenston
Lady Jaye - Beguilement by Lois McMaster Bujold

Polar Bared (Kodiak Point, #3) by Eve Langlais Badger to the Bone (Honey Badger Chronicles, #3) by Shelly Laurenston Beguilement (The Sharing Knife, #1) by Lois McMaster Bujold

Week 6: Magical Realism
Melissa - We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry
LaurLa - The Choice by Nora Roberts
Lady Jaye - Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry The Choice (The Dragon Heart Legacy, #3) by Nora Roberts Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

message 14: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments ** reserved **

message 15: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Name Ideas:

The Meet-Cutes
Flights of Fantasy
The Grim Readers
The Nail Biters
The Forever Young Book Club
The Page Turners

message 16: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments I've let Steph know you'll be Captain, Melissa :)

message 17: by Melissa (last edited Apr 27, 2023 04:21PM) (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Week 1: Detective
A book that contains a character who is a detective or police officer; series or title contains “Detective” or from the shelves: Paranormal Detective / Paranormal Detectives

message 18: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Sandra wrote: "I've let Steph know you'll be Captain, Melissa :)"

Thank you 💜

message 19: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Selection Post:

Play the Fool by Lina Chern

Shelf: Week 1: Detective
Book: Play the Fool
Author: Lina Chern
Series: N/A
How it fits: “A book that contains a character who is a detective or police officer …”
Pages: 320

message 20: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Selection Post:

Ink & Sigil (Ink & Sigil, #1) by Kevin Hearne

Shelf: Free Space
Book: Ink & Sigil
Author: Kevin Hearne
Series: Ink and Sigil # 1
How it fits: Option 3
Pages: 336

message 21: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Melissa wrote: "Name Ideas:

The Meet-Cutes
Flights of Fantasy
The Grim Readers
The Nail Biters
The Forever Young Book Club
The Page Turners"

I like The Meet-Cutes, maybe play off our team # with The Meet-Cutes Five. IDK, maybe that's weird.

Thanks for offering to be captain! I'm usually out on Thursday evenings when the call happens, so that's helpful to have someone else getting us going :-)

message 22: by LaurLa (last edited Apr 28, 2023 05:14AM) (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Week 0 ➖ Selection Post
Shelf ➖ Free Space

Book ➖ Oracle's Moon
How it fits ➖ series Elder Races; #28 BEST OF: Paranormal Romance Series
Pages ➖ 336 pp

message 23: by LaurLa (last edited Apr 28, 2023 05:14AM) (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Week 1 ➖ Selection Post
Shelf ➖ Detective

Book ➖ Hungry Like the Wolf
How it fits ➖ tagged 2x Paranormal Detectives
Pages ➖ 320 pp

message 24: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments OMG, I hope I have not been replaced!!!
Hi everyone, and so sorry I am late!!! I promise I am not this scatterbrained usually!

I will put up my choice, ASAP!

message 25: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments I like "The Grim Reapers" for our name :D

message 26: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments For the Paranormal detective Shelf, I will read

Book: Something from the Nightside by Simon R. Green.
Series: Nightside, #1
Location: Paranormal Detective shelf, page 2
Number of Pages: 230

Something from the Nightside (Nightside, #1) by Simon R. Green

message 27: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments trying to think of ways to combine both team names…

The Grim Meet-Cutes
The Meet-Cute Readers Grim
The Reaping Meet-Cutes Five

or we could just flip a coin? other ideas?

message 28: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments LaurLa wrote: "Week 0 ➖ Selection Post
Shelf ➖ Free Space

Book ➖ Oracle's Moon
How it fits ➖ series Elder Races; #28 BEST OF: Paranormal Romance Series
Pages ➖ 336 pp"

lucky! to have thea harrison first-time-reads available! she’s one of my favorites!

message 29: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Lady Jaye wrote: "For the Paranormal detective Shelf, I will read

Book: Something from the Nightside by Simon R. Green.
Series: Nightside, #1
Location: Paranormal Detective shelf, page 2
Number of P..."

i can’t wait to hear what you think about this one! it’s been on my tbr for years!

message 30: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments Belated Happy International Workers' Day, everyone!

For the Free Space, I will read: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Location: SOS bookshelf
No. of Pages: 576

Mistborn The Final Empire (The Mistborn Saga, 1) by Brandon Sanderson

message 31: by Lady Jaye (last edited May 08, 2023 02:11PM) (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments Shelf: Detective
Title: Something From the Nightside, by Simon R. Green
Date finished: 2nd Mat 2023
Series: Nightside #1
# of Pages: 230
Rating: ★★★½

Review: I found this here novel delightful for a couple of reasons. Before I get into those, overall, I think I'd rate it :
4 stars for the setting and the prose,
2.5 stars for the plot,
making it overall, 3.5-ish out of five stars.

This book was written by a man, and a man who loves horror fantasy stories, at that - it is extremely obvious, and it made me smile. The "romance", if we can call it that, it blah and totally unrealistic, and uncalled for and unnecessary - and you can also immediately tell that a man conceived it, LOL!

The setting is the most interesting character in the book, and the author does a great job of making it come alive vividly. I immediately believed that there was a Nightside of London, unknown to us normal people - seedy, and gritty, and dangerous, and populated by people with all kinds of weird and unsavory powers that us in the real world have no idea about, and that people who fall through the cracks of our society can end up there (much like Neil Gaiman's LONDON BELOW in Neverwhere).

The events and major players and their backstories are narrated by the main character to his client in large swaths of infodumps, but it didn't bother or annoy me, for the most part, although I feel like we should have been shown some of it, instead of told so much. The author also liked hiding information, I guess to make events mysterious, but it did not annoy me as much as it should have. It did get a bit much in the latter half of the book, though.

Finally, the characterization. The main character manages to be both interesting and bland at the same time. This book is a story of a man who's superpower is that he can find anything , especially in the Nightside - he has a literal private eye that can see anything hidden. He was on self-imposed exile and returned to the Nightside for his latest job. Apart from his power, his name seems to command a lot of fear and influence, and it is unclear why, even to the character himself. So we have a private eye who seems to have other influence but doesn't know how/why/what those powers and influences are , traipsing around his former dangerous neighborhood surviving against all odds. He is boring, and has a boring name to book - what sort of name is 'John Taylor' for someone who even the bogeymen fear?

Anyway, I liked it well enough that I will be checking out the next in series.

message 32: by Melissa (last edited May 02, 2023 11:04PM) (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Completion Post

Play the Fool by Lina Chern

Shelf: Week 1: Detective
Book: Play the Fool
Author: Lina Chern
Series: N/A
How it fits: “A book that contains a character who is a detective or police officer …”
Pages: 320
Date Finished: 5/2/23
Rating: ★★★★

Review: Isn't this book cover gorgeous?! I had never heard of this book or author before making this pick but when I searched "detective" books, the cover drew my eye and I had to know more!

I downloaded a copy of the story from my library, did a quick Kindle search for "detective" and "officer". Kindle returned enough hits that I felt comfortable choosing this book blindly and assumed that it would reasonably fit this shelf.

I had no expectations going in. I'm not normally a "cozy mystery" reader. I would even go so far as to say that's not even a thing I would enjoy. But, I would have been wrong.

Katie True spends her days as a tarot card reader at the mall. She prides herself on being able to read people and celebrates being nosy. So, when her best friend turns up dead, it's no wonder that she finds herself in the middle of the investigation.

I loved how flawed she is. She spends so much time feeling like a screw-up because she isn't what her family wants her to be. But, she is so loving towards her brother and has such a strong sense of loyalty to her friend - even at the risk of harm to herself. I actually think this book is a love letter to everyone with ADHD who has a hard time finding their place in the world - although there is no mention of her having this diagnosis. (IYKYK)

I also really liked Officer Jamie. I liked the potential for romance. But even more, I liked that their relationship developed organicallly throughout. The book stayed focused on the murder mystery rather than halting the investgation for Marley so they could get naked. I mean ... I like some steamy stuff but it wouldn't have made sense in this story.

I deducted a star because I guessed what was actually happening about 1/2 way through. The book was still enjoyable and I spent the 2nd half of the book waiting for Katie and Jamie to catch up with me. I wasn't disappointed when they did. They were so cute together!

I did wish that there was some sort of paranormal aspect but the closest we got was Katie "thinking in cards". She would be talking to someone and they would make her think of a specific tarot card and she would calibrate her responses based on the traits of that card. I thought that was pretty cool.

Soooo ... not paranormal, not romance but a lot more law enforcement involved than I originally anticipated. That makes it a good pick. I can already think of a few friends who I can recommend this to. That makes it worth reading.

message 33: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Lady Jaye wrote: "Shelf: Detective
Title: Something From the Nightside, by Simon R. Green
Date finished: 2nd Mat 2023
Series: Nightside #1
Rating: ★★★½..."

I think your review touches on the exact reason that this has been on my TBR for so long ... and I hate to admit it ... but it's the male author & the male perspective in general. This is also the reason why I can't get into Harry Desden no matter how many times I try.

It also makes me afraid of re-reading all of the Neil Gaiman books on my shelf. I worry that they won't hold up. Neil has been my "favorite author" since I was introduced to the Sandman comics in the 90's. I don't think I can handle being disappointed by him. So, I would rather remember how reading his stories made me feel.

(Overall, I think that's a great review! Also, as a side note, do you mind adding the # of pages to your review post? I know it will make it easier on the mods when they check the captain's log.)

message 34: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments I'm going to have Google pick a number at random to determine our team name from the list. Unless you all have strong feelings one way or the other??

1. The Meet-Cutes Five
2. The Grim Reapers
3. The Grim Meet-Cutes
4. The Meet-Cute Readers Grim
5. The Reaping Meet-Cutes Five

I will post the random number on Thursday before the next shelf call if we don't decide before then.

message 35: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Actually, page numbers aren't a requirement for completion posts :)

message 36: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments oh, good! thank you, sandra! i remembered having to correct my completion post info in an earlier round and thought that was what i had left out. i should know better than to trust this swiss cheese brain of mine - especially at 2 am!

sorry, lady jaye! that was my mistake. i should have double checked.

message 37: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments No worries, Melissa, we like to keep it fun, so there are few rules really :)

Just shelf, book, date read, rating (stars) & review.

message 38: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments And #5 is the last team without a name. What's it gonna be ????

message 39: by Melissa (last edited May 03, 2023 06:48PM) (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Random number generator says # 4 is the one! our team name will be: The Meet-Cute Readers Grim! Thanks for being patient with us!

message 40: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Team name added :D

message 41: by Melissa (last edited May 04, 2023 03:40PM) (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Happy Shelf Day!!

Week 2: May Day
A book released in May of any year; character, title or series name contains "May"; author first or last name begins with M or D

message 42: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Week 2 ➖ Selection Post
Shelf ➖ May Day

Book ➖ The Vampire's Mail Order Bride
How it fits ➖ First published May 26, 2015
Pages ➖ 372 pp

message 43: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments FYI, I'm working on my week 1 book now. Hopefully will have it posted tomorrow sometime.

message 44: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Selection Post:

Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep, #1) by Mira Grant

Shelf: May Day
Book: Into the Drowning Deep
Author: Mira Grant
Series: Rolling in the Deep # 1
How it fits: Author first or last name begins with M or D
Pages: 448

message 45: by LaurLa (last edited May 06, 2023 08:50AM) (new)

LaurLa | 1011 comments Week 1 ➖ Completion Post
Shelf ➖ Detective

Hungry Like the Wolf (SWAT, #1) by Paige Tyler
Book ➖ Hungry Like the Wolf
How it fits ➖ tagged 2x Paranormal Detectives
Pages ➖ 320 pp
Read ➖ 05.06 ★★★★
Review ➖
New series for me and almost new author (apparently I read a short story at some point in an anthology though I don't really remember it). I love a good shifter book and series - interesting premise to have an entire squad of werewolves within a police department and no one in the chain of command aware of it to help cover them. Will be be interesting to see if that holds up in the series. There wasn't much world building about werewolves in this author's world - maybe more will come. We were told how people were turned but nothing else about werewolf society or if there even is one. Based on this book, I'd say werewolves are pretty much on their own unless or until they are able to form a pack. The story wasn't good or bad... for now I'm more interested in how the werewolves exist than what might be the next story. There wasn't any real story arc starting to build, other than maybe their covering up what they are for so long is beginning to break down. We shall see what's next...

message 46: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments Melissa wrote: "Lady Jaye wrote: "Shelf: Detective
Title: Something From the Nightside, by Simon R. Green
Date finished: 2nd Mat 2023
Series: Nightside #1
Rating: ★★★½..."

I think your review touches on the exa..."

I can't get into Harry Dresden neither! I love Neil Gaiman, and since January, I have been re-reading many of my old faves by him, and some short stories I haven't read before. For the most part, I think his body of work holds up. There's a few short stories which I think don't hold up well, but most of his work does.

message 47: by Lady Jaye (new)

Lady Jaye (lady-jaye) | 598 comments For the MAY DAY shelf, I think I will read...

Rosemary and Rue, by Seanan McGuire.
Series: October Daye #1

How it fits: The author's last name begins with M.
# of pages: 346

message 48: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Wooo Hooo!! We've requested our 1st stamp of the game!

message 49: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments Lady Jaye wrote: "For the MAY DAY shelf, I think I will read...

Rosemary and Rue, by Seanan McGuire.
Series: October Daye #1"

Lucky!! I wish I had a Toby book to read for this shelf! Buuuut ... Sleep No More isn't scheduled to come out until September! *sob* That's what lead me to seek out Seanan McGuire's alter ego, Mira Grant, this week! Honestly, I couldn't possibly have been disappointed by killer memaids! (O_O) The Luidaeg would approve! ❤

message 50: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Davis | 790 comments LaurLa wrote: "Week 1 ➖ Completion Post
Shelf ➖ Detective

Hungry Like the Wolf (SWAT, #1) by Paige Tyler
Book ➖ Hungry Like the Wolf
How it fits ➖ tagged 2x Paranormal Detectives
Pages ➖ 320 pp
Read ..."

An entire squad of werewolves does sound interesting!! I think I need to check this one out!

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